DPSST Regional Training Courses

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Feb 10, 2014 ... keep these weapons operational under all conditions. ... (from time of course) Instructor Approval required for special situations. .... Target Audience: New or experienced rifleman or Sniper/Observers who desire to learn or improve rifle ..... You need the same training that has saved hundreds of US Soldiers.
Regional Training

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Conference 9/19-9/21/2017 Class Title:

OR Homicide Invest. Association’s 9th Annual Major Crimes Conf.

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Homicide Investigators Association (OHIA) When: 9/19-9/21/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Jill Hatten (Medford PD); 541-774-2270; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 (0800-1200 on the 21st) Where: Embassy Suites Portland Washington Square, 9000 SW Washington Square Rd, Tigard, OR 97223 Cost: $250 by August 18 ($325 after August 18) Instructors: Overview: Oregon Homicide Investigators Association’s 9th Annual Major Crimes Conference

The OHIA’s 2017 Major Crimes Conference features new Northwest Regional Major Case studies at a great location/venue with professional networking. Cases will give a synopsis of the major incidents and provide valuable "lessons learned." This course is created especially for: Detectives, Patrol Officers, Administrators, Crime Analysts, Prosecutors, ME Investigators & Forensic Specialists. OHIA is proud to present this training at a great value. Please visit OHIA website: http://www.orhia.com for more course, registration, lodging, golf tournament and networking Information. Special Pre-Conference Event! Red Tail Golf Course Golf Tournament 4 person scramble Fun social event-Prizes! Monday-Sept. 18, 2017 Prerequisites: Registration: Visit OHIA’s website for registration and lodging information: http://www.orhia.com/conference Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging: http://www.orhia.com

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Conference 11/1-11/3/2017 Class Title:

Oregon Peace Officers Association Annual Conference

Target Audience: Patrol officers, supervisors, detectives, street crimes/narcotics officers, parole, probation officers, and

corrections, fire, and communications personnel

Sponsoring Agency: OPOA When: 11/1-11/3/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Avena Glock; 971-218-7161; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Spirit Mountain Event Center, 27100 SW Salmon River Hwy, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Various Overview: Join us on Day one when Master Trooper Kirk Hensely comes to us again, this time presenting 'Surviving

the Ambush'. Day 2 offers a variety of breakout sessions that cover Officer Mental Health, Property and Evidence and Leadership topics. Finally, Friday join us for Director John Marx presentation "Armor Yourself: How to Survive a Career in Law Enforcement." Spouses are welcome and encouraged to attend Friday's training. Go to www.opoa.info for full details. Awards Nominations for 48th Annual OPOA Awards Banquet The Oregon Peace Officers Associations 48th Annual Awards Banquet will be held November 3, 2017. The deadline to submit nominations for this year's event is August 1st, 2017 is running out! Make sure the heroes in your agency are honored this year. Awards are open to active law enforcement professionals in all disciplines. Anyone can nominate a potential recipient for any award. OPOA is excited to announce the addition of two new award categories: Distinguish Citizen of the Year Award and the Critical Incident Award. A full listing of awards and nomination forms can be found at https://opoa.info/Awards Please visit www.opoa.info to submit nominations.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Register on-line at www.opoa.info

Cost: Full $250 (on or before 9/30/17) Late $325 (a er 9/30/17) Single Day $125 Spouse $50 (Friday only) Limited number of scholarships available from the Oregon Law Enforcement Memorial Fund with proceeds from the sale of the Oregon Fallen Public Safety Officer License plate. Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Conference 11/1-11/3/2017 Class Title:

Oregon Peace Officers Association Annual Conference

Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: None Lodging:

Corrections 5/7-5/8/2018 Class Title:

Drug ID for Corrections Officers

Target Audience: Agents for probation and parole, officers working in a jail facility or prison facility along with nurses

working in correctional facilities.

Sponsoring Agency: North Bend PD When: 5/7-5/8/2018 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1600 Where: North Bend Public Library 1800 Sherman Ave, North Bend OR Cost: $150 per officer Instructors: Joseph Keil Overview: This course is designed for probation and parole agents, corrections officers, prison guards and jail

nurses and will provide information on current drug trends, clandestine paraphernalia, concealment methods, clothing and symbols of the drug world, The course will give a broad overview and break down the human body and how each of the 11 major systems are affected by the use of substances. Students will better be able to recognizing drug use within the human body, overdose signs and symptoms or possible medical conditions which can mimic drug use. Whether it is a residential check, a huber inmate returning from work, bookings or sentenced inmates drugs use is prevalent. The key to officer and inmate safety is recognizing drug use.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Contact Joe Keil at [email protected] or 920-323-2354 Attire: Casual ClassNeeds: Pen and notebook Lodging:

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Firearms 8/28-8/30/2017 Class Title:

IALEFI Master Instructor Development Course

Target Audience: Law enforcement firearms instructors and rangemasters Sponsoring Agency: Marion County Sheriff's Office When: 8/28-8/30/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Deputy Chris Cypert; 503-576-7123; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Oregon Department of Corrections Range - 4755 Gath Rd SE Salem, Oregon Cost: $300 IALEFI Members/$350 non-members Instructors: Overview: International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI) - Master Instructor

Development Course

The IALEFI Master Instructor Development Program (MIDP) was designed to provide continuing education to individuals certified as firearms instructors. Foundation courses of the MIDP include instructor level training on the three most commonly utilized law enforcement weapon systems-------handgun, rifle and shotgun. Different proven methodologies will be used to enhance the teaching skills of the police firearms instructor. Hands-on skills will progress from the basics to the more complex and all participants regardless of skill level will find themselves challenged. Practical exercise will put an emphasis on both practical marksmanship and operational skills. Throughout the 3 day program, participants will be shown a number of drills designed to improve the performance of both proficient and problem shooters. The information presented will prove especially useful in creating a positive training experience that will ultimately result in greater officer safety. Topics covered: * range safety * review of shooting fundamentals/positions * operational skills * basic tactics such as movement, use of cover, light management, etc. * shooter remediation * adult learning concepts * coaching strategies * course design The Handgun: This will be a handgun course aimed at building the Instructional skills of the police firearms instructor. We will start with a review and discussion of the basics, including: stance, grip, sight, alignment, trigger control, follow through, holster placement, draw, presentation and scanning. Students will then be shown a series of drills and tools designed to improve problem shooters and enhance the skills of all their shooters. The Rifle: The rifle / carbine portion of the Master Instructor Development Course is an 8-hour class. In Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Firearms 8/28-8/30/2017 Class Title:

IALEFI Master Instructor Development Course the first half of the class emphasis will be placed on individual skill enhancement. Topics will include balancing speed and accuracy, multiple target engagements, dynamic moving and shooting, and bilateral shooting. In the second half of the course, the emphasis will be on instructor development for creating and conducting advance tactical multi-person live fire drills for the rifle / carbine operators. Students will participate in the drills as both a "student" and as an "instructor". The Shotgun: Despite its tremendous utility value, the shotgun remains an underutilized and misunderstood tool. Many of the negative attitudes relative to the shotgun stem from improper training, and as a result officers never develop confidence in this particular weapon system. This block of instruction will explore alternate instructional techniques to make training with the shotgun a positive rather than negative experience

Prerequisites: Current law enforcement firearms instructor Registration: Register at: https://www.ialefi.com/ Attire: Weather appropriate range clothing and a brimmed hat. ClassNeeds: 1) Pistol and holster, 400 rounds, and 10 dummy rounds, 2) Semi-auto rifle with a sling, 300 rounds and

3 magazines, 3) Shotgun, pistol, 120 rounds (at least 20 rounds buckshot, 10 rounds slugs, bird shot okay for the rest), 4) A Black Marker, wrap around eye protection, ear protection and brimmed hat, 5) Hydration fluids and snacks

Lodging: La Quinta Inn Suites: 503-391-7000 / Best Western Mill Creek Inn:503-585-3332 / Residence Inn Salem:


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Firearms 9/5-9/15/2017 Class Title:

Handgun & Rifle Combatives Instructor: Train-the-Trainer

Target Audience: Police and military personnel only Sponsoring Agency: Bend Police Department When: 9/5-9/15/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: (local) Sgt. Brian Beekman; 541.771.6254; Hours: 0900-1700 (8 days, 8-hours/day) Where: Bend, OR Cost: $847.00 Instructors: George T. Williams & Thomas V. Benge, Cutting Edge Training, L.L.C. Overview: The only course of its kind designed only for law enforcement.

There's more to training your officers to fight with their firearms than teaching them simply how to shoot. Following this training, you will be certified to instruct: -Cutting Edge Fire-Discipline, Weapon Handling, Targeting, and More. -Real-World Reactive Shooting to Hit Any Sudden Imminent Threat. -Deadly Force Decision-Making and Articulation. -Moving and Hitting an Imminent Threat. -Unintentional Discharge Proofing. -Real-World Live-Fire Combatives. -Incorporating Cover as a Habit of Safety & De-escalation. -Safer Contact & Cover Fire. This firearms instructor training has been described as "The first real training for a gunfight I've ever had!" This course is not a re-hash of every other shooting instructor school you've attended. Instead, Cutting Edge Training looked at how real officers get murdered in the real world and how officers actually engage in gunfights. This course is about preparing your to officers fight and win, not simply how to shoot. Prerequisites: Registration: Class dates are September 5-8 & 12-15, 2017 (8 days)

Apply online: www.cuttingedgetraining.org or phone: 360.671.2007 Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Firearms 10/12/2017 Class Title:

Glock Armorer Course

Target Audience: Law enforcement, range instructors Sponsoring Agency: Salem Police Department When: 10/12/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Brooks Regional Training Center, 4910 Brooklake Rd. NE, Salem, Or Cost: $250.00 Instructors: Lesh Overview: Learn how to safely use and maintain your weapon in one day. Prerequisites: None Registration: https://www.glocktraining.com/schedule.aspx Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Your confirmation letter and picture ID, note taking material, eye protection (Mandatory)- prescription

glasses will suffice, a small flashlight.

Lodging: Quality Inn - 5188 Wittenberg Lane, Keizer - (503) 390-4733

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Investigation 8/30-8/31/2017 Class Title:

Cell Phone Investigation Techniques

Target Audience: Law enforcement officers Sponsoring Agency: Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) and Keizer Police Department When: 8/30-8/31/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Keizer Police Department, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer **Must display law enforcement ID while in the Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Byron Boston Overview: This two-day training course will provide officers a comprehensive approach to exploiting cellular

telephones. This exploitation can lead to the identification of co-conspirators and help officers secure convictions in cases where only circumstantial evidence exists. Among the topics covered will be: search warrants and court orders, interpretation of call records, SMS messaging v instant messaging, collecting stored data, phone company resources, "dropped phones", trigger fish technology.

Prerequisites: Registration: Register on-line at www.pletraining.com. Cost is $209, discount ($189) applies if 5 or more register at

same time.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Investigation 10/2-10/6/2017 Class Title:

Basic Crime Scene Investigation Course

Target Audience: Crime scene officers or administrators Sponsoring Agency: Hillsboro Police Department When: 10/2-10/6/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Keri Garcia; 503-615-6771; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Hillsboro Police Department Cost: $575.00 per student Instructors: Jan Johnson, Forensic Pieces Overview: The number one reason why most crime scene investigations are unsuccessful is because there was

inadequate crime scene processing and analysis. Working a crime scene, whether major or minor, is a process that involves a wide range of skills. This 5-day course was developed as a refresher workshop for crime scene investigators, or for the new officer with limited exposure and experience in crime scene processing. The detection, collection, documentation, and preservation of physical evidence are key elements involved in every crime scene. This course will demonstrate and elaborate on techniques that may or may not have been acquired in the field, and will assist in developing new techniques in crime scene examinations. Forensic science is forever changing and improving, and new techniques and equipment are constantly being developed to assist the law enforcement officer with the challenges of the "every scene, every time" concept.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Class us at (850) 332-0141 or visit http://www.forensicpieces.com/ Attire: Casual ClassNeeds: Digital camera with macro capabilities are preferred; however, 35mm camera may be used. A laptop

computer for your tasks is also recommended.

Lodging: Call Keri Garcia at 503-615-6771 or email [email protected] for area location questions

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Investigation 10/16/2017 Class Title:

Failures in Criminal Investigations

Target Audience: Law enforcement Sponsoring Agency: Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) and Keizer Police Department When: 10/16/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Keizer Police Department, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer **Must display law enforcement ID while in the Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Byron Boston Overview: This powerful one day training course will identify the top 100 mistakes made by detectives.

As a criminal investigator, resolution of the investigation is always the goal, regardless of whether it is the investigation of a burglary, theft, robbery, sexual assault or homicide. Mistakes are made every day by detectives all across the country. The humble investigator will not mind sharing his or her horror stories regarding this issue. The trial process is the proving grounds for detectives because it’s there where all the mistakes that were made during the investigation are discovered. Not only does this jeopardize the case, but a detective’s career can be tarnished in a split second while on the witness stand. The concept behind this course came from trial and error, court room experiences and help from hundreds of detectives. In addition, numerous prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges were consulted to identify the most common mistakes made during a criminal investigation. Prerequisites: Registration: Register on-line at www.pletraining.com. Cost is $139, discount ($119) applies if 5 or more register at

same time.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Investigation 10/17-10/18/2017 Class Title:

Investigation of Apparent Suicide

Target Audience: Law enforcement Sponsoring Agency: Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) and Keizer Police Department When: 10/17-10/18/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Keizer Police Department, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer **Must display law enforcement ID while in the Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Byron Boston Overview: The suicide crime scene is one of the most difficult crime scenes to investigate. This crime scene carries

with it the temptation to make an assumption of the cause of death as suicide long before the facts and available evidence can support that assessment.

