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výsledek. 12 make redundant v no longer employ someone because there is not enough work propustit pro nadbytečnost. Advanced wordlist: English to Czech ...
Advanced wordlist: English to Czech Page No.


Part of Definition Speech



UNIT 1 autocratic


demanding absolute obedience from other people

autokratický, usilující o neomezenou moc (např. nad firmou)





10 10 10 10

by the book dress code goal mentor

adv n n n

extra amount of money that is given to you as a present or reward in addition to the money you were expecting formally, or according to the rules set of rules for what you can wear aim or purpose person who gives another person help and advice over a period of time and often also teaches them how to do their job




vize (směrem do budoucna)

11 11 11

dotcom publicly accountable rat race

n adj n

ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc. could develop in the future and to plan in a suitable way Internet company responsible to the government struggle of individuals in a competitive environment

11 11 12

red tape streamline board

n v n


bottom line



make redundant


paperwork make more efficient group of people who are responsible for controlling and organising a company or organisation final line in the accounts of a company or organisation, which states the total profit or loss that has been made no longer employ someone because there is not enough work

podle předpisů pravidla oblékání cíl instruktor

internetová společnost mající odpovědnost vůči vládě/veřejnosti soupeření jednotlivců v konkurenčním prostředí, doslova "závod krys" papírování, úředničina zefektivnit, učinit produktivnějším správní rada spodní řádka = poslední řádka v souboru účtů, která vykazuje čistý zisk nebo čistou ztrátu firmy/organizace; konečný finanční výsledek propustit pro nadbytečnost


market share





12 12 12

n n n


return revenue shareholder UNIT 2 delegate

14 14 14 15 15

get down to work hands-on approach trouble-shooting skills pl brand builder brand image

v n n n n

15 15

empire feedback

n n

15 15

fire incompetent

v adj

15 15 15 15

ranks rate stake venture

pl n n n n




17 17

administer assess

v v

17 17 17 17

brand management crisis management line management middle management

n n n n


percentage of all the sales within a market that are held by one brand or company watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover something about it amount of profit on an investment money earned from sales person who owns shares in a company

podíl na trhu

give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you start to direct your efforts and attention towards work way of doing things which is practical, not theoretical ability to remove or solve difficulties developer of a product’s image impression of a product in the minds of potential customers

postupovat, převádět, přenášet, delegovat (pravomoci či úkoly na někoho jiného) pustit se do práce, dát se do práce, dostat se k práci praktický (ne jen teoretický) přístup schopnost řešit/odstraňovat komplikace či problémy osoba budující image určité obchodní značce image určité obchodní značky

very large and important business organisation remarks passed back to the person responsible, so that changes can be made if necessary dismiss showing lack of ability or skill to do something successfully

(obchodní/podnikatelské) impérium zpětná vazba

the membership of a group or organisation level of payment share or financial involvement in a business new activity, usually in business, which involves risk or uncertainty amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time manage or govern judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something how a company manages its brands and brand image process of dealing with difficult situations direct management of staff level between senior management and junior management

řady (zaměstnanců, členů), členská/personální základna sazba (finanční/majetkový) podíl (riskantní/nejistý) podnik/podnikatelská aktivita

monitorovat výnos, výtěžek příjem, tržba, výnos ze základních činností akcionář

propustit/vyhodit z práce neschopný

pracovní vytížení, pracovní úvazek spravovat, řídit, vládnout něčím hodnotit, ohodnocovat péče o značku a její image krizové řízení liniové řízení střední management


performance pay



quality management



risk management





time management UNIT 3 budget


in-house magazine





18 18 18 19 19 19

one-to-one interview target timekeeping item query rota

n n n n n n

19 19

update within budget

v adv




T5 22 22

overworked agenda issue

adj n n


UNIT 4 allot


23 23

dealings overview

pl n v


salary that increases when your work improves or becomes more productive managing systems in a company so that each department works effectively and produces products or services of the required standard process of assessing and measuring possible dangers and evolving strategies to deal with them skill of administering your time so as to work effectively

výkonnostní odměňování

plan to show how much money an organisation will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend publication which is written and produced within an organisation by its employees message or other information in writing sent by one person or department to another in the same business organisation


meeting between just two people level or situation which you intend to achieve ability to arrive at a place at the time expected one of several subjects to be considered question list of things that have to be done and of the people who will do them give someone the most recent information not exceeding the amount of money you have available to spend something, such as advice, information or effort, that is provided in order to help something succeed or develop having to work too much list of matters to be discussed at a meeting subject or problem which people are thinking and talking about

porada, jíž se účastní jen dva pracovníci cíl dochvilnost bod (např. schůze) dotaz seznam/soupis úkolů a osob, jimž jsou přiděleny

give (especially a share of something available) for a particular purpose activities involving other people, especially in business short description of something which provides general information about it, but no details

přidělit (část něčeho)

