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Pendragon Press

MUSIC Studies

New and Forthcoming Titles Fall 2008

Table of Contents

New Titles from Pendragon Press This catalogue lists a selection of our new and forthcoming titles for 2008–09. To join our Notification Program and receive direct notices of new books as soon as they become available, enter your e-mail at our website or check the Notification Program box on the Order Form on the back cover of this brochure. At the website you can subscribe to RSS feeds for news items as well as for new and forthcoming titles.

Backlist and Series List We have published over 300 titles in our 33-year history, 266 of them still in print. Most of our books are contained within specific series, e.g. Dance & Music, Theory, Aesthetics, Franz Liszt, Czech Music, 20th-Century Music (see p. 26 for a listing of all 33 publication series). A complete list of these series and details of each title are available on our website at A backlist catalogue is avalilable for download at the website or by mail on request. Orders and information: [email protected] Toll-free telephone: (877) 656-6381 Fax: (518) 325-6102 Find Out-of-Print titles at our Amazon Marketplace storefront, Pendragon Press books are available in Europe from Rosemary Dooley email via tel 44(0)1539 740049 fax 44(0)1539 737744 3 Kendal Green, Kendal LA9 5PN, England


Pendragon Press Fall 2008

IN PRESS The Birth of the Cool of Miles Davis and His Associates by Frank Tirro .......................... 4 The Chichester Psalms of Leonard Bernstein by Paul Laird ................................................ 5 I Feel The Air of Another Planet: Schoenberg’s Chamber Music, Schoenberg’s World, Ed. James K. Wright and Alan M. Gilmor ........................................................................... 6 A Vast Simplicity: The Music of Carl Ruggles by Stephen Slottow ................................... 7 A Charles Ives Omnibus by James M. Burk.......................................................................... 8 Busoni and the Piano: The Works, the Writings, and the Recordings(Second Edition), Ed. Larry Sitsky ........................................................................................................................ 9 Thematic Catalogue of Troubadour and Trouvère Melodies With a Study of the Manuscripts by Donna Mayer-Martin and Dorothy Keyser ...............................................10 Music In Terezín, Second edition by Joža Karas .................................................................11 The Third Symphony of Charles Ives by Mark Zobel ........................................................12 The Timpani Supplement: More Pictures and Documents by Edmund Bowles .............13 Prophetic Trumpets: Homage, Worship and Celebration in the Wind Band Music of Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner by Keith Kinder......................................................14 Aspects of Harpsichord Making in The British Isles by Darryl Martin, Jenny Nex, and Lance Whitehead ............................................................................................................15 Handel Studies: A Gedenkschrift for Howard Serwer, Ed. Richard King ........................16 Analyzing Jazz: Vol. I: The Text: A Schenkerian Approach by Steve Larson.................17 Music in America, 1860–1918: Essays, Reviews, and Remarks on Critical Issues by Bill F. Faucett ...........................................................................................................................18 Music Philology by George Feder, trans. Bruce McIntyre Wendy Hilton: A Life in Baroque Dance and Music by Wendy Hilton and Susan Bindig ...... 20 Ernõ Dohnányi: A Thematic Catalogue by Deborah Kiszelly-Papp ...............................21 Beethoven’s “Orpheus” Concerto: The Fourth Piano Concerto in its Cultural Context by Owen Jander ....................................................................................................................22 Sleuthing the Muse: Essays in Honor of William F. Prizer Ed. Kristine K. Forney and Jeremy L. Smith ...............................................................................................................23 Ballet de la Nuit Ed. Michael Burden and Jennifer Thorp ..............................................24 Jubilate, Amen! A Festschrift in Honor of Donald Paul Hustad Ed. Paul A. Richardson and Timothy W. Sharp ...................................................................................................25 NORTH AMERICAN BEETHOVEN STUDIES





