2011-2012 Soaring Eagle Results: Winner: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. 1st
Runner-Up: Glass by Ellen Hopkins. 2nd Runner-Up: Maze Runner by James ...
2011-2012 Soaring Eagle Results: Winner: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins 1st Runner-Up: Glass by Ellen Hopkins 2nd Runner-Up: Maze Runner by James Dashner
2012-2013 Soaring Eagle Nominees: Matched by Ally Condie Scorch Trials by James Dashner Wither by Lauren DeStefano Revolution* by Jennifer Donnelly Michael Vey, Prisoner by Richard Paul Evans Eon by Allison Goodman Gone by Michael Grant The Fault in Our Stars by John Green Theodore Boone, Abduction by John Grisham Unearthly by Cynthia Hand Middle School is the Worst by James Patterson Lost Hero by Rick Riordan Divergent by Veronica Roth What My Girlfriend Doesn’t Know by Sonya Sones * denotes mature content