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Jul 1, 2017 - choose to hire a White job candidate over a similarly qualified Black job ..... coded articles and assigning each coder 10 articles to double-code.


A Meta-Analysis of Change in Implicit Bias May 5, 2016

Patrick S. Forscher*1, Calvin K. Lai*2, Jordan R. Axt3, Charles R. Ebersole3, Michelle Herman4, Patricia G. Devine1, and Brian A. Nosek3,5


Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics & Department of Psychology, Harvard University, 3Department of Psychology,

University of Virginia, 4Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, Maryland, 5Center for Open Science, Charlottesville, Virginia.

* Authors contributed equally to this manuscript. Order was determined by coin flip. Note: An updated copy of the paper with ~8,000 more participants (68 more studies) is currently under review. The overall results remain about the same, although the introduction and general discussion have been expanded. If you would like a copy of this paper, please email Calvin Lai ([email protected]) and/or Patrick Forscher ([email protected]).

Authors’ notes: Data and materials for this project can be found at Address correspondence to Calvin K. Lai, Department of Psychology, William James Hall, Harvard University, 33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA, 02138 (Email: [email protected]) and/or Patrick S. Forscher, Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1202 W Johnson St, Madison, WI, 53706 (Email: [email protected]). Conceived research: Forscher & Lai, Nosek; Designed research: Forscher & Lai; Coordinated data collection: Lai; Coded articles: Forscher & Lai, Axt, Ebersole, Herman; Analyzed data: Forscher; Wrote paper: Forscher & Lai; Revised paper: all authors. We’d like to thank Katie Lancaster, Diana Abrego, Amy Bisker, Isabelle Gigante, Julie Lee, Lauren Loffredo, Ryan Massopust, Margot Mellon, Nicole Sather, and Kelci Straka for their assistance with early phases of the article coding process. We’d also like to thank Mike W.-L. Cheung and Ian White for their assistance and advice about the analyses presented in this paper.


A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 3 Abstract Using a technique known as network meta-analysis that is new to psychological science, we synthesized evidence from 426 studies (72,063 participants) to investigate the effectiveness of different procedures to change implicit bias. We also examined these procedures’ effects on explicit bias and behavior. We found that implicit bias is malleable and that most procedures produce small changes (|ds| < .30). Procedures that associate sets of concepts, invoke goals or motivations, or tax people’s mental resources produced the largest changes in implicit bias, whereas procedures that induced threat, affirmation, or specific moods/emotions produced the smallest changes. Most procedures had a larger impact on implicit measures than on related explicit or behavioral measures. Funnel plot analyses suggest that effect size estimates in the meta-analysis may be larger than their population values. Finally, we found little evidence that changes in implicit bias mediate changes in explicit bias or behavior. Together, these findings suggest that implicit bias is malleable, but that changing implicit bias does not necessarily lead to changes in explicit bias or behavior. Keywords: meta-analysis, implicit bias, intervention, social cognition

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 4 A Meta-Analysis of Change in Implicit Bias Intentions sometimes conflict with behavior. People may plan to diet but find themselves reaching for the chocolate bar over the apple. Or, they might try to quit smoking but find the temptation of cigarettes too difficult to resist. People can even value racial equality but selectively interview White people over similarly qualified Black people (Bertrand & Mullainathan, 2004). These discrepancies between what people intend to do and actually do characterize many difficult social problems, from intergroup discrimination (Devine, 1989), to depression (Beevers, 2005; Haeffel et al., 2007), and addiction (Wiers et al., 2010). The prevalence of behavior that contradicts intentions across many areas of human life suggests the presence of mental processes that influence behavior independent of a person’s intentions (Smith & DeCoster, 2000). Based on this reasoning, researchers have developed theories that distinguish between automatic mental processes that are fast, efficient, unintentional, and often assessed with implicit measures, and deliberative mental processes that are slower, controlled, intentional, and often assessed with explicit measures. According to these dual process models (Chaiken & Trope, 1999), automatic and deliberative processes both influence behavior, but differ in when they are most influential. Deliberative processes are most influential when people have sufficient awareness, motivation, and ability to think before they act, whereas automatic processes are most influential when awareness, motivation, or ability to think are compromised (Devine, 1989; Greenwald et al., 2009; for reviews, see Fazio & Olson, 2014; Gawronski & Payne, 2010; Nosek, Hawkins, & Frazier, 2011). When automatic and deliberative processes are opposed, lack of awareness, motivation, or ability to think can lead people to act in ways that are inconsistent with their intentions. Dual process models are attractive on both theoretical and practical grounds. Theoretically, dual process models provide a parsimonious approach for explaining mental phenomena. The automatic-deliberative distinction has helped explain dissociations across many psychological phenomena such as attention (Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977; Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977), attitudes (Wilson, Lindsey, & Schooler, 2000), the self (Schnabel & Asendorpf, 2010), motivation (Chartrand & Bargh, 2002), and emotion regulation (Mauss, Bunge, & Gross, 2007). Practically, dual-process models suggest a potential solution to problems caused by unintentionally biased behavior. Change the automatic processes, and presumably changes in behavior will follow (Lai, Hoffman, & Nosek, 2013; Forscher & Devine, 2014). One particular form of automatic processing are implicit biases, which are mental associations between concepts that are activated automatically. Implicit biases were initially presumed to be inflexible and difficult to change, as changes in beliefs did not lead to corresponding changes in implicit biases (e.g., Devine, 1989; Wilson et al., 2000). Some went so far as to label implicit bias as a “cognitive monster” that is relatively immune to outside influence (Bargh, 1997; Bargh & Chartrand, 1999). This understanding was challenged by studies finding that implicit biases can be changed (Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001; Kawakami, Dovidio, Moll, Hermsen, & Russin, 2000). These early studies spurred immense interest in the procedures that change implicit bias. The goals of research in this area have been diverse. Some studies focus primarily on implicit bias with the goal of discovering the theoretical conditions under which implicit bias changes. Other research

