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new OrleanS, la 70130 t 504.301.1622. F 504.324.6222 www.billeSpartnerS. COm planning • prOjeCt DevelOpment • arChiteCture • interiOr DeSign • graphiC  ...


Billes Partners, LLC 1055 St. Charles Avenue | Suite 220 New Orleans, LA 70130 T 504.301.1622 F 504.324.6222 Planning

Project Development


Interior Design

Graphic Design


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AWARDS Broad Street ReFRESH Project Honor Award “UnBuilt Architecture”, AIA New Orleans, 2013 Billes Partners named one of

50 Companies Louisiana Can’t Do Without 10/12 Corridor Magazine, Spring 2010

Award of Merit 2009 Repairs to the Louisiana Superdome - Phase II Improvements South Central Construction Magazine

LEED-Platinum Certificates (13) Make It Right Houses 2008-11

Whole Foods Market “Top Ten Buildings of the Past 10 Years” New Orleans Magazine, June 2007

New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA) Honor Award, AIA Louisiana, 2001 Honor Award, NOMA, 2002

Pioneer in Preservation, Honor Award Gerald W. Billes, AIA, 1997 Historic District Landmarks Commission, New Orleans, LA

Yosemite Drive Residence of Gerald W. Billes Honor Award, NOMA 2002

1999 CANstruction Competition Juror’s Favorite, AIA Local Chapter, New Orleans, LA

Xavier Univ. Library/Resource Center & Pharmacy Addition Honor Award, AIA Louisiana, 1995

Benjamin Franklin Senior High School Honor Award, AIA Gulf States, 1994

New Orleans Museum of Art Honor Award of Excellence, AIA Louisiana, 1993

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AWARDS Design Diaspora: Black Architects and International Architecture, 1970-1990 An Exhibition of Built Projects 1993

Audubon Aquarium of the Americas AIA Honor Award of Excellence 1991

Woldenberg Riverfront Park Honor Award of Design Excellence Southern Accents, 1991

Renovation of 839 St. Charles Avenue Award of Merit, AIA Local Chapter, 1990

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Expansion Design Citation, Progressive Architecture Journal, 1989

Riverfront Streetcar Stations Design Citation, Progressive Architecture Journal, 1989

Armstrong International Airport Concourse C Honorable Mention Pittsburgh Corning Glass Block Competition, 1988

Riverfront Floodwall Corridor Master Plan Honor Award, APA Louisiana, 1987

*Some of these projects were produced at Mr. Billes’ former firm where he was Principal-In-Charge for the project.

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WHO WE ARE Billes Partners was established as a vehicle for Gerald W. Billes to carry out his vision of creating innovative built environments that meet and surpass the expectations and needs of his clients. OUR MISSION To create environments that inspire a love of living. We will do this by creating beauty in the built environment, incorporating design innovation and a strong adherence to quality, and always being responsive to our clients, and to the communities and environments affected by our work.

OUR CORE VALUES Create - We will create beauty through the vehicle of our

designs. Our design process incorporates innovation, a strong adherence to quality, and the inspiration conributed by our talented design staff. Our goal for the designs we create is that they contribute to the communities in which they are located, and inspire those who use them. We have also created partnerships with our clients, consultants, and our company family that make our work enjoyable, meaningful, and effective. Innovate - Innovation is integral to our work at Billes Partners. We regularly look at alternatives in approaching both processes and

solutions that will maximize our benefit to our client. We work to achieve the specific needs of the client as our first priority, and we thrive on finding innovative solutions, whether related to project funding, space planning, project delivery systems or a myriad of other project components. For our team, design innovation always includes the implementation of a sustainability program. For some projects this may be achieving LEED Platinum certification; for others, it may be the inclusion of passive energy efficient systems. For each project we assess an appropriate sustainability approach. Inspire - We hope to inspire those who use the spaces we have created by their beauty and sensitivity, reinforcement of the

activities that take place within the design, and positive impact on the communities of which they are a part. Similarly, those with whom we work inspire us. We are also committed to providing leadership to inspire others, to strengthen our communities, and to elevate professionalism in design.

