glBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design Deliberation - Semantic Scholar

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Further, gIBIS is designed to support the collaborative ... team of system designers a medium in which all aspects of their work can be computer mediated.
For proprietary reasons, the original, reviewed version of this paper has been wifhdrawn from publication. The authors,however,will present the originalpaper in the sessioncalled Argumentation. - Ed.

glBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design Deliberation Jeff Conklin and Michael L. Begeman MCC Software Technology Program 3500 West Balcones Center Drive Austin, Texas 78759-6509 ARPA: [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT. This paper introduces an application-specific hypertext system designed to facilitate the capture of early design deliberations, which implements a specific design method called Issue Based Information

Systems (IBIS).

The hypertext

system described

use of color and a high speed relational IBIS

here, gIBIS(for

database server to facilitate





and browsing




Further, gIBIS is designed to support the collaborative construction of these by any number of cooperating team members spread across a local area network. Early

experiments graphical

suggest that the gIBIS interface


and design method


still incomplete,

even in this experimental

forges a good match




is a growing

environment been working


that hypertext

In the MCC

for the system design process. on a hypertext-based


team of system designers a medium

is an ideal framework Software

called the Design Journal

on which Technology

to base a support Program

we have

which is aimed at providing

in which all aspects of their work can be computer



This includes the traditional documents such as requirements and specifications, and supported. but it also includes designers’ early notes and sketches and their design decisions and rationale. By design rationale are later rejected), commitments thrusts:

we mean the design problems, tradeoff

analysis among these alternatives,

that were made as the problem

(i) to understand

the interface

the structure



in capturing



and record of the tentative

was discussed and resolved. and between large amounts

those which

design decisions,

Our research

and firm has two

and (ii) to address

design information and in As part of the providing effective methods for the indexing and retrieval of this information. latter thrust we have built a running prototype of the Design Journal called gIBIS, which is based on a simple model of design deliberation called Issue Based Information System, or IBIS.

November 1987



Hypertext ‘87 Papers

of informal


THE IBIS METHOD. The IBIS method was developed by Horst Rittel [RIT70], and is based on the principle that the design process for complex problems is fundamentally a conversation among stakeholders (e.g. designers, customers, implementors, etc.) in which they bring their respective expertise and viewpoints to the resolution of design issues. The IBIS model focuses on the articulation of the key Issues in the design problem. Each Issue can have many Positions, where a Position is a statement or assertion which resolves the Issue. Often Positions will be mutually exclusive of one another, but the method does not require this. Each of an Issue’s Positions, in turn, may have one or more Arguments which either support that Position or object to it. Thus, each separate Issue is the root of a (possible empty) tree, with the children of the Issue being Positions and the children of the Positions being Arguments. A typical IBIS discussion begins with someone posting an Issue node containing a question such as “How should we do X7” That person may also post a Position node proposing one way to do X, and may also post some Argument nodes which support that Position. Another user may post a competing Position responding to the Issue, and may support that with their own Arguments. Others may post other Positions, or Arguments which support or object to any of the Positions. In addition, new Issues which are raised by the discussion may be posted and linked into the nodes which most directly suggested them.






Figure 1: The set of legal rhetorical


moves in IBIS.


There were three technological themes guiding our design of gIBIS. The first was an interest in exploring the capture of design rationale [CON87b]. The second theme was an interest in supporting computer mediated teamwork, and particularly the various kinds of design conversations that might be carried on via networked computers, a la email or news [EVE86,HOR86]. Thirdly, we wanted an application in which we would have a sufficiently large information base to investigate issues regarding the navigation (i.e. search and browsing) of very large and loosely structured information spaces.


Hypertext ‘87 Papers

November 1987

The gIBIS tool which emerged from these themes has the following features: .

Integral Browser: state information vantage points: a the network, and


Context Sensitive Menus: The gIBIS interface provides context-sensitive menus which constrain the users to making only “legal” methodological moves, thereby ensuring the taxonomic integrity of the networks.


Multiple Access Paths: Users can instantaneously access any node in the network by directly

The gIBIS browser uses iconic shapes and color to clearly indicate for nodes and links. It displays the issue networks from two tightly global (or zoomed-out) view from which users can view the entire a local (or zoomed-in) view which reveals the fine structure of the

type and coupled scope of network.

mousing it in the browser, by selecting it through the hierarchically-ordered index window, or by use of the NEXT button, which leads users through the network in a structure-based, linearized fashion. .

