Abacus Evolve is based on Ofsted's view that pupils need maths tasks to be
matched exactly to the level of ...... 12.2 Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF Reader .
Part 1: Abacus Evolve Framework Edition Introducing Abacus Evolve Framework Edition ……………………………… 2 Curriculum coverage, differentiation and progression …………………….. 3 Teaching the mathematics curriculum Meeting each pupil’s needs Planning …………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Teaching …………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Mental oral starter Main teaching activity Plenary Using the Interactive Teaching Resources ……………………….…………… 8 Pupil activities ……………………………………………………………………… 9 Textbooks and Workbooks …………………………..………………………….. 10 Group activities and whole-class activities …………………………………… 11 Talk Maths …………………………………………………………………………. 12 Solve the Problem ………………………………………………………………… 13 Challenge …………………………………………………………………………. 14 Assessing and Reviewing ……………………….....…………………………….. 15 Homework ……………………………..…………………………………………… 17 Icon guide ……………………………..…………………………………………… 18 Part 2: Using I-Planner Online Expanded Part 2 Contents Page …..…………………………………………… 19 Chapter 1: Introducing Abacus Evolve Interactive Planner Online ……… 21 Chapter 2: Getting started …………..…………………………………………… 22 Chapter 3: Using plans ……………..…………………………………………… 27 Chapter 4: Finding your way around I-Planner Online …………………… 30 Chapter 5: Yearly Overview ………..…………………………………………… 32 Chapter 6: Medium Term Plan …..……………………………………………… 35 Chapter 7: Weekly Plan …..……………………………………………………… 36 Chapter 8: The Activity Pop-up …..…………………………………………… 41 Chapter 9: The Plan Bank …..…………………………………………………… 44 Chapter 10: The All Resources page ..………………………………………… 45 Chapter 11: The Learning Report …..…………………………………………… 46 Chapter 12: Appendix …..………………………………………………………… 48 Chapter 13: Troubleshooting …..………………………………………………… 49
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Introducing Abacus Evolve Framework Edition Foreword from the authors Creative teaching is at the heart of children’s attainment in mathematics, and it helps to generate their enthusiasm for the subject. There are three key things that help us achieve this. Being in control: Teachers need to be in control of what they teach, how they teach it, and how they differentiate the activities for children of different abilities. A good structure: A systematic structure will enable us to teach the large number of different maths topics and objectives in the best order, allowing the appropriate amount of repetition and ensuring that the whole curriculum is covered. Encouraging mathematical talk: Talk enables children to take control of the maths they have been taught. Through discussing their maths, children relate it to their own experience; they embed their knowledge in real-life contexts and relate it to the rest of the curriculum. Children should be encouraged to solve problems of which some aspects may involve more than pure mathematics. Abacus Evolve provides structured and systematic coverage of the maths curriculum. All the teaching activities as well as the resources for learning will deliver the Renewed Framework objectives, as outlined by the Primary National Strategy. In addition, Abacus Evolve has many distinctive features: • It provides a wide range of open-ended and problem-solving activities, visible at every stage and in each part of the programme. These activities, both in teaching and learning, are at the core of every component. • Some weeks are specifically linked to a theme from a different curriculum area, to enable teachers and pupils to highlight the connections between maths and other subjects, and also make the most of any overlap in teaching. • It allows you to stay in control. By making the adaptable plan the centre of the scheme, the flexibility to select uniquely sequenced activities for each day is made easy, giving you the fantastic option of tailoring each week to your class’s requirements. By providing you with a bank of creative and ready-made resources and tools for all your lessons, and ultimately allowing you, the teacher, to stay in complete control of your teaching, we hope that you will find Abacus Evolve to be an invaluable teaching resource. Go ahead and try it!
David Kirkby Ruth Merttens
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Curriculum coverage, differentiation and progression Teaching the mathematics curriculum
Abacus Evolve fully covers the curriculum for each year group in 30 weeks, which have been planned to deliver the blocked structure recommended by the Renewed Framework (see page 4 in this guide). Each block is planned to provide sound progression through mathematics objectives. The objectives in Abacus Evolve are based on the objectives outlined by the Primary National Strategy (PNS) in the Renewed Framework but are broken down into smaller, more focused objectives in order to make the progression of learning clear and to help you find resources that are exactly matched to your pupils’ level of understanding (see page 5 in this guide). A 30-week programme allows space for ‘spreading out’ the maths teaching where needed, for example to make room for a school trip. The extra ‘space’ should also allow for some weeks to focus on assessment or on more sustained problem-solving activities, using the Solve the Problem software as a starting point (see page 13 in this guide).
Meeting each pupil’s needs
Abacus Evolve is based on Ofsted’s view that pupils need maths tasks to be matched exactly to the level of their understanding. Every pupil activity in the programme, from Workbook pages to practical group activities, has been designed and identified by level to assist you with this personalisation of learning. Easier Average More challenging Activity levels
Textbook and Workbook pages have been structured to provide graduated examples, where the level of difficulty increases and is clearly identified to teachers, though not to pupils. Because of this, you will notice icons for the top half or bottom half of a textbook page, to give you further guidance about the most appropriate questions for each child to complete. In addition to a carefully planned progression in the level of maths, the context of the maths is also differentiated: for example it is easier to do an addition if it is presented as a one-stage problem, clearly identified as adding, than if the addition is embedded in a two- or three-stage problem or if the context demands interpretation. Differentiation in Abacus Evolve helps pupils to progress through both these aspects of learning maths.
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Planning Abacus Evolve is designed to help you with long-term, medium-term and short-term planning. At the heart of the programme is the Teacher Card: there is one for each of the 30 weeks of teaching that are provided in the programme, and each card includes a plan for the week. The plans are written to ensure sound progression and differentiation, the right amount of consolidation and challenge, and a variety of stimulating activities for all pupils. You can rearrange the 30 weeks of teaching in the Yearly Overview in the Interactive Planner (I-Planner Online) to give a longterm view of your plans over the whole year. I-Planner Online will also automatically generate medium-term plans, and you can edit the day-today detail of your plans in the Weekly View.
A Year 4 Teacher Card
A weekly plan from a Year 4 Teacher Card
The blocks in Abacus Evolve deliver blocked content, as in the Renewed Framework. (www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primaryframeworks/mathematics/ planning) • Block A: Counting, partitioning and calculating • Block B: Securing number facts, understanding shapes • Block C: Processing, presenting and interpreting data and measures • Block D: Calculating, measuring and understanding shapes • Block E: Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. These blocks are common across each year group and Using and Applying is embedded throughout all of them. The PNS recommends that you spend either 2 or 3 weeks on each block in each term. Because Abacus Evolve provides 30 weeks of teaching, this is equivalent to 2 weeks for each of these blocks, which you can easily extend or alter as necessary according to the needs of your class. The flexibility that comes from having ‘spare’ weeks to work with can be used in a variety of ways: to consolidate or return to concepts that need revisiting; to plan in problem-solving weeks; or to accommodate other school activities such as plays and school trips. Whatever your requirements, you can build on the sound progression provided by the Abacus Evolve teaching and be sure that you have covered all the objectives throughout the year. To help further with this progression through the year, the blocks in Abacus Evolve have been broken down into four smaller units: a, b, c 4
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and d. So, for example, Abacus Evolve Blocks A1.a, A1.b, A1.c and A1.d all deliver PNS block A1, but are simply presented to you in smaller, more manageable chunks that help you to work through all the content within this larger block.
Summer term
Spring term
Autumn term
This table shows how the Abacus Evolve blocks match to the PNS blocked structure. PNS Abacus Evolve
PNS Abacus Evolve
PNS Abacus Evolve
Block A Unit A1 Block A1, including: A1.a A1.b A1.c A1.d Unit A2 Block A2, including: A2.a A2.b A2.c A2.d Unit A3 Block A3, including: A3.a A3.b A3.c A3.d
Block B Unit B1 Block B1, including: B1.a B1.b B1.c B1.d Unit B2 Block B2, including: B2.a B2.b B2.c B2.d Unit B3 Block B3, including: B3.a B3.b B3.c B3.d
Block C Unit C1 Block C1, including: C1.a C1.b C1.c C1.d Unit C2 Block C2, including: C2.a C2.b C2.c C2.d Unit C3 Block C3, including: C3.a C3.b C3.c C3.d
Block D Unit D1 Block D1, including: D1.a D1.b D1.c D1.d Unit D2 Block D2, including: D2.a D2.b D2.c D2.d Unit D3 Block D3, including: D3.a D3.b D3.c D3.d
Block E Unit E1 Block E1, including: E1.a E1.b E1.c E1.d Unit E2 Block E2, including: E2.a E2.b E2.c E2.d Unit E3 Block E3, including: E3.a E3.b E3.c E3.d
Abacus Evolve also gives guidance on classroom management to help you put this blocked planning into practice in the classroom. Each Abacus Evolve plan recommends activities that allow you as the teacher to allocate your time between all groups of children, and gives suggestions for where to use a Teaching Assistant, if one is available. Please note that the plans allocate a Teaching Assistant to a group where the activity would most benefit from additional adult support. However, these activities may be run without a Teaching Assistant if one is not available. Any activities that explicitly require adult support are clearly shown by their icon, i.e.