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WHO WE ARE Gerald W. Billes, AIA, NCARB, NOMA CEO | Principal

Mr. Billes established Billes Partners to reflect his unified vision and values. As an owner and principal of architectural and planning firms since 1975, Mr. Billes has extensive educational training and experience in architecture, urban design, and master planning. He is a licensed architect in three states and has managed numerous architectural and planning projects for clients in the public and private sectors. His work has included architectural design, master planning, interior design, land use and zoning, project feasibility studies, and transportation planning. Mr. Billes has served as an associate professor and adjunct professor at Tulane University‘s School of Architecture, and as an adjunct professor at Southern University’s School of Architecture. Mr. Billes has overseen the development of major projects, including the Hilton Hotel Master Plan, Phase II of the Aquarium of the Americas, New Orleans International Airport Concourse “C” Expansion, the French Market Revitalization Plan and the New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts. As one of three principals-in-charge of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Phase III Expansion, Mr. Billes contributed to the management of the $205,000,000 project.

Richard S. Kravet, AIA, NCARB Principal | Director of Architecture

With over 30 years of experience in the practice of architecture, Mr. Kravet’s extensive background includes urban design, feasibility studies, architecture and construction for private and public sector clients. His work experience includes significant projects in the states of Texas, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Louisiana. Mr. Kravet has served in the capacity of Project Manager on such major projects as the Repairs and Renovations to the Louisiana Superdome, the Harrah’s Shreveport Hotel and Casino (Shreveport, Louisiana), a new twenty-four-story luxury hotel and renovation to an existing riverboat casino and its land-based support facilities, and a new $8,500,000 vocational school for the U.S. Department of Labor Job Corps Program. Mr. Kravet is a principal of Billes Partners, and serves as Director of Architecture overseeing the design and production of the architectural projects undertaken by the firm. His passion for sustainability is reflected in each project undertaken by the firm, whereas he works with staff to develop appropriate sustainable design practices for each project.

Lisa C. Herron, IIDA Principal | Director of Business Operations

Lisa Herron has been a project manager for planning, project development, architectural and interiors projects for over 25 years. Her areas of expertise focus on facility programming, space utilization, planning and project management. She has developed effective work processes and has been a guest speaker to national organizations in the design industry. She is responsible for managing project scopes, work processes, schedules and budgets. Her effectiveness in these areas have helped lead to successful projects and repeat clients.

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Our staff are experienced professionals with many years of design

Senior Associates

and project experience in their focused areas. Every project is staffed with the

Geoffrey Hartnett, AIA, LEED AP

utmost care, matching each client with the complete range of project develop-

William G. Petersen, AIA, LEED AP

ment and design services best suited to their specific needs. Some of our staff’s

Steve C. Tubré, CSI, CCCA

capabilities and expertise include:

Ian C. Welcome, AIA

• • • • • • • • • • • •



architectural design

Mary Althoff

interior design

Sergio Gonzalez

facility programming

Senait Kassa, Assoc. AIA, AICP, LEED AP

feasibility assessments

Patrick Kraft, AIA, LEED AP

site analysis

Erin E. Porter, Assoc. AIA

existing conditions assessments conceptual design

Business Development & Marketing

graphic design

Kenneth Burrell

LEED accreditation

Dylan O’Donnell

construction contract admininstration project management


Claudia Dupre-Jamil

Within our partners and staff are individuals who have designed and imple-

Tiffani Benjamin

mented some of the more visible projects in the New Orleans area, including the

Melanie Hanneman

Convention Center Phases II & III, the renovation of Concourse “C” of Armstrong International Airport, the New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts, the Hilton Riv-

Relationships with

erside Rebuild, and the Louisiana Superdome Repairs after Hurricane Katrina.