řízení jakosti

management rizik organizace času, hospodaření s časem

firemní časopis hlášení, memorandum (neformální zpráva zasílaná místo dopisu pracovníkům ve stejné kanceláři nebo organizaci)

sdělit někomu aktuální/nejnovější informace v rámci rozpočtu informace, rady přetížený pracovními úkoly program schůze/jednání záležitost

jednání, styky (zejména obchodní) podat (stručný) přehled

(stanovený/obecně přijímaný) postup

pl n

set of actions which is the official or accepted way of doing something series of events that happen in a planned and controlled way

summon undertaking attendee gross profit

v n n n

officially arrange a meeting of people formal promise someone who goes to a place, event, etc. company’s profit before certain costs and taxes are deducted

svolat závazek účastník hrubý zisk

24 25

incentive internal candidate

n n

pobídka interní kandidát (uchazeč o místo, který je již ve firmě zaměstnán)


interview panel


25 25 25

outcome productive psychometric test

n adj n

25 25 25

report back run over time vacancy

v v n




something which encourages a person to do something person seeking a position who already holds another job within the organisation group of people who ask candidates questions to see if they are suitable for a job result useful exam to measure scientifically a person’s mental capacities and personality bring information to someone in authority take longer than scheduled job that no one is doing and is therefore available for someone new to do arrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular time




based on a clear understanding and good judgement of a situation

chytrý, inteligentní, mazaný

28 29

UNIT 5 ship call-centre operative

v n

zaslat zboží (jakýmkoli dopravním prostředkem) operátor telefonického centra (služeb)

29 29 29

customer care frontline staff outsourcing

n n n




send goods by any form of transport to a distant place person who works in an office where large numbers of telephone calls, especially from customers, are handled for an organisation protection and service provided to customers employees with direct contact with customers the practice of a company paying to have part of its work done by another company something valuable belonging to a person or organisation which can be used for the payment of debts






23 23 24 24

(náležité/patřičné) kroky

výběrová/konkurzní komise výsledek plodný, přínosný, produktivní psychometrický test podat hlášení/zprávu (nadřízenému) překročit čas volné pracovní místo časově naplánovat

péče o zákazníky zaměstnanci v přímém kontaktu se zákazníky zajištění určité činnosti ve firmě jinou firmou, dodavatelské zajištění, outsourcing aktivum





profit margin


31 31

profitability undervalue

n v




enhance UNIT 6 bid

32 32 32

brand identity itemise proven rack record

n v n




32 33

value for money allocate

adj v





critical path


33 33 33

key stage map trade press

n v n

34 34 34 34 T12 T12 T13 T13 T13

bid for estimate team up with work out procurement tender entrant fee go out of business

v v v v n n n n v


suggestion that customers buy additional or related accessories nákup souvisejících produktů či doplňků; představa, že zákazník or products during or just after their primary purchase nakoupí související produkty či doplňky již během koupě prvého výrobku či krátce poté profit that can be made in a business or sale after costs have marže, zisková přirážka been subtracted capacity to make a profit ziskovost, schopnost produkovat zisk consider someone or something as less valuable or important podhodnocovat, připisovat něčemu nižší hodnotu/význam, než je than they really are skutečnost improve the quality, amount or strength of something zlepšit, zvýšit compete against other firms by offering to do a job or contract for a certain amount of money see brand image list things separately all the successful achievements that someone or something has had in the past detailed description of how something should be done, made, etc. something well worth the money spent give something to someone as their share of a total amount, for them to use in a particular way measure the quality of something by comparing it with something else of an accepted standard sequence of stages determining the minimum time needed for the execution of an entire project important time period in a sequence of events make a plan in detail magazine published for and read by members of a particular trade group offer to do some work for a particular price guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something work together with calculate the obtaining of supplies formal written offer to do a job for an agreed price person who takes part in a competition or an examination amount of money paid for a particular piece of work no longer able to operate as a business

podat cenovou nabídku (v soutěži o zakázku), a tak konkurovat ostatním firmám viz brand image samostatně uvést jednotlivé položky "rekordní listina, seznam úspěchů/výkonů v oboru specifikace (podrobný popis toho, co bude dodáno či vyrobeno) odpovídající vynaloženým finančním prostředkům přidělit, rozdělit (podle určitého klíče) měřit kvalitu něčeho srovnáním s něčím jiným, co je považováno za standard "kritická cesta", plán složité operace (např. výstavby dálnice, mostu…) klíčové stadium, klíčová fáze mapovat, zmapovat oborový tisk, oborová periodika nabídnout cenu odhadnout spolupracovat s někým spočítat získávání cenová nabídka účastník (např. soutěže) finanční odměna, honorář zkrachovat, skončit (o firmě)

36 36

UNIT 7 deadline stock control

n n

time or day by which something must be done in a company or shop, the system of making certain that new supplies are ordered and that goods have not been stolen.

konečný termín, lhůta kontrola skladu, správa a řízení skladových zásob




výdaj (zejména ve smyslu počáteční investice)





overheads pl

pl n

37 37 37 37

payroll retail outlet systems engineer VAT return

n n n n

38 38

reinvest sales force

v n







tax exposure UNIT 8 per capita

amount of money spent for a particular purpose, especially as a first investment in something amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory, country, etc. the regular and necessary costs, such as rent and heating, that are involved in operating a business list of the people employed by a company shop person who designs and installs computer systems declaration of Value Added Tax (= a type of tax in European countries which is paid by the person who buys goods and services) invest again all the employees of a company whose job is persuading customers to buy their company’s products or services person sending of goods from one place to another or company whose job is to organise the sending of goods from one place to another financial commitment to pay tax

na hlavu/člověka

41 42 42

factor capitalise on consolidate

n v v


foreign exchange fluctuation n

if you state an amount per capita, you mean that amount for each person fact or situation which influences the result of something use to your advantage combine several things, especially businesses, so that they become more effective rises and falls in the currencies of other countries

