Temperature dependence of the superfluid density in a

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Jan 19, 2006 - dependence of the London penetration depth in CePt3Si, i.e., line-node-gap behavior at low temperatures. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.024504.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 024504 共2006兲

Temperature dependence of the superfluid density in a noncentrosymmetric superconductor N. Hayashi,1 K. Wakabayashi,1,2 P. A. Frigeri,1 and M. Sigrist1 1Institut

für Theoretische Physik, ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland of Quantum Matter Science, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (ADSM), Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8530, Japan 共Received 25 August 2005; revised manuscript received 20 October 2005; published 19 January 2006兲


For a noncentrosymmetric superconductor such as CePt3Si, we consider a Cooper pairing model with a two-component order parameter composed of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing components. We calculate the superfluid density tensor in the clean limit on the basis of the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity. We demonstrate that such a pairing model accounts for an experimentally observed feature of the temperature dependence of the London penetration depth in CePt3Si, i.e., line-node-gap behavior at low temperatures. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.024504

PACS number共s兲: 74.20.Rp, 74.70.Tx, 74.25.Bt


Much attention has been focused on the superconductivity in systems without inversion symmetry 共e.g, Refs. 1–6, and references therein兲. Recently, CePt3Si was found to be a heavy fermion superconductor without inversion symmetry in the crystal structure.7–10 This motivates more detailed studies of the superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric systems. The lack of an inversion center in the crystal lattice induces antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling11,12 responsible for a mixing of spin-singlet and spin-triplet Cooper pairings.2 In CePt3Si, this mixing of the pairing channels with different parity may result in unusual properties of experimentally observed quantities such as a very high upper critical field Hc2 which exceeds the paramagnetic limit,7–10,13 and the simultaneous appearance of a coherence peak feature in the NMR relaxation rate T−1 1 and low-temperature power-law behavior suggesting line nodes in the quasiparticle gap8–10,14–16 共see also Ref. 17兲. The presence of line nodes in the gap of CePt3Si is also indicated by measurements of the thermal conductivity18 and the London penetration depth.10,19 In CePt3Si, the superconductivity coexists with an antiferromagnetic phase7–10,14–16,20,21 共see also Ref. 22兲. Generally one may have to include this aspect when the lowtemperature thermodynamics is analyzed in this material. The London penetration depth, however, which is entirely connected with the superfluid density, contains exclusively the information on the superconductivity and provides for this reason a very suitable probe of the low-energy spectrum of the quasiparticles associated with the superconducting gap topology. Experimental measurements of the London penetration depth on polycrystalline and powder samples are reported in Refs. 10 and 19. We note that CePt3Si is an extreme type-II superconductor with the Ginzburg-Landau parameter ␬ ⯝ 140,7,10 and the nonlocal effect can be safely neglected. For a noncentrosymmetric superconductor such as CePt3Si, we will consider a Cooper pairing model with an order parameter consisting of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing components. Based on the same pairing model, we previously investigated the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation 23–25 In this parate to explain peculiarities observed in T−1 1 . 1098-0121/2006/73共2兲/024504共9兲/$23.00

per, we calculate the superfluid density and demonstrate that this pairing model simultaneously gives an explanation of the power-law temperature dependence of the penetration depth at low temperatures in CePt3Si. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we describe the electronic structure of the system without inversion symmetry and our pairing model. In Sec. III, the equations for calculating the superfluid density are formulated. The numerical results are shown in Sec. IV. The summary is given in Sec. V. In the Appendix, we describe the derivation of the quasiclassical Green functions used to compute the superfluid density for the present pairing model.


We base our analysis on a system considered in Ref. 3, where the lack of inversion symmetry is incorporated through the antisymmetric Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling3,26–29


with gk =

ˆ ␩␩⬘ck† ␩ck␩⬘ , ␣gk · ␴

31 共− ky,kx,0兲. 2 kF



ˆ = 共␴ˆ x , ␴ˆ y , ␴ˆ z兲 is the vector consisting of the Pauli Here, ␴ matrices, ck† ␩ 共ck␩兲 is the creation 共annihilation兲 operator for the quasiparticle state with momentum k and spin ␩. We use units in which ប = kB = 1. ␣ 共⬎0兲 denotes the strength of the spin-orbit coupling. The antisymmetric vector gk 共g−k = −gk兲 is determined by symmetry arguments and is normalized as 具g2k 典0 = 1.3,26 kF is the Fermi wave number and the brackets 具. . .典0 denote the average over the Fermi surface in the case of ␣ = 0. Generally we may classify the basic pairing states for a superconductor of given crystal symmetry, distinguishing the spin-singlet and spin-triplet states.3,5 A general argument by Anderson30 shows that the inversion symmetry is a key element for the realization of spin-triplet pairing states. Hence,


©2006 The American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 024504 共2006兲

HAYASHI et al.