More information about the I-Planner Online (www.iplanner.co.uk) can be found in the second part of this Getting Started Guide.
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Teaching Also on the Abacus Evolve Teacher Card are the teaching support pages. These provide the support you need for teaching each part of the lesson, each day of the week. There is a concise summary on the plan and then more detail on the day-by-day pages of the Teacher Card.
Teaching support page from Year 4 Teacher Card
Mental oral starter
Abacus Evolve provides a systematic structure of mental oral maths activities to ensure that: • there is real progression in pupils’ development of mental numeracy • pupils revisit key skills and rehearse them on a regular basis • there is a rich variety of teaching styles and activities, including a sprinkling of favourite games such as ‘Bingo’ to keep pupils interested • the activities are designed to achieve maximum participation by the pupils.
Main teaching activity The main teaching activity has been written and designed to support teachers of varying levels of experience. The main teaching activity is described as a step-by step sequence with key vocabulary in bold, questions in italics, and the teaching model or image illustrated. This detailed view supports less experienced teachers, as well as providing new ideas to their more experienced colleagues. Key points are highlighted with the key icon ( ) which makes it easy to pick out the key points at a glance, again serving as a support for less experienced teachers throughout the teaching of a lesson, or giving just a quick reminder to their more experienced colleagues.
Plenary Plenary sessions allow you to summarise and assess each day’s teaching and on occasion they involve a game or a fun way of ending the lesson. A plenary is provided for each day.
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Orient Calf Teaching
Abacus Evolve characters: meet Quangle Wangle and friends! Using characters and stories that young children can easily recognise will help them to remember important maths skills. This is why Abacus Evolve uses the characters from the popular children’s poem The Quangle Wangle’s Hat by Edward Lear, as well as some others. These characters appear in both the teaching and pupil materials at Key Stage 1. Meet a few of them here!
Pobble counts in 1s
Blue Baboon collects 10s
Bisky Bat counts in 10s Frog jumps back to help with subtraction
Quangle Wangle
e on Attery Squash counts in 5s
Wolf helps children to bridge 10
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Using the Interactive Teaching Resources For two days each week, Abacus Evolve provides tools and resources for each part of the lesson to use with an interactive whiteboard. These Interactive Teaching Resources have been developed for specific days where a mathematical concept can be best supported through the use of ICT and an interactive approach. Tools such as Dice, Shapemaker, Clock, Place Value and Number Line are all set up exactly as you need them. Very brief teacher notes can be accessed on screen to tell you what you need to know, even if you only have a couple of minutes, so you can instantly use the resource. In addition, many of the images and characters used are drawn from the pupil materials to help pupils transfer their understanding between activities.
Simple drop-down teacher notes aid a quick set-up.
Days with Interactive Teaching Resources are shown on the weekly plan on the Teacher Cards with the reference number you need to find the right file, for example [ITR A1.a].
References (highlighted) can be found in the ‘Main teaching activities’ column to help you find the right file quickly.
Easiteach is powerful and popular whole-class teaching software from RM. Abacus Evolve ITR is powered by Easiteach because all of the content is provided in Easiteach format, and the CD includes a specially simplified version of Easiteach called Easiteach Player, which allows you to open, view, and amend all of the ITR files. 8
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Pupil Activities The plan on the Teacher Card shows the activities that are suggested for each ability group for each day, as seen below.
The activities planned into each week give all pupils progression in their learning and a balance between reinforcement and challenge, as well as a variety of types of activity. Abacus Evolve planned activities and their icons Textbook page
Textbook page (use the top half)
Textbook page (use the bottom half)
Workbook page
Photocopy master
Individual or paired activity
Individual or paired activity needing a teacher
Group activity
Group activity needing a teacher
Whole class activity
Talk Maths software activity
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Textbooks and Workbook The Textbooks and Workbooks have been carefully designed and written to provide differentiated examples and questions, to give appropriate practice to children of all levels of ability. Textbook pages also include ‘Owls’: optional problem-solving or investigational activities for extra challenge, which embed Using and Applying in every page. These ‘Owl’ questions can often be extended to stretch more able pupils. Open-ended investigative activities are included regularly and there are many word problems throughout.
A Year 4 Textbook page with an ‘Owl’ question
Furthermore, practical support and problem-solving extension activities can be found at the bottom of the Workbook pages. Practical support activities often suggest the use of equipment to help pupils, while problem-solving extension activities tend to take a more investigative approach.
Manipulable Question
Extension Question A Year 2 Workbook page including support and extension activities
There is more information about the Textbook and Workbook pages in the books themselves.
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Group Activities and whole-class activities Practical activities suitable for pairs, groups or the whole class are planned in throughout each week, and are described in full detail on the Teacher Card and the activity summary screen of I-Planner Online. Alternative activities that cover the same objectives are also suggested on the Teacher Card and through the replace facility in I-Planner Online, to give you more flexibility and choice in finding the right activity for your class.
Group activities For each week there are group activities that are of a more openended and investigative nature, and which embed Using and Applying throughout every block of work. These encourage children to take more control of the context in which they perform particular skills, and to learn how to choose the most appropriate strategy. The recommended group size for each activity is given in the title and description of the activity. Even if an activity suggests a group size of, for example, six children, it will have been designed to allow children to work in pairs within this group. This encourages collaboration and the development of important Speaking and Listening skills.
Whole-class activities The whole-class activities are similarly designed to encourage investigation, collaboration, and mathematical talk and reasoning. Each whole-class activity sets up an investigation into a particular aspect of that week’s topic. The investigations involve prediction, trial and improvement, generalisation and many other generic mathematical skills. The same activity is given for all children, but suggestions are included as to how to extend or support those children within the class who need it. There is at least one whole-class investigative activity in every block in every term. This is equivalent to at least one every other week, although in many cases more of these activities have been included throughout the year. Whole-class investigations also give you the opportunity to break out of a traditional three-part lesson structure and be more flexible in the structure of your teaching.
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Talk Maths One of the most effective ways that children develop mathematical skills and understanding is through talk and discussion. Explaining something to someone else, having to justify an idea, and coming to an agreed decision are all occasions when children really come to understand and enhance their maths. Talk Maths activities are collaborative tasks for pairs of pupils that have been specifically designed to get both pupils actively involved and talking mathematically. Collaboration is encouraged in a variety of ways, but primarily through each child taking ownership of different parts of the activity and needing to work with their partner to find the solutions using all parts. Prompts are also given throughout the activities for children to make decisions together and to discuss and decide on a strategy for finding the answers. For example, in the Number Triangle activity, pairs drag the numbered balls into the triangle so that all the sides have the same total. One player moves the green balls and the other moves the blue balls. The puzzle can only be solved if children work together and talk about the task.
Blue player
Green player
Number Triangle activity from Year 3 Talk Maths CD
While some children take turns in pairs to play the activities on the computer, a different practical activity is provided for the rest of the group so that all children are meeting the same maths objectives and so that the plenary can be used to draw the whole group’s learning together. You can also use the Talk Maths activities on an interactive whiteboard to model the problem, and to discuss strategies and results. To find out more about the Talk Maths software, have a look at the Quick Tour in the teacher section of the Talk Maths CD.
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Solve the Problem Abacus Evolve covers the maths curriculum in 30 weeks, leaving spare weeks for assessment, review and for more creative mathematical activity. The Solve the Problem software has been designed to enable precisely this kind of work, and provides rich, challenging problem-solving scenarios for pairs or groups of children to use collaboratively. There are six activities for each year group, which have been written so that pupils tackle problems at a stage when they have understood the maths skill that they will need. This complement to content-led teaching enables children to transfer skills from the context in which they were acquired and to use maths in a variety of imaginative and stimulating contexts. These contexts are introduced with a short animation that can be viewed on an interactive whiteboard as a starter, or on individual computers by pairs or groups of children.
Build a Railway activity from Year 1 Solve the Problem CD
Activities are all open-ended so that you can differentiate by giving groups different challenges, and some suggestions for this are outlined in the teacher notes that accompany the software. Children can also set their own challenges for themselves or friends to solve. Each scenario is designed for pupils to use twice or more: to allow them the opportunity to discuss what strategies they might use; to try them out and see what happens; and then to refine their ideas and have another go. There is a results screen that can be printed out and used in this iterative process, or as a discussion point in a plenary. To find out more about the Solve the Problem software, have a look at the Quick Tour in the teacher section of the Solve the Problem CD.
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Challenge Abacus Evolve Challenge offers a wide range of enrichment and extension activities designed to stretch and motivate more-able mathematicians. They offer opportunities for written, verbal and practical work, with a balance of breadth, depth and pace, and emphasis on Using & Applying and Speaking & Listening skills. There are 90 activities per Year, suitable for individuals, pairs or groups. It is intended that more-able children join in with the whole-class parts of the lesson, then, when the class is split up, the top group does a Challenge activity. Two activities in each two-week block require adult support, so that more-able children have the benefits of guided group work. Each Year includes a Teacher Guide, a Workbook or Textbook and an I-Planner Online Module. The Teacher Guides contain an introduction to identifying and supporting gifted and more-able children, as well as teacher notes for each activity, photocopy masters and assessment activities.
