Aug 5, 2013 ... MATHS SYLLABUS(2013-14). Class 3. Broad Spectrum syllabus Monthly .... Feb
/20 of capacity. Bar graph. Demonstration method ppt ...
Delhi Public School Sonepat Session: 201314
Class –3
Subject: English Class: III Teacher: Jyotasana Puri
Broad Spectrum syllabus Monthly Breakup
1) A Helping Hand 2) Boats Sail on the Rivers
1) Acronym,
1) Elocution
Competition on
the topic
2) These/Those
(Pages 6 to 11)
3) Short forms 4) Adding ‘er’ to the words
‘Importance of Plants’
(Pages 20 to 25)
5) Creative Writing
(Picture Composition)
1) Tin Tin, the Robot
1) Sentence making 2) Making
1) Inter Class Acting
Oral Assessment (1st May‐24th May’13)
questions using ‘what’ 3) Creative Writing
‘Mr/ Miss Robot’
1) Phonic Drills in workbook
on pages (Writing a story with the clues given by the teacher in the class)
8,15 and 21 (The teacher will ask the students to
(Pages 12 to 19)
spell the words and tell their meanings)
2) Assessing Reading Skills (from Lesson 1,2 or 3) of the kids
(Emphasis will be given on the correct Pronunciation of the words)
1) A Night of Mystery
1) Word Puzzle 2) Antonyms
Role Play by the different groups
3) Present Continuous Tense 4) Creative Writing (Writing and completing the story with innovative ideas to make it interesting by the clues given)
(Pages 26 to 31)
‘The terrible nightmare’
Weekly I August
1) Little Daddy
1) Similes
Went to the
expressions) 2) Past
An Elocution competition on the topic ‘How my mom/dad enjoyed when they were kids’
(5th Aug’13)
Literature: 1) A Helping Hand
2) Boat sails
3) Note Writing
on the Rivers
(Pages 32 to 37)
3) Tin Tin, the Robot
Workbook: Pages 6 to 25
1) The Woodcutter of Gura
1) Phrasal Expressions
Story Narration with a motivational moral
Oral Assessment (16th Sept‐10th Oct’13)
2) Future Tense 3) Creative Writing
(Write about an interesting thing that you would like
The chapter ‘A Night of Mystery’ will be assessed orally. The teacher can
to take on a small trip and why?)
use the following criteria‐
(Pages 38 to 43) a) Reading the chapter b) Asking meanings of difficult words c) Making sentences d) Pages 26 to 31 from the Workbook
1) From Granny
1) Synonyms
with Love
2) Personal Pronouns 3) Creative Writing
(How will you feel when you will lose your parents in a crowded area?)
(Pages 44 to 49)
Collecting brochures and information about interesting places in India (of historical or mythological importance)
Weekly II November
1) Rath Yatra in Puri
1) Homophones 2) Adverb
Making a collage of your favourite destination in India
3) Creative
(18th Nov’13)
1) Little Daddy
(Draw/Paste your mother’s picture and write a few lines on her)
went to the Cinema 2) The Woodcutter
(Pages 50 to 54)
of Gura 3) From Granny with Love
Workbook: Pages 32 to 49
1) A Merry Dance
1) Movements made by objects and animals 2) Singular/Plural
(Pages 55 to 59)
Writing Funny Limerick poem
1) A Butterfly
1) One word substitution
Making a butterfly mask
2) Subject‐verb agreement
(Pages 60 to 64) Weekly III February
Fancy Dress Party
(10th Feb’14)
Oral Assessment (11th Feb‐14th March’14)
(Dressing up as any of the character from the book)
Literature: 1) Rath Yatra in Puri 2) A Merry Dance 3) A Butterfly
Workbook: Pages 50 to 64
Declamation Competition
Delhi Public School Sonepat Session: 201314
Class –3
MATHS SYLLABUS(2013-14) Class 3 Broad Spectrum syllabus Monthly Breakup
Month/No of working days
Method of Teaching / Aids
Project / Assessment
Go online
Make your own Abacus. e/math‐games/number‐ sense/
used April/22
Place Value
Numerals and number names from 999 to 9999 4 digit no on Abacus
Expanded form Comparison of numbers Greatest & Smallest number Number building Even and odd Ordering of numbers (SOMETHING BEYOND) Successor and Predecessor Face and place value Roman numbers(1 to 10)
ACTIVITY Paper strip activity no is 8765
ACTIVITY Matchstick activity(student s will write 1 to 10 in Roman form
Place value quiz
(Multiplication tables from 1 to10)
2D Concept
Corners and sides Square, rectangle and circle( properties)
Addition of 4 digit numbers without carrying Addition of 4 digit numbers with carrying Properties of Addition
Paper folding activity( in order to understand the concept of corners)
ACTIVITY Shapes, pattern
Digit cards Consist of 10 cards labeled as numbers from 0 to 9.students will pick any 3cards twice and form a number and
Go online m/math_magic.php
Multiplication from 11 to 13 May /23
Clock Minutes and Hours Quarter past, Quarter to, Half past Days routine (concept of am and pm) (concept will be taught through the year)
Dodging- 2 to 14 tables Mental Maths - Misc.