27 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


The Birth of the Cool of Miles Davis and His Associates Frank Tirro Jazz, from its origins until World War II, was America’s hot new music of the 20th century, and this music spread like wildfire to Europe and beyond. Shortly after the war ended a calming influence manifested itself in jazz and a new genre emerged with its own soundscape and quickly rose to worldwide popularity and influence—Cool Jazz. This book traces the history of this music to its roots in French Impressionism and European Neo-Classicism, describes the key roles played by Bix Beiderbecke, Lester Young, Lennie Tristano, Claude Thornhill, and Dave Brubeck in the development of this genre, and focuses on the major figures associated with a group of landmark recordings and on an ensemble that felicitously came to be known as The Birth of the Cool. The contributions of Miles Davis, Gil Evans, Gerry Mulligan, John Lewis, and John Carisi are considered in detail, and the scores of this music, arranged for Davis’s nine-piece band, are analyzed and compared. The influence of this music persists to the present day, and the final chapter of The Birth of the Cool of Miles Davis and His Associates suggests continuities and developments that might still be explored by interested readers. The book is illustrated with photos of musicians and manuscripts, contains many musical examples and a detailed index, has both a bibliography and a short discography, and it includes a compact disc that contains many of the key recordings discussed in the text.

The Chichester Psalms of Leonard Bernstein Paul Laird A secular work with sacred Hebrew texts and a “hint of Broadway”—commissioned by an Anglican cleric for a British choral festival to be held in a medieval cathedral and written by a popular American composer of Jewish heritage in his own eclectic style—would certainly attract widespread interest. In fact, since its 1965 premiere, Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein has taken its place in the concert repertory as the most frequently performed piece of twentieth-century American choral music. In his thoughtful study Professor Paul R. Laird traces the unusual genesis of the work from sketches conceived for other projects and describes in detail the musical content of the final form of its three movements. Published for the first time with the author’s commentary are the complete correspondence between Dean Walter Hussey and the composer, a survey of published criticism that greeted its first performances on both sides of the Atlantic, and an accounting of emendations to two performance scores in Bernstein’s own hand. CMS SOURCEBOOKS IN AMERICAN MUSIC NO. 4 $36.00 • PP 604 • 9781576471524

CMS SOURCEBOOKS IN AMERICAN MUSIC NO. 5 $45.00 • PP 610 • 9781576471289


Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


I Feel The Air of Another Planet

A Vast Simplicity

Schoenberg’s Chamber Music, Schoenberg’s World

The Music of Carl Ruggles

Edited by James K. Wright and Alan M. Gilmor

Stephen Slottow

With his setting of Stefan George’s portentous poetic text “Ich fühle Luft von anderem Planeten” (“I feel the air of another planet”) in the Second String Quartet, Op. 10 (1908), Arnold Schoenberg proclaimed the arrival of a new kind of music for the twentieth century. Pendragon Press marks the centenary of this epochal masterpiece with the publication of a wide-ranging collection of essays on Schoenberg’s chamber works, and the man behind the music. With a list of distinguished contributors from three continents— including Alexander Carpenter, John Covach, James Deaville, Murray Dineen, Allen Forte, Yoko Hirota, Don McLean, Christian Meyer, Severine Neff, Bryan Proksh, Lawrence Schoenberg, Dennis Spiteri, and James Wright—the book presents new historical, theoretical, biographical, and semiotic perspectives on Schoenberg’s chamber music, aesthetics, teaching, and persona. The links between his chamber music and earlier traditions, as well as its impact on subsequent generations of composers internationally, are among the areas of focus. The book features an Introduction co-authored by the editors in collaboration with Lawrence Schoenberg, the composer’s son.

The American composer Carl Ruggles (1876-1971) wrote a small number of powerful, finely crafted, intensely dissonant, and utterly individual works. Although sometimes viewed as very much an isolated figure—a stubbornly reclusive “ruggedly individualist” New Englander, painstakingly creating his uncompromisingly dissonant music in the wilds of Vermont—Ruggles was in fact an integral member of a close-knit group of composers known as the “ultramoderns,” which included (among others) Charles Seeger, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Henry Cowell, Edgard Varèse, Dane Rudhyar, and Charles Ives (mainly in the role of financier). The ultramoderns were interested in creating a distinctive dissonant American music free of the cultural hegemony of European musical authority and convention. As part of this group, Ruggles formed especially strong ties with Charles Ives—each considered the other the world’s second-best composer—and with Charles Seeger, whose theory of dissonant counterpoint exerted a strong influence on Ruggles’s evolving compositional style. Ruggles’s music is highly distinctive and personal— his works are not easily mistaken for those of any other composer. An individuality so audibly recognizable points to distinctive musical characteristics and compositional procedures. This study examines these in detail, discusses their influences (especially that of Charles Seeger), and places them in the context of Ruggles’s spiritual aesthetic of the transcendent and the sublime. DIMENSION AND DIVERSITY: STUDIES IN 20TH-CENTURY MUSIC NO. 8 $48.00 • PP 579 • 9781576471265