the lack of inversion symmetry as in CePt3Si may be detrimental for spin-triplet pairing states. In other words, the presence of the antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling would suppress spin-triplet pairing. However, it has been shown by Frigeri et al.3 that the antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling is not destructive to the special spin-triplet state with the d vector parallel to gk 共dk 储 gk兲. Therefore, referring to gk given in Eq. 共2兲, we adopt the p-wave pairing state with parallel d ˜ ,˜k , 0兲.31 Here, the unit vector ˜k vector, dk = ⌬共−k y x ˜ ,˜k ,˜k 兲 = 共cos ␾ sin ␪ , sin ␾ sin ␪ , cos ␪兲. A further effect = 共k x y z of the antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling is the mixing of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing components.2 Interestingly, only the s-wave spin-singlet pairing state 共belonging to A1g representation of crystal point group兲 mixes with the above p-wave spin-triplet pairing state 共for example, d-wave states cannot mix with this p-wave state because of symmetry兲.29,32 This parity-mixed pairing state is expressed by the order parameter, ˜ 兲 = 关⌿共r兲␴ˆ + d 共r兲 · ␴ ˆ 共r,k ˆ 兴i␴ˆ y ⌬ 0 k = 关⌿共r兲␴ˆ 0 + ⌬共r兲共− ˜ky␴ˆ x + ˜kx␴ˆ y兲兴i␴ˆ y ,


with the spin-singlet s-wave component ⌿共r兲 and the d vec˜ ,˜k , 0兲. Here, the vector r indicates the tor dk共r兲 = ⌬共r兲共−k y x real-space coordinates, and ␴ˆ 0 is the unit matrix in the spin space. While this spin-triplet part alone has point nodes, the pairing state of Eq. 共3兲 can possess line nodes in a gap as a result of the combination with the s-wave component.23,29,33 In this paper, we choose the isotropic s-wave pairing as ⌿ for simplicity.

We will calculate the superfluid density on the basis of the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity.34–36 Following the spirit of the theory,36 in this study we assume 兩⌿兩 , 兩⌬兩 , ␣ Ⰶ ␧F 共␧F is the Fermi energy兲. We consider the quasiclassical Green function gˇ which has the matrix elements in Nambu 共particle-hole兲 space as

冉 冊 ifˆ

˜ ,i␻ 兲 = − i␲ gˇ共r,k n

ˆ ˆ − if¯ − ¯g


gˇ k =

gk␴ˆ 0



g−k␴ˆ 0 gk =

⌬ˇ =

ˆ tr = − ␴ˆ y␴ ˆ ␴ˆ y , ␴

冊冉 =

gk␴ˆ 0



− gk␴ˆ 0



3 ˜ ˜ 共− ky,kx,0兲, 2

冉 冊 ⌬ˆ


ˆ† 0 −⌬





Here, vF共s兲 is the Fermi velocity, the variable s indicates the position on the Fermi surfaces, and the commutator 关aˇ , bˇ兴 = aˇbˇ − bˇaˇ. The Eilenberger equation is supplemented by the normalization condition34,37 gˇ2 = − ␲21ˇ ,


where 1ˇ is the 4 ⫻ 4 unit matrix. Because CePt3Si is a clean superconductor,7,10 we neglect the impurity effect. To obtain an expression for the superfluid density, we follow the procedure developed by Choi et al.42–46 We consider a system in which a uniform supercurrent flows with the velocity vs, and the gap function 共3兲 has the r dependence as42–46 ˜兲 = ⌬ ˜ 兲ei2Mvs·r ˆ ⬘共k ⌬ˆ 共r,k = 关⌿␴ˆ 0 + ⌬共− ˜ky␴ˆ x + ˜kx␴ˆ y兲兴i␴ˆ yei2Mvs·r ,


and accordingly


冉 冊

ˆ 0 ␴ Sˇ = , ˆ tr 0 ␴

⌿共r兲 = ⌿ei2Mvs·r,

⌬共r兲 = ⌬ei2Mvs·r .


The bare electron mass is denoted by M. The matrix elements of the Green function 共4兲 are expressed as


˜ ,i␻ 兲 = gˆ⬘共k ˜ ,i␻ 兲, gˆ共r,k n n


˜ ,i␻ 兲 = ˆf ⬘共k ˜ ,i␻ 兲ei2Mvs·r , ˆf 共r,k n n


¯ˆf 共r,k ˜ ,i␻ 兲 = ¯ˆf ⬘共k ˜ ,i␻ 兲e−i2Mvs·r , n n


˜ ,i␻ 兲 = ¯gˆ ⬘共k ˜ ,i␻ 兲. ¯gˆ 共r,k n n


where ␻n = ␲T共2n + 1兲 is the Matsubara frequency 共with the temperature T and the integer n兲. Throughout the paper, a ˆ 兲 denotes the 2 ⫻ 2 matrix in the spin space, and a “hat” 共쎲 ˇ 兲 denotes the 4 ⫻ 4 matrix composed of the 2 “check” 共쎲 ⫻ 2 Nambu space and the 2 ⫻ 2 spin space. The Eilenberger equation which includes the spin-orbit coupling term is given as23,37–41