The emotional impact of suicide on the surviving family members and friends often makes it more difficult to investigate than some homicide scenes. Rather than face the unpleasant truth that someone they loved resorted to an act of self-destruction, surviving family members and friends will believe that the investigator has reached the wrong conclusion. They believe that the investigation was conducted poorly, incompetently, or unprofessionally. The detective conducting this crime scene investigation needs to be ready to have his or her work questioned by the surviving family of the victim. A crime scene that has been processed correctly will assist the detective in answering those questions. This training will cover historical and cultural perspectives on suicide; categories of suicide; the correlation between depression and suicide; components of a successful investigation; evaluation of evidence, notes, and wounds at the suicide scene; and what to do when the deceased is another officer. Prerequisites: Registration: Register on-line at www.pletraining.com. Cost is $209, discount ($189) applies if 5 or more register at

same time.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Investigation 11/29-11/30/2017 Class Title:

Technology, Threats, and Trends in Criminal Investigations

Target Audience: Law enforcement, prosecutors, judicial system employees Sponsoring Agency: Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) and Keizer Police Department When: 11/29-11/30/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Keizer Police Department, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer **Must display ID while in the building** Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Overview: This is a unique and eye-opening training for prosecutors, law enforcement personnel and anyone

working in the judicial system who wants to learn more on how everyday technologies are being used (or misused) to commit crimes, avoid or detect investigations, and to conduct counter surveillance. Not only will this class examine and demonstrate how individuals are misusing these technologies, it will also reveal simple, inexpensive ways to mitigate their success as well as provide some investigative tips. The course is instructed in a manner that both novice and expert will understand and appreciate, utilizing a combination of lecture, multimedia examples, case studies, and live demonstrations involving attendees. Topics covered include: virtual numbers, devious and dangerous smartphone apps, GPS & geo-location threats, Darkweb and Bitcoin primer, vulnerabilities of call ID including spoofing and unblocking software, metadata in digital photographs, Bluetooth tracking, understanding IP addresses and hot to identify a target, and much more.

Prerequisites: Registration: Register on-line at www.pletraining.com. Cost is $209, discount ($189) applies if 5 or more register at

same time.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Investigation 12/7-12/8/2017 Class Title:

Social Networking in Criminal Investigations

Target Audience: Patrol officers, investigators, P&P officers, SRO's, others in CJ system Sponsoring Agency: Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) and Keizer Police Department When: 12/7-12/8/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Keizer Police Department, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer **Must display law enforcement ID while in the Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Overview: This course covers the essentials patrol officers, investigators, P&P officers, SRO's and anyone in the

criminal justice system needs to know about social networking whether they use it or not. Various types of crime are rooted in social networking activity, including drugs, scams, identity theft, flash mobs, sexting, sextortion, cyber bullying, even school shootings. This training class will break down the elements of social networking, examine what information is collected, and demonstrate what a great investigative/intelligence tool it can be. Information regarding investigative leads, relationships, communications, photographs, location, etc. is all available and many times open source. In addition, attendees will learn the proper methods of authenticating information they collect. Social networking has also created a number of problems for law enforcement, especially in matters of safety for officers and their families. Social media sites exist where both officer and informant information is posted. Criminal organizations collect photos and bio material of officers and share that information via social media. This class will delineate steps officers should take to safeguard their information while utilizing social media for investigative work, as well as in their personal lives.

Prerequisites: Registration: Register on-line at www.pletraining.com. Cost is $209, discount ($189) applies if 5 or more register at

same time.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Miscellaneous 8/27-8/29/2017 Class Title:

Basic Tactical Medical Instructor Training Program

Target Audience: Applicant must be a law enforcement officer/agent with arrest authority in the prevention, detection,

apprehension, detention and/or investigation of felony and/or misdemeanor violations of federal, state, local, tribal, or military criminal laws.

Sponsoring Agency: Department of Homeland Security and Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers When: 8/27-8/29/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: Where: Portland, OR Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Overview: Program Focus: The 3-day Basic Tactical Medical Instructor Training Program is a highly intense training

program requiring a physical demand on the student and consists of lecture, labs and skill practice. The Law Enforcement Officer will gain knowledge and skills necessary to mitigate the loss of their life or the life of another while in an active threat environment. The skills will address treating life threatening injuries in an austere environment with limited equipment, lack of medically trained personnel and prolonged time to evacuation. Tactical Medical is a systematic approach to dealing with casualties in a tactical environment. (It is strongly influenced by the model used by the Department of Defense called Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC). As the name implies, TCCC incorporates tactical problem solving into any situation in which casualties are incurred from an armed, hostile opponent.) Full Course Description: https://www.fletc.gov/training-program/basic-tactical-medical-trainingprogram

Prerequisites: Applicant must be a law enforcement officer/agent with arrest authority in the prevention, detection,

apprehension, detention and/or investigation of felony and/or misdemeanor violations of federal, state, local, tribal, or military criminal laws.

Registration: Cost: Tuition funded by the FLETC. Attendees are responsible for all travel, lodging, meals and

miscellaneous expenses.

How to Apply : Go to https://sass.fletc.dhs.gov/fast/ and select the program, date and location, and complete all of the requested information. The application process does not guarantee a seat in a class. The autogenerated "Requested Enrollment" status email is a system acknowledgment of the request only and does not guarantee enrollment. Applicants are notified of their enrollment status approximately 30 days before training begins. Please do not make non-reimbursable travel arrangements until you receive the confirmation email that you are enrolled. Attire: ClassNeeds: Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 8/27-8/29/2017 Class Title:

Basic Tactical Medical Instructor Training Program

Lodging: Attendees are responsible for all travel, lodging, meals and miscellaneous expenses.

Miscellaneous 9/7/2017 Class Title:

Indian Country Criminal Jurisdictional Training for Law Enforc. Officers

Target Audience: Federal law enforcement, tribal officials, tribal law enforcement, OSP, Oregon Attorney General’s office,

Oregon Governor’s Legal Counsel, District Attorneys’ offices and local law enforcement

Sponsoring Agency: U.S. Attorney’s Office, Oregon Department of Justice and Oregon State Police When: 9/7/2017 Registration Deadline: 8/31/17 Contact: Major Joel Lujan; 503-934-0261; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0900-1230 Where: Tamastslikt Cultural Institute Theatre Room, 47106 Wildhorse Blvd., Pendleton, OR Cost: Free Instructors: Oregon Department of Justice Overview: Indian Country Criminal Jurisdictional Training for Law Enforcement Officers

The training will address jurisdictional issues related to tribal lands, including a general jurisdiction overview, PL 280 vs Non-PL 280 jurisdiction, and domestic violence protection order issues. Training will be conducted in coordination with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Prerequisites: None Registration: Deadline to Register: August 31, 2017. To Register: Please RSVP to Kellie Mingus, Oregon State Police,

at (503) 934-0233 or email [email protected]

Three one-day sessions (choose one only) September 7, 14 or 21, 2017. Tamastslikt Cultural Institute Theatre Room, 47106 Wildhorse Blvd., Pendleton, OR (7th); DPSST Hall of Heroes, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, OR (14th); or Kah-Nee-Ta Lodge Conference Center, 6823 Hwy 8, Warm Springs, OR (21st). Attire: Business casual or uniform ClassNeeds: None Lodging: None

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Miscellaneous 9/11/2017 Class Title:

Sexual Assault Response

Target Audience: Patrol officers, supervisors, detectives, victim's assistance, judges, deputy district attorneys and district


Sponsoring Agency: OPOA, Western Oregon University (WOU) Student Conduct and WOU Campus Public Safety Office When: 9/11/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Kelli Carpenter; 503-999-5438; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0815-1700 (0800 check-in) Where: Western Oregon University, Health and Wellness Center Room TBA, 345 Monmouth Av. N., Monmouth, Cost: $85 non-members./$65 members Instructors: see 'Overview' Overview: Discussions on the neurobiology of trauma and how it affects victims of sexual assault, photographing

injury evidence, drug facilitated assault, explanation of the SAFE process, victim care and assistance and investigator and prosecutor tips and best practices for a successful prosecution provided by a current chief deputy district attorney. Instructors: Shalotta Sharp, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Polk County Chief Deputy District Attorney Jayme Kimberly, Sable House, and Abby's House.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Register on-line at HYPERLINK "http://www.opoa.info" www.opoa.info Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Note taking supplies if desired. Handouts will be provided. Lodging:

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Miscellaneous 9/11-9/15/2017 Class Title:

Leadership for Women in Law Enforcement

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: DPSST and FLETC When: 9/11-9/15/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: Where: DPSST, Salem OR Cost: Free. Lunch provided. Instructors: FLETC Overview: DPSST has been selected to host the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC's) Leadership for

Women in Law Enforcement class.

The LWLE is designed for women in law enforcement with a desire to further develop their leadership skills. The program provides a unique opportunity to examine leadership principles from the female law enforcement professionals perspective. The courses in this program are tailored to concentrate on issues and challenges common to female leaders in law enforcement such as Gender Differences and Work Life Balance. The program will facilitate open, candid discussions and exercises to identify and develop approaches to deal with common issues and challenges. The competency areas include leadership skills through understanding and adapting to human behaviors, communication skills, team building, situational decision-making skills, and emotional intelligence. Taking into consideration life and work experience, participants will explore these topics and develop skills by means of an adult learning model that employs lecture, laboratory, case studies and self-directed learning. During the program, distinguished law enforcement executives will lead a panel discussion on participant-selected law enforcement leadership topics. Although the program focuses on Women in Law Enforcement, the leadership competencies developed will apply across the law enforcement community. Prerequisites: Registration: https://sass.fletc.dhs.gov/fast/plateau_classes/2c9082e75bd09805015bd386bde11386 Attire: Business casual (no jeans) ClassNeeds: Lodging: Lodging available for Oregon participants from outside the area.

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Miscellaneous 9/12-9/14/2017 Class Title:

National Conference on Mass Violence Incidents & Underserved Victims

Target Audience: Law enforcement, victim service providers, first responders, community based organizations, campus

officials, crisis response teams and emergency management professionals.

Sponsoring Agency: The University of Oregon Police Department and the California Victim Compensation Board When: 9/12-9/14/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: Where: University of Oregon, Eugene Cost: Instructors: http://center.uocsdev.com/uosafety/2017/ Overview: Law Enforcement and Victim Services Conference on Collaborative Mass Violence Response and

Meeting the Needs of Underserved Victims of Crime Leave - No Victim Behind Part II

The University of Oregon Police Department and the California Victim Compensation Board are partnering to host a national conference focused on effective collaborative efforts between law enforcement and victim services when responding to victims of a mass violence incident. This conference will also focus on meeting the needs of underserved victims including the homeless, impoverished and LGBTQ community. The first two grant recipients of the federal Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program for 2017 are California, for the San Bernardino terrorist attack, and Oregon, for the Umpqua Community College shooting in Roseburg. The states of Oregon and California are committed to bringing together the best experts in the field to educate responders and providers so they are thoroughly prepared when a mass violence incident occurs in their local community. Victim service specialists, law enforcement, first responders, campus officials and emergency management professionals from around the country will discuss how to best meet the needs of victims of mass violence and terrorism. The body of collected wisdom that will result from this meeting will be significant as we work to anticipate the complicit needs of victims of future mass violence. The conference will focus on how law enforcement and victim services can effectively work together when responding to victims of a mass violence event. Conference panels and speakers will include subject matter experts who have responded to incidents in the past, resource providers, and others with expertise on this topic. The panels and speakers will highlight past responses to mass violence incidents, lessons learned, best practices, a live tabletop exercise presented by the FBI , development and review of effective joint law enforcement and victim services response models, crisis response resources and an action plan for building partnerships and expertise. This conference will also feature proactive and culturally diverse community policing practices, criminal justice partnerships and provide police officers, victim advocates and district attorneys valuable information on how to best serve the needs of underserved community members with an emphasis on ensuring all victims of crime have access to the resources available at the federal, state, and local levels. Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 9/12-9/14/2017 Class Title:

National Conference on Mass Violence Incidents & Underserved Victims Responders to the Orlando nightclub massacre, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut, the, the AME church shooting in South Carolina, the Sikh Temple shooting in Wisconsin, the UC Santa Barbara shooting rampage, and others, will speak at this conference. In addition, campus officials from various institutions such as Virginia Tech, the University of Oregon and Umpqua Community College will be instrumental in discussing campus approaches to violence and effective responses to victims. The federal Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) will also play a significant role in sharing about their experiences with the Anti-terrorism and Emergency Assistance Program, the grant application process and the development of the mass violence response toolkit as well as provide information regarding federal resources. OVC will also provide support through a scholarship program for attendees in need of financial assistance On the final day of the conference true experts in the field of community policing will present ideas and concepts focused on building community partnerships while discussing the topic of Underserved Victims: Who Are They, Regionally and Nationally? How Can We Reach Them? Attendees at this conference will include law enforcement, victim service providers, first responders, community based organizations, campus officials, crisis response teams and emergency management professionals. Anticipated attendance based on similar conferences in the past two years is expected to minimally reach 200 people from across the country. Join us in the great Pacific Northwest as we explore ways together to better serve the needs of our communities. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DEADLINE FOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS IS JULY 12, 2017. Limited scholarships for this conference may be available through the Office for Victims of Crime. Awards will be made based on need, to applicants whose organizations have insufficient funds to support their participation. Interested parties must contact OVC TTAC directly. Please visit the OVC TTAC Web site for more information, including eligibility criteria. Scholarship applications must be received 60 days before the event which is July 12, 2017.

