Rapid and Automatic Detection of Brain Tumors in ... - Semantic Scholar

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Ho S., Bullitt E., Gerig G., “Level-set evolution with region competition: automatic 3-D segmentation of brain tumors”, Proc. 16th International Conference on ...
Rapid and Automatic Detection of Brain Tumors in MR Images Zhengjia Wang1,2, Qingmao Hu1, Kiafock Loe2,, Aamer Aziz1,Wieslaw L Nowinski1 Biomedical Imaging Laboratory1, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore National University of Singapore2, Singapore

ABSTRACT An algorithm to automatically detect brain tumors in MR images is presented. The key concern is speed in order to process efficiently large brain image databases and provide quick outcomes in clinical setting. The method is based on study of asymmetry of the brain. Tumors cause asymmetry of the brain, so we detect brain tumors in 3D MR images using symmetry analysis of image grey levels with respect to the midsagittal plane (MSP). The MSP, separating the brain into two hemispheres, is extracted using our previously developed algorithm. By removing the background pixels, the normalized grey level histograms are calculated for both hemispheres. The similarity between these two histograms manifests the symmetry of the brain, and it is quantified by using four symmetry measures: correlation coefficient, root mean square error, integral of absolute difference (IAD), and integral of normalized absolute difference (INAD). A quantitative analysis of brain normality based on 42 patients with tumors and 55 normals is presented. The sensitivity and specificity of IAD and INAD were 83.3% and 89.1%, and 85.7% and 83.6%, respectively. The running time for each symmetry measure for a 3D 8bit MR data was between 0.1 – 0.3 seconds on a 2.4GHz CPU PC. Keywords: brain, tumor, detection, MRI, midsagittal plane, correlation coefficient, root mean square error, integral of absolute difference, variational distance

1. INTRODUCTIOIN Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used for diagnosing brain tumors. Tumor detection and segmentation are two key problems. The main techniques for detection and segmentation are clustering, knowledge-based, model-based, level-set evolution, or combination of them. Unsupervised techniques include k-nearest neighborhood (kNN), k-means, fuzzy c-means (FCM), and Self-Organizing Map networks. Velthuizen et al. [15] (1995) proposed a refinement of FCM segmentation, called Validity Guided Clustering, and a genetic algorithm to improve classification from FCM [16] (1996) to segment tumor in 2D. Ahmed et al. [19] (2002) proposed a bias-corrected FCM algorithm modified by neighborhood field effect. Vinitski et al. [17] (1999) applied statistical and anisotropic diffusion filters for kNN segmentation on 3D multispectral MR images. Capelle et al. [3] (2002) introduced a two step segmentation algorithm based on kNN rule and evidence theory. Morra et al.[12] (2003) proposed single-channel image segmentation technique based on the unsupervised clustering capabilities of a SelfOrganizing Map network. By combining kNN and FCM, Vaidyanathan et al. [14] (1994) estimated tumor volume using supervised kNN and semi-supervised fuzzy c-means from 3D multispectral MR images, and quantified 4 tumor cases. Knowledge-based techniques apply anatomical knowledge; signal intensity or spatial location of anatomic structures, with unsupervised methods. Li et al. [8] (1993) proposed a 10 class model of the brain based on multispectral histogram analysis, and used a symmetry measure to detect tumor in transaxial slices intersecting the ventricles. Clark et al. [4] (1998) proposed a multispectral analysis tool that segments and labels glioblastoma-multiforme tumor, and compared with kNN. Yoon et al. [18] (1999) used FCM for the initial classification of white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and then proposed three local symmetry measures of WM, GM and CSF. Quantification was done on 40 slices of 1 normal and 2 tumor datasets. Lynn et al. [21] (2000) introduced an automatic segmentation of nonenhancing brain tumors based on FCM initial segmentation and image processing techniques controlled by domain knowledge system. Using signal intensity and spatial location of anatomic structures derived from a digital atlas, Michael et al. [20] (2001) proposed an automatic algorithm for tumor segmentation using iterative statistical classification and region growing, which takes 5-10 minutes. Joshi [7] (2001), Lorenzen et al. [10] (2003) used reflectional symmetry analysis by calculating the per-voxel average additive intensity field norm (intensity variation) and per-voxel average