‘Packing boxes’ activity from Year 4 Challenge Textbook
‘Moving the zero’ activity from Year 2 Challenge Teacher Guide
The pupil books are colourful and engaging. They include speech bubbles to indicate opportunities for discussion and an Extra activity for children who finish early.
Adult-led activities provide opportunities for day-to-day observational assessment, and the Teacher Guides provide charts showing which activities can be used to provide evidence towards Assessment Foci from Assessing Pupils’ Progress. Assessment activities help you to identify children’s potential and assess how well they use and apply skills they have built up over the term. The Challenge Modules of I-Planner Online include an extra column in the weekly plans in which the Challenge activities are allocated to suitable days. This allows you to plan the Challenge activities seamlessly into your maths lessons. Please note: Abacus Evolve Challenge is an optional part of the scheme, and must be purchased separately. 14
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Assessing and Reviewing Using I-Planner Online to support your assessments Formative assessment is at the heart of effective planning, which is why Abacus Evolve has built it into the planning process with I-Planner Online. Using just a few clicks, you can evaluate your class’s learning at the end of a week or a block, and from this I-Planner Online will generate ‘alerts’ to notify you which children need support, extention or were absent when you teach related objectives. In addition, I-Planner Online will create for you an ongoing Learning Report to summarise where the class are and which pupils you have identified as needing further support or extension.
Learning Report screen from I-Planner Online
The Learning Report covers all the objectives from the Renewed Framework, which can be filtered by year group and strand. These objectives can be viewed by selecting any of the seven strands of learning: Using and applying mathematics; Counting and understanding number; Knowing and using number facts; Calculating; Understanding shape; Measuring; Handling data. Underneath each of the Framework objectives are the Abacus Evolve objectives, which break down the broader Framework objectives into small chunks that show the progression within them.
Assessment and review resources
In addition to your classroom observations, Abacus Evolve offers three ways of assessing progress and reviewing your pupils’ understanding to feed into this: Assessment Tasks, Assessment Tests and Review Tasks, included on I-Planner Online (The ‘All Resources’ tab). The extra time allowed by the 30-week structure of Abacus Evolve is designed to help you allocate time for this assessment and to help you implement the ‘Review > Teach > Practice > Apply > Review’ cycle. This flexible structure is also useful to help accommodate national tests: you can adjust your plans to teach as much content as necessary before the tests.
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Assessing and Reviewing
Assessment Tasks For each year there are 25 Assessment Tasks (matched to the APP Assessment Foci) to use with groups to determine pupils’ understanding from observation and questioning. These include information about likely outcomes for pupils of different abilities and the format is ideal for supporting Teaching Assistants working with groups.
Review Tasks One Review Task is provided for every week. These Review Tasks include a full teaching sequence so they can be practically planned in as a ‘review day’, if you wish. Alternatively, they can be used to get an idea of the areas you might want to focus on in a smaller, quicker review, as part of the teaching cycle outlined previously. It is not expected that all the Review Tasks will be used: we recommend that they will be most useful when introducing a topic or at the start of a block. The objectives listed for each Review Task are pre-requisite to the objectives that they lead into for the week’s main teaching. If you observe the majority of children not meeting the assessment criteria, then we recommend that you revisit these pre-requisite objectives in an earlier block. If you observe a few children not meeting the criteria, than we suggest that you give them resources that are levelled as 1-dot.
Assessment Tests There are also Half-term and End-of-term written tests and mental tests that allow you to track progress more formally.
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Homework The homework for Abacus Evolve is based on three important principles: • that parents/guardians at home should be actively involved • that teachers need the chance to follow up homework in class for pupils, and parent/guardians should feel that homework is meaningful • that homework should set maths in a home context where possible, to enhance understanding and make skills more transferable. The weekly Homework Sheets on I-Planner Online are, therefore, designed to go out towards the end of the week and to lay groundwork for the following week. In Years 5 and 6, the emphasis changes slightly and the Homework Sheets frequently practice the skills that children have been learning in that week, providing opportunities for practice and consolidation. As such, they are a useful resource in reviewing children’s understanding at the beginning of a week or a block, and can feed into the ‘Review > Teach > Practice > Apply > Review’ cycle. There is one Homework Sheet for the whole class, with an extension activity at the bottom for pupils you want to stretch. For those pupils you do not wish to see the extension activity, the bottom section of the sheet can either be deleted before printing out, or folded over before copying. The pages are also editable, giving you the flexibility to match the sheets to the exact requirements of your class. Along with the Homework Sheets, I-Planner Online also contains a letter that you can adapt and send to parents/guardians at the start of the year. This will help them to understand the homework and get more involved in helping their child.
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Icon guide
Lower-ability activity Middle-ability activity Higher-ability activity Group activity Group activity: teacher required Paired activity Paired activity: teacher required Teacher required Teaching assistant recommended Textbook Workbook Photocopy Master Whole-class activity Talk Maths software activity Resources
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Part 2: Using I-Planner Online Contents Chapter 1: Introducing Abacus Evolve Interactive Planner Online
1.1 Planning using I-Planner Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1.2 Resources you can find in I-Planner Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1.3 Using this Getting Started Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Chapter 2: Getting started
2.1 Getting started as an Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.2 Getting started as a Teacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Chapter 3: Using plans
3.1 Opening a default Abacus Evolve plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.2 Opening one of your own plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3 Opening a colleague’s plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.4 Sharing and unsharing your plans with colleagues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.5 Creating and saving a new plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.6 Assigning Pupils to a plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.7 Removing Pupils from a plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.8 Reusing an old plan for a new school year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.9 Deleting a plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter 4: Finding your way around I-Planner Online
4.1 Finding key pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.2 Finding Abacus Evolve resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.3 Using the onscreen Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.4 Finding the Icon Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.5 Creating Microsoft® Word documents from your plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.6 ‘Undo’ and ‘Redo’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Chapter 5: Yearly Overview
5.1 The Medium Term Dividers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5.2 Editing the unit/block titles on the Yearly Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.3 Moving, inserting and deleting weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Chapter 6: Medium Term Plan
6.1 Adding and deleting columns in your Medium Term Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 6.2 Printing your Medium Term Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Chapter 7: Weekly Plan
7.1 Editing your Weekly Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 7.2 Viewing resources for each week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 7.3 Assessment in your planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 7.4 Editing a blank week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 7.5 Printing your Weekly Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 7.6 Evaluating children’s learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter 8: The Activity Pop-up
8.1 Viewing an Activity Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 8.2 Replacing an activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 8.3 Creating your own activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 8.4 Teaching Assistant Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Chapter 9: The Plan Bank
9.1 Moving a day from a Weekly Plan into the Plan Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 9.2 Moving a day from the Plan Bank into a Weekly Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
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Chapter 10: The All Resources page
10.1 Opening a resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Chapter 11: The Learning Report
11.1 Viewing the objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 11.2 Viewing Pupil information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 11.3 Viewing Pupil reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 11.4 Editing and making evaluations in the Learning Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 11.5 Printing your Learning Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Chapter 12: Appendix
12.1 Minimum system requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 12.2 Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 12.3 Inputting mathematical symbols and other special characters . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Chapter 13: Troubleshooting
13.1 Cannot log in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 13.2 Unable to edit your plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 13.3 I-Planner Online errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 13.4 Automatic saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 13.5 Page not found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 13.6 Contact us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 13.7 Contact details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
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1. Introducing Abacus Evolve Interactive Planner Online At the heart of effective teaching is careful and flexible planning. But planning is time-consuming, especially when you have to consider the need for careful progression, differentiation, variation in learning styles and teaching practices (including ICT), classroom management and assessment. And because all classes are different and everyone teaches in their own way, your planning cannot be done for you.
1.1 Planning using I-Planner Online
Abacus Evolve Framework Edition is a comprehensive programme for planning, teaching and assessing mathematics. It provides a plan for each of 30 weeks, carefully created by experts in Primary classroom practice. I-Planner Online makes these plans completely editable. It also provides a simple way of recording progress, and enables you to feed this information back into your planning. In addition, I-Planner Online includes a bank of extra activities to give further choice and flexibility as you plan.
1.2 Resources you can find in I-Planner Online
The following Abacus Evolve resources are accessible within I-Planner Online: • Photocopy Masters • Homework Sheets • Teaching Sequences • Review Tasks and Photocopy Masters • Assessment Tasks and Photocopy Masters • Assessment Tests, Commentary Charts and Class Achievement Records • thumbnails of pages from Textbooks (Year 2-6) and Workbooks (Year 1-2) • screenshots of Interactive Teaching Resources (interactive versions of these can be found in your Teacher Toolkit).
1.3 Using this Getting Started Guide
This Getting Started Guide is designed to help you through all aspects of planning and evaluating using I-Planner Online. It contains chapters on the key areas of the website (for example, the Weekly Plan), while the sections within these chapters cover all the actions you might want to do within that area (for example, editing goals). All chapter and key section headings are listed on the Contents Pages (pages 19-20), so you should be able to find what you are looking for quickly and easily. You can also access online help, organised around key areas of the site, by clicking on ‘Help’ in the top-right of any plan.
