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knee arthroplasty. Key words: Total knee arthroplasty, Tibial bone defect, Medial release. ... not been clearly established4-6) and ligament balancing can be. 146 ...
Original Article Knee Surg Relat Res 2012;24(3):146-150 pISSN 2234-0726 · eISSN 2234-2451

Knee Surgery & Related Research

Relationship between Tibial Bone Defect and Extent of Medial Release in Total Knee Arthroplasty Shin Woo Nam, MD, Ji Hoon Kwak, MD, Nam Ki Kim, MD, Il Whan Wang, MD and Beom Koo Lee, MD Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Gil Medical Center, Gachon University, Incheon, Korea

Purpose: To understand the relationship between tibial bone defect and extent of medial release in total knee arthroplasty. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 32 knees in 22 patients with variable degrees of tibial bone defect on medial plateau has undergone total knee arthroplasty. In this study, 31 cases had been diagnosed as degenerative osteoarthritis and 1 case was osteonecrosis. We excluded cases with infection, traumatic arthritis, or neuropathic joints. With regard to gender, 29 cases were female and 3 cases were male. The following relationships were analyzed: preoperative degrees of tibial bone defect and varus deformity; the femorotibial angle of both weight-bearing whole extremity radiogram, distractive stress radiogram, and the extent of medial release. Results: Average tibial bone defect was 9.8±4.1 mm. Average femorotibial angle on weight-bearing whole extremity radiograph was varus 10.0o±6.2o. Average femorotibial angle on distractive stress radiograph was varus 0.7o±4.6o. Statistically the extent of medial release showed no significant relationship with the degree of tibial bone defect and femoro-tibial angle of whole extremity radiogram. However, it revealed a statistically significant relationship with the femorotibial angle on distractive radiogram (r=0.465, p=0.007). Conclusions: Preoperative distractive stress radiograph might be a useful method to predict the extent of intraoperative medial release during total knee arthroplasty. Key words: Total knee arthroplasty, Tibial bone defect, Medial release.

Introduction Bone defects in knees with advanced osteoarthritis can cause profound varus deformity1), which can lead to medial soft tissue contracture. Depending on the extent of deformity, a medial release is necessary during total knee arthroplasty (TKA)2,3). However, the extent and sequence of medial releases have not been clearly established4-6) and ligament balancing can be Received June 9, 2011; Revised (1st) July 5, 2011; (2nd) October 23, 2011; (3rd) December 4, 2011; Accepted April 12, 2012. Correspondence to: Beom Koo Lee, MD. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Gil Medical Center, Gachon University, 21 Namdong-daero 774beon-gil, Namdong-gu, Incheon 405760, Korea. Tel: +82-32-460-3384, Fax: +82-32-468-5437 Email: [email protected]

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achieved without an extensive medial release even in knees with severe bone defects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the femorotibial angle on the distractive stress radiograph and the extent of medial release in arthritic knees with bone defects.

Materials and Methods There were 160 cases that underwent TKA at our institution between January 2006 and January 2009. Of these, 32 cases (22 patients) with a bone defect in the medial proximal tibia were enrolled in this retrospective study. The exclusion criteria were neuropathic arthropathy that may affect soft tissue, traumatic osteoarthritis, infections, valgus deformity, rheumatoid arthritis, past history of surgery, or severe flexion contracture for obtaining a true anteroposterior (AP) view with distractive stress radiography. The mean age of the patients was 69.7 years (range, 48 to 75 years). There were 2 males (3 cases) and 20 females (29 cases). The indications for surgery were degenerative osteoarthritis in 31 cases and osteonecrosis in 1 case. All operations were performed by the same surgeon using a medial parapatellar approach. Tibial and femoral component


