outdoor/nature photography, including the use of tools like lenses, extension
tubes, and filters; creative variables like composition, exposure, and contrast; and
his session kicks off with a dramatic photographic presentation that sets the stage for an exciting, fun-filled day of creative exploration. The indoor workshop covers the creative basics of outdoor/nature photography, including the use of tools like lenses, extension tubes, and filters; creative variables like composition, exposure, and contrast; and balancing natural and artificial light. You’ll acquire a new perspective on the art of photography that will both prepare you and free you to create exciting and moving images.
atàâÜx XåÑÉáxw PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 9 A.M.—2 P.M. Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Lower Classroom $90 per person
Learn how to take a shot from average to award-winning through the use of different lenses, compositions, or lighting, or by simply waiting five minutes or moving five inches. All instruction in this session is illustrated with nature and wildlife shots that demonstrate the dramatic difference a few creative choices can make in an image. Along with these things you will also get several photo assignments from Mr. Kirkpatrick that will help you “see” differently and challenge your creative vision. These assignments will stretch your photographic skills and help you find new approaches to solve a photographic “creative block.”
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atàâÜx XåÑÉáxw with
APRIL 6, 2013
by grizzly bears, attacked by alligators, and nibbled by piranha. In the process, he’s captured some of the world’s most beautiful and exciting nature and wildlife photography. Kirkpatrick’s appreciate of nature began in childhood, when he divided his time between caring for a menagerie of unusual “pets” and operating a snake farm in his parents’ backyard (admission $.50). His fascination with nature became a full time career when his father gave Kirkpatrick his first camera in 1981.
Yes! Sign me up for the April 6th Nature Exposed Photo Workshop to be held in Jackson, MS at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science. Workshop fee is $90 per person and gate admission is $6. Please bring your own sack lunch or you may purchase food from the vendors at the Museum. Pizza, hamburgers, ice cream and drinks will be available. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Since then, Kirkpatrick has published more than 3,500 photographs in books and magazines worldwide, including Delta Sky, Skin Diver, Audubon, Gray’s Sporting Journal, Natural History, Ducks Unlimited, Outdoor Photographer, BBC Wildlife, National Wildlife, and Sports Afield. Kirkpatrick has published 11 solo pictorial coffee table books. His latest, Sanctuary: Mississippi’s Coastal Plain, is a tribute to the rare and endangered species and habitats of the Mississippi Coastal Plain. Kirkpatrick’s other titles include: Among the Animals, Mississippi, Images of Madison County, Mississippi Impressions, Lost in the Amazon, Romancing the Rain, Wilder Mississippi, To Catch the Wind, In Wilderness Song, Wild Mississippi, Whistling Wings, and First Impressions. His last eight books were written by Kirkpatrick’s wife, author Marlo Carter Kirkpatrick.
MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: E-MAIL: TYPE OF CAMERA Method of Payment: ______ A check (payable to the Mississippi Wildlife Federation) is enclosed, or ______ Please charge my credit card (circle one) Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Am/Ex Card number: ____________________________ Exp. Date: _______
Signature: _________________________________________________
Kirkpatrick’s work has earned international acclaim, including the 2011 Writer’s Digest International Self-Published Book Award, the National Outdoor Book Award, the Benjamin Franklin Award, and three Southeastern Outdoor Press Association Book of the Year Awards. He has twice been named a winner in the prestigious International Wildlife Photography of the Year competition held in London, England. Kirkpatrick’s current project is On a Roll, an entire coffee table book shot on just three rolls of film.
Complete and return to: Mississippi Wildlife Federation 517 Cobblestone Court, Suite 2 Madison, MS 39110 Fax: (601) 605-1794 E-Mail:
[email protected] .
For more information visit us online at www.mswildlife.org or call (601) 601-605-1790.