42 42

gain ground (on) niche market

make progress at the expense of small area of trade within the economy, often involving specialised products

rozvíjet se, posilovat na úkor někoho/něčeho nevelký a speciální segment trhu (zejména zaměřený na prodej speciálních výrobků či poskytování speciálních služeb)


v n

celková výroba/produkce, objem výroby provozní náklady výplatní listina obchod, prodejna systémový inženýr přiznání k dani z přidané hodnoty

znovu investovat, reinvestovat pracovníci v oblasti prodeje dopravce, zasilatel, speditér

daňová povinnost

faktor využít konsolidovat, upevnit, posílit, zefektivnit (zejména prostřednictvím sloučení či sjednocení) výkyvy zahraničních měn


production capacity


total amount of resources available to achieve maximum output výrobní kapacita


storage and handling facility n

place or building used to store and distribute goods


disposable income


money which you can spend as you want and not the money which you spend on taxes, food and other basic needs

43 43

distribution join-venture partner

n n




43 43 T15

shift spending power player

n n n


UNIT 9 advertising campaign



banner ad


46 46

brand awareness classified ad/advertisement

n n


customer loyalty



point-of-sale display








skladovací a distribuční prostory

pohotový příjem, disponibilní příjem, příjem, který má obyvatelstvo k dispozici na útratu (po zaplacení daní, zdravotního a sociálního pojištění atd.) making goods available to customers distribuce associate in a commercial enterprise which is undertaken jointly partner v rámci společného podniku how much share of a particular market a company or a product manages to achieve change in position or direction ability to purchase goods important company involved in a market or industry

pronikání, průnik (ve smyslu dosažení určitého podílu na trhu)

organised programme of advertisements, usually concerning promoting a certain product or brand form of advertising on the World Wide Web which involves putting a wide and short, or tall and narrow advert on an interesting web page knowledge of a particular make of product small advertisement placed in a newspaper by a person wishing to buy or sell something, offer or get employment, etc.

reklamní kampaň

when a customer favours a certain brand or company over others (the company sometimes offers financial or other rewards for this favouritism) visual presentation for promotional purposes at the place where goods are sold group of people or things that is chosen out of a larger number and is questioned or tested in order to obtain information about the larger group small rectangular pattern of thick and thin black lines of magnetic ink printed on an item, or on its container, so that its details can be read by and recorded on a computer system

věrnost zákazníků (určité značce)

posun, přesun kupní síla hráč (významná firma působící na určitém trhu/v určitém oboru)

reklama v podobě pruhu či sloupce na internetu, "banner"

povědomí o značce řádkový inzerát či malý inzerát na tematicky rozčleněné inzertní straně

prezentace/propagace zboží na místě prodeje vzorek

čárový kód

48 48 48 49

exposure scanner target audience survey

n n n n

experience of something device for reading information into a computer system particular group at which advertising is aimed examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions

vystavení (někoho něčemu) skener cílová skupina (na niž se zaměřuje reklama) průzkum


UNIT 10 customise


přizpůsobit potřebám zákazníka, vyrobit na objednávku

50 50

purchase sponsored link

n n

make or change something according to the buyer’s or user’s needs something that you buy text-based advertisement which describes an advertiser’s website and the products and services offered

51 51

account for brochure

v n

činit katalog, brožura




form the total of something type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company sales transaction performed digitally, usually over the Internet

52 52

over-the-counter sale recession

n n

tradiční způsob prodeje v obchodech, pultový prodej recese, dočasné ochabnutí ekonomiky

52 52 52

rocket screen out showroom

v v n


search engine


ordinary sales transaction in a shop period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad rise extremely quickly filter out/remove large shop in which people are encouraged to look at the goods that are on sale before buying them computer program which finds information on the Internet by looking for words which you have typed in


pop-up box (also pop-up ad/pop-up)


form of online advertising on the World Wide Web when certain reklama objevující se ("vyskakující") na webové stránce ve websites open a new window to display advertisements speciálním okně


shop around


compare the price and quality of the same or a similar item in different shops before you decide which one to buy

porovnávat nabídku, kvalitu a ceny v různých obchodech

T17 T18

take (someone) for a ride direct response advertising

v n

deceive or cheat (someone) form of advertising designed to obtain a direct response between the viewer and the advertiser: the customer responds to the marketer directly

podvést, napálit reklama vyzývající zákazníka k přímé reakci (např. aby si vyžádal katalog)


kupovaná věc placený odkaz (na internetovém vyhledávači)

elektronický prodej, prodej přes internet

prudce/raketově stoupnout vyloučit, vyřadit velký prostor, kde je vystaveno zboží (např. v autosalonu) internetový vyhledavač

cateringové služby (zajišťování občerstvovacích služeb) pro firmy


business of providing food service to businesses (usually at a remote site) system in which you make regular payments to an insurance company in exchange for a fixed amount of money which will be paid to someone you have named, usually a member of your family, when you die mechanically operated tool for cutting or shaping wood, metals, etc. get something from a particular place when people buy a holiday home together which each person can use for a different part of the year gradually become less, worse, or lower become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number if something halves, it is reduced by half fall very quickly and suddenly fall become smaller, or make something smaller rise very quickly to a high level suddenly start to be successful or popular become unable to pay what you owe, and have control of your financial matters given, by a court of law, to a person who sells your property to pay your debts examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success or needs make something known publicly, or show something that was secret meet people who might be useful to know, especially in your job