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2. Getting started I-Planner Online has two types of user account: Administrator and Teacher. Administrators can use I-Planner Online in the same way as Teachers but they also have the ability to administrate other user accounts. Initially you will have only one account – that of your Main Administrator. Your Main Administrator will create the required Teacher accounts. They may also create other Administrator accounts. It is preferable to have more than one Administrator in case of unavoidable absences.
2.1 Getting started as an Administrator 2.1.1 Activating your I-Planner Online account as the Main Administrator Once your school has placed an order for Abacus Evolve and it has been processed, the printed components will be dispatched and you, as your school’s Main Administrator, will receive a licence card for I-Planner Online. Follow the instructions on the licence card to set up your account. If you have not received or have misplaced the I-Planner Online licence card, please contact the I-Planner Online Support team on 0845 223 88 26 or by email to online.
[email protected]. 2.1.2 Logging in as an Administrator Once you have received your username and password you can login to I-Planner Online. 1) Go to www.iplanner.co.uk 2) Enter your username and password. 3) Click on the Login button: your homepage is displayed and you are now logged into your account.
Figure 1: The Login page
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2.1.3 Creating Administrator and Teacher accounts
Admin button
Teacher’s account is locked. Click to unlock
Figure 2: Administering user accounts
To create a Teacher, or another Administrator account, an Administrator needs to do the following: 1) Once logged in, select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2) Click on the ‘Staff’ tab. 3) Click on the ‘Add staff’ link. 4) Enter a suitable username for the Teacher. 5) Enter a password and then confirm it. 6) Enter their first and last names. 7) Enter their email address (I-Planner Online will use this for alerts and administrative communications with the Teacher). 8) Choose whether this Teacher will have Admin rights. 9) Click ‘Create User’ button. 10) I-Planner Online will then send the Teacher/Administrator an email containing their username and password. 2.1.4 Deleting Teacher accounts When a Teacher leaves the school, an Administrator can delete their account, but all the Teacher’s plans and associated pupil data will be lost. The same applies when an Administrator leaves. If any of the Teacher's colleagues would benefit from this Teacher’s plans and associated pupil data, do the following before deleting their account: 1) Ask the departing Teacher to share their plans and associated Pupil data (see section 3.4) with their colleague(s). 2) Ask the colleague(s) to open and save the plans as their own (this will also save the Pupil data). To delete a Teacher, an Administrator needs to do the following: 1) Once logged in, select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2) Click on the ‘Staff’ tab. 3) Select the Teacher who is leaving. 4) Click on the ‘Delete User’ button. Note: Only Administrators can delete Administrator accounts. The Main Administrator's account cannot be deleted.
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2.1.5 Pupil information Click to add pupils to a cohort Click to delete pupils from a cohort
Figure 3: Pupils tab
When it is first installed, I-Planner Online knows nothing about your Pupils. Pupil data needs to be entered into I-Planner Online. While a Teacher or an Administrator can enter Pupils one at a time, an Administrator can save valuable time by importing them in large numbers from a CSV (comma separated values) file. A sample CSV file is provided for you. The first row of the CSV file is assumed by I-Planner Online to be column headings and is ignored. Each subsequent row should consist of a different pupil’s last name, first name and cohort (the year they and their contempories first entered the school).
Form for inputting single Pupil’s details
Sample CSV file for uploading multiple Pupils
Figure 4: Adding Pupils page Importing Pupils 1) Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2) Click on the ‘Pupils’ tab. 3) Click on the ‘Add Pupils’ button. 4) In the ‘Pupil Bulk Upload’ section, click on the ‘Sample File’ link to see the format of the CSV file described above. Note: If you have problems opening the file, right-click on it and choose ‘Save link as’. 5) Use this sample file to create a CSV file containing your pupils’ details. 6) Save this file on your computer where it can be easily accessed. Note: If you have Microsoft® Excel on your computer, you may receive a message advising you to save the file in Excel, please ignore this and proceed to save the file in a CSV format. 7) Back on the 'Pupil Bulk Upload' page, browse to select your prepared CSV file. 8) Click on the ‘Upload’ button: you will see confirmation that the import was successful. Adding Pupils individually Individual Pupils who may have been missed by the Administrator or who have joined the class partway through the school year can be added either by an Administrator or a Teacher as follows: 1) Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 24 24
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2) Click on the ‘Pupils’ tab. 3) Click on the ‘Add Pupils’ button. 4) In the ‘Create a New Pupil’ section, select the Pupil’s cohort (this will be the year their contemporaries entered the school). 5) Enter their first and last names. 6) Choose the Pupil initials as you would like them to appear on key pages within I-Planner. 7) Click on the ‘Add Pupil’ button: you see confirmation that the addition was successful. Deleting Pupils To delete Pupils from a cohort: 1) Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2) Click on the 'Pupils' tab. 3) Select the 'Delete Pupils' button. 4) Click on the 'Show' link next to the relevant cohort. 5) Select the checkbox next to the relevant Pupil in the 'Delete' column to delete the Pupil. 6) Scroll down, if necessary, and click the 'Delete' button. Editing Pupils To change a Pupil's details: 1) Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2) Click on the 'Pupils' tab. 3) Click on the 'Show' link next to the appropriate cohort. 4) Click on the Pupil's name and change their details as necessary. 2.1.6 Saving your changes The ‘Save’ and ‘Save as’ buttons enable you to save changes to your plans. If you wish to adapt the default plans, remember to choose the ‘Save as’ option and give your plan a unique filename. 2.1.7 Logging out You can log out by clicking on the ‘Logout’ link at top right: you will then see the Login page.
2.2 Getting started as a Teacher 2.2.1 Logging in as a Teacher Before you, as a Teacher, can use the I-Planner Online, you need to be recognised as a unique user by it, and therefore need an account. Your Main Administrator can create an account for you (see section 2.1.3). Once this is done, an automated email will be sent to you containing your username and password as well as the I-Planner Online web address. You can then start using I-Planner Online. You can log into I-Planner Online in the following way: 1) Go to www.iplanner.co.uk. 2) Enter your username and password. 3) Click on the Login button: your homepage is displayed and you are now logged into your account. 2.2.2 Changing your password If you want to change your password: 1) Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2) Select ‘My profile’ tab. 3) Enter your existing password. 4) Enter your new password and confirm it. 5) Click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.
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2.2.3 Pupil information When it is first installed, I-Planner Online knows nothing about your Pupils. Pupil data needs to be entered into I-Planner Online. While a Teacher or an Administrator can enter Pupil details pupil by pupil, an Administrator can save valuable time by importing them in large numbers from a CSV file (see section Adding Pupils To add Pupils to a cohort: 1. Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2. Click on the ‘Pupils’ tab. 3. Click on the ‘Add Pupils’ button. 4. In the ‘Create New Pupil’ section, select the Pupil’s cohort (this will be the year their contemporaries entered the school). 5. Enter their first and last names. 6. Choose the Pupil initials as you would like them to appear on key pages within I-Planner. 7) Click on the ‘Add Pupil’ button: you see confirmation that the addition was successful. Deleting Pupils To delete Pupils from a cohort: 1) Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2) Click on the 'Pupils' tab. 3) Select the 'Delete Pupils' button. 4) Click on the 'Show' link next to the relevant cohort. 5) Select the checkbox next to the relevant Pupil in the 'Delete' column to delete the Pupil. 6) Scroll down, if necessary, and click the 'Delete' button. Editing Pupils To edit a Pupil's details: 1) Select the 'Admin' button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 2) Click on the 'Pupils' tab. 3) Click on the 'Show' link next to the relevant cohort. 4) Click on the Pupil's name and change their details, as necessary. 5) Click on the 'Save Changes' button. 2.2.4 Saving your changes The ‘Save’ and ‘Save as’ buttons enable you to save changes to your plans. If you wish to adapt the default plans, remember to choose the ‘Save as’ option and give your plan a unique filename. 2.2.5 Logging out You can log out by clicking on the ‘Logout’ link at top right: you will then see the Login page.
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3. Using plans On logging in you can see your homepage, which lists all the plans that you have access to and can edit.
Your saved plans
Abacus Evolve default plans
Plans shared by other teachers
Figure 5: A Teacher’s homepage
3.1 Opening a default Abacus Evolve plan
On the left-hand side of your homepage is a list of default Abacus Evolve plans. These are ‘ready-made’ plans compiled by the Abacus Evolve authors for each stage that your school has purchased (Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, etc.). Click on the plan you wish to open. You can make alterations to these plans and save them under a new plan name (see section 3.5). The default plans will remain unchanged.
3.2 Opening one of your own plans
On the right-hand side of your homepage, under the title ‘My plans’, is a list of all the plans you have created. Click on the plan name to open it. You can make alterations to these plans and save them under the same or a new plan name.
3.3 Opening a colleague’s plan
On the right-hand side of your homepage, under the title ‘Others’ plans’, is a list of all the plans your colleagues have created and shared with you. Next to each plan is the name of the person who created it. Click on the plan name to open it. You can view or print your colleagues’ shared plans, but you cannot alter them without first saving them as your own version of their plan (see section 3.5).
