Application for the playing of amplified music in tourism establishment

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This application is for a permit to play Amplified Music in Licenced premises is ... b) If the Licencee is representativ
File Reference: Vetted by:


Application Form For the playing of Amplified Music in Tourism Establishments MALTA TOURISM AUTHORITY Licensing Directorate, Building SCM 01, Suites 301-306, SmartCity Malta, Ricasoli SCM 1001, Kalkara, MALTA.

Date Received Stamp:

This application is for a permit to play Amplified Music in Licenced premises is in seven parts. All parts are to be filled in. Part 6 and part 7 are to be signed and dated by Applicant. Warning to Applicant: Any false statements, misrepresentation or concealment of material fact on this form or any document presented in support of this application form, may grounds for criminal prosecution. DATA PROTECTION STATEMENT: Personal information provided in your application is protected under the Date Protection Act 2001. The Malta Tourism Authority will process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of Data Protection Act (Chapter 440 of the Laws of Malta) for licensing and administrative purposes and to comply with the Authority’s legal obligations. Upon approval of your application, the Authority, occasionally, may use your personal details for marketing purposes. If you still have queries you can telephone for advice on phone no. 21224444 or email at [email protected]



Name of Premises: Category: Address:

Locality: Tel / Mobile: VAT Number: File Reference:

(2) DETAILS OF LICENCEE Name & Surname: Nationality: I.D Card Number: Address:

Locality: Business Address(where correspondence will be sent):

Locality: Tel / Mobile: E-mail Address: Website: Registered Company Name (if applicant is a body corporate):

Registered Company Number:




(3) DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS a) Photo Copy of both sides of Applicant’s I.D. Card. b) Copy of the Licence in respect of the property shown at Part 01. c) Certification by a qualified Engineer/ Engineers certifying that: 1. The Installation of the Electrical and Mechanical systems is fit for the purpose. 2. The Establishment is sound proof. 3. The Premises has adequate exits.

All Documentation requested in Part (A and B) in this Application Form must be submitted together with this Application for processing. Please see attached checklist at the end of the Application Form

(4) CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ANY SUCH LICENCE WHEN AND IF ISSUED a) No nuisance is to be caused to neighbors and to the public. b) Amplified Music shall not be played after the Establishment’s period of business hours authorized by the Trade Licensing Department. c) The Licencee and Operator shall abide by the provisions of the relevant legislation on the playing of Amplified Music and in a particular to regulation 12 of Legal Notice 175 of 2004 and to regulation 38 of Legal Notice 1 of 2006 as amended by Legal 186 of 2007. d) Certificates as per (1)(2)(3) of section 04 are to be submitted to MTA within two months of the renewal of the Licence failing which the Licence to play amplified music may be revoked.




(5) DECLARATION REGARDING RIGHT OF USE OF THE PREMISES: I hereby declare that I have sought and procured the consent of the owner of the premises to process this application in terms of law. Signature of Applicant: Name of Applicant: I.D Card Number of Applicant: Signed in the presence of:




(6) DECLARATION BY APPLICANT This Form is to be signed as follows:a) If the Licencee is an individual. b) If the Licencee is representative of a company or any other organization, the Application must be signed by the person authorized to appear on the Licence on behalf of the company or the organization. I, the undersigned declare that: a) I shall, at all times abide by the provisions of the Malta Travel and Tourism Act (Cap 409) and regulations made there under. b) I declare that the information given on this Form is accurate and complete. c) I have read the data protection statement and (tick as appropriate):  I CONSENT to the information provided on this application being disclosed as described in the statement. OR  I DO NOT CONSENT to direct marketing.

Signature of Licencee: Signatory’s Full Name: On behalf of (If applicable): Official Position: Date: This Form should be returned to the Malta Tourism Authority at: Licensing Directorate, Building SCM 01, Suites 301-306, SmartCity Malta, Ricasoli SCM 1001, Kalkara, Malta.





Application Form


All Licences must be paid and up to date


Copy of Licence


Declaration premise sound proof


Sound Engineers Report *8

*8 Electrical system adequate for sound system/proper exist/premises adequate for number of people in premises.