Engineering Consultants Testing Laboratories

Billes Partners personnel have managed commercial and institutional projects

Special Consultants

with budgets totalling hundreds of millions of dollars, as well as smaller indi-

Environmental Firms

vidual projects. We commit to treating each client with respect and integrity for

Financiers and Funding Consultants

their unique project.

Advertising and Public Relations Firms Electronic and Intelligent Systems Companies Real Estate Professionals

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Billes Partners provides planning, project development, architecture, interior design, and


graphic design services to clients who want innovation in their projects, while support-

Established 2003

ing and enhancing the existing communities and the lifestyles of those that use the completed buildings and environments.

Limited Liability Company

The range of services we offer to our clients provides a complete project from initial

Minority Owned Business

scoping and feasibility assessment, through design and construction, to final project evaluation. Our offering of services is further expanded through close relationships

Licensed Architects in Louisiana, Mississippi,

with financing, engineering, project management, and other specialized consultants

Texas, Colorado, Vermont, Alabama & Florida

throughout the region and country. NCARB Certified Architects

Our design services cover a wide range of project types: commercial, institutional, residential, and public facilities. The common element in our projects is the commitment

LEED Accredited Professionals

of the owner to innovation and thoughtful design while fitting within the structure of the existing community.

Licensed Interior Designers in Louisiana

We have worked extensively with neighborhood groups, project stakeholders and gov-

Certified Planner in Louisiana (PIC)

ernmental agencies to provide comprehensive solutions to sometimes complex problems. Billes Partners’ awareness of codes and regulations, the value of collective agree-

Mid-sized firm, focused on quality

ment, and historical context supports our problem-solving skills. Coupled with our de-

and innovation of individual

sign and technical abilites, we are able to provide optimal solutions and rapid response

projects rather than quantity

to implementation needs. We are able to focus on innovation, creativity and the overall quality of our projects.

Staff includes experts in facility programming and project development, a certified

Our technological resources allow us to easily communicate and exchange information

construction contract administrator, project

with owners, engineers, consultants and other stakeholders, wherever they may be

management support staff, and other technical

located, for the benefit of the project.

support staff

One Client described the selection of our firm for their project with the following statement: “Billes Partners was chosen because the firm is creative, budget conscious, and client specific.” These qualities can be seen in our firm philosophy and in our work.

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WHAT WE DO PLANNING Planning is crucial to the success of most ventures, especially those that require significant investment in the physical environment. Billes Partners provides planning services to meet the needs of the owner/developer, financiers, regulatory oversight agencies and communities. (Selected Projects: City of Opelousas Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Zoning Ordinance, New Orleans Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan (Planning District 3), New Orleans Floodwall Corridor Study, Southern University Baton Rouge Master Plan Update, Southern University New Orleans North Campus Master Plan)

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Building projects can require many steps and a myriad of services to successfully undertake their development. Billes Partners has helped clients work through the range of issues needed to get a project fully underway, and can be of great assistance in the early stages of the development of a project. (Selected Projects: Broad Street ReFresh Project, New Orleans East Hospital Feasibility Study, Civil District Court/Juvenile Court Site Selection, Facility Program and Conceptual Design, Baronne Street Condominium Development)

ARCHITECTURE Architectural services can range from residences to the design of major public structures. At Billes Partners, building design focuses on innovation, and we seek design projects that demand creativity in all aspects of their execution. We thrive on finding creative solutions that will inspire end users. (Selected Projects: West St. John Elementary School, Louisiana Superdome Repairs, French Market Shed Renovations, William Frantz School, Mississippi Valley State University New Dormitories, Jackson State University School of Business)

INTERIOR DESIGN Billes Partners considers interior design as both an integrated part of our architectural projects, and a distinct, stand-alone service. It is an opportunity to reinforce an architectural project and to provide new life for an existing building. (Selected Projects: Louisiana Superdome Club Level Lounges, Corporate Space Utilization Projects Throughout the State of Louisiana, French Market Tenant Space Designs, JSU School of Business, Furniture and Equipment Design and Specifications, Offices for Billes Partners, House of Blues Interiors)