The Eilenberger equation 共5兲 is rewritten in a form without the r dependence as ˇ ⬘,gˇ⬘兴 = 0, 关i共␻n + q兲␶ˇ 3 − ␣gˇ k · Sˇ − ⌬


ˇ ,gˇ兴 = 0, ivF共s兲 · ⵱gˇ + 关i␻n␶ˇ 3 − ␣gˇ k · Sˇ − ⌬

q = iMvF共s兲 · vs ,



␴ˆ 0 0 ␶ˇ 3 = , 0 − ␴ˆ 0



共6兲 024504-2

gˇ⬘ = − i␲


ifˆ ⬘

ˆ ˆ − if¯⬘ − ¯g⬘



PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 024504 共2006兲


ˇ⬘= ⌬

ˆ⬘ ⌬

0 ˆ ⬘† −⌬




We obtain the following Green functions from the Eilenberger equation and the normalization condition 共see Appendix兲, gˆ⬘ = gI␴ˆ I + gII␴ˆ II ,

the brackets 具…典 denote the average over each Fermi surface. In Eq. 共25兲, we have referred to Eqs. 共14a兲 and 共19a兲. In order to calculate the superfluid density tensor ␳ij 共Ji = ␳ijvsj兲, we expand gI,II in Eq. 共21a兲 up to first order in vs 共or q兲, and substitute them into Eq. 共25兲. The expression for ␳ij is then obtained as48


␳ij = M ␲T 兺 NI



ˆf ⬘ = 共f ␴ˆ + f ␴ˆ 兲i␴ˆ , I I II II y



with the matrices ␴ˆ I and ␴ˆ II defined by1,29,47 1 ˆ 兲, ␴ˆ I,II = 共␴ˆ 0 ± ¯gk · ␴ 2

¯ ,0兲. ¯gk = 共− ¯ky,k x


¯ ,¯k , 0兲 = 共cos ␾ , sin ␾ , 0兲, and Here, ¯k = 共k x y

␻n + q , BI

gII =

␻n + q , BII


⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪ , BI

f II =

⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪ . BII


gI =

fI =

BI = ± 冑共␻n + q兲2 + 兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩2 ,


BII = ± 冑共␻n + q兲2 + 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩2 ,


sgn共Re兵gI其兲 = sgn共Re兵␻n其兲,


sgn共Re兵gII其兲 = sgn共Re兵␻n其兲.


␳xx = 共M v2N0兲2␲T ⫻


+ CII共␦兲





冕 冕

+ CII共␦兲



␳zz = 共M v2N0兲2␲T ⫻ C I共 ␦ 兲


d␪ 兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩2 sin3 ␪ 2 共␻2n + 兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩2兲3/2

where NF共s兲 is the density of states at the position s on the Fermi surfaces, “tr” means the trace in the spin space, and



d␪ 兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩2 sin ␪ cos2 ␪ 2 共␻2n + 兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩2兲3/2

d␪ 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩2 sin ␪ cos2 ␪ , 共29兲 2 共␻2n + 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩2兲3/2

␳xy = ␳yx = 0, ␳zx = ␳xz = ␳zy = ␳yz = 0, and ␳yy = ␳xx. Here, the weighting factors CI,II in the case of the model of Eq. 共27兲 are given as C I共 ␦ 兲 = 1 + ␦ ,

CII共␦兲 = 1 − ␦ .


At zero temperature, 2 ␳ ⬅ ␳xx共T = 0兲 = ␳zz共T = 0兲 = M v2N0 , 3



d␪ 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩2 sin3 ␪ , 2 共␻2n + 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩2兲3/2


dsNF共s兲vF共s兲tr关␴ˆ 0共− i␲gˆ兲兴

␲T 兺 关NI具vIgI典 + NII具vIIgII典兴, i ␻n

1 C I共 ␦ 兲 2


where 2N0 = NI + NII. We consider ␦ as a parameter independent of ␣. The supercurrent J is composed of the regular part, −i␲gˆ, of the Green function in Eq. 共4兲.36 J is expressed by

共␻2n + 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩2兲3/2

From Eq. 共26兲, the components of the superfluid density tensor are obtained as

The Green functions labeled by the indices I and II belong to the two distinct Fermi surfaces which are split by the lifting of the spin degeneracy due to the spin-orbit coupling. The densities of states on those two Fermi surfaces are different from each other in general. We define the density of states 共the Fermi velocity兲 as NI,II 共vI,II兲 on the Fermi surfaces I and II. We also define a parameter ␦ 共−1 ⬍ ␦ ⬍ 1兲 which parametrizes the difference in the density of states,


vIIivIIj兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩2

Now, to compute the superfluid density tensor ␳ij in Eq. 共26兲, we need to assume a model of the Fermi surfaces. For the shape of the Fermi surfaces, we adopt the spherical Fermi surface for simplicity, and thus vI,II = vI,II˜k = vI,II 共cos ␾ sin ␪ , sin ␾ sin ␪ , cos ␪兲 and the Fermi-surface average 具. . .典 = 共1 / 4␲兲兰20␲d␾兰0␲d␪ sin ␪. . ..49 This spherical approximation is justified for CePt3Si, since measurements of Hc2 give evidence for a nearly isotropic mass tensor.7,13 We furthermore set the two Fermi velocities equal,50

and the signs in front of the square root are determined by the conditions

J = T兺

共␻2n + 兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩2兲3/2

vI = vII ⬅ v .

