Premiul I - Shakespeare School

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We live in a universe of intelligent design and elders must not be ..... Children will never hold a grudge against a fri

Premiul I Piron Eugen Marian, Scoala Gimnaziala "George Emil Palade", Buzau

Garden of Roses The way to success is like a garden of roses. There are plenty of red

roses, but also plenty of white ones. People have to choose what kind of rose they would like to pick. While some people prefer white roses, as they think they look more beautiful and they smell better, others prefer red roses. We’re all different, and that's why we take different decisions. In life, we’re allowed to decide what we’d like more, to decide if success is defined whether by happiness or by money. Sometimes, you can find choosing between two roses that look equally beautiful as being difficult. Other times, after we pick a rose, we start wondering if the other one could have been the perfect one. I believe that our generation can teach older people what’s better to choose. When we’re young, we can see every detail of anything, but as we grow up, we forget how to do it, so we often pick the wrong flower. In my opinion, we should never stop doing whatever we enjoy just because it doesn't bring you much money. Happiness always comes first, and being successful in life means doing what you love.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiul II Antohie Matei, Colegiul National "Costache Negri", Galati

Once I tried to let my thoughts cover the topic of this essay, Joe Cockerʾs famous

refrain popped in: ”Nʾoubliez jamais/Every generation has its way/A need to disobey.” A drive not meant to merely disobey but also to see further! That is why I have always been grateful to elders. However, I feel that I also have to follow that eagerness of experiencing new opportunities and push my own limits and limitations further. Being stuck in a rut for the sake of having a ”comfort zone” is not rewarding. The horizon is not where eyes meet it. There is always more than the human eyes can meet. Therefore, I strongly believe that the elderly should get the Millenialsʾ ”virus” of exploring what the mesmerising nanothechnology has brought about. They should catch the ”disease” of never ceasing to be inquisitive. We live in a universe of intelligent design and elders must not be disregarded. We really owe them a lot of what we have acquired today. We have to stimulate them to be our wise companions in the adventure of a human civilisation still having a lot to explore in the Milky Way and even beyond IT!

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiul III Baciu Andreea Cristina, Scoala nr.45 “Titu Maiorescu”, Bucuresti

Adults tend to discredit our generation and call us “Facebook Generation” which

means we are living only for social media. But is it true that adults do not have anything to learn from us? Firstly, brilliant minds will always exist. Even though the vast majority of us are not geniuses we still have opinions about the world around us and stand for them no matter what. As far as I know our older generations did not have that power so we could teach them to believe and fight for what they think. Secondly, as older generation lived under communists reign could not express their opinion and originality without the fear of being misunderstood or worse. For us originality is a way of living because we know that only through our forces we can accomplish great things. On the other hand, our parents had to look up information so they made links between facts. Unlike us, they learned many things. Lots of us have information easy to access and do not learn anymore being reassured we will “copy paste” information from the Internet. In conclusion, we have a lot to learn from older generation as they have to learn from us.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiul III Lehadus Karla, Scoala Gimnaziala “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Bacau

A saying says that older people always have something to teach the youth and no

one believes the other way around. But I have come to the conclusion that we can learn from each other. The "long in tooth" have lived some different times. The thought of leaving the country, of expressing their opinions freely was closed down. Even though there is no restriction nowadays, the elderly are still reticent about trying new things like traveling or having innovative lifestyles while younger people are more open. For example, our generations have created special training lessons for aged persons so that their age is just a number. Our generations are more accepting as well. We learned that we are all equal and I could say there's a big progress from the old days in which "feminism" was seen as a bad thing and job hiring criteria involved race, religion or sexuality. I also have to mention that the era we're in is the era of technology. With simple devices we can now find and do what would take us days of research. To sum it all up, I believe that we are learning about life every day, regardless of our age.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Mentiune Dima Ilinca – Maria, Scoala Gimnaziala nr.56, Bucuresti