$ 54.00 • PP612 • 9781576471302


Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


A Charles Ives Omnibus

Busoni and the Piano

James M. Burk

The Works, the Writings, and the Recordings

Central to the evolution of American music is the legacy of Charles Ives. This grand-scale reference work provides details surrounding the multifarious responses to the achievement of this singular businessman/musician for more than a century. Performances, recordings, journalistic reports, reviews, and scholarly studies of all kinds as well as assorted Ivesiana in the form of literature, art, film, dance, and other expressions of homage are included. Many of the entries are amplified with contextual information or carefully selected excerpts. Professor Burk has been an enthusiastic connoisseur of Ives’s music and a thoughtful student of the Ives literature for many years; his systematic presentation results in much more than a glorified work list or another ambitious bibliography. CMS MONOGRAPHS & BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN AMERICAN MUSIC NO.18

(Second Edition) Edited by Larry Sitsky Musicologists, pianists, composers and music-lovers in general will welcome the re-issue and second edition of Larry Sitsky’s Busoni and the Piano, which has been out of print for a number of years. The second edition, which brings various aspects of the book up to date, will thus once again be available. Since the book was written in the late 1970s, Busoni has re-emerged as an important figure in early 20th-century music, and moreover, one who seems to be exerting an ever-widening influence on current thought and pianism. Larry Sitsky has spent a lifetime performing, teaching, editing and studying Busoni’s music. He has recently completed an ending to Busoni’s great opera Dr.Faust, which will be heralded in the great opera houses of Europe; as well, he is currently working on another book on Busoni’s instrumental, vocal and operatic music, and must be considered a world authority on this fascinating figure.

$96.00 • PP 591 • 9781576471197

DISTINGUISHED REPRINTS NO. 3 $ 36.00 • PP 566 • 9781576471586


Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


Thematic Catalogue of Troubadour and Trouvère Melodies With a Study of the Manuscripts

Music In Terezín, Second edition Joža Karas

Donna Mayer-Martin Dorothy Keyser This thematic catalogue is the product of inventories of all manuscripts containing music of the troubadours and trouvères. Melodic incipits of extant melodies are presented in intervallic order, and each incipit is provided with cross-references to appearances of the same or related melodies found in other manuscript sources. Specific references to appropriate philological handbooks also are listed with each melody. The indices include cross-reference tables for the melodies with text handbooks, including those by Pillet-Carstens, Raynaud-Spanke, and Linker. A second series of indices presents the order of appearance of melodies within the individual manuscripts.Introductory materials provide descriptions of each of the manuscripts, or chansonniers, its contents, and its relationships to the other collections. An in-depth bibliography related to the study of the chansonniers concludes the introductory materials. This catalogue is an invaluable resource for scholars and performers working with the medieval monophonic lyric and related polyphonic repertoires such as the ars antiqua motet. THEMATIC CATALOGUES NO. 18 $120.00 • PP 369 • 9780918728821

When Adolf Hitler created the model camp at Theresienstadt (Terezín in Czech) for the better-known of Europe’s Jewish transportees, he gathered together many of the continent’s finest musicians. This examination of the associations, the compositions, the performances, and above all, the people in Terezín accentuates the roles the active musical life played in the struggle for hope in those darkest of times. This second edition of Music in Terezín adds information on the lives of the survivors of the camp and corrects some material from the first edition. $48.00 • PP 534 • 9781576470305


Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


The Third Symphony of Charles Ives

The Timpani Supplement

Mark Zobel

More Pictures and Documents

Boyhood in a small Connecticut town, the imprint of a free-thinking father, a formal music education at Yale University, a lucrative career as a New York City insurance executive, and a personal philosophy balancing individuality and idealism: these are the conditions that formed and informed the controversial music of Charles Ives. His works were rescued from obscurity--in many instances, long after their creation--and introduced to the concert world. For some time the accomplishments of this Yankee renegade have been recognized as central to the American musical experience. His Third Symphony, conceived early in the twentieth century and only given its premiere in 1946, was identified by the composer himself as a pivotal effort in his compositional odyssey and, perhaps ironically, earned him the Pulitzer Prize in 1947.In this study Dr. Zobel reviews the complicated narrative of the Symphony’s composition, explains why Ives considered it a turning point between the “old ways” and the “new ways,” explores the structural implications of its camp-meeting program and the sophisticated manipulation of hymn tunes in its fabric, and places it in the context of Ives’s idiosyncratic worldview. In the process he interprets the timing of its first public performance as a means to appreciate evolving attitudes toward modernism in the American musical establishment. The text is enhanced by a sampling of critical commentary dating from the past sixty years and a companion compact disc with two performances, an early one lacking the enigmatic “shadow lines” and a later one with these details of Ives’s original conception restored.

Edmund Bowles This addendum to The Timpani: A History in Pictures and Documents (PP 487) contains 100 new drawings, paintings, and photographs, and many new documents to fill out a unique iconographical and documentary history of the timpani. The two volumes combine a wealth of pictorial material with extensive written sources and offer a rich and comprehensive survey of the instrument’s history from the middle ages to the present. And in so doing they fill a gap of long standing in the published literature of kettledrums by providing for the first time a combination of visual and descriptive evidence. $48.00 • PP 616 • 9781576471340 The TImpani and the Supplement may be ordered as a set: $130 • PP 635 • 9781576471470

CMS SOURCEBOOKS IN AMERICAN MUSIC NO. 6 $36.00 • PP 623 • 9781576471425


Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


Prophetic Trumpets

Aspects of Harpsichord Making in The British Isles

Homage, Worship and Celebration in the Wind Band

Darryl Martin, Jenny Nex, and Lance Whitehead

Music of Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner

During the four decades since the publication of Frank Hubbard’s classic Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making (1965), with its masterly survey of the Italian, Flemish, French, German, and English schools, most further research has been directed toward the European continent. This volume of The Historical Harpsichord is intended to redress that imbalance. With close attention to technical detail, Darryl Martin examines the extant English harpsichords produced in the critical period of transition between the earlier seventeenth century, best known for virginal making, and the Georgian era in which harpsichord making was dominated by the London firms of Shudi and Kirckman. Jenny Nex and Lance Whitehead describe and place into context the oeuvre of Saxon-born Ferdinand Weber (1715-1784), one of the few Georgian makers who could stand on his own, albeit at some remove from London, in Dublin.

Keith Kinder

HISTORICAL HARPSICHORD NO. 5 $56.00 • PP 603 • 9781576471531

Franz Liszt’s and Richard Wagner’s works for wind instruments and wind ensembles of various kinds, as well as for winds and voices in various combinations, epitomize much of nineteenth-century musical romanticism. From ceremonial and religious works to compositions for court occasions, from the concert hall to the operatic stage, Wagner’s and Liszt’s wind and wind-voice music offers insights into each composer’s stylistic evolution as well as the emergence of the symphonic poem and music-drama as genres in their own right. FRANZ LISZT STUDIES NO. 13 $54.00 • PP 602 • 9781576471517 14

Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


Handel Studies

Analyzing Jazz: Vol. I: The Text

A Gedenkschrift for Howard Serwer

A Schenkerian Approach

Edited by Richard King

Steve Larson

A tribute to the late Handel scholar and University of Maryland professor Howard Serwer, Handel Studies is in two parts. The first offers current research by leading Handel scholars on a wide range of topics, including archival studies, compositional process, historical aspects of the composer’s career and music, performance practice, and reception; and aims to suggest new directions in Handel studies and, more broadly, the study of eighteenth-century musical culture. The book’s second part reproduces the most substantial essays originally published between 1981 and 2001 in the program books of the Maryland Handel Festival & Conference. Written by the world’s foremost Handel experts, these essays are widely recognized as one of the best sources of information on Handel’s odes and oratorios, and frequently cited in the scholarly literature, but hard to find. Handel Studies makes this essential literature widely available for the first time.