The denominators BI and BII are given as

N − NII ␦= I , 2N0

vIivIj兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩2


where we have utilized a formula for an arbitrary function F, limT→02␲T兺␻nF共␻n兲 = 兰d␻F共␻兲. The gap equations for the order parameters ⌿ and ⌬ are given by29,48


PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 024504 共2006兲

HAYASHI et al.

⌿ = ␲T

关␭s具f +典 + ␦␭s具f −典 + ␭m具sin ␪ f −典


+ ␦␭m具sin ␪ f +典兴, ⌬ = ␲T



关␭t具sin ␪ f −典 + ␦␭t具sin ␪ f +典

+ ␭m具f +典 + ␦␭m具f −典兴,


where f± =

f I ± f II , 2


and ␻c is the cutoff energy. The coupling constants ␭s and ␭t result from the pairing interaction within each spin channel 共s: singlet, t: triplet兲. ␭m appears as a scattering of Cooper pairs between the two channels, which is allowed in a system without inversion symmetry.29 In the limit T → Tc 共Tc is the superconducting critical temperature兲, the linearized gap equations allow us to determine ␭s and ␭t by ␭s =

␭t =

冋 冉 冊册 冒 冉 冊 冋 冉 冊册 冒 冉 冊 1 2 ␲␦ + − ␭m w 3␯ 4

␲␦ , 4␯


2 ␲␦␯ , + 3 4



1 ␲␦ − ␭m ␯ + w 4


w = ln

2 T + , 兺 Tc 0艋n⬍共␻c/␲T−1兲/2 2n + 1


冏冏 ⌿ ⌬

, T→Tc−0+



when the parameters ␭m and ␯ are given. IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS

In this section, we will show the numerically evaluated results for the superfluid densities ␳xx and ␳zz. To calculate them in Eqs. 共28兲 and 共29兲, we need the temperature dependence of the order parameters ⌿ and ⌬. We will use the order parameters obtained from the gap equations 关Eqs. 共32兲 and 共33兲兴 for the parameters ␻c = 100Tc and ␭m = 0.2. This is a representative set of parameters. Different choices would not lead to qualitatively different results as long as the gap topology is not altered. We have calculated the superfluid densities also for ␭m = 0.1 and obtained qualitatively the same results. The Green functions in Eq. 共A18兲 are substituted into the gap equations. When solving the gap equations, ⌬ is fixed to be real without loss of generality, resulting in a real ⌿ as well.29 Referring to Eq. 共21b兲, we notice that the superconducting gaps are 兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩 and 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩 on the Fermi surfaces I and II, respectively. Such a gap structure can lead to line nodes on either Fermi surface I or II 共as shown in Fig. 1兲.23,29,33 When the signs of ⌿ and ⌬ are reverse to 共same as兲

FIG. 1. Schematic figures of the gap structure on the Fermi surfaces. 共a兲 On Fermi surface I, the gap is 兩⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪兩. 共b兲 On Fermi surface II, the gap is 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩. In these figures, it is assumed that both ⌿ and ⌬ are real and positive, and ⌿ ⬍ ⌬.