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3.4 Sharing and unsharing your plans with colleagues
Dropdown listing teachers in school
Tick box to include/exclude assessment information
Figure 6: The ‘Share’ pop-up
To share one of your plans with your colleagues: 1) Open the plan and then select the ‘Share’ button. 2) In the ‘Share’ pop-up, select the checkbox if you want your colleague to see Pupil assessments associated with the plan. 3) Select the name of your colleague from the dropdown menu. 4) If necessary, write them an accompanying message. This will appear in the email notification that I-Planner Online will send them. 5) Click on the ‘Share’ button. 6) The panel will close and the email will be sent. 7) Your plan will appear in a read-only format on your colleague’s homepage. Note: They will see any updates you make to this plan. To unshare a shared plan: 1) Open the plan and then select the ‘Share’ button. 2) Any colleagues that you have previously shared this plan with will appear towards the bottom of the 'Share' pop-up. 3) Select the checkbox against the name of your chosen colleague. 4) Click the ‘Unshare’ button. 5) Email notification will be sent to your colleague. 6) The panel will close and your colleague will no longer see a read-only version of your plan on their homepage.
3.5 Creating and saving a new plan
You can create your own plan by adapting any of the existing plans in I-Planner Online: • a default Abacus Evolve plan • one of your own plans • a plan shared with you by a colleague. Whichever type of plan you are adapting, start by saving the plan under a new name. When you next visit your homepage, the new plan will appear in the ‘My plans’ list.
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3.6 Assigning Pupils to a plan
Show/hide cohort
Checkbox to include/ exclude pupil in/from plan
Figure 7: Adding Pupils to a plan
In order to record and monitor your Pupils’ progress, you need to assign them to one of your plans. Do this as follows: 1) On your homepage, select the plan you wish to add Pupils to. 2) Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page within the relevant plan. 3) Click ‘Show’ next to appropriate cohort to display Pupils. 4) To select all of the cohort, choose the ‘select all’ option next to cohort name under ‘Included in Plan’ column. To select Pupils individually click checkbox next to relevant names. 5) Scroll down to ‘Save’ button and click to save your changes. For more information on adding pupils to I-Planner Online see section 2.1.5.
3.7 Removing Pupils from a plan
To remove Pupils from your plan: 1) On your homepage, select the plan you wish to remove Pupils from. 2) Select the ‘Admin’ button in the top right-hand corner of any page. 3) Click ‘Show’ next to appropriate cohort to display Pupils. 4) To remove all of the cohort choose the ‘Deselect all’ option for relevant cohort under ‘Included in Plan’. To remove Pupils individually uncheck the checkbox next to relevant names. 5) Scroll down to ‘Save’ button and click to save your changes.
3.8 Reusing an old plan for a new school year
If you want to use one of your plans for a new class, you may want to disassociate the previous year’s Pupils from the plan. (Warning: The assessment data associated with the Learning Report, including any notes you have made, will disappear once this is done so you may wish to save the plan under a different name first.) 1) Select the plan on the homepage. 2) Click on the ‘Admin’ button. 3) Unselect the Pupils you wish to disassociate from the plan using the checkboxes. 4) Now assign the new cohort/pupils to the plan. 5) Click the ‘Save’ button. The page is redisplayed and the new pupils are assigned to the plan.
3.9 Deleting a plan
You can remove any of your own plans from I-Planner Online. To do this, on your homepage select the checkbox next to a plan and click on the ‘Delete’ button. You cannot remove default Abacus Evolve plans or colleagues’ shared plans from I-Planner Online. 29 29 11 9
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4. Finding your way around I-Planner Online Once you have logged in to I-Planner Online and opened a plan, you will be able to navigate around the software using the tabs near the top of the page.
F igure 8: Navigation
4.1 Finding key pages
There are a number of key pages in I-Planner Online that you will want to access when you are either working on a plan or evaluating pupils’ learning. These are: • Homepage • Yearly Overview (this is the page that will open when you click into a plan) • Medium Term Plan • Weekly Plan • Learning Report • All Resources • Plan Bank • Help These pages are all accessed via tabs near the top of the page. The following chapters explain in detail how to use each of these key pages. What you see on the various pages is based on the same information. For example, if you make a change to a Weekly Plan, that change will be reflected in the Medium Term Plan that covers the week in question, and in the Yearly Plan.
4.2 Finding Abacus Evolve resources
I-Planner Online includes the following Abacus Evolve resources: • Photocopy Masters • Homework Sheets • Teaching Sequences • Review Tasks and Photocopy Masters • Assessment Tasks and Photocopy Masters • Assessment Tests, Commentary Charts and Class Achievement Records • thumbnails of pages from Textbooks (Year 2-6) and Workbooks (Year 1-2) • screenshots of Interactive Teaching Resources (interactive versions of these can be found in your Teacher Toolkit). You can easily view these resources by clicking on the relevant links within the plans – see section 7.2 for more details. Another way to access them is by using the All Resources page – see chapter 10 for more details.
4.3 Using the onscreen Help
You can access the onscreen Help by clicking on the Help button. This Help is organised around common tasks undertaken by Teachers using I-Planner Online, and as such is a useful adjunct to this guide, which is organised around the structure of I-Planner Online.
4.4 Finding the Icon Guide
The Abacus Evolve programme includes many different types of activity, such as group activity and textbook page. These activities are aimed at different ability groups.
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I-Planner Online uses icons to show the types and levels of the activities; you will come across them on the Weekly Plan and elsewhere. These icons are intuitive, but it may be helpful to refer to the Icon Guide. Click on the Help button and then select Icon Guide.
4.5 Creating Microsoft® Word documents from your plans
You can export your individual Weekly Plans or Medium Term Plans to Microsoft® Word so that they can be be edited, passed on to others or printed. Click on ‘Export’ in the relevant area of your plan to open and save your work in Microsoft® Word. You can also export the Activity Summaries and TA Notes for each week to Microsoft Word by clicking 'Export' and then choosing 'Activity Summaries to Word' or ‘TA Notes to Word’ from the dropdown.
4.6 ‘Undo’ and ‘Redo’
If you have made a mistake, click on the 'Undo' button and with another click confirm that the action displayed is one that you want to undo. Repeat until you are back in the state you want to be. Similarly, if your undo proves to be a mistake, use the 'Redo' button in the same way.
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5. Yearly Overview
Medium term plan divider
Figure 9: The Yearly Overview page
When you select a plan on your homepage, you will be taken to the Yearly Overview page for that plan. This shows you the plan for the year, listing the Abacus Evolve blocks to be taught in each week. The default Abacus Evolve Yearly Plans have 30 weeks’ teaching, covering all strands of the mathematics curriculum. Having just 30 weeks in the plan enables you to spread the teaching if necessary and allows time for INSET days, school trips, assessment and other kinds of teaching. You can adapt the Yearly Overview by changing the position of the Medium Term Dividers to alter the ‘half term’ lengths (section 5.1), editing the unit titles (section 5.2) or reorganising the weeks (section 5.3). You can then use the Yearly Overview as a 'contents page' to access your Medium Term Plans and Weekly Plans. Click to add MTP divider
5.1 The Medium Term Dividers
Click arrows to move MPT divider up/down
Click to open MTP Click to remove MTP divider
Figure 10: Medium Term Divider
The default Abacus Evolve plans are organised into six ‘half term’ sections, each of which is five weeks long. These sections, broken up by the grey Medium Term Dividers, define the weeks that are included in each Medium Term Plan (see chapter 6). In other words, the weeks between the start of the year and a divider or between two dividers make up one Medium Term Plan. For example, in the default plan the first five weeks are followed by the ‘Autumn, Term 1’ Medium Term Divider, thus the ‘Autumn, Term 1’ Medium Term Plan is constituted of weeks 1 to 5. ‘Autumn, Term 1’ indicates the first half of the Autumn term. If you wish to change the default structure of the Yearly Overview (for example, if it does not match your school’s terms), you can do so as follows: • Alter the length of two Medium Term Plans by moving a Medium Term Divider (section 5.1.1) 32 32
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• • •
Create and name an extra Medium Term Plan by inserting a new Medium Term Divider (section 5.1.2) Amalgamate two Medium Term Plans by removing a Medium Term Divider (section 5.1.3) Rename a Medium Term Divider (section 5.1.4)
5.1.1 Moving a Medium Term Divider Move a divider up or down one week at a time by clicking on the arrow buttons on the divider itself: the Medium Term Plans either side of the divider will be adjusted accordingly to contain one more or one less week. 5.1.2 Inserting and naming a Medium Term Divider Insert a divider in your desired position by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button for a week and selecting ‘Insert Medium Term Divider’: the divider is inserted below the week, thereby dividing a Medium Term Plan into two. You will need to give your new divider a name (see section 5.1.4). 5.1.3 Removing a Medium Term Divider Remove a divider by clicking on the 'delete' button on the divider itself: the Medium Term Plans either side of the divider are amalgamated. 5.1.4. Renaming a Medium Term Divider You can change the name of a Medium Term Divider by clicking on the ‘Rename’ link.
