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Submission of list of pleading team members / distribution of the memoranda of the opponents (for pleading session 04.03). Rooms: Court 1: DV3 01.26. Court 2:  ...
International and European Tax Moot Court 2014-2015 KU LEUVEN – DELOITTE

Preparatory Stage Friday October 3, 2014 Tuesday October 7, 2014

Ultimate date for pre-registration and delivering the CV’s of all team members Ultimate date for closing the selection procedure

Wednesday October 8, 2014

Case Available

Friday October 31, 2014

Ultimate date for the submission of the registration form team and the customer information form sheet

Monday November 10, 2014

Deadline for request for clarifications (Art. 6.6. Official Rules)

Monday November 24, 2014

Deadline for the publication of the clarifications (Art. 6.8. Official Rules)

Monday January 26, 2014

Deadline for submission of the memoranda (Art. 17.4. Official Rules)

International and European Tax Moot Court 2014-2015 KU LEUVEN – DELOITTE

Final Rounds Date Sunday February 22, 2015

Monday February 23, 2015

Time 17.00

9.00 – 16.00

Activity -

Welcome (briefing)




Submission of list of pleading team members/distribution of the memoranda of the opponents (for pleading session 03.03)


Preliminary Rounds


Submission of list of pleading team members / distribution of the memoranda of the opponents (for pleading session 04.03)

Location Faculty of Law Tiensestraat 41 3000 Leuven Room : DV1 91.56 (Aula Zeger Van Hee)

Rooms: Court 1: DV3 01.26 Court 2: DV3 01.24

International and European Tax Moot Court 2014-2015 KU LEUVEN – DELOITTE

9.00 – 16.00


Preliminary Rounds

Rooms: Court 1: DV3 01.26 Court 2: DV3 01.24




Office Joke De Bruycker (DV 3, 4th floor, 04.10)


Announcement of the results


Exchange of memoranda and submission of list of pleading team members (for second round)



Meet & Greet with Sponsors

Wednesday February 25, 2015

9.00 – 17.00


Second Round

Thursday February 26, 2015

8.00 – 12.30

Tuesday February 24, 2015

Rooms: Court 1: DV3 01.26 Court 2: DV3 01.24

International and European Tax Moot Court 2014-2015 KU LEUVEN – DELOITTE

18.00 – 19.30

Friday February 27, 2015

Saturday February 28, 2015


Proclamation of the results of the second round


Feedback session for non-qualifiers by the Arbitrator


Distribution of the case for the final



Briefing of the finalists on the case by the Arbitrator

Room : DV 3 01.25



Frans Vanistendael Lectures



Submission of the list of pleading team members for the final and exchange of memoranda

Promotion Hall Naamsestraat 22, Leuven (mandatory!)



Tax Treaty Hunt and presentation of the case for the final to the nonfinalists




Office Joke De Bruycker (DV3, 4th floor, 04.10) Room : DV3 01.31

Promotion Hall, Naamsestraat 22, Leuven

International and European Tax Moot Court 2014-2015 KU LEUVEN – DELOITTE

Sunday March 1, 2015



Proclamation of the results of the competition

Room : DV1 91.56



Closing reception

Hall Old Building



Closing dinner with the winner, the judges & sponsors

