Mar 19, 2014 ... striking variety, with APS cert., also normal stamps included for ...... 1851-2003
balance of a consignment in two stock books, hundreds of ...
POLAND 1194 `
1800-1801 Polish Army in Italy, FL letter from Reggio, dated “12 Messidor, Year 9” (12 July) with partly printed “Le Chef de l’Etat-Major de la premiere Legion Polonaise”, additional boxed handstamp and signed “Regulski” (chief of staff of the first Polish Legion), addressed to the administration of the municipality, fine Napoleonic letter ..................................................................................................
1195 `
1807 FL datelined “Varsovie”, 6 March, addressed to Monaco (Department Des Alpes Maritimes), “No.43 Port-Paye Grande Armee” hs, fine Napoleonic era letter from Warsaw, unusual destination .....
1808 (15 Mar) FL datelined Varsovie, addressed to Ostende, with red “Grande Armee No.29” handstamped, charged “8” (decimes), fine Napoleonic item, scarce ...................................................
1197 `
1812 FL datelined Glogau (Glogow), 11 May, 1812, endorsed “Service Militaire”, from General Walther to Baron Chastel, advising the latter of being promoted to the rank of “General de Division” by orders of Gen. Grouchy, with red “No.10 Grande Armee” and again “No.13 DEB/Grande Armee”, with “3e Corps de Cavalerie” endorsement, countersigned by Gen.Walther and addressed to France. A v.f. and scarce letter from the French Army just prior to its invasion of Russia ................................
1198 `
1822 FL dated 13th September, used from Odessa to Genova, ms note on reverse “P/m G.Paserli Brody ai 22 7bre 1822” forwarding agent’s notation, oval “Brody in Galizia” transit and tax markings applied on arrival, v.f. (web photo) ...................................................................................................
1199 `
1840 outer FL with bold “Koniecpol” straight line hs, sent to Kielce, v.f., signed Mazepa (web photo)
1200 `
1840 outer FL with boxed bilingual “Brzesc-Kujawski” hs in red, addressed to Wloclawek, v.f. (web photo) ................................................................................................................................................
1859 Warsaw Postal Stationery, 1.5k or 3gr unused entire envelope, red imprint at upper right, two control signatures on the inside flap, v.f. and fresh, with 2004 Mikulski cert. ......................................
1860 10k carmine & blue, horizontal pair, cancelled by “1” in concentric rings on small piece, fresh and fine ........................................................................................................................................(1)
1203 Ea
1918 “Krolewstwo Polskie” (Kingdom of Poland), unadopted designs, two composite sheetlets of four and six, also a single 1m, all in black, v.f. and rare ..........................................................................
1204 Ea
1918 “Krolewstwo Polskie”, competition designs, composite sheetlet of 12 in black, v.f. and extremely rare essay .......................................................................................................................................
1205 w
1919 Lublin Issue, 10h on 30h slate green, brown surcharge, three copies, one inverted (signed Kwasniewski), fine-v.f. ..................................................................................................(32b,32bvar)
1918 10h on 30h green, red brown surcharge (error), block of four, l.h., v.f., with Mikulski certificate ....................................................................................................................................................(32b)
1921 Constitution, composite sheetlet of six designs (in dark blue) executed by the well known artist E.Bartlomiejczyk, plus another by J.Tom, all printed on single sheet with inscription indicating that only 50 were printed, v.f. and rare essay, illustrated in “Polskie Znaki Pocztowe” (1960 edition) ..........
1196 `
1201 ` 1202 s
1206 wa 1207 Ea
1216 1215
1219 EX 1220 EX -134-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1208 Ea
1921 composite sheetlet of six designs (in violet) executed by the well known artist E.Bartlomiejczyk, plus another by J.Tom, all printed on single sheet with inscription indicating that only 50 were printed, v.f. .................................................................................................................................
1921 composite sheetlet of six designs (in yellow brown) executed by the well known artist E.Bartlomiejczyk, plus another by J.Tom, all printed on single sheet with inscription indicating that only 50 were printed, small stain at top, otherwise v.f. ..............................................................................
1210 Ea
1921 unadopted designs, composite sheetlet of 16 in red brown on wove paper, showing three stamps intended for postage due, v.f. and extremely rare .........................................................................
1211 E
1925 unadopted designs, 50gr (3) and 1zl, four different plate essays on card, each in black, on chalky paper, v.f. ..............................................................................................................................................
1212 (w)
1925 5gr green and 10gr violet, vertical imperforate se-tenant gutter pair, folded between stamps, unused without gum, signed Laszkiewicz, with some violet ink at top, v.f. ........................(230-31var)
1937 2,20zl “Znaczki Pocztowe”, six unexploded booklets, stamps with occasional offsets from being lightly stuck down, fine-v.f. (web photo) .............................................................................................
1214 P
1958 15th Anniversary of the Polish People’s Army, compound art work showing all three designs and issued colors corrected by hand, signed by the artist, with official Conservatory hs on reverse, v.f. and unique .................................................................................................................................(823-25P)
1215 P
1959 Red Cross, compound art work showing all three designs and issued colors corrected by hand, signed by the artist, with official Conservatory hs on reverse, v.f. and unique ..........(868-70P)
Semi-Postals. 1946 International Bureau of Education, set of three sheetlets of 12, n.h., v.f. (Fi.412-14, cat. 3,200zl) .................................................................................................................(B49-49B)
1217 ww
1946 Education, souvenir sheet of three, n.h., v.f. (Fi.Blok 9, cat. 1,100zl) (web photo) ..........(B49c)
1218 ww
Air Post. 1948 Roosevelt souvenir sheet of three, without control number, n.h., v.f. (Fisher Bl11s, cat. 2,800zl) ....................................................................................................................................(C26d,var)
Flight Covers. 1925-38 L.O.P.P. flights, collection of 78 covers or cards, mostly mixed franking with ordinary postage and the special labels, mounted exhibition style on pages, with some Balloon flights, errors incl.. 1925 Warsaw to Krakow, franked with 10gr strip of three, double perf., also 1925 first flight to Gdansk, franked with pair of 2gr Bydgoszcz imperf. between, both stated to be the only recorded with these errors, mostly fine-v.f., ex-Boonshaft ..........................................................
1220 `
1926-38 collection of 100+ different in album, with internal first flights, L.O.P.P. labels on covers or cards, Balloon flights etc., excellent variety with many better items, mostly fine-v.f. ............................
1221 `
Zeppelin Flights. 1933 2nd SAF to Brazil, meter franking (395gr) from Laziska Gorne, “Hrabia Zeppelin” (Count Zeppelin) advertising label, fine, with red Berlin connecting cachet, backstamped on arrival ............................................................................................................................................(Si.214B)
1222 `
1933 4th SAF card to Brazil, attractively franked, with red Berlin connecting cachet, hinge marks on back, fine and scarce .........................................................................................................................(Si.223)
Postage Dues. 1919 20h rose red, pos.IIA-70, n.h. and post office fresh, signed Mikstein etc., with 2010 Schmutz certificate (Fi.D5, Zl.4,000) ............................................................................................(J4)
1209 Ea
1213 B
1216 wwa
1219 `
1223 ww
1230 1229 1232 1225
1236 1234
1231 1233 1235
1237 -136-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1224 ww
Military Issues. 1941 Polish Field Army in Great Britain during WW I, letter seals, selection of eight varieties, imperf. horizontal pairs (normal stamps included for comparison) with " Parachutist" entire stamp brown (instead of light green) frame and brown center, double error (inverted frame and wrong frame color); " Airman" emerald frame and magenta center, proof with inverted frame, another with emerald frame inverted and shifted; plus still a different one emerald frame inverted (this one from parachutist design); "Sailor" bright red frame and ultramarine center, two different with inverted frame; "Tankman" orange frame shifted and inverted; another, with orange frame inverted and black center; plus frame and black center, with green inverted frame (Airman), n.h., v.f. and interesting lot (with a copy of the write-up on these items) ...........................................................(Si.223)
Polish Offices in Danzig 1225 S 1226 ww
1227 `
1925 5gr green, 10gr violet, 25gr red brown, vertical pairs, handstamped “Wzor” or “Skas” (Skasowany/cancelled) etc., fine-v.f., signed Schmutz ......................................................(1K14,15,22P)
1926 5gr, 10gr and 15kgr, two of each, n.h., some natural gum disturbances, fine-v.f. (web photo).. .....................................................................................................................................................(1K11A,12,13)
Zeppelin Flights. 1933 5th SAF from Gdansk to Brazil, franked with a block of 4x1zl black, tied by cds, with “Hrabia Zeppelin” label and Berlin connecting flight cachet, additional transit cds and arrival pmks on back, fine-v.f., scarce flight from Polish Gdansk .............................................................
Polish Offices in Odessa
1228 w
1919 10f-1m, black overprint, set of five, h.r., fine-v.f., signed Bojanowicz, with 2013 Petriuk certs,
cat. €4,060 ..........................................................................................................................................(Mi.1a-5)
Polish Offices in Turkish Empire 1229 wwa
1919 2f-5M Reprints, complete set of 12, blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f. .................................(2K1-12R)
1230 wwa
1942 “Dojdziemy” (We shall arrive), 50k brown, tete-beche sheetlet of six, n.h., v.f., with 2006 Jendroszek cert. ...............................................................................................................................................
Polish Army in the Soviet Union 750.00
Polish Locals 1231 E
1920 15gr unissued design Poczta Polska and Eagle, selection of 19 die proofs, many diff. colors and sizes, fine-v.f. ............................................................................................................................................
1232 E
1920 15gr black, unissued design Poczta Polska and Eagle, die proof in black, card mounted, retouched by hand, fine and unique ..............................................................................................................
1246 1245
1254 1252
1276 -138-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
Luboml 1233 w/wwa
1918 Issue, group of seven sheetlets of 22 incl. set of five imperforate gutter and tete beche sheetlets, two stamps each with center inverted; also an additional perforated gutter tete-beche sheetlet of 5pf yellow green, plus another imperforate sheetlet of 10pf carmine, with an unusual fold-over at bottom right, mostly n.h., fine-v.f. and remarkable lot, with individual Alex Rendon certificates ..................................................................................................................................(Mi.I-V,F,KU)
Gross-Born Offlag IID 1234 wws
1944 Olympics set of three, n.h., also souvenir sheet (used), v.f., signed Schmutz etc. ......................
1235 `
Etlingen. 1946 1m violet & red, center (Polish Eagle) inverted, cancelled on unaddressed card with four issues adhesives, v.f., with 2007 Alex Rendon certificate .......................................(Fischer 5-8,8t)
1236 (w)
1946 1m violet & red, center (Polish Eagle) inverted, unused without gum as issued, n.h., v.f., signed Z.Korszen, with a normal stamp on card ......................................................................(Fischer 8t)
Displaced Persons Camps
1912 “O Algarve” newspaper, franked with 1911 left half of 5r black (overprinted Republica), Lisbon endorsement, some toning, interesting usage ...............................................................................(193var)
1238 wwa
1940 Emblem of Portuguese Legion, souvenir sheet of eight, n.h., natural gum wrinkle and faint black offset on reverse, v.f., cat. $600 (web photo) ..........................................................................(586a)
1239 P
1962 Europa, 1e imperf. single, dark blue color displaced and inverted, v.f., with Alex Rendon cert. (895var) ...............................................................................................................................................................
1962 Europa, imperf. plate proof, dark blue color inverted and split to top and bottom, v.f., with regular stamp included for comparison, Alex Rendon and APS certificates, the latter stating “printers waste”, rare .......................................................................................................................(895varP)
1241 ww
1975 First Anniversary of the April 1974 Movement, bottom sheet margin single, 1.50r black color (“Portugal” and value) inverted and shifted (black inscription on back also inverted), n.h., v.f. and striking variety, with APS cert., also normal stamps included for comparison .......................(1247var)
1242 ww
1995 Christmas, 80c varieties, one with silver color “Portugal” inverted, also another with “Portugal” omitted, with regular stamp included for comparison, n.h., v.f., with 2009 PFC for the invert ............. .............................................................................................................................................................(2082var)
1240 P
1244 P
Air Post. 1945 selection of 16 flown covers to Luanda, each franked with Emergency Issue adhesives incl. 90c, 1,80e and 3,60e, with occasional multiples, few registered from Nova Lisboa, some faults or stamps missing, mostly fine and scarce group ..................................................................
1965 Ponte Sobre o Quanza, 6$00 center inverted, imperf. plate proof, v.f., with 2002 Alex Rendon cert., issued stamp included for comparison ....................................................................................(C32P)
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions Azores 1245 w
1895 St. Anthony, complete set, disturbed gum as often, few low values without gum, mostly fine, cat. $1,462 .............................................................................................................................................(78-92)
Funchal 1246 w
1897 2½r gray, value and “Funchal” inverted, left margin horizontal pair, h.r., fine ..................(13var)
1247 `
1911 (31 Aug) registered cover with pre-printed Hong Kong address, black on red registration label, franked on back with a combination of issues incl. 4x½c, 2av, 6av/10r and diagonal bisect 2av, all tied by Macau cds, minor toning, otherwise fine ..........................................................................................
1911 (5 Dec) cover (opened for display), franked on front with diagonal 2av bisect, tied Macau departure pmk, with “Customs Lappa” and Hong Kong arrival pmks on back, filing folds away from the stamp, fine and scarce Lappa Customs strike (web photo) .................................................................
1911 (16 Nov) registered cover franked with bisects, vertical pair and single, sent to Hong Kong, with Customs Lappa and arrival pmks on back, fine-v.f. ............................................................(159,161)
Air Post. 1936 surcharges, 40 complete sets, mostly in large multiples, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $2,150 (web photo) ..............................................................................................................................................(C1-6)
1248 `
1249 ` 1250 wwa
Mozambique Company 1251 w
1911 25r carmine and black, value inverted and at top, h.r., v.f. .....................................................(80a)
Portuguese India 1252 w
1871 200r ocher yellow, h.r., usual scissor separations, corner stain, otherwise fine, cat. $850 ....(5)
1253 w
1913-21 Ceres, selection of eight varieties incl. 1r, 2r, 2½r, 3r, 4½r, 1t, 2r each with inscriptions (“India” and value) inverted, also an additional variety 2½r with “India” and value double, one inverted, h.r., some minor toning, otherwise fine .....................................................................(357/68var)
1862 (10 Mar) FL from Arecibo to New York, rated “11” in red crayon, with red crowned circle “Paid at Porto Rico”, blue forwarding agent’s cachet “Vias y Compania Puerto Rico” and black “Steamship 10”, backstamped in San Juan, with St.Thomas transit cds, endorsed “Vapor Ingles”, v.f. ..................