The two generations are quite similary important. We all work together as a complex mechanism. We are like two big wheels each having other smaller wheels. If one of them stops, the entire mechanism would break, just like in the every day life, we complete each other and we would not run properly without family. Each of us always brings in new experiences, such as pieces in a puzzle which, put together, form the final puzzle: life itself. Success doesn`t have a material side; our soul is the key of happiness and the lock are the ones who love us and whom we love back. Happiness is a personal choice, so I have chosen to be happy for what I am and for what surrounds us. Maybe my generation is luckier: more complex, but also more complicated; or, maybe my parents were luckier: no virtual world, closer by nature... We can teach them the trump cards of the childhood: optimism, trust and good cheers. There aren’t any young people or old people, but young souls and tired, outworn souls. However things may be, the truth is that we always have something to learn from each other.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Mentiune Puica Emanuel Romeo, Scoala Gimnaziala Iancului, Bucuresti

Children, the young fresh souls on this planet are those who will lead the world in

the future. But yet what do they prove to the adults? What do they really learn from us? It is neither wisdom nor perfection. It is hope and ambition. One cannot simlpy succed in life. He needs a core from where all the result and succes come from. This core is made up from our ambition to become better at what we are doing, and our hope that we will never give up. When we use this core as a reason for struggling in life, we gather life stability, the opportunity to build our future. It is within our grasp to benefit from this opportunity, ignoring the possible results of failure. Our advantage over adults is that beyond failure we can always wait for another chance, a new future as we easily build it up. Brick by brick we gather knowledge, skills and wisdom. Although the adults have achieved a lot of experience, they miss the one thing the younger ones have: the key of starting again from scratch, giving us another chance to acheive something important.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiul Juriului Marcu Diana, Colegiul German Goethe, Bucuresti

On hopes and dreams Gran Myers sat in her usual rocking chair, knitting a hat of red

thread and watching a black and white movie. Lorna, her thirteen year old granddaughter with a habit of general straightforwardness, crouched beside her. "What're you doing, Grannie?" she asked looking up. "Just knitting for your soon-to-be little brother," she said calmly, her wrists moving, performing what almost looked like a choreography. "No, like, what are you really doing? Does time just pass you by?" Gran Myers pursed her lips. Lorna badly wanted to become a writer, she knew that. She used sophisticated language all the time. But never with the means of insulting. "Once you're old, it doesn't really matter. Things just blend together into a great mass of 'I don't really care'." Lorna's eyebrows darted upwards. "You don't want to change the world anymore? Don't want to live and feel alive? Just rock in a chair all day and knit red hats and watch TV? Where's the hero mom told me about?" "You're just like me when I was young. Make the most of time." Lorna fronted. "Difference is, I won't let my hopes and dreams outrun me."

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiu Special Stefan Ana Maria, Shakespeare School, Bucuresti


Any rainbow is an illusory colourful connection between the earth, the water and the sky. The looker is the one who enjoys it. The rainbow can be measured by the pleasure you feel when you see it. What about success in life? Is it similar to a rainbow? Does it make you happy? How can you measure it? In my opinion success means what each person thinks the best in life. That is why it cannot be measured. It can be felt. You enjoy what you are doing – then you feel successful. You help someone with something then you feel happy and useful which can be called success. We can be successful compared to our parents. We learn things they have never heard of, we are open to a larger world because of the technology we use at a very young age (TV, PC and web, telephone). What can we teach our parents, though, is how to enjoy having fun, because they are too serious and responsible. I’d like to take them over the rainbow someday!