Medical Imaging 2004: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images, edited by Amir A. Amini, Armando Manduca, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5369 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2004) · 1605-7422/04/$15 · doi: 10.1117/12.538035

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displacement norm (volumetric changes) to detect tumor. Model-based techniques and deformable models have also been used in tumor detection and segmentation. Capelle et al. [2] (2000) proposed Markov Random Field model-based unsupervised segmentation in combination with anisotropic filtering and a posterior estimator to segment the brain into homogenous regions to localize possible tumors. Moon et al. [11] (2002) described a model derived from the digital brain atlas containing the spatially varying prior probability maps for the location of WM, GM, CSF, brain tumor and edema. Based on the model, the expectation maximum algorithm is used to modify the model with individual subject’s information about tumor location, and to segment the tumor and edema. Ho et al [6] (2002) proposed an iterative level-set evolution with a region competition segmentation method with an initialization probability map obtained from intensity-based fuzzy classification. Edward et al. [22] (2003) proposed a semi-automated quantification of MS lesions using a geometrically constrained region growth (GEORG) and directed multispectral segmentation (DMSS), in which the initial “seed” is set manually. The operation times of DMSS and GEORG are 3 and 10 minutes, respectively. Currently, there is no widely accepted method to detect brain tumors rapidly prior to further complex procedures of localization and segmentation of tumor volume. In this article, we propose a rapid and automatic method for the detection of brain tumor on 3D MR neuroimages. The midsagittal plane (MSP) [5] is the plane separating the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Rapid and automatic extraction of the MSP thus enables us to analyze brain symmetry more efficiently. Normal brain is approximately bilaterally symmetrical anatomically and in grey level distribution. Tumors generate significant grey levels asymmetry in brain MR images (Robin N. Strickland [13]). In our method, we use symmetry analysis of grey level to detect the existence of tumor. Symmetry analysis of grey level is done by estimating the similarity between the grey level histograms of both hemispheres. Due to RF inhomogeneity, two histograms of a normal brain may shift apart from each other and needs to be corrected. Our algorithm comprises of two main steps: 1) shift reduction of the two grey level histograms; 2) estimation of similarity of grey level histograms using four symmetry measures: correlation coefficient (CC), root mean square error (RMSE), integral of absolute difference (IAD), and integral of normalized absolute difference (INAD).

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Volume of interest The volume of interest was limited to the symmetrical part of the brain. For the normal brain in axial orientation, the part of the brain from above the orbital roof to the top of the brain is approximately symmetrical bilaterally. Our algorithm is applied only to that part of brain. 2.2 Method description Symmetry of image grey levels of two hemispheres manifests (in majority of cases) the normality of the brain. This is the basis of our brain normality investigation. In our algorithm, no preprocessing work is needed for the extraction of the skull. The input is the 3D MR image, and the output is normality-abnormality judgment based on the symmetry value of the brain. The algorithm is carried out in six main steps: 1) Extract the MSP [Hu and Nowinski [5]2003], and separate the brain into the left and right hemispheres. 2) Remove background by thresholding. 3) Calculate normalized grey level histograms of the left and right hemispheres, with the normalized integral of each histogram being 1 (Fig. 1b, f). 4) Reduce the shift between the left and right histograms caused by RF inhomogeneity (Fig. 2). 5) Calculate the similarity between the two histograms using four symmetry measures: CC, RMSE, IAD, and INAD. 6) Judge each data as normal or with suspicious tumors according to the quantified similarity value of each symmetry measure.

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2.2.1 Background removal All the data used in our study were 8bit MR images. On MRI, the human brain (foreground) has four main tissues: CSF, GM, WM, and fat and bone marrow. The background contains noise. Thresholding is used to remove the background (Brummer et al. [23]).