each other, gap nodes appear on the Fermi surface I 共II兲. The relative sign is controlled by the parameters ␭m, ␦, and ␯ in the present formulation. In this paper, we choose such parameters as ⌿ ⬎ 0 and ⌬ ⬎ 0, so that gap nodes 共兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩 = 0兲 appear on the Fermi surface II 共see Fig. 1兲. Under this circumstance, we can obtain stable order parameters ⌿ and ⌬ when the difference in the density of states ␦ defined in Eq. 共24兲 is set as ␦ ⲏ −0.2 for ␭m = 0.1 and 0.2. For ␦ 艌 −0.2, stable ⌿ and ⌬ are obtained when the singlet-totriplet components ratio ␯ defined in Eq. 共38兲 is set as ␯ ⲏ 0.3 共␭m = 0.1兲 and ␯ ⲏ 0.5 共␭m = 0.2兲. In Fig. 2, we show in a low-temperature region the reciprocal square root of the superfluid densities 1 / 冑␳xx共T兲 and 1 / 冑␳zz共T兲, which correspond to the London penetration depth ␭L共T兲. We set here the parameter ␯ = 0.6, for which the gap nodes are line nodes on the Fermi surface II.23 Indeed, the data exhibit the T-linear behavior at low temperatures, indicating the existence of line nodes. For comparison, we also plot in Fig. 2 the same quantities calculated for a pointnode gap 共dotted line兲, which is contrasting well with the line-node-gap behavior. The present results explain the experimentally observed T-linear behavior of ␭L共T兲 in CePt3Si.10,19 We note here that CePt3Si is an extreme type-II superconductor7,10 and nonlocal effects can be neglected. Concerning the dependence on ␦ the difference in the density of states 关Eq. 共24兲兴, we notice in Fig. 2 that the smaller ␦ 共−1 ⬍ ␦ ⬍ 1兲, the stronger temperature dependence appears. Note the nearly temperature-independent behavior of the state with point nodes 共dotted line兲 at low temperatures corresponding to a T3 behavior. This indicates weaker contributions of low-energy quasiparticles. For the identical Fermi velocities on the two Fermi surfaces, the smaller ␦ 共−1 ⬍ ␦ ⬍ 1兲 leads to a smaller weighting factor CI = 1 + ␦ and a larger CII = 1 − ␦. Therefore, with decreasing ␦, to the superfluid densities the contribution of the fully gapped Fermi surface I shrinks with the decreasing weighting factor CI = 1 + ␦. On the other hand, the contribution of the Fermi surface II with the gap nodes increases because of the growing weighting factor CII = 1 − ␦ and the effect of the line-nodegapped Fermi surface II is enhanced by decreasing ␦ 共Fig. 2兲. In Figs. 3 and 4, we show the superfluid densities ␳xx共T兲 and ␳zz共T兲 to see the overall temperature dependence. The quantities correspond to 1 / ␭L2共T兲. With decreasing ␦ 共−1


PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 024504 共2006兲


FIG. 2. Plots of the reciprocal square root of the superfluid densities vs temperature, 1 / 冑␳xx 共a兲 and 1 / 冑␳zz 共b兲, for several values of the difference in the density of states ␦. The singlet-to-triplet components ratio ␯ is set as ␯ = 0.6. For comparison, dotted lines indicate those for a point-node gap, i.e., pure p-wave gap 兩⌬ sin ␪兩 共⌿ = 0兲.

⬍ ␦ ⬍ 1兲 in Fig. 3, the curves deviate from an upper convex curve and become gradually upper concave curves, namely they deviate gradually from fully gapped s-wave behavior 关i.e., ␳ii共T = 0兲 − ␳ii共T兲 ⬃ T4 in the s-wave case兴 because of the same reason mentioned above for the ␦ dependence in Fig. 2. We show in Fig. 4 the dependence on the singlet-to-triplet components ratio ␯ 关Eq. 共38兲兴. With increasing ␯ in Fig. 4共a兲, the curvature of the upper concave curves of ␳xx becomes larger. On the other hand, the ␯ dependence of ␳zz is weaker than that of ␳xx, as seen in Fig. 4共b兲. The quantity ␳xx 关Eq. 共28兲兴 senses the gap topology emphatically near the equator of the Fermi surfaces, while ␳zz 关Eq. 共29兲兴 senses it near the poles. For the singlet-to-triplet components ratio ␯ ⲏ 0.5, the places 共or the angles ␪兲 of gap nodes at which 兩⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪兩 = 0 共see Fig. 1兲 are sufficiently away from the poles, and gradually approach to the equator on the Fermi surface II with increasing ␯. Therefore, ␳xx 共␳zz兲 is sensitive 共not sensitive兲 to the change of ␯ for ␯ 艌 0.5 as seen in Fig. 4. It is interesting to note the difference in the temperature dependence between ␳xx and ␳zz. In Fig. 5, we plot the ratios ␳zz / ␳xx as functions of the temperature for several values of ␯. They exhibit a nonmonotonic temperature dependence in contrast with a monotonic one in the cases of the axial state 共point-node gap at the poles兲 and the polar state 共line-node gap at the equator兲 shown in Ref. 44. We have so far shown the results obtained for the Fermi velocity model of Eq. 共27兲 共vI = vII兲 and Eq. 共30兲 关CI,II共␦兲

FIG. 3. The temperature dependence of the superfluid densities, ␳xx 共a兲 and ␳zz 共b兲, for several values of the difference in the density of states ␦. The singlet-to-triplet components ratio ␯ is set as ␯ = 0.6.