1255 `
1862 (Apr 5) FL from Ponce to New York, with blue forwarding agent’s cachet “Forwarded by L.Toro & Co, Ponce, P.R.” and black “5” in circle, ms note of receipt, fine .........................................................
1256 `
1867 (16 Feb) FL from Ponce to New York, with blue forwarding agent’s cachet “Forwarded by L.Toro & Co. Ponce, P.R.”, endorsed “Via New Haven”, with date stamp “New York Ship Letter March 5”, v.f. .....................................................................................................................................................
1257 s
1858 54 Parale green, horizontally laid paper, cancelled “M1 Jassy 31/10” (the latest day of usage), ample margins all around, thinned on back, partly filled in, fine appearance of this rarity, with 2011 Heimbuchler certificate (“the rare stamp shows fresh color, an attractive front, on reverse some abrasion and spot of reparation”) (Romania Handbook Volume I, HR 360/361/4) cat. $16,000 .......(2)
1258 s
1858 108 para blue on rose, large margins all around, cancelled on piece by blue “Berlad 10/10 Moldova” postmark. The stamp has extensively repaired, lifted and replaced on piece, reasonable appearance of this rather uncommon cancellation, with 2010 Pascal Scheller certificate, cat. $16,000 ...........................................................................................................................................................(3)
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1259 s
1906 General Exposition, 1.50L King Carol I imperforate horizontal pair, center inverted, horizontal pair, Bucharest Exposition cds, v.f., scarce, with 2002 Philatelic Foundation certificate ....(204a,var)
1260 P
1913 Annexation of Silistria, complete set of imperf. trial color proofs on card, also an additional 25b red brown and blue, plate proof on card, center inverted (with PFC stating “genuine, but decline opinion with respect to date of production”) ..............................................................(230-236P,235Pvar)
1261 B
1939 King Carol I, seven diff. unexploded booklets showing denominations of 59L, 89L, 158L, 198L, 208L, 278L and 358L, diff. panes & postal advertising interleaves, back covers advertising “Galleries Lafayette”, or postal rates, some usual staple rust, mostly fine-v.f. ........................................
1262 B
1939 King Carol I, seven diff. unexploded booklets showing denominations of 59L, 89L, 158L, 198L, 208L, 278L and 358L, diff. panes & postal advertising interleaves, back covers advertising “Galleries Lafayette”, or postal rates, some usual staple rust, mostly fine-v.f. ........................................
1263 `
Zeppelin Flights. 1932 5th SAF to Brazil, some tape stains on back, otherwise v.f. .............................
1264 `
1812 (29 Sep) Moscow, folded letter (four pages of text) headed “Moscou ce 29 septembre” addressed by Capt. De Castellane to his father in Paris, re-addressed and forwarded to chateau d’Acosta par Meulan, sent by express post free to Paris, fascinating text (transliterated in both French and German) mentioning war efforts, the Emperor, General Grouchy and much more. An important historical letter from a French army officer during Napoleonic invasion of Moscow ............. -141-
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions
1265 `
1266 s
1267 `
1268 w
1812 (13-16 Nov) Moscow, folded letter (four pages of text) which originated in Smolensk (13 Nov), continuing the next day; resuming on 15th November at Karitoe, continuing at Krasnoe on 16th November, written by Capt. De Castellane to his father in Paris, important text (transliterated in both French and German) “arriving from Smolensk, weather is cold but nice, Krasnoe was attacked by Cossacks, the 16th battalion of the Guard was engaged in battle with the Russians” (17 November, 1812 desperately trying to hold his army together on the retreat from Moscow, Napoleon Bonaparte found his way threatened by troops under Marshal Kutuzov. Acting immediately, he threw 16,000 men of his Imperial Guard into a surprise assault that scattered 35,000 Russians and opened the way west to the once Grande Armee), letter with arrival pmk 22 December, rare ............
1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, plate II, light, illegible postmark, sheet margin at right, fresh and v.f., with 2010 Mikulski certificate ......................................................................................................(1)
1857 10k brown & blue, margins all around, tied by framed “Wilno” 1858 datestamp on outer FL from Vilnius to Nowogrodek, minor vertical fold away from the stamp, fresh and v.f. cover, with Diena, with his 1987 certificate .................................................................................................................(1)
1858 10k brown and blue, thick paper, unused with full original gum, lightly hinged, remarkably rich color, literally post office fresh, well centered, with fully intact perforations, signed Brun, with Eichele cert., cat. $18,000 ...........................................................................................................................(2)
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1269 w
1858 20k orange and deep blue, thick paper, unused large part original gum, well centered and post office fresh, fine example of this rare unused stamp, pencil signed, with 1986 Diena certificate, cat. $10,000 ...........................................................................................................................................................(3)
1270 s
1858 20k orange and blue, thick paper, beautiful colors and intact perforations on all four sides, cancelled “1” in dots, also part of red (arrival) postmark, v.f., cat. $1,750 ..........................................(3)
1271 (w)
1858 30k carmine and green, unused (regummed), fresh colors, partly reperforated, still a fine example of this rare stamp, with 2013 Buchsbayew certificate, cat. $12,500 .....................................(4)
1858 30k carmine & green, thick paper, watermarked “3”, excellent colors, neat “Balta 20 Nov. 1865” cancel, v.f., cat. $3,000 ....................................................................................................................(4)
1273 s
1858 30k carmine & green, perfect centering and neat Taganrog cds, v.f. ......................................(10)
1868 vertically laid paper, 1k black & yellow, imperforate single, adequate margins, with shifted background as always, used, some creases, fine appearance. This variety exists only used, cat. $8,000..........................................................................................................................................................(19f)
1272 s
1275 w
1875 vertically laid paper, 5k lilac and black, horizontal pair, unused part original gum, h.r., well centered and fresh, fine, ex-Maslowski. This pair is the largest known multiple of this value and one of only two recorded pairs (the other, ex-Mikulski collection, is defective), a rarity (Liapine 19x, cat.
Value €100,000) ..(27b)
25,000.00 -143-
1298 1281
1283 1284
1288 1286
1291 1302 -144-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1276 `
1877 (16 Aug) registered cover from Vinnitsa to Kamenetz-Podolsk, paying 39kopeck with 2k, 8k and 20k on front and nine examples of 1k (some defective) on back, fine-v.f., with arrival pmk .........
1277 `
1878 (17 Aug) registered cover from Yampol to Kamenetz-Podolsk, franked with 1k, 2x5k, 8k and 20k, fine-v.f. example of 39k rate, attractive and scarce four color franking, with arrival pmk ............
1278 `
1878-82 selection of 12, mostly registered covers addressed to Kamenetz-Podolsk, different origins in the Podolsk region incl. Mogilev, Bratlav, Rakhnoveck, Vinnitsa, Berdyansk, Odessa, Shargorod, different rates made up with 1k, 2k, 3k, 5k, 7k, 8k and 20k adhesives, various rates and combinations, some three color franking, one with a block of 4x7k, two blocks of 6x8k, single 3k franking etc., some cover defects noted, generally fine-v.f. and interesting lot .....................................
1279 `
1879 (27 Feb) 10k postal stationery entire envelope, additionally franked with pairs of 1k and 2k, also single 8k, paying 24k from St. Petersburg to Saratov, fine and scarce usage ...............................
1879 (15 Feb) registered cover from Vinnitsa to Kamenetz, franked with horizontally laid 1k (single and pair) 20k (pair), used in combination with vertically laid 2k (pair), all tied by cds, with arrival pmk, horizontal filing crease through three stamps at bottom, otherwise fine and rare mixed franking (horizontally and vertically laid paper) ......................................................................................(19,26a,30)
1281 w
1884 7r black & orange, h.r., irregular perfs at right, fine, cat. $1,100 ..............................................(40)
1889-92 beautifully illustrated charity envelope addressed to Berlin, v.f., rare ......................................
1283 `
1889 (ca) beautiful illustrated envelope (Red Cross Society), franked with 2k green, addressed to St. Petersburg, v.f. ...........................................................................................................................................
1897 (21 June) cover franked with 3k and 4k carmine, cancelled by the dotted circle of “Stockholm” postmarks, also boxed “Fran.Ryssland” origin hs alongside, addressed to Stettin, Germany, with arrival pmk on back, v.f., with Holcombe certificate, ex-Liphschutz collection .......................................
1902 7k dark blue (vertically laid paper), imperforate horizontal gutter, top sheet margin strip of four, fresh, creases, small scissor cut between stamps, still v.f. and striking rarity, signed Buhler, ex-Mertens and Faberge collections (with his distinct red handstamp on back) ............................(59b)
1912 (23 Oct) cover franked on back with 10k Arms, cancelled by double oval “Baku-Enzeli Steamship” pmk, sent via Teheran (14.11) to Isfahan, with arrival cds, fine and scarce ship cover to Persia, with Holcombe cert., ex-Liphschutz collection ................................................................................
1280 `
1284 `
1285 w
1286 `
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions
1287 B
1288 `
1289 `
1290 `
1291 ` 1292 wwa
1293 `
1913 Romanov Issue, unexploded St. Petersburg 80k booklet (78k) with three panes of 6x1k, single panes of 6x3k and 6x7k, rose covers without inscriptions, some usual staple rust at left, otherwise fine and rare booklet (a handstamped surcharge was usually applied to covers to indicate contents and sale price) ..................................................................................................................................................
1915 (26 May) cover from St. Petersburg to the infamous prison fortress in Schlisselburg, franked on back with 10k dark blue, arrival pmk and oval prison censor hs in violet, fine .................................
1915 (8 Dec) cover franked on back with 3k Arms and 7k Romanov, cancelled by pen, used from Enzeli to Teheran, where it arrived on 13th December, franking apparently not recognized, with large “T” handstamped on front, fine and rare maritime usage on Baku-Enzeli-Teheran line (“Caucase et Mercure Steamship Co”) on the Caspian Sea and Russian stamps in Persia .................
1915 (23 Oct) registered cover (slightly reduced at right) from Baku to Teheran, franked on reverse with pair of 10k dark blue, violet censor “D.C. G.A.L” handstamp, with arrival pmk, fine example of the maritime post on the Caspian Sea ..........................................................................................................
1915 large cover with Red Cross label on reverse, addressed to Vyborg, with 8.X.1915 arrival pmk, very rare .............................................................................................................................................................
1917 1r imperf. pane of 50, plus labels, dramatic shift of red center, n.h., v.f. and spectacular multiple (web photo) .......................................................................................................................(131e,var)
1918 (13 Dec) Imperial 3k stationery entire envelope, additionally franked with combination of imperf. 20k Arms, Postal Savings stamps 1k (pair) and 10k, used in combination with Chainbreakers 70k brown, paying 1,05r from Sementsovo, registered to Petrograd, with arrival pmk on back. Interestingly, the postmaster of Sementsovo did not possess a registry handstamp, hence it was entered and numbered by hand. A fine combination usage, signed Mikulski, with Hovest certificate
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1295 w
1919 Priority telegram from Serpukhov, dated Nov. 10, 1919: “protracted fighting at the front; cavalry corps of comrade Budennyi requires very determined measures, by the units of 42nd division... according to directive issued by me to employ the reserve units..”. Signed by Stalin, also by Army Commander Egorov (future Marshall of the Soviet Union killed during the Great Purge) as a member of the Revolutionary Council. A rare document from Russia’s Civil War ...............................
1922 5,000r surcharged in red on 5r gray blue, basic stamp double impression, h.r., v.f. .....(198var)
1296 ww
1924 definitives (typographed), 50k brown, imperforate horizontal sheet margin pair, double impression, n.h., v.f., rare, especially in such exceptional quality (Standart 26Ta) cat. $12,400 ......... .............................................................................................................................................................(275Avar)
1924 definitives (typographed), 1r brown red, imperforate upper right sheet corner margin single, very lightly hinged, natural inclusion, still v.f. and rare positional piece (Standart O55Pa) ...(290var)
1298 s
1924-25 15k lemon, ten copies, used, fine-v.f., cat. $1,500 ..............................................................(287)
1299 s
1925 Lomonosov, 3k orange brown, vertical pair imperf. between and at bottom, fine used, unlisted variety ..................................................................................................................................................(326var)
1300 w
1926 Lenin, 1r brown, 2r dark violet, imperforate singles, l.h., v.f., only 50 of each printed (Standart 128Pa,129Pa) cat. $5,000 ..........................................................................................................(342,343var)
1927 (15 June) intact parcel form franked with 2.90r, cancelled by Turov departure pmks, addressed to USA, with Moscow transits (web photo) ................................................................................
1927 (15 Sep) parcel card franked on both sides with Lenin 1r (2), 3r and 5r, used on combination with definitives (watermarked)18k, 30k and 50k (3), paying 11.98r, with Kameno-brod departure and Armavir arrival pmks, control punches through the stamps, fine intact card ...........................................
1303 w
1927 8kop on 7k (watermarked), wide space surcharge inverted, l.h., v.f., cat. $525 .................(350a)
1304 s
1927 8k on 7k brown (watermarked), surcharged double (!), used, fine. An extremely rare double surcharge error, with Liapine certificate .........................................................................................(350var)
1297 w
1301 ` 1302 `
1314 1316
1336 -148-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1305 ww
1927 8k on 7k orange (lithographed, unwatermarked), surcharge type I, n.h., v.f., rare, with Liapine certificate (Standart 164I) cat. $7,800 ............................................................................................................