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiu Special Kriszta Keserű, Liceul Teoretic “Nagy Mózes”, Lemnia, Covasna


Men rarely dare to leave the usual path, they become boring, insignificant beings rather than risk. They are afraid, moreover, dread failure. They hardly change, cling onto the old, allowing opportunities pass beside them. Although they question themselves if they are successful, they define success wrongly, choosing money instead of real values. From my perspective, success begins when you do what you like. Where will the beautiful experiences, unforgettable memories and spiritual values come from if the only reward of our work is money? One vantage-point of my generation is its openness. We do not fear the new, the unknown, we are flexible. Surely, some of us turn a deaf ear to change, and spotlight money-making as an aim, identifying it with success. Their excuse is that they inherited this idea. However, my generation has a wider perspective and seeks to avoid getting lost in the maelstrom of materialism. The openness, the new definition of success and the recognition of the right values is changing into the better from generation to generation, thus has our generation become a colourful new one. In my opinion, some of our hues could be added to the palette of our parents.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiu Special Agache Johana, Liceul Teoretic “Grigore Moisil”, Tulcea

As George Orwell said, each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent that the

one that went before it, and wiser that the one who comes after it. The difference between our generation and our parents’ generation is that we are allowed to tell our opinions. We have more opportunities, more chances to express our personal opinions. We also live in the modern generation,which includes lots of technology and innovations. The adults can also learn things from our generation. We can teach them how not to be consumed by worries, how to live life to the fullest and to be able to accept today’s society. If you take a look at children and teens from our generation,they are so happy and free spirited and not worried about anything. They are also motivated.They aspire to succeed and make a good career, which requires good knowledge and experience. To sum up,I think that young people have many things to teach older people. Moreover, I think that people from every generation have something to learn from each other. People learn trough their entire lifes from books that hold the experience and the history of previous generations as well as from their own experience and experience of the younger people.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiu Special Antoniu Vlad, Scoala nr.43 Constanța, Constanta

Youth and Happiness

The human life is weird. Imagine that we transform ourselves from innocent children into responsible adults. Unfortunately, during this process, we forget the joys of childhood. But we shouldn’t panic because adults can learn many things from children and teenagers. Children are very fond of technology, so adults can easily learn from children how to use different gadgets. Even more, children talk all the time about this subject so one can learn a lot! Children are extremely happy all the time because they know how to appreciate everything, for example the carpet of some colourful leaves in autumn, or a colourful balloon, or the buzzing of bees. Children are honest so adults should learn to be more honest because lies don’t take you far and you’ll be discovered sooner or later. Children don’t care about being fat or slim. They just eat what they like and when they like. They don’t control their weights and they don’t care about some extra kilos. For them happiness is the only pattern. So let’s be children all the time!

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiu Special Blidaru Zinca Ioana Diana, Scoala Gimnaziala Malu cu Flori, Malu cu Flori, Dambovita

“What can our parents learn from us?” “What can our parents learn from us?”... I

wonder…. Well, I guess….lots of things…good things… . Things that children normally do… intentionally and unintentionally. I think that our parents can learn from us the value of innocence, honesty and friendship, how to build solid long-lasting friendships, have fun and play fair games in life. They can understand the meaning of our behaviour, gestures and language… always simple, uncomplicated, direct and frank. More importantly, even when they fight or get angry with their friends or playing mates, children never take it seriously. Children will never hold a grudge against a friend and never remain upset for ever. Parents could make the world a better place for us… how? ... well, by looking at children’s own world …a world based on teamwork and equity, on fun and joy of life. Optimism, sincerity, innocence stand at the heart of a child’s universe and they are the core subjects that parents should learn from their youngsters all the time. If only our parents would learn and pass these exams and not fail us!