tax liability margin

n n

amount of tax which must be paid to the government amount by which revenue from sales exceeds cost of sales

daňová povinnost marže, zisková přirážka


sales pitch



selling point


way of talking that is intended to persuade you to buy something characteristic of a product which will persuade people to buy it

prodejní slogan, náborová řeč (věty/texty mající za cíl přimět zákazníka ke koupi zboží) vlastnost výrobku, která vede lidi k jeho koupi


sales volume UNIT 12


amount of purchases made

množství prodaného zboží


corporate catering service



life insurance



machine tool


54 54

source time-share holiday home

v n

55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 56

decline dwindle halve plummet recede shrink soar take off go bankrupt

v v v v v v v v v









57 T19

životní pojištění

obráběcí stroj nalézt dodavatele/zdroj něčeho společné užívání rekreačního objektu klesat, upadat zmenšit se, scvrknout se zmenšit se/snížit se na polovinu velmi rychle a náhle klesnout, "spadnout", "sletět" klesat zmenšit se, scvrknout se rychle a výrazně stoupnout, "vyletět" nahoru mít úspěch, chytit se zkrachovat

hodnotit, ohodnocovat odhalit navazovat kontakty s užitečnými lidmi (v oblasti podnikání)

when a person in business telephones or visits a possible customer to try to sell them something without being asked by the customer to do so inside a factory, office building, etc. put back into position and make ready for use again doorkeeper or porter services make (someone) part of a group or team, or become part of a group or team when you are legally responsible for something describes something that is neither large nor small potential purchaser or customer the referring of an individual to an expert for advice examining someone or something to discover if there is anything wrong with them/it ask for money, information or help find by searching or following tracks operating have a strong dislike for taking risks the numbers of employees

telefonáty potenciálním zákazníkům nebo neohlášené návštěvy u nich


process of looking at goods when they are being produced to make certain that all the goods are of the intended standard

kontrola/řízení jakosti

shortage backup plan competency

n n n

when there is not enough of something scheme ready to be used in place of or to help another important skill that is needed to do a job

65 65

fall short go bust

v v







65 65

pay off retrenchment

v n




fail to reach a target if a company goes bust, it is forced to close because it is financially unsuccessful (the ability to have) a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when in a dangerous or difficult situation if an investment or risk pays off, it is successful when an organisation spends less or reduces costs to avoid losing money description of possible actions or events in the future

nedostatek rezervní/záložní plán kvalifikovanost, schopnost vykonávat určitou práci, kompetentnost selhat, neuspět, ztroskotat zkrachovat




59 59 60 60

on site reinstall concierge service get on board

adv v n v

60 60 60 60 60

liability mid-size prospect referral screening

n adj n n n

60 60 60 60 T22

v v adj adj n


solicit track down up and running risk-averse staffing level UNIT 13 quality control

64 65 65

na místě (v závodě, ve firmě) znovu nainstalovat služba u vchodu/na vrátnici stát se součástí něčeho, dostat se/proniknout někam (právní) odpovědnost středně velký potenciální zákazník doporučení hodnocení prosit, žádat vystopovat, nalézt fungující, v provozu (značně) neochotný riskovat/podstupovat riziko počet zaměstnanců

porozumění, hlubší pohled, vhled (do určité problematiky) mravní uvědomění, morálka (v nebezpečné či obtížné situaci) vyplatit se snížení/omezení výdajů scénář (možný budoucí vývoj událostí)

65 66 66 66

stock price axe in sync layoff

n n adj n







balance sheet



current asset


67 67 67

debtor depreciation dividend

n n n

67 67

emerging market fixed asset

n n







67 67

liability operating profit

n n





premises pl

pl n


pre-tax profit


valuation of a company’s shares way to reduce the number of employees at the same time or the same speed when someone stops employing someone, sometimes temporarily, because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them an amount which is less than the level that was expected or needed amount of business that a company does in a period of time measured in terms of the amount of money obtained from customers statement that shows the value of a company’s assets and its debts something owned by a business that it does not expect to keep for more than 12 months someone who owes money loss of value of an asset such as machinery over time (a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people who own shares in it area or country where there is growing demand for goods building, equipment or land owned by a company

cena akcií propuštění z práce, snížení počtu zaměstnanců, "padáky" v souladu, synchronizovaný, sladěný propuštění ze zaměstnání (někdy dočasné) v důsledku nedostatku práce či finančních prostředků na výplaty

value of the popularity, the regular customers, etc. of a business calculated as part of its worth when being sold very important and having a lot of influence on other people or things debt measure of profit that a business earns on its normal operations

abstraktní hodnota už zavedené firmy

schodek, deficit obrat

rozvaha, bilance, výkaz zisků a ztrát oběžný prostředek (aktivum, které může být brzy spotřebováno) dlužník amortizace, odpisy, znehodnocování dividenda rozvíjející se trh (oblast či země s rostoucí poptávkou) základní prostředek (majetek dlouhodobé a neměnné povahy)

klíčový, velmi důležitý finanční závazek, dluh, pasivum provozní zisk (rozdíl mezi hrubým ziskem a provozními náklady)

an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is bankovní přečerpání temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement which allows this land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a areál, budovy, prostory company or organisation money which is earned in trade or business before taxes have zisk před zdaněním been paid


profit and loss account


financial statement that summarises the expenses, losses and overheads of a company, used to calculate the net profit

