determining the factors of entrepreneurship ecosystem

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Proyecto Elite: una revisión de la literatura especializada. Economía aplicada. Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). (2018).
DETERMINING THE FACTORS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM Karen Miriam González Flores, Judit Katonáné Kovács University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Institute of Business and Management Sciences H-4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi Str. 138.

Table 1. Factors of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem based on literature review Authors



Aleksi Aaltone n 2016

Stam & Spige l (2016

OCDE (2016d) , Startup Latin Americ a 2016

Audretsc h, D.B. & Belitski, M. J (2017)

Neumey er S,C. Santos 2018

Human Capital




























Large companies Entrepreneu rs and potential entrepreneur s Private investors Social Capital








Ferrer o 2018

GEM 2017 2018

GEI 201 6

Garcí a Godo y 2016




















Prahala d C. K., 2005

Góme z, E. Á., & Uría, D. J. C. (2017)









* *



Science and Tech.



Productive Structure



Melting pot (Tolerance, diversity, Integration)


Infrastructur e/ location


Internet access and connectivity


Research and Development

Table 1 Source: Own creation





* *



The review of the articles showed which factors were repetitive in the scientific work of different authors. The results were as follow: Finance 15, Government 10, Market 8, Culture 7, Education 7, Entrepreneurs 6 and Infrastructure 5 times.

Market Government Infraestr ucture

EE Entreprene urs




Figure 1: Factors of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Source: own illustration based on Table 1.


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Neumeyer, X., Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., & Kalbfleisch, P. (2018). Entrepreneurship ecosystems and women entrepreneurs: a social capital and network approach. Small Business Economics, 1-15. OECD Sart-up in Latin America 2016 Prahalad, C. K. (2006). The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Pearson Education India. Stam, F. C., & Spigel, B. (2016). Entrepreneurial ecosystems. USE Discussion paper series, 16(13).