1306 w/ww
1929 Pioneers, 10k brown, three perf. varieties incl. perf. 10, 10½ and 12½:12:10:12, last one l.h., others n.h., fine-v.f., scarce group, with individual Liapine certificates (Standart 226A,B,D) cat. $720 (411a,b,var) ........................................................................................................................................................
1307 w
1929 Pioneers, 14k blue gray perf. 12½:12:10:12, l.h. (if at all), natural gum crease, fine and rare combination perf. variety, with Liapine certificate (Standart 227C) ...............................................(412a)
1935 Tolstoy, 3k lilac and brown, imperf. single with large margins all around, l.h., v.f., with handstamped guarantee. A rare imperf., only one sheet of 50 printed (Standart 429Pa) cat. $1,250 (577var) ...............................................................................................................................................................
1935 Tolstoy, 3k variety imperf. at right (trimmed), also 20k imperf. at right and 20k perf. 11, imperf. at top, used, fine-v.f. ..........................................................................................(577,579,579a,var)
1310 P
1936 Dobrolyunov, 10k lilac rose, perforated trial color proof, unused without gum (it was removed from the presentation card on which it originated), fine and rare (Standart 444A) .....................(589P)
1311 ww
1941 30k Be a Hero, also 30k People’s Militia, both n.h., v.f. (Standart 726,727) cat. $615 (856,859)
1312 s
1944 Stalingrad, 30k variety, significant shift of red color at bottom, used, v.f. ......................(911var)
1313 ww
1946 25th Anniversary of the Soviet Stamps, 30k variety, imperf. at left (pair with regular stamp), n.h., fine-v.f., rare. Genuine part perf. varieties for this issue are very rare (most of the so-called errors have been made from souvenir sheets), with Liapine certificate (Standart 997var) ..(1081var)
1949 Sports, 25k Kayaking, comb perf. 12:12½, n.h., fine, with Liapine certificate (Standart 1319A) cat. $620 .............................................................................................................................................(1377var)
1308 w
1309 s
1314 ww
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions
1315 ww
1949 Map of European Russia, 40k error text omitted, n.h., v.f., extremely rare major error. Most of the known examples are defective (a similar variety with a small fault realized $10,350 in our
October 2008 auction) (Standart 1353var) (Liapine 1398P2, €7,500) .....................................(1396var) 1316 s
1317 wwa
1951 Hydroelectric Station, 20k variety imperf. at right, used, v.f. (Standart 1566Pa) cat. $780 ......... .............................................................................................................................................................(1598var)
1955 All-Union Agricultural Fair, 40k Pavilion RSFSR, souvenir sheet of four, inscriptions completely omitted at top and bottom, n.h. and post office fresh, minor wrinkles and inclusions, v.f. A great rarity .................................................................................................................................(1770a,var)
1318 ww
1957 Belinsky, 40k line perf. 12½, n.h., v.f., rare (Standart 1883A) cat. $2,500 ....................(1902var)
1319 s
1957 October Revolution, 40th Anniversary souvenir sheet of three, variety missing background (Petropavlovsk Fortress), cancelled to order (7.11.57), without gum, v.f. (Standart Bl.24var, catalogue value for unused) cat. $5,000 ....................................................................................(1943a,var)
1957 M.N. Ermolova, 40k brown & lilac, error text omitted (name of the artist), n.h., irregular perforations at top, rare stamp, only one sheet of 50 was issued, with Liapine certificate (Standart 2012Ta) cat. $4,700 ..........................................................................................................................(2026var)
1958 Mendeleyev Congress (unissued), overprinted in blue on 40k Butlerov, n.h., v.f. (Standart $1,600) ...............................................................................................................................................................
1320 ww
1321 ww
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1322 (w)
1323 ww 1324 ww
1325 ww
1958 Russian Industry, 40k Voroshilovgrad (this stamp was never issued because on March 5, 1958, the city’s name reverted to its original name of Lugansk), line-perf. 12½, unused (regummed), with Liapine certificate. A v.f. example of this rarity, only five reported (each affixed on presentation card and removed, hence they only exist without gum or regummed) ..............................
1958 Radio Day (May 7), 40k line perf. 12½, n.h., centered to top as often, fine and rare perforation variety, with Liapine certificate (Standart 2063A) cat. $5,600....................................................(2063var)
1958 International Geophysical Year, 40k line-perf. 12¼, n.h., v.f., with Liapine certificate. A rarity (Standart 2089A) cat. $4,000 ..........................................................................................................(2089var)
1958 Russian Industry, 40k Factories, two different, each line-perf. 12½, well centered and post office fresh, n.h., v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 2159A,2161A) cat. $5,480 .........(2116,17var)
1326 ww
1958 Russian Industry, 40k Chelyabinsk Tractor Factory, line-perf. 12½, left sheet margin single, well centered and post office fresh, n.h., v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 2160A) cat. $3,700... .............................................................................................................................................................(2118var)
1327 ww
1958 40th Anniversary of the Komsomol, 40k line perf. 12½, n.h., v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 2162A) cat. $3,700 ..........................................................................................................(2135var)
1328 ww
1958 University of International Friendship, 40k line-perf. 12½, n.h., v.f., with Liapine certificate. A rarity (Standart 2408A) cat. $2,800 ................................................................................................(2402var)
1959 Darwin, 40k line-perf. 12½, left sheet margin single, n.h., v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 2189A) cat. $3,400 ..........................................................................................................(2166var)
1329 ww
1343 1339
1363 1366
1368 1370
1367 -152-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1330 ww 1331 ww
1960 Liberation of Korea, 40k line perf. 12½, n.h., v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 2421A) cat. $2,300 .................................................................................................................................................(2407var)
1960 Flowers, 1r line perf. 12½, n.h., natural gum wrinkles and tiny color spot on back, v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 2416A) cat. $2,300 ..........................................................................(2415var)
1332 ww
1960 Uzbek Folk Costumes, 60k line perf. 12½, n.h., natural gum wrinkles, v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 2423A) cat. $2,200 ........................................................................................(2417var)
1333 ww
1962 Soviet Sculptor, I.D. Shadr, 4k line-perf. 12½, n.h., v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 2631A) cat. $2,000 ............................................................................................................................(2620var)
1334 `
1965 Lenin, 10k horizontal pair, imperf. between, used on cover, v.f. (Standart 3100var, cat. $3,400 for unused) ...........................................................................................................................(3024var)
1335 wwa
1966 Luna-9, complete sheet of eight se-tenant strips of three, variety imperf. at left, n.h. and post office fresh, v.f. and scarce sheet containing eight error strips (Standart 3345Pa) cat. $9,600 ........... .............................................................................................................................................................(3274var)
1336 wwa
1966 Luna-9, complete sheet of eight se-tenant strips of three, variety imperf. at right, n.h. and post office fresh, v.f., scarce and unpriced unused sheet of eight varieties, imperf. at right (Standart 3347a, unpriced unused)..................................................................................................................(3276var)
1967 Soviet Ice Hockey Champions, 10k overprinted “Vienna 1967”, top sheet margin strip of four, overprinted obviously shifted to top and bottom, completely omitted from the two stamps at left, displaced to left and struck in four different places in sheet margin, folded between stamps, h.r. in margin only, stamps n.h., v.f. A spectacular rarity, with Liapine certificate (Standart 3384var) ......... .............................................................................................................................................................(3315var)
1337 ww
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions
1338 ww
1972 Sobinov, 10k red brown with inscription at bottom “Narodnyj Artist CCCP”, unaccepted in this form (the stamp was released with the revised “Narodnyj Artist Respubliki”), right sheet margin single, n.h., v.f. (Standart 4049var) cat. $3,700 ...........................................................................(3966var)
1981 Sailing Ship “Tovarishch”, 4k imperforate vertical pair, used in 1983 with additional franking on registered cover from Tallinn to USA, v.f., with arrival pmk (Standart 5162Pa, $940 for unused) . .............................................................................................................................................................(4981var)
1340 `
1982 Garibaldi, 6k imperforate bottom sheet margin pair, used in 1983 with additional franking on registered cover from Tallinn to USA, v.f., with arrival pmk (Standart 5257Pa, $1,880 for unused) .... .............................................................................................................................................................(5076var)
1341 wwa
1987 Polar Bears, set of four mini-sheets, n.h., minor corner creases, otherwise v.f. (Standart 574649) cat. $900 (web photo) ...........................................................................................................(5541a-44a)
1339 `
Russian Semi-Postals
1342 P
1914 10k Helmet essay in black, plate proof on card, v.f. .........................................................................
1343 ww
1915 white paper, 3k horizontal sheet margin pair, imperf. between and at left, n.h., v.f., signed Calves ..................................................................................................................................................(B10var)
1344 P
1922 Train (25r) gray blue, imperforate trial color plate proof on card (without any printing on back), natural inclusion at upper left, v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 56) ...................................(B36P)
1345 w/ww
1923 Philately for Labor, four different (mostly l.h., signed Calves) including the silver surcharge (n.h., v.f., signed Romeko), also gold surcharge, basic stamp variety “frame double” at top, v.f. (Standart 96-99,0hKd) cat. $2,661 ...................................................................................................(B39-41)
1346 s
1923 Philately for Labor, 4r+4r on 5,000r, bronze surcharge inverted, used (cancelled to order), v.f. (Standart 98Ta) cat. $1,400 ..................................................................................................................(B41b)
1923 Philately for Labor, silver surcharge inverted, cancelled on piece, v.f., with Liapine certificate (Standart 99Tb) cat. $3,100 ..................................................................................................................(B42a)
1347 s
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1348 w`
1349 `
1350 `
1924 Leningrad Flood Issue, exhibit page with three different inverted surcharges incl. 3k+10k on 100r orange (two, one pelure paper), 7k+20k on 200r brown; also 12+40k on 500r blue, red surcharge double (signed Mikulski, others signed Goznak), also 14k+30k on 300r green pelure paper, as well as variety “G” for “P” in “Proletariatu” on 20+50k on 1000r, v.f., plus a locally used postal card with pelure paper 3k+10k, v.f. ...............................................................................(B43/47var)
1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte. 1870 (19 Oct) small FL from Paris to St. Petersburg, carried “Par Ballon Monte” (Le Garibaldi) with 80c franking, cancelled by “11” large numerals Paris star dots, with Rue St.Honore cds alongside, boxed “PD” and “Franco” in red, also crayon due markings (to Prussia), v.f. balloon to Russia ...............................................................................................
1870 (12 Nov) Gazette des Absents No.4, pre-printed “Par Laureated, cancelled large Paris star “34” with Paris, Avenue addressed “par St. Petersburg to Tiflis George D’Asie”, red “PD” in blue crayon, carried on “General Uhrich” to what is probably a -155-
Ballon Monte”, franked with 80c Josephine Nov.12 cds alongside, and “Fr2” (Franco 2silbergroschen) unique destination, v.f. ..................
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions
1351 `
1870 (13 Nov) small FL from Paris to St. Petersburg, “Par Ballon Monte” with 80c franking (small nick at right), cancelled by “35” large numerals, with Ministere des Finances cds alongside, boxed “PD” and blue due markings (to Prussia), fine Ballon Monte (Le General Uhrich) to Russia ...............
1352 w
Air Post. 1924 10k on 5k green, wide “5” variety, l.h., v.f. (Standart 60II) cat. $1,400 .................(C7a)
1353 ww 1354 w
1355 P 1356 s
1924 10k on 5k green, wide “5” variety, lower left sheet corner margin single, n.h., post office fresh, v.f., signed Goznak (Standart 60II) cat. $2,600 ...................................................................................(C7a)
1930 Zeppelin 40k and 80k imperforate singles, l.h., v.f. and fresh, handstamped “N.Y.” on back, with 2012 Buchsbayew certificate (Standart 0256-257) cat. $4,900.......................................(C12b-13b)
1933 Stratosphere Balloon, 5k indigo, imperforate trial color proof on watermarked stamp paper, unused without gum, some facial rubbing, otherwise fine, with 1994 Rossica certificate .........(C37P)
1933 10k green, horizontal pair imperf. between, used, v.f., cat. $1,800 .....................................(C46a)
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1357 `
1935 Moscow-San Francisco 1r on 10k surcharge, used in 1935 on registered and flown cover from Moscow to Berlin, v.f., with arrival (23 Sep) arrival pmk ..................................................................(C68)
1358 `
Catapult Flights. 1933 (24 Sep) ppc from Leningrad via Berlin to USA, with “D-Bremen” cachets, mixed franking with German adhesives, appropriate markings, v.f. and rare postcard .........................
Postage Dues. 1924 surcharged 1k on 100r orange, blocks of four, regular and pelure paper, showing two different types of surcharge, each block hinged at top, bottom stamps n.h., v.f. (web photo) ..................................................................................................................................................(J10,10b)
1925 10k dark blue, perf. 14¾x14¼, well centered with wide margins all around, n.h. and post office fresh, v.f., with Liapine cert. A mint never hinged rarity from the Soviet Union, considerably under catalogued. Only a few exist (virtually all of the “unused” examples found are actually used, with cancels removed) (a lightly hinged example sold in our March 2010 auction for $26,450) (Standart D15A) cat. $10,900 .................................................................................................................................(J16a)
1359 wa
1360 ww
1361 `
Postal Stationery. 1875 4k green, postal card with description on back missing Cyrillic “P,” reading “Uravlenye” instead, used from St. Petersburg (11 Feb 1878) to Riga, v.f. ............................................
1362 `
1875 4k green, postal card with description on back missing Cyrillic “P,” reading “Uravlenye” instead, used from Riga (1877) to Kursk, fine .............................................................................................
1363 P`
1880-1900 proofs of postal cards, three different items, one 3k black; 3k carmine, printed on both sides, double impression, with printer’s underprints, also unused card overprinted Obrazets in large Cyrillic letters, with marginal notations indicating that this might be a proof of size .............................
1364 `
1923 3k unused and folded double sided reply card, one double impression, one inverted and shifted, some creases, very rare ....................................................................................................................
1376 1377
1385 1379
1380 1381
1389 -158-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1365 `
1950 25k unused unfolded double sided reply card (Kursk railway station), one side completely blank, v.f. and possibly unique (with regular card which is printed on both sides included for comparison) .......................................................................................................................................................