5.2 Editing the unit/block titles on the Yearly Overview
Formatting tools
Editable text
Figure 11: Edit panel
In the default Yearly Overview you will find links to all the weeks of teaching within the default Abacus Evolve plans and details of the areas of Mathematics covered within each of these weeks. If you wish to edit one of these areas, you can do so in the Yearly Overview: 1) Click on relevant cell in the ‘Unit’ column; the existing title will be redisplayed in an 'Edit' panel. 2) Edit the text in the normal way, using the bold, italic, underline, numbered list and bullet list buttons as appropriate. See section 12.3 for entering non-standard keyboard characters. 3) Click outside the 'Edit' panel to finish: the 'Edit' panel is replaced by normal text. 33 11 9
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5.3 Moving, inserting and deleting weeks
The authors have tailored the progression involved in the Abacus Evolve plans carefully to meet the demands of teaching in a Primary School setting. We therefore recommend that you keep the weeks in this order. However, should you choose to reorganise the weeks in your Yearly Overview, you can do so as described below. Note that each time you move, insert or delete a week on the Yearly Overview, I-Planner Online will renumber the weeks on the plan consecutively. 5.3.1 Moving a week up or down
Figure 12: Controls for reorganising weeks
You can move a week up or down by clicking on the up-arrow or down-arrow (see figure 12) for the week: the week will be moved up or down past the nearest week or Medium Term Divider. 5.3.2 Inserting a blank week You can insert a blank week by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button for a week (see figure 12) and selecting ‘Insert Blank Week’: the blank week is inserted with ‘Enter title here’ , which you can edit in the normal way (see section 5.2). You can then go into your blank week and add objectives, text and activities (see section 7.1 for how to edit a blank week). 5.3.3 Deleting a week You can delete a week by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button for the week (see figure 12) and selecting ‘Delete week’: the week will disappear, leaving no gap. The week will be permanently deleted from your plan and will not move to your Plan Bank.
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6. Medium Term Plan Add/delete column
Medium Term Plan section
Figure 13: The Medium Term Plan The Medium Term Plan lists the Units and Strands that are covered during the period of the plan. It also lists the objectives corresponding to that period. You can alter the length of your Medium Term Plans (see section 5.1).
6.1 Adding and deleting columns in your Medium Term Plan
You may want to add an extra column to your Medium Term Plans (for example, in order to add extra notes or to evaluate your teaching). To do so, click on the arrow in the column to the left of where you would like the new column to appear. Next, select ‘Insert text column’. The new column will appear in all the Medium Term Plans of this one plan. You can enter text by clicking on a cell in the column. If you want to remove a column you have added, click on the arrow in its right-hand corner and select ‘Delete column’. The column and any information it contains will be deleted throughout all the Medium Term Plans within your plan.
6.2 Printing your Medium Term Plans
If you want to print a Medium Term Plan, click on the ‘Print’ button: this opens a printer-friendly view of the Medium Term Plan under a new browser tab. Print this in the normal Windows way.
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7. Weekly Plan
Week selection
Unit titles
Add/delete column
View vocabulary and Resources for week
Edit day Activity icon: click to access activity pop-up Edit objective Hyperlinked resources
Figure 14: The Weekly Plan
The Weekly Plan gives you an editable, interactive version of each week in your plan. Near the top of the page are the unit titles for the week: these outline the areas of Mathematics that are covered during the week. You can open the Weekly Plan for any week by clicking on its week number link in the Yearly Overview or by using the dropdown in the Weekly Plan itself and picking the week of your choice. For each of the five days, the Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan: • displays the objectives for the day (‘Objectives’ column) • suggests a mental oral starter activity as a quick revision of previously-taught maths skills (‘Mental oral starter’ column) • suggests appropriate whole-class teaching for the day (‘Main Teaching’ column) • suggests appropriate activities and corresponding resources for the day (‘1-dot’, 2-dot’, and ‘3-dot’, columns) • allows you to view summaries of the activities and, if necessary, select suitable alternatives (to view this click on an activity’s icon) • displays the Learning Outcomes for each day’s teaching (‘Outcomes’ column)
7.1 Editing your Weekly Plan
There are numerous ways in which you can adapt, edit and personalise your Weekly Plan, and these are described in detail in this and the next chapter. Remember that, in order to preserve your changes, you have to save the plan as your own. 7.1.1 Editing objectives Each week within an Abacus Evolve plan is divided into two parts, or Blocks, which address specific objectives. There are also the key objectives for each day. If you want to add an objective for a particular day: 1) Hover your cursor over the relevant cell in the ‘Objectives’ column. 2) Click on the ‘Edit’ link that appears below the last objective. 3) Select the 'Year' and 'Strand'. 4) Click on the 'Objective' dropdown menu to see all the objectives relating to the Strand that you selected. 5) Select the days to which you want to add the objective. 6) Click on the ‘Add’ button. The objective table will be updated. 7) Close the panel and the Weekly Plan will be updated.
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If you want to remove an objective for the day: 1) Hover your cursor over the relevant cell in the ‘Objectives’ column. 2) Click on the ‘Edit’ link that appears below the last objective. 3) Select the objective by clicking the checkbox next to it. 4) Click on the ‘Remove’ button. The objective table will be updated. 5) Close the panel and the Weekly Plan will be updated. 7.1.2 Editing the ‘Mental oral starter’, ‘Main teaching’ and ‘Outcomes’ columns If you want to change the whole-class teaching suggestions in the ‘Main teaching’ column for a certain day in your plan: 1) Click on the existing text which will then be displayed in an 'Edit' panel.
Formatting tools
Editable text
Figure 15: Editing the ‘Main teaching’ section
2) Edit the text in the normal way, using the bold, italic, underline, numbered list and bullet list buttons as appropriate. See section 12.3 for entering non-standard keyboard characters. 3) Click ‘OK’ to finish: the 'Edit' panel is replaced by normal text. Use the same method if you want to change the text displayed in the ‘Mental oral starter’ or ‘Outcomes’ columns. 7.1.3 Inserting and removing extra columns in the Weekly Plan If you are keen to include more information in your plan but you want to keep it separate from the existing contents, you can put this information in its own column. 1) Click on the arrow in a column header. 2) Select ‘Insert Text Column’ or ‘Insert Activity Column’. The column will exist throughout all weeks of this one plan. 3) Edit the column header by clicking on the default text. 4) Click on individual cells within the column to add activities or add and edit text. If you would like to remove a column, click on the arrow in its top-right hand corner and select ‘Delete this Column’. The column and any information it contains will be deleted throughout all weeks of this one plan. 7.1.4 Viewing, replacing, adding and deleting activities The activity columns contain basic information about each activity. Viewing activities If you need more details, click on the activity’s icon: the Activity Pop-up displays its summary page. 37 11 9
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28/10/09 14:33:07 Replacing activities You can use the ‘Replace’ tab of the Activity Pop-up to replace the activity with another. See section 8.2 for more details. Adding extra activities to a cell If you wish to add an additional activity to a cell, move your cursor over the relevant cell and click on the ‘Add’ link that appears. Then proceed in a similar way to replacing an activity, which is described in section 8.2. Deleting activities To remove an activity from your plan, click on the activity’s icon: the Activity Pop-up displays its summary page. Click the link: 'Remove activity from day X'. 7.1.5 Insert blank days You can insert a blank day to a week by clicking on the 'Edit' button for a day and choosing either 'Insert blank day above' or 'Insert blank day below' (see section 7.1 for adding text and activities to a blank day).
7.2 Viewing resources for each week 7.2.1 Viewing key vocabulary and resource lists for the week If you wish to check the vocabulary and resources that will be used during the week, click on the ‘Key Vocabulary and Resources’ button to the top right of a Weekly Plan. A list of useful vocabulary for the week is displayed in alphabetical order on the left. On the right is a list of resources, including links to Photocopy Masters and screenshots of Interactive Teaching Resources that are used during the week. 7.2.2 Finding Interactive Teaching Resources for the week Interactive Teaching Resources (ITRs) are ready-made activities for use on an interactive whiteboard. They include powerful teaching tools and other resources and are included in the Abacus Evolve plans where using the interactive whiteboard or computer will enhance the children’s learning experience. These ITRs are provided in Abacus Evolve on disk and, so that you can plan their use, screenshots of them are provided in I-Planner Online. They can be viewed by clicking on the links in the ‘All Resources’ tab (see section 10). 7.2.3. Finding other resources for the week You can view thumbnail images of textbook and workbook pages by clicking to view their activity summaries.
7.3 Assessment in your planning
I-Planner Online gives you a quick and easy way to track the progress of your class and enables you to assess pupils formatively and feed this assessment back into your planning. 7.3.1 Using alerts to help your planning As you work on your Weekly Plan and use the assessment features (see section 7.6), I-Planner Online will alert you if there are any children that you have reported as needing support or extension so that you can tailor your teaching and plan any differentiation accordingly. It will check the objectives in your plan, and search for assessments that you have made when covering related objectives in previous weeks. It will display these assessments throughout your plan using S (Support), E (Extend) and A (Absent) alert icons – that will appear in the ‘Objectives’ column (see figure 16). Clicking on one of these alert icons will open the alert pop-up which shows you details of assessments you have made in relation to these and other related objectives in the past. You can also hover over the alert icons to see the 38
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initials of pupils needing support or extension or who were absent.
Assessment alerts
Figure 16: S, E, A alerts
The Learning Report gives you more information about any planning issues. It lists the objectives you are aiming to meet during the year, and the names of any pupils falling into the Support, Extend or Absent categories. You can use this assessment information to amend or supplement your Weekly Plan accordingly.