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiu Special Dobrin Daria Nicoleta, Scoala Gimnaziala ”Nicolae Iorga”, Sibiu


Being a constant and continuous process, learning knows no boundaries. Teaching and learning can happen any place and any time: parents can learn from their children, teachers from their students, leaders from their employees. We, the young people, can learn lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it. In this electronic era everything is either battery-operated or automatic. Our world is full of electronic gadgets and young people can teach older people about technology because the former can adopt it faster. The young generation has sharp brain, it is creative and it can learn and do things with all its enthusiasm. Young people have a lot of information that can be transferred to older people. Technology, medical techniques and even our living environment have changed a lot, making people lead a better life. Young people can teach older people how to cope up with technology, how to socialize and to deal with emotions. While older people have the advantage of experience and wisdom, young people bring with them passion, innocence, spontaneity, enthusiasm, positive energy, confidence, motivation and creativity.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiu Special Roman Paula, Colegiul National "Moise Nicoara", Arad

The Dreamcatcher

My 50 years old eyelids were growing heavier and heavier till they closed. A sudden light was floating around me. I was standing in a peaceful and quiet room, having in it only a huge mirror with the inscription: “Teenagers, regain all hope you who enter!” The only reflection in the mirror was a childish and innocent smile. There were no wrinkles on my face, no gray hair, just a subtle happiness was flooding my eyes. All burdens had vanished: thoughts about how to succeed, to become famous, or to earn the best living. I was flying like a feather! I was free! I could go anywhere I want. There was no fear of failure, of falling down or lacking money. I was young again! My inner voice was saying: Feel free to fly! Don’t fear anything! Enjoy what you have! Look forward with confidence! Smile and love! And, above all: Catch the dream, never let it go! Unfortunately, my eyes opened. The darkness was whispering to my ears: “Why have you let your dream end?”

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiu Special Mălășincu Damiana Nicole, Scoala Gimnaziala "Mihai Viteazul", Campia Turzii, Cluj

My name is Damiana Nicole and I’m fourteen. When I was born, there was a problem

and now I have a little defect at my knee. The doctors said I could never be a dancer, a ballerina or a top model because of it. I didn’t care. I enrolled in a dancing crew. I’m a street-dance performance dancer now. One day my mother told me: “Dancing is just a hobby! You must think what to do with your life! Your problem will never let you be a real dancer! From dancing you can’t earn money. It’s only for the present. You need something for the future!” I was confused…The next day I had a very important competition. I thought: “Maybe I shouldn’t go…maybe dancing isn’t for me“. Eventually I went and I gave all my best. I won. I went home with the prize and I showed it to my mother. People should learn to be more confident, to fight for what they want and not to give up. In this world money isn’t the most important thing. It’s more important to be happy. We must learn how to be more patient and one day our dreams might come true.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2016


Premiul I Bujoran Bogdan-Adrian,






Ever since the beginning of life, time has consumed the vital essence of

countless lifeforms, forcing them to spread and entrust their evolution in their followers. Modern humans are no different, having learned from our elders anything ranging from daily routines to social and moral obligations. If the roles were to be reversed, the lessons that we could teach them include as foundation our inner and emotional intelligence. Many people believe that the key to evolution is success, but what defines success? The majority believes making money or doing what you love means success, but I believe these are just the outcome. Success is understanding and accepting emotional uniqueness. The reason why abstract art and songs are successful is because they are unique. A shape may be the same but without different qualities it is never used twice in the same picture. A lot of negative examples of uniqueness are rejected because of social fears, even though a negative expression can be the product of a positive and a negative base, for example a song with lyrics one may find offensive but with a great instrumental. Novelty is sometimes disliked, for it is like casting a light and blinding people who live in darkness, leaving real worth rotting in the shadow of judgement too afraid to step up. In conclusion, the most valuable lesson the previous generation can learn from the current one is to accept difference and not search for ideals, stopping evolution from a diversified point of view.