Russian Provisional Locals - Goritsa (Tver Gov.) 1366 `
1920 (10 June) parcel card franked with a two handstamped “Pyb” on 2k green, used in combination with imperf. 3k (2) and perf. 15k (4) paying total of 70r, registered from “Goritzy Tver Gouv.,” addressed to Demskoye, with Korchevo transit (12.6), readdressed to Tsarskoye Selo, with arrival (17.6), fine intact card, with control punches at left, with Mikulski cert. ..................................................
Kiev 1367 `
1922 (2 Feb) locally addressed cover franked with three diff. surcharges, each reading up, fine-v.f., signed Pohl ..........................................................................................................................(Standart MH1-3)
1922 (14 Mar) registered (Dr.Brender) cover from Rakitno Kiev to Germany, franked on back with vertical strip of 4x7,500r on 5k, Moscow transit and Berlin arrival pmks, some toning (Standart MH1) ....................................................................................................................................................................
1369 `
1922 (10 Mar) registered (Dr.Brender) cover from Pogrebichtche Kiev to Germany, franked on back with block of 8x7,500r on 5k, Moscow transit and Berlin arrival pmks, filing folds through the stamps, some toning, otherwise fine ...................................................................................(Standart MH1)
1370 `
1922 (6 Apr) registered, home-made wrapper (small piece missing) with a “Kiev Lunyanowka” registry hs on front, franked on back with 2x7,500r on 5k, used in combination with 22,500r RSFSR adhesive, paying a total of 37,500r rate from Kiev, via Moscow (12.4) to Estonia, with Parnu (26.4) arrival cancel, some minor flaws and adhesive toning, rare combination .....................(Standart MH1)
1922 (25 Feb) locally addressed card franked with pair of 8000r on 5k surcharges (reading down), fine, signed Ursul (Standart MH2a) ................................................................................................................
1368 `
1371 `
Kosmodiemiansk 1372 `
1920 (17 Apr) Money Order franked with handstamped “10” on 10k dark blue, tied by departure cds, with arrival (23.4) pmk on back ......................................................................................................................
Kustanai 1373 `
1920 (3 May) parcel card franked with Arms Issues 10k, 50k, 20k (4) and 3,50r (2), the kopeck values surcharged “Pyb” and handstamped “Kustanai”, paying 97.50r (the 3.50r is counted at 35k), sent to Bolshiya Soli (Kostroma gov.), with arrival pmk, fine and extremely rare provisional usage from Kustanai ....................................................................................................................................................
Minsk 1374 `
1920 (29 Sep) Money Order franked with handstamped Minsk seal on 5k lilac brown, vertical pair, tied by departure cds, with Balashov, Saratov arrival (25.10) pmks on back .......................................... -159-
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions Schuya (Vladimir Gov)
1375 `
1922 (9 Sep) intact postmaster’s register sheet recording dispatch of four postal packets containing journals, franked with 5k lilac brown and 5x10k/7k, each handstamped “Pyb”, paying total of 55r and tied by a violet handstamp (“Sergeyevsk Parish Shuya District Ivanovo Voznessensk Province”), also Shuya Vladimir Gouv. cds, fine and probably unique document ..................................
Smolensk 1376 `
1922 cover to Petrograd, franked with horizontal pair of 250r, with “7500” revalued in red (possibly from Krichev), some cover faults, but with intact arrival markings ...........................................................
Spassk 1377 `
1920 (7 May) Money Order franked with handstamped “Pyb” on 10k dark blue, tied by Russkaya Yurtuli departure cds, registration label “Golovino Simbirsk,” with Kazan (13.5) arrival pmk on back
1378 wwa
1922 7,500 (r) on 5k green (Postal Savings Stamp), surcharge reading down, also diagonal 7,500 (r) on 5k, surcharge diagonal, inverted (!), cross-gutter sheets of 100, n.h., folded between stamps and in gutter, minor perf. separations, fine-v.f., signed Roger Calves. A remarkable find, listed in
the specialized R.S.F.S.R. catalogue (MH4. MH4Tb) cat. €75,000 ......................................(YT 169D,a) -160-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
Venev (Tula gov.) 1379 `
1920 (29.5) Parcel card receipt (separated and taped in the middle), franked with a three 2k green, each handstamped “Ryb”, with additional 1r, 10r (14), paying total of 147r, tied by departure cds, addressed to Pokrovsk, with Mikulski cert. ...................................................................................................
Russian Offices in China 1380 a
1381 `
1382 wwa
1906 5k block of four, cancelled by two strikes of double oval “Steamship Co. R.V.A.P. 26.1...” (The Russian East-Asian Steamship Company) in blue (Tchil. Type 1, fig. 528), fine and rare, exLiphschutz ..........................................................................................................................................................
1911 Russian Far East (Manchuria), cover franked with 7k blue, used from “Kamen-Ryb” to Poltava, with 25.10.11 arrival pmk ................................................................................................................................
1917 7 Dollars on 7r (vertically laid paper), surcharge inverted, block of four, n.h., well centered and post office fresh, with 2011 Mikulski certificate. A rarity - only one sheet of 25 (!) printed, this being the only recorded block of four ............................................................................................................
Russo-Japanese War
1383 `
1905 large envelope addressed to the Empress Fedorovna, originating from Port Arthur, carried by hand and posted from the Russian Post Office Chifu 11 February, with beautiful “Red Cross in the Far East - Hospital Empress Maria Fedorovna” label, with St. Petersburg 23 March Chancellery arrival postmark, v.f., rare ............................................................................................................................... -161-
1395 1399 -162-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1384 `
1899 registered cover franked on reverse with pair of 10k dark blue, used from Aleksandrovsk to France, v.f., with arrival pmk, also 4k stationery to France with violet cachet of Administration of the chief of Local Forces of Sakhalin (card unfortunately torn in half and partly restored), also four unused ppcs showing various scenes of Aleksandrovsk, rare lot .............................................................
Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire 1385 s
1865 2k brown & blue, upper right sheet corner margin single, light blue canc., v.f., ex-Kirchner, (2)
1386 `
1880 cover (opened for display) to Aleppo, franked with two each 5k (horiz. laid) and 1k (vert. laid), tied by blue large lettered Alexandretta pmks, with oval merchant’s cachet indicating the cover originated from either Mersina or Tarsus, with Turkish adhesives added on arrival to pay postage due, minor flaws, otherwise fine and scarce combination cover, with Holcombe cert. ..........................
1909 5 Para surcharge on 1k orange, basic stamp background inverted, pane of 25, mostly n.h. except three stamps hinge reinforced at top, post office fresh, v.f., with 2002 Philatelic Foundation Certificate (this pane is illustrated in Dr.Ceresa’s handbook) .......................................................(40var)
1387 w/wwa
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions Russia Used in Asia
1388 `
1869-1919 (Far East) collection on pages, with hundreds of stamps and 110+ covers, cards and picture postcards, clearly identified usages from Chita, Irkutsk, Verhne-Udinsk, Stretensk, Nerchinsk, Troitskosansk, Barguzin, Vladivostok, Berezovka, Borzya, Sobolinaya, Zabaikal-Obl, Asha, Ust-Kara, Ust-Uda, several items from Prisoner of War Camps (incl. three to Japan, with interesting censor and POW Society markings), registered cover from Vitim to Yokohama, YakutskObl and others, variety of rare usages, destinations, rates (some registered) and cancellations, mixed condition, nice collection .....................................................................................................................
ZEMSTVO Belozersk 1389 wsa
1868-1919 selection of 123 mostly unused, with a few pairs and blocks, better stamps include No.6,7,13, 15 (various types), occasional flaws, mostly fine, high catalogue value ..............................
Kolomna 1390 wsa
1871-1916 a definitive collection of 560 mostly unused stamps on 45 album pages, with various types of No.1,2, sheet of No.3 (cat. $2,100), red “Dolgovaja” (due) overprints, sheets of the 1893 issue, two examples of 1k reddish brown (No.48, each cat. $2,000, Schmidt rated RR, Chuchin R), also 1k orange, variety printed on both sides (ex-Faberge, with his red handstamp, unlisted), perf. and imperf. se-tenant strips of the final issue etc., mostly fine or better, ex-Baughman collection ....
Orgheev - Poltava 1391 `
1882-1912 selection of 44 locally used covers/petitions from Orgheev (5), Osa (23), Ostrov (4), Perm (1), Podolsk (four Post Office Money Receipt notices) and Poltava (7), single or multiple franking, each neatly written-up and described on the original pages from the legendary Baughman collection, variety of postmarks, some scarce money letters, usual condition, generally fine or better
Ostrogozhsk 1392 wsa
1880-1885 selection of 59 mostly unused stamps on eight album pages, with types clearly identified, pairs, block of 24, varieties (full offset on back and others), mostly fine-v.f., exBaughman collection ........................................................................................................................................
Ostrov 1393 wsa
1875-1910 collection of 74 perf. and imperf. stamps on eight album pages, mostly unused, with part reconstruction, types and varieties noted. Included are 16 examples of 5k green (No.1), 5 copies of the subsequent issue (No.2), etc., mostly fine, ex-Baughman .................................................................. -164-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1394 ww
1952 100y on 2y rose violet, n.h., usual perforations, fine, cat. $2,250.............................................(17)
SAAR 1395 `
1920 2pf-1m, complete set, tied by Saarbrucken (St. Johann) cancels on two covers to Munich, folded between stamps, fine-v.f., expert handstamp guarantee marks ...........................................(1-17)
1396 w/ww
1920 5m, 10m (Bavaria), right sheet margin singles, first l.h., imperceptible toned spots, the latter n.h., signed Bloch, the former with Friedl certificate, cat. $1,015..................................................(38,39)
1397 w
1921 10c on 30pf gray green & brown, basic stamp with frame inverted, also 2fr on 5m yellow and violet, basic stamp with yellow color inverted in frame, surcharge shifted with bars at top instead of bottom, h.r., first one with a large thin, otherwise fine-v.f., signed Brun and Calves, with Kalkstein certificates, very rare, the latter listed but unpriced (Mi.72PFIV,81PFIII) ........................(87var,96var)
1398 ww
1922 30c carmine and yellow, variety yellow background inverted, n.h., creases, otherwise fine, signed Behr, violet handstamped guarantee marks, with Kalkstein cert., rare .........................(108var)
1399 s
1948 Urdruck, complete set used, mostly “Mettlach 21.12.47” cds, signed “Arge Saar”, fine-v.f. It is generally acknowledged that the Mettlach cancel has been misused, hence this set is sold as is (Mi.226-38II) cat. €17,000 .............................................................................................................(187a-97a)
1400 ww
cat. €1,100 .............................................................................................................................................(B9-15)
1401 ww
1934 set of seven horizontal gutter pairs, n.h., 1fr with slight gum disturbance, fine-v.f. (Mi.199-
1402 w/wwa 1403 w/wwa
Semi-Postals. 1928 Madonna, set of seven, n.h., few fingerprints on gum, still fine-v.f. (Mi.128-134)
205ZW) cat. €630 ...............................................................................................................................(B54-60)
Officials. 1922-23 1fr brown red, type II, imperf. block of four, top stamps hinged, bottom stamps
n.h., few natural gum wrinkles, fine-v.f. (Mi.11IIU) cat. €2,600 ...................................................(O15var)
1922-23 10c green, 25c magenta and straw and 30c carmine and yellow, imperf. blocks of four, each with top stamps hinged, bottom stamps n.h., few natural gum wrinkles, fine-v.f. (Mi.3,7,14IU)
cat. €1,590 ..............................................................................................................................(O3,O9,O10var) 1404 w/wwa
1927-34 40c olive brown and 75c brown violet, imperf. blocks of four, top stamps hinged, bottom
stamps n.h., natural gum wrinkles, fine-v.f. (Mi.17,19U) cat. €2,200 ....................................(O21,24var)
1884 (June) cover (backflap missing) paying 3c with 1c and 2c, with corresponding San Salvador departure pmk, sent to Austria, with Dobling arrival pmk on back, fine ...................................................
1406 `
1885 (2 Nov) cover paying 5c with pair of 2c and single 1c green, with corresponding San Salvador departure pmk, addressed to Guatemala, fine .............................................................................................
1415 1406
1413 1422
1419 1428
1414 1423
1431 1425 -166-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
Jedda. 1925 four different, each with inverted overprint, mostly n.h., last one dried gum, fine-v.f., signed John Wilson, .......................................................................................................(L51a,55a,56a,58a)
1925 ½pi red, 1p on 1pa, each with inverted overprint, n.h., fine-v.f., signed Holcombe, cat. $1,700. ...........................................................................................................................................................(L71a,75a)
1925 2p magenta, handstamp inverted, position 12, unused without gum, signed Holcombe. A rarity, cat. $1,500 ...................................................................................................................................(L73a)
1410 wwa
1964-70 Redrawn Gas-Oil Plant, 1p-200p, complete set, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1,685 .............(314-341)
1411 w/wwa
Postage Dues. 1925 handstamped in black, blocks of four, usual centering, fresh and fine set of three, signed A.Eid, Holcombe, cat. $550............................................................................................(J1-3)
1408 ww 1409 (w)
Officials. 1920 overprinted “C.I.S”, 2½pf, 35pf, 1m, also 5pf block of four, used on two pieces,
Flensburg 10.20.20 cds, fine-v.f., signed Bloch, cat. €1,030 .............................................(Mi.D1,2,8,11)
SERBIA 1413 (w)
1866 10pa orange, unused (regummed), somewhat oxidized, well centered, fine appearance, signed Bloch, with 1999 Tomerlin certificate, cat. $1,100 ...................................................................................(4)
SIBERIA 1414 wwa
1919 1r on 4k, surcharge inverted, marginal pane of 20, n.h., v.f., signed Romeko, cat. $2,000 ..(4b)
1415 wwa
1919 50k on 3k imperf., double surcharge, marginal block of four, n.h., v.f. ...................................(8b)
1416 w
1921 10k on 10k dark blue, small h.r., v.f., signed Herbert Bloch, with Friedl Expert Committee cert., cat. $2,000 .........................................................................................................................................(52)
1417 s
1865 19c brown & rose, used, margins all around, good color, v.f., with 1991 Graus certificate, cat. $2,500 ...........................................................................................................................................................(77)
1418 w
1937 Portico, 1p blue and orange, center inverted, bright colors, lightly hinged (if at all), natural
1419 ww
gum wrinkle, v.f., with APS cert. A rare stamp, only 200 printed (YT 596a) cat. €450...............(637a)
1937 Portico, 1p blue and orange, center inverted, imperf. single with large margins all around including portion of adjoining stamp at bottom, n.h., v.f., with APS certificate. One of only a few imperforate inverted centers known .............................................................................................(637a,var) -167-
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions 1420 `
1939 (22 Feb) picture postcard (Montserrat Monastery), with “Recce Verdi” military hs, fine usage from the Italian Aviation Squadron (during the Spanish Civil War, Italian pilots fought alongside Spanish Nationalist and German Luftwaffe pilots as members of the “Aviation Legion”. This deployment took place from July 1936 to March 1939 and complimented “Corps of Volunteer Troops”. The Italian pilots were under direct command of the Spanish Nationalists) (web photo) .....
