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New thermobarometers, and practical assessment ofex- isting thermobarometers. ..... perature during tectonism in the Bathurst Area, New Brunswick, Can-.
American Mineralogist, Volume 78, pages 840-844, 1993

SOFIIIIflRE IlOTIEE PTMAFIC: Software for thermobarometryand activity calculationswith mafic and ultramafic assemblages Juau ICN,Lcro Soro Departamento Geodin6mica and Instituto Andaluz de Geologia Mediterr6nea, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Avenida Fuentenuevas/n, 18071-Granada,Spain

AssrRAcr PTMAFIC is a PC-compatible computer program for thermobarometric calculation in mafic and ultramafic rocks. The program includes 14 geothermometersand 11 geobarometers, eachwith up to ten calibrations chosenfrom all those published up to 1991.For the principal mineralsof theserocks (e.g.,amphiboles, garnet, olivine, plagioclase,pyroxenes, spinels) PTMAFIC can provide stoichiometricparameterssuch as cation site allocations, mole fractions, and mole percents of the endmembers and thermodynamic parameterssuch as Margules parameters(W), activities (a), and activity coefrcients(7) according to different models. INtlnonucrroN Despite the undoubted advantagesof mafic rocks for discovering the predominant P- Zconditions of the initial metamorphic stagesofan orogeny(e.g.,Brodie and Rutter, 1985),the software developed for the calculation of P-7 conditions by geothermobarometry has been designed mainly for pelitic systems. PTMAFIC has been written to make up partially for the lack of geothermobarometricprograms for these rocks. The purpose of PTMAFIC is to easethermobarometric calculations for petrologists concerned with mafic and ultramafic systems.The program contains multiple geothermometersand geobarometersapplicable to a wide range of P-7 conditions, from granulite and eclogitefaciesto the upper part ofgreenschist facies.The different calibrations ofeach ofthese thermobarometers publishedup to 1991have beencollected. Pnocna,lr


The program consistsof two closely related parts that can be used independently.The first part, located in only one option of the main menu, allows the user to calculate,for eachof the most petrologically significantminerals, parameterssuch as cation site allocations, mole fractions at the different structural positions, mole percentsof the end-members,and ditrerent models of thermodynamic activities. The secondpart of the program, that concerning thermobarometric calculations, is contained in two menus: one for geothermometryand the other for geobarometry. In each menu the different geothermometers(14 in all) and geobarometers(11 in all) appearin alphabeticalorder ofthe constituent minerals. According to the mineral assemblagein question, the user can therefore recognizethe geothermometersor geobarometersthat can be used. For each of these,diferent results will be obtained accordine to the calibrations uodated bv the author of the program. Activities Some of the most significant minerals included in this option of PTMAFIC are l. Amphibole. The cation site allocations are calculated ac0003-004x/9 3/0708-0840$02.00

cording to the proceduresof Holland and Richardson ( I 979) and Hawthorne (1983). The activities of the end-membersare calculated according to the models by Holland and Richardson (1979),Tribouletand Audren (1988),and Kohn and Spear(1989, 1990). The distribution coefrcients of 7- and P-dependent reactions betweendifferent amphibole end-members,are calculated after Holland and Richardson(1979),Trzcienskiet al. (1984), and Triboulet and Audren (1988). 2. Garnet. Activities and activity coefrcientsof the end-members (almandine, grossular, pyrope, and spessartine)are calculated after Gangulyand Perkins(1974),Perkins(1979),Hodges and Spear(1982),Newton and Perkins(1982),Saxenaand Erikson (1983),and Ganguly and Saxena(1984)with the modificationsby Perkinsand Chipera (1985a, 1985b),Moecher et al. (1988),and Hoinkes(1986). 3. Plagioclase.Activities of the end-member are calculated following the models of Orville (1972), Kerrick and Darken (1975),Newton et al. (1980),Newton (1983),Hodgesand Royden (1984),and Pariaet al. (1988). 4. Pyroxenes.The program distributes the cations at the Ml and M2 tetrahedral sites, following the model by Wood and Banno (1973),and calculatesthe mole percentofthe pyroxene end-members (iadeite, hypersthene,wollastonite and enstatite, ferrosilite. wollastonite). Calculation of activities for the diferent end-members (diopside, enstatite, ferrosilite, and hedenite) is carried out following models by Wood and Banno (1973), Herzbergand Chapman (1976), Gasparik and Newton (1984), and Chatterjeeand Terhart (1985). 5. Spinel. The program calculatesthe Margules parameters (W), activities, and activity coefficientsfor magnesium-chromium spinel and magnesium-aluminum spinel, according to the models by Herzbergand Chapman (1976), Oka et al. (1984), and Chatterjeeand Terhart (1985).