GRAPHIC DESIGN At Billes Partners, graphic design is a natural extension of our passion for great design at all levels. With an increasingly complex and diversified business world, the need for clear and effective visual communication becomes progressively more important. (Selected Projects: Signage Design for French Market Shed Renovations, French Market Scrim Banner Designs, Complete Creative Identity for Billes Products International Design Competitions 2008 and 2009, Complete Creative Identity for Billes Architecture International Housing Design Competition 2009, Complete Brand Identity 2010 for Billes Partners, LLC)

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PROJECTS The partners and staff of Billes Partners have worked on innumerable projects across the Southeast and Gulf Coast regions. On the pages that follow, we are proud to provide brief descriptions of a select handful of interior design projects executed by our staff. These projects have been selected to provide a glimpse into the breadth of interior design work available at Billes Partners, and can include renovations to existing building interiors to provide new functionality and image, space planning services, space utilization analyses to determine optimal space usage, development of design and installation packages for FF&E, FF&E inventories and planning for liquidation or reuse, custom FF&E design, and selection of interior finishes. We invite you to view our projects and imagine your project with the same level of professionalism and innovative design. On the following pages: ARCHITECTURE

Superdome Club Room and Suites MVSU - Two Residence Halls French Market Tenant Spaces House of Blues Louis Armstrong Airport Concourse C Ernest N. Morial Convention Center JSU School of Business Fifth District Police Station New Orleans Center for Creative Arts Audubon Aquarium of the Americas Xavier College of Pharmacy Addition 839 St. Charles Avenue Office Interiors Billes Partners Office Interiors

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Client/Owner State of Louisiana Cost $166,000,000 Completion Date 2007

Billes Partners was responsible for the interiors of the high-profile Club level lounges in the Louisiana Superdome. While being a fast-track delivery, the project involved

formances by international stars Green Day and U2

extensive documentation of damage, assessment,

the game became a statement and a tremendous

design and coordination with numerous oversight

success for the city’s recovery efforts.

agencies including the State of Louisiana, FEMA, insurance underwriters, and consultants across

The economic impact of a facility within a downtown

the United States. During Hurricane Katrina the Su-

metro area capable of hosting numerous large-

perdome was utilized as an evacuation center, but

scale events is vital to growth and development.

soon became an international symbol of despair

The completion of Phase I and the ongoing work of

and chaos. Repairing the monumental building was

Phase II continue to sustain that growth and devel-

arguably the “poster-child” project for New Orleans


recovery, with Phase I culminating on schedule with the nationally-televised New Orleans Saints seasonopening game on September 25, 2006. With per-

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Client/Owner Mississippi Valley State University Cost $10,800,000 Size 63,300 sf (in two buildings) Completion Date 2009

The project consisted of the construction of two new residence halls on the campus of Mississippi Valley State University in Itta Bena, Mississippi. Each residence hall, one for male students and one

and refine a building program and construction

for female students, was designed as a state-of-the-

budget during a time period of rapidly escalating

art Living and Learning Center. Both halls are three

construction costs.

stories, house forty-eight beds, and include two independent computer lab classrooms and study

In addition to architectural design, Billes Partners,

hall accommodations on each level. These two new

LLC provided full interior design services to furnish

residence halls are now the university’s flagships

the buildings’ student rooms and public spaces.

for student housing on campus.

The fully completed residence halls opened to students in the summer of 2009.

Taking the lead role as designer and architect-ofrecord, in association with a Jackson, MS architect, Billes Partners, LLC worked with multiple university departments and student leadership to develop

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Client/Owner French Market Corporation Cost $7,000,000 Size 40,000 sf Completion Date 2008

Although the current structure dates to the WPA programs of the 1930’s, there has been an open-air market on this site for over 200 years. The French Market Revitalization Plan was a com-

analysis, elements proposed for development in-

prehensive effort by Billes Partners, along with the

cluded a system of signage, crosswalks, street light-

French Market Corporation, designed to strengthen

ing, paving improvement, parking improvements,

the entire French Market for the benefit of the sur-

utility upgrades, additional restrooms, new storage

rounding Vieux Carré neighborhood and the larger

facilities, and reconstruction of the two historic mar-

New Orleans community. The Market has long been

ket buildings.

associated with its adjacent neighborhood and has a history of serving the entire city, initially as a

The goal of the second phase, the design and con-

source of meat, fish, and fresh produce, and now as

struction of the Farmers’ Market and Flea Market

a vibrant retail, restaurant, and trading center.