1421 s
Semi-Postals. 1937 Spanish State, set of two imperf. souvenir sheets, both cancelled “Burgos”
1422 ww
(n.h.), with some black offsets on reverse, otherwise v.f. (Ed. 838-839) cat. €1,200 ..............(108b-d)
Local Issues - Pins Del Valles Jornades de Julial del 36. 1937 three different 5c values, each color of center inverted, n.h., v.f., with APS certificates, also the normal set, perf. and imperf. included for comparison ..................................................................................................................................................
Vinebre Sofima. 1937 5c light blue and black (River Ebre) center inverted, used in combination with government franking on cover addressed to Zumstein and Co. in Switzerland, fine-v.f., with 2008 APS certificate (“cover did not enter the mail stream”) (Sofima 1var) .....................................................
1424 `
1937 5c rose and orange (River Ebre) horizontal tete-beche pair, centers inverted, used in combination with government franking on registered cover to France, blue manuscript crayon markings, Vinebre 12 July departure and Paris (15.7) arrival pmks on back, red censor mark (Heller RB 3.13) on front, fine and very rare usage, with 2008 APS certificate (Sofima 4phc), with a complete set of perf. and imperf. horizontal tete-beche pairs included for comparison ........................
1425 `
1937 5c rose and black (River Ebre) horizontal tete-beche pair, centers inverted, used in combination with government franking on a philatelic cover addressed to Zumstein and Co. in Switzerland, fine-v.f., with 2009 PFC (“cover did not pass through the mail”) (Sofima 3phc) ..............
1423 `
1426 w
Tenerife. 1938 30c carmine and pink imperf. souvenir sheet, center inverted, artist signed in margin, l.h., v.f., signed Roig, with 2002 Alex Rendon certificate, with perf. and imperf. normal stamps included for comparison ...........................................................................................(Sofima 30var)
1427 s
Revenue Stamps. 1926 Beneficiencia Huerfanos de correos (Orphans of postal employees), 10c yellow green and brown, center inverted, well centered, cancelled “Gatova” (province Castellon), v.f., with 1978 and 2008 Comex certificates. Stated to be one of only three known, a tremendous rarity from Spain and for collector of Inverted Centers of the World ....................................(Edifil B2ei)
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1428 ww
Private Issues. 1936-38 Asistencia A Frentes y Hospitales Issue, four values incl. 25c, 50c, 1p and Guipuzcoa, each with value or inscription inverted, also Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, 10c perf. and imperf., each with red “10 Cts” inverted (normal stamp included for comparison) n.h., v.f. ..........
1429 w
1924 1p dark violet and black, center inverted, l.h., v.f., signed Galvez, rare, with 2009 Philatelic Foundation certificate ...........................................................................................................................(206a)
Mariana Islands
1430 `
1899 6c dark blue used in combination with horizontal pair of 2c blue green on large part of a registered cover to Manila, with arrival (Dec.11) pmk on back, part of the lower flap and small corner of cover missing, some usual toning and tape stains, rare franking, one of only four recorded covers with 6c, with 1982 Bergua cert. (catalogue value for 6c on cover) cat. $6,500++ ..............(1,4)
Spanish Morocco 1431 w
1915 5c-10p, ten imperf. horizontal pairs (without 1p), h.r., usual tropical toning, otherwise fine-v.f. ............................................................................................................................................................(41/51var)
SRI LANKA 1432 ww
1986 75 Years of Cooperation, 1r multicolor, center, flag and pink background inverted, sheet margin horizontal pair, n.h., v.f., striking modern error, with 2009 APS cert., with regular pair included for comparison ....................................................................................................................(800var)
SWEDEN 1433 s
1858 30o brown, single and vertical strip of three, used on piece, Malmo 14.7.1867 cds, large margins, v.f. ................................................................................................................................................(11)
1900 1kr King Oscar II, imperforate plate essays, two different, one in orange and blue, and the other in brown and blue, each with center inverted, large margins all around, v.f., signed Nils Strandell and accompanied by his 1955 opinion, also with 2002 Gunter Wahl certificates ..................
1435 ww
1924 UPU, 5kr deep blue, two different, n.h., v.f. (catalogue value for hinged) cat. $575 ...(211,227)
1436 ww
1924 UPU, 5kr deep blue, two copies, n.h., one with irregular perfs, otherwise fine-v.f. (catalogue value for hinged) cat. $600 .....................................................................................................................(211)
1437 s
1924 UPU, 5kr deep blue, two copies used, well centered, one with little toning, otherwise v.f., cat. $900 ............................................................................................................................................................(211)
Stamps for City Postage. 1856-62 1sk (3o) black, well centered, large margins, v.f., cat. $450 .(LX1)
1434 P
1438 s
1438 1434 1441
1459 1453 1448 1449
1458 1454
1461 1452 1457 -170-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1439 w
1845 2½rp black, crimson and blue, unused part original gum, large margins all around, beautiful color, fresh and very fine example of this popular rarity, with 2007 Eichele certificate (“eine farbfrische marke in ausgezeichneter erhaltung”) (Zumstein 8, Sfr 16,000) cat. $14,000 .............(3L1)
1440 s
Semi-Postals. 1933 Pro-Juventute, 20c red and greenish brown, variety with groundwork (greenish buff) inverted, cancelled “Zurich Briefversand”, well centered, with slightly irregular perforation at bottom, v.f., with normal used (pairs of the entire set) and unused stamp included for comparison, accompanied by certificates from Eichele (“one of the rarest modern Switzerland varieties, only a
few copies known”) and 2007 and 2008 Marchand certificates (Mi.268I) cat. €4,000 ..............(B67var) 1441 `
1442 w 1443 `(w)
Air Post. 1925 cover from Basel to USA, franked with 1fr violet and on arrival in San Francisco a 24c Jenny was added and canc. by oval “San Francisco Ferry” pmk, apparently paying for the second leg of the flight from New York, fine and scarce ............................................................................
1937 20c green, imperforate, sheet margin single, l.h., v.f., with 1977 Rellstab cert. (Zumstein 4z, catalogue value for hinged) cat. SFr 5,000 ...................................................................................(C4a,var)
Military Issues. 1939 Ground Troops Unit 5, imperf. proof single, brown color printed twice, one inverted, tied by philatelically inspired (by Max Suter who was in charge of stamp sales) markings on an army postal card, also with four perforated singles (one on cover) in different shades, v.f., with Marchand opinion ...............................................................................................................(Sulzer 38P)
SYRIA 1444 wwa
1955 Aqueduct at Allepo, set of three imperf. sheetlets of four, n.h., v.f. (Mi. Bl.29-31) cat.
€1,050 ................................................................................................................................(394-395, C202var)
1445 w
1446 wwa
1956 10th Anniversary of the Evacuation of French & British Troops, sheetlets of four, two complete
Air Post. 1920 10p on 40c, handstamped in violet, small h.r., signed Brun, etc. (YT PA3) cat.
sets, n.h., one cancelled to order, v.f. (Mi. Bl. 32-34) cat. €2,100 .........................................(C204-206) -171-
1482 1464 1465 1462
1469 1479
1491 1488 1474
1497 1490
1495 -172-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1447 `
1918 (15 Jan) preprinted Prisoner of War cover to Switzerland, from Camp III, sent stampless, with oval “Camp for families of Prisoners of War, Bangkok, Siam” purple hs, censored, with Singapore transit and Bern arrival pmks, v.f. and exceptional exhibition item ..........................................................
1448 wwa
1973 Handicrafts, 5b imperforate block of four, n.h., v.f. ............................................................(665var)
1449 P
1979 International Letter Writing Week, group of 35 imperforate margin singles in various stages of printing, n.h., v.f. .............................................................................................................................(890-93P)
1451 ww
Ajman. 1967 2r Kennedy imperf. souvenir sheet of four, vignette omitted at upper left, vignette inverted and displaced at lower left, n.h., small faults, also Fujeira unlisted Winston Churchill imperf. souvenir sheet with gold stamp inverted, n.h., fine-v.f. (web photo) ................(Mi. Block 12B)
1970 20r Napoleon souvenir sheet, gold stamp inverted, n.h., with normal for comparison, v.f. (web photo) ...................................................................................................................................(Mi. Block 177var)
1923 Issues virtually complete incl. 17 diff. imperf. varieties, mostly fine-v.f. ........................................
1453 `
1869 (Apr) FL addressed to Tunis, with boxed “Posta S Fanina” in blue, fine .......................................
1454 w
1884-86 5pa-25pi, set of seven, with additional 5pi shade, h.r., 5pa with tiny thin spot, otherwise fine-v.f. (Mi. 44-50) cat. $527 ..............................................................................................................(66-73)
1455 `
1905 (8 May) cover sent free from the French Consulate in Constantinople to Paris, endorsed “Service”, with a consular seal applied on both sides, backstamped on arrival (web photo)................
1905 (30 Oct) cover sent free from the French Consulate in Messina to Paris, Consular seal on back, mistakenly handstamped “T” on arrival, minor cover tears, otherwise fine (web photo) .............
1457 wwa
1916 Turkish Artillery, 2pa violet, imperf. block of 22, n.h., some creases and other faults, mostly fine-v.f. .................................................................................................................................................(420var)
1458 ww
1924 Treaty at Lausanne, complete set, n.h., few gum skips, 100pi with faintly toned perfs, fine-v.f., cat. $750 ............................................................................................................................................(625-632)
1459 ww
1926-27 Izmir, complete sets, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1,225..............................................................(634-58)
1460 w/ww
1930 Sivas Railroad, complete set, high value l.h., balance n.h., fine-v.f. .............................(705-726)
1461 ww
1970 International Education Year, 130k ultramarine, pink and rose, top sheet margin single, center inverted, n.h., with minor mount disturbance on back, v.f., with APS certificates .................(1839var)
1462 s
1998 150L International Day, center inverted and misplaced, the right single from the souvenir sheet of two, cancelled on piece. A spectacular variety, incorporating elements of both stamps, one of only two (!) reported, with 2006 APS certificate stating “2703b, incorporating elements of 2703a in inverted position, used on piece, genuine in all respects”, with a regular stamp and souvenir sheet included for comparison ........................................................................................................................
TUNISIA 500.00
1456 `
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions 1463 `
Postage Dues. 1863 large part of a FL to Mostar, franked with 1pi black, red brown (red band), fine .......................................................................................................................................................................(J2)
1464 w
Newspaper Stamps. 1892 5pi pale violet, black handstamp, l.h., fine, cat. $1,800 .......................(P29)
1465 w
1922 10pa-500pi, complete set, l.h., fine-v.f. (Mi. 767-778) cat. $439 .........................................(78-89)
Turkey In Asia 250.00
1467 `
1920 History of Ukraine 40gr red lilac, imperforate, unfolded sheet of 100, printed on both sides on German military map (Levant), one side double impression, one inverted, some marginal tears and creases, otherwise fine-v.f., unusual (web photo) .......................................................................................
1920 (15 Oct) registered cover from Nikolayev to Moscow franked with 3.50r and 7r with violet Kiev tridents, some toning, otherwise fine-v.f. and backstamped, scarce (web photo) ..................................