Analyzing Jazz: A Schenkerian Approach demonstrates that the theories of Heinrich Schenker can illuminate not only the technical aspects of jazz (such as melody, rhythm, and harmony), but also its artistic content. In considering objections that have been raised to the application of Schenker’s approach to improvised jazz, the book touches upon the content and origin of Schenker’s theories, the role of analysis and the intentional fallacy, the origin and function of dissonance in common-practice harmony and in jazz, the nature of improvisation vs. composition, and the role of simplicity and complexity in popular and art music. And, although it qualifies the applicability of Schenker’s theories to jazz, it also shows that Schenker’s theories offer basic theoretical principles and practical examples for explaining dissonance treatment in jazz and models useful in creating, explaining, and experiencing jazz. The book offers detailed analyses of Larson’s transcriptions into musical notation of five complete recorded performances of Thelonious Monk’s classic jazz composition “ ’Round Midnight”: two recorded by the composer, one by Oscar Peterson, and two by Bill Evans— and is thus the first work to publish complete transcriptions of the same piece as played by different jazz performers.

FESTSCHRIFT SERIES NO. 22 $54.00 • PP 605 • 9781576471548


Pendragon Press Fall 2008

HARMONOLOGIA: STUDIES IN MUSIC THEORY NO. 15A $36.00 • PP 606 • 9781576471555

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Music in America, 1860–1918

Music Philology

Essays, Reviews, and Remarks on Critical Issues

George Feder

Compiled by Bill F. Faucett

Translated by Bruce McIntyre

During the years between the onset of the Civil War and the armistice of World War I music in American life flourished as never before. Some American musicians of the era remained mindful of their European counterparts while others concentrated just as enthusiastically on expanding local traditions. The lively music business, initially led by a network of regional publishers, coalesced into a centralized commercial giant and made New York City’s Tin Pan Alley legendary. • The wind band movement took hold in towns and cities to become a staple of public entertainment and public education. • Now-venerated institutions and ensembles were founded and cultivated. • The quest for a distinctively national concert music attracted many champions. • A “golden age” of music criticism transpired thanks to the propagation of newspapers and journals. • The emergence of ragtime and jazz in the African-American community and new trends in social dancing transformed the landscape of entertainment music. • New technologies revolutionized the dissemination and preservation of performances of all kinds. For this volume Dr. Bill F. Faucett has selected a cogent sampling of the published commentary of participants and observers responding to such developments. His anthology offers readers a fresh opportunity to reconsider a formative era in American music history. No other comparable work on the subject exists.

In The Critical Editing of Music (1996) James Grier called Georg Feder’s Musikphilologie (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1987) “the most important contribution to date” on textual criticism in music and “the only one that considers the full range of critical issues in editing” (Grier, p. 14). Pendragon Press’s edition of Feder’s Music Philology now makes available in English translation this essential, intellectually engaging but concise discussion of the complex and multi-faceted tasks in traditional scholarly editing of music. From the Middle Ages to the present, music has been written down and disseminated in notated form. In evaluating music notation, philological methods have been used more and more. These methods come from linguistic disciplines and are linked with specifically musical traditions and subjects. Starting with the relationships of music and language, tradition and understanding, work and text, Feder describes the fundamentals of music philology and its tasks. In addition to the musical sources themselves, theoretical and historical sources enable the critical study of questions about authenticity, dating, origin, and dissemination. MONOGRAPHS IN MUSICOLOGY NO. 14 $42.00 • PP 586 • 9781576471135



Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


Wendy Hilton

Ernõ Dohnányi

A Life in Baroque Dance and Music

A Thematic Catalogue

Wendy Hilton and Susan Bindig

Deborah Kiszelly-Papp

Beginning with her childhood discoveries of the worlds of dance and music, continuing through her ballet and historical-dance studies in England, and culminating in her distinguished work as a dancer, choreographer, scholar, and teacher in the United States, this memoir traces the fascinating, circuitous path of Hilton’s remarkable career. Her early aspirations to become a ballerina led her to the ballet studios of Marie Rambert, Cleo Nordi, Audrey de Vos, and Maria Fay and then to dancing in live broadcasts on early British television, in movies, and with the companies of Felicity Grey, Walter Gore, and Letty Littlewood. In 1952, a chance introduction to the historical dance specialist Belinda Quirey began Hilton’s lifelong study of and commitment to the fields of early dance and music. A few years later, another chance introduction to the eminent Bach specialist Rosalyn Tureck brought Hilton to America, with their collaborations winning rave reviews from some of America’s most distinguished critics. Hilton went on to collaborate with such other renowned musicians as Michael Tilson Thomas, Albert Fuller, and Frederick Renz, and such early music groups as the New York Pro Musica Antiqua and the Ensemble for Early Music. Two significant academic appointments, both of which would continue for over twenty years, also opened up: at the Juilliard School, where, as nowhere else, she mounted gloriously costumed and musically sophisticated performances in the Baroque dance style, and at Stanford University, where she directed an annual workshop on baroque dance and music. Hilton’s pathbreaking book Dance of Court and Theater: The French Noble Style, 1690–1725 (PP 400) remains the standard text for the field of baroque dance.

For decades the music of Hungarian composer-pianist Ernõ Dohnányi (1877-1960) has remained in relative obscurity—except for a few popular works—due to a series of unfortunate circumstances. He was the victim of malicious slander after he fled war-torn Hungary in 1944; the tragic result was that his music was silenced for decades in his home country. He was also branded a conservative by those who sought to dismiss traditional musical language and forms in search of “modernism.” As a consequence of Dohnányi’s long and enormously successful international career as a performer and pedagogue, his legacy has been scattered throughout Europe and the United States. Today, having been reassessed from the perspective of several decades, and as a result of new research initiatives and an increased access to archival and commercial recordings, Dohnányi’s music is enjoying a long-deserved revival. The fact remains, however, that much of it remains unpublished, including several of his numbered works. In addition, a large number of published works are now out of print and difficult to find. Many of the publishers of his music have gone out of business or have changed hands. Because of this dearth of published music and reliable information, this thematic catalogue will fill in that regrettable lacuna by providing incipits and as much up-to-date information as possible about the composer’s 48 opus-numbered works, his juvenile and mature works without opus number, transcriptions, cadenzas, arrangements of other works, and pedagogical studies.

WENDY HILTON DANCE & MUSIC SERIES NO. 14 $36.00 • PP 615 • 9781576471333

THEMATIC CATALOGUES NO. 29 $60.00 • PP 613 • 9781576471319


Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381



Sleuthing the Muse

Pendragon Press will continue this series, with the leading Beethoven scholar William Meredith as General Editor, in collaboration with the Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies and the American Beethoven Society.

Essays in Honor of William F. Prizer


Beethoven’s “Orpheus” Concerto The Fourth Piano Concerto in its Cultural Context Owen Jander “Beethoven composed his Fourth Piano Concerto in Vienna in the years 1803-06. In that period there was an unusually keen interest in the Orpheus legend; and so it is not surprising to learn that all three movements ... were undeclaredly—or better described, secretly—based on that famous story.” So begins Owen Jander’s Beethoven’s “Orpheus” Concerto: The Fourth Piano Concerto in its Cultural Context. In this fascinating and controversial book, the author maintains—echoing the interpretation first suggested by Adolph Berhard Marx in 1859—that the three movements are based on the Classical versions of the Orpheus legend by Vergil and Ovid. Jander tells us the full story—from the opening phrase of the first movement to the last measure of the finale—of how the Orpheus legend informs every note of Beethoven’s music. NORTH AMERICAN BEETHOVEN STUDIES NO. 5 $54.00 • PP 614 • 9781576471326

RECENTLY PUBLISHED: Transcendent Mastery: Studies in the Music of Beethoven Bathia Churgin NORTH AMERICAN BEETHOVEN STUDIES NO. 4