7.4 Editing a blank week
Once you have inserted a blank week into your plan (see Section 5.3.2 for adding blank weeks) you can add information to it in the following ways: 1) Add objectives to a day by clicking the ‘Edit’ button which will appear when you hover over any Objectives cell. Note: you must add objectives before any further text or activities. 2) Type text directly into the ‘Mental oral starter’, ‘Main teaching’ and ‘Outcomes’ columns using the pop-up. 3) Add activities to any activity cell by clicking on the ‘Add’ button which will appear when you hover over an activity cell.
7.5 Printing your Weekly Plan
You have a choice about how much information to print out. • To print the whole Weekly Plan, click on the Print button on the Weekly Plan: this opens a printer-friendly view of the Weekly Plan either under a new browser tab or in a new window. Print this in the normal Windows way. Close the view by clicking on the ‘X’ (close) button on the tab or window. • To print full details of an activity, on the Weekly Plan click on the activity’s icon and then click on the ‘Printer-friendly Page’ link: this opens a printerfriendly view of the Activity Summary under a new browser tab or window, which you can then print in the normal Windows way. To print all of the Activity Summaries for a week see section 4.5. • To print a resource, click on the resource link , e.g. a PCM, and then print the resource in the normal Windows way.
7.6 Evaluating children’s learning
I-Planner Online allows you to assess the children in your class after a day, block or 39 11 9
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week’s teaching. You can mark the teaching as needing to be revisited (this will move the requisite days into the Plan Bank, allowing you to come back to them at a later date) or mark days as achieved. You can also mark exceptions e.g. children who need further support, extension or were absent during a particular day’s teaching in your Weekly Plan. You will then be reminded of your assessment when teaching related objectives later on in the school year. Note: In order to use the assessment feature within I-Planner Online you will need to have assigned Pupils to your plan (see section 3.6). At any point within a week you can choose to evaluate your children’s learning by clicking the ‘Achieve’ or ‘Revisit’ buttons.
7.6.1 ‘Achieve’
Figure 17: ‘Achieve’ pop-up
1) If you click on ‘Achieve’ in a Weekly Plan you will access the ‘Achieve’ pop-up. 2) Here you can check boxes to indicate your class’ performance overall. If there are days which you think the class as a whole needs to revisit see 7.6.2. 3) After you have indicated which days the class has achieved, click ‘Achieved’. 4) The page will refresh and show you details of the objectives covered during those days and the Pupils assigned to the plan. 5) To indicate a Pupil as an exception for a particular objective, click on the blank cell or tick in the appropriate objective row and Pupil column. 6) In the pop-up, select the tick (Achieved), S (Support), E (Extend), A (Absent) or blank (Not Assessed) option. 7) Click ‘OK’ to exit the individual pop-ups. 8) Repeat for all children you wish to mark as exceptions. 9) Once back to the main exceptions page, click ‘Save’ to mark all of the objectives as achieved and to save all individual assessments.
Objectives for the selected days
Exception panel – change child’s default assessment and add notes
Figure 18: Marking exceptions 40
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8. The Activity Pop-up You can view all your assessments together with the date you recorded them in the Learning Report (see chapter 11). Relevant assessments will also appear under related objectives in future Weekly Plans. See section 7.3 for how assessment alerts can help you with your planning.
7.6.2 ‘Revisit’
Figure 19: ‘Revisit’ pop-up
Alternatively, you may feel that there are some days teaching which the class has not achieved and which need to be revisited. In order to indicate this click the ‘Revisit’ button in the relevant Weekly Plan. 1) Check the boxes to indicate the days which your class needs to revisit. 2) Click ‘Revisit’. 3) The relevant days will be moved to the Plan Bank (see section 9.2 for moving days back from the Plan Bank into a Weekly Plan). You can open the Activity Pop-up by clicking on an activity icon on the Weekly Plan page. With the Activity Pop-up, you have at your fingertips all you need to understand an activity and, if necessary, substitute another activity for it. The popup has separate tabs for viewing a summary of the activity; replacing the activity; creating your own activity and viewing TA Notes associated with an activity.
8.1 Viewing an Activity Summary Remove activity from day
Figure 20: Activity summary page of Activity Pop-up
The Activity Summary is the tab shown when you open the Activity Pop-up. You will 41 11 9
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see all the information about the activity given on the Weekly Plan; a list of all the resources required and, for some activities, a thumbnail picture of the activity. To print the Activity Summary, click on the ‘Printer-friendly Page’ link: this opens a printer-friendly view of the Activity Summary under a new browser tab or window, which you can then print in the normal Windows way. To print all the activity summaries for the week, see section 4.5.
8.2 Replacing an activity
You can replace the default activity associated with a cell with another of your choosing by using the 'Replace' tab of the Activity Pop-up.
Search facility
Suggested alternative activities
Figure 21: Replace activity page of Activity Pop-up
8.2.1 Choosing a suggested alternative Select the ‘Replace’ tab in the Activity Pop-up. Here, under ‘Suggested Alternatives’, you will see listed the other activities which share some of the key attributes of the default activity. Select the activity or activities you wish to use by clicking in the relevant checkboxes and then clicking the ‘Replace’ button. The Weekly Plan is redisplayed with the selected activity/ies in place of the original one. 8.2.2 Conducting a search Alternatively, you can find an activity by selecting the attributes you would like the activity to have. You can filter the results of your search by planned or related objectives, activity type, level(s) and keyword(s) that you require in the 'Search' panel of the 'Replace' tab. This makes it easy for you to find an activity: • that is easier or harder than the original activity while covering the same objectives • that covers a particular one of the day’s objectives • that is of a specific type • that includes particular keywords. If you wish to search for an activity that addresses different objectives to those allocated to the day then you will need to change these objectives by following the instructions in Section 7.1.1. This will allow you to search for activities from different year groups that your school has purchased. Start the search by clicking on the ‘Search’ button and a new list will be displayed. 42
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8.3 Creating your own activity
Add own file
Figure 22: Create your own activity page of Activity Pop-up
If you need an activity specially tailored to your class or group of pupils, you can replace the default activity with one that you have created yourself: 1) Select the ‘Create own’ tab in the Activity Pop-up. 2) Select which of the objectives for that day your activity will address. 3) Enter the level or levels appropriate for your activity. 4) Enter its title. 5) You may give it a reference number for your own use. 6) Enter a description of your activity. 7) List the resources you need to conduct your activity. 8) If there are any documents or other files associated with your activity, select them using the ‘Browse’ button and upload them to I-Planner Online using the ‘Upload’ button. 9) Finally, complete the process by clicking on the ‘Create this Activity’ button. You will now see that your activity has replaced the default activity in the Weekly Plan. It will also be available to all teachers within your school.
8.4 Viewing Teaching Assistant Notes
Figure 23: TA Notes
Many of the practical activities within Abacus Evolve have TA Notes associated with them. You can view these by clicking on the ‘TA Notes’ tab of the Activity Pop-up. Only activities which have TA Notes will display this tab. 43 11 9
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9. The Plan Bank The Plan Bank is an area of I-Planner Online that acts as a ‘clipboard’ for days of teaching that you have chosen not to include in a plan. Individual days can be ‘cut’ from a Weekly Plan and ‘pasted’ into the Plan Bank. They will be stored there until they are pasted back into a Weekly Plan. You can open the Plan Bank by clicking the Plan Bank tab.
Figure 24: The Plan Bank
9.1 Moving a day from a Weekly Plan into the Plan Bank
You can move a day to the Plan Bank by: 1) Clicking on the relevant ‘Edit’ button for the day you want to move. 2) Selecting ‘Move Day to Plan Bank’: the selected day will be sent to the Plan Bank and the space it formerly occupied in the Weekly Plan will become blank. Days sent to the Plan Bank will appear in chronological order, according to the default Abacus Evolve plans.
9.2 Moving a day from the Plan Bank into a Weekly Plan
If you have a blank space within a Weekly Plan, you can insert a day from the Plan Bank into it as follows: 1) Choose the relevant blank day. 2) Click on the ‘Edit’ button and select ‘Get day from Plan Bank’: the Plan Bank is redisplayed with ‘Add’ links on the far left. 3) Click on the ‘Add’ link for the day you wish to insert. 4) The relevant week will be redisplayed with the day in place and the selected day will be removed from the Plan Bank. To insert a blank day into a Weekly Plan, see section 7.1.5.
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10. The All Resources page All the resources referenced by the whole-class teaching and activity descriptions in Weekly Plans are accessible from the All Resources tab. You can use this page to view resources in order to decide which to use when creating your own activity.
Resource types and year groups
Resource link
Figure 25: The All Resources page
10.1 Opening a resource
If you want to open a resource: 1) Open the All Resources page and click on one of the following: • Photocopy Master • Homework Sheet • Teaching Sequence • Review Task or Photocopy Master • Assessment Task or Photocopy Master • Assessment Test, Commentary Chart or Class Achievement Record • thumbnail of page from Textbook (Year 2-6) or Workbook (Year 1-2) • screenshot of Interactive Teaching Resource (interactive versions of these can be found in your Teacher Toolkit) 2) Next, click on a year group, e.g. Year 1 3) Choose a resource from the list that is displayed.