1884 20c purple, trial color proof in india, top sheet margin and imprint pane of 40, card mounted, with some wrinkles and tears, otherwise fine and spectacular multiple (web photo)....................(68P)
1889 25c Liberty, perforated sheetlet of nine in dark gray, each stamp with security punch and overprinted “Waterlow & Sons Ltd - Specimen”, v.f. ..........................................................................(89S)
1470 s
1895 Liberty, 25c brown & black, center inverted, used, fine example of this rarity. It is believed that only 40 examples were sold at a post office counter before the error was discovered, and the remaining copies were destroyed. Of the 40 that were used, only a small percentage were recovered and saved, making this an exceptionally rare error, cat. $2,000 ..................................(120a)
1471 w
1908 1c carmine and dark green, 2c green and dark green, centers inverted, l.h., few minor toned spots on gum, 2c with corner crease, otherwise fine-v.f., scarce unused, cat. $600 .........(174a,175a)
1908 2c green and dark green, center inverted, cancelled to order, some toning, v.f., cat. $300 ........ ..................................................................................................................................................................(175a)
1469 Pa
1472 s 1473 s 1474 Pa
1908 Cruiser “Montevideo,” 5c orange and dark green, center inverted, cancelled August 25, 1908, v.f., with 1987 PFC (YT 176a) cat. €425 .............................................................................................(176a)
1919 Statue of Liberty, perforated composite sheetlet of nine, three different values, each stamp with security punch and overprinted “Waterlow & Sons Ltd - Specimen”, v.f. .....................(219-221S)
1475 wwa
1987 N$51 Exports, imperforate sheet of 25 stamps on watermarked, gummed paper with impression of black color of a different stamp (Scott’s 1241) and inverted impression of colors, with normal issued perf. sheets of the two stamps, n.h., v.f., with 2007 Carlos Hernandez Rocha certificate (web photo) ...............................................................................................................(1241-42var)
1476 wwa
1988 N$66 Euskal Erria, imperforate sheet of 25 stamps on watermarked, gummed paper with misplaced inverted impression of black, n.h., v.f., also a normal issued perforated sheet of 25 included for comparison, with 2007 Carlos Hernandez Rocha certificate (web photo) .........(1249var)
1477 wwa
1988 N$51 Centenary of Fire Department, imperf. sheet of 25 stamps on watermarked, gummed paper with double impression of black, once inverted and misplaced, n.h., v.f. (web photo) ............... .............................................................................................................................................................(1275var)
1478 wwa
1989 N$210 Map, imperforate sheet of 25 stamps on watermarked, gummed paper with misplaced inverted impression of the red color (Map), folded along the middle row (five stamps creased), otherwise v.f., with a normal issued perforate sheet of 25 included for comparison, with 2007 Carlos Hernandez Rocha cert. (web photo) .............................................................................................(1286var)
1992 Entrance to Sacramento Colony, $600 brown and yellow colors misplaced, black color inverted, fine used, with 2007 Carlos Hernandez Rocha certificate “original and the only stamp known”. A regular stamp is included for comparison ..................................................................(1377var)
1479 s
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1480 wwa
1481 wwa
1991 N$360 Margarita Xirgu, two imperforate sheets of 25, one with light brown color completely omitted and yellow inverted, the other with brown color inverted, n.h., v.f., with a normal issued perforate sheet of 25 included for comparison, with 2006-7 Carlos Hernandez Rocha and Alex Rendon certificates (web photo) .....................................................................................................(1400var)
1993 WWF Greater Rhea Bird, imperf. sheet of 25 with margins on four sides, double impression, one inverted, inverted impression is from the 0.20 value stamp of the same issue, inverted impressions are also displaced, with a normal sheet of 25 (misperforated in the 4th row, also with a set of four plate number top right corner margin blocks), plus an additional 0.50 imperf. sheet of 25, double impression, one inverted, inverted impression is from the 0.20 value stamp of the same issue, inverted impressions are also displaced, v.f. (web photo) ...................................(1509-1512var)
1483 ww
1934 Provisional surcharges, complete set, very lightly hinged, v.f., with 1976 Diena certificate, cat. $1,667 .....................................................................................................................................................(35-40)
1964 Pope Paul VI, visit to India, 25L green, top sheet margin vertical strip of three, double paper, some overinking on face, n.h., scarce variety ...............................................................................(401var)
1877 Simon Bolivar, 2c orange, imperf., frame inverted, pen cancelled, cut close in places, vertical crease, good color and fine appearing example of this rare invert (Hall & Fulcher type C), with 1988
Peter Holcombe cert. (YT 2a) cat. €5,500 ............................................................................................(23e)
1959 Boy Scouts, imperf. de luxe sheets, complete set of four, v.f. (web photo) .................(124-27P)
1486 `
1487 (w)
1488 (w)as
1489 (w)a
1490 (w)a
1491 (w)a
1952 native cover franked with 5p (rice paper) and 100d rouletted, tied by Thanh-Hoa cds, with Xa Tien-Quant Buu Vo arrival pmk, transit and arrival markings on back, fine and rare usage .................
1978 Fourth Trade Union Congress, 10xu variety black color inverted, horizontal pair, unused without gum as issued, v.f., with 2008 APS cert., rare ................................................................(934var)
1979 Einstein, 12xu variety black color omitted, sheet corner margin block of four, unused without gum as issued (also a regular block of four), also imperf. horizontal pair, used, plus the very rare imperf. pair, black color inverted, used, v.f., the latter with APS cert. ......................................(983var)
1982 Agriculture, 30xu horizontal sheet margin pairs, one with yellow background double, one inverted, the other with dark blue printing inverted; also imperf. block of four with yellow background double, one inverted; plus 30xu blue, imperf. pair plus two singles, one with light blue background completely omitted, unused without gum as issued, fine-v.f. and scarce lot, with Alex Rendon certificates for the first two pairs ...............................................................................(1243-44var)
1984 Vietnamese-Soviet Culture Palace, 20xu imperf. top left sheet corner margin block of eight, yellow background inverted, unused without gum as issued, v.f. and striking error, with 2006 Alex Rendon cert. .....................................................................................................................................(1360var)
1985 Hai Phong Bridge, 5d block of four, variety blue color inverted; also an additional block of four, blue color completely omitted, unused without gum as issued, v.f. ................................(1508var)
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions 1492 (w)
1985 Elections, 1d orange and black, imperf. pair, black color (center and inscriptions) inverted; also 50xu imperf. pair, printed on both sides, double and once inverted (without inscriptions) on back, both obviously printer’s waste but rare, v.f., with 2010 Philatelic Foundation Certificates ......... .......................................................................................................................................................(1596-97var)
1919 overprints on Bosnian Postage Dues, 1sh, 2sh, 3sh, 4sh, 6sh, 7sh, 8sh and 50sh, eight different, various positions, l.h. or n.h., fine-v.f., signed Bulat etc., cat. $1,192 .........................(29/40)
1494 Pa
1967 Lenin, special presentation booklet issued to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the October Revolution, with six imperforate blocks of four, special stage proofs of the souvenir sheets, also uncut pair, photo proofs etc. A v.f. and rare item, this being number 47 of only 50 printed ....... ..........................................................................................................................................................(889-891P)
1495 (w)
Postal Tax Stamps. 1987 Red Cross, 4d with black color (country name, value and frame) inverted, perf. and imperf. varieties, unused without gum as issued, the former signed on back by P. Zrinjscak, with his 1992 certificate, the latter with Peter Acanski cert., also PFC (stating printer’s waste) also normal perforated and imperforate sheets of 12 included for comparison (listed but unpriced in Michel) ...........................................................................................................................(Mi.124K)
1960 World Forestry Congress, 8c left sheet margin imperf. block of ten, with imprint at top and bottom, n.h., v.f. (web photo) .............................................................................................................(82var)
1497 ww
1966 Unicef, 11c imperf. vertical pair, n.h., some wrinkles, v.f. .................................................(163var)
1498 w/www
1973 Disarmament, 15c imperf. lower left sheet corner margin block of eight, n.h., v.f. ........(235var)
1499 wwsa
2003 37c sheet of 20 (plus labels), personalized “United Nations Pavilion Expo 2005 Aichi Japan”, also imperf. sheet of 20 labels only, n.h., v.f. (web photo) ......................................................(867a,var)
1500 wwa
2008 42c multicolored, perf. and imperf. sheets of 20 (plus labels), n.h., v.f. (web photo) (958a,var)
1501 wwsa
2008 94c perf. and imperf. sheets of 10 (plus labels), n.h., the latter cancelled First Day of Issue, v.f. (web photo) ..................................................................................................................................(959var)
1502 wwsa
2008 €1,40 Wipa 2008 perf. and imperf. sheets of 10 (plus labels), n.h., the latter cancelled First Day of Issue, v.f. (web photo) ........................................................................................................................
2009 40th Anniversary, 1fr perf. and imperf. sheets of 10 (plus labels), n.h., the latter cancelled First Day of Issue, v.f. (web photo) ....................................................................................................(510b)
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1847-1970 collection in a Minkus “All American” album, used and unused, Regular Issues and Commemoratives, Air Post, Revenues, mixed condition, with faults noted, please inspect .................
1505 ws`
1850-1938 balance of a consignment, with better singles, plate blocks, booklet panes (with plate numbers), Confederate States (block of 10 of No.8, also a defective block of six), also 21 covers, collection of Farleys and other commemoratives, plate blocks, center line blocks and other positional items, mixed condition, inspection recommended .....................................................................
1506 s
1847 5c red brown (seven), 10c black (one), used, three to four margins, various small faults, fine appearance ................................................................................................................................................(1,2)
1851-2003 collection in Scott’s National Postage hingeless stamp album and five Safe hingeless albums, used, with better items incl. No.12, 1869 2c-30c, Banknotes to 90c, Columbians $2, unused with Trans-Mississippi 8c-50c, Pan-American, Louisiana Purchase, Jamestown, WashingtonFranklins to 15c, imperfs, coil singles and pairs, 1909 commemoratives, Bluish Paper 1c, 2c, 191011 perf. 12, Panama-Pacific and later issues, Air Post including Zeppelin set of three, White Plains souvenir sheet, plus much more, usual mixed condition, many fine-v.f. ..................................................
1851-1950 balance of consignment in small stock book, mostly unused including n.h., with various 2c and 3c stamps pre-1870, Banknotes including 15c orange (unused), 1895 $1 (used), Columbians including duplicates of 1c, 2c and 6c, 1c and 5c Trans-Mississippi, 1c, 2c and 4c Pan-Americans, 1902-3 Issue including 50c and $5 unused, 10c Louisiana Purchase, selection of WashingtonFranklins, Pan-Pacific with both 10c shades, $1 Liberty, Presidential Series to $5, plus misc. blocks of four, Air Post including C2, C5-6, and C18, etc., mixed condition with some faults noted, inspection recommended .................................................................................................................................
1880-1960 balance of consignment in two cartons, with 19th and 20th Century, cancellations, souv. sheets, face value material, sheets etc., please inspect ............................................................................
1851-2003 balance of a consignment in two stock books, hundreds of mostly used singles, regular issues, commemoratives, air post and back of the book, occasional mint sheets, covers, mixed condition, please inspect ..................................................................................................................................
1932-2009 five cartons with collections of Plate No. Blocks, sheets, booklets, folders, souvenir sheets, some older material, duplication, substantial face value, some better items ............................
1940-45 Military Payment Certificates, 50c-$20 banknotes, collection of 130+ different, with Japan, Italy (to 100 Lire), Austria, British Forces etc., interesting lot ...................................................................
1513 `
First Day Covers. 1920s-30s selection of 100+ in a small box, with Farleys 1c-10c (cacheted), souv. sheets, regular issues, air post, also group of Inauguration covers (JFK, Eisenhower etc), mostly fine-v.f., cat. $1,500 ..........................................................................................................................................
1514 `
Postal Stationery. 1903-40 selection of 35 entires mounted on pages, mostly freaks and errors, also overprinted “Specimen”, some tape stains, but majority appears sound, interesting specialist lot ......
1507 ws
1508 w/wwa
1509 ws 1510 wsa
1511 wwa
AUSTRIA 1515 `
1516 `
Catapult Flights. 1930-35 collection of 51 covers or cards, all different flights and cachets, some mixed franking with German adhesives, usually addressed to New York or Los Angeles, fine-v.f. and seldom offered group of Austrian Catapult covers ......................................................................................
Postal Stationery. 1867-72 postal cards, Franz Josef Issues, collection of 680 mostly different, also 330 used stamps, variety of mute cancellations, mostly small towns, classified according to Wilhelm Klein catalog, some mixed frankings and rare usages, generally fine-v.f., also an album with modern stationery, interesting and seldom offered group ..........................................................................
1923 surcharges, collection of 10 covers, written up exhibition style on pages, incl. mixed usages with Transcaucasian Star overprints, parcel cards, many interesting items, such as registered cover from Bely Gorod to Kiev franked with a block of 4x50k star overprints on Armenian stamps (“z” monogram), registered cover from Baku to Riga franked with five diff. star overprints and others, also a large piece franked with four diff. overprints, and much more .......................................................
Displaced Persons Camps. 1946-47 small collection on pages, with used and unused stamps, souv. sheets, sheets, few covers etc. Included are stamps from Geislingen (Estonian), Schongau, Hanau, Augsburg etc. .................................................................................................................................................... -177-
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions BELGIAN CONGO 1519 ws
1886-1973 collection on pages, used and unused on pages, some duplication, few high catalogue with 5fr, 10fr and 10fr (used and unused of last), few sets, souvenir sheets and more, generally fine
BELGIUM 1520 ws
1521 ws
1522 w
1849-1950 balance of a consignments in carton, mostly in stock books, with 19th Century perf. and imperf., 1915 1c-10fr, Helmet complete set used plus 2fr unused, Semi-Postals including 1918 Red Cross set, Orval Abby Overprint used (B69-77var), Cardinal Mercier, 1933 Orval Abbey high value (used), souvenir sheets including 1921 Philatelic Exhibition (2), 1930 Antwerp Exhibition and 1931 Philatelic Exhibition (2, including one used), good selection of advertising labels, Walloon and Flemish Legion issues, Parcel Post, semi-official items, etc., mixed condition, mostly fine .................
1849-2003 collection in eleven “Safe” hingeless albums, with solid showing of 19th Century, mostly used, with Scott’s No. 1(8), 2 (7), 5 (2), 8 (strip of three), 12 (5), perforated issues used and unused incl. 5fr (unused, also two used, one with roller cancel, other town cds), generally unused from 1884 with complete sets to 10fr, Helmet and later issues to 100fr, semi-postals complete incl. Red Cross, Cardinal Mercier, also 1933 “Braine-l’Alleud” overprints, Orval Abbey issues and all souvenir sheets, occasional special issues, overprints, booklets, coils and sheetlets, plus Air Post, Postage Dues, Officials and Parcel Post (mostly used to 1960, with many Scott’s unlisted overprints), plus Eupen & Malmedy complete, etc., generally fine-v.f. A good opportunity to obtain a comprehensive collection of Belgium .........................................................................................................
1861-1944 collection in Lighthouse album, all hinged (few early issues unused), with Regular Issues, Semi-Postals, Air Post, Parcel Post, Newspaper Stamps, etc., with virtually all souvenir sheets (few cancelled), better items include 1915 Issue to 10fr, Helmet set complete, and several “Spoorwegen” overprints, generally a clean collection with only a few faults noted, without the high value classics which usually pull down the “real” value of collections .....................................................
1524 ws
Aden-Zanzibar. 1953-1971 Queen Elizabeth II reign, apparently complete, hundreds of sets and occasional souvenir sheets on album pages, with all key issues noted, included are all issues from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, British Asia, Africa and Europe including Great Britain (with some earlier items), also Omnibus issues, occasional varieties, etc., apparently n.h., fine-v.f. .....................
Revenue Stamps. 1863-1932 Antigua-Zanzibar, collection of 470 used and unused, some better Straits Settlements, South Africa, Transvaal etc., mixed condition, interesting lot ................................