účet hospodářského výsledku, výsledovka


retained earnings

pl n

nerozdělený zisk

67 T22

stock bang their heads together

n v

T22 T22

collate count on

v v

earnings which are kept by the company to invest in future projects, market research, etc. total amount of goods available when two or more people get together to work out complicated issues, usually involving some argument, before reaching a solution bring together different pieces of written information be confident that you can depend on (something/someone)


go on a hunch



have a bearing on


T22 T22 T22 T22 T22

hunch lucrative mainstream nose-dive, take a pull figures out of the air

n adj adj v v








UNIT 14 angel


69 69 69 69

backer flutter hire loan

n n v n

sponzor, financiér, zámožná osoba ochotná investovat peníze do nových projektů person who gives financial support to something sponzor, financiér; osoba, která něco finančně podporuje small bet malá/drobná sázka employ someone or pay them to do a particular job najmout někoho (na určitou práci), zaměstnat někoho sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to půjčka be paid back, usually together with an additional amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing


put up (money)


provide or lend an amount of money for a particular purpose

skladové zásoby dát hlavy do hromady

shromažďovat, třídit a zpracovávat (např. data, informace) počítat s něčím, spoléhat se na něco

act on an idea which is based on feeling and for which there is řídit se intuicí no proof have an influence on something or a relationship to something mít vliv na něco see go on a hunch producing a lot of money, profitable desired by most people fall or drop suddenly and by a great deal choose numbers in a random way, rather than one based on evidence or logic fail to guess or understand the real cost, size, difficulty, etc. of something and think it is less computer program, used especially in business, which allows you to do financial calculations and plans

viz go on a hunch lukrativní, výnosný žádaný většinou lidí, hlavní prudce klesat, letět střemhlav dolů cucat si čísla z prstu podceňovat tabulkový procesor (počítačový program)

wealthy person who invests money in new business projects

poskytnout nebo půjčit peníze (na určitý účel)

cost more money than is received from sales support a person, organisation or activity by giving money, encouragement or other help take legal action against a person or organisation amount of money a company has lost during a particular period of time whether something can be done, made or achieved attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newspapers, television, etc. design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products

pohybovat se ve ztrátě, skončit ztrátou sponzorovat

consisting of a mixture of various things which are not usually connected with each other balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result likely to make money very profitable business or part of the business

rozličný, různý

69 69

run at a loss sponsor

v v

69 70

sue deficit

v n

70 70

feasibility high-profile

n adj










T23 T23

bankable cash cow



running costs

pl n


executive summary


money you need to spend regularly to keep a system or organisation functioning overview of the main points of a business plan or proposal

T24 T24

reap the benefits stock exchange

v n

get the benefit, etc. that is the result of your own actions place where shares in companies are bought and sold

mít z něčeho prospěch akciová burza, burza cenných papírů

72 72

UNIT 15 bank charge bookkeeping

n n

bankovní poplatek účetnictví

72 72

cash credit limit

n n

sum of money paid by a customer for a bank’s services job of keeping a record of the money that has been spent or received by a business money which is immediately available maximum amount of money a bank will allow you to borrow


credit worthiness


úvěruschopnost, číselně vyjádřená schopnost člověka splácet úvěr






pl n

calculation of someone’s ability to pay back money which they have borrowed creditor (p 67) someone to whom money is owed system of buying debts for less than they are worth and then obtaining payment for them from the debtors amounts of money that regularly have to be spent

zažalovat někoho, podat na někoho žalobu deficit, schodek proveditelnost vzbuzující velký zájem veřejnosti a médií; populární logo

kompenzovat, vyvážit představující určitou záruku výdělku "dojná kráva", dlouhodobě zisková podnikatelská aktivita či projekt provozní náklady shrnutí hlavních bodů podnikatelského záměru či projektu

hotovost úvěrový limit

skupování dluhů (za hodnotu nižší než dlužná částka a následné vymáhání celé částky od dlužníka) (pravidelné) výdaje, náklady, režie




operating a business while not having enough money to pay creditors and employees something which controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits book in which a company or shop keeps a record of customers’ orders used to describe costs which are so high they are difficult to pay, and which are often used to punish someone or limit their activities without official permission be able to do something, usually because you have the necessary experience, authority or money pay all the money you owe payment or business deal lengthen the period of time before you have to pay back the money you have overdrawn valuable letter which, for an additional charge, can protect the sender against loss

stavy, kdy není dostatek hotovosti na platby dodavatelům/věřitelům a zaměstnancům; přeobchodování zábrana, překážka





order book





73 74

unauthorised be in a position to

adj v

74 74 T25

settle your account transaction expend your overdraft

v n v


registered leer



UNIT 16 lease


legal agreement in which you pay money in order to use a building, piece of land, vehicle, etc. for a period part of a contract which punishes the person or organisation doing the work if it is not completed on time contract between two businesses where one agrees to provide a service to the other, or between a landlord and a tenant



penalty clause



service agreement



bargaining point


something which someone else wants that you are willing to lose in order to reach an agreement

