www.bialabate.net. Summary of the book O Uso Ritual das Plantas de Poder [
The Ritual Use of Power. Plants], by Beatriz Caiuby Labate and Sandra Lúcia ...
Summary of the book O Uso Ritual das Plantas de Poder [The Ritual Use of Power Plants], by Beatriz Caiuby Labate and Sandra Lúcia Goulart (Eds.) Coverflap Anthony Henman Preface Jean Langdon Introduction Sandra Lucia Goulart, Beatriz Caiuby Labate and Henrique Carneiro 1. The Psychonautic Odyssey: The History of a Century and a Half of Research on Psychoactive Plants and Substances Henrique Carneiro 2. Prophets of Pariká and Caapi Robin M. Wright 3. “Mambear coca não é pintar a boca de verde”: Notes on the Origin of the Ritual Use of Amazonian Coca Juan Alvaro Echeverri Edmundo Pereira 4. Divine Venoms: Psychoactive Plants of the Machiguenga of Peru Glenn H. Shepard Jr. 5. Jurema and Identities: An Essay on the Diaspora of a Powerful Plant Clarice Novaes da Mota 6. Subjects of Jurema and the Rescue of “the Science of the Indian” Rodrigo de Azeredo Grünewald 7. The Jurema of Recife: An Afro-Indian-Brazilian Religion in an Urban Context Roberto Motta 8. Bwiti: An African Entheogenic Religion Giorgio Samorini 9. Ayahuasca and Indigenous Shamanism of the Peruvian Jungle: The Long Path of the Conquest Antonio Bianchi
10. Narratives from the Other Side: Ayahuasca and the Motive of Animal Transformation Luis Eduardo Luna 11. Contrasts and Continuity in an Amazonian Religious Tradition: The Cases of Santo Daime, Barquinha and the UDV. Sandra Lucia Goulart 12. Legal, Ethical and Political Dimensions of the Expansion of Ayahuasca Consumption Beatriz Caiuby Labate 13. Santo Daime and Santa Maria: Religious Uses of Licit and Illicit Psychoactive Substances Edward MacRae 14. The Bitter Leaf of the Great Grandfather: Flux and Reflux of the Sacred in Popular Brazilian Marijuana Use Bruno César Cavalcanti