Thermobarornetry The program includes 24 thermobarometers.They are listed below in alphabeticalorder togetherwith a briefdescription and the calibrations included. Mineral abbreviations are standardized following Kretz (1983). 1. Al-in-amphibole barometer; empirical calibrations of Hammarstrom and Zen (1986) and Hollister et al. (1987) and experimental calibration of Johnson and Rutherford ( I 989). 2. Amp-Chl-Ep-Pl thermobarometer; based on the Fe3+-Al exchangebetweenAmp and Ep, coexistingwith Chl and Pl; experimentalcalibrationby Maruyama et al. (1986). 3. Amp-Grt thermometer; based on the Fe-Mg exchangebetween the two phases;empirical calibrations by Graham and Powell (1984)and Perchuket al. (1985). 4. Amp-Grt-P1-Qtz barometer; based on the empirical calibration of the reactions An * Ab + Tr : Grs + Prp + Prg + Qtz, An + Ab + Fe-Act: Grs * Alm + Fe-Prg + Qtz, An +




AMPHTBoLE AcrvrrEs (1)



AmohibolePoint : Hollandand Richardson(1979):SAMPLE C6

Garnet Point : GR-26-c ClinopyroxenePoint : Px-pi-z 13 00 P (kbao= 1 882 Ln Kd=

Callon Slte Allocation Holland & Rlchardson (1979) and Hawthorne (1983) procedures

T1 (4)Si T2 (4) Si M2 (2)Al(vi) Fe(3) Fe(21 Ml (3) Fe(z) M3Mg Ca M 4 ( 2C ) a Fe(2) Na A ( 1 )K o

= 3 620 = 4 000 = 1 340 =0360 =0099 = 1 021 =l979 =0000 =0410 =0000 =1580 =0020 = 0770

Mysen & Heier (1972) r fc) = 656 31 Raheim & Green (1974) 689 56 T (oC)= Mori & Green (1978) 638 38 T (',C)= Ellis & Green (1979) = 81829 T (eC) Ganguly ('1979) T ('oC)= 860 92 Dahl (1980) T ( a C )= 8't792

Al(iv) = 0 380 Ti Cr Mg

= 0.010 =0.000 =0191



Mn Mg

=0010 =0000




AmphibolePoint : Hollandand Richardson(1979):SAtilPLE CG Amp end-member Acllvlties Holland & Rlchardson (1979),Trzcienski et al. (1984),Triboulet & Audren (1988) and Kohn & Spear (1989, 1990) procedures. a a a a a

Gln x[10]3 = Ed x[1013 = Prg x[10]3 = Ts x[10]3 = Fe-Act x[1013=




41 522 0 015 0 001 455 843 1 876

a a a a

Tr x[10]3 MgHbl x[1013 Fe-Prg x[10]3 Fe-Ts x[10]3

(& 2) cRT-cPx GEoTHERMoMETEB Garnet Poinl : GR-26-c ClinopyroxenePoint : PX-pi-2 13 00 P (kbar)= 1 882 Ln Kd=




= 0 057 = 0 042 = 3 939 = 235 274

Powell (1985) T fC) = 80273 Krogh (1988) 79572 T fc) = Paflison& Newton (1989) 74820 T ('C) = s e n G u p t ae t a l ( 1 9 8 9 ) T (eC)= 828 98 = 0 901 rFe 'yMS= 2233


