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Net: www. Highly Commended dCS Puccini. Reviewed in issue 65. Price:f10.799. Manufactured by Data Conversion. Systems Ltd.
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theyeor CDployerof AudioReseqrch Reference CDB Reviewedin issue64 The look might not change drastically over the years, and the company will alwaysuse tubes in the output stage, but the Audio Research Reference CD8 is something really special in CD players.The latest flagshipplayer from the electronicsspecialist,Audio Research combines a top loading, Philips-promechanism,a Burr-Brown chipset and more tubes than many a good small valve amplifier;five 6H30 and a 6550C. It had a difficultenough task to followthe ReferenceCD7, itselfone of the most well-received CD playersever produced. Fortunately,the Reference CD8 easily eclipsed its predecessor.

By movingto a 6550 tube in placeof a pair of 6H30s (akinto the Reference3 preamp),and movingto a Burr Brown 24bit/192kHzDAC,the ReferenceCD8 delivers'asound that's more focused, better separated and transparent oerformance.The CD8 also deliversfar better bass than its oredecessorand approachesthe excellentWadia581se player.Almost SACD-likein its warmth and naturalness,the ReferenceCD8 is "quite possibly the best all round single-boxCD player I've heard and certainly a match for anything at its price,"we concluded.AudioResearch's ReferenceCD7 pushedthe brand into the top leagueof digitalpedormance; the ReferenceCD8 builds significantly on that reoutation.

Price:f9,498 Manufacturedby Audio Research Corporation Net: Distributedby AbsoluteSounds Tetl:+44(0)208971 3909 Net. www.absolutesounds. com

Highly Commended Lyngdorf cD-1 Reviewedin issue67 P ri ce:t1,795 Manufactured by Lyngdorf Net: Distributedby Gecko Tel +44 (0)845 262 2882 Net: Highly Commended dCS Puccini Reviewedin issue 65 P ri ce:f10.799 Manufacturedby Data Conversion SystemsLtd Tel:+44(0)1799 531999 Highly Gommended Esoteric P-03 CD/SACD and D-03 DAC Reviewedinissue 65 Pricetl0,495/e9,995 Manufacturedby TEACEsoteric Neti Distributedby SymmetrySystems Tetl:+44(0)1727 865488 Net. uk


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