Subtraction of 4 digit numbers without borrowing Subtraction of 4 digit numbers with borrowing Properties of Subtraction
Introduction & meaning Drawing a pictograph Reading and interpreting a pictograph Collecting data using tally marks Drill Practice
then perform addition on it.
10x10 Grid ACTIVITY 1.balance the equation 3+4=2+? 456+11=10+? ACTIVITY 2. Snake and ladder game. (stds will throw the dice and will add the no. & move further) ACTIVITY
Go online
3. Number spider game Use of various pictures to make a word problem on it. (one group will make one pic. And give it to other group to frame a word problem and solve it.) com (videos on time)
Oral Assessment: Time and 2 D concept Students will make various clocks showing different time or tell the correct time. In 2D concept students will identify
various shape and properties. .
10X10 grid
Activity based learning Time
Go online 3D concept Corners Edges Sides
(ppt)http://www.freeclubwe ubtraction.html
Multiplication tables of 14 & 15 Mental Maths – misc. Weekly test 1:29 july2013
Multiplication tables Multiplication as repeated addition Properties of Multiplication Multiplication of 2 digit number by 1 digit no with and without borrowing Multiplication of 3 digit numbers by 1
(50 marks) 1. Place value-12 marks 2. Addition and subtraction.-15 marks 3. Data handling8marks 4. I/A -5marks 5. Oral assessment10marks
digit number with and without borrowing Multiplication by 2 digit number
Dodging – 10 to 15 tables.
Division as repeated subtraction Properties of division Relationship between division and multiplication Division using multiplication tables Long division without reminder Long Division with Reminder Concept of quotient, remainder and dividend and divisor
Activity based learning
ACTIVITY Magic bag Students will take out 1 object from the bag and identify it and state its property too.
ACTIVITY Go online(online video) Multiplication tables through broomsticks
Repeated addition )
http://www.multiplication.c om/teach/teach-the-timestables 2X1=2 DATA
Ice tray activity
Pictorial Representati on
Activity based learning & demonstration method.
Shape, space and patterns
3 x 4 is "3 groups of 4."
Indian currencyRupees and Paise Expressing money in words and figures
Addition and Subtraction of money Word problems
Difference between whole numbers and fractions Fractions-1/2, 1/3, ¼………….. Fraction of whole numbers Numerator and Denominators
ACTIVITY Button & bangle activity
Units of length Devices to
http://www.multiplication.c om/games/play/cone-crazy
measure length Conversions Addition and Subtraction Word problems
Units of weight Devices to measure weight Conversions
Demonstration method
Students will measure total length of a rope eg.75cm and each std of a group will come and cut 5 cm each & in end will record the result i.e number of pieces collected(75/5= 5)
Dodging 2 to 20. Mental Maths – misc. Activity3 Lets go out:
Addition and Subtraction Word problems
Activity based learning
Class will be distributed into 2 set of stds will be having a slip with a ques eg. 15/5 and other with ans eg.3
Capacity and volume Units of measuring capacity Activity1
Conversions Piggy Bank Activity.
Division September/2
Addition and Subtraction
Word problems
Lets go out for shopping: Few stds ill enact as shopkeepers and few as customers. Sale and purchase will also be introduced.
1.Paper folding activity
Basic concept
2.Dairy milk chocolate activity
Activity Student will measure the height of their partners. Activity based
Spring Balance Activity (children will measure the weight of small objects like apple, orange etc) and they will record the weight of each.
Experiments based on measuring capacity.
Weekly test2:11 Nov,2013 (50 marks) 1. Multiplication-10 marks 2. Division-10 marks 3. Money-10 marks 4. I/A-5 marks 5. Oral assessment-10 marks(fractions)
Activity Students will bring empty bottles of coke ,juices ,water bottles and will record their capacity in class
Measurement of length November/17
Spring Balance
Students will make various bar graph on the given data like marks obtained in eng subject or maths. Number of students who like various cartoon characters
Measurement of mass
Weekly 3- 3 Feb2013 (50 marks) 1. Measurement of length-10 marks 2. Measurement of mass-10 marks 3. Measurement of capacity-10 marks 4. Fraction-5 marks 5. I/A-5 MARKS 6. ORAL ASSESSMENT- Bar graph and shapes , pattern-10 marks
Measurement of mass
Measurement of capacity
Eye drop, measuring beakers
of capacity
Demonstration method ppt
Bar graph
Feb /20
Delhi Public School Sonepat Session: 201314
Class –3
Delhi Public School Sonepat Syllabus 2012 – 2013 Subject: E.V.S. Class : III Teacher/Facilitator:Ms.Deepika, Ms.Meenakshi, Ms.Sweta Month April
Topic and sub‐topics Living and Non‐Living things
Recapitulation through picture reading Plants. Animals, Humans are living things. Characteristics of living and non‐ living things Differences between living and non‐living things.