Sheds, was to return the once vital, local markets

Our first step was preparation of the revitalization

er than the tourist shops they had become. Billes

plan that incorporated the entire 22 acre market

Partners provided architectural, interior design and

area. Stakeholder input was solicited during the re-

graphic design services, and also prepared opera-

vitalization study process through meetings, ques-

tional manuals for the French Market Corporation

tionnaires and a website forum. After planning stud-

that address tenant standards and procedures.

to their former importance as local markets, rath-

ies, market analysis, engineering surveys and traffic

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PROJECTS HOUSE OF BLUES New Orleans, Louisiana

Client/Owner House of Blues, Inc. Cost $3,100,000 Size 24,000 sf Completion Date 1994

This renowned live music venue opened in 1994 and is located in the historic French Quarter. The walls of the restaurant and music hall are covered with 298 pieces of folk art and the venue itself is home to the largest collection of folk art in the country. During the design process, Mr. Billes met constantly

The interiors of the House of Blues transforms the

with the owner to review design concepts

existing, historic warehouse into a vibrant hub of

represented in drawings and full-scale,

nightlife in the Vieux Carré.


models. These were continually revised until the interior design was fully captured.

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Client/Owner New Orleans Aviation Board Cost $24 million Size 16 gates with holding and public passage areas Completion Date 1997

A team of five artists collaborated with the project architect to incorporate stained glass, decorative ceramic tile, modulated acoustic tile, computer synthesized jazz, and art objects into the building fabric of the new Concourse. Concourse “C” is the international concourse at

the work of Mr. Billes and his project designer. Mr.

Armstrong International Airport. Mr. Billes’ design

Billes fostered a strong collaboration with a team

firm was commissioned to design the concourse

of artists to incorporate original artwork into the

including connection with the existing terminal

project, within the construction budget.

building, 15 gates, a sterile corridor, airline operations areas, an FIS tunnel and integration of an arts program. The project was separated into 4 phases to accommodate the relocation of the FIS Tower, and to keep the airlines operational during

While the concourse had a constrained budget, it does not sacrifice quality in design or appearance. Other projects at the airport have used the Concourse “C” design as a benchmark.

construction. Mr. Billes was the Principal-In-Charge for the project and guided its development from programming through construction. The new design was primarily

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PHASE III: Client/Owner Ernest N. Morial Exhibition Hall Authority Cost $185,000,000 Size 1,240,000 sf Completion Date 1998 PHASE II: Client/Owner Ernest N. Morial Exhibition Hall Authority Cost $95,000,000 Size 890,000 sf Completion Date 1994

With the completion of the third phase of the building, the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center is one of the largest convention centers in the world, containing 1.1 million square feet of exhibit hall space on one level. The facility houses meeting rooms, two large ball

The pedestrian entry, exhibit hall, and loading

rooms, offices, pedestrian passages across the top

docks locations; and offices, meeting facilities and

of the building to the Riverfront Streetcar line, a

theatre, were planned under Mr. Billes’ leadership.

400 seat restaurant, and a 4,000 seat theater. Although the Owner has remained the same, the

This enormous project involving many entities has been highly successful for the City of New Orleans.

architects and designers have changed throughout its phased expansion. Mr. Billes’ work is seen in the second and third phases of the project. He was involved in programming through construction administration, and was responsible for the architectural program and conceptual design for the third phase.