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 5 juxtaposes implicit and explicit bias to understand how changes in implicit and explicit bias are related. Yet other research is focused on social problems that are presumed to be caused by implicit bias. For many of these research programs, the ultimate goal is changing beliefs, motivations, or behavior, and the means through which the researchers hope to achieve this is by changing implicit bias. This accumulated research spans many disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches. Studies have attempted to change implicit biases in order to address racial discrimination (Todd et al., 2011), combat failures of self-control in dieting (Kroese et al., 2011), and reduce fear of spiders (Jones et al., 2013). Study designs range from two-condition single-session laboratory experiments (e.g., Rudman & Lee, 2002) to multiple-condition longitudinal studies (Sportel, de Hullu, de Jong, & Nauta, 2013). They also vary in the types of manipulations used, from minimal manipulations that prime a concept in memory (Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001) to intensive long-term interventions that unfold over the course of several weeks (O’Brien et al., 2010). Finally, the studies are heterogeneous in their dependent measures, ranging from more popular measures such as the Implicit Association Test (IAT; Greenwald et al., 1998) to less popular measures such as the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP; Barnes-Holmes, Murphy, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2010). We conducted a meta-analysis of the different procedures for changing implicit bias. First, we developed a taxonomy of procedures to change implicit bias and used this taxonomy to compare their relative effectiveness. Second, we conducted a census of the sample, methodological, and conceptual characteristics of studies to determine whether the effectiveness of procedures to change implicit bias differs based on these characteristics. Third, we investigated the degree to which the effects of procedures on implicit bias are similar to their effects on explicit bias and behavior. Given the long tradition that views automatic processes, deliberative processes, and behavior as related but distinct (e.g., Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977; Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977; Devine, 1989), we thought procedures would produce similar but somewhat smaller effects on explicit bias and behavior as they do on implicit bias. Fourth, many modern dual process theories predict that changes in automatic processes can cause downstream changes in deliberative processes and behavior (e.g., Cunningham, Zelazo, Packer, & Van Bavel, 2007; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2011). As such, we estimated the degree to which changes in implicit bias mediate the effects of procedures on explicit bias and behavior. These results have important consequences for understanding the role of implicit bias in addressing judgments and actions that are implicated in difficult social problems such as addiction and racial discrimination. Finally, we assessed whether research on implicit malleability is affected by biases arising from the research process, such as publication bias or p-hacking. The diversity of research on implicit bias change poses two unique analytic issues for meta-analysis. First, this research tests a wide variety of procedures for changing implicit bias, and different studies often compare different sets of these procedures. This produces a challenge for conventional meta-analytic methods for synthesizing two-group studies because they assume that all studies involve a common comparison. Second, studies often compare the effects of three or more procedures within the same design. It is possible to extract multiple nonindependent comparisons from these designs, but conventional meta-analytic methods assume that each effect size is independent and thus cannot accommodate these non-independent comparisons.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 6 We addressed these issues by using a multivariate implementation of a technique called network meta-analysis, which emerged in the medical sciences (Lu & Ades, 2004; Caldwell, Ades, & Higgins, 2005; Salanti, 2012), and is well-suited for addressing the complexities in the literature on the malleability of implicit bias. Network meta-analysis addresses the issue of different studies comparing different procedures by synthesizing many procedures simultaneously (Lumley, 2002). A multivariate implementation of network meta-analysis addresses the issue of single studies making multiple comparisons by modeling the degree of non-independence between multiple comparisons extracted from the same study (White et al., 2012; Mavridis & Salanti, 2012). Multivariate network meta-analysis therefore allowed us to use all information from studies comparing many procedures to change implicit bias, including studies comparing three or more procedures simultaneously. Method Inclusion criteria Valid meta-analysis requires careful consideration of which studies are relevant to the research question and which studies are not. Given our focus on procedures that causally change implicit bias, we set the following inclusion criteria: (1) The study is a between-subjects experiment. This led to the exclusion of studies that used correlational or quasi-experimental designs (e.g., Rudman, Ashmore, & Gary, 2001) and within-subjects manipulations (e.g., Wheeler & Fiske, 2005). Studies that experimentally manipulated the stimuli or categories in an implicit measure (e.g., by manipulating whether pictures of animals and plants in an animal/plant pleasant/unpleasant IAT are positively or negatively valenced; Govan & Williams, 2004) were also considered ineligible because the conditions assessed categorically different associations rather than changing a particular set of associations. (2) The study includes an implicit measure that is administered after the onset of the experimental manipulation. Implicit measures were defined as measures of associations between concepts that do not require the participant to actively bring to mind the target association. This definition included measures that are both widely used (e.g., the IAT; Greenwald, et al., 1998; Nosek, Greenwald, & Banaji, 2007) and less widely used (e.g., Stereotypic Explanatory Bias, Sekaquaptewa et al., 2003). Measures for which the manipulation began during task instructions or practice trials (e.g., Foroni & Mayr, 2005) and for which the manipulation extended into the measure (e.g., Huntsinger et al., 2010) were considered eligible. (3) The implicit measure assesses a pre-existing association. We defined a “pre-existing association” as an association that either should theoretically be present, or has been empirically demonstrated as present, within a target population prior to the onset of the study. For example, most non-Black people implicitly associate Black people with bad and White people with good more easily than the reverse (Nosek, Smyth, et al., 2007).1 1

In making these determinations, we assumed that people tend to associate positive attributes with both themselves and with their own groups, and that people tend to possess associations that are commonly present in their culture (e.g., Black people with the attribute “musical”). When we could not make a clear determination, we sought data

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 7 Based on the nature of the pre-existing association, we defined pairings that strengthen (e.g., Black-bad and White-good) and weaken (e.g., Black-good and White-bad) the measured association. We excluded studies of novel associations (e.g., fictitious people or social groups, McConnell, Rydell, Strain, & Mackie, 2008) and ambivalent or unelaborated associations (e.g., Petty et al., 2006) based on this criterion. (4) The study is reported in English. This criterion led to the exclusion of studies that were not written in English. Article retrieval Our article retrieval procedure was conducted in three phases between September 2012 and July 2015. In the first phase (September 2012 to June 2014), we retrieved articles that potentially matched our inclusion criteria. We searched PsycINFO and Web of Science using the following search terms: (names of implicit constructs, measures, and acronyms, e.g., implicit self-esteem*, affect misattribution procedure, GNAT) AND (malleab* OR chang* OR influenc* OR moderat* OR reduc* OR increas* OR shift* OR alter*) AND (1995 TO 2013). We created the list of eligible implicit measures and acronyms by compiling lists from published reviews of implicit measurement (Nosek, et al., 2011; Gawronski & Payne, 2011), and from discussions among the lead authors (for the full list, see We supplemented the results of these searches with direct requests for relevant studies through email and the SPSP listserv, and an additional 115 articles from an unpublished meta-analysis of the malleability of implicit intergroup bias. Our search procedure resulted in approximately 3,945 articles that potentially matched our inclusion criteria.2 In the second phase (September 2012 to October 2014), trained coders manually inspected each article and eliminated articles that did not contain a study matching our inclusion criteria. This process resulted in 352 articles, 514 studies, and 587 independent samples. Finally, for any studies that did not report sufficient data to calculate the required effect sizes and variance components, we sent emails to the corresponding authors requesting the required statistics (November 2014 to July 2015). If the authors did not respond to our initial request, we sent two subsequent reminder emails. If the data required to calculate effect sizes on the implicit measure could not be retrieved for a study, that study was eliminated from the metaanalysis. After eliminations, our final sample represented 72,063 participants and included 290 articles, 426 studies, and 482 independent samples. Article coding Coders underwent extensive training to reliably apply the coding scheme. We adopted an iterative process that maximizes the quality and coding accuracy of the scheme (Lipsey & collected from the target population and/or examined whether a pre-existing association was present in a control condition for the study in question. 2 This number reflects the number of articles from searches of PsycINFO and Web of Science. Web of Science yielded 3,881 articles and PsycINFO yielded 3,608 articles, only 64 of which weren’t also in Web of Science. Articles retrieved through email requests were not tracked systematically, meaning that the actual number of potential articles is somewhat higher.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 8 Wilson, 2001). When coders encountered an ambiguity, they added the ambiguity to the agenda for a weekly coding meeting. During these meetings, we discussed each ambiguity until we reached a consensus for resolution. Reasonable people can disagree with the decisions we made during the coding process. For this reason, we have made our coding scheme, data, and analysis scripts publicly available ( Anyone who is interested can delve into these materials to assess the extent to which the results change with different coding decisions. We tested the reliability of our coding scheme by choosing a random sample of 50 fully coded articles and assigning each coder 10 articles to double-code. The random sample was stratified by general topic area to ensure that each coder received articles that varied in topic and general coding difficulty. Where appropriate, Cohen’s κ calculated using these data is shown in the descriptions below. Experimental procedures (κ = .71). Each experimental procedure was initially categorized into one of 14 categories. We developed these categories based on preliminary searches of the literature and prior reviews of malleability and change in implicit bias (e.g., Blair, 2002; Dasgupta, 2009; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2011; Gawronski & Sritharan, 2010; Lai et al., 2013; Lenton et al., 2009; Sritharan & Gawronski, 2010) with the goal of capturing the breadth of approaches that researchers have employed. Researchers often disagree about the likelihood and mechanism by which a manipulation might change implicit bias. To address this issue and maximize agreement between coders, our coding scheme prioritized procedural elements of the study conditions over theoretical expectations regarding the impact of these procedural elements. For example, conditions from two studies that both give participants instructions to show no bias on an IAT would be placed same category, regardless of whether the authors of the studies differ in their predictions as to whether this condition would produce change in IAT scores (e.g., Kim, 2003; Fiedler & Bluemke, 2005). If a given experimental condition fit into multiple coding categories or did not find into coding category clearly, that condition was excluded from the meta-analysis. After coding was completed, we dropped studies from two categories from the meta-analysis, physiological deprivation and physiological satiation, because they were only used 3 and 2 times, respectively. As shown in Table 1, our final coding scheme included twelve categories: (1) Strengthen associations directly (k = 104) / Weaken associations directly (k = 130). Some of the earliest efforts to change implicit biases created experiences that directly affirm or counter one’s own biases (e.g., Blair, Ma, & Lenton, 2001; Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001). These two categories therefore involved creating pairings of the concepts used in the implicit measure that either strengthen or weaken the measured implicit bias. For example, in a study assessing associations between Black people/White people and Good/Bad attributes, exposing people to pictures of admired Black people and despised White people would go in the “weaken associations directly” category. In contrast, exposing people to admired White people and despised Black people would go in the “strengthen associations directly” category (Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001). (2) Strengthen associations indirectly (k = 71) / Weaken associations indirectly (k = 128). A related approach to the first category is creating experiences that bring to mind an idea or mindset that will indirectly affirm or counter one’s biases (Blair, 2002). These categories were similar to the “strengthen / weaken associations directly” categories except that the