Activity a) Picture reading ( book b) Learning to draw life cycle of a plant c) Draw one living and non‐living things in your classroom and color it.
Important definitions: Living things Non‐living things Stomata Reproduction Parts of a Plant
Recapitulation done through picture reading. Identifying and labeling different parts of a plant in the picture. Major parts of a plant I). Shoot System: a) Parts such as Stem , leaf, flower, bud, fruit b) Uses of stem, flower, fruit, leaf c) Leaf‐its parts II) Root System :
a) Draw and label the different parts of a plant b) PowerPoint presentation .on Parts of plant, Photosynthesis, Germination. (www.makemegenius.c om) c) Draw and label the parts of a leaf.
a) Types‐Tap roots and fibrous roots b) Uses of roots Important Definitions : a) Edible seeds b) Germination c) Photosynthesis
d) Making a herbarium
May Soil: Basic ingredient for plant growth Formation of soil Breaking down of rocks Colour of soil Layers of soil/Composition of soil a) tiny stones b) fine sand c) clay d) muddy water e) humus USES Important for plant growth Homes to many animals Important definitions Manure Humus Moisture Nutrients
July What animals eat Recapitulation of different types of animals Classification based on eating habits (
a) Story narration and role play‐Group Work ( different animals
herbivores,carnivores,omnivores) Food chain‐‐‐‐Introduction and importance. How animals eat—using different body parts a) Chewing b) Swallowing c) Sucking d) Lapping Important definitions: Prey Gnaw Predators Cud Food Chain
).Refer to book pg no’s 7 to 10
b) Collect pictures of different animals and make a food chain in your scrap file.
c) Ppt. on food chain to enhance understanding
August Birds
Weekly‐I Syllabus for Oral assessment:
Peculiarities of a bird ( feathers) How does a bird fly‐ Upstroke and down stroke movement Feathers –Flight, Down and Body feathers
Beaks Important for eating food Types of beaks a) short curved b) long‐ curved beak c) sharp hooked d) broad flat e) long pointed f) sharp pointed Feet and Claws a) Talons b) Webbed feet c) Long legs d) Sharp Claws Nests –Of –birds a) Tailor bird b) Weaver bird c) Woodpecker d) Penguin Important definitions : Peck Talons Claws Prey
Parts of a plant a) Videos on different birds and their eating habits b) Making a bird nest using twigs, fallen feathers etc. c) Identification of birds and their beaks
Syllabus for written assessment Soil Living and non‐ living things
Our Body Revising and learning different parts of our body
Different organs and their functions ( Internal and external organs ) Human body is composed of a) cells‐tissues‐organs‐organ system‐organization Various organs form the different organ systems. Organ systems Skeletal system, Muscular system Digestive system, Nervous system Circulatory, Excretory system Important definitions Cells Tissues Organs September Keeping Safe Safety at home : Basic rules to follow like : Staying away from electric switches Not playing with sharp objects Not scattering toys on the floor Not to leave the floor wet Safety at school: Basic rules to follow like : Not to run around in the corridors/around benches Not to get in /out of a moving bus Must always stand in queue Not to push/pull anyone while playing
a) Identification of different parts of our body through pictorial reading ( Refer to book pg .no. 84) b) Role play ( different organs and their functions ) c) Take some newspaper. Spread out a double sheet on the floor and lie down on it. Request a friend to draw the outline of your body on it with a thick marker pen. Now get up and paste the cut outs of the brain, ear, kidneys and stomach in the outline in proper place.
a) Emergency numbers ( listing down important telephone
Safety on road : Basic rules to follow like : Always use Zebra crossing /Subway Not to stick face / body out of the moving bus Not to play on the road Always keep up to the left side of the road Always follow traffic rules
First Aid Concept of First Aid Importance of First Aid When it should be given. How it should be given. What does a First Aid kit contains a) antiseptic lotion b) band aid c) bandage d) scissors e) gauze f) cotton
Important definitions First Aid Antiseptic Subway Zebra Crossing
Housing and Clothing Houses Difference between Kutcha and pucca house Why do we need a house? Importance of a good and a clean house Ways to keep our house clean. a) Adequate sunlight b) Clean and fresh air
no’s of the services like police, fire brigade, ambulance, hospital, parents, relatives , neighbors, friends ( any two) b) Make a model of the traffic signal using cardboard , glue , a pair of scissors and colored paper.
a) Visit to the infirmary b) Making a First Aid kit using a shoe box.
c) Wire nettings dustbins
d) Use of
Why do we wear clothes? What are clothes made of? ( fibers) Types of fibers a) Natural fibers‐ Plant & animal fibers Jute, cotton, silk etc b) Man made fibers‐ Nylon, Rayon , Terylene, Acrylic Different clothes worn in different seasons ( summer and winter )
a) Collect pictures of different types of houses, paste them in scrap file and write at least any two characteristics of each.
a) Story of making of a cloth b) Collect samples of different fibres and tell which category they belong to.