2.2.2 Shift reduction between histograms We have noticed that some shift between the histograms exists only for the data collected using a body coil. It can be attributed to imperfections in the radio-frequency coils or to problems associated with the (c) (g) acquisition sequences. The result is a slowly varying shading artifact over the image that can produce slight difference between the brightness of the two hemispheres [22]. Such difference of brightness contributes to the small shift between the two histograms (Fig. 2a), which is not due to any pathology. Ahmed et al. ([19] 2002) made a review of corrections of (d) (h) intensity inhomogeneity from MR images; in general, the removal of such inhomogeneity is difficult. Alternatively, in our method, we reduced the shift of the two histograms before the calculation of the four symmetry measures, which partially compensated for such inhomogeneities. To reduce the shift, we used maximum Fig. 1. Comparison of tumor (a-d) and normal (e-h) data: (a), (e) SPGR CC or minimum RMSE by fixing one axial images; (b), (f) left and right hemisphere histograms; (c), (g) absolute difference plots, the arrows in (c) point the two main intensity regions histogram and moving the other one contributing to IAD; and (d), (h) normalized absolute difference plots, the horizontally along the grey level arrow in (d) points the amplification of tumor region in INAD. several steps in two directions till the maximum CC or the minimum RMSE is obtained, and the shift of the two histograms is reduced as well (Figs. 2b, c). Compared with the absolute difference between the original two histograms (Fig. 2d), after shift reduction, the difference not caused by tumor was reduced (Figs. 2e, f).


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Fig. 2. Shift reduction between the left and right hemispheric histograms: (a) original two histograms of both hemispheres for a normal brain; (b) shift reduced histograms by using the maximum CC; (c) shift reduced histograms by using the minimum RMSE; (d) absolute difference between the original two histograms; (e) absolute difference between the shift reduced histograms by using the maximum CC, and (f) minimum RMSE.

2.2.3 Brain symmetry analysis After reduction of the shift, the values of CC, RMSE, IAD and INAD of the two grey level histograms were calculated. These four values show the similarity of the two histograms, which represent the symmetry values of the brain.

xi yi m

2.3 Symmetry measures For each hemisphere, we calculate the grey level histogram, which represents probability distribution of grey levels. Four symmetry measures are used to estimate the similarity of the two probability distributions. Let X= >x1 , xi ,, xn@ and Y= y1 ,, y i ,, y n represent two grey



level probability distributions of two hemispheres, where i is the grey level of 8bit MRI, and n is the maximum grey value of the image (Fig. 3). The four symmetry measures used are discussed in the following subsections. Fig. 3. Histograms of two hemispheres: xi, yi are the intensity probability of grey level i on two histograms.

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2.3.1 Correlation Coefficient Correlation coefficient is a measure of estimating the degree to which two series are correlated. Arithmetic expectation of X is:

¦ (x ) i

E> X @




i 1,, n


 E[ X ] * E[ X ]


Variance of X is:

¦ x * x i



Var ( X )


Standard deviation of X is:

V E[Y ] , Var[Y ]


Var ( X )


and V Y are obtained in the same way as E[ X ] , Var[ X ] andV X . Covariance of X and Y is:

Cov X , Y

E^ X  E ( X ) Y  E (Y ) `

¦x y i




E ( XY )  E ( X ) E (Y )


 E ( X ) E (Y )

Correlation coefficient of X and Y is:



Cov( X , Y ) XY



2.3.2 Root mean square error The root mean square error is a measure to estimate the possibility of the forecast value corresponding to the verifying value (analyzed or observed). It gives information about the level, to which one grey level distribution corresponds to the other. RMSE of X to Y is defined as: rmse

1 ¦ n i

xi  yi , 2

i 1,, n


2.3.3 Integral of absolute difference The integral of absolute difference of X to Y is defined as:

IAD ( X , Y )

¦xy, i



i 1, , n


Integral of absolute difference (Figs. 1c, g) is also called the variational distance between two probability distributions [Lin [9] 1991]. The variational distance is a bounded [Burnashev [1] 1998] and symmetric measure for estimation of similarity between two probability distributions. When there is an asymmetrical tumor in a brain, it will displace and distort the underlying structures (Fig. 1a). These effects will increase the absolute difference in two respects: 1) displacement of tumor causes the intensity probability of the hemisphere containing the tumor to be bigger than the normal (the right arrow in Fig. 1c); 2) distortion of underlying structures cause the volume of normal tissue in the hemisphere with the tumor to decrease. The intensity probability of the distorted normal tissue decreases at the same time, resulting in the absolute difference increasing at the intensity region of distorted normal tissue (left arrow in Fig. c).