Edited by Kristine K. Forney and Jeremy L. Smith This Festschrift for William F. Prizer, on the occasion of his 65th birthday and retirement from University of California, Santa Barbara, features thirty articles by eminent scholars and former students. Professor Prizer’s publications have focused on music in northern Italy during the Renaissance, drawing on archival research, textual criticism, and gender studies ranging from the noble patronage of Isabella d’Este to the racy repertories of carnival songs and of courtesans. He was also the first to link the ceremonies of the Order of the Golden Fleece to the enigmatic L’homme armé repertory. The volume’s title and organization of the essays therefore draw on these scholarly interests, as well as his passion for mysteries. The studies span the Middle Ages to the present, offering topical categories such as Ceremony and Ritual; Liturgical Polyphony; Words and Music in the Humanist Era; Ribaldry in High and Low Places; On Stage in Church and Theater’ Gender, Power, Virtù; Enigmatic Women; Musical Innovators and Innovations; and Mysteries and Secrets Revealed. FESTSCHRIFT SERIES NO. 26 $60.00 • PP636 • 9781576471487

$58.00 • PP 590 • 9781576471227


Pendragon Press Fall 2008 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


Ballet de la Nuit

Jubilate, Amen!

Edited by Michael Burden and Jennifer Thorp

A Festschrift in Honor of Donald Paul Hustad Edited by Paul A. Richardson and Timothy W. Sharp

This new study brings together visual images and scholarly discussion of Le Ballet de la Nuit, a major ballet de cour organised by Louis de Hesselin and first performed in the Louvre’s Salle du Petit Bourbon in 1653. Le Ballet de la Nuit was notable for many reasons: most prominent among them was the involvement of the young Louis XIV, who danced in five different roles, including his most famous role as the Sun King, accompanied by chosen courtiers and professional dancers, singers and acrobats. The present publication is focussed on the exquisitely produced volume presented to de Hesselin (who also performed in the work), which passed into the hands of the Rothschild family at Waddesdon Manor, and is now in the ownership of the National Trust. The contents of the Waddesdon source are reproduced in facsimile, together with the printed vers pour les personages, lists of performers, cues for special effects, and the running order of the entrées. They are accompanied by essays by Michael Burden, Catherine Massip, David Parrott, and Jennifer Thorp which interpret and discuss cultural patronage at the Court of Louis XIV, the musical context, dances and dancers, and the costumes and scenography of this unique and extraordinary ballet, while Lionel Sawkins provides a modern edition of the surviving music. $86.00 • PP 625 • 9781576471432 24 Pendragon Press Fall 2008

Many facets of Donald P. Hustad’s distinguished career as professor, author, and church musician are celebrated in this volume by 29 peers and former students. There are essays by Paul Westermeyer, Alan Luff, Milburn Price, Carl Schalk, Brian Wren, Deborah Carlton Loftis, Tom Bolton, and Christopher Idle, as well as research articles by Michael Hawn, Carl Daw, David Music, Bert Polman, Mel Wilhoit, Michael Raley, William Clemmons, and Pam Dennis. Also included are hymns and tunes by TimothyDudley Smith, Michael Saward, Carl Daw, Austin Lovelace, Ronald Turner, and William Bradley Roberts. Hustad’s own work is recounted by Rhonda Furr in a biography and list of works, and recalled appreciatively by Hugh McElrath, George Shorney, Les Hollon and Billy Graham. Paul Richardson (Samford University) and Timothy Sharp (American Choral Directors Association) edited the volume. FESTSCHRIFT SERIES NO. 24 $60.00 • PP 620 • 9781576471388 • Orders: (877) 656-6381


Pendragon Press Publication Series

Recent Publications

Title Aesthetics in Music Andrew Porter Libretti Annotated Reference Tools in Music Bucina: The Historic Brass Society Series CMS Monographs & Bibliographies in American Music CMS Sourcebooks in American Music Croatian Musicological Society Series Dimension and Diversity: Studies in 20th-Century Music Distinguished Reprints Ex Series Festschrift Series Franz Liszt Studies French Opera in the 17th and 18th Centuries Harmonologia: Studies in Music Theory Historical Harpsichord Iannis Xenakis Interplay: Music in Interdisciplinary Dialogue

Sonic Transformations of Literary Texts: From Program Music to Musical Ekphrasis Siglind Bruhn INTERPLAY: MUSIC IN INTERDISCIPLINARY DIALOGUE NO. 6

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