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 9 concepts used to create the pairings are not the ones used in the implicit measure, but instead are assumed to lead to their mental activation. For example, taking the perspective of a Black person is theorized to affect associations between race and evaluation by creating overlap between a person’s self-concept and the concept of Black people (Galinsky & Moskowitz, 2000; Todd et al., 2011). Most people evaluate themselves positively (Taylor & Brown, 1988). As a consequence, linking Black people to the self creates an indirect link between Black people and positivity. Other examples include taking high-level construals to associate a temptation with negativity (Fujita & Han, 2009) and changing approach/avoid tendencies to change implicit attitudes toward math versus arts (Kawakami, Steele, Cifa, Phills, & Dovidio, 2008). Table 1. Taxonomy of experimental procedures.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 10 (3) Strengthen goals (k = 34) / Weaken goals (k = 76). Motives can lead to changes in corresponding associations in service of a goal (e.g., Fishbach, Friedman, & Kruglanski, 2003; Sinclair, Lowery, Hardin, & Colangelo, 2005). Procedures in these categories gave participants goals to respond on an implicit measure in ways either strengthen or weaken the measured implicit bias. These goals could be created directly, for example, by instructing participants to appear non-shy on a measure of implicit shy/non-shy selfconcept (Asendorpf, Banse, & Mucke, 2002). These goals could also created indirectly, for example, by making anti-prejudiced norms salient prior to measuring implicit bias toward Black people (Wyer, 2010). (4) Threat (k = 62). This category involves putting the integrity of a person’s identity at risk. Threat plays a powerful role in shifting attention (Mogg, Bradley, De Bono, & Painter, 1997), evaluations of one’s self (Taylor & Lobel, 1989), and evaluations of others (Stephan & Stephan, 2000). The threats included in this category were diverse, including the threat of confirming a negative stereotype (e.g., Frantz et al., 2004), mortality salience (e.g., Jong, Halberstadt. & Bluemke, 2012), and the threat of giving a speech in front of a panel of judges (e.g., Rabbitt, 2012). (5) Affirmation (k = 15). This category involved procedures that sought to maintain the adequacy of a person’s identity, which may buffer against acute or chronic experiences of threat (Cohen & Sherman, 2014; Steele, 1988). Examples in this category included procedures where the participants were given feedback that they were competent, moral, or unbiased (Frantz et al., 2004), and procedures where the participants were instructed to think about a value important to a social group to which they belonged (Peach et al., 2011). (6) Positive affective state (k = 27) / Negative affective state (k = 28). According to an affect-as-information account, positive affect affirms chronically accessible concepts and negative affect rejects them (Huntsinger, Isbell, & Clore, 2014). These categories involved procedures that induced a mood or emotion without placing the manipulation in the “threat” or “affirmation” categories. Although manipulations that threaten or affirm a person’s identities are likely to induce affect, we reasoned that threat and affirmation are the primary characteristics of these conditions and take precedence.3 Examples of manipulations in these categories included both positive or negative mood inductions (e.g., Birch, Stewart, Wiers, Klein, MacLean, & Berish, 2008) and inductions of specific emotions like anger, disgust, or moral elevation (Dasgupta, DeSteno, Williams, & Huntsinger, 2009; Lai, Haidt, & Nosek, 2014). (7) Depletion (k = 23). Depletion of mental resources leads to increased reliance on socialcognitive biases (e.g., Bodenhausen, 1990; Gilbert & Hixon, 1991; Stangor & Duan, 1991). This category involved manipulation that reduced the amount of mental resources available to the participant during the implicit task. Conditions in which participants were instructed to complete a mentally effortful task, such as holding a multi-digit 3

We placed anger inductions into the positive affective state category as anger is more cognitively and neurally similar to positive emotions than negative ones (Lerner & Tiedens, 2006; Harmon-Jones, 2003; Carver & HarmonJones, 2009).

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 11 number in their heads (Allen et al., 2009), prior to or during the implicit measure were placed in this category. (8) Neutral (k = 357). This category involved conditions where nothing happened that was potentially relevant to the concepts assessed by the implicit measure (e.g., control conditions). This category did not necessarily contain conditions that a specific research tradition would predict are ineffective. For example, on the basis of past evidence (Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001), some researchers might predict that exposure to images of admired White people and disliked Black people does little to change implicit racial attitudes because admired White people are already chronically accessible prior to the exposure experience. Although this may be the case, exposure to liked White people pairs White people with positivity, and thus this condition would be placed in the “strengthen associations directly” category. Implicit, explicit, and behavioral measures. Measures were considered implicit if they did not require the target association to be actively brought to mind. For example, the Black/White good/bad Implicit Association Test (IAT) requires participants to categorize Black faces, White faces, positive words, and negative words, but it does not require them to introspect about their feelings about Black people relative to White people. Measures were considered explicit if they required the target association to be actively brought to mind. For example, a survey item asking “How warm do you feel toward Black people?” requires participants to actively assess their personal feelings about Black people. Measures were considered behavioral if they involved the participant’s actual, hypothetical, or intended behavior in relation to the target association. Behavioral measures were heterogeneous, ranging from seating distance from a Black or White confederate (Todd et al., 2011), to willingness to participate in a hypothetical beer pong game (Goodall & Slater, 2010), to intentions to vote for gay and lesbian civil rights referenda (Dasgupta & Rivera, 2008). Explicit and behavioral measures were eligible only if coders judged that they assessed the same association as the implicit measure selected from the study. For example, a questionnaire assessing Black stereotypes would be eligible for a measure of implicit Black/White stereotyping but not a measure of Black/White implicit attitudes. As with the implicit measures, explicit and behavioral measures were only eligible if they were administered after the onset of the manipulation. If multiple measures in a given sample met our definition of an implicit, explicit, or behavioral measure, we selected the measure that was most widely used in the meta-analysis (i.e., if a study included both an IAT and a Lexical Decision Task assessing implicit self-esteem, we selected the IAT) or the measure that best matched the implicit measure conceptually (e.g., for a relative implicit measure of stereotypes, we prioritized relative explicit stereotyping measures over absolute stereotyping measures). All measures were scored such that higher numbers represent greater levels of the preexisting bias. Implicit measures that assessed associations between two sets of concepts were scored by creating a difference score that reflected the underlying association. For example, in a study where researchers measured participant reaction times (RT) to categorize positively and negatively valenced words with Black and White face primes, we created the following difference score: (Black/good RT - Black/bad RT) - (White/good RT - White/bad RT). If a score computed from a D score algorithm (Greenwald et al., 2003) was used, we chose that over a