An integral search and query mechanism allows users to rapidly search through issue networks by constructing a proto-node whose structure and content mirrors that of the nodes they wish to retrieve (i.e. a “query by example” approach).


Multiuser Support:

Search and Query:

The tool supports simultaneous access and update of issue groups by multiple users on a common Local Area Network. gIBIS provides the necessary concurrency control, locking, and update notification to allow real-time interactive network construction by teams of cooperating designers.




Figure 2: The glB1.S Interface.


Hypertext‘87 Papers


OBSERVATIONS. In the first seven months that gIBIS was available people


21 issue groups containing


data we can make some preliminay

in the MCC




a total of 1153 nodes and 1237 links. observations,

both positive


Based on this

and negative.

The Synergy of Tool and Method: The limited set of node and link types in IBIS and the use of Users were generally enthusicolor and hypertext in gIBIS seem to complement each other well. astic about using the tool, and reported “axe


The Dangers

hand waving, of Premature

is that it is sometimes problem



is pronounced,

One common

to break ones’ thoughts and those thoughts

because the IBIS

text into a single node,

A Problem

with Context




of context

that the reader hypertext discrete,

as ideas are proposed




in hypertext


units, particularly or shifting.

austere selection

node structures



and discussed

when the With


of node

which will bring an Issue’s Issue-based

text provides

- a context

discussions. a continuous,

which the writer


to guide the reader to the salient points and away from the


may encounter,

into discrete

the flow of ideas within



and distracting

but subtle difficulty

imposes a rather



in Non-linear

if unconsciously,


on discussions

are vague, confused,


and link types on the user. We are exploring deliberative

a structure

and clever rhetoric”.

is not well understood

this effect

that it imposed

a good writer

and carefully


the questions

crafts the text to prevent

and confusions

these problems.


(or at least gIBIS) author, however, is being encouraged to make his or her points and to separate them from their context. Even the careful author is in danger of not

anticipating all the various routes by which a reader may reach a given node, and so may fail to sufficiently develop the context necessary to make the node’s contents clear, if not compelling. We have as yet found no solution for this problem. Annotative discussion

or “Metu”

when a participant

the IBIS structure description


to present

for collaborative




is sometimes

a need for a meta-

in an issue group feels that someone has poorly or inaccurately used In fact, it has been noted that there are three levels of

their ideas. work:


(the content

of the work),



about substance), and procedural (comments about procedures and conventions for use of the all three levels can be discretely represented by Issuemedium} [TRI 8 61. In our framework, based conversations. Macro-level


the problem

of the effective

than a few dozen nodes.

of the Browser

Space: One of the “hot issues” in hypertext

use of a graphical

This is linked


to navigate

to the more general problem

in networks


that have more

of disorientation


but bears particularly gIBIS


on the visual and spatial aspects of disorientation in a large data space. The ran into these difficulties as well. The global view and mechanisms mentioned

above have helped



to reduce

this problem


Hypertext ‘87 Papers

November 1987

CONCLUSIONS. We have briefly described the IBIS method, the gIBIS tool, and some preliminary observations about the use of the tool. Our experiments with gIBIS are informing our theory about the structure of design decisions and design rationale, and are providing us with important insights about the design of the Design Journal, a hypertext-based environment for system engineering which we will continue to design, prototype, test, and transfer into our shareholders’ development environments .


Conklin, J. “Hypertext: a Survey and Introduction”. No. 9, September, 1987.


Conklin, J., “The Capture of Design Rationale”. fall of 1987.


Eveland, J. and Bikson, T. empirical assessment.” computer-supported cooperative

“Evolving PrOC.






Paper in progress, to be MCC TR in

electronic CSCw’86: 1986.

communication networks: MCCJACM conference

an on

[HORS 61

Horton, M. and Adams, R (Center for Seismic Studies, Arlington, Va.). “How to read the network news.” Distributed by Mr. Adams quarterly over the USENET news network.


systems.” Working paper Rittel, H. and Kunz, W. “Issues as elements of information #13I. Institut fur Grundlagen der Planung Z.A. University of Stuttgart.


Collaboration in Trigg, Randall, Lucy Suchman, and Frank Halasz, “Supporting NoteCard.,” Proceedings of CSCW ‘86: the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, MCCJSTP, Austin, Texas, December, 1986.

Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission. 0 1989 ACM 089791-340-X/89/0011/0251 $1.50


Hypertext‘87 Papers