něco, co jsme ochotni obětovat (od čeho jsme ochotni ustoupit) ve prospěch protistrany, aby bylo dosaženo dohody




agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce kompromis their demands or change their opinion in order to agree







situation in which agreement in an argument cannot be reached patová situace because neither side will change its demands or accept the demands of the other side form a mental picture of something, typically something that předvídat may occur or be possible in the future

kniha objednávek, kniha zakázek "kárný", "trestný" (např. o poplatcích, která jsou záměrně vysoké, aby někoho za něco potrestaly nebo omezily jeho aktivity) neoprávněný být stavu/s to (něco udělat) splatit/vyrovnat dluh transakce prodloužit dobu splatnosti bankovního přečerpání doporučený dopis

penalizační ustanovení dohoda o poskytování služeb, nájemní smlouva







78 78

in line with leaseholder

adv n

79 79 79 79

draw up get down to business get (something) straight jot down

v v v v





buzz session





knock (something) off the price deposit

T28 T28

evict lump sum

v n

sum of money which is given in advance as part of a total záloha payment for something force someone to leave somewhere dostat výpověď z prostor, vystěhovat sum of money that is paid in one large amount on one occasion jednorázová platba



pay, especially unwillingly

neochotně zaplatit, "vypláznout"


shell out UNIT 17 camaraderie






82 82

field lay off

n v





peer group





feeling of friendliness towards people with whom you work or share an experience competitive prices, services, etc. are as good as, or better than, other prices, services, etc. area of activity or interest stop employing (someone), sometimes temporarily, because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type people who are approximately the same age as you and come from a similar social group paid less than the market rate


negotiation which requires bargaining and each side reducing their demands power to influence people and get the results you want

handlování, handrkování

organised at the same level as person who pays the owner of a piece of land, a building, etc. in order to be able to use it prepare something, usually something official, in writing start talking about the subject to be discussed understand correctly, or make something clear write something quickly on a piece of paper so that you remember it person or organisation that owns a building or an area of land and is paid by other people for the use of it activity where a group of people make lots of suggestions quickly give a discount off the price

ve shodě s nájemce

"páka", moc přesvědčit lidi a dosáhnout požadovaných výsledků

koncipovat, načrtnout, sestavit přikročit k věci správně pochopit poznamenat si něco pronajímatel sezení, při němž skupina lidí rychle přichází s různými nápady srazit něco z ceny

konkurenceschopný oblast propustit (někdy jen dočasně) ze zaměstnání (v důsledku nedostatku práce nebo peněz na výplaty) podávat lepší výkony než někdo jiný, předčít skupina osob podobného věku a společenského postavení nedostatečně placený, finančně podhodnocený

83 83 83

adversarial approach assembly

adj n n

involving opposition or disagreement way of considering something process of putting together the parts of a machine or structure

nepřátelský přístup montáž


assembly line


line of machines and workers in a factory which a product moves along while it is being built or produced. Each machine or worker performs a particular job, which must be completed before the product moves to the next position in the line

montážní linka




a person or group of people without power, but used by others for their own purposes, or someone who is not important

nula, nicka, bezvýznamný či bezmocný (a zneužívaný) člověk




dopad, vliv







83 84

transactional peak

adj v

powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc. person or company that does part of a job which another person or company is responsible for in a way that is a direct business exchange reach the highest, strongest or best point, value or level of skill







85 85 85

sabotage shop-floor worker union (also trade union)

n n n


white-collar worker



work–life balance



across the board





odměna subdodavatel transakční vrchol

general development or change in a situation or in the way that trend people are behaving employees not being at work when they should be nepřítomnost v zaměstnání (v době, kdy by dotyčný přítomen být měl), absentérství intentional damage to machines, buildings, etc. sabotáž worker in a factory (the factory is the shop floor) dělník v továrně organisation that represents the people who work in a particular odborová organizace industry, protects their rights, and discusses their pay and working conditions with employers person who works in an office or at a professional job, rather administrativní pracovník, duševně pracující (jako protiklad k than one who works with their hands dělníkovi) amount of time you spend at work compared with your free time čas strávený v práci v porovnání s volným časem happening or having an effect on people at every level and in every area advantage or benefit given to an employee in addition to their salary, e.g. private health care or a company car

všeobecně rozšířený výhoda navíc k platu (firemní vůz, penzijní připojištění atd.)


sick leave


absence from work because of illness

pracovní neschopnost, nepřítomnost v práci z důvodu nemoci



the careful watching of a person or place

dozor, dohled

86 86

surveillance UNIT 18 blue-collar worker freelancer

n n

(nekvalifikovaný) tovární dělník nezávislý pracovník, osoba "na volné noze"

86 86

knowledge worker self-employed

n adj

86 86

semi-skilled temp

adj n


union rep


worker who does unskilled work rather than office work worker who does particular pieces of work for different organisations, rather than working all the time for a single organisation person whose work requires specialist knowledge not working for an employer but finding work for yourself or having your own business having or needing only a small amount of training person employed to work for a short period, especially in an office, while another person is absent or when there is extra work worker elected by workers in a factory or business to represent them in discussions with management




zmenšit (organizaci/firmu snížením počtu zaměstnanců), zeštíhlit

87 87 88

place a premium on technophobe teleworking

v n

88 88

flexible working home working

n n


job sharing



career break


if you downsize a company or organisation, you make it smaller by reducing the number of people working for it, and if it downsizes, it becomes smaller in this way especially value person who dislikes or fears new technology the activity of working at home, while communicating with your office by telephone, fax or computer working without strict times for starting and finishing working at home, while communicating with your office by telephone, fax or computer doing part of a job with someone else, so that each person works part-time period in which a person decides to leave their job temporarily