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 12 reaction time difference score. If the explicit and behavioral measures were composed of multiple parts (e.g., separate assessments of feelings of warmth toward Black people and White people), we scored these measures to be most correspondent with the implicit measure. In a study using the aforementioned priming measure that also contained separate feelings thermometer ratings of Black people and White people, we created the following difference score: White thermometer rating - Black thermometer rating. Multiple study subsamples. If a study reported their results separately for groups with a given individual-difference characteristic (e.g., a median split of a questionnaire measure), we collapsed across the target individual difference. If, however, participants were recruited on the basis of that individual difference characteristic (e.g., from the top and bottom quartile of a scale), we treated these groups as separate subsamples for the purposes of the meta-analysis to avoid confounding (Glass, 1977). In some cases, we analyzed groups separately even if they were not recruited on a specific characteristic if the meaning of the measure or manipulation was unambiguously different for different subgroups. For example, the meaning of a Bill Clinton/George Bush good/bad IAT is likely different for Democrats and Republicans because Democrats share a party affiliation with Bill Clinton, whereas Republicans share a party affiliation with George Bush (Albertson, 2011). Finally, studies were split into subsamples if the study randomly assigned participants to different implicit measures in addition to randomly assigning them to different manipulations (e.g., by assessing the effects of reading a counterstereotypical vs neutral scenario on the personalized vs original IAT, Han et al., 2010). Sample characteristics Sample population (κ = .92). University student samples tend to be more compliant and more easily socially influenced (Sears, 1986), and may show more change in response to manipulations than non-student samples. Student and non-student samples may also differ due to reasons related to the publication process (e.g., reviewers may be less critical of small effects if the study does not use an undergraduate convenience sample). To assess these possibilities, we coded whether the sample was drawn from a university student or a non-university-student population. Demographic characteristics. To examine the generalizability of results to different demographic groups, we coded the racial and gender distribution of each sample. For the racial distribution, coders recorded the number of participants who were White, non-White, or whose race was not reported. Coders followed a similar process for gender distribution: male, female, or gender not reported. Methodological characteristics Design (implicit κ = .86; explicit κ = .89; behavior κ = .96). The effects of procedures on implicit bias can be modulated by whether participants are exposed to the implicit measure prior to the administration of the intervention (e.g., Lai et al., 2014). This variable assessed whether the implicit, explicit, and behavioral measures were administered in a fully between-subjects design or in a mixed design with between-subjects and within-subjects (i.e., pre-test and posttest) components.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 13 Implicit measure (κ = .90). Different implicit measures may be tapping into similar or different aspects of an implicit construct. Implicit measures also vary in measurement reliability, which can depress the relationship between manipulations and their effects on implicit bias. To assess whether manipulation effectiveness depended on what measure was used, we coded whether a study’s implicit measure was an IAT or a non-IAT measure (e.g., the Affect Misattribution Procedure, Go/No-Go Association Task, etc.). Longitudinal (κ = .87). This variable assessed whether the implicit measure was administered longitudinally (i.e., at least one of the measurements occurred after a delay that is longer than one experimental session). As only 22 (4.6%) of 482 samples were longitudinal, we did not use this variable for inferential analyses. Conceptual characteristics Evaluative vs. conceptual associations (κ = .85). Implicit associations vary in whether they tend to be more evaluatively/attitudinally focused (e.g., pleasant/unpleasant) or conceptually focused (e.g., physical/mental). This distinction may also relate to different neural substrates associated with affective and semantic memory (Amodio & Devine, 2006; Amodio & Ratner, 2011). It is therefore possible that the same procedure could produce different effects on conceptual and evaluative associations. We coded whether the concepts involved in the target association were primarily evaluative (e.g., good/bad in a Black/White good/bad IAT) or conceptual (e.g., science/humanities in a male/female science/humanities IAT). Some associations had both evaluative and conceptual content (e.g., a Lexical Decision Task where the primes are pictures of Black people and the targets are negative Black stereotypes). We handled these associations on a case-by-case basis. Self-associations (κ = .85). The self is one of the most fundamental constructs in psychology (James, 1890), and has long been an important construct in research on automatic processes (Greenwald & Banaji, 1995). Whether self-associations should be more or less easy to change than other associations is unclear. To assess the role of the self in implicit malleability, we coded whether or not the concepts involved in the target association were related to the self. Association domain (κ = .97). The topics studied by experiments in the meta-analysis were incredibly diverse, ranging from anti-Arab/Muslim prejudice to dieting and exercise. Coders judged whether the study’s topic was related to intergroup relations, health psychology, personality, clinical psychology, political preferences, consumer preferences, or close relationships. Article characteristics Publication status. Larger significant effects are more likely to be published than smaller non-significant effects (Stern & Simes, 1997). We assessed whether this was the case in this literature by coding whether a study had been published in an academic journal or book at the time of analysis. Many of the unpublished studies were dissertations and/or studies in a researcher’s “file-drawer”, but some unpublished studies were studies that were in the process of being prepared for publication.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 14 Publication year. The effect size of early published studies is often larger than effect sizes of later published studies on the same topic (Jennions & Møller, 2002), a result popularly known as the decline effect. There are multiple possible reasons for the decline effect including publication bias, increasing sample heterogeneity, and loss of adherence to intervention quality over time. We coded the year a study was published. Unpublished studies were not included in any analyses involving publication year. Study characteristics Geographic region of sample (κ = .92). Published behavioral science effect sizes from the United States tend to be larger than relative to other countries, perhaps due to increased pressures to publish papers (Fanelli & Ioannidis, 2013). To investigate whether this was the case in this literature, we coded whether the studies were conducted in the United States, Europe, Israel, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Asia, Africa and Latin America, or multiple countries. For analysis, we compared the effect sizes of studies published in the US and elsewhere. Number of experimental groups (κ = .67). This variable represented the numbers of groups in a study’s design. Sometimes this with synonymous with the number of conditions in an experiment, but other times it was not (e.g., when a condition was excluded, when multiple conditions were merged together for analysis). Meta-analytic computations Meta-analysis involves the synthesis of one or more effect sizes and the variance components associated with those effect sizes. These effect sizes and variance components are either extracted directly from the article or computed from information reported in the article. Although this process is sometimes straightforward, the breadth of this project demanded special procedures. Standardized mean differences. Given our interest in the degree to which quantitative measures differ between groups, the primary effect size computed for this project was the standardized mean difference. For each comparison between procedures on the implicit, explicit, and behavioral measures, we estimated Hedge’s g (Hedges & Olkin, 1985), which is a measure of the standardized mean difference similar to Cohen’s d that corrects for small-sample bias. We estimated Hedge’s g by using the means, standard deviations, and number of participants within each cell of a given sample’s design. If only the number of participants per group was missing, we assumed equal sample sizes within each condition. If the means and/or standard deviations were missing, we attempted to calculate either the missing descriptive statistics or the required standardized mean differences from other information reported in the article (see Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). If this was not possible, we requested the required information directly from the authors. In multi-group designs (i.e., designs with more than two groups), we designated one group the “reference group” and computed multiple effect sizes relative to this reference group (Salanti, 2012; White et al., 2012). This yielded (g - 1) effect sizes, where g is the number of groups in a particular study. Where possible, this reference group was a neutral condition. In

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 15 studies that lacked a neutral condition, we augmented the data with a virtual neutral condition containing an effect size of 0 and a standard error of 1000, then calculated effect sizes relative to this virtual neutral condition (White et al., 2012). We handled experiments with pre-test post-test designs by using the mean differences from pre-test to post-test as the means within each condition and the pre-test standard deviations as our standard deviations within each condition (Morris & DeShon, 2002; Morris, 2008). If the pre-test standard deviations were unavailable but the standard deviations of the differences from pre-test to post-test were available, we used the standard deviations of the differences instead. If we were unable to obtain pre-test data, we computed effect sizes with post-test data only. Some studies used dichotomous outcomes to measure behavior. For these outcomes, we calculated log-odds ratios that we then transformed into standardized mean differences (Cox & Snell, 1989; Sanchez-Meca et al., 2003). Variance components. The variances of Hedge’s g in post-test only designs were estimated using formulas developed by Hedges and Olkin (1985). In experiments with pre-test post-test designs, we estimated the effect size variances using formulas that correct for the correlation between pre-test and post-test (Morris & DeShon, 2002; Morris, 2008). For studies for which the correlation between pre-test and post-test was unavailable (21/61 implicit correlations; 10/30 explicit correlations, 3/8 behavioral correlations), we imputed this missing correlation with its meta-analytic estimate calculated from the rest of the sample (implicit r = .32, k = 40, 95% CI = [.25, .40]; explicit r = .72, k = 20, 95% CI = [.65, .80]; behavioral r = .63, k = 5, 95% CI = [.52, .75]). We estimated the variance components for effect sizes for dichotomous measures using a formula described by Cox and Snell (1989). Effect sizes extracted from a single study are typically non-independent, either because they share a common reference group in multi-group studies or because the same participants complete multiple measures (i.e., when participants take a measure of implicit bias and a measure of explicit bias and/or behavior). Thus, in addition to the variances typically estimated in pairwise meta-analyses, we also estimated covariances between each pair of effect sizes derived from a given study in studies that yielded multiple effect sizes. For multi-group studies, estimating the covariance between effect sizes only requires the number of people per condition and the means and standard deviations of the outcome measure (Gleser & Olkin, 2009). For studies that use multiple measures (i.e., an explicit and/or behavioral measure in addition to an implicit measure), the calculation of these covariances requires the correlation between the two types of measures. In studies where this correlation was unavailable (23/212 implicit/explicit correlations; 11/72 implicit/behavioral correlations), we imputed this correlation using the metaanalytic estimate from the remaining studies (implicit/explicit r = .15, k = 189, 95% CI = [.12, .17]; implicit/behavioral r = .11, k = 61, 95% CI = [.07, .15]). We calculated the covariances between different measures using formulas derived by Wei and Higgins (2013). Direct and indirect effects. We estimated the direct and indirect effects of manipulations through implicit bias on explicit bias and behavior by constructing a series of 3 by 3 correlation matrices representing the bivariate relationships between manipulations, implicit bias, and explicit bias/behavior. The correlations between manipulations and other variables were extracted for each study report by transforming the standardized mean differences on implicit bias and explicit bias/behavior into correlation coefficients. These correlations were combined