A M P H T B o LAEc r v r r E s ( & 3 ) AmphibolePoint : Hollandand Richardson{1979):SAMPLE C6 Equillbrla dislribution coeff icients Holland & Richardson (1979),Trzcienski et al. (1984) and Trlboulet & Audren (1988) procedures. ' Tr+Ab+Chl= Gln+Zo+Qtz+W Equilibria = -5 193710327148438 Ln K(Ed,Ts) 'Tr+Ab = EdrQtz Equilibria = -1 304155349731445 Ln K(Gln,Tsor Prg,MgHbl) ' Ed+Zo+Chl+Otz= MgHbl+Ab+W Equilibria = -84 23689270019531 Ln K(Tr,Prg)

Tr : Grs + Prp + Ts + Qtz, andAn + Fe-Act : Grs + Alm + Fe-Ts + Qtz by Kohn and Spear(1989, 1990). 5. Amp-Pl thermometer; according to the NaSi : CaAl exchangebetween the two phases,for instance in Ed + Qtz : Tr + Ab and Prg + Qtz : Hbl + Ab reactions; empirical calibrations by Spear(1980)and Fershtater(1991),experimentalcalibration by Plyusnina (1982), and mixed calibration by Blundy and Holland (1990). 6. Cpx-Ol thermometer; based on the following Fe-Mg exchangereaction: 01 (Fo) + Hd : Ol (Fa) + Di; calibration by Powell and Powell (1974). 7. Cpx-Ol-Spl thermometer; based on the equilibrium Di + Spl : Ca-Ts + 01 (Fo); experimental calibration by Herzberg and Chapman(1976). 8. Cpx-Opx thermometer;accordingto the miscibility gap and the distribution of Ca and Na betweenboth oyroxenes:emDirical

Fig. l. (A)-(C) Output generated by PTMAFIC showing stoichiometric and themodynamic calculations of an amphibole analysis. (D) and (E) Also shown are sample calculations for the garnet-clinopyroxenegeothermometer.

calibration by Wood and Banno (1973); experimental calibrations by Nehru and Wyllie (1974) and Herzberg and Chapman (1976);mixed calibrationby Brey and Kohler (1990). 9. Cpx-Pl-Qtz barometer; accordingto the equilibrium An : Ca-Ts + Qtz, proposedas an empirical barometerby Ellis (1980). 10. Grt-Cpx thermometer; basedon the Fe-Mg exchangebetween the two phases;calibrations: experimental by RAheim and Green(1974),Ellis and Green(1979),and Pattisonand Newton (1989);empirical by Mysen and Heier (1972),Mori and Green (1978),and Dahl (1980);mixed by Ganguly(1979),Powell(1985), Krogh (1988),and SenGupta et al. (1989). 11. Grt-Cpx-Opx-Pl-Qtzbarometer;basedon the empirical calibration of the reactions: Alm + Hd + Qtz : Fs + Pl and Prp + Di + Qtz : En + Pl obtained by Paria et al. (1988). 12. Grt-Cpx-Pl-Qtz barometer; basedon the equilibria An + Di : Grs + Prp + Qtz andAn + Hd : Grs + AIm + Qtz; with