Prerequisites: Registration: http://center.uocsdev.com/uosafety/2017/ Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging: http://center.uocsdev.com/uosafety/2017/

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Miscellaneous 9/14/2017 Class Title:

Indian Country Criminal Jurisdictional Training for Law Enforc. Officers

Target Audience: Federal law enforcement, tribal officials, tribal law enforcement, OSP, Oregon Attorney General’s office,

Oregon Governor’s Legal Counsel, District Attorneys’ offices and local law enforcement

Sponsoring Agency: U.S. Attorney’s Office, Oregon Department of Justice and Oregon State Police When: 9/14/2017 Registration Deadline: 8/31/17 Contact: Major Joel Lujan; 503-934-0261; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0900-1230 Where: DPSST Hall of Heroes, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, OR Cost: Free Instructors: Oregon Department of Justice Overview: Indian Country Criminal Jurisdictional Training for Law Enforcement Officers

The training will address jurisdictional issues related to tribal lands, including a general jurisdiction overview, PL 280 vs Non-PL 280 jurisdiction, and domestic violence protection order issues. Training will be conducted in coordination with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Prerequisites: None Registration: Deadline to Register: August 31, 2017. To Register: Please RSVP to Kellie Mingus, Oregon State Police,

at (503) 934-0233 or email [email protected]

Three one-day sessions (choose one only) September 7, 14 or 21, 2017. Tamastslikt Cultural Institute Theatre Room, 47106 Wildhorse Blvd., Pendleton, OR (7th); DPSST Hall of Heroes, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, OR (14th); or Kah-Nee-Ta Lodge Conference Center, 6823 Hwy 8, Warm Springs, OR (21st). Attire: Business casual or uniform ClassNeeds: None Lodging: None

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Miscellaneous 9/19-9/21/2017 Class Title:

17th Annual Financial Crimes & Digital Evidence Conference

Target Audience: Financial fraud detectives, prosecutors, financial institution fraud investigators, auditors, and corporate

security professionals

Sponsoring Agency: The Financial Crimes & Digital Evidence Foundation When: 9/19-9/21/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Donna Maddux, U.S. Attorney's Office; 503-727-1071; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0830 Sept. 19 - 1200 Sept. 21 Where: Salem Conference Center, 200 Commercial St SE, Salem, OR Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Visit: www.financialcrimesconference.com for more information and conference speakers Overview: For the 17th consecutive year, the Financial Crimes & Digital Evidence Conference brings cutting edge

training to financial fraud detectives, prosecutors, financial institution fraud investigators, auditors, and corporate security professionals-fostering a team approach to the investigation and prosecution of financial fraud. The Financial Crimes & Digital Evidence Foundation is proud to present the 17th year of high-quality training at an affordable price. Agenda: Emerging Trends & Issues: Digital Currency, Cyber Breaches & Related Fraud, Trade Based Money Laundering, Legal and Legislative Updates Resources for Digital & Fraud Cases: Elder Exploitation Tips & Tools, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture OIG, Digital Search & Seizure Best Practices, Fighting Fraud with Civil RICO Case Studies: Charities & Welfare Fraud, Complex Financial Investigations, Money Laundering & Forfeiture, Credit Card & Bank Fraud Visit: www.financialcrimesconference.com for more information and conference speakers. 15.5 CLE/CPE/DPSST credits including 1.0 ethics credit - all for only $195!

Prerequisites: Registration: Register and pay online at: www.financialcrimesconference.com

Cost: $195 - includes conference meals (continental breakfast each day, lunch on the first day and second day) all coffee/snack breaks Scholarships: Covering the registration fee may be provided to persons whose public agencies cannot afford the registration fee. Scholarships will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Scholarship applications can be obtained at www.financialcrimesconference.com or from Donna Maddux at the U.S. Attorney's Office at 503-727-1071 or [email protected] Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 9/19-9/21/2017 Class Title:

17th Annual Financial Crimes & Digital Evidence Conference

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging: The Grand Hotel in Salem: A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the best rates. For room

reservations call 503-540-7800 and reference the Financial Crimes Conference. Room rates are $129 for a deluxe king single, $139 for a deluxe queen double for single occupancy and $149 for a deluxe queen double for double occupancy. Early reservations are highly recommended!

Miscellaneous 9/21/2017 Class Title:

Indian Country Criminal Jurisdictional Training for Law Enforc. Officers

Target Audience: Federal law enforcement, tribal officials, tribal law enforcement, OSP, Oregon Attorney General’s office,

Oregon Governor’s Legal Counsel, District Attorneys’ offices and local law enforcement

Sponsoring Agency: U.S. Attorney’s Office, Oregon Department of Justice and Oregon State Police When: 9/21/2017 Registration Deadline: 8/31/17 Contact: Major Joel Lujan; 503-934-0261; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0900-1230 Where: Kah-Nee-Ta Lodge Conference Center, 6823 Hwy 8, Warm Springs, OR Cost: Free Instructors: Oregon Department of Justice Overview: Indian Country Criminal Jurisdictional Training for Law Enforcement Officers

The training will address jurisdictional issues related to tribal lands, including a general jurisdiction overview, PL 280 vs Non-PL 280 jurisdiction, and domestic violence protection order issues. Training will be conducted in coordination with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Prerequisites: None Registration: Deadline to Register: August 31, 2017. To Register: Please RSVP to Kellie Mingus, Oregon State Police,

at (503) 934-0233 or email [email protected]

Three one-day sessions (choose one only) September 7, 14 or 21, 2017. Tamastslikt Cultural Institute Theatre Room, 47106 Wildhorse Blvd., Pendleton, OR (7th); DPSST Hall of Heroes, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, OR (14th); or Kah-Nee-Ta Lodge Conference Center, 6823 Hwy 8, Warm Springs, OR (21st). Attire: Business casual or uniform ClassNeeds: None Lodging: None Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 9/25-9/29/2017 Class Title:

National School Shield - Assessor Training

Target Audience: Law enforcement, school resource officers, school safety officers Sponsoring Agency: Douglas County Sheriff’s Office When: 9/25-9/29/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; 844-467-7723; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: see 'Overview' Where: Glide High School, 18990 North Umpqua Highway, Glide, OR 97443 Cost: Free Instructors: NRA/National School Shield Instructors Overview: The training is provided by the NRA as part of the National School Shield program launched in an effort

to better equip law enforcement, security personnel, and school systems in their pursuit of safer schools and communities. The training will be conducted by certified NRA instructors who are current/former Law Enforcement Officers. The training is conducted in both a classroom and in the field at a Douglas County area school campus and will focus on learning to detect threat potential and security weaknesses both day and night on and around a school campus. Officers completing the training will receive certification. Previous classes have filled quickly - seats are limited! Featuring classroom instruction, tabletop exercises and hands-on opportunities, participants will benefit from a week of specialized training, networking and practical exercises at a local K-12 school. Training topics include: The Role of the Assessor Types of Assessments Defining Potential Threats The Assessment Process Conducting the Assessment Physical Security Components Security Personnel and SROs Emergency Response Protocols Incident Management Emerging Technologies Pre/Post School Assessment Dialogue Review Hours: Monday:8:00am-4:00pm Tuesday:9:00am-8:00pm (includes low-light assessment) Wednesday:7:00am-4:00pm Thursday:8:00am-4:00pm Friday:8:00am-3:00pm

Prerequisites: None Registration: Download and print the form found here http://www.dcso.com/training/NSSApp.pdf . Complete the

training application and email the form along with a legible copy of your law enforcement credentials Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 9/25-9/29/2017 Class Title:

National School Shield - Assessor Training to: [email protected]

Attire: This training does consist of classroom instruction as well as practical exercises at the school while the

school is in session. As such, participants are encouraged to wear clothing that is appropriate yet comfortable including but not limited to polos, khakis, tactical pants, etc.

ClassNeeds: On the first day of training, participants will receive a student manual with note pages, a pen, and other

supplemental handouts pertaining to the classroom instruction portion of this training. For the practical exercises, a limited number of laptops and cameras will be made available to document assessment observations (i.e. take photos) and create mock reports and presentations (utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint). Participants are encouraged to bring their own personal laptops/tablets and/or cameras to utilize during these exercises however please be mindful that participants are responsible for the safety and security of their personal devices.

Lodging: Meals and Lodging are not provided. Recommended hotel accommodations include: Holiday Inn

Express - 375 W. Harvard Blvd. Roseburg, Oregon 541-673-7517 Sleep Inn & Suites - 2855 NW Edenbower Blvd. Roseburg, Oregon 541-464-8338

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Miscellaneous 10/6/2017 Class Title:

Interfacing Law, Neuroscience and Genetics

Target Audience: Sexual offense specific management, including parole/probation officers, treatment providers,

evaluators, victim advocates and managers.

Sponsoring Agency: OATSA (Oregon Chapter of The Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers) When: 10/6/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1630 Where: The Grand Hotel at Bridgeport, Wilsonville, Oregon Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: W. Warren H. Binford and Roy Huggins Overview: Interfacing Law, Neuroscience and Genetics to Support Child Sex Abuse Victims & Sex, Porn, and

Manhood AND Digital Ethics Topics 1 & 2:

1: Interfacing Law, Neuroscience and Genetics to Support Child Sex Abuse Victims 2: Sex, Porn, and Manhood Speaker: W. Warren H. Binford Professor Binford will be offering two sessions at our workshop. The first, "Interfacing Law, Neuroscience & Genetics," considers the research gap in understanding the possible biomarkers in childhood sexual abuse and the role that identifying those biomarkers could play in developing more effective legal remedies for those who suffer childhood sexual abuse. The second session, "Sex, Porn & Manhood," considers the emerging research on the impact of widespread exposure to pornography on young males and females and whether society's failure to limit access to pornography constitutes a violation of their rights under international law. Read Warren Bindford's Bio. Topic 3: Digital Ethics Speaker: Roy Huggins, LPC, NCC Mental health clinicians work to foster health in our clients wherever they are in the process, and we need the correct tools to help us do that. Myths abound about legally and ethically appropriate ways to meet client desires for email, texting and online video. We hear about the growing pressure to switch to electronic records and many of us already see the value in paperless practices. This training will take attendees from an exploration to our relationships with technology and "digital confidentiality," through how to appropriately use that technology in our practices ethically and in compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule. Go beyond the HIPAA checklists and join a technologist/professional counselor to Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 10/6/2017 Class Title:

Interfacing Law, Neuroscience and Genetics learn realistic, non-fear based rules of HIPAA compliance, ethics of technology, and how we use technology to help clients and ourselves. Read Roy Huggins Bio.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Early Registra on (on or before September 22, 2017) *OATSA Members - $99 *General - $125

Late Registra on (a er September 22, 2017) *OATSA Members - $125 *General - $150 Refunds will be made for people canceling at least 7 days prior to workshop, less a $25 processing fee. Deadline to Register: Registration will be available through day of, although early registration rate ends 9/22. To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oatsa-fall-2017-workshop-with-w-warren-h-binford-royhuggins-lpc-ncc-tickets-36621234097

Attire: Casual ClassNeeds: None Lodging: Wilsonville area hotels

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Miscellaneous 10/12/2017 Class Title:

Management's Rights

Target Audience: Law enforcement, fire services, 9-1-1 emergency services, corrections and human resources Sponsoring Agency: Deschutes County 9-1-1 When: 10/12/2017 Registration Deadline: 10/11/17 Contact: Van Meter & Associates, Inc.; 800-331-8025; Hours: 0800-1600 Where: Deschutes County 9-1-1 20355 Poe Sholes Drive Suite 300, Bend, Oregon 97703 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: D.J. Van Meter Ph.D./ Van Meter & Associates, Inc. Overview: This course teaches that the employment relationship is an enforceable contract wherein management

has inherent and enforceable rights. These rights include requiring employees to: attend work on a regular basis, give a fair days work, be subordinate, lawful to directives, perform to standards, get along with others and to be loyal to their employer's lawful business needs. The problem is that the traditional people-oriented style of management has been seriously weakened by 40 years of employee labor and employee rights laws. A performance-oriented model of management based on principles found in contract law, economics and Performance Theory is a more powerful, practical, simpler and enforceable alternative.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Deadline to Register: October 11, 2017.

To Register: http://www.vmanet.com/index.php/training/training-calendar/oregon/127-managements- rights-10-12-2017 or call Van Meter & Associates, Inc. at 800-331-8025. Cost: $170 first registrant/$150 each addi onal (a er October 6, 2017) each additional (postmarked by October 5, 2017)

$150 first registrant/$130

Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Note taking materials Lodging: Shilo Inn & Suites 800-222-2244 (government rate available and full hot breakfast buffet included),

Riverhouse 844-854-8179 (government rate available)

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Miscellaneous 10/13/2017 Class Title:

Performance Improvement Program (PIP)

Target Audience: Law enforcement, fire services, 9-1-1 emergency services, corrections, human resources and municipal


Sponsoring Agency: Deschutes County 9-1-1 When: 10/13/2017 Registration Deadline: 10/12/17 Contact: Van Meter & Associates, Inc.; 800-331-8025; Hours: 0900-1500 Where: Deschutes County 9-1-1 20355 Poe Sholes Drive Suite 300, Bend, Oregon 97703 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: D.J. Van Meter Ph.D./Van Meter & Associates Inc. Overview: Performance Improvement Programs are well accepted by courts, arbiters, civil review boards and

employees as a non-punitive means for dealing with employee performance deficiencies. They reduce the burden on management by placing the responsibility squarely on the employee's shoulders for improvement, reduces the basis for grievances because they are non-punitive methods for correcting deficient performance, and they provide a valid offense against claims of illegal discrimination.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Deadline to Register: October 12, 2017.