= 1 ± ␦兴. Alternatively, we have calculated the same quantities also for a different model: vI,II ⬀ 1 / NI,II 关thus, vII = vI共1 + ␦兲 / 共1 − ␦兲 instead of Eq. 共27兲兴. The weighting factors are accordingly CI = 1 + ␦ and CII = 共1 + ␦兲2 / 共1 − ␦兲 in this model, and ␳ ⬅ ␳xx共T = 0兲 = ␳zz共T = 0兲 = 共2M vI2N0 / 3兲共1 + ␦兲 / 共1 − ␦兲. Because of these weighting factors CI = 1 + ␦ and CII = 共1 + ␦兲2 / 共1 − ␦兲, the larger ␦ 共−1 ⬍ ␦ ⬍ 1兲, the more enhanced the contribution of the Fermi surface II becomes. It is an opposite dependence on ␦ as compared to the case of Eq. 共30兲 关CI,II共␦兲 = 1 ± ␦兴. The results for the superfluid densities are qualitatively similar to those obtained for the previous model of Eq. 共27兲 共vI = vII兲 with replacing ␦ → −␦ in Figs. 2–5. We plot, nevertheless, a result for an extreme case in Fig. 6, where we set ␯ = 0.6 and ␦ = 0.9. In this case, the superfluid densities are predominantly determined by the contribution of the Fermi surface II with gap nodes, owing to the extreme value ␦ = 0.9 and the resulting weighting factor CII = 共1 + ␦兲2 / 共1 − ␦兲 Ⰷ CI = 1 + ␦. It is noticed in Fig. 6 that the superfluid densities are suppressed at high temperatures. The temperature dependence of ␳xx in the region T 艋 0.3Tc of Fig. 6 is well fitted into an experimental result for 1 / ␭L2共T兲 in CePt3Si,19 and an unusually strong suppression of 1 / ␭L2共T兲 at high temperatures19 is somewhat similar to that of ␳zz in Fig. 6. However, the difference in the density of states estimated from a band calculation for CePt3Si is 兩␦兩 ⬃ 0.25– 0.3.4 Therefore, the strong suppression of 1 / ␭L2共T兲 at high temperatures observed in CePt3Si 共Ref. 19兲 remains to be accounted for at this moment.


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HAYASHI et al.

FIG. 6. The temperature dependence of the superfluid densities ␳xx and ␳zz for the Fermi velocity model, vI,II ⬀ 1 / NI,II. ␯ = 0.6 and ␦ = 0.9.

FIG. 4. The temperature dependence of the superfluid densities, ␳xx 共a兲 and ␳zz 共b兲, for several values of the singlet-to-triplet components ratio ␯. The difference in the density of states is set as ␦ = −0.2. V. SUMMARY

We calculated the temperature dependence of the superfluid densities ␳xx共T兲 and ␳zz共T兲 for the noncentrosymmetric superconductor with the Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling represented by Eq. 共2兲. We showed that the gap function of Eq. 共3兲, which has the spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing components, explains the line-node-gap temperature dependence of the experimentally observed ␭L共T兲 in CePt3Si.10,19 While the low-temperature behavior 共T ⱗ 0.2Tc兲 of 1 / ␭L2共T兲 can be reproduced qualitatively by that gap function, the high-temperature one still remains to be accounted for.

The detailed information on the Fermi surfaces in the actual material CePt3Si is not available so far.51 The main difficulty here lies in the fact that this material is a heavy fermion system with strongly renormalized carriers. If the Fermi velocity on the Fermi surface with gap nodes 共on the Fermi surface II in our assumption兲 is sufficiently large in the case of the model vI,II ⬀ 1 / NI,II 共otherwise, if NII Ⰷ NI in the case of vI ⯝ vII兲, the anomalously strong suppression of 1 / ␭L2共T兲 observed experimentally at high temperatures19 may be explained as in Fig. 6 共where CII Ⰷ CI兲. Such an assumption seems not unreasonable in view of the large renormalization factors for the effective mass suggested from thermodynamic measurements. On the other hand, the London penetration depth was not measured on a single crystal, but on polycrystalline and powder samples,10,19 to which the anomalous behavior at high temperatures could be attributed. We also note that the superconducting transition around Tc is rather broad in CePt3Si at least at this moment.52 Thus, an unusual behavior of the superconducting phase close to Tc may also play a role in the T dependence of 1 / ␭L2共T兲. In any case, further experimental studies 共e.g., experimental measurements on a single crystal兲 and theoretical studies using more information on the Fermi surfaces involved in superconductivity are needed in the future to accomplish a detailed fitting. It would also be important to experimentally test CePt3Si for the intriguing nonmonotonic temperature dependence of ␳zz / ␳xx 共see Fig. 5兲, which could provide information on effective parameters of the model. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The authors would like to thank D. F. Agterberg, I. Bonalde, E. Bauer, J. Goryo, Y. Kato, M. Matsumoto, M. Yogi, K. Izawa, and A. Koga for helpful discussions. One of us 共N.H.兲 acknowledges support from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 共2003 PFRA Program兲. The authors are also grateful for financial support from the Swiss Nationalfonds and the NCCR MaNEP. FIG. 5. Plots of the ratio ␳zz / ␳xx vs temperature for several values of the singlet-to-triplet components ratio ␯. The difference in the density of states is set as ␦ = −0.2.