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Client/Owner Jackson State University Cost $17,700,000 Size 110,000 sf Completion Date 2004

Jackson State University’s School of Business is a dynamic institution. Since its inception, it has experienced substantial growth in faculty size, student enrollment, and facilities. The new business school at Jackson State Universi-

The furnishings and equipment were designed in

ty is a five-story, 110,000 SF brick building. Located

accordance with the requirments of the State of

at the north-east entry to the campus it creates a

Mississippi, Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL).

powerful design statement for the campus, and is the first impression visitors entering from the east will experience. Its interior spaces were designed to reinforce the design statement of the architecture, and to support the room functions.

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Client/Owner City of New Orleans Cost $1,250,000 Size 11,500 sf Completion Date 1990

Though modest in its budget, the design for the Fifth District Police Station expresses a sense of permanence and pride in place that should be associated with our public buildings. Traditionally, public buildings were designed with

Completed in 1990, this two-story, brick masonry

an eye toward expressing the power and integrity

structure is located in a residential area of New

of government. Large, imposing structures were

Orleans’ 9th Ward. The exterior design of the build-

built to remind citizens of the importance of gov-

ing is evocative of a turn-of-the-century Vienesse

ernment, and these structures played a significant

building with articulated, multi-color brickwork. The

role in the built environment of our cities. More

building’s footprint is formed by the intersection of

recently, understated structures have been built

a semicircular form and a rectangular form. The

with the express intention of demonstrating fiscal

plane which defines the intersection of these two

prudence in response to public outcries about gov-

forms is characterized by corbelled brickwork in the

ernment overspending. The result has been public

soffit. The entry to the station is created by a large

structures which often look no different than com-

limestone wall with aluminum and glass doors.

mercial buildings and inspire little confidence in our

Upon entering the building one encounters a large

government. Governments have now come to real-

semi-circular atrium characterized by six, expansive

ize that public buildings should be substantial, well-

glass block and clerestory windows. This atrium

designed structures which express the significant

contains a large curving staircase which leads

role of government and that accomplishing this

to the second floor. The first floor of the station

need not require an enormous budget. The Fifth

houses the roll call room and officers’ locker rooms.

District Police Station is a structure which reflects

The second floor contains administrative offices for

this realization.

the Fifth District.

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Client/Owner Friends of NOCCA Cost $16,500,000 Size 170,000 sf Completion Date 1997

NOCCA has a prominent position in art schools throughout the United States and around the world. Some famous alumni include Harry Connick Jr., Terence Blanchard, Nicholas Payton, the Marsalis brothers, Trombone Shorty, Jonathan Batiste, Anthony Mackie, Wendell Pierce and DJ Hollygrove. NOCCA is a magnet high school for the arts concen-

buildings, while providing functional and comfort-

trating on the five main disciplines of dance, music,

able learning spaces within. All classrooms and

visual arts, written composition, and theatre. As the

performance spaces were designed to be state-of-

Principal-In-Charge of the design of the project, Mr.

the-art facilities.

Billes led the development of the interiors. The interiors of the historic warehouses were designed to accentuate the structural elements of the existing

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Client/Owner Audubon Nature Institute Cost $54,000,000 Size 170,000 sf Completion Date 1995

The Aquarium of the Americas, situated where Canal Street meets the Mississippi River, straddles the border between New Orleans’ historic French Quarter and burgeoning Central Business District. The interior design of the Aquarium of the Americas

lively riverfront facade. On the city side, the build-

successfully creates a wide-range of awe-inspiring

ing presents a simple, refined facade which is both

exhibits and addresses the complex needs of the

befitting to a public institution and respectful of its

delicate life which these exhibits must support. A

diverse urban context.

visit to the Aquarium takes one through a series of experiences inspired by the waters of the Americas, punctuated by windows which provide natural light and offer views to the Mississippi River and the city.