Premiul II Minea Radu-Ștefan,

Colegiul National de Informatica “Tudor Vianu”,


To begin with, I believe that hunger for money and social status tends to take

over one’s view of success, in a world where survival is frequently taken for granted. Thus, people who employ a money-driven mindset often forget about themselves, about their deepest wishes. Exploiting the story of the father and his son, it is possible that, by some accident, all of the father’s money would be lost. In this particular scenario, the formerly rich man would be deprived of his life’s essence, which would leave him empty on the inside. On the other hand, the father’s son, who has followed his desired path in life, remains blissful regardless of what his bank account might show. Furthermore, the majority of teenagers talk about their dreams without being concerned about the financial aspect of their aspirations. Meanwhile, the life experience that older people possess makes them become more sceptical about audacious goals. Such is the influence of cynicism on some people that they stop thinking about what they truly want and focus instead on mere financial survival. Perhaps this childish wish for personal fulfillment is what my generation could teach the elderly. Besides, the chronologically gifted might also learn from us that, at the moment, adapting to various life situations and flexibility regarding thinking are must-have abilities. All in all, I believe the most significant lesson my generation could teach the elderly is that the simplest way to success is to do what you love most, despite the consequences.


Premiul III Păun Ana Maria, Colegiul National “Iulia Hasdeu”, Bucuresti

To be opened in 2060!

Dear future-self, As you’re reading this, you’ll probably burst into laughter at my youthful pathetism with which I write about my life. I don’t blame you, you surely know better. But you owe me a great deal of time for being older and wiser. Time has many lessons to uncover, you are acquainted with this. What his masterly guidance has taught me so far is that success is downright impossible to be ascribed a dictionary definition or classified in any way. Time made me aware that success is a winding path guaranteed only by your individual choices, effort and willingness. No one is to be blamed for your wrong steps except yourself. I admit it... I’ve lived plenty of failures myself due to uncircumspectness or careless decisions but that’s mainly the greatest difference between me and you. However superficial, reactive, hasty or unsettled we are, we possess a feature that distinguishes us from the old: we never hesitate taking risks. We are brave enough to embrace the unknown and make the best out of it, under any circumstance. Basically, the unknown is our everyday companion. Our future is sunken into it and however cautious our reasoning may be, every choice we make is a risk, following a worthwhile living experience. My counsel to you is as following: don’t let maturity age your soul and take away the pleasure of riskful experiences, led by the youth inside you. Kindly, yourself.


Premiul III Borcea Rareș Ioan,

Colegiul National „Constantin Carabella”, Targoviste,


Mic check!… …1-2-3! Hello! Are you there! Can you hear me, my fellow adults?

It’s me, your descendant, the one fighting for my generation’s credibility, knowledge and short but valuable experience. I am not used to addressing a large audience, but the current situation is of such nature that I feel it’s my duty to ask you: how about being in my shoes for one single day? How about experiencing childhood as a never ending story? Sometimes you may seem to have forgotten your past, your fragile beginning. Could you recall the great expectations you had from the adults around you, trying to prove you were able to do significant things, with a real impact on others’ lives? Then, why don’t you pay attention to the younger ones, as you may learn simple, yet effective things from them? Remember: it’s the simple things that really matter in life, which define great people! And we, the young, a generation of Internet searchers and viral campaigners, have the power and courage to be creative, to fulfil what we passionately believe in, to approach things with a clean slate, without having those prejudices that you, the older ones, have, contributing to the uplifting of society. So, let’s share ideas, combine incentives and build a world together, where everyone has the courage to stand up and speak up! And when the time comes to pass the microphone to a younger speaker, I’ll make sure that everyone will hear his or her story…


Mentiune Angelescu Maria, Colegiul National „Mihai Viteazul”, Bucuresti

You’re strolling alone along an interminable winding road. It’s crucial to keep

walking. You are taking a vital journey called life. Sometimes, the way is littered with golden daffodils, other times you’re slipping on wet pavement. At the beginning of it, there’s always something to look forward to and at the end of it, there’s something to look back on. Without warning, you reach a fork in the road and must choose a career. Everything inside you urges you to pursue your dreams. But there’s a harsh wind, tugging impatiently at you to take the path which offers certainty and wealth, but not satisfaction with your profession. It is born out of those who have already crossed the same road and now are stuck at the end of their journey. They must instruct their children, hoping they’ll do better. On the sides of it, you see clusters of walls representing various restrictions society continually imposes. Each generation struggles to take them down, bit by bit, bringing more acceptance and freedom into the crude and judgmental world. Parents may blab about how important it is to create a secure future, never taking into account your own vocations, but they won’t realize just how much we’re struggling with those walls they too have encountered. In the end, success is not measured in your job position, nor in your income, Success is when you come home after a long day’s work, sit back in your armchair, exhausted, but content with who you’ve become.