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 16 with the correlation between implicit bias and explicit bias/behavior.4 We only included twocondition studies when constructing these correlation matrices because of ambiguity in how to define the direct and indirect effects in multi-condition studies. We then used the delta method to extract the standardized direct and indirect effects from these correlation matrices, as well as their asymptotic variances and covariance (Cheung, 2009). Results Network meta-analysis We performed the majority of the analyses using a multivariate implementation of network meta-analysis (Lu & Ades, 2004; Caldwell et al., 2005; Salanti, 2012). Multivariate network meta-analysis treats each study in the meta-analysis as having multiple outcomes. Each of these outcomes is a potential comparison between the two of the 12 categories of procedures coded for the meta-analysis. Because studies that contain more than two categories of procedures yield more than one two-group comparison, multivariate network meta-analysis also explicitly models the degree of interdependence between these multiple comparisons. More formally, given k studies comparing g conditions, multivariate network metaanalysis represents each study as a set of comparisons between one of the conditions (the reference group r) and each other condition. Thus, study i yields a vector of (g - 1) effect sizes, labeled yi, along with a (g - 1) by (g - 1) matrix of variances and covariances between the effect sizes within study i, labeled Si. Given effect sizes yi and covariance matrices Si, one can estimate coefficients α and the between-studies variance-covariance matrix Σ using the following multivariate model (White et al., 2012): yi ~ N(αXi, Σ + Si) where Xi is a matrix of study covariates. If there are no study covariates and α and Σ are assumed to be the same across studies, α represents the meta-analytic effect size estimates of comparisons between the reference group and each other condition and Σ represents the betweenstudies variance-covariance matrix for those effect sizes. An advantage of this meta-analytic model is that it enables use of both direct information from the comparisons within each study and indirect information from the pattern of comparisons across studies (Lu & Ades, 2004). For example, taking the difference between the effect of the comparisons between procedures A & B and procedures A & C allows for the indirect estimation of the comparison of procedures B & C. Direct and indirect information can only be combined if a network of comparisons meets the consistency assumption, which assumes that each procedure is similar regardless of which other procedures appear alongside it in a given study (Salanti, 2012). We tested the viability of this assumption by testing whether, within single treatment estimates, studies of different designs had different effect sizes (the design by treatment interaction approach; Higgins et al., 2012; White, 2011). They did not, χ2(66, k = 479) = 77.93, p = .150, indicating the consistency assumption was reasonable for our data.


Although we imputed this correlation for the analysis of the consistency between effects on implicit bias and explicit bias/behavior, we did not impute this correlation for the analysis of the direct and indirect effects.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 17 We fit all multivariate network meta-analytic models using the metaSEM package in R (Cheung, 2014). To ensure model identifiability, we constrained the components of the betweenstudies variance-covariance matrix Σ such that the variances were equal and the covariances were equal (Lu & Ades, 2006; 2009). Descriptive information Descriptive information about the articles, studies, samples, and measures included in the meta-analysis is shown in Table 2. The majority of our data came from published articles (78.7%), studies conducted in the United States (55.4%), and from studies of intergroup relations (61.7%). The demographic characteristics of the participants in the meta-analysis reflect the demographic characteristics of students in Introductory Psychology classes. The majority of the samples used evaluative measures, usually with an IAT, and usually in a single-session, post-test only design. Only 22 (4.6%) of the samples used a longitudinal design to assess change over time. Finally, 45.6% of the samples included an explicit measure, and 15.1% of the samples contained a behavioral measure. Some study characteristics were weakly to moderately related to each other. The strongest relationships were that health/clinical studies were more likely to use an experiment with a pre-test post-test design (r = .36) and to include a behavioral measure (r = .42). For a complete correlation matrix of study characteristics, see The network of comparisons between the 12 categories of procedures is shown in Figure 1. The category of procedure most frequently used in a study was the neutral category. Indeed, most studies involved comparisons between a neutral procedure and another procedure category (74.1%). When studies made other types of comparisons, they most often (86.4%) involved comparisons between a given procedure and its conceptual opposite (e.g., between procedures that induced positive and negative affective states). Few studies that made non-neutral comparisons (13.6%) contained direct comparisons between procedures in conceptually different categories (e.g., comparisons between a procedure that associated congruent concepts directly and a procedure that associated congruent concepts indirectly).

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 18 Figure 1. Network plot of procedures included in the meta-analysis. The radius of the category circles = the number of procedures in that category, line width = the number of samples in which a pair of conditions were directly compared.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 19 Table 2. Characteristics of final meta-analysis sample.

Note. Population, methodological characteristics, and conceptual characteristics are presented in # of samples. Gender/Race are presented in # of participants. Publication status is presented in # of papers, and publication date is presented in # of published papers. Study characteristics are presented in # of studies.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 20 Comparison of procedures to change implicit bias We compared the relative effectiveness of procedures to change implicit bias by fitting a multivariate network meta-analytic model with the neutral group as the reference category. As shown in Figure 2, seven categories changed implicit bias relative to a neutral condition: procedures that strengthen or weaken associations, either directly (gstrengthen = .24, 95% CI = [.16, .33]; gweaken = -.23, 95% CI = [-.31, -.16]) or indirectly (gstrengthen = .15, 95% CI = [.04, .25]; gweaken = -.27, 95% CI = [-.35, -.19]), procedures that induce goals (gstrengthen = .16, 95% CI = [.01, .30]; gweaken = -.29, 95% CI = [-.38, -.20]), and procedures that deplete mental resources (g = .27, 95% CI = [.09, .44]). In all cases, the effect sizes were small by conventional standards (|d| < .35; Hyde, 2005) and smaller than the typical effect sizes reported in social psychology papers (median d = .37; Richard, Bond, & Stokes-Zoota, 2003). The effect sizes for the comparisons between neutral procedures and procedures that produce threat (g = .07, 95% CI = [-.04, .18]), affirmation (g = -.14, 95% CI = [-.37, .09]), positive affective states (g = -.06, 95% CI = [-.24, .12]), and negative affective states (g = -.14, 95% CI = [-.33, .06]) were small and not distinguishable from zero. Based on their I2 values, there was considerable variation in the strength of effects. Across all comparisons between an active procedure and a neutral procedure, a median of 63% of the variation in effects was due to heterogeneity rather than sampling error. The comparisons between neutral procedures and both affirmation and negative affect had lower levels of heterogeneity (I2affirmation = .36; I2negative affect = .25), suggesting that these procedures were implemented in a more consistent way than some of the other procedures. Procedures to strengthen associations had lower levels of heterogeneity (I2direct = .54; I2indirect = .47; I2goals = .63) than their counterpart procedures to weaken associations (I2direct = .74; I2indirect = .67; I2goals = .77). This may be because procedures to weaken associations have been tested with more methodological variations than procedures to strengthen associations. Moderator analyses of sample, methodological, and conceptual characteristics We tested whether, across all comparisons between procedures, there was evidence that effect sizes varied according to any of the moderators. We did this by using Wald χ2 tests to compare models that contained each moderator to reduced models without any moderators. Treating p < .05 as a strict criterion, there was evidence of variation by whether the sample was a student sample, χ2(9, k = 479) = 29.21, p < .001, the racial composition of the sample, χ2(11, k = 479) = 19.82, p = .048, the measure used to assess implicit bias, χ2(11, k = 479) = 29.45, p = .002, whether the design included a pre-test assessment of implicit bias, χ2(9, k = 479) = 43.68, p < .001, and whether the target association was related to the self, χ2(11, k = 479) = 20.16, p = .043. There was no evidence of variation by the number of conditions compared within the study, χ2(11, k = 479) = 8.12, p = .702, the gender composition of the sample, χ2(11, k = 479) = 12.38, p = .336, whether the target association was evaluative or conceptual, χ2(11, k = 479) = 19.06, p = .060, whether the target association was an intergroup association, χ2(11, k = 479) = 18.14, p = .078, or whether the target association was related to health or clinical issues, χ2(8, k = 479) = 4.03, p = .854.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 21 Figure 2. Forest plot of the comparisons between each procedure and a neutral procedure. I2 represents the estimated proportion of variability for that comparison that is due to differences between studies. k gives the number of studies that directly (or indirectly, listed in parentheses) compare the listed procedure and a neutral procedure. g gives the estimated standardized mean difference and its 95% CI. Higher effect sizes reflect greater increases in implicit bias relative to a neutral procedure.