To Register: http://www.vmanet.com/index.php/training/training-calendar/oregon/83-performanceimprovement-program-10-13-2017 or call Van Meter & Associates, Inc. at 800-331-8025. Cost: $170 first registrant/$150 each additional (after October 6, 2017) $150 first registrant/$130 each additional (postmarked by October 5, 2017)

Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Note taking materials Lodging: Shilo Inn & Suites 800-222-2244 (government rate available and full hot breakfast buffet included)

Riverhouse 844-854-8179 (government rate available)

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Miscellaneous 10/20-10/22/2017 Class Title:

Resilience Immersion Training

Target Audience: First responders & support staff, current and retired Sponsoring Agency: Bend Police Department When: 10/20-10/22/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/1/17 Contact: Richard Goerling; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: see 'Overview' Where: Rock Springs Guest Ranch, 64201 Tyler Road, Bend, Oregon 97701 Cost: $600 (all inclusive - lodging, meals and instructors) Instructors: Richard Goerling and Brian Shiers Overview: A deep exploration into the science and experience of mindfulness as it relates to resiliency, warrior

ethos, and the hero's journey. With a focus on mindfulness skill building to enhance self-awareness, attunement to others, compassion, wisdom and peak performance. Attendees will learn skills that can be translated to their personal and professional life. This train model resources responders to take on the occupational stressors and trauma of their profession and learn to thrive through the arch of their hero's journey. Richard Goerling is a police lieutenant and retired Commander in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. He has completed the yearlong mindfulness facilitator training at UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center. He is an Affiliate Assistant Professor within the Graduate School of Professional Psychology at Pacific University and is currently a co-investigator and trainer in a National Institute of Health funded research project training mindfulness to police officers. Richard is a national speaker on mindfulness and resiliency in policing a cultural transformation toward an authentic, compassionate Warrior ethos. Richard participates with multi-disciplinary teams that explore mindfulness, restorative justice, council practice and other holistic approaches to hearing and community building. Additionally, Richard is active in developing policing and community practices that effectively meet the needs of returning veterans and those with acute mental illness. Brian Shiers has studied mindful awareness methods at the Gurdjieff Foundation Los Angeles since 1993, Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist practices for over ten years, and has completed nine week-long retreats, logging in over 3,500 hours of both sitting and moving meditation. With a degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science setting the foundation for embodied awareness, Brian has completed the year-long facilitator training at UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) under the direction of Diana Winston, Dr. Susan Smalley, and Dr. Marvin Belzer. As a member of MARC's faculty, Brian now teaches the signature MAP's I and II programs for UCLA MARC, as well as serving as a Mindfulness Coach to the Bruin Women's Varsity Volleyball Team, and has brought mindfulness to the workplace at Disney Animation Studios, Mattel Inc., and Salesforce.com. Brian earned his Master's in Mindfulness and Psychotherapy from Phillips Graduate Institute. October 20 1700-2100

October 21 0700-2100

October 22 0700-1600

Prerequisites: Registration: Regist. Deadline: September 1, 2017. Registration: Dixi Angus [email protected] 541-322-2967 Attire: Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 10/20-10/22/2017 Class Title:

Resilience Immersion Training

ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Miscellaneous 11/8-11/9/2017 Class Title:

Bulletproof - Policing in Today's Society

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: When: 11/8-11/9/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Local Contact: Sgt. Kelly Degman; 503-846-6310; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Washington County Sheriff's Office, 215 SW Adams Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97123 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: see 'Overview' Overview: Balancing Perception & Reality: Led by two of the nation's top trainers, this two-day event is designed

to prepare students psychologically, emotionally and tactically for their roles as law enforcement professionals in modern society. Participants will examine the current relationship between law enforcement and the community they are sworn to protect while also identifying the most current threats to both. Finally, officers will learn how their attitudes and personal perspectives could mean the difference between life and death in both violent confrontations and living as a law enforcement officer on and off the job. Topics covered: * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Pre-Incident Prepara on Current Threats and Criminal Behavior Police Violence: Facts vs. Myths Detec ng Decep on The Sheepdog Mentality Reality vs. Media Hype Communica on and Ci zen Service Preparing for the A ermath Reading Body Language Understanding Stress Responses Secrets to Effec ve Human Interac on Guardians of Democracy Overcoming the Radicle Divide Reality of Force and Violence

Lt. Jim Glennon * * * *

Author: Arres ng Communica on - Essen al Interac on Skills for Law Enforcement Owner and Director of Curriculum: Calibre Press Street Survival Seminar Master's Degree in Law Enforcement Jus ce Administra on Former Adjunct Instructor Northwestern University Staff and Command

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 11/8-11/9/2017 Class Title:

Bulletproof - Policing in Today's Society * Career included service in the US Army as a sergeant in the 82nd Airborne Division, a platoon leader in the 9th Infantry Division, general staff officer, company commander in the 7th (Light) Infantry Division as well as a paratrooper and graduate of Ranger School * Profession of psychology at West Point * 1998 re red from the military as a professor of military science at Arkansas State University * Author: On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kin in War and Society

Prerequisites: Registration: Cost:$229 per person. For more information or group rates contact Linda Arnold (630)460-3247 or

[email protected]

Groups of 3+: $209 per person (Use discount code: AAA20) Groups of 7+: $189 per person (Use discount code: AAA40) Register: Online @ www.calibrepress.com For more informa on to register a Group contact: Linda Arnold at (630)-460-3247 or [email protected] Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Miscellaneous 11/28-11/30/2017 Class Title:

Homicide & Invest. & Crime Scene Mgmt. "INSIDE THE TAPE"

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: Washington County Sheriff's Office When: 11/28-11/30/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Local Contact: Sgt. Kelly Degman; 503-846-6310; Hours: 0800-1600 Where: Washington County Sheriff's Office, 215 SW Adams Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97123 Cost: $295.00 pp. Purchase 3 seats, get 4th seat free. Instructors: see 'Overview' Overview: Homicide and Investigations and Crime Scene Management Training Program, "INSIDE THE TAPE"

Course Objectives: *Development of Standard Operating Procedures *Levels of Crime Scene Management from Assessment to Release (Protocol) *Responsibilities and Objectives of Homicide Scene Management *Defining and Demonstrate the Various Levels of Association that Exist Between the Homicide Victim and Offender (Pyramid of Association) (Solvability Factors) *Categorize Unresolved Homicide Investigation from Ongoing to Exceptional *Unresolved Homicide Investigation Causal Factors and Strategies *Inactive and Cold Case Investigation Reviews & Discussion *Criminal Investigative Analysis with a Focus on Victimology & Scene Indicators *Analysis of the 911 Call & Case Reviews *Medical-Legal Death Investigation *Crime Scene Sequence Event Determination - Model Employing Scientific Method *Crime Scene Evaluation (Execution of the Walk-Thru) *Specific Types of Crime Scenes & Related Forensic Disciplines *Suicide and Equivocal Death Scene Investigation - Analysis of Equivocal Death *SIDS Review and Infant Homicide Scene Inside the Tape has been committed to providing quality training to law-enforcement agencies since 2001 without raising tuition rates or cancelling classes. We have added more in depth topics and several new case reviews to our program which continues to receive high marks from law enforcement agencies at all levels across the country, and has been used as a model for homicide scene management by agencies such as the Cincinnati, Austin, Detroit, Atlanta and St Paul Police in Minnesota. Several agencies contract our program out for in-service training and have implemented our methodologies and crime scene management principles with great success resulting in higher clearance and conviction rates. The instructor for this training course will be investigator David Newman (RET) from the Norfolk Police Department in Virginia. Investigator Newman began his career in law enforcement in 1984 and retired from Norfolk in late 2008. His experience with the Norfolk P.D. includes over 15 years in the bureau serving in homicide & forensics and involvement in over 500 death investigations and high profile homicides. While serving in forensics he has investigated over 2500 cases including an additional 65 homicide investigations and over 500 crime scenes. Prerequisites: Registration: Online at WWW.INSIDETHETAPE.COM Simply go to the calendar page and click the on-line registration

link for the Washington County Course. Print out the registration form and complete including method Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Miscellaneous 11/28-11/30/2017 Class Title:

Homicide & Invest. & Crime Scene Mgmt. "INSIDE THE TAPE" of payment. Fax the registration to 1-866-529-6152.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

Miscellaneous 1/8-1/12/2018 Class Title:

Crime Scene Photography

Target Audience: Any Law enforcement personnel who take crime scene photos Sponsoring Agency: TriTech Forensics Training and Jackson County Sheriff's Office When: 1/8-1/12/2018 Registration Deadline: 12/26/17 Contact: Phil Sanfilippo, Tri-Tech Forensics; 800-438-7884 x7800; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Jackson County Sheriff's Office, 5179 Crater Lake Hwy, Central Point, OR 97502 Cost: $549 Instructors: Tony Nguyen, CFPH Overview: The 40 hour Crime Scene Photography course teaches the techniques needed to successfully document

evidence and scenes in a professional manner. The course begins with instruction of basic photographic techniques such as the mechanics of exposure, depth-of-field, and motion control. Camera handling and operation are stressed in all areas to include camera controls and how they work, electronic noise causes and controls, and much more. This course also includes instruction on basic electronic flash operation and techniques.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Deadline to Register: December 26, 2017. To Register: http://www.tritechtraining.com/courses/crime-


Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: DSLR camera (with owner's manual if possible), Normal zoom lens, Electronic flash, Electronic cable

release, Battery charger and extra battery for camera, Flashlight. The following are optional but recommended: Macro lens, Flash extension cable, Tripod.

Lodging: Holiday Inn Express, 285 Peninger Road, Central Point Oregon 97502, $93 plus tax. Call the hotel at

(541) 423-1010 and mention the Crime Scene Photography course to receive the special rate.

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Miscellaneous 1/22-1/26/2018 Class Title:

Internal Affairs: Policy, Practice & Legal Considerations

Target Audience: Managers, supervisors, and investigators charged with internal and criminal investigation Sponsoring Agency: Hosted by: Clackamas Co. Sheriff’s Office When: 1/22-1/26/2018 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; Phone: 502-852-6561; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: Where: Public Safety Training Center, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office, 12700 SE 82nd Ave, Clackamas, OR 970 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Southern Police Institute Overview: Law enforcement officers hold a position of visible authority within their communities and are held to a

tremendously high standard of honesty, integrity, fairness and professionalism. Likewise, law enforcement leaders are directly responsible for maintaining the public trust and implementing policies, practices and a culture that are open to the public and address allegations of misconduct levied against its officers. Utilizing videos, lecture, case studies and interactive scenarios, professional policies, standards and practices will describe a framework for accepting complaints, conducting internal investigations of its officers and appropriately dealing with officers who have breached high ethical standards. Additionally, this course will address innovative and proactive steps that law enforcement leaders should consider as they foster a culture that respects the community it serves. Finally, this course will alert law enforcement leaders and those responsible for conducting those investigations to the legal implications that can result from improperly conducted investigations or a department’s failure to address alleged misconduct by its officers. Course Topics and Areas of Instruction: The Role of the Internal Affairs Investigator, Complaint Acceptance Methods, Allegation Classification, Internal Affairs Case Classification, Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights, Formal Statements, Police-Involved Shooting & In-Custody Death Investigations, Domestic Violence & Sexual Battery Investigations, Media Relations & the Internal Affairs Investigation, Case File Preparation, Computer Forensics, Cellular Telephone Analytics, Role of the Prosecutor in Internal Investigations, Proactive Investigations & Criminal Misconduct, Early Warning/Intervention Systems, Impact of Body-Worn Cameras on Citizen Complaints, Criminal vs. Administrative Investigations, Due Process Rights, Workplace Searches, Social Media Misconduct, Police Sexual Misconduct, Supervisory/Investigator Liability, Hostile Workplace & Discrimination Investigations, Role of the Internal Affairs Unit: Use of Force 40-Hour Training Course - 4.0 CEUs (KLEC Approved)

Prerequisites: Registration: Cost: $695 if paid by cash/check or $720 if paid by Visa or Mastercard. Register Online:


Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging: Monarch Hotel: 12566 SE 93rd Ave, Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone: (800) 492-8700, Courtyard Marriott:

9300 SE Sunnybrook Blvd, Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone: (800) 321-2211

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Miscellaneous 1/22-1/26/2018 Class Title:

Internal Affairs: Policy, Practice & Legal Considerations

Miscellaneous 5/9-5/10/2018 Class Title:

Operation RUSH a criminal patrol class

Target Audience: Patrol officers, deputy sheriff's and state troopers Sponsoring Agency: North Bend Police Department When: 5/9-5/10/2018 Registration Deadline: Contact: Joe Keil; 920-323-2354; Hours: May 9: 1300-2100 & May 10: 0800-1600 Where: North Bend Public Library 1800 Sherman Ave, North Bend OR Cost: $195 per officer Instructors: Joseph E. Keil Overview: Operation RUSH (Recognizing Understanding Substances on the Highways) is a criminal interdiction

course developed to challenge both new and experienced officers to look beyond the traffic stop and recognize criminal activity. Criminals are most vulnerable while they are in transit and also more dangerous. A traffic stop is just a felony waiting to unfold before your eyes.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Contact Joe Keil at [email protected] or 920-323-2354 Attire: Casual ClassNeeds: Notebook, pen and a flashlight, search gloves or rubber gloves Lodging:

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Narcotics 9/11-9/15/2017 Class Title:

Basic Narcotic Investigator training

Target Audience: Law enforcement narcotic investigators Sponsoring Agency: Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) and Keizer Police Department When: 9/11-9/15/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Keizer Police Department, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer **Must display law enforcement ID while in the Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Byron Boston Overview: This five-day training course will properly prepare officers with the tools they need to successfully

conduct a narcotic investigation. Officers will receive in-depth training on common street drug identification, cultivation of confidential informants, undercover operation risk analysis, clan lab operations, drug endangered children, court testimony, search and seizure concerns, as well as other narcotic investigation topics.