empirical calibrations by Perkins and Newton (1981), Newton and Perkins(1982),Moecheret al. (1988),and Powell and Holland (1988);semiempiricalcalibrationby Eckertet al. (1991). 13. Grt-Ilm thermometer; based on the Fe-Mn exchangebetween the two minerals; experimental calibrations by Pownceby , 9 8 7 b ,1 9 9 1 ) . e t a l .( 1 9 8 7 a1 14. Grt-Ms thermometer; according to the Fe-Mg exchange betweenthe two minerals; calibrations included are experimental by Krogh and RAheim (l 978), empirical by Hynes and Forest (1988),and mixed by Green and Hellman (1982). 15. Grt-Ol-Pl barometer; resulting from the experimentalcalibration of the reaction Ol (Fa) + Pl : Grs + Alm proposed by Bohlen et al. (1983). 16. Grt-Opx barometer; based on the Al content of the orthopyroxenecoexistingwith garnet,accordingto the equilibrium En + Mg-Ts : Prp; empirical calibrations by Nickel and Green (1985)and Brey et al. (1986);semiempiricalcalibrationby Brey and Kohler (1990). 17. Grt-Opx thermometer; basedon the Fe-Mg exchangebetween the two phases;empirical calibrations by Wood and Banno (1973), Dahl (1980),and Sen and Bhattacharya(1984);experimentalcalibrationby Harley (1984). 18. Grt-Opx-Pl-Qtz barometer; basedon the equilibria An + En : Grs + Pyr + Qtz andAn * Fs : Grs f Alm + Qtz; empirical calibrationsby Perkins and Newton (1981),Newton and Perkins(l 982),and Powelland Holland (1988);experimental calibration by Bohlen et al. (1983); semiempirical calibrations by Perkinsand Chipera (1985a, 1985b),Moecher et al. (1988) and Eckertet al. (1991). 19. Grt-Rt-Pl-I1m barometer; according to the equilibrium Grt(Alm,Grs,) + Rt: Ilm + An + Qtz (GRIPS);experimental calibrationby Bohlen and Liotta (1986). 20. Ol-Spl thermometer; based on the Mg-Fe exchangebetween the two minerals; empirical calibrations by FabriCs(1979) and Roeder et al. (1979); experimental calibration by Ballhaus et al.(l99la, 1991b). 21. Opx thermometer; according to the solubility of Ca-Al and Cr-Al; empirical calibration by Witt-Eickschen and Seck (1991)and semiempiricalcalibrationby Brey and Kohler (1990). 22. Opx-Ol thermometer; according to the Ni-Mg distribution betweenthe two phases;experimentalcalibrations by Berger and Vannier (1978)and Povdin (1988). 23. Opx-Ol-Spl thermometer; basedon the reaction En + Sp : Mg-Ts + Ol (Fo); experimental calibration by Fujii (1976); empirical calibrations by Gasparik and Newon (1984) and WittEickschenand Seck(1991). 24. Phengitebarometer; basedon the Si content ofthe phengite coexistent with QtzlCoes + Tlc + Ky; experimental calibration by Massoneand Schreyer(1989). Crrln,lcrBnrsrrcs


The program is written in a compiled version of Basic (Turbobasic) for PC-compatible computers, with a microprocessor of the 80086family (from 80286to 80486),color monitor, CGA graphics card or higher (up to VGA), and either MSDOS (version 3.0 or later) or DRDOS operating systems.Severaltext files, with specific instructions on how to use the program (README.TXT), and a complete list of the bibliographic references(REFERN.TXT) are included. The program has been designedso that no consultation of a reference manual is required during use, and the menus and result screensare intended to be self-exolanatory.Data are in-

troduced into the program by means of the keyboard. All the input operations require the analysis of the minerals to be given in ions per formula unit, so the user will need to have previously normalized the analysis. For some minerals the program ofers the possibility of introducing Fe as Fe2* and Fer* (e.g., amphiboles and pyroxenes). The numerical results ofthe calculations are always displayed on one or several screens, which may be printed by screen dumps. shows several examples ofresults created by the Figure lA-lE program. How




PTMAFIC is available by writing to the author at the following address: Departamento de Geodin6mica (Facultad de Ciencias), Av. Fuentenueva s/n, 18071-Granada, Spain [Tel/Fax: 34-(9)58-2433521. As no financing has yet been found for pubIication and distribution to the program, the software has a price of U.S.$35.00. Please send a check (made payable to J.I. Soto Hermoso) or money order, including name and address for shipping. To avoid computer virus problems, please do not send blank diskettes. AcxNowr,tncMENTS The author benefited from careful reviews of the manuscnpt by A. Indaresand N. Velilla, who also improved the program fulfillment. During the program planning some technical problems were kindly resolved by VM. Soto. Supportfor this paper was provided by the PB87-046101 projectofthe CICYT (Spain).



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Srpreusen 14, 1992 MaNuscprm RECETVED M.lNuscmsr AccEmEDMencn 3, 1993

ERRATUM The composition of lizardite 1T and the formation of magnetite in serpentinites,by David S. O'Hanley and M. Darby Dyar (v. 78, p. 391-404). In Figure 7D-'7F, the arrows should be pointing in the opposite direction. This changedoes not affect either the data (given in Table 4) or the interpretationof the data given in the text.