In this Appendix, we describe the procedure for deriving the quasiclassical Green functions for a noncentrosymmetric


PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 024504 共2006兲


superconductor with the Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling represented by Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 and with the gap function of Eq. 共3兲. The explicit form of the Eilenberger equations which will be given here 关Eqs. 共A10兲 and 共A13兲兴 would be useful for future studies in inhomogeneous systems such as surfaces, junctions, and vortices24,53 in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor. We start with the Eilenberger equation given in Eq. 共5兲, namely41 ˇ ,gˇ兴 = 0, i⳵gˇ + 关i␻n␶ˇ 3 − ␣gˇk · Sˇ − ⌬

ˆf = ˆf i␴ˆ , ¯ˆf = − i␴ˆ ¯ˆf , 0 y y 0

¯gˆ = − ␴ˆ y¯gˆ 0␴ˆ y . 共A2兲

We also define, for the gap function 关Eq. 共3兲兴, ˆ =⌬ ˆ i␴ˆ , ⌬ 0 y

冉 冊

fa fb ˆ ˆ † ˆf U , U k 0 k= fc fd

冉 冊

¯ga ¯gb ˆ †¯gˆ U ˆ U . k 0 k= ¯gc ¯gd

ga gb ˆ ˆ †gˆ U , U k 0 k= gc gd ¯f ¯f a b ˆ ˆ †¯ˆf U , U k 0 k= ¯f ¯f c d


where we have defined ⳵ = vF共s兲 · ⵱. It is convenient to define, for the Green functions 关Eq. 共4兲兴, gˆ = gˆ0,

quantization axis in the spin space becomes parallel to the ˜ ,˜k , 0兲 at each position on the Fermi vector gk 储 共−k y x surface.10,29,54 We define the matrix elements of the Green functions after the rotation as



The Eilenberger equation 共A1兲 is then written down to ˆ ¯ˆf − ˆf ⌬ ˆ† ˆ gˆ0 − gˆ0␴ ˆ 兲 + 共⌬ ⳵gˆ0 + i␣gk · 共␴ 0 0 0 0兲 = 0, 共A5a兲 ˆ ˆ ¯gˆ − gˆ ⌬ ˆ ˆf 0 − ˆf 0␴ ˆ 兲 + 共⌬ 共⳵ + 2␻n兲fˆ 0 + i␣gk · 共␴ 0 0 0 0兲 = 0, 共A5b兲


⌬II = ⌿ − ⌬ sin ␪ .


For the Green functions with the suffix a,

where ˜ 兲 = ⌿共r兲␴ˆ + ⌬共r兲共− ˜k ␴ˆ + ˜k ␴ˆ 兲. ˆ 共r,k ⌬ 0 0 y x x y

冉 冊

ˆ to the Eilenberger equations 共A5兲 from ˆ † and U We apply U k k left and right respectively, so that we obtain the following sets of equations in the case when gk and ⌬ˆ 0 are given in Eqs. 共9兲 and 共A4兲. Here, we define ␣⬘ = ␣冑3 / 2 and ⌬I = ⌿ + ⌬ sin ␪,

ˆ †, ⌬ˆ † = − i␴ˆ y⌬ 0

冉 冊

⳵ga + ⌬II¯f a − ⌬II* f a = 0,


共⳵ + 2␻n兲f a + ⌬II¯ga − ⌬IIga = 0,


共⳵ − 2␻n兲f¯a + ⌬II*ga − ⌬II*¯ga = 0,


⳵¯ga + ⌬II* f a − ⌬II¯f a = 0.


⳵gb − 2i␣⬘ sin ␪gb + ⌬II¯f b − ⌬I* f b = 0,


For the b,

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ †gˆ − ¯gˆ ⌬ ˆ† ˆ ¯f 0 − ¯f 0␴ ˆ 兲 + 共⌬ 共⳵ − 2␻n兲f¯0 + i␣gk · 共␴ 0 0兲 = 0, 0 0 共A5c兲

共⳵ + 2␻n兲f b − 2i␣⬘ sin ␪ f b + ⌬II¯gb − ⌬Igb = 0,


ˆ ˆ † ˆf − ¯ˆf ⌬ ˆ ¯gˆ 0 − ¯gˆ 0␴ ˆ 兲 + 共⌬ ⳵¯gˆ 0 + i␣gk · 共␴ 0 0兲 = 0, 共A5d兲 0 0

共⳵ − 2␻n兲f¯b − 2i␣⬘ sin ␪¯f b + ⌬II*gb − ⌬I*¯gb = 0,


˜ ,˜k , 0兲. where gk = 冑3 / 2共−k y x From Eq. 共11兲, the normalization conditions are 共A6a兲

ˆ ¯gˆ 20 + ¯f 0 ˆf 0 = ␴ˆ 0 ,



共⳵ + 2␻n兲f c + 2i␣⬘ sin ␪ f c + ⌬I¯gc − ⌬IIgc = 0,

共A6c兲 共⳵ − 2␻n兲f¯c + 2i␣⬘ sin ␪¯f c + ⌬I*gc − ⌬II*¯gc = 0,

ˆ ˆ ¯gˆ 0¯f 0 = − ¯f 0gˆ0 .