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11. The Learning Report
Year group, strand and objectives filters to change screen display
Click child’s initials to access their Assessment History
Previous teacher assessments
Figure 26: The Learning Report
As you assess your pupils’ learning (see sections 7.6), I-Planner Online generates a Learning Report that shows you the progress of your class against each Framework objective and Abacus Evolve sub-objective. The Learning Report can be viewed at any time, so you can see which objectives have been addressed, which are still to be covered and which need to be revisited. You can also see any information you have previously input about individual pupils (such as pupils that needed support for a particular objective). The Learning Report is also fully adaptable, allowing you to change your evaluations by clicking on any cell. You can open the Learning Report by clicking on the Learning Report tab.
11.1 Viewing the objectives
The Learning Report shows class progress against each of the Abacus Evolve subobjectives which you can filter by Strand.
11.2 Viewing Pupil information
The Learning Report shows you the progress of each Pupil against each goal, based on your assessments. In each cell there will be one of the following: • Nothing – the Pupil has not been assessed against the particular objective • ✓ – the Pupil has achieved the objective • S – the Pupil needs support in relation to this objective • E – the Pupil needs extension in relation to this objective • A – was absent when this objective was last taught. You can choose the way in which you wish to view your assessments by using the dropdown menus at the top left-hand corner of the Learning Report.
11.3 Viewing pupil reports
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You can view more information about a Pupil by clicking on their initials in the Learning Report. This will display a collated report of any assessments you have made in relation to this child. It will only show the filtered display e.g. Year 1, Calculating.
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11.4 Editing and making evaluations in the Learning Report
The Learning Report is fully flexible allowing you to make and change evaluations for individual children or a whole class.
11.4.1 Editing and making individual assessments
If you wish to edit your assessment of a Pupil against a particular objective, click on the cell containing your most recent assessment. Make your reassessment in the same way that you made the original assessment, but note that the date will remain as the date of the original assessment. You can also click into a blank cell to make a new assessment for a particular Pupil.
11.4.2 Changing and making whole-class assessments
To assess the whole class in relation to a Framework objective or a previously un-assessed objective, click the ‘Evaluate’ link next to the objective. To change your evaluation (or clear your assessments) of the whole class in relation to a particular objective, choose the ‘Achieved’ link next to the relevant objective. For objectives that you have marked as needing to be revisited (see section 7.6.2), you can click on the ‘Revisit’ link to override this assessment and re-assess the whole class accordingly. Note: Don’t forget that the content relating to these objectives is still in the Plan Bank. You can choose to plan this back in at any time.
11.5 Printing your Learning Report
If you want to print the Learning Report, click on the ‘Print’ button: this opens a printer-friendly view of the Learning Report under a new browser tab or window. Print this in the normal Windows way. Close the view by clicking on the ‘X’ (close) button on the tab or window. Note: you will only print the filtered display.
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12. Appendix 12.1 Minimum system requirements
Processor: 900MHz Intel Pentium III (Vista: 1 GHz Pentium 4) or equivalent Supported OS: Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, Mac OSX Memory: 256Mb RAM (Vista Home Basic: 512 MB; other Vista versions: 1 GB) Screen resolution: 1024x768 or higher Colour depth: 16 bit (high colour) or above Audio: sound card (Sound Blaster or equivalent) Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible integrated video chip with 128Mb Ram Browsers: W indows: IE6 or above (IE7 recommended), Firefox 2.0 or above; Mac: Safari 3.0 or above, Firefox 2.0 or above Plugins: Flash 9 or above Internet connection: 2 Mbps broadband connection Cookies: enabled Javascript: enabled Pop ups: enabled Full screen mode: For best results, I-Planner Online should be viewed in full screen mode. In your browser, select View > Full screen, or use F11.
12.2 Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF Reader
Certain I-Planner Online resource files, as well as exported plans, are in PDF or Microsoft® Office Word format. In order to open PDF files you must have Adobe® Reader® installed on your machine. To download Adobe® Reader® go to: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html In order to open Microsoft® Office files you must have Microsoft® Office (Microsoft® Office 2000 recommended) or a compatible office suite installed on your machine. For more information go to: http://www.microsoft.com/ http://www.openoffice.org/
12.3 Inputting mathematical symbols and other special characters
To insert non-standard keyboard characters in the editable areas of I-Planner Online, hold down the ‘Alt’ key while using the number pad on the right-hand side of your keyboard to enter a 4-digit code, as shown in the table below. Text including special characters can also be copied and pasted into I-Planner Online from Microsoft® Word. Within Word, use ‘Insert’ > ‘Symbol’ or the keyboard shortcuts below to insert mathematical symbols.
Keyboard shortcut
multiplication sign (×)
Alt + 0215
division sign (÷)
Alt + 0247
minus sign (–)
Alt + 0150
medial decimal point (·)
Alt + 0183
superscript 2 (²)
Alt + 0178
superscript 3 (³)
Alt + 0179
superscript minus sign (¯)
Alt + 0175
degrees symbol (°)
Alt + 0176
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13. Troubleshooting 13.1 Cannot log in If you are unable to log in, please check that your browser will accept cookies. This is a minimum system requirement to use I-Planner Online. Firefox 3 Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies > Accept cookies from sites > select checkbox IE6 and 7 Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Settings > set slider If you are unsure, contact your ICT coordinator. 13.2 Unable to edit your plans If you are unable to edit items within I-Planner Online please check that your browser has Javascript enabled. This is a minimum system requirement to use I-Planner Online. Firefox 3 Tools > Options > Content > Enable javascript > select checkbox IE6 and 7 Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level button > Scripting – Active Scripting > Enable > select radio button If you are unsure, contact your ICT coordinator. 13.3 I-Planner Online Errors Should an internal error on the I-Planner Online website happen you will be presented with a ‘Technical fault’ message. Please try to access the site later. 13.4 Automatic saving If for some reason the server crashes while you are working on a plan or you exit a plan accidentally by closing your browser window, I-Planner Online will save a temporary version of the plan you have been working on which will be available on the home page when you next log in. The system saves your changes every few minutes so most, if not all, of your changes should be preserved. 13.5 Page not found If you have typed a web address incorrectly, or if a page has been moved, you will receive a ‘Page not found’ message. Please return to the home page and try to find the page again. Alternatively, consult the online help documentation under the Help tab. 13.6 Contact us 13.6.1 Email us your problem • If the above steps have failed to resolve your problem, please email us at
[email protected] – we will aim to respond as quickly as possible. • Please describe: - the product you are using, and ISBN if possible - the nature of the problem, including any error messages that have appeared - the steps you have already taken to solve the problem - the computer being used (e.g. which version of Windows, which browser?) 13.6.2 Telephone support line • If the above steps have failed to resolve your problem and you don’t have access to email (and/or the problem is urgent), please telephone the 49 11 9
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I-Planner Online Support Line – 0845 223 88 26. We will aim to resolve your problem quickly or, for more detailed problems, we will call you back as quickly as possible. Please be ready to describe: - the product you are using, and ISBN if possible - the nature of the problem, including any error messages that have appeared - the steps you have already taken to solve the problem - the computer being used (e.g. which version of Windows, which browser?) - If possible, when you can be at the computer or workstation that is experiencing technical difficulty
13.8 Contact details
I-Planner Online technical support: I-Planner Online Support Team Email:
[email protected] Phone: 0845 223 88 26 Web: www.pearsonschools.co.uk Address: Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford, OX2 8EJ General enquiries: Primary Customer Services Email:
[email protected] Phone: 0845 630 11 11 Fax: 0845 313 77 77 Web: www.pearsonschools.co.uk Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:30pm (excluding UK public holidays) Address: Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford, OX2 8EJ
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Author team Jennie Kerwin, David Kirkby, Ruth Merttens
Ginn is an imprint of Pearson Education Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales, having its registered office at Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2JE. Registered company number: 872828 www.pearsonschools.co.uk Ginn is a registered trademark of Pearson Education Limited Text © Pearson Education Limited 2009 First published 2007 13 12 11 10 09 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 0 602 57864 0 Copyright notice All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner, except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS (www.cla.co.uk). Applications for the copyright owner’s written permission should be addressed to the publisher. Getting Started Guide illustration by Pet Gotohda Cover illustration by Per José Karlén Cover design by Christopher Howson and Jonathan Williams Printed and bound in Great Britain by Ashford Colour Press Teacher Cards design and typesetting by Techset Ltd Teacher Cards illustration by Andy Hammond, Nick Ward and Techset Ltd PCMs and Homework Sheets design by Techset Ltd PCM illustration by Andy Hammond and Techset Ltd Homework Sheets illustration by Andy Peters and Techset Ltd Assessment design by Artistix Assessment illustration by Artistix and Cathy Hughes
Acknowledgements With thanks to all the teachers and pupils who have helped us with Abacus Evolve, in particular: Sabiha Bishop, Tim Coulson, Joan Jones, Kerry Mills, Ann Peat, Alison Tripkovic and Mary Watts. Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders of material reproduced in this book. Any omissions will be rectified in subsequent printings if notice is given to the publishers.
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