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2.3.4 Integral of normalized absolute difference Volumes of tumors are always smaller than the volumes of brain main structures like WM, GM, and CSF, so grey level probability at intensity range of tumors is usually smaller than those of WM, GM and CSF. To amplify the effect of tumors, we add a validity denominator to the absolute difference – the normalized absolute difference. Integration of it is called the integral of normalized absolute difference. It is defined as: INAD (Y , X )

xy ¦ 0.5(  ) , x y i




¦ (x  y )  H i

i m





i 1,  , m



H is small enough, the integration is not done. Here we set H

to be 0.0001; this corresponds

to a condition that there is a small region in a 256*256 2D image of about 6 pixels occurring at the intensity range from m to n, Fig. 3. These are usually small structures such as sinus, fat or blood vessels. INAD amplifies the effect of tumor but is not influenced by tiny tissues which is controlled by the value of H . To see how INAD amplifies the effect of tumors, let us take a tumor and WM for example. From Eq. 8, when the absolute probability difference of tumor and WM is the same, the denominator of grey level probability for the tumor is usually smaller than WM, so the normalized absolute difference caused by the tumor is bigger than that caused by asymmetry of WM (the arrow in Fig. 1d).

3. RESULTS The proposed method has been implemented. It compares two normalized hemispheres of the same brain and can be used on the data acquired on different scanners and with different pulse sequences. We have tested the method on 42 patients with brain tumors and 55 normal patients and volunteers with different pulse sequences randomly selected from 4 sources. According to the value of each symmetry measure, we grouped the datasets into several classes, and estimated the number of normal and abnormal datasets in each class, shown in the “Frequency” rows of Tables 1-4. Relative frequency of each class for normal and abnormal was calculated by dividing the total number of datasets by the correspondent frequency. It was essential to compare two datasets with different number of observations. The histograms of the relative frequency due to each symmetry measure show the differences in the symmetry values of the normal data versus the abnormal (Fig. 4). For each symmetry measure, we used linear classification and assumed that any incorrect classification entails the same cost or consequence and set the threshold between normal and abnormal by maximizing the sum of True positive (TP) and True negative (TN) linearly. In this way, the threshold obtained of CC was 0.9948, RMSE was 0.0006, IAD was 0.0655, and INAD was 23.00. Among the four symmetry measures, CC, RMSE, IAD, INAD gave sensitivity of 64.3%, 80.9%, 83.3%, 85.7% and specificity of 74.5%, 87.3%, 89.1%, 83.6%, respectively (Table 6). Running time for datasets varied between 0.1-0.3 seconds on a 2.4GHz CPU PC.

4. DISCUSSION Brain above the orbital level is approximately bilaterally symmetrical, and so are the corresponding grey levels. The presented algorithm detects the existence of brain tumor based on grey level symmetry analysis. RF inhomogeneity causes problem of the conventional intensity-based techniques, so to compensate for the influence of it, the shift reduction of two histograms is applied before the calculation of the symmetry measures. This step increases the sensitivity and specificity of CC, RMSE, IAD and INAD by (11.9%, 10.9%), (16.6%, 17.3%), (21.4%, 14.6%) and (4.8%, 3.6%) (Table 5). Statistical quantification of brain normality is done on randomly selected 97 datasets using four symmetry measures. Sensitivity and specificity of RMSE, IAD, INAD are (80.9%, 87.3%), (83.3%, 89.1%) and (85.7%, 83.6%), which are relatively better than CC (64.3%, 74.5%). RMSE has all the FN and FP cases of IAD, so IAD covers the contribution of RMSE for the tumor detection. Combination of IAD and INAD shows good separation of normal and tumor datasets (Fig. 5). Operation time of each symmetry measure was 0.1-0.3 seconds on a 2.4GHz CPU PC, which is much faster than other methods. However, the localization of the orbital level is done manually at the present; automatic localization of orbital level would improve the automation process. In future work, we will focus on localization of tumor position on data in which suspicious tumors are detected.

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Table 1. Symmetry analysis using the correlation coefficient (CC)


Normal data

Abnormal data



Relative Frequency


Relative Frequency

(0.995, 1]





(0.99, 0.995]





(0.985, 0.99]





(0.98, 0.985]





(0.975, 0.98]





(0.97, 0.975]





(0.965, 0.97]





(0.96, 0.965]





(0.955, 0.96]





(0.95, 0.955]





(0.945, 0.95]





(0.94, 0.945]



