October 2016 Monthly Newsletter - Hope Southern Indiana

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Oct 1, 2016 - October 2016. Monthly Newsletter ... A Veteran Service officer ... Monday, October 24, 12:00-1:00 pm—Vet
Monthly Newsletter

October 2016

From the Hope Southern Indiana Board of Directors as reported in the News and Tribune Thursday, September 29 . . . “John Whitbeck, president of Hope Southern Indiana’s Board of Directors, [has] announced that Angie Graf, the organization’s assistant director, has accepted the promotion to executive director following the resignation of Christine Harbeson.” “It has been a bittersweet week,” said Whitbeck, in receiving Christine’s resignation letter and notice that she would be leaving Hope for a similar position with the Community Foundation of Crawford County. “We will miss Christine but are fortunate to have such a great team to continue on with the mission of Hope.” “It was a very tough decision,” says Christine. “I love Hope, what it does and what it stands for, as well as the people [who] serve there; but this puts me closer to my parents, my home and my church and just made sense for me right now.” “The board feels blessed to have been prepared and have leadership already in place for what we thought would be a succession down the road. We feel confident in Angie’s leadership ability moving forward,” says Whitbeck. “We wish Christine the very best in her new position and we are all thankful for her heart, leadership and love she has exhibited for Hope over her years here. Angie and Christine have worked side by side for the last year, and we are excited for Angie and the future of Hope.” Hope is planning an open house to celebrate the transition. When: Monday, October 17, 4:00-6:00 pm Where: Hope Southern Indiana Brown-Starks Neighborhood Place 1200 Bono Road, New Albany

SAVE THE DATES Board of Directors The Board of Directors meets at 4:00 pm the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Hope. The next meeting is is October 18; if you would like to visit or add an item to the agenda, please call 812-948-9248, ext. 1002. Representatives’ Council Tuesday, October 11 6:00-7:30 pm at Hope Seniors Gathering & Sharing Friday, October 21 12:15-2:00 pm at Hope Theme: HALLOWEEN Veterans at Hope Monday, October 24 12:00-1:00 pm at Hope A Veteran Service officer will be available to help with any questions you may have about your benefits.

Evening of Joy Thursday, November 10 6-8:30 PM @ Kye’s II See pages 5-6

Stop by and say “Hello” to Christine & Angie!

Please check our online community calendar for lots of activities, workshops and opportunities. Some are held at Hope, some at area partners’ facilities or other locations. There are so many wonderful things going on in our community! You can do searches using the address below for topics and dates: http://www.hopesi.org/events/

Brown-Starks Neighborhood Place, 1200 Bono Road, New Albany, IN 47150 ~ (812) 948-9248 ~ www.hopesi.org

HOPE NEWS Vickie Copeland Carol Veron

Canned Fruit/Juice Soap Cereal, Oatmeal, Rice Deodorant Canned Meat, Tuna Toothpaste Macaroni & Cheese Shampoo Peanut Butter Beans (Great Northern, Pinto, Pork ’n’ Beans)

Thank You!

COMMUNITY SENIORS GATHERING & SHARING PITCH-IN Seniors Gathering & Sharing pitch-in will be Friday, October 21, 12:15-2:00 pm in Hope’s. Multi-Purpose Room. This month’s theme is HALLOWEEN. Everyone is welcome, so bring your favorite fall or Halloween dish and a friend and join the fun!

VETERAN SERVICES AT HOPE SOUTHERN INDIANA Monday, October 24, 12:00-1:00 pm—Veteran Service officers will be available to assist veteran/military families with questions and benefits information. RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! To sign up for our next Veterans’ Monday, contact Angie Graf at 812-258-9157 or [email protected]

“Leaves” "How silently they tumble down And come to rest upon the ground To lay a carpet, rich and rare, Beneath the trees without a care, Content to sleep, their work well done, Colors gleaming in the sun. At other times, they wildly fly Until they nearly reach the sky. Twisting, turning through the air Till all the trees stand stark and bare. Exhausted, drop to earth below To wait, like children, for the snow." - Elsie N. Brady 2

SPIRIT OF THE SEASON Hope Southern Indiana is once again making plans for the “Spirit of the Season” program, where you have the opportunity to help Floyd County families in need have a happier holiday season. The Spirit of the Season program provides eligible families with food for Thanksgiving and with food and gifts for children at Christmas. For Thanksgiving, families receive a food basket (value of the food basket is determined by household size) for as long as supplies last—the food baskets are provided by area churches, businesses and individuals. For Christmas, families receive a food basket (value determined by household size) plus two Christmas gifts per child (newborn through age 18). The value of each gift is approximately $35; and we ask that one gift be clothing, the other a toy or other item (depending on age). Spirit of the Season is completely funded by donations, so the only way Hope can help families is through the generosity of donors. We limit enrollment to the number of families for whom we have sponsors. There are several ways you can donate:  food and/or gifts for one person or for an entire family  one item (that will be combined with others’ donations)  cash donation—will be used strictly for the Spirit of the Season program, and Hope will do the shopping For more information, please contact Hope at 812-948-9248 and ask for Linda—thanks!