Knee Surg Relat Res, Vol. 24, No. 3, Sep. 2012

fixation was carried out with cement. Tibial and distal femoral cuts were made perpendicular to the mechanical axis using a measured resection technique in all cases. Sequential medial ligament release was performed using a distractor taking care to maintain the femoral cut surface parallel to the tibial cut surface. Then, anterior/posterior femoral cutting was performed with the knee in 90o flexion taking care to keep the femoral cut surface parallel to the tibial cut surface. Continuous passive movement was started from the 1st postoperative day. Partial weight-bearing with crutches or a walker was allowed from the 2nd postoperative day. Full weight-bearing and active joint movement exercises were initiated 1 week after surgery. Functional assessments were performed using the Knee Society Knee Score (KSKS) and Knee Society Functional Score (KSFS) preoperatively and postoperatively7). On the radiographic assessment, the extent of bone defects was measured on the AP and lateral views of the knee before surgery and the femorotibial angle was measured on the weight-bearing whole extremity radiograph. All distractive stress radiographs were taken by the same resident. The patient was placed in the supine position with the leg in neutral position and the examiner pulled the patient’s ankle for maximum tension during the taking. The femorotibial angle on the radiograph was measured for assessment. The radiologic component position was assessed at the last follow-up on the AP and lateral radiographs of the knee using the American Knee Society Roentgenographic Evaluation and Scoring System8). For the assessment of bone defects, a line perpendicular to the


long axis of the tibia was drawn from a point at the center of the lateral plateau, across the joint surface on the AP view. The perpendicular distance from this line to the deepest portion of the defect in the medial tibial condyle was measured9). On the lateral view, considering the posterior slope, a line perpendicular to the long axis of the tibia was drawn across the joint surface from a point in the lateral plateau that creates a posterior slope of 7o. The perpendicular distance from this line to the deepest portion of the defect in the medial tibial condyle was measured. The average value of these 2 measurements was used for evaluation (Fig. 1). Radiographic measurements were performed twice with an interval of 1 week by 3 observers (1 fellow and 2 residents) to assess intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver reliability. The average value of the 6 measurements was used for assessment and statistical analysis. The extent of medial release was classified into 4 stages and staged medial releases were performed in this study: release of the deep medial collateral ligament (stage 1), release of the posterior oblique ligament or semimembranous insertion (stage 2), release of the posterior capsule (stage 3), and release of the distal superficial collateral ligament or medial epicondylar osteotomy (stage 4)1,10-13). The improvements in the range of motion, KSKS, and KSFS between the preoperative and postoperative period were assessed using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. The intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver reliability for radiographic measurements were assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Spearman correlation tests were used to determine the relationships between the extent of a bone defect, varus deformity, and medial release stage, between the femorotibial angle on the preoperative whole extremity radiograph and the medial release stage, and between the femorotibial angle on the distractive stress radiograph and the medial release stage.


Fig. 1. We measured the tibial medial condylar bone defect in anteroposterior view and lateral view.

The mean extent of tibial bone defect was 9.8±4.1 mm. The mean femorotibial angle was 10.0o±6.2o of varus on the whole extremity radiograph and 0.7o±4.6o of varus on the distractive stress radiograph. The mean femorotibial angle at the last followup on the weight-bearing whole extremity radiograph was 7.4o±2.5o of valgus. The mean ICCs for intraobserver reliability were 0.838 for bone defect measurement, 0.856 for femorotibial angle on the weight-

148 Nam et al. Relationship between Tibial Bone Defect and Extent of Medial Release Table 1. Intraobserver Reproducibility Bone defect

Femorotibial angle on standing X-ray

Femorotibial angle on traction X-ray

Observer 1




Observer 2




Observer 3








Table 2. Interobserver Reproducibility Bone defect

Femorotibial angle on standing X-ray

Femorotibial angle on traction X-ray












0.824 a)


Fig. 3. There is no correlation between femorotibial angle on orthoroentgenogram in standing and step of medial release.


Interobserver reliability for the first and second reading.

Fig. 2. There is no correlation between the size of bone defect and the degree of medial release.

bearing whole extremity radiograph, and 0.836 for femorotibial angle on the distractive stress radiograph (Table 1). The mean ICCs for interobserver reliability were 0.825 for bone defect measurement, 0.824 for femorotibial angle on the weightbearing whole extremity radiograph, and 0.819 for femorotibial angle on the distractive stress radiograph (Table 2). The mean flexion contracture was improved from 5.9 o preoperatively to 0.9o at the last follow-up (p