Prerequisites: Registration: Cost/Registration: Register on-line at www.pletraining.com. Cost is $309, discount ($299) applies if 5 or

more register at same time.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Must display law enforcement ID while in the building Lodging:

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Supervision 10/25/2017 Class Title:

First-Line Supervision (Performance Directed Management)

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: Hosting: Beaverton Police Department / Sponsor: Van Meter & Associates, Inc. When: 10/25/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1600 Where: Beaverton Police Department, 4755 SW Griffith Dr. Beaverton, OR 97005 -- Training Classroom A, 2nd Fl Cost: $170.00/$150.00 for each additional Instructors: see 'Overview' Overview: This course takes the position that the responsibility for quality-control enforcement in an organization

depends on the loyalty and abilities of its first first-line supervisors. Effective supervisors are those that know when to motivate, when to lead, when to discipline, when to subordinate, and when to just get out of the way. Attendees are taught the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of a first-line supervisor, how to build a positive supervisor to subordinate relationship, how to apply basic principles of employee motivation, leadership and performance management to day-to-day performance problems. How to establish accountability with the difficulty employee, how to conduct a problem-solving conference and document a plan for performance improvement. Instructor: John Detchon has 38 years' experience as a sworn office, serving five years with a major state highway patrol and 32 years with a sheriff's department. John is a former detective, 911, jail and patrol operations commander. He has conducted IA investigations for 15 years while serving as a division on commander in various assignments. He is a graduate of the Ohio State Highway Patrol Academy, Ohio Peace Officers Academy, Attended Kent State University and is a certified corrections academy instructor and Ohio Police Basic instructor.

Prerequisites: Registration: Call 1-800-331-8025 www.vmanet.com Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Defensive Tactics 10/16-10/20/2017 Class Title:

Defensive Tactics Instructor: Integ. Combatives Prob. Solving T-t-T

Target Audience: Any law enforcement officer serving as agency instructor. Sponsoring Agency: McMinnville Police Department When: 10/16-10/20/2017 Registration Deadline: 10/1/17 Contact: Officer Justin Zemlicka; 503-437-0408 (WORK CELL); #mailto:JUSTIN.ZEMLICKA@MCMINNVILLEOREGO Hours: 0800-1700 (1 hr. lunch break) Where: McMinnville Police Department, 121 SW Adams St, McMinnville, OR 97128 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Cutting Edge Training Staff Overview: As an instructor course, this course is not about you. It is about training you to train your officers to be

effective and to save their lives on the street while meeting constitutional requirements of objectively reasonable force.

Problem-solving is the foundation of all effective fighting--"techniques" just aren't successfully applied like on the mat--you knew that the first time you ever tried to apply that nifty wrist lock to someone who didn't understand how cool the technique was. The last fight you were in required you to figure out--under threat--how to take the suspect into custody. When it comes to fighting, how do you learn to successfully "problem-solve" against a bigger, stronger, determined suspect. As an instructor, more importantly, how do you teach others to problem-solve? This truly revolutionary concept forms the basis of the most effective method of teaching armed professionals to prevail in the very short period of time permitted for training. Centering on "Integrated Combatives Problem-Solving"(c) featuring the "Universal Rules and Principles of Combatives"(c), the application of simple yet effective physical skills, "Applied OODA Theory"(c), through the application of current legal and policy provisions for the force response, creates the formula to achieve problem-solving competency. We provide simple-to-learn, simple-to-employ skills--with NO techniques--and combine them with universal rules and principles based on the natural reflexes and instincts that have helped humans survive for all of history. There is nothing to memorize and then forget in a week's time. We know there is no single "right way" to conclude any defense or control situation. We measure success in any defense situation by the following inflexible standards: * * *

Did the officer prevail (preferably uninjured)--or, at least, survive? Did the outcome of the incident meet constitutional, legal, and policy standards? Was the officer able to take the subject into custody?

If the answer to each of these questions is "yes," then the officer did his/her job, and we did ours. We teach officers to do what officers do best: problem-solve force responses within a constitutional framework. Developed from the street "in," NOT from the matroom "out." Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Defensive Tactics 10/16-10/20/2017 Class Title:

Defensive Tactics Instructor: Integ. Combatives Prob. Solving T-t-T No "martial arts" or high skill-based techniques are forced on officers in this program. Rather than taking complicated, contextually-critical techniques (specific defenses to specific attacks from cooperative partners) from the training floor and expecting them to work in the uncontrolled environment of the street, we base our program on the uncomplicated nature of the dynamic human response to conflict. We bring street reality and functionality "in" to the training for your benefit. Average officers practice little and generally remember almost nothing of their complicated, martial arts-intensive training. Strong, skilled men generally develop training that is suited for big, strong, skilled men...however, this system works for them until they are confronted by another big, strong, skilled man--then they will need to problem-solve their way through this fight. All of your officers appreciate this system for its simplicity and tactically-sound approach to increasing their ability to effectively put hands on a resistive or even combative subject. Highly trained officers appreciate the depth of the system in answering questions of why they have been successfully performing--and for increasing their abilities to apply their previous training. Big or small, strong or weak, highly trained or relatively less-trained...all benefit greatly from our problem-solving approach. How the Course Works The "Integrated Combatives Problem-Solving: Train-the-Trainer" course is highly structured in its concept, with each block of instruction layered upon the foundation of all physical conflict problemsolving: the "Universal Rules and Principles of Combatives."(c) As the new instructor learns the concepts involved with Defensive Tactics, and then teaches it, the foundation for Police GroundCombatives training is laid. Police GroundCombatives leads to Arrest & Control, which leads to Real-World Weapon Retention, and so on through the entire course. The following topics are the minimum in course content covered during this week-long instructor training course: * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Constitutional Limits to the Police Force Response Integrated Combatives Problem-Solving(c) Theory Applied OODA Theory M.A.P.S. Pre-Assault Indicators Teaching Defensive Tactics and Combatives Teaching Real-World Police GroundCombatives Teaching Real-World Weapon Retention Teaching Real-World Bladed Weapon Defense Teaching Emergency Weapon Recovery Teaching Tactical Arrest & Control Teaching Multiple Officer Takedowns Police Physical Training Skills Theory and Practice Instructional Documentation Requirements

This course brings outstanding instructional skill to officer defense and subject control and arrest in a simple format that is constitutionally-based, tactically sound, effective, and easy to apply for every officer in your agency. This completely different process of bringing ordinary officers into the category of "competent police trainer" is something you'd expect from CUTTING EDGE TRAINING. We are the original, and, so far, the only police trainers to bring you training that is: * Outcome-based: We train officers and their agency trainers to respond to every day threats --as well Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Defensive Tactics 10/16-10/20/2017 Class Title:

Defensive Tactics Instructor: Integ. Combatives Prob. Solving T-t-T as extraordinarily dangerous circumstances--by employing "Integrated Combatives Problem-Solving"(c) featuring the "Universal Rules and Principles of Combatives,"(c) and "Applied OODA Theory."(c) The only determination of whether the officer's method of defense and control was "correct" is that the officer was not injured and survived, and his/her force response was legally reasonable and within policy--just like in the real-world of force evaluation and justification. *Gross-motor skills dependent: We never forget that these lessons are applied in the real world of fear and hazard and consequence, where nothing ever goes as planned. We have the only system that depends solely upon gross-motor skills in our combatives problem-solving efforts. We employ zero techniques to be forgotten a week later. Instead, we provide simple to employ, effective skills that have a high likelihood of success in any combative circumstance. *Non-Technical: "Techniques" are fine-motor skills that routinely fail in the street. We teach no techniques because techniques only work against willing police officers on the mat and small children. Instead, we teach you to solve your combatives problems using naturally hard-wired solutions that are easy for every officer, regardless of level of ability.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Deadline to Register: OCTOBER 1, 2017. To Register:

http://www.cuttingedgetraining.org/Seminars/Police-Training/Combatives-Problem-Solving-DefensiveTactics/Seminars/Defensive-Tactics-Instructor-Integrated-Combativ/94.aspx Cost: $585 (CUTTING EDGE TRAINING offers its past instructors a 50% discount on tuition when attending an instructor/TRAIN-THE-TRAINER course for a second and all subsequent iterations of that specific course. We honor the efforts to increase their understanding of teaching "Integrated Combatives Problem-Solving"© through the "Universal Rules and Principles of Combatives"© and "Applied Combatives OODA Theory."©)

Attire: Old Duty Pants or Jeans (NO ATHLETIC/SWEATPANTS) T-Shirts/Sweatshirts (short or long sleeved) Duty

Belt, with handcuffs and key Red/blue Gun (if available) Mat/Gym Shoes Note-taking Materials Athletic Cup-Males (highly recommended) Water/Hydration (recommended) Personal Towel (recommended) Knee/Elbow Pads (optional) Mouthguard (optional)

ClassNeeds: Lunch not provided. Note-taking Materials, Athletic Cup-Males (highly recommended),

Water/Hydration (recommended), Personal Towel (recommended), Knee/Elbow Pads (optional), Mouthguard (optional)



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Field Training and Evaluation Program 9/20-9/22/2017 Class Title:

Field Training and Evaluation Program Course

Target Audience: Police, P&P, corrections, telecommunications, fire (full-time employees) Sponsoring Agency: DPSST & Deschutes Co. 9-1-1 When: 9/20-9/22/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Mark Linville, DPSST; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: see 'Overview' Where: Deschutes County 911, 20355 Poe Sholes Dr. #300, Bend, OR 97701 Cost: Free. Meals and lodging not provided. Instructors: Various DPSST Staff Overview: Hours: 8am to 5 pm; hours may exceed an 8 hour day and homework may be assigned. Students must

attend the entire 24-hour course to successfully complete the class and receive credit.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Applications will continue to be accepted for a waiting list.

*PLEASE NOTE* The curriculum for this class was developed for full-time police, corrections, parole and probation, telecommunicator/emergency medical dispatch and fire personnel. Priority in selection will be given to those individuals who work as a full-time police, corrections or P&P officer, a telecommunicator/emergency medical dispatcher or a firefighter first. Those individuals who are employed full-time within those disciplines, but whose duties fall outside of those job titles will still be able to submit their application for consideration. The application will be placed on a waiting list pending space availability. Approximately seven business days before the class starts the applicant will be notified of their attendance status. To Register: Students must pre-register for this course. You must receive an e-mail from DPSST confirming you have been registered for this training in order to attend. Registration forms may be obtained from DPSST's website at: http://www.oregon.gov/dpsst . On the right side of your screen hover over the Criminal Justice link, select Training, then click on the Regional and Advanced Training link. Click on the course registration app. link located on the left side of your screen. Scan and e-mail application to: [email protected] . Please do not include a copy of the course announcement with your application. Registration questions contact Jennifer, DPSST, [email protected] It is possible that this course has a testing component. DPSST is committed to serving test takers with disabilities and health-related needs by providing services and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test. Any exam candidate with a documented disability may be eligible for nonstandard testing accommodations. If you believe you may need any adjustments, modifications, or accommodations, you should contact Rich Daniel, [email protected] by Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Field Training and Evaluation Program 9/20-9/22/2017 Class Title:

Field Training and Evaluation Program Course one week prior to class date to request suitable arrangements.

Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Note-taking supplies. It is recommended you bring a laptop or iPad, but not required. Lodging: Meals and lodging are not provided.

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Field Training and Evaluation Program 10/10-10/12/2017 Class Title:

Field Training and Evaluation Program Course

Target Audience: Police, P&P, Corrections, Telecommunications, Fire (full-time employees) Sponsoring Agency: Umatilla County Sheriff's Office/DPSST When: 10/10-10/12/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Tim Ragan, DPSST; 503-754-2260; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: see 'Overview' Where: Umatilla County Sheriff's Office/4700 N W Pioneer Pl, Pendleton, OR 97801 Cost: Free. Meals and lodging not provided. Instructors: Tim Ragan & Mark Linville Overview: Hours: 8am to 5 pm; hours may exceed an 8 hour day and homework may be assigned. Students must

attend the entire 24-hour course to successfully complete the class and receive credit.

Prerequisites: Registration: Agencies will be limited to two applications to start, additional applications will be placed on a waiting

list. If submitting more than one application please indicate priority number on the applications.

Students must pre-register for this course. You must receive an e-mail from DPSST confirming you have been registered for this training in order to attend. Registration forms may be obtained from DPSST's website at: http://www.oregon.gov/dpsst . On the right side of your screen hover over the Criminal Justice link, select Training, then click on the Regional and Advanced Training link. Click on the course registration app. link located on the left side of your screen. Scan and e-mail application to: [email protected] . Please do not include a copy of the course announcement with your application. Registration questions contact Jennifer, DPSST, [email protected] *PLEASE NOTE* The curriculum for this class was developed for full-time police, corrections, parole and probation, telecommunicator/emergency medical dispatch and fire personnel. Priority in selection will be given to those individuals who work as a full-time police, corrections or P&P officer, a telecommunicator/emergency medical dispatcher or a firefighter first. Those individuals who are employed full-time within those disciplines, but whose duties fall outside of those job titles will still be able to submit their application for consideration. The application will be placed on a waiting list pending space availability. Approximately seven business days before the class starts the applicant will be notified of their attendance status. PLEASE NOTE: It is possible that this course has a testing component. DPSST is committed to serving test takers with disabilities and health-related needs by providing services and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test. Any exam candidate with a documented disability may be eligible for nonstandard testing accommodations. If you believe you Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Field Training and Evaluation Program 10/10-10/12/2017 Class Title:

Field Training and Evaluation Program Course may need any adjustments, modifications, or accommodations, you should contact Regional Training Supervisor Rich Daniel, [email protected] by one week prior to class date to request suitable arrangements.

Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Wi-Fi capable laptop/notepad, Note taking materials. Lodging: Meals and lodging not provided.

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Emergency Vehicle Operations Course 8/14-8/25/2017 Class Title:

Basic Emergency Vehicle Operator Instructor Course EVOIC #26

Target Audience: see 'Overview' Sponsoring Agency: DPSST When: 8/14-8/25/2017 Registration Deadline: 6/30/17 Contact: Steve Westerberg, EVO Program Coord.; 503-378-4412; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 daily (except 8/24 1200-2230) Where: Oregon Public Safety Academy, Salem, OR Cost: Free. Lunch provided. Instructors: DPSST Overview: Basic Emergency Vehicle Operator Instructor Course EVOIC #26

General Information: The Department of Public Safety Standards and Training is offering an Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Development Course (EVOIC 26) August 14-25, 2017. This course is intended to develop certified instructors capable of delivering basic recruit Emergency Vehicle Operations (EVO) training for DPSST Basic Police and Regional Training programs. The emphasis of EVOIC #26 will be to train individuals that will be readily available and willing to teach basic academy classes in Salem and to deliver regional training classes sponsored by DPSST throughout the state. Priority in selection will be given to applicants/agencies who demonstrate support of this mission by participation in the Basic Academy programs. Applicants who are selected to participate as instructor candidates will be sent the EVOIC training materials in an electronic format at least 30 days prior to the start of the course. The candidate may print the information at their agency’s expense. NOTE: The candidate will be expected to pass a driving skill assessment at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the course. This qualification process will be conducted by a DPSST Senior Instructor at the DPSST facility in Salem and the candidate must achieve a minimum passing grade on the basic police qualification course. Passing grades on a written test and a driving skills assessment will be required to complete the course. Candidates must score a minimum of 90% on the written assessment of DPSST EVO theory and techniques, instructor development materials, and general vehicle knowledge. All of the materials necessary for this written test will be provided electronically when a candidate is accepted to the course. Candidates who are not successful with their driving skills assessment will be allowed additional opportunities on dates, however all assessments must be complete prior to August 4, 2017. Candidates failing to demonstrate the minimum driving assessment score will not be able to participate in this EVOIC. Candidates are encouraged to visit one or more DPSST Basic Police EVO sessions prior to a testing Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Emergency Vehicle Operations Course 8/14-8/25/2017 Class Title:

Basic Emergency Vehicle Operator Instructor Course EVOIC #26 session to brush up on their driving skills. This will give candidates some one-on-one time with senior instructors. A schedule of practice and testing dates are at the end of this announcement. Additional Agency considerations/requirements: 1. Participation in a Basic Facilitator Course prior to this instructor course is highly recommended. Many of the instructional techniques used to deliver the EVO Instructor course will be presented and practiced during the Basic Facilitator Course. 2. Vehicles used during all driving exercises will be provided by DPSST. 3. Participants will be expected to sign a waiver of liability for DPSST. 4. All salaries and benefits of participants shall be borne by the agency. One of the training days will include an adjusted swing shift. 5. Agencies need to ensure that they have adequate insurance coverage covering participation in this training. 6. All candidates will be required to complete a minimum of ninety-six (96) hours of supervised “shadow” instruction to receive certification as a DPSST EVO Instructor. This instruction will occur in conjunction with regularly scheduled EVO training at DPSST once the EVOIC is completed. Any questions can be directed to Steve Westerberg; EVO Program Coordinator at the above address OR at 503-378-4412 OR via state email at [email protected] Candidate Driving Practice / Testing Sessions: Following are several dates that are available to candidates interested in honing their physical driving skills, spending time with a senior instructor, and looking at the EVO program at DPSST. Candidates can be tested on the same date as a practice is scheduled. Candidates are encouraged to attend at least one practice date prior to testing. To schedule dates for practice and testing, contact Steve Westerberg via email at [email protected] or by telephone at 503-378-4412. Available Practice and Testing Times: 08:00-17:00 May 15, 16, 17, 22, 24, 24, 31 June 1, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29 July17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 Aug2, 3 13:00-22:00 Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Emergency Vehicle Operations Course 8/14-8/25/2017 Class Title:

Basic Emergency Vehicle Operator Instructor Course EVOIC #26 May 25 June1, 22, 23 July27 Aug3 EVOIC #26 Class Schedule Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug 18

07:45-17:00 07:45-17:00 07:45-17:00 07:45-17:00 07:45-17:00

Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 25

07:45-17:00 07:45-17:00 07:45-17:00 11:30-22:30 08:30-14:30

Work with BP Class in BP EVO 4 Session

Prerequisites: see 'Overview' Registration: Applications must be received at DPSST no later than Friday, June 30, 2017. Incomplete application

packets will not be considered.

TO APPLY: Applicants will need to submit the following information: 1) A Regional Training Application. This can be obtained from the DPSST website at: http://www.oregon.gov/dpsst/RT/docs/REG.COURSE.APPLICATION.2014.pdf 2) A cover letter with a brief history about the applicant to include: name, agency, current assignment, years of experience, past job assignments, training, etc. Include statements indicating why you would like to be considered for this training, what you have done to prepare yourself for it, and your anticipated availability to basic EVO training at DPSST. 3) The cover letter should also include: a. Detailed explana on of experience instruc ng/teaching. This should include when and where the instructor training was received (only candidates who have completed an instructor course that included adult learning theory are eligible for DPSST certification in EVO), classes taught and for whom along with dates and loca ons. Course reviews/evalua ons by students taught may also be included, OR, the date and location of a DPSST Basic Instructor Development Course taken. b. Number of motor vehicle crashes (and circumstances of) in: i. Law enforcement career, ii. Last three years. c. Current and/or planned use of EVO training commitment to recruit training at DPSST, regional Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Emergency Vehicle Operations Course 8/14-8/25/2017 Class Title:

Basic Emergency Vehicle Operator Instructor Course EVOIC #26 DPSST EVO programs, and in-service training for your agency. Applications must be received at DPSST no later than Friday, June 30, 2017. Incomplete application packets will not be considered. A waiting / standby list will be established if the number of applicants exceed the available positions in the class. Send Applica ons to: Steve Westerberg 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE Salem, OR 97317 [email protected] Additional Agency considerations/requirements: 1. Participation in a Basic Facilitator Course prior to this instructor course is highly recommended. Many of the instructional techniques used to deliver the EVO Instructor course will be presented and practiced during the Basic Facilitator Course. 2. Vehicles used during all driving exercises will be provided by DPSST. 3. Participants will be expected to sign a waiver of liability for DPSST. 4. All salaries and benefits of participants shall be borne by the agency. One of the training days will include an adjusted swing shift. 5. Agencies need to ensure that they have adequate insurance coverage covering participation in this training. 6. All candidates will be required to complete a minimum of ninety-six (96) hours of supervised “shadow” instruction to receive certification as a DPSST EVO Instructor. This instruction will occur in conjunction with regularly scheduled EVO training at DPSST once the EVOIC is completed. Any questions can be directed to Steve Westerberg; EVO Program Coordinator at the above address OR at 503-378-4412 OR via state email at [email protected]

Attire: see 'Overview' ClassNeeds: see 'Overview' Lodging: Lodging at the academy will be provided at no cost to those who qualify. Additional details regarding

meals and how to reserve lodging will be provided in your confirmation letter.

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Interview & Interrogation 11/7-11/8/2017 Class Title:

Interview & Interrogation

Target Audience: Investigators Sponsoring Agency: Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) and Keizer Police Department When: 11/7-11/8/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Keizer Police Department, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer **Must display law enforcement ID while in the Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Byron Boston Overview: This two-day training course is designed to provide investigators with the skills necessary to obtain

information through interviewing and interrogation in an ethical and legal framework. Investigators will learn the difference between interviews and interrogations, methods for establishing rapport, developing case-specific themes, proper room setup, the difference between an admission and a confession, and techniques to ensure the interview is conducted in a legal manner. Investigators will also be presented with up-to-date case law regarding current issues surrounding interviews and interrogations. Numerous case studies will be discussed as well as audio/video of past interrogations to help demonstrate the techniques presented.

Prerequisites: Registration: Register on-line at www.pletraining.com. Cost is $209, discount ($189) applies if 5 or more register at

same time.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Interview & Interrogation 11/28-12/1/2017 Class Title:

Reid 4-day Interview and Interrogation Technique

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: Salem Police Department When: 11/28-12/1/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Dawn Nielsen; 877-479-7337; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1500 Where: Chemeketa Brooks Regional Training Center 4910 Brooklake RD NE Rooms 105/106 Cost: $575 for 4-day course Instructors: Overview: This single 4-day program is the most comprehensive program on the Reid Technique. They have

integrated all of their material from the standard three day program and one day advanced program into a single presentation using their new 202 page outline book to give participants a complete presentation of the Reid Technique in a single seminar. Local Contact: Ofc. Brian Montoya at 503-588-6212 x7130 or [email protected]

Prerequisites: Registration: Participants can register on line at www.reid.com Attire: Business casual or uniform. No jeans please. ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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ORPAT 9/19/2017 Class Title:

ORPAT (Oregon Physical Ability Test) Instructor Course

Target Audience: For those involved in running applicants through the ORPAT or CORPAT for their agency Sponsoring Agency: DPSST When: 9/19/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/7/17 Contact: see 'Overview'; ; Hours: 0800-1700 (lunch from 1200-1330) Where: DPSST, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, 97317 Cost: Free. Lunch provided to all attendees. Instructors: JD Edwards, Ben Ward Overview: The ORPAT Instructor course will begin with a classroom session that will include: Instructor Standards,

Safety Briefing, ORPAT Instructor Policy, the background of the obstacle course, scheduling ORPAT, and ORPAT statistics. The ORPAT instructor course will conclude with a practical session that will include: Course set up and breakdown, instructional methods and participant completion of the ORPAT test. PLEASE NOTE: All participants must complete the ORPAT course and meet the Basic Police standard of 5 minutes, 30 seconds or better in order to receive their ORPAT certification. Class Content Questions: Contact JD Edwards, 503-378-4398 [email protected] or Ben Ward, 503-373-0287 [email protected] This class is also being offered on September 20, 2017.

Prerequisites: Officers attending must be in a full duty status Registration: DEADLINE TO REGISTER: September 7, 2017

To Register: Students must pre-register for this course. You must receive an e-mail from DPSST Regional Training confirming you have been registered for this training in order to attend. Registration forms may be obtained from the DPSST's website: at: www.dpsst.state.or.us . On the right side of your screen hover over the Criminal Justice link, select Training, then click on the Regional and Advanced Training link. Click on the course registration app. link located on the left side of your screen. Registration questions contact Jennifer, DPSST, [email protected] Attire: Athletic attire. Shorts and workout attire will not be allowed in the dining facility, please bring a change

of clothes if you are planning on eating lunch at the academy.

ClassNeeds: Lodging: Shared dorm room lodging is available at the Academy for all attendees. Dinner and breakfast will also

be provided to those who stay overnight at the Academy. If you would like to request dorm room housing (AFTER you receive an e-mail confirming you have been registered for the class), please contact Rebecca Nolte at: [email protected] or 503-378-4399 no later than September 7, 2017. Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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ORPAT 9/20/2017 Class Title:

ORPAT (Oregon Physical Ability Test) Instructor Course

Target Audience: For those involved in running applicants through the ORPAT or CORPAT for their agency Sponsoring Agency: DPSST When: 9/20/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/7/17 Contact: see 'Overview'; ; Hours: 0800-1700 (lunch from 1200-1330) Where: DPSST, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, 97317 Cost: Free. Lunch provided to all attendees. Instructors: JD Edwards, Ben Ward Overview: The ORPAT Instructor course will begin with a classroom session that will include: Instructor Standards,

Safety Briefing, ORPAT Instructor Policy, the background of the obstacle course, scheduling ORPAT, and ORPAT statistics. The ORPAT instructor course will conclude with a practical session that will include: Course set up and breakdown, instructional methods and participant completion of the ORPAT test. PLEASE NOTE: All participants must complete the ORPAT course and meet the Basic Police standard of 5 minutes, 30 seconds or better in order to receive their ORPAT certification. Class Content Questions: Contact JD Edwards, 503-378-4398 [email protected] or Ben Ward, 503-373-0287 [email protected] This class is also being offered on September 19, 2017.

Prerequisites: Officers attending must be in a full duty status Registration: DEADLINE TO REGISTER: September 7, 2017

To Register: Students must pre-register for this course. You must receive an e-mail from DPSST Regional Training confirming you have been registered for this training in order to attend. Registration forms may be obtained from the DPSST's website: at: www.dpsst.state.or.us . On the right side of your screen hover over the Criminal Justice link, select Training, then click on the Regional and Advanced Training link. Click on the course registration app. link located on the left side of your screen. Registration questions contact Jennifer, DPSST, [email protected] Attire: Athletic attire. Shorts and workout attire will not be allowed in the dining facility, please bring a change

of clothes if you are planning on eating lunch at the academy.