SPIRIT OF THE SEASON SIGN-UP INFORMATION Hope Southern Indiana will be taking Spirit of the Season registration appointments beginning October 3 and continuing through October 21. Applicants need to call Hope at 812-948-9248 9:00 am—4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Appointments will be scheduled for October 10-28, and families need to bring ALL of the following documents to their appointment: 1) Floyd County picture ID for the adult enrolling your family in the program plus a Social Security card or birth certificate for each person in the family 2) Proof of all household income (pay stub, any assistance and/or child support, Social Security/SSI, and/or any other income). If no income, Hope may request a work history report from WorkOne. 3) Lease or mortgage papers If you know of anyone who needs this service, please ask them to call Hope at 812-948-9248.



A single number to call when you don’t know who to call

REGISTER AT WWW.EducationMattersSI.org and get information on resources

October: Lung Cancer Screening Lung Cancer Screening: Research shows that CT lung cancer screenings can reduce lung cancer mortality by 20% by detecting cancer at the earliest and most treatable stages, many times before symptoms are even present. Schedule your screening today by calling (812) 981-6208. Did you know that in only 1-9 weeks after you stop smoking the tiny hairs lining the lungs called the cilia begin to work again, cleaning the lungs and reducing the risk of infection? After just one year your risk of getting coronary heart disease is half as high as a smoker’s! Be sure to mark your calendars for The Great American Smokeout on November 17, 2016—a nationwide event to encourage Tobacco Cessation http://www.cancer.org/healthy/stayawayfromtobacco/greatamericansmokeout/history-of-the-great-american-smokeout

WOW (WorkOut Wisdom): Doing an activity with another person doubles as social time and will make fitness seem like less of a chore. Seeking out like-minded people will help you make progress and keep you motivated and accountable to your physical activity program. Suggest a daily or weekly “workout date” with a friend or family member and promise to hold each other accountable to keep the date. Tip: Set up a weekly “workout date” with a loved one. For more nutrition and fitness information, visit WellnessCSI.com

The New Albany-Floyd County Schools (NAFCS) is asking the community to support a referendum this fall to support improvements for 9 schools within the community. This referendum will ask taxpayers to vote for a tax rate of 21 cents while at the same time NAFCS is also retiring older debt of 21 cents, so there will not be any effect on the local property tax rate. This video link further explains the issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UneTbtTuL74 Please take the time to become informed and be sure to cast your vote this fall.

NEW ALBANY FLOYD COUNTY Consolidated School Corporation 4

JEFFERSONVILLE, IN | 6:-8:30 pm, DINNER 6:30


Contact a board member of Hope Southern Indiana to purchase your chance(s) to win one of these wonderful raffle prizes*. Tickets are only $25 each or buy 4 and get one free. Name


Board Position

Mathes Pharmacy, Owner/Pharmacist The Marketing Company, President Central Christian Church, Church Manager

Ex Officio, Past President

Ruth Heideman

Floyd Memorial Hospital Foundation, (Retired) Executive Director


Mark Ketterer

Messer Construction, Senior Project Executive

Vice President

Robert E. Kleehamer

German American Bank, Senior Vice President Business Development


Jerry Leonard

Habitat for Humanity, Executive Director


Matt Neely

Mountjoy Chilton Medley LLP, Senior Tax Manager


Joe Dones Vern Eswine Peg Harmeling

Cathy Scrivner Deborah Stumler Gregory Josh Suiter John Whitbeck Van Willis *GCI License Number available upon request

LegalShield, Business Vice President Stumler's Catering, President/Owner The Chamber of St. Matthews, Membership Specialist MainSource Bank, Business Banker Kightlinger & Gray, LLP Attorneys at Law, Partner 6



Member Member Member President Member


Hope Southern Indiana Brown-Starks Neighborhood Place 1200 Bono Road New Albany IN 47150 “A Christ-focused ministry serving the whole community”

www.hopesi.org Hope Southern Indiana is supported by Our Heavenly Father, Metro United Way and many gifts from our church families, area businesses and individuals in our community. THANK YOU! Legacy of Faith—when hope springs eternal. Call Christine Harbeson today if you would like to make a planned or estate gift that will give in perpetuity. 812.948.9248 X 1002.

Lodge #270

Hope Southern Indiana is a Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity and a Guidestar Exchange Partner in Trust. We are also members of One Southern Indiana, the Southern Indiana Housing Initiative, Human Services of Southern Indiana, Floyd County Step Ahead Council and its Case Management Consortium, the Floyd County Nutrition Coalition, Tobacco Cessation Coalition, and we support efforts to end homelessness and hunger. Hope Southern Indiana is a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit organization. Contributions are generally tax deductible. Please consult your accountant for details. Contact Christine Harbeson at 812.948.9248, ext. 1002 to arrange a donation.