Mr Graham May and Mr Pikkie Swart are stepping down as their term of office has expired. Mrs Kate Roberts is retiring from the Board
Appointment of auditors
Determination of member subscriptions
Motions and Resolutions 12.1 Nine Hole Membership: See Motivation Attached
Resolution: To include into the Memorandum of Incorporation a membership category called 9hole membership. 13.
Any Other Business:
All nomination forms for office bearers with resumes attached and proposed resolutions must reach the Paarl Golf Club Manager by the 16th January 2017. Nomination forms are available at the Club Managers’ Office. Current nomination are posted on the notice board.
If you cannot attend the meeting, you may appoint a proxy. The proxy form is enclosed and available from the office. Duly signed proxy forms must be lodged with the Manager not later than 16h00 on Monday the 30th January 2017.
Nominations for the office bearers must be in writing, signed by a proposer, and must be lodged with the Manager not later than 12h00 on the 16th January 2017. Nomination forms are available from the office. After the closing date for nominations, proxy forms will be updated to reflect the names of candidates for office bearer positions.
3 3.
Voting The following members may vote at a General Meeting of Paarl Golf Club:
Honorary life members
Life members
Full playing members
Senior members
Junior members
Platinum Members
Annual Financial Statements 2015/ 2016 are currently available.
PAARL GOLF CLUB PROXY FORM For use at the AGM scheduled for the 31st January 2017 at 18:00.
Name:_______________________________________ Member Number______________________________________ I do hereby appoint: Name:_______________________________________ Member Number______________________________________ as my proxy to vote on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Paarl Golf Club to be held on the 31st January 2017.
Note: The member may appoint the Chairman of the meeting to act as proxy. In the absence of the appointed proxy, or if the name of the proxy is left blank, the Chairman will act as proxy in the accordance with the instructions of the member.
Signed: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ (Member as appointed the proxy) NOTE: ALL PROXIES MUST BE LODGED WITH THE MANAGER BY 30TH JANUARY 2017 AT 12:00
5 9-Hole Membership Motivation Document 1. Introduction A challenge facing all golf clubs is how to attract new golfers to the game and retain existing golfers. In analyzing the problem, the marketing Committee of Paarl Golf Club (PGC) developed a novel idea which is to introduce a NINE-HOLE MEMBERSHIP. Over the past four years the membership at PGC has remained fairly static. Many of the resigning members have indicated that financial and time constraints are the major factors hindering membership to a golf club. This is indicative of a global trend, except in East Asia. It has left the golfing fraternity baffled about how it can create a product that can address these issues. Full membership fees seem excessive if all you wish to do is play nine holes. Competitions at clubs are all geared for 18 holes which is another detractor for those golfers looking for a quicker challenge. Furthermore, new golf entrants are also daunted by the fact that they will have to complete 18 holes of golfers at the on-set of their introduction to the sport. Golf gurus such as Dale Hayes continue to challenge the way golf is played, calling for a shortened version of the game and proposing 12 holes. However, the game (and golf courses) would have to be redesigned. The current golf game does allow for a Nine-hole option (scores can be tallied to create a handicap) and generally after nine hole the golfer ends up at the Club House allowing for easy departure. However, nine-hole golf is difficult to manage on an 18-hole course because it limits your opportunity for 18 hole rounds which affects income and your traditional member. PGC has the advantage in that it has 27 holes, this offers the course additional capacity and tee time possibilities improving income. The NINE-HOLE membership at PGC creates a unique opportunity to turn the challenges set out above such as time, money and aptitude into a fantastic option for golfers and a financial opportunity for a club with 27 holes. 2. THE OFFERING The NINE-HOLE membership will be offered in the following way: ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION AND GREEN FEE: • The Annual Subscription Fee will be R2750 (excluding BGU and SAGA fees) which is 45% of the full membership. • Members will pay R85 for a NINE HOLE round of golf • Current Members applying cannot be in arrears with the Club. The Club will review all applications. • All new members must be in good standing with their previous club • Unlimited Golf will NOT be applicable to this membership category. • NINE HOLE members can book and play an EIGHTEEN HOLE round of golf at affiliated fees but space will be limited on competition days. •
Availability will be limited.
BENEFITS FOR A NINE HOLE MEMBER • All benefits afforded to other membership categories at the Club, but will have no voting rights. This category of member will also not be eligible to qualify for senior membership. • Special NINE-HOLE competitions will be organized namely on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons. The Friday Sundowner Competition will also be available for these members. These will also be available for FULL MEMBERS • NINE HOLE members will participate in an order of merit. • A weekday tee time at 6pm on Mondays and Thursday during the summer will be available to these members and to FULL MEMBERS.