Mentiune Jurj-Tudoran Maria, Colegiul National ,,Sfantul Sava”, Bucuresti

Docendo Discimus (By teaching, we learn – Seneca)

If I were an adult and I would meet the younger version of myself, what would she, a short-sighted plump girl, teach me about? An insatiable curiosity, for instance, proved by a raw search for explanations and an ambition to resist self-sufficiency. Childhood ends when the sense of amazement ceases to exist and déjà vu is a steady, overwhelming feeling. How could reality shift to a more pleasant outlook if not through the purity of a youngster, whose redeeming and sometimes radical spirit defies the odds? Being ignorant about risks and furtive consequences, teenagers act in favour of social justice and are willing to defend any cause or person. Humour is another fundamental feature. Teenagers laugh at the odds of a homework deadline, a teacher’s oddity or a broken zipper. Their life is wrapped in a ludic aura, whereas adults might have a loose grasp of this salt and pepper of daily activities. Passion and optimism may also cure life’s dour experiences. Teenagers, by indulging themselves in daydreaming, are confident in mankind’s restored humanity. “Open Sesame – I want to get out!” (Lec) is what they plead every day, by demolishing patterns and stereotypes. A relationship between two generations should ignore disparities of age and focus on reciprocity, a mutual comprehension and the belief that a lifelong learning is the epitome of success. Therefore, “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” (Roosevelt)


Mentiune Georgescu David Stefan, Colegiul National “Dr.Ioan Mesota”, Brasov

Dear me from the future, I thought I'd drop you a line before it's too late.Last

month I went to the doctor, and he told me that we're suffering from depression. It came as no surprise to me, considering I've been working after hours lately so that we would get promoted. I just wanted to be successful for once, to have people envy me, show respect and be obedient. I unintentionally shouted to our little boy, Purpose, the other day because he interrupted me from working. I then had an argument with our wife, Conscience. She threatened us with divorce and said that we won't see Purpose ever again. They both left this afternoon without even saying goodbye. Only now, when I'm riddled with sadness, I can see past my own, selfish desires and realize the terrible mistake I have made. However, we might still have a chance. Yesterday, I met with our cousin, Success, while I was walking Failure, our dog, in the park. He finally explained to me what his name meant. It isn't about money, fame, power or status as we had thought. He said: 'Success is loving and being loved back. It isn't measured by what you do for yourself, but by what you do for the others'. I hope that you, older version of me, can change our future, now that we finally know what success truly is.Best wishes,You from the past.


Mentiune Țăranu Ana Maria, Colegiul National "Gh. M. Murgoci”, Chiscani, Braila

I, a myopic 16-year-old, can pass parts of my consciousness on to my parents

for two reasons : because I am so young, and my youth gives me a power over existence that time usually leaves you without, and because I was born, raised and loved in a different era, freedom in my lungs and an infinite world at my feet, whereas they faced locked gates and fear. I believe I can teach them freedom and not feeling small in front of the world, open-mindedness and hope, mindful living, gratitude and the way that, as every life has a purpose, success in unmeasurable. My parents' picture of a successful daughter - a good family, going on holiday twice a year, tailored suits and a house with a nice lawn- doesn't fit mine. Probably because self discovery is raw in my mind, because understanding who you are, your place in this huge universe is like pulling a band aid and seeing, on the skin that's ghostly sore, all the things you could do, all the words you could say and all the versions of yourself you could become. Success is, to me, surviving that band aid being pulled,again and again, the discovery of the wondrous thing that you are, the glorious joy of looking around you, at a world that, in your smallness, you improved, and thinking "I did it." That is what I would teach them - letting yourself be guided by the small sting of removing the bandage.