ClassNeeds: Lodging: Shared dorm room lodging is available at the academy for all attendees. Dinner and breakfast will also

be provided to those who stay overnight at the academy. If you would like to request dorm room housing (AFTER you receive an e-mail confirming you have been registered for the class), please contact Rebecca Nolte at: [email protected] or 503-378-4399 no later than September 7, 2017. Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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School Resource Officer 8/13-8/17/2018 Class Title:

Basic SRO Course

Target Audience: Police officers, SRO supervisors, educators Sponsoring Agency: Beaverton Police Department When: 8/13-8/17/2018 Registration Deadline: 7/30/18 Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Beaverton Police Department, 4755 SW Griffith Dr. Beaverton, OR Training Classroom Second Floor Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Overview: Attendees will gain a solid working knowledge of the School Resource Officer concept and how to

establish a lasting partnership with their schools. Below is an outline of primary topics covered: *Foundations of School Based Law Enforcement *Ethics and the SRO *The SRO as a Teacher/Guest Speaker *Diversity *Understanding Special Needs Students *Social Media *School Law *The SRO as an Informal Counselor/Mentor *Understanding the Teen Brain *Violence and Victimization: Challenges to Development *Sex Trafficking of Youth *Effects of Youth Trends and Drugs on the School Culture and Environment *Threat Response: Preventing Violence in School Settings *School Safety and Emergency Operations Plans *Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Duration: 5 days (40 hours)

Prerequisites: Registration: Cost: $495 per person for non-NASRO members and includes one year NASRO membership/ $445 per

person for NASRO members

Registration Deadline: July 30, 2018. Registration: https://nasro.org/ Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Notebook/Pen Lodging: Embassy Suites (Tigard), Marriott Courtyard (Beaverton) Contact: Toll Free: (888) 31-NASRO

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Child Abuse 10/6/2017 Class Title:

T-t-T How to Protect Your Children from Child Molesters Workshop

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: Newberg-Dundee Police Department When: 10/6/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Russell Mark; 503-435-1550; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0900-1700 Where: George Fox University, Hoover 105, 414 N. Meridian St, Newberg, OR Cost: Free Instructors: Overview: YOU WILL LEARN: CORY JEWELL JENSEN’S CURRICULUM ON PRESENTING TO CITIZEN GROUPS ON HOW


Prerequisites: Registration: Reister online at: [email protected] Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Police Bicycle 9/11-9/14/2017 Class Title:

International Police Mountain Bike Assoc. Police Cyclist Course

Target Audience: This course is for current law enforcement officers in the USA. This is not for beginner riders. Sponsoring Agency: Corvallis Police Department When: 9/11-9/14/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 (Mon.-Thurs.) Where: Corvallis Police Department, 180 NW 5th Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Officer Ryan Larson (PCI# 1242) and Trooper Nickodemus Johnson Overview: International Police Mountain Bike Association Police Cyclist Course

Bicycle officers need to ride whenever and wherever they are needed. Proper training is essential to an officer's on-the-job performance and safety. It is also critical in reducing liability. This course provides bicycle officers with the skills they need to effectively serve their communities. The course is divided into eleven units: Bike Handling & Vehicular Cycling, Bike Fit, Group Riding, Hazard Recognition & Common Crashes, Obstacle Clearing & Riding Techniques, Patrol Procedures, Nighttime Patrol, Community Policing, Basic Maintenance, Legal Issues & Traffic Laws, and Fitness & Nutrition. This demanding class involves over 20 hours of on-bike time to develop and improve riding skills. IPMBA Certification is available to sworn police officers who successfully complete the practical test, earn a score of 76% or better on the written test, become members of IPMBA, and submit applications for certification accompanied by the appropriate fee. Prerequisites: Applicants must be police officers currently assigned to bike patrol, officers applying to become

members of a bike unit, or members of a department considering use of the bicycle.

Registration: Requirements: The Complete Guide to Public Safety Cycling, second edition, available at IPMBA.org and

a bike helmet, eye protection, bike from reputable manufacturer, and pedal retention devices.

Cost: The class is free, but sport drinks and water donations are welcomed to help offset the cost the department accrues. Registration: Contact Officer Ryan Larson at 541-766-6431 or by e-mail: [email protected] Parking Note: Only on street / metered parking is available at this training site. Parking passes for metered spots will be issued during the first day; bring your license plate number to the start of class. Attire: see 'ClassNeeds' ClassNeeds: The student must bring a helmet that is in accordance with national safety tests (ie. SNELL ANSI, etc.).

Also required are gloves, eye protection, and a white light for the front and blinking red LED light for the rear, full duty gear and ballistic vest, and a high quality mountain bike with pedal retention devices. Bring appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. All students must bring the equipment and materials listed on this website: http://ipmba.org/images/uploads/Police_2016.pdf Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Police Bicycle 9/11-9/14/2017 Class Title:

International Police Mountain Bike Assoc. Police Cyclist Course

Lodging: Accommodations are available within a few minute walk or ride from the department.

SFST 8/29/2017 Class Title:

SFST Refresher (without Wet Lab)

Target Audience: Full-time certified police officers Sponsoring Agency: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office When: 8/29/2017 Registration Deadline: 8/27/17 Contact: Sgt. Steve Steinberg; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 1700-2100 daily Where: Bowman Building, 12700 Southeast 82nd Avenue, Clackamas Oregon 97015 Cost: Free Instructors: Instructors: Course Manager: Sgt. Steve Steinberg - Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Overview: Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Refresher. The SFST Refresher course is a 4-hour class that is

intended to update law enforcement officers that are already SFST certified law enforcement with the most current curriculum, SFST procedures, and law.

Prerequisites: One year of law enforcement experience, including the academy SFST and DID courses. Registration: Registration Deadline: 8/27/17. Registration: Students must pre-register for this course. Contact

Sergeant Steve Steinberg . [email protected] register.

**Confirmations will be emailed to those who

Attire: Agency uniform or business casual ClassNeeds: Note taking materials. Training materials are provided by the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. Lodging: Lodging and meals are the responsibility of student/student's agency.

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SFST 9/25-9/29/2017 Class Title:

SFST Instructor Development Course

Target Audience: Must be a full-time law enforcement officer who has completed the NHTSA SFST class. Must have a

minimum of 3 years full-time police service

Sponsoring Agency: DPSST Regional Training When: 9/25-9/29/2017 Registration Deadline: 5p 7/27 Contact: David Beatty, DPSST; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 (some evening prep req.) Where: DPSST, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon 97317 Cost: Free. Lunch provided to all attendees. Instructors: *Selection will be based on DUII qualification, experience, and geographical area need* Overview: This is a Basic Instructor course with specific focus on the NHTSA SFST curriculum. You will receive the

SFST Instructor Manual several weeks before class, and will be expected to have a good working knowledge of the material before attending the SFST IDC.

Prerequisites: Must be a full-time law enforcement officer who has completed the NHTSA SFST class. Must have a

minimum of 3 years full-time police service

Registration: DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Applicants must e-mail their application and cover letter to Regional Training

by 1700 hours on July 27, 2017. All applicants will be notified of their attendance status after that date. There are only 20 spots available for this training. COVER LETTER: Your application MUST include a cover letter expressing your desire and need for this training, your DUII enforcement accomplishments, and past training and updates in DUII enforcement. SUPERVISOR RECOMMENDATION: Your application MUST include a letter of recommendation from your supervisor. TO REGISTER: Students must pre-register for this course. You must receive an e-mail from DPSST confirming you have been registered for this training in order to attend. Registration forms may be obtained from DPSST's website: at: http://www.oregon.gov/DPSST/pages/index.aspx . On the right side of your screen hover over the Criminal Justice link, select Training, then click on the Regional and Advanced Training link. Click on the course registration app. link located on the left side of your screen. Scan and e-mail signed application to: [email protected] . Registration questions contact Jennifer, DPSST, [email protected]. *Selection will be based on DUII qualification, experience, and geographical area need* PLEASE NOTE: It is possible that this course has a testing component. DPSST is committed to serving test takers with disabilities and health-related needs by providing services and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test. Any exam candidate with a documented disability may be eligible for nonstandard testing accommodations. If you believe you may need any adjustments, modifications, or accommodations, you should contact [email protected] by one week prior to class to request suitable arrangements. Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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SFST 9/25-9/29/2017 Class Title:

SFST Instructor Development Course

Attire: Business casual (no jeans) and uniform (required Wednesday and Thursday) ClassNeeds: Laptop computer (preferred), pen. Lodging: Shared dorm room lodging is available at the academy for all attendees. Breakfast and dinner will also

be provided to those who stay overnight at the academy. If you would like to request dorm room housing (AFTER you receive an e-mail confirming you have been registered for the class), please contact dorm reception at: [email protected] or 503-378-4399 no later than September 11, 2017.

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SWAT 8/21-8/25/2017 Class Title:

SWAT Command Decision - Making and Leadership 1

Target Audience: Sworn law enforcement; SWAT team commanders and supervisors Sponsoring Agency: NTOA and Clackamas County Sheriff's Office When: 8/21-8/25/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Dep. Mitch Beyer, Clackamas COSO; (503) 794-8071; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Public Safety Training Center, 12700 SE 82nd Ave, Clackamas, OR 9704 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Jeff Selleg Overview: This course is designed to expose police SWAT Team Commanders and Supervisors to contemporary

SWAT issues, tactics and procedures. Topics include major incident debriefs; leadership issues, emotional intelligence, justifying SWAT; the use of SWAT Teams; SWAT standards and professionalism; contemporary SWAT issues and concerns; SWAT and the media; selection, training, discipline and removal of supervisors and team members; crisis negotiations considerations; tactical operation center considerations; operational planning; weapons and equipment selection; legal issues and considerations; critical incident management; barricade and hostage procedures; warrant service planning and procedures; and much more.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Cost: $675 individual members of NTOA, $700 team memberships with NTOA, $730 for non-members


You can register for the course through the NTOA website, www.ntoa.org. Once on the website, under the training tab, click on the training schedule. Next to the course will be a green button that says register. Click on the green register button and start registration for the course. If you have any questions about registration or course information, please contact Faith Dickson at 267-864-9010, or by email at [email protected] Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Law Enforcement ID, laptop is helpful, notetaking materials Lodging:

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Use of Force 10/24-10/25/2017 Class Title:

Force Science Institute: Force Science Basics Course

Target Audience: Law enforcement investigators, trainers, IA personnel, administrators, supervisors, departmental

attorneys and any other law enforcement personnel who must evaluate uses of force, develop/evaluate departmental use of force policy, create/conduct training as well as those who generally must understand the human factors involved in high-stress, rapidly unfolding encounters.

Sponsoring Agency: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office When: 10/24-10/25/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Dep. Mitch Beyer, Clackamas COSO; (503) 794-8071; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0830-1630 Where: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Public Safety Training Center, 12700 SE 82nd Ave, Clackamas, OR 9704 Cost: $249.00 Instructors: William Everett, Senior Force Science Instructor Overview: The Force Science Basics Course is designed to clearly present, in a practical and understandable

fashion, the results of the most cutting edge research into the dynamics of human behavior during lifethreatening encounters. The class will explore Force Science, the application of unbiased scientific principles and processes in repetitive physical experiments designed to determine the true nature of suspect provocation and officer response (action-reaction dynamics). The goal of the program is to encourage law enforcement professionals to apply the important concepts revealed in this research when investigating, reconstructing, recalling or otherwise analyzing a use of force. The integration of this information has been proven to enhance the accuracy and thoroughness of decisions made relative to behavior and performance during the incident.

Prerequisites: None Registration: http://www.cvent.com/d/h5qrbj/4W Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Pen/Paper Lodging:

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TASER 9/11-9/12/2017 Class Title:

TASER CEW New/Recertification Instructor Course

Target Audience: TASER Instructors Sponsoring Agency: Salem Police Department When: 9/11-9/12/2017 Registration Deadline: 8/21/17 Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 both days Where: Salem Fire Department Station 6, 2740 25th St SE, Salem, OR 97302 Cost: Instructor Cert $435 (Sept. 11-12)/Re-cert $225 (Sept. 12) Instructors: Master Instructor Jeromy Hasenkamp Overview: TASER Instructor class for TASER CEWs; for both new and recertifying instructors.

Class is confirmed and live on www.axon.com/training, listed as AXON ACADEMY for Quick Links. A minimum 10 persons are required to run this class, and the maximum is 25 students. All registration for this course closes 21 days in advance, unless it becomes full earlier. Payment is required to be received 21 days before the training dates. If not received, the student will automatically be canceled from the course. REMINDER: Newly certifying officers will have to complete the 4 hour online block of training and attend BOTH practical days. Re-certifying TASER Instructors must complete the 8 hour online block and the SECOND day of the practical session (Day 2). Deadline to Register: Monday August 21, 2017 Access to the new site does require an approval. You can go to https://academy.axon.com to start the process if you do not have a PoliceOne account already. If you are already a member of PoliceOne, you should be given automatic access. Please note: Anyone wanting to gain access to the site or attend a class will need approval. There can be a 24 to 48 hour approval process and an email will be sent once approved 1. Go to Events page, and make sure the "Open for registration" checkbox is checked. 2. Use the search fields to find events in the location you're training in, for examples the entire state, city or zip code. 3. After your search has been applied, click on the Event you want to register for. 4. In the right-hand column, click the "New registration" button. 5. In the "New Registration Order" window that appears, fill in the following fields: a. Choose your payment method (Credit Card, Offline payment, etc.) i. If you select Offline payment (P.O.), you'll need to provide an address and you have the option of providing a P.O. Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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TASER 9/11-9/12/2017 Class Title:

TASER CEW New/Recertification Instructor Course Number. These will populate our P.O. invoice. B. Choose who you are registering for the event: i. To register yourself for the event, select "Register me" 1. Coupon code is optional ii. optional.