BULGARIA 1525 ws`
1879-1940 large specialized collection in albums and loose, with covers and postal stationery, errors and varieties, occasional proofs and essays, plus more .................................................................
CHINA 1526 ws
1898-1949 small box with dealer’s pages, mostly used singles with overprints, Provinces, occasional varieties, mostly fine ....................................................................................................................
CHINA - PRC 1527 ws
1949-89 collection of singles and sets mounted in album, most better items cancelled to order, balance n.h., with 1960 Flowers, 1964 Chrysanthemums, Arts and Literature, Poems of Mao (missing a few values), Paris Commune (unused), 50th Anniversary se-tenant strip, 1971 Ships (unused), 1973 Pandas (unused), 1980 Monkey, etc., mixed condition, mostly fine-v.f. .......................
CROATIA 1528 wa
1941-44 selection of errors and varieties, displayed on lot sheets in a small binder, also some unissued items (1949 UPU) etc., fine-v.f. .....................................................................................................
CUBA 1529 `
1915-1960 selection of 50 covers, commercial and FDCs, few better items, topicals etc. ...................
1530 ws
1886-1900 duplicated selection of mostly earlier issues in stock book, perf. & imperf. varieties, cancellations, better items incl. imperf. singles of SG 1-7, 6d, 6e, 7d etc., some usual faults to be expected, many fine or better, high catalogue value ..................................................................................
ETHIOPIA 1531 ws
1895-1990 balance of a collection, 300+ stamps and 60+ covers and cards, picture postcards, stationery etc., mostly fine .............................................................................................................................. -178-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1532 P
1919 Proofs and Essays, original and unique large format proof impressions of the complete set of 15, all printed in black & white on glazed paper, board mounted in 5x5 format (25 impressions of each value, 1/8g frame only), also additional two stock books, one with hundreds of imperf. varieties of 1919 Issue, actually a remainder from the “Busag Berne” printers, with centers omitted, shifted, double frames, color trials and much more; the other contains 250+ proofs, issues 1955-66 incl. gummed sheetlets, frame or center only (Scott’s 351/409), Flowers (Scott’s 434-8), Animals (Scott’s C102-6), also 1978 Namibia (Scott’s 889/93), plus unissued 1959 Red Cross (Scott’s B335E) in blocks of eight, fine-v.f. ....................................................................................................(120-134P)
FIUME 1533 ws`
1919-24 selection of 70+ covers and cards, with regular issues and postage dues, both commercial and philatelic usages, also few forerunners (Hungarian stationery cards used from Fume in 1880s), postal stationery etc. An interesting lot .........................................................................................................
FRANCE 1534 ws
1849-1990 collection in five Safe albums, 19th Century predominantly used, balance used or unused, with a nice selection of classics including Ceres and Empire to 1fr, 1863 to 5fr, Bordeaux Issue to 80c including 1c, 2c, 5c and 40c unused, Type Sage, Merson to 20fr (used), Bordeaux and Le Havre Exposition overprints, Paris & Pexip souvenir sheets, modern issues appear to be complete; Semi-Postals including 1918 Orphelins to 1fr, also Airpost, including C1-2, Plane over Paris & 50fr Burelage (both used), Officials, Postage Dues, etc., mixed condition with some faults noted, generally fine or better ........................................................................................................................
1536 P
1904-1944 balance of a specialized collection on pages, with French Offices in China incl. Canton, Hoi Hao, Mongtseu, Packhoi, Yunan-Fou, with sets to 10fr, also Postage Dues, varieties, occasional Indochina and Levant, used and unused, some overprints dubious, others signed Champion etc., mostly fine-v.f. ..................................................................................................................................................
Air Post. 1950s-60s selection of 27 different die proofs incl. Andorra (C1), Polynesia (three diff.), Madagascar etc., many artist signed, mostly v.f. ........................................................................................
1955-1996 collection complete in Lindner hingeless album, with additional items including seven different Artist Signed Die Proofs, 17 imperf. deluxe sheetlets (including three compound sheetlets), 17 imperforate singles and 50 imperforate and gummed trial color proofs, plus 23 sheetlets of 10 in folder, as well as a stock book containing some duplicates (including better items), n.h., fine-v.f. ....
1538 w
1955-1968 selection on pages, with better items (No.28), Air Post etc., l.h., v.f. ..................................
1539 wwP
1971-1984 selection, with specialty items including imperf. deluxe sheets (11) gummed trial colors with pairs, blocks and a sheet of 25 (1983 1.80fr Alfred Faure), also four Die Proofs, seven perf. Gutter sheetlets of 10, few FDCs etc., v.f., high retail value .....................................................................
1851-1920 collection in a Lighthouse album, unused or hinged, complete except for a few high catalogue items, with Baden, imperf. Issues to 9kr, perforated to 30kr, Bavaria, imperf. to 18kr (missing number 1), 1880 2M, etc., plus overprints, Officials, Bergdorf, Brunswick, Bremen, Hamburg, Hanover, Helgoland, Lubeck, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Thurn and Taxis complete, Wurttemberg, with values to 9kr and 18kr, also 70kr, etc., some duplication including different shades, few small faults noted, generally a fresh and fine collection, with dubious or outright defective items not counted, a nice collection, huge catalogue value ......................................................
1860-1900 accumulation of hundreds in stock book, various quantities, mixed condition, many with faults or poor margins, few better items, huge cat. value ..........................................................................
GERMANY 1542 w/ww
1872-1991 collection in six Safe Hingeless albums, mostly complete with Empire, mixed condition, used or unused, with usual faults noted, 20th Century mostly unused, with complete Weimar Republic, Third Reich, Allied Occupation Issues, with Band & Netz overprints, French Zone complete, Federal Republic and Berlin complete; all better sets (Semi-Postals, Air Post with Zeppelin Issues) and souvenir sheets included (Iposta, Ten Year, Ostropa), also some duplication, booklets etc., aside from the mentioned faults among early issues, balance is fine-v.f. ....................... -179-
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions 1543 ws
1872-1945 collection on pages, used and unused with strength in Small and Large Shields, regular issues and semi-postals including 1933 Ten Year souv. sheet, Wagner set, few air post, back of the book with WWII Occupation etc., mixed condition, faults among the early items, high catalogue value ...................................................................................................................................................................
1544 s
1945-73 collection of used singles, sets and souv. sheets in Schaubek album, with British and American Zone, Federal Republic incl. semi-postals, Berlin including Red Overprint complete, French Zone, Saar, many better items, mostly fine-v.f. ..............................................................................
1545 ww
1948 Allied Zone Issues, handstamped overprints on regular issues 2pf-5m values, selection of 282 different on pages, also DDR Goethe souvenir sheet, Marx imperf. souv. sheets, plus Soviet Zone overprints, n.h., fine-v.f. ..................................................................................................................................
1546 s
1949-1980 collection in stock book, used sets, fairly complete with all the better early semi-postals, regular issues etc., generally fine-v.f. ...........................................................................................................
1547 wwa
1970-1990 issues in blocks of four, complete sets, some duplication, n.h., v.f., cat. $3,630 ................
1548 `
1900-80 balance of a consignment, covers and cards housed in carton, with occasional Allied Occupation Zones, Berlin, ETBs (1957-1980, including Berlin), also some postal stationery, TPOs, modern booklets etc. ........................................................................................................................................
Postal Stationery. 1872-73 Private Postal Stationery collection of 48 diff. unused entire envelopes, mostly Small and Large Shields, also 5½pf Germania, proof of unsevered postal reply card; beautiful Bismarck 1895 cards; 10pf advertising entire and more, unused and fresh, mostly v.f. A wonderful group of these elusive items .........................................................................................................
1549 `
1897-1919 German Offices in China through Togo, collection of 160+, mostly unused entire stationery envelopes, postal cards, unsevered reply cards etc., also a few used items, minimal duplication, fine-v.f. ..........................................................................................................................................
1945 Kurland, balance of consignment with used and unused (n.h.) sets, various singles including different types, varieties including inverted, also three different panes of 48-50, eight covers and two stationery cards, some collateral material, fine-v.f. .............................................................................
1840 1d black (26), 2d blue (horizontal pair), used, poor margins and other faults .......................(1,2)
1553 `
1841 1d red, selection of 59 perf. or imperf. on FLs, various usages and pmks, mixed condition ......
1554 w/ww
1941-1988 Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey, collection apparently complete in three Lighthouse or Safe hingeless albums, earlier sets l.h., balance n.h., with regular issues, commemoratives, special sheetlets, booklets, glassine envelopes etc., fine-v.f. ................................................................................
ISRAEL 1555 w/ww
1948-1991 collection in a Lighthouse and two Safe hingeless albums, apparently complete with tabs (except 7-9 and J1-5 which are singles, without tabs), early items l.h., others n.h., also included are three albums with a balance of another collection, with some plate blocks, errors and varieties, exploded booklets etc., mostly fine-v.f. .........................................................................................................
1556 wwa`
1948-73 tete-beche, issues in binder, with horizontal gutter tete-beche pairs (10-14,18-21,31-32), also later issues in sheets, plus booklets, FDCs etc., fine-v.f. ..................................................................
1705-1850 Stampless covers, 370+ with good representation of Modena, Tuscany, including Baron del Monte correspondence of 79 letters, showing variety of heart of Firenze markings, also Napoleonic period, different towns and district, fancy cancels, many better items, some with multiple markings, great lot .............................................................................................................................
LATVIA 1558 ws
1918-2009 collection of used and unused (mostly n.h.), with regular issues, semi-postals and air post complete (with Africa-Flight), Airpost Semi-Postals, both perf. and imperf. included in most cases, some additional used singles, Kurland, few locals, collection both used and unused from 1991, with some duplication, booklets, special items etc. .......................................................................... -180-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1919-99 collection in three Safe Albums, used or unused, Regular Issues including First Issue with both paper types, 1928 Prince Johann, 1930 Issue to 5fr, apparently complete from 1937 onwards, with Semi-Postals, Airpost (without 1931 2fr Zeppelin), Officials, etc., also new issues in glassine envelopes, fine-v.f. ............................................................................................................................................
1852-2001 collection in three Safe albums, used or unused, highlights include 1852 10c and 1sg, 1859-64 values to 40c, 1906 to 5fr, fairly complete from 1940 onwards including souvenir sheets, with Semi-Postals, Officials, etc., mixed condition, mostly fine-v.f., high new Issue cost ....................
MONACO 1561 w/ww
1562 w/ww
1885-1991 collection in four Safe albums, Regular Issues including 1885 to 1fr, 1891-1921 1c-fr complete set of 19, 1932-37 Views to 20fr, appears complete from 1960 onwards, with Souvenir sheets including Prince Louis II, 1949 Red Cross (with and without surcharges), Semi-Postals including 1919-20 sets to 1fr, Airpost including 1955 Birds (n.h.), Postage Dues including 1909 10c brown, etc., mixed condition with hinged or n.h., fine-v.f. ..........................................................................
1885-1976 selection of hundreds on 77 dealer’s lot sheets, with early issues, some better sets, imperfs and gummed trial color proofs, few imperf. deluxe sheets, back of the book items, few multiples, generally fine-v.f. ............................................................................................................................
1900-15 collection of 48 covers or cards, mostly Mozambique, interesting variety of frankings, some ppcs with native scenes, also Cape Verde, Azores, Portuguese India and Angola, few censored, fine-v.f. ...............................................................................................................................................................
RUSSIA 1564 ws`
1900-1964 balance of a consignment, used and unused singles and sets in stock books and loose, with better pre-WWII issues, souvenir sheets (C75a), RSFSR incl. first definitives, ordinary and pelure paper (20r ultramarine), Philately for the Children (B24-29) unused and used, some covers, few better items, plus occasional Ukraine (B1-4 overprinted Specimen etc.), mixed condition, mostly fine-v.f. ...............................................................................................................................................................
1565 wwa
1970s issues, box with sets and souvenir sheets, quantities of up to 100, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $5,500
1566 B
1998-2002 accumulation of modern, mostly privately produced booklets, also additional items from New Republics etc., interesting lot, high new issue cost ...........................................................................
Revenue Stamps. 1880-1930 group of 80+ used and unused, Imperial, Soviet and Ukraine, some duplication, mostly fine ....................................................................................................................................
1567 ws
1863-1932 collection on pages, with Russian Offices in China, Levant including extensive Wrangel Army overprints, also South Russia, used and unused, mostly fine .........................................................
1569 ws
Revenue Stamps. 1863-1932 collection of 500+ used and unused, with Moscow and St. Petersburg, also Odessa, South Russia, general Wrangel, Armenia, Georgia, Denikin and Kolchak issues, mostly fine-v.f. ..................................................................................................................................................
1921-23 Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, selection of 55 mostly unused fiscals, perf. and imperf., some duplication, mostly fine .........................................................................................................................
1570 ws
1572 P
1573 P
1870-1950 an old-time holding of hundreds of used and unused on pages and glassines, with Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Colombian States, Chiles, Mexico, with better items, reference material, cancels and occasional varieties, mixed condition, worth careful inspection ........
1895-1900 selection of 100+ proofs, essays and engravings, with Salvador, various Coat of Arms and Liberty designs, Cuba, Panama booklet covers (faulty), Honduras, some large die proofs etc., mixed condition ..................................................................................................................................................
1895-1920 selection of 93, mostly diff. imperf. proofs, majority on cards with “S.T.” numbers, and overprinted “Waterlow and Sons Specimen”, with Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Salvador, Venezuela, Uruguay, Peru etc. ...........................................................................................................................................
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions SPAIN AND COLONIES 1574 ws`
1903-1939 balance of a consignment, on pages and in stock book, with Civil War issues incl. unauthorized overprints, labels etc., also Spanish Morocco apparently complete to 1938 (mostly unused, with a few covers), plus locals from the “Zona Roja” etc., mostly fine-v.f. ...............................