Premiul Juriului Vicol Mihai, Liceul Teoretic “Ovidius”, Constanta

Live, Love, Inspire!

To begin with, having kids is not only a blessing for the majority of parents, but also a pure mind who might see the world in an innovative and different way. Firstly, children are full of energy and motivation and are always willing to take the risk in order to achieve their goal, no matter how tough it is. They see the bright side and they are always capable of finding the best solutions that an adult wouldn’t even think about. Furthermore, they can help you see the world with the eyes of the child. They never fear to say anything, regardless of other people’s opinion. So why wouldn’t adults do the same? By talking to children and understanding their pure and sincere thoughts, everyone could become happier and the world could be a better place to live in. Secondly, nowadays people tend to forget to smile and laugh, but kids are doing it involuntarily, without realising that, at one point or another, their life is going to change. Adults forget to live their lives. They’re caught too much into work and they forget to love themselves, so children have to make them happy, to make them “kids” one more time. To conclude, kids are like water for flowers. If you don’t water them, they don’t bloom and adults don’t bloom either. A kid without personality will become an adult without personality so, adults from everywhere, please listen to your kids and grow together with them!


Premiul Juriului Panainte Codrin, Liceul de informatica ,,Grigore Moisil”, Iasi

No matter how much society evolves, people of different generations will always

differ in attitude and behaviour. There’s always going to be a generation gap. We’re told that we need to learn from our parents how to face dire situations. But what can our parents learn from us? With age, mentality changes and adults tend to forget about the beauty of life. They get caught in the daily routine of the concrete jungle and forget to notice the tiny miracles that surround us, such as a blooming tree or the first blades of grass. Adults should learn how to be courageous, how to sing out loud or dance when they feel like. A child’s life feels limitless because we’re not confined by fear of failure or humiliation. We march forward with determination. We embrace life with open arms. As people get older, they stop seeing creative activities as worthwhile. How many adults, apart from artists, draw or finger paint just for the fun of it? As a child, every day feels like forever and each new day means new opportunities to make new friends and learn new things. Children don’t carry much baggage from one day to another. They always start fresh. There’ll always be a gap between generations. Our ideals and thoughts are different from the previous generations, but we can overcome this distance by learning from each other.


Premiu Special Gavril Ioana, Colegiul National „Gheorghe Lazar”, Bucuresti

Parallel universes

Imagine the possibilities. There is a universe in which I wasn't born. And a universe where Graham Bell wasn't born either. In that universe the first telephone prototype wasn't patented. Neither other discoveries, inventions or theories hadn't had the chance to happen. What if ancient philosopher Aristotle, astronomer Galileo Galilei during the Renaissance, or Einstein never had existed? How would the 3rd millennium look without the people who had the chance, the brilliance and the courage to make a change? The only permanent thing in this world is change. Generations who had lived before us in order for our generation to be here today, part of the world as we know it. The problem with generations is that with the difference between us also comes discrepancy. "Each generation imagines to be more intelligent than the one that went before it and wiser than the one that comes after it." The key to prove that my generation has something to offer to the world is for young people to not be afraid to stand out, with their youthful exuberance and immense potential to continue the process of developing the world. In this unique universe where we are lucky enough to have inherited such great developments we must learn to cumulate information, to investigate and to create. This is the way towards evolution, towards showing our difference and making possible for the next generation to take on our achievements. It's not the generation gap. It's the circle of life.