The specific differences within each procedure category for the significant moderators are shown in Figure 3. Most of the moderator differences are driven by differences in the effects of procedures that induce goals to weaken associations. These procedures produced stronger effect sizes in non-student samples (gnon-student = -.46, gstudent = -.22), samples with proportionately fewer White people (g60% White = -.28, g100% White = -.05), studies that used an IAT (gIAT = -.40, gnon-IAT = -.15), studies with a pre-test assessment of implicit bias (gpre-test = -1.11, gpost-test only = .21), and studies of associations unrelated to the self (gnon-self = -.74, gself = -.27). These results suggest that there are strong sample, methodological, and conceptual differences between studies that show a strong effect of goals to weaken associations and studies that do not. Student and non-student samples also tended to produce different effect sizes. In addition to the difference between student and non-student samples for studies using weaken goals procedures, student and non-student samples produced different effect sizes in studies that weakened associations indirectly (gnon-student = -.11, gstudent = -.34) and that produced feelings of threat (gnon-student = -.35, gstudent = .11). Finally, in addition to these sample differences, studies using an IAT produced much less strong of effects of threat than did studies using a different implicit measure (gIAT = -.004, gnon-IAT = .26).

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 22 Figure 3. Moderation analyses. k gives the number of studies that directly (or indirectly, listed in parentheses) compare the listed procedure and a neutral procedure for the displayed levels of the moderator. “Difference” represents the difference between the two moderator levels and its 95% CI. Higher effect sizes reflect greater increases in implicit bias compared to a neutral procedure. Where there was not enough data in one of the moderator levels for estimation, the overall model estimate is shown instead.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 23 Explicit bias To test whether the effects on implicit bias are consistent with effects on explicit bias, we fit a network meta-analytic model that allows the simultaneous analysis of two correlated outcomes (Efthimiou et al., 2015; Achana et al., 2014). We then used Wald χ2 tests to examine if effect sizes on implicit bias are different from effect sizes on explicit bias, and, if they are, which particular effect sizes are different.5 Effects on implicit bias differed from effects on explicit bias, χ2(11, k = 475) = 35.64, p < .001. As shown in Figure 4, effects on implicit bias tended to be larger than effects on explicit bias. Four of the eleven procedures had effects on implicit bias that were significantly larger than their effects on explicit bias: weaken associations indirectly, strengthen associations directly, weaken associations directly, and weaken goals. Descriptively, the remaining procedures except threat and negative affect had non-significantly larger effects on implicit bias than explicit bias. Based on their I2 values, the effects of procedures on implicit bias also tended to be more variable than the effects of procedures on explicit bias. This was true for procedures that strengthened goals (I2implicit = .58; I2explicit = .08), affirmed participants (I2implicit = .34; I2explicit = .12), induced negative affect (I2implicit = .22; I2explicit = .07), and that depleted mental resources (I2implicit = .71; I2explicit = .33). To estimate the degree to which the effects of procedures on explicit bias was mediated by change in implicit bias, we synthesized the direct and indirect effects extracted from the correlation matrices from each study using two-stage meta-analytic structural equation modeling (Cheung & Chan, 2005; Cheung & Cheung, in press). We modeled the differences between the direct and indirect effects resulting from different procedure comparisons using a contrast-based approach (Salanti, Higgins, Ades, & Ioannidis, 2008), which represents direct comparisons using dummy codes and indirect comparisons using treatment contrasts. All values from this analysis can be interpreted as correlation coefficients, semi-partial correlation coefficients, or, for the indirect effect, the product of a correlation and a semi-partial correlation. As shown in Figure 5, the direct effects of the procedures on explicit bias were small (all |rs| < .10). This result accords with the small effects found in our analysis of the consistency between effects on implicit and explicit bias. The indirect effects of procedures on explicit bias through implicit bias were even smaller. A Wald χ2 test suggested that we could not reject the null hypothesis that all the indirect effects were 0, χ2(10, k = 153) = 13.19, p = .213, and not one of the indirect effect estimates for the individual comparisons between procedures was different from 0. These results suggest that there is no evidence that the effects of procedures on explicit bias are mediated by changes in implicit bias. There was so little variation between studies in the magnitude of the indirect effects that the variation had to be fixed to 0 for the model to converge.


Five studies were removed from this analysis because their within-studies variance-covariance matrix of effects on implicit and explicit bias was not positive definite.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 24 Figure 4. Forest plot of the consistency between effects on implicit and explicit bias. I2 represents the estimated proportion of variance in either implicit or explicit bias for that comparison that is due to differences between studies. k gives the number of studies with implicit and explicit measures that directly (or indirectly, listed in parentheses) compare the listed procedure and a neutral procedure. “Difference” gives the difference between the implicit and explicit effect sizes, the Wald χ2 test of the difference, and its p-value.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 25 Figure 5. Direct effects and indirect effects of procedures on explicit bias either not through or through implicit bias. k gives the number of studies that directly (or indirectly, listed in parentheses) compare the listed procedure and a neutral procedure. “Effect” gives the 95% meta-analytic confidence interval for the effect in question.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 26 Behavior We performed a similar set of analyses on behavior as we did on explicit bias.6 As with explicit bias, effects on implicit bias differed from effects on behavioral outcomes, χ2(7, k = 403) = 28.67, p < .001. As shown in Figure 6, implicit bias effects tended to be larger than behavioral effects. The most notable exception was threat, which showed larger bias-enhancing effects on behavioral outcomes than on implicit outcomes. Based on their I2 values, the effects of procedures on implicit bias tended to be more variable than the effects of procedures on behavior. This was true for procedures that weakened associations directly (I2implicit = .73; I2behavior = .63) and indirectly (I2implicit = .63; I2behavior = .57), procedures that strengthened associations indirectly (I2implicit = .48; I2behavior = .28), and that induced goals to strengthen (I2implicit = .74; I2behavior = .44) or weaken associations (I2implicit = .63; I2explicit = .26).. As shown in Figure 7, we also estimated the degree to which the effects of the procedures on behavior were mediated by changes in implicit bias. As was the case with explicit bias, the direct effects of procedures on behavior were small (all |rs| < 20). In addition, the confidence intervals for these effect estimates were quite wide owing to the limited number of two-condition studies measuring both implicit bias and behavior (k = 46). The indirect effect estimates were also small. Across procedure comparisons, we could not reject the null hypothesis that the indirect effects were equal to 0, χ2(7, k = 46) = 12.18, p = .095. Only one condition comparison (strengthen associations directly vs. neutral) had an indirect effect with a confidence interval that did not overlap with 0, ab = .0082, 95% CI = [.0007, .0157]. With the number of tests, this could be a false positive. These results suggest that there is little to no evidence that the effects of procedures on behavior are mediated through changes in implicit bias. As with the indirect effects on explicit bias, there was so little variation between studies in the size of the indirect effects that the variation had to be fixed to 0 for the model to converge.


Studies with affirmation, positive or negative affect, or depletion procedures were excluded from this analysis because there were no studies with behavioral measures that used these procedures. An additional three studies were removed because their within-studies variance-covariance matrix of effects on implicit bias and behavior was not positive definite.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 27 Figure 6. Forest plot of the consistency between effects on implicit bias and behavior. I2 represents the estimated proportion of variance in either implicit bias or behavior for that comparison that is due to differences between studies. k gives the number of studies with implicit and behavioral measures that also directly (or indirectly, listed in parentheses) compare the listed procedure and a neutral procedure. “Difference” gives the difference between the implicit and behavioral effect sizes, the Wald χ2 test of the difference, and its p-value.