1850-1972 collection in album, with Cantonals incl. 4c Vaud (small thin, signed Diena, v.f. appearance), others with faults including 4c Zurich, both horizontal and vertical lines, also Rayons, Sitting and Standing Helvetias, Numerals etc., also semi-postals, souvenir sheets, air post, extensive officials with overprints and perf. cross items, other back of the book items, mostly used to 1920, unused (hinged) from there; also an additional stock book with a study of perforated Sitting Helvetia, with used and unused, covers, varieties etc., some certificates, mostly fine-v.f., substantial catalogue value in classic material ............................................................................................
1576 ws
1851-2000 collection in four Safe albums, with Federal Administration including Rayon I-II, nice selection of Sitting Helvetia, Naba souvenir sheet and Pax set (both hinged), Semi-Postals, Airpost including C1-2, Postage Dues, etc., mixed condition with both used and unused (mostly hinged), fine-v.f., high new issue cost ..........................................................................................................................
1939-1945 comprehensive collection of 2,700+ different, generally unused stamps, mounted on small, specially prepared pages. Also included is a dealer’s stock with moderate quantities of used and unused stamps and souvenir sheets (these have been catalogued in the specially prepared handbook (included) for SFr 20,000+), fine-v.f. A nice collection of these seldom offered stamps ...
TURKEY 1578 w
1863-1981 comprehensive collection in three albums, neatly mounted on pages, with Scott’s No. 15 used and unused, balance unused, mostly l.h., with Scott’s No.42-44,48-52,95-100,110-127,142150,237-70,277-87,340-544, 590-1158 (two copies of 500pi green), mostly complete from there, with occasional exploded booklets, Anatolia (Turkey in Asia) with overprints on Fiscal stamps (14,15,16,33-35,37-39,73-74,78-89) and others. In addition, there is a stock book with good representation of Postal Tax stamps (RA1-231), Postage Dues, additional booklet panes and Officials, very clean and appealing collection, mostly fine-v.f. ...................................(1/2201,B54/C56)
UKRAINE 1579 w/ww
1919-23 collection in album, with Western Ukraine Third Stanislavyv Issue (nine sets, including blocks of four), Second Vienna Issue perf. (four sets, each missing 90s,) and Imperf. complete (cat. $1,900), Lviv Issue complete; Ukraine incl. Courier Field Post (10 different, signed Bulat), also good representation of Trident overprints, some sheets of 25, five Money Orders with good franking, also postal stationery; Carpatho Ukraine (2 registered covers franked with 3kr, cancelled 15 Mar 1939, also 2 unused stationery cards) etc. Also an additional album with some European stamps ..............
1580 wwa
1946-1979 collection of 6,300+ stamps, souvenir sheets, occasional covers, neatly arranged in four large stock books, the so-called underground issues, various subjects including Olympics, Boy Scouts, Space, Music, Famous Ukrainians, Anti-Soviet Propaganda, Religious subjects, WWII, UPU, many errors and varieties, proofs, double prints, tete-beche and gutter pairs (listed in Maksimchuk catalogue, some only 10-20 printed), plus others .......................................................................................
1951-2001 collection in ten beautiful Lighthouse or Safe Hingeless albums, with Geneva and Vienna Issues, souvenir sheets, Flag sheetlets, UNTEA overprints, plus special issues, booklets and much more, huge acquisition cost ............................................................................................................................
VIETNAM 1582 `
1960s-70s selection of 120+ covers, some with contents, variety of frankings, both South and North Issues, fiscals, utility bills, military usages etc., mostly in pochettes and priced ($10-$40 each), interesting lot ....................................................................................................................................................
WORLDWIDE 1583 ws`
1860-2000 single property offered intact in eight cartons, with United States used and unused singles, regular issues, commemoratives, air post, back of the book, souvenir cards, better items (Farleys, Scott’s No.505 error in large part of sheet of 2c, gum toning), sheets and plate blocks to $5 (Hamilton, Moore etc.), sheets etc. (face value $2,500+), Canada with much face value, varieties, plate blocks, sheets, also France and Colonies, British Commonwealth, Switzerland, U.S. booklets (face $1,000), covers, etc ................................................................................................................. -182-
U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers
March 18-19, 2014
1584 ws
1840-1940 collection in a reasonably well filled Scott’s International Junior Postage Stamp Album, many hundreds of used and unused, with better items including Australia 1913 Kangaroos, mostly unused to 2sh, Australian States, Canada, Newfoundland, Great Britain and British Commonwealth, Europe and South America, mixed condition, mostly fine ..........................................................................
1585 ws
1840-1940 balance of a consignment in a small box, with United States (Columbians 6c (5), 10c (5), Trans Mississippi to 10c, also 21x5c Jamestown), Canada, better Netherlands, DDR (China Friendship set n.h.), Great Britain (5sh and 10sh Victoria), also Australia postage Dues, New Zealand, plus miscellaneous items (Israel postage dues on covers, Polish Levant reprints), Italian overprints etc. ...................................................................................................................................................
1849-2000 property offered intact as received in seven cartons, United States and worldwide, used and unused stamps in albums and loose, with U.S. sheets, covers (some better), hundreds of glassine envelopes, please examine .............................................................................................................
1587 ws
1850-1990 United States and foreign, used and unused singles and sets on dealer’s pages and cards, with better British Commonwealth, Italy and Italian States, some modern errors, occasional reference items, mixed condition, with faults noted, high catalogue value ..............................................
1588 ws
1871-1920 mixed lot with Czechoslovakia Provisional overprints (1918), Hungary with good representation of postage dues and newspaper stamps, also Romania stock of 1917-18 Occupation overprints, also Philippines collection on pages, mixed condition, interesting lot ..................................
1589 ws`
1880-2009 balance of the Tielemans collection, housed in ten cartons (banker’s boxes), with thousands of mostly unused stamps collected in different forms, some on album pages/balances intact as acquired, others in glassines, folders, small boxes and albums. We note Belgium, Spain, France, Czechoslovakia (2 volumes), Ghana (complete to 1978), Austria, Germany, Bavaria, Israel (some quantities), Turkey, Hungary, British Antarctic Territory (1963-1976 incl. £1 values), Great Britain (with many gutter pairs, souvenir sheets, some in quantities), Canada (200 Capex 1976 souv. sheets), Europa (three volume collection 1956-1985, plus later issues), United States (10 special folders of $9.35 etc), France, Monaco, United Nations (folders, souvenir sheets, Flags in quantitates, huge face value), also some used and odds and ends. While somewhat disorganized and in need of attention, this lot does contain many newer issues, booklets, varieties and covers, huge acquisition cost .......................................................................................................................................
1890-1920 special presentation album produced by Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. containing 58 different imperf. color trials and essays of various countries, each perforated “Specimen,” including: Belgian Congo 1920 airmail set of 4 in issued colors, British Central Africa “Freedom, Justice, Commerce” revenue stamp, British East Africa 1890-94 8a brown, Chile 1894 1c in brown, Crete 1905 & 1907 values in unissued colors, Egypt 1906 5m Sphinx and 10m Bedouins & Camels essays, Falkland Islands 1898 2s6d in green and 5s in red, Greece 1913 25l in unissued colors, Mexico 1899 and 1910 values in unissued colors (16), Romania 1906 values in unissued colors (2 with different central design to that issued) and 1906 semi-postal with value, Salvador 1903 Marozan Monument 12c in unissued color and two fiscals, Serbia 1915 King Peter & Staff 25p in unissued color, Spain 1916 Cervantes issue set of 4 in unissued colors, Turkey 1914 values (14) plus 2 postage dues in unissued colors, Specimen dummy stamps depicting Mercury and KGV, and vignettes with Portsmouth Memorial & Portsmouth’s Heroes vignette, plus Milan 1906 Exhibition vignette, v.f. and rare album (most have been cut up and few remain intact) ........................................
1586 ws`
1590 PS
March 18-19, 2014 Cherrystone Auctions 1591 w/wwB
1900-1964 balance of a consignment in a small box, with several UPU presentation booklets, notably Canada (Paris 1947), with n.h. blocks of four to $1 (Destroyer and Ferry complete sets, also Air Post and Special Delivery), Luxembourg (1952 Centilux set and souv. sheets), Netherlands, DDR (1953 Marx and Engels souv. sheets), also Italy, plus 50+ modern USA booklets .......................
1592 wsa
1924-43 souvenir sheets, collection of 230+ different, housed in three Schaubek “Gedenk Blocks” albums, with Belgium including 1924 sheet, Danzig, France Pexip, French Colonies 1937 Exhibition set of 24, Germany including Iposta, Ostropa, Berlin Olympics, Hitler, Munich, etc., Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland including Warsaw Exhibition, Stratosphere Balloon, etc., Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland incl. Pro-Patria, National Fete, etc., also few sheetlets, specially prepared items, and private issues, used or unused, also a few covers, many with small faults (including stuck down), still a fine and useful lot .....................................................................................................................
1593 S
1952 Waterlow & Sons booklet “A Century of Stamp Production”, with 25 different stamps overprinted “Specimen”, with some British Commonwealth, Liberia, Haiti, Mozambique, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Guatemala, Thailand etc., also two plates reproducing various stamps printed by the firm, v.f. .......................................................................................................................................................................
1903-1950 balance of a consignment, 100+ incl. United States, Germany, Israel, some stuck down, also booklet panes, Luxembourg souv. sheets (stuck down) .....................................................................
1596 wwa
1597 w/ww
1960-1980 selection, with Paraguay perf. and imperf. sets and souv. sheets, some overprinted Muestra, also former French Colonies artist signed die proofs (2) and imperf. trial color pairs and strips, France 1979 Niaux Grotto and 1980 Sources of Energy (artist signed die proof of each), also 1980 Red Cross imperf. pairs, imperf. trial color proof strip of 10, plus 1.40+30c artist signed die proof (Scott’s B530) .........................................................................................................................................
1960s-80s duplicated (1-10 of each) selection of 5,500+ imperforate stamps, incl. blocks of four, mostly Independent Africa (former French Colonies), with Flowers, Archeology, Stamp Centenaries, Children, Boy Scouts, Nudes, UPU, Napoleon, Human Rights, Nobel Prize Winners, Judaica, United Nations, Maps, Flags, Royalty, Costumes, Europa, Military, Religion etc., some France, Monaco etc., trial colors, deluxe sheets and much more. A wonderful lot ............................................................
1963-1976 collections of JFK (two volumes, better imperf. sets, Monaco souv. sheet), Art (3 volumes), Unesco (2 volumes), Royal Wedding, Silver Jubilee, U.S. Bicentennial etc., all mounted in 13 albums, housed in three cartons, mostly v.f. ......................................................................................
BIRDS 1598 ws`
1871-1984 balance of a specialized collection on pages and loose, with better items incl. Bolivia imperfs, Guatemala covers and proofs, former French Colonies imperfs and proofs, classic issues of Mexico, Germany, Austria and others showing Imperial Eagles on covers, also errors and varieties, bisects on cover, U.S. locals and much more. An excellent nucleus for building a gold medal collection of Birds on Stamps .............................................................................................................
1960-1980 wholesale stock (100 each), neatly packaged sets and souvenir sheets housed in two cartons, 50+ different units, also some FDCs and booklets, including Virgin Islands, Montserrat, also progressive die proofs, Specimen overprints, errors (inverted watermarks) and imperf. Varieties, tete-beche pairs, St. Lucia Statehood overprints, Tanzania, Paraguay, Gulf States (Ajman, Manama), Equatorial Guinea and more, n.h., v.f. Catalogue/wholesale value $68,000 ..........
JOHN F. KENNEDY 1600 wwa`
1960-1970 collection housed in two cartons, including apparently complete four White Ace albums, replete with errors and varieties, imperfs, Specimen overprints from over 60 countries, also covers and FDCs, Inauguration and Assassination covers, ephemera, including invitations, services, programs, special visits, press clippings, 1964 Memorial items, vintage magazines (Life and Saturday Evening Post), wooden souvenir discs, memorial coins and much more. A wonderful collection of JFK stamps and memorabilia ...................................................................................................
OLYMPICS 1601 wwa
1964-1984 selection in a small box, with Monaco imperf. trial color proofs (592-95,C65), Lebanon, nine sheets of 30 (B13/16), some varieties, Gabon with imperf. sheets of 10 and 50 (1982 World Cup), also perf. and imperf. souv. sheets, other former French Colonies etc., mostly v.f. ................... -184-
1602 wwa
1603 ww
1964 Fujera, Tokyo Olympics Issue, 1,000 imperf. sets of nine (all in sheets or large multiples), n.h., v.f. (catalogue value for perforated stamps) cat. £16,000 .........................................(SG 19-27var)
1964-1996 collection in stock book, 285 mostly different, usually imperforate stamps, apparently complete sets, plus 53 souvenir sheets or epreuves de luxe, most are from French Africa, few from Arab Gulf and Mongolia, occasional duplication possible, n.h., v.f. .........................................................
1605 `
1606 `
1607 ` 1608 `
1820-1900 Forwarding Agents, group of 100+ covers or FLs mostly France and French Colonies, Haiti, United States etc., some better origins and destinations, mixed condition ...................................
1905-1946 collection of 124 covers and cards, mostly multiple country frankings, Esperanto, Tourist, World Tour and Antarctica items, bearing appropriate markings and used in combination with many stamps from Albania, Austria, Germany, France, Japan, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, French Colonies, Great Britain, Colombia, Ecuador and many others, neatly mounted and partly written up on pages, exceptionally nice quality for these, An interesting group of postal history, many items ($100+ category) can be offered individually .........................................................................................................................................................
1890-1945 hundreds in carton, with United States, Canal Zone, Canada, Spain, some postcards, Italian area, few stampless etc., some in pochettes and priced ($10-$400 each), others loose, mostly fine ..........................................................................................................................................................
1940-45 balance of a consignment, 30 items in album, with WWII German and Italian Occupation items, Yugoslavia, Serbia etc. ........................................................................................................................
Flight Covers. 1920-40s balance of a specialized collection with 100+ covers and cards, mostly Colombia, including Scadta (Denmark, Germany, Panama), many on original auction lot sheets, plus Saudi Arabia, British Commonwealth, Spain, Portugal, Uruguay, registration stamps, first flights, interrupted flights, destinations, frankings, private airpost companies, postal stationery ........