Premiu Special Tita-Siteavu Praxiteea-Miruna, Colegiul National "Grigore Moisil", Bucuresti

What can adults learn from children? I truly think that, without the imagination,

the innocence and the altruism of children, the Fantasy Kingdom would disappear, and the world would be conquered by “The Nothing “ . If you think that you can’t learn, You are wrong,and I am sure That children could teach you A few things you couldn’t do. They can teach you to be thankful, To be strong and always faithful To be tolerant and good Even if you’re not in that mood. They don’t know what’s “insecure” ‘Cause their heart is always pure They can not stay mad at you Even if you want them to. They will love you with their heart And think of you when you’re apart But they will always be a little shy And their greatest wish is to can fly. Their young eyes can only see The beauty of the stormy Sea The greatness of the bright Moon The mistery of the Blue Lagoon. But then,they grow up, And their wings are cut and lined up By the adults that think The only solution is to drink To be “down to Earth” and mean Destroying their children’s dream. They should learn from us a thing: You can never dream too big! Please, listen to our voice too, because the realism is not the only necessary thing, but feelings and dreams are.


Premiu Special Girneata Ariana Andreea, Colegiul National ”Vasile Alecsandri”, Galati

The crystal globe in which you live with billion other people was, is and will

forever be my home. You nurture me, so let me introduce myself.I was born with you, Earth, but you cannot see me unless you really want to. Some see me only in movies because they lack Abnegation, my sibling; others would like to meet me, but they loathe Work, my mother; unfortunately, few share anything with her or my brother, and they are bereft of Talent, my father. Those who are acquainted with my family know me. I am like a rare diamond: it may take years to discover it, but the breakthrough is stunning. Knowing me requires surpassing your limits, being the fierce fighter in the arena, so only by faith and consistency can you reach me.Allegedly, I am getting cooler by the day thanks to teenagers rather than 40 somethings. Ostensibly, my new friends are more ambitious and bolder in expressing viewpoints and making themselves heard. This explains the elderly’ jealousy: they simply cannot accept there are myriadthings to learn from teenagers. Youngsters can initiate the elderly in the new technology and theycan help them be more optimistic and confident. Finally, only if you do what you like, will you attain me, as the path leading towards me may also take you to The Coin, a distant relative. That’s me: I may appear a little odd, but you will be delighted to meet me. Warm regards, Success.


Premiu Special Manolache Sabina Mihaela,

Liceul de Arte Plastice “N. Tonitza”,


If I were an owl and you were a fish, would you fight with me because I can’t

swim? If I were an owl I would have so much fun! I would fly (oh!how I would fly)…I would sit all day long in trees, and stare at people from time to time. But you ask me to swim. You would say that’s the only way of travelling because you swam for all of your life. „Why do you have feather-made fins?” you would ask. What is succes after all? Well, to me succes is not trying to deny you’re an owl, and make the most out of it, even tough some fish tell you that you can’t swim. In our life path, there are so many people that keep telling us what to do. Some of them have good intentions, but if you follow their dream and leave behind yours, you’ll end up only with „wet feathers”. They say that doing the things that you’re best at makes you feel powerful. When you feel powerful, you have confidence. Confidence leads to self-acceptance, peace of mind and soul, whilist fear is the number one killer of our way to success, it’s that voice that keeps telling us that we’re not enough, and maybe we should start flying or swimming even though we can’t. I say, let us all owls fly! Let us all fish swim!Let us feel confident, and the rest will come. Succes is letting our dreams come true!


Premiu Special Munteanu Ioana, Palatul National al Copiilor, Bucuresti


Money is the only thing that matters// And don’t try to convince me that// Happiness lies in your own wills and pleasures.// I know this world may be cruel, but// We have to be crueler to survive// And you’ll never in a million years hear me say// My father isn’t right.// Because, when you take a closer look// Living your life to the fullest// Is a consequence of// Success// Grown-ups are always stressed// And that’s because// They have awful lives// My parents always said I shouldn’t waste my time chatting// And that I should keep my nose in the grindstone.// Technology is useless.// And I can’t agree// They need it.// My knowledge in smart phones and slang// Is just a joke.// We know that // Internet has no advantages for mom and dad.// This might be true// Unless we turn things around.// (Read the lines from bottom to top now. Each line is separated by “//”.)