T30 T30 T31 T31

career continuity overtime cut of the profits loss adjuster

n v n n

ability to continue your professional career extra payment for working beyond the usual time share in the profits person who works for an insurance company and decides how much money should be paid out in each case of something having been damaged or lost

možnost pokračovat v kariéře/profesi přesčas podíl na zisku likvidátor pojistných událostí

pracovník se speciálními znalostmi samostatně výdělečně činný částečně kvalifikovaný, polokvalifikovaný výpomocná síla (zejména kancelářská), osoba najímaná na záskok zástupce odborů (zaměstnanec zvolený ostatními zaměstnanci, aby je reprezentoval při jednáních s vedením firmy)

klást důraz, obzvláště si cenit osoba obávající se nové techniky, "technofob" práce doma, kdy pracovník komunikuje s firmou prostřednictvím telefonu, faxu a počítače pružná pracovní doba práce doma, kdy pracovník komunikuje s firmou prostřednictvím telefonu, faxu a počítače rozdělení práce na plný úvazek mezi několik pracovníků zaměstnaných na částečný úvazek kariérní pauza/přestávka

obvyklý plat za určitou práci burzovní makléř

T31 T31

going rate stockbroker

n n

standard rate of payment for a particular job person or company that buys and sells stocks and shares for other people

91 91 91

UNIT 19 buoyant labour intensive natural wastage

adj adj n

healthy and strong zdravý a silný needing a lot of workers náročný na lidskou práci reduction in the number of people who work for an organisation přirozený úbytek zaměstnanců which is achieved by not replacing those people who leave


voluntary redundancy scheme


arrangement when a company needs to reduce its workforce and some employees choose to be made redundant (because they have found another job or would like to stop working)

dobrovolný odchod z firmy (v případě nadbytku zaměstnanců)


excess production capacity


ability of a factory to produce more than it actually does

nevyužitá výrobní kapacita




drobná závada/porucha

92 92 92

hire and fire lead time product-led

v n adj

92 92

retool stockpile

v v

small problem or fault that prevents something from working well employ and dismiss time needed to design and develop a new product activities are determined by the requirements of the product (as opposed to customer-led or marketing-led) change or replace machinery in a factory build up a large store of goods which have not been sold yet




occasion at which people who have great knowledge of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of interest



churn out



T32 T32 T32 T32 T32

downside gadget manufacturing base shift vagaries

n n n v pl n

produce large amounts of something quickly, usually of low quality disadvantage of a situation small device or machine with a particular purpose all the companies producing goods in a country or region sell any of a set of unusual or unexpected events or changes that have an effect on someone


UNIT 20 incentive payment


financial reward to stimulate action from staff or customers

finanční pobídka

přijímat a propouštět doba potřebná k vývoji nového výrobku vedený/určovaný výrobkem vyměnit strojní zařízení továrny hromadit výrobky ve skladu

nevýhoda/nevýhody, rub, odvrácená strana přístroj, zařízení výrobní základna zde prodat výkyvy, vrtochy

show that you believe in something by spending/or investing money develop again all the details of a plan for doing something

nemlít pusou na prázdno (a finančně se odměnit)

v v

collection of benefits offered to an employee who is relocating to another town, city or country for their work finish all your work give someone more work to deal with

soubor (balíček) výhod poskytovaných zaměstnanci ochotnému se přestěhovat "mít čistý stůl", mít splněné všechny úkoly přidat někomu práci, doslova "naložit někomu víc na talíř"


official or accepted set of actions used to keep people safe

bezpečnostní opatření

workstation breadwinner

n n

area in a workplace where one person works pracoviště member of a family who earns the money that the family needs živitel rodiny


close down


zavřít, zrušit (firmu)




T35 T35

cut back legal entitlement

v n

T35 T35 T35

one-off payment out of pocket outplacement service

n adj n

if a business or organisation closes down, or someone closes it down, it stops operating related group of things when they are offered together as a single unit use in smaller amounts something that, in law, you have the right to do or have, or when you have the right to do or have something money that is paid only once having less money than you started with professional service to help redundant employees to search for a new job, paid for by the former employer


point on the pay scale


position on the salary scale which shows different rates of pay depending on your job and your seniority

stupeň na platové stupnici


UNIT 21 corporate social responsibility (CSR)


proposal that organisations should be obliged to make společenská odpovědnost firmy decisions based not only on financial/economic factors but also on the social and environmental consequences of their activities