Now, we consider a rotation in the spin space which is ˆ ˆ ˆ † ˆ 兲,29,32 ˆ †U represented by the matrices 共U 0 k k = U kU k = ␴

冉 冊

⳵gc + 2i␣⬘ sin ␪gc + ⌬I¯f c − ⌬II* f c = 0,


gˆ0 ˆf 0 = − ˆf 0¯gˆ 0 ,

1 − ¯k+⬘ ˆ = 1 U k 冑2 ¯k⬘ 1 , −


For the c,

ˆ + ˆf 0¯f 0 = ␴ˆ 0 ,


⳵¯gb − 2i␣⬘ sin ␪¯gb + ⌬II* f b − ⌬I¯f b = 0.

冉 冊

1 ¯k+⬘ ˆ†= 1 U k 冑2 − ¯k⬘ 1 , −


⳵¯gc + 2i␣⬘ sin ␪¯gc + ⌬I* f c − ⌬II¯f c = 0.


⳵gd + ⌬I¯f d − ⌬I* f d = 0,


共⳵ + 2␻n兲f d + ⌬I¯gd − ⌬Igd = 0,


共⳵ − 2␻n兲f¯d + ⌬I*gd − ⌬I*¯gd = 0,


For the d,


¯. A ¯ ,¯k , 0兲 = 共cos ␾ , sin ␾ , 0兲 and ¯k⬘ =¯k ± ik where ¯k = 共k y x x y ± physical meaning of this rotation is that after the rotation the 024504-7

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HAYASHI et al.

⳵¯gd + ⌬I* f d − ⌬I¯f d = 0.


Note above that the Green functions with the suffixes a, b, c, and d are decoupled from each other in these sets of the Eilenberger equations. We can solve Eqs. 共A11兲 and 共A12兲 in the case of a spatially uniform system, and find that gb = f b =¯f b = ¯gb = 0 and gc = f c =¯f c = ¯gc = 0 for ␣⬘ ⫽ 0. We also notice that the Green functions with the suffixes b and c are zero everywhere 共even if the order parameters ⌬I,II are spatially inhomogeneous兲, when solving the differential equations 共A11兲 and 共A12兲 with the initial values equal to zero. On the other hand, the Green functions with the suffixes a and d in Eqs. 共A10兲 and 共A13兲 have finite values in general. Therefore, we can rewrite Eq. 共A8兲 as ˆ ˆ †gˆ U U k 0 k=

冉 冊 ga 0

0 gd

冉 冊


¯f 0 a ˆ ˆ †¯ˆf U , U k 0 k= 0 ¯f d We obtain accordingly

冉 冉 冉 冉

ˆ † ˆf U ˆ U k 0 k=

冉 冊 冉 冊 fa 0 0



¯ga 0 ˆ †¯gˆ U ˆ U . k 0 k= 0 ¯gd

冊 冊 冊 冊

gd + ga − ¯k+⬘ 共gd − ga兲 1 , gˆ0 = 2 − ¯k⬘ 共g − g 兲 gd + ga a − d fd + fa − ¯k+⬘ 共f d − f a兲 ˆf = 1 , 0 2 − ¯k⬘ 共f − f 兲 + f f d a d a − ¯f + ¯f − ¯k+⬘ 共f¯d − ¯f a兲 d a ¯ˆf = 1 , 0 2 − ¯k⬘ 共f¯ − ¯f 兲 ¯f + ¯f a d a − d ¯gd + ¯ga ¯ d − ¯ga兲 − ¯k+⬘ 共g 1 ¯gˆ 0 = , 2 − ¯k⬘ 共g ¯gd + ¯ga g a兲 − ¯d − ¯

ˆf = 共f ␴ˆ + f ␴ˆ 兲i␴ˆ , I I II II y


¯ˆf = − i␴ˆ 共f¯ ␴ˆ + ¯f ␴ˆ 兲, II II y I I


¯gˆ = − ␴ˆ y共g ¯ I␴ˆ I + ¯gII␴ˆ II兲␴ˆ y ,


1 ˆ 兲, ␴ˆ I,II = 共␴ˆ 0 ± ¯gk · ␴ 2


␻n , BI

gII ⬅ ga =

␻n , BII


fI ⬅ fd =

⌬I , BI

f II ⬅ f a =



* * ¯f ⬅ ¯f = ⌬I , ¯f ⬅ ¯f = ⌬II , I d II a BI BII


− ␻n , BI

¯gII ⬅ ¯ga =

− ␻n , BII


with BI,II = 冑␻2n + 兩⌬I,II兩2 .



gI ⬅ gd =

¯gI ⬅ ¯gd = 共A15c兲

¯ ,0兲. ¯gk = 共− ¯ky,k x

Here, we have defined AI ⬅ Ad and AII ⬅ Aa, 共A = 兵g , f ,¯f , ¯g其兲. In the case of spatially uniform system, we obtain from the Eilenberger equations 共A10兲 and 共A13兲 and the normalization conditions in Eq. 共A6兲,


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