The Phase 2 expansion of the Aquarium continues the curving arcade of the original building. This new addition includes a concession and retail area, flexible space for changing exhibitions, and an IMAX

The Aquarium of the Americas’ front door faces

theater which seats over 350 people. The IMAX pro-

directly on the Mississippi River, from which the

vides state-of-the-art viewing in a theater specially

building’s broad, curving arcade bends back as if to

designed for large format and 3D films.

graciously welcome visitors from the city behind it. A series of abstract sculptures celebrating aquatic life by noted artist Ida Kohlmeyer sit atop a procession of twenty columns and enhance the building’s

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Client/Owner Xavier University Cost $13.6 million Size 150,000 sf Completion Date 1995

The client had a vision for the University to be not only academically respected, but to be visually prominent as well. The design for the Xavier University building ad-

archives stacks and restoration area, a twenty-four

dresses the space needs of two University Depart-

hour reading room, numerous private group study

ments, namely the Library Department and the

spaces, an audio-visual department, and a copy

College of Pharmacy. The building serves as both

center. The most up-to-date equipment available

the new central library for the campus as well as a

in the field of pharmaceutical education was used

major addition to the nationally recognized School

in the pharmacy addition. A pharmacy library, ad-

of Pharmacy. Both the library and the pharmacy can

ministration offices, lecture and seminar spaces,

function independently, while sharing spaces such

a social behavioral research center, and seven ad-

as lounge areas, audio-visual facilities, seminar

ditional pharmaceutical and toxicological research

rooms, and a lobby.

laboratories were built as well.

Another New Orleans architect and Billes’ former

The design of the six-story building takes advantage

firm shared equally in the design, construction

of some historic buildings utilizing a gothic motif for

documents, bidding, and construction adminis-

emphasis. The client shared a larger vision for the

tration services for the client. The library includes

university to be not only academically respected,

three floors of stack areas around a central verti-

but to be visually prominent as well.

cal circulation atrium. Support functions include

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Client/Owner R&R Enterprises Cost $100,000 Size 40,460 sf Completion Date 1989

During the late ‘70’s and ‘80’s New Orleans’ Warehouse District underwent a dramatic transformation from a neighborhood of abandoned 19th and 20th century buildings to a community of art galleries, restaurants, condominiums, cultural facilities, and professional offices. Brought on by the development along the riverfront

The entry offered a striking compilation of archi-

during the 1984 World’s Fair, this renaissance of

tecture, sculpture, graphics, and furniture. The

the Warehouse District has contributed significantly

door provided a framed view for a sculpture in-

to the revitalization of the city. Mr. Billes’ former firm

stallation by local artist John Scott of free-formed

was among the first architectural firms to join this

graphic shapes overlaying a grid frame structure.

growing urban neighborhood. Inspiration for their

Reference to color theory was created by the yel-

office design was found in the vernacular charac-

low pane of bleached oak flooring, overscaled red

ter of the surrounding warehouse architecture. The

leather chairs, and a blue plaster wall. Perpindicular

firm adopted a simple, refined approach by utilizing

to the blue plaster wall is a fifty foot long white wall

the existing structural elements of the space, in-

stretched between two brick walls.

cluding floor-to-ceiling industrial sash windows with a raw concrete beam lintel, rough brick walls, and exposed steel roof trusses.

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Size 5,300 sf Completion Date 2009

Since the inception of Billes Partners (formerly Billes Architecture) in 2003, the company’s space requirements have grown. Between 2008 and 2009, renovations to the

Within this shell, the open Billes Partners office ex-

second floor of the K&B Building took place to

tends the length of the building, taking advantage

house the offices of both Billes Partners and

of the open floor plan and expansive glazing. The

Billes Products.

space is a mix of inviting reception, open studio space, formal conference area, casual library, and

Originally the John Hancock Insurance Building, the

private office. The interior space reflects the clean,

K&B Building (Katz & Besthoff) was designed by the

modern lines of the building’s exterior. Neutral inte-

architectural firm of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

riors with touches of intense color create an envi-

in the early 1960’s. An iconic modernist structure,

ronment that is conducive to the creative process.

it is identifiable by its concrete structural skeleton carried beyond the wall plane.

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