Integrated Water Quality Management Project (IWQMP) - FASPS - DENR

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Component 2: Decision Support System and Knowledge Management;. Component 3: Support to the Operation of Water Quality M
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Service

Integrated Water Quality Management Project (IWQMP) Objective Accelerate the improvement of water quality of Manila Bay and its tributaries and ocntribute to teh conservation and sustainable use of resources of this water body Description The Project will improve the regulatory, monitoring and planning capacity of the DENR. By doing so, it will begin the process of establishing a comprehensive and integrated initiative to improve the water quality of Manila Bay and its tributaries. The institutional mechanisms also need to be strengthened under this project. This will improve the capacity to plan and monitor the water quality of the Bay by the government ( with particular focus on DENR) and will set the pace for sustained improvements of water quality in Manila Bay.

Lastly, it is the vision of the project to contribute to the improvement of the water quality of Manila Bay leading to the attainment of Class SB waters. Improving water quality monitoring will support the interventions needed under the Manila Flood Management Project specifically component 2 on Minimizing Solid Waste in Water Ways and Component 3 on Improving Hosing and Resettlement.


Contact Details

Component 1: Strengthening Institutions and Policy Instruments; Component 2: Decision Support System and Knowledge Management; Component 3: Support to the Operation of Water Quality Management Areas (WQMAs);

Mr. Eddie Abugan / Ms. Evelyn Juanillo PPD Project Officers Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Service (FASPS) 3rd floor SECAL Bldg. DENR Comp., Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City Tel. No.: (02) 926-80-65

Component 4: Project Management

Grant Amount

US$ 7,400,000.00


US$ 9,800,000.00

Fund Source

Global Environment Facility (GEF) - World Bank (WB)

Project Duration

2017 - 2020

Implementing Agency

Departmenrt of Environment and Natural Resources


Environment (Water, Solid Waste)




Bulacan, ,Pampanga, Bataan, Cavite, Laguna