by short laser pulses. May 7th 2014. Institute of Physics ... I. Introduction. II. Potassium with pump laser interaction .... T. Efthimiopoulos, M. E. Movsessian,.
Coherent control of alkali atoms by short laser pulses Dr. Dionysios Pentaris
May 7th 2014 Institute of Physics Jagiellonian University Krakow (PL)
Structure of the presentation I. Introduction II. Potassium with pump laser interaction (Spectra and discussion) III. Potassium with pump-coupling lasers interaction (Coherent control and discussion) 2
I. Introduction Potassium transitions
4S1/2-6S1/2 (two-photon transition: central wavelength at 728 nm)
(central wavelength at 3662 nm)
5P3/2,1/2-4S1/2 (blue doublet: central wavelength at 404 nm)
(central wavelength at 694 nm)
4P3/2,1/2-4S1/2 (red doublet: central wavelengths at 766 and 769 nm) (D2 and D1 lines) 3 (Introduction)
I. Introduction Laser system: 100 or 120 fs (FWHM) and Ipump~ 2-20 TW/cm2 (coupling laser Icoupling