Biases in effect sizes We tested for biases in effect sizes by assessing funnel plot asymmetry7 and by assessing whether effect sizes varied by publication status, year, or geographic location. Funnel plots show study effect sizes plotted against their standard errors (Egger et al., 1997). Funnel plots of an unbiased literature have a fan shape, with studies centering around a single effect size, regardless of precision, but with a greater scatter around the effect size in low-precision studies. Bias causes asymmetry in funnel plots by preventing a subset of low-precision studies (e.g., those with non-significant results) from entering the meta-analysis.


Several other methods of detecting bias are available, such as p-curve analysis (Simonsohn, Nelson, & Simmons, 2014). However, only funnel plot analysis has been adapted to examining bias in a network of interventions.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 28 Figure 7. Direct effects and indirect effects of procedures on behavior either not through or through implicit bias. k gives the number of studies that directly (or indirectly, listed in parentheses) compare the listed procedure and a neutral procedure. “Effect” gives the 95% meta-analytic confidence interval for the effect in question.

Comparison-adjusted funnel plots are funnel plots adapted to network meta-analysis (Chaimani et al., 2013). Although they cannot accommodate multiple effects from the same study, they can accommodate studies that examine different sets of comparisons between procedures. They account for these different comparisons by subtracting the relevant metaanalytic comparison estimate (e.g., threat vs. neutral, weaken goals vs. neutral) from each study estimate prior to plotting. As in a normal funnel plot, one can then examine the comparisonadjusted plots for asymmetry, which suggests that some process differentially affected high and low precision studies (e.g., publication bias). To select a set of two-group studies (published and unpublished) in which most researchers would make similar predictions, we made the following three generic predictions. First, the weaken associations directly, weaken associations indirectly, and weaken goals procedures will result in decreased implicit bias relative to a neutral procedure. Second, the strengthen associations directly, strengthen associations indirectly, strengthen goals, and deplete

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 29 resources procedures will result in increased implicit bias relative to a neutral procedure. Third, procedures in the first group will result in less bias than procedures in the second. The funnel plots of the comparison-adjusted effect sizes for these studies on implicit, explicit, and behavioral measures are shown in Figure 8. The figure reveals some asymmetry in all plots in that high-precision effect sizes tended to be smaller than their corresponding overall meta-analytic estimates. In the cases of the implicit and explicit data, this observation was supported by the results of mixed-effect regression analyses (Sterne & Egger, 2005), zimplicit = 3.94, p < .001, zexplicit = 2.43, p = .015. In the case of the behavioral data, there was no significant relationship between standard error and effect size, zbehavior = 1.32, p = .184, though this relationship was also estimated with much less precision than the implicit and explicit relationship. If the funnel plot asymmetry is caused by processes that systematically prevent small, non-significant effect sizes from entering the meta-analysis (e.g., publication bias, phacking), this evidence suggests that effects in this meta-analysis may be inflated relative to their population values. Funnel plots do not distinguish between the various processes that could lead to asymmetry. In contrast, testing whether specific moderators, such as publication status, are related to effect sizes can be more specific. We therefore supplemented our analysis of funnel plot asymmetry with analyses using publication status, publication year, and geographic region. These analyses allowed us to test for evidence of publication bias, a decline effect, and a US bias, respectively. There was evidence that implicit effect sizes varied by publication status, χ2(11, k = 479) = 22.20, p = .023.8 As shown in Figure 9, unpublished effect sizes were smaller than published effect sizes for procedures that strengthened and weakened associations, both directly and indirectly. However, this difference was only significant for procedures that strengthened associations indirectly, gpublished = .23, gunpublished = -.04, B = .275, 95% CI = [.03, .52]. There was no evidence that year of publication was related to effect size, χ2(11, k = 382) = 15.64, p = .155, or that studies from the United States had larger effect sizes than non-United States studies, χ2(11, k = 479) = 11.41, p = .410.


We did not do any moderator analyses with the explicit or behavioral data because there was not sufficient variability in the moderators across the intervention categories.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 30 Figure 8. Comparison-adjusted funnel plots of effect sizes vs standard errors for implicit, explicit, and behavioral measures. Positive numbers are more extreme relative to the meta-analytic comparison a study contributes to and negative numbers less extreme.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 31 Figure 9. Comparison between published and unpublished effect sizes on implicit bias. k gives the number of studies that directly (or indirectly, listed in parentheses) compare the listed procedure and a neutral procedure. “Difference” gives the difference between published and unpublished effect sizes and its 95% CI.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 32 General Discussion Our meta-analysis is the first large-scale quantitative synthesis of research on change in implicit bias. We found that implicit bias can be changed across many areas of study, populations, implicit measures, and research designs. The type of approach used to change implicit bias mattered greatly. Some procedures were effective at changing implicit bias, whereas others were not. We also found that procedures to change implicit bias produced similar (but smaller) changes in explicit bias and behavior. However, changes in implicit bias did not mediate changes in explicit bias and behavior. Relative effectiveness of procedures to change implicit bias We developed a taxonomy for understanding the differences between procedures to change implicit bias. Using this taxonomy, we found that procedures that directly or indirectly targeted associations, that depleted mental resources, or that induced goals all changed implicit bias relative to neutral procedures. In contrast, procedures that induced threat, affirmation, or affective states had small and/or inconsistent effects. The effects of the procedures varied widely within each category, with the exception of procedures that induced affirmation and negative affect. Finally, even the procedures that produced robust effects on implicit bias had effect sizes that are “small”, both by conventional standards (Hyde, 2005) and as compared to typical effect sizes in social psychology (Richard, Bond, & Stokes-Zoota, 2003). Our funnel plot analyses suggest that the true population effects of these procedures may be even smaller than our metaanalytic estimates due to publication bias, p-hacking, and/or other related processes. Generalizability of implicit bias change Our other findings revealed complexities in evaluating the impact of the procedures on implicit bias. First, researchers’ choices of samples have constrained the generalizability of the available evidence (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan, 2010). Most studies have been conducted with samples whose demographic characteristics (students, mostly White, mostly female) strongly resemble those of Introductory Psychology classrooms in the United States. Although the gender composition of the sample was not associated with the size of effects, both the racial composition of the samples and whether the samples were drawn from university student populations were. Student samples, in particular, produced different effect sizes than nonstudent samples for three of the nine procedure comparisons that we examined (strengthen associations indirectly vs neutral, weaken goals vs neutral, threat vs neutral). Because university student samples typically differ from non-student samples both psychologically and methodologically (Henrich et al., 2010; Sears, 1986), the precise cause of these different effect size is unclear. Regardless, these results suggest that it would be prudent for researchers to directly test whether the effects of their manipulations are sample-independent to generalize their findings to other populations. Combating societal problems such as discrimination and addiction requires exploration of how the problems operate outside of the college campus, and answering questions of human nature depends on sampling from a population that represents humankind.