100 100

discharge a debt ethics pl

pl n

100 101

faulty advocate

adj n




put your money where your mouth is reformulate


resettlement package


T33 T33 T33

get your desk clear put more on someone’s plate safety procedure

T33 T34


pay a debt completely a system of accepted beliefs which control behaviour, especially such a system based on morals not perfectly made or not working correctly person who supports an idea (or product)

přeformulovat, přepracovat, reorganizovat, změnit

balíček (např. výhod) snížit, omezit (např. počet zaměstnanců) právní nárok jednorázové finanční vyrovnání (být na něčem) škodný odborné služby mající za účel pomoci nadbytečným pracovníkům nalézt novou práci, služby v oblasti outplacementu

splatit/vyrovnat dluh etika vadný obhájce, zastánce



pl n

101 101

better off knock-on effect

adj n

101 101 101

premise progressive recycle

n adj v

101 101

regulation stakeholder

n n

101 102 102 102

unethical break even economic downturn pursuit

adj v n n




103 103

compliance mandatory

n adj


word of mouth









trade tariff


104 104 104 105 105 105

UNIT 22 acquisition double-digit sustained diverse footprint expertise line of business

n adj adj n n n

things such as medical insurance that employees receive in addition to money richer when an event or situation has a knock-on effect, it indirectly causes other events or situations idea or theory on which a statement or action is based encouraging change in the way that things are done collect and treat rubbish in order to produce useful materials which can be used again official rule person such as an employee, customer or citizen who is involved with an organisation and therefore has an interest in its success not morally acceptable make neither a loss nor a profit doing business reduction in a country’s financial activity when you try to achieve a plan, activity, or situation, usually over a long period of time go into a worse state, often because of lack of control or care

příplatky a další výhody ke mzdě/platu, benefity

when people obey an order, rule or request describes something which must be done, or which is demanded by law people telling each other how good a product is

poslušnost, povolnost povinný, zákonem či jiným způsobem vyžadovaný

(total amount gathered of) a plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable grown in large amounts money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen tax collected by a government on goods coming into or sometimes going out of a country buying new companies number with two digits (i.e. between 10 and 99inclusive) continuing for a long time varied area over which something is present high level of knowledge or skill particular kind of commercial enterprise

bohatší nepřímý důsledek/dopad/vliv premisa progresivní, pokrokový recyklovat předpis jakákoli osoba, která má zájem na prosperitě firmy (zaměstnanec, zákazník, občan…), zainteresovaná osoba neetický, mravně nepřijatelný být v rovnováze (situace, kdy příjmy přesně pokryjí výdaje) ekonomický pokles usilování o něco upadat, jít dolů, zhoršovat se

ústní reklama (spokojení zákazníci informující o určitém produktu či službě jiné lidi) úroda, plodina subvence, podpora, finanční pomoc clo, celní tarif

koupě (jedné firmy jinou) dvouciferný trvalý široká geografická působnost odborné znalosti oblast podnikání

the combined power of a group of things when they are working together which is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately meeting where information and instructions are given handful regular customers Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 index; the main measure of the amount by which the leading 100 shares sold on the London Stock Exchange have gone up or down in value

součinnost, společné působení, synergie

v n

judge the value or character of someone or something direct and straightforward way of communicating with others

hodnotit otevřenost, upřímnost

surge quarterly alignment

v adv n

prudce stoupnout čtvrtletně, kvartálně sjednocení, jednota

T37 T37 T37

calibre leafleting management reporting

n n n




T37 T37 T37

realise supply base take over

v n v

increase suddenly and greatly once every three months agreement between people who want to work together because of shared interests or aims degree of quality or excellence of someone giving out leaflets to people monthly report(s) on financial performance produced by management for shareholders continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment change into money by selling range of suppliers and potential suppliers get control (of a company) by buying most of its shares




109 109

UNIT 23 in the pipeline patent

adv v

aktivně připravovaný patentovat


economies of scale pl

pl n

being planned and developed register the official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular number of years where the costs of production fall as a business grows in size







106 106 106 106

briefing clutch customer base FTSE

n n n n

106 106

rate straight talking

106 107 T37

stručná informativní porada, instruktáž, brífink hrst, několik zákaznická základna jeden z burzovních indexů listu Financial Times (počítá se na základě změn cen akcií stovky nejvýznamnějších firem obchodovaných na londýnské burze)

přeneseně kalibr, formát rozdávání letáků (měsíční) zprávy managementu (pro akcionáře) probíhající

získat (hotovost prodejem) dodavatelská základna finančně ovládnout/převzít (nějakou firmu získáním většiny jejích akcií) when someone watches a person or activity and makes certain dozor, dohled, kontrola that everything is done correctly, safely, etc.

úspory z rozsahu výroby, úspory zavedením velkovýroby

if something is ground-breaking, it is very new and a big change průlomový from other things of its type


get off the ground



global presence





presence UNIT 24 contingency plan

if a plan or activity gets off the ground or you get it off the úspěšně začít, zdařit se, doslova "odrazit se od země" ground, it starts or succeeds if a company has a global presence, it sells its products all over globální/celosvětová přítomnost/působení the world see global presence přítomnost, působení


programme of action designed for handling possible

plán pro nečekané situace/události, plán pro všechny případy


have your hands in the till


steal money from the place where you work

okrádat firmu/zaměstnavatele (doslova "mít ruce v pokladně")

114 115 115

trade away come under scrutiny get a bad press

v v v

pass on to someone else subject to careful and thorough examination receive criticism from the media

zbavit se být podrobně zkoumán být kritizován v médiích, mít špatnou publicitu/mediální obraz


limited liability company


if this type of business goes bankrupt, then the owners will only s ručením omezeným risk the money they have invested in the company




influenced by customers’ needs (as opposed to being productled)

© Cambridge University Press 2006

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