Important definitions
Fibre Well ventilated Waterproof Natural fibres Plant fibres Animal fibres
Weekly –II ( 25‐ 11‐13) Syllabus for oral assessment Keeping safe Housing
and clothing Solids , Liquids and Gases
Syllabus for Written assessment
Identifying three forms of water Solids What are solids? Characteristics Liquids
What is a gas? Important for all living things
Change of Form
Three forms of water change into Solids‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Liquids‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Gas Diagram to show change of form( book pg no.48) Important definitions Evaporation Condensation Melting Freezing Measurement Importance & use in everyday life Measurement of Length Non standard units of length a) Cubit b) Foot span c) Hand span
What are Liquids? Characteristics Difference between solids and liquids
a) Picture reading ( Refer to book pg no. 46)
b) Activity to observe condensation ( Refer to book pg.no49)
c) Role plays to show different properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Our body Eating habits of animals Birds
d) Stride Standard units of length a) Metre b) Centimetre Kilometre
Measurement of Weight
a) Measuring the class board using non standard unit( hand span) and the standard unit ( using a ruler ) .
Standard units of weight a) Kilograms b) Grams How do we measure weight? ( weighing balance )
Measurement of Capacity
Standard units of capacity a) Litre b) Millilitre Variety of instruments used for Measuring capacity (Cylinders, cups etc.) Important definitions Length Mass ( Weight ) Capacity
b) Surf the internet and find out various measuring devices used by doctors to measure different physiological states.
c) Visit science lab and observe the different measuring equipments used for different chemicals.
Light , Sound and Force Light ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ needed to see things. Luminous objects Sun‐the main source of light Non‐luminous objects Shadow What is a shadow? Does it remain same / or changes?
Sound Tongue ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐helps to make sounds. Travels through air. Variety of sounds a) Soft (whisper) b) Loud ( ringing of school bell) c) Pleasant ( music) d) Unpleasant (continuous honking of a vehicle) Noise‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Loud and unpleasant sound Noise Pollution Force ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Required to push or pull any object
Concept of Push /Pull Friction
Important definitions Push Pull Friction
a) Collect pictures of luminous and non luminous objects and paste in scrap file b) Activity to observe change in length of shadow during the day.( Refer to book pg. no.103) c) Take a plain sheet. Request someone to throw light on the paper with a torch. Use your hands to make animal shadows.( For creating a night scene, you can draw the curtains) d) Nature watch (sit in
garden and find out different sounds you hear. Categorize them accordingly) e) Activity to understand friction ( Refer to book pg. no 105)
Air , Water, Weather Air Water
What is air? What it contains ( water vapour, germs ,dust particles and gases ) Air Pollution
Importance of water Use in everyday life Water cycle Water pollution
Definition What brings about change in weather Different days ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ a) sunny b) windy ) cloudy Seasons‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ a) Summer b) Winter c) Spring d) Autumn
Important definitions
a) The water cycle song b) Activity to understand Effect of evaporation( Refer to book pg. no 113)
Atmosphere Wind Breeze Water Cycle
c) Activity to find out what is in the air ( Refer to book pg. no118) d) Light an incense stick and place a white sheet above an inch. Find out what you see after some time.
Sun, Moon and Stars
Sun and the Solar System Planets ‐‐‐‐‐‐( Orbits ) Moon ‐‐‐‐‐‐Satellites Phase of moon Stars‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Constellations
Important definitions Stars Constellations Meteors Comets Phase
Weekly –III( 17‐ 2‐13) Syllabus for oral assessment Measure ment Solids,Liq uids and Gases Syllabus for written assessment
Our Earth Life on earth Shape of the earth Movements of the earth Rotation ‐‐‐‐‐‐day and night Revolution‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐change of seasons
Light, Sound, Force Air,Wate r,Earth
Important definitions Axis Orbit Revolution Rotation
a) On a chart paper make a weekly table for the month of February and draw the shape of moon with each passing day
b) Activity to understand how days and nights are caused.( Refer to book pg no. 130)
Delhi Public School Sonepat Session: 201314
Class –3
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