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 33 Another limitation to generalizability is whether change was measured longitudinally. Only 22 (4.6%) samples in the meta-analysis collected longitudinal data. Short-term changes in implicit bias do not necessarily generalize to longer-term changes (Devine, Forscher, Austin, & Cox, 2012; Forscher et al., 2016; Forscher & Devine, 2014; Lai et al., 2016; Lai, Hoffman, & Nosek, 2013). In fact, in one series of studies, nine interventions altered implicit race bias assessed immediately after the intervention and none showed lasting impact several days later (Lai et al., 2016). As such, the present meta-analysis speaks more to the processes that produce short-term shifts in implicit bias than to the processes that produce lasting changes. Knowledge of how long-term change in implicit bias occurs is critical for developing a complete theoretical account of implicit bias. Insofar as some forms of problematic behavior are the result of automatic processes, understanding long-term change is also critical for developing interventions to resolve problems caused by this behavior. What processes determine whether a shift in implicit bias will be temporary or long-lasting? When will a shift in implicit bias translate into a permanent change in orientation? Theory and practice-oriented researchers alike would be wellserved to contend with these questions. Effect sizes also differed according to the study’s methodological features. In particular, studies using an IAT produced effects that were often larger than studies that did not, as did studies using pre-test post-test designs. The larger effects could be driven by the IAT’s typically higher reliability than observed in other implicit measures (Bar-Anan & Nosek, 2014; Bosson, Swann, & Pennebaker, 2000). Procedures that induced goals to weaken the target association had particularly robust effects on the IAT and in pre-test post-test designs compared to corresponding studies which used non-IAT and post-test only designs. Many of these studies involved methods to fake a weakened association on the IAT, and these results may suggest that faking is easier if one is taking an IAT or has had prior exposure to the measure (Nosek et al., 2007). The effects of interventions did not vary much based on their conceptual characteristics. Studies which targeted evaluative associations did not differ from studies which targeted conceptual associations, and effect sizes did not differ as a function of which domain it was studied in (e.g., intergroup relations, clinical/health). The one exception was that effects on selfassociations were often smaller than effects on associations unrelated to the self. Implicit bias, explicit bias, and behavior Although it was not the primary goal of this meta-analysis, the correlation between implicit biases and explicit bias and behavior has been of considerable interest in past metaanalyses on implicit social cognition (Hofmann et al., 2005; Greenwald et al., 2009; Cameron et al., 2012; Oswald et al., 2013). Surprisingly, our estimates (rI-E = .15; rI-B = .11) are lower than the estimates of these past meta-analyses (Hofmann et al., rI-E = .24; Greenwald et al., 2009 rI-E = .21, rI-B = .27; Cameron et al., 2012 rI-E = .20, rI-B = .28; Oswald et al., 2013 rI-B = .14). Differences between the inclusion criteria for our meta-analysis and these past meta-analyses may help explain the discrepancies. Unlike past meta-analyses, we did not limit our scope to a particular implicit measure such as the IAT (Hofmann et al., 2005; Greenwald et al., 2009; Oswald et al., 2013) or sequential priming measures (Cameron et al., 2012). We also did not limit our scope to a particular topic domain, such as outgroup discrimination (Oswald et al., 2013). Finally, the current meta-analysis focuses on experiments whereas past meta-analyses

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 34 have focused on correlational studies. Experimental manipulations that affect one or more of implicit bias, explicit bias, and behavior might attenuate the relationships between implicit bias and explicit bias/behavior (e.g., Huntsinger & Smith, 2009). These substantial differences in inclusion criteria may have combined to produce lower estimates of the correlations between implicit bias and explicit bias/behavior. We uncovered inconsistencies in the effect sizes of procedures on implicit bias on the one hand and explicit bias and behavior on the other. Effects on implicit bias tended to be larger and more variable across studies than effects on explicit bias or behavior. This finding is not necessarily surprising. Many of the procedures in our meta-analysis were designed to affect implicit bias rather than explicit bias or behavior. This may lead both to effects that are both larger and more variable, as researchers investigate how potential moderators change the effects of procedures on implicit bias. More surprising is the fact that we found little to no evidence that the changes caused by procedures on explicit bias and behavior are mediated by changes in implicit bias. Although many dual process theories posit that the routes to change for automatic and deliberative processes are distinct (e.g., Rydell & McConnell, 2006; Devine, 1989), many dual process theories predict an interdependent relationship (Cunningham & Zelazo, 2007; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2006; Petty, Briñol, & DeMarree, 2007). Many dual process theories also predict that, because automatic processes affect behavior when people lack the motivation, awareness, and cognitive resources to counteract their influence (Devine, 1989), changing automatic processes should lead to a change in behaviors in these conditions. Our findings stand in stark contrast to these predictions. At least four interpretations of this result are possible. First, our study inclusion criteria could be flawed. Our inclusion criteria for explicit and behavioral measures were broad. We included any explicit or behavioral measure that was judged to be correspondent with the study’s implicit measure. For example, if the implicit measure was a Black/White good/bad IAT, we included any explicit or behavioral measure that connected race and valence. This breadth of criteria may have led to the inclusion of some measures that should not theoretically change with a change in implicit bias, either because people’s responses on these measures are dominated by deliberative processing or because people are both motivated to correct their responses and aware that correction is needed. Despite the breadth of our criteria, they may also have led to the exclusion of some measures that should be linked to change in implicit bias. For example, many theorists believe that stereotyping and prejudice are related processes (e.g., Devine, 1989, Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986; Crandall & Eshleman, 2003). And yet, a measure of explicit stereotyping would have been judged as ineligible in a study with an evaluative IAT under our criteria. Interpretations based on flawed inclusion criteria do not, however, explain why the procedures had non-zero impacts on explicit bias and behavior. Moreover, although many of these impacts were smaller than their impacts on implicit bias, they were usually in a direction consistent with their impact on implicit bias. A second interpretation is that these results only apply to a limited subset of behaviors or populations that are overrepresented in the meta-analysis. Studies that assessed behavior were especially likely (44.4%) to be studies of health or clinical issues, and processes unique to health or clinical issues may interfere with the connection between implicit bias and behavior. In

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 35 addition, 84% of the studies employed university student samples, who could be less susceptible to the effects of implicit bias than the general population (Henrich et al., 2010). However, many studies did not examine health/clinical issues or did not use student samples, and yet there was little variability in the size of indirect effects on explicit bias and behavior. If the effects of procedures on behavior or explicit bias were mediated by implicit bias more strongly in some studies than others, we would have found evidence of this heterogeneity in the indirect effects. Third, methodological issues may obscure the evidence for mediation within our studies. This could occur because of error in the measurement of implicit bias, explicit bias, or behavior. Indeed, past reviews have noted that the reliability of many implicit measures is lower than is generally deemed acceptable for explicit measures (Buhrmester, Blanton, & Swann, 2011; Olson & Fazio, 2002; Bosson, Swann, & Pennebaker, 2000). This could also occur because the very act of measuring one construct affects future measurements of other constructs. Measurement of implicit bias, for example, could cause participants to become more aware of their future behavior. Awareness is often argued to be critical for eliminating the influence of implicit bias on behavior (Devine, Forscher, Austin, & Cox, 2012). Measurement of an explicit measure or a behavior could exert a similar influence by causing participants to be more vigilant in future measurements of implicit bias. A final methodological possibility is that procedures are only changing method-specific responding on implicit measures (e.g., task-switching, guessing biases, faking) rather than the construct of implicit bias itself (Calanchini & Sherman, 2013; Calanchini, Sherman, Klauer, & Lai, 2014; Klauer & Mierke, 2005; Sherman et al., 2008). We find this last account implausible given the procedures’ non-zero impacts on explicit bias and behavior and given that process modeling research finding that at least some of the most common procedures do change implicit task performance through associative rather than non-associative change (e.g., Allen & Sherman, 2011; Calanchini et al., 2013). A fourth possibility is that changes in implicit bias as assessed by currently available measures really are unimportant for producing changes in explicit bias and behavior. If true, this interpretation would require researchers to revisit their assumptions about how and why implicit biases influence human behavior. For example, instead of acting as a “cognitive monster” that inevitably leads to bias-consistent behavior (e.g., Bargh, 1999; Tajfel, 1982), implicit biases may represent the residual imprint of features that are frequently paired together within the social environment and nothing more. From this view, changes in implicit bias represent epiphenomenal cognitive changes rather than changes in mental processes that are a primary driving force of behavior. A correlation between implicit bias and explicit bias/behavior would indicate a shared cause, not a causal relationship. This is not to say that implicit bias is unimportant under this interpretation. Demographic variables such as life expectancy are often used to predict other consequential outcomes within a population, despite lacking causal force themselves. By the same token, levels of implicit bias could be used to predict the prevalence of certain judgments or behaviors within a population. However, re-conceptualizing implicit bias as a mere imprint of the social environment would force us to rethink many assumptions that drive implicit bias research. Although the presence of an implicit bias would speak to the structure of the social environment, efforts to change behavior by directly changing implicit bias would be misguided. It would be more effective to rid the social environment of the features that cause biases on both behavioral and cognitive

A META-ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN IMPLICIT BIAS 36 tasks (Beaman, Duflo, Pande, & Topalova, 2012) or equip people with strategies to resist the environment’s biasing influence (Devine, Forscher, Austin, & Cox, 2012; Cohen et al., 2009). This meta-analysis found that implicit bias can be changed, and identified the approaches that are most successful in doing so. However, we also found that implicit biases failed to mediate the effects of approaches on explicit biases and behavior. These results produce a challenge for this area of research. We hope that this paper will serve as a springboard for theoretical and empirical innovation to better understand changes in implicit biases and their role in explicit bias and behavior.

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