To register someone else, select "Register other person" 1. Fill in the email address, first name and last name of the person - coupon code is

2. Note: Only verified users in our system are allowed to be registered. If the user is not found by email address, they will not be registered for the event. Iii. To register additional people, use the "Add Attendee" button c. Select the training package for each person being registered, i.e. New Certification vs. ReCertification d. When you're ready to place your order, click "Save" 6. On the order details page: a. If you selected Credit Card as your payment option: i. You can view your invoice first, or go ahead and click the "Make Payment" button ii. Fill in your credit card details and click the "Pay" button b. If you selected Offline Payment (P.O.): i. Click the "View invoice" button ii. Print the P.O. invoice and provide it to your account/finance department iii. Your accounting/finance department will need to make a check payable to PoliceOne.com and mail it to 200 Green Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94111 iv. Your account/finance department will use the P.O. number as a reference number in their own records v. Once your payment is received and processed, our team (PoliceOne.com accounting team) will mark payment as complete in the system c. If you selected ACH/echeck (coming soon) i. You can view your invoice first, or go ahead and click the "Make Payment" button ii. You have two options: 1. Fill in your checking account details and click the "Pay" button 2. Securely log in via your online banking account username and password, which will automatically populate your bank account details and click the "Pay" button Prerequisites: Registration: Attire: ClassNeeds: Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

Regional Training

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TASER 9/11-9/12/2017 Class Title:

TASER CEW New/Recertification Instructor Course


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TASER 10/17-10/18/2017 Class Title:

TASER CEW New/Recertification Instructor Course

Target Audience: TASER Instructors Sponsoring Agency: Umatilla County Sheriff's Office When: 10/17-10/18/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/25/17 Contact: Host Contact: Sr. Dep. Nathan Good; 541-966-3604; Hours: 0800-1700 both days Where: Umatilla County Sheriff's Office (Media Room), 4700 NW Pioneer Place, Pendleton, OR 97801 Cost: TASER CEW Instructor Cert $435/Recert $225 Instructors: Master Instructor Stacey Krouse Overview: TASER Instructor class for TASER CEWs; for both new and recertifying instructors.

Class is confirmed and live on www.axon.com/training, listed as AXON ACADEMY for Quick Links. A minimum 10 persons are required to run this class, and the maximum is 25 students. All registration for this course closes 21 days in advance, unless it becomes full earlier. Payment is required to be received 21 days before the training dates. If not received, the student will automatically be canceled from the course. REMINDER: Newly certifying officers will have to complete the 4 hour online block of training and attend BOTH practical days. Re-certifying TASER Instructors must complete the 8 hour online block and the SECOND day of the practical session (Day 2). Deadline to Register: September 25, 2017 To Register: Access to the new site does require an approval. You can go to https://academy.axon.com to start the process if you do not have a PoliceOne account already. If you are already a member of PoliceOne, you should be given automatic access. Please note: Anyone wanting to gain access to the site or attend a class will need approval. There can be a 24 to 48 hour approval process and an email will be sent once approved 1. Go to Events page, and make sure the "Open for registration" checkbox is checked. 2. Use the search fields to find events in the location you're training in, for examples the entire state, city or zip code. 3. After your search has been applied, click on the Event you want to register for. 4. In the right-hand column, click the "New registration" button. 5. In the "New Registration Order" window that appears, fill in the following fields: a. Choose your payment method (Credit Card, Offline payment, etc.) i. If you select Offline payment (P.O.), you'll need to provide an address and you have the option of providing a P.O. Number. These will populate our P.O. invoice. B. Choose who you are registering for the event: i. To register yourself for the event, select "Register me" 1. Coupon code is optional Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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TASER 10/17-10/18/2017 Class Title:

TASER CEW New/Recertification Instructor Course ii. optional.

To register someone else, select "Register other person" 1. Fill in the email address, first name and last name of the person - coupon code is

2. Note: Only verified users in our system are allowed to be registered. If the user is not found by email address, they will not be registered for the event. Iii. To register additional people, use the "Add Attendee" button c. Select the training package for each person being registered, i.e. New Certification vs. ReCertification d. When you're ready to place your order, click "Save" 6. On the order details page: a. If you selected Credit Card as your payment option: i. You can view your invoice first, or go ahead and click the "Make Payment" button ii. Fill in your credit card details and click the "Pay" button b. If you selected Offline Payment (P.O.): i. Click the "View invoice" button ii. Print the P.O. invoice and provide it to your account/finance department iii. Your accounting/finance department will need to make a check payable to PoliceOne.com and mail it to 200 Green Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94111 iv. Your account/finance department will use the P.O. number as a reference number in their own records v. Once your payment is received and processed, our team (PoliceOne.com accounting team) will mark payment as complete in the system c. If you selected ACH/echeck (coming soon) i. You can view your invoice first, or go ahead and click the "Make Payment" button ii. You have two options: 1. Fill in your checking account details and click the "Pay" button 2. Securely log in via your online banking account username and password, which will automatically populate your bank account details and click the "Pay" button Prerequisites: Registration: see 'Overview' Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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TASER 10/19-10/20/2017 Class Title:

TASER X26/X2 New/Re-certification Instructor Course

Target Audience: TASER Instructors Sponsoring Agency: Lane County Sheriff's Office When: 10/19-10/20/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/28/17 Contact: Sgt. Don McGuire; 541-682-2223; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Eugene Emergency Services Training Center, 1705 W. 2nd Ave, Eugene, OR 97402 Cost: $435 new instructors/$225 recertifying instructors Instructors: Master Instructor: John VanHoute Overview: TASER X26, X26P and X2 Instructor certification for both new and recertifying instructors- This course

will certify you to instruct others on the use of the X26, X26P AND X2 TASER Conducted Electrical Weapons and is a prerequisite for all TASER CEW certifications.

REMINDER: Newly certifying officers will have to complete the 4 hour online block of training and attend BOTH practical days. Re-certifying TASER Instructors must complete the 8 hour online block and the SECOND day of the practical session (Day 2). Prerequisites: Registration: Registration Deadline: September 28, 2017.

Access to the new site does require an approval. You can go to https://academy.axon.com to start the process if you do not have a PoliceOne account already. If you are already a member of PoliceOne, you should be given automatic access. Please note: Anyone wanting to gain access to the site or attend a class will need approval. There can be a 24 to 48 hour approval process and an email will be sent once approved: 1. Go to Events page, and make sure the "Open for registration" checkbox is checked. 2. Use the search fields to find events in the location you're training in, for examples the entire state, city or zip code. 3. After your search has been applied, click on the Event you want to register for. 4. In the right-hand column, click the "New registration" button. 5. In the "New Registration Order" window that appears, fill in the following fields: a. Choose your payment method (Credit Card, Offline payment, etc.) i. If you select Offline payment (P.O.), you'll need to provide an address and you have the option of providing a P.O. Number. These will populate our P.O. invoice. b. Choose who you are registering for the event: i. To register yourself for the event, select "Register me" 1. Coupon code is optional ii. To register someone else, select "Register other person" Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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TASER 10/19-10/20/2017 Class Title:

TASER X26/X2 New/Re-certification Instructor Course 1. Fill in the email address, first name and last name of the person - coupon code is optional. 2. Note: Only verified users in our system are allowed to be registered. If the user is not found by email address, they will not be registered for the event. iii. To register additional people, use the "Add Attendee" button c. Select the training package for each person being registered, i.e. New Certification vs. Re- Certification d. When you're ready to place your order, click "Save" 6. On the order details page: a. If you selected Credit Card as your payment option: i. You can view your invoice first, or go ahead and click the "Make Payment" button ii. Fill in your credit card details and click the "Pay" button b. If you selected Offline Payment (P.O.): i. Click the "View invoice" button ii. Print the P.O. invoice and provide it to your account/finance department iii. Your accounting/finance department will need to make a check payable to PoliceOne.com and mail it to 200 Green Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94111 iv. Your account/finance department will use the P.O. number as a reference number in their own records v. Once your payment is received and processed, our team (PoliceOne.com accounting team) will mark payment as complete in the system c. If you selected ACH/echeck (coming soon) i. You can view your invoice first, or go ahead and click the "Make Payment" button ii. You have two options: 1. Fill in your checking account details and click the "Pay" button 2. Securely log in via your online banking account username and password, which will automatically populate your bank account details and click the "Pay" button

Attire: The dress is casual, but dress for activity. Bring your department issued TASER holster (if applicable).

Holsters will be available for those who need them. Please bring your duty belt with NO firearms, ammunition, or weapons of any kind.

ClassNeeds: see 'Attire' Lodging: Red Lion Inn & Suites - 541-345-2331, Best Western Green tree Inn - 541-485-2727, Valley River Inn -


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TASER 12/13-12/14/2017 Class Title:

TASER CEW New/Recertification Instructor Course

Target Audience: New or recertifying TASER instructors Sponsoring Agency: Independence Police Department When: 12/13-12/14/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Local Contact: Sgt. Justin Hedlund; 503-838-1214; Hours: 0800-1700 each day Where: Independence Police Department, 555 South Main St, Independence, OR 97351 Cost: $435 new instructors/$225 recertifying instructors Instructors: Master Instructor Robert Latter Overview: TASER Instructor class for TASER CEWs; for both new and recertifying instructors.

Class is confirmed and live on www.axon.com/training, listed as AXON ACADEMY for Quick Links. A minimum 10 persons are required to run this class, and the maximum is 25 students. All registration for this course closes 21 days in advance, unless it becomes full earlier. Payment is required to be received 21 days before the training dates. If not received, the student will automatically be canceled from the course. REMINDER: Newly certifying officers will have to complete the 4 hour online block of training and attend BOTH practical days. Re-certifying TASER Instructors must complete the 8 hour online block and the SECOND day of the practical session (Day 2). Access to the new site does require an approval. You can go to https://academy.axon.com to start the process if you do not have a PoliceOne account already. If you are already a member of PoliceOne, you should be given automatic access. Please note: Anyone wanting to gain access to the site or attend a class will need approval. There can be a 24 to 48 hour approval process and an email will be sent once approved. 1. Go to Events page, and make sure the "Open for registration" checkbox is checked. 2. Use the search fields to find events in the location you're training in, for examples the entire state, city or zip code. 3. After your search has been applied, click on the Event you want to register for. 4. In the right-hand column, click the "New registration" button. 5. In the "New Registration Order" window that appears, fill in the following fields: a. Choose your payment method (Credit Card, Offline payment, etc.) i. If you select Offline payment (P.O.), you'll need to provide an address and you have the option of providing a P.O. Number. These will populate our P.O. invoice. b. Choose who you are registering for the event: i. To register yourself for the event, select "Register me" 1. Coupon code is optional Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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TASER 12/13-12/14/2017 Class Title:

TASER CEW New/Recertification Instructor Course ii. To register someone else, select "Register other person" 1. Fill in the email address, first name and last name of the person - coupon code is optional. 2. Note: Only verified users in our system are allowed to be registered. If the user is not found by email address, they will not be registered for the event. iii. To register additional people, use the "Add Attendee" button c. Select the training package for each person being registered, i.e. New Certification vs. ReCertification d. When you're ready to place your order, click "Save" 6. On the order details page: a. If you selected Credit Card as your payment option: i. You can view your invoice first, or go ahead and click the "Make Payment" button ii. Fill in your credit card details and click the "Pay" button b. If you selected Offline Payment (P.O.): i. Click the "View invoice" button ii. Print the P.O. invoice and provide it to your account/finance department iii. Your accounting/finance department will need to make a check payable to PoliceOne.com and mail it to 200 Green Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94111 iv. Your account/finance department will use the P.O. number as a reference number in their own records v. Once your payment is received and processed, our team (PoliceOne.com accounting team) will mark payment as complete in the system c. If you selected ACH/echeck (coming soon) i. You can view your invoice first, or go ahead and click the "Make Payment" button ii. You have two options: 1. Fill in your checking account details and click the "Pay" button 2. Securely log in via your online banking account username and password, which will automatically populate your bank account details and click the "Pay" button

Prerequisites: Registration: see 'Overview' Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Executive 3/11-3/16/2018 Class Title:

30th Annual Session of the OEDI Exec. Leadership Training

Target Audience: All current and future public safety executives, military personnel and members of private

organizations, including Higher Ed, with nexus to public safety.

Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Executive Development Institute (OEDI) When: 3/11-3/16/2018 Registration Deadline: Contact: Alan Scharn, Exec. Dir. - OEDI; (503) 851-1611; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-2000 daily Where: Kah-Nee-Ta Resort and Training Center, Warm springs, Oregon Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: see 'Overview' Overview: 30th Annual Session of the Oregon Executive Development Institute (OEDI) Executive Leadership


OEDI Session XXX is a 5-day leadership training event specifically designed for current and future public safety executives, military leaders and managers and executives from the private sector and Higher Ed with a nexus to public safety. The format is in-residence, rural setting with training and networking events that extend into the evening to maximize the week-long session. The training emphasizes scenario-based, hands-on executive leadership through relationship building and interpersonal skills development to enhance personal and organizational performance. The underlying theme of the program is servant leadership, which is woven throughout the fabric of the curriculum. Instructors: This year's session will feature instructors from the FBI National Academy; US Attorney's Office; George Fox University and the Program Management Academy, Rubicon Group and the Western Community Policing Institute. Prerequisites: Fill out and submit an OEDI application and attachments which can be found on our website


Registration: Cost: $1,599 single occupancy - Fee includes 41.5 hours of exceptional executive leadership training, all

instructional materials loaded onto a Kindle Fire, 5 nights lodging, all meals (full breakfast, lunch and dinner), AM/PM breaks each day including coffee, tea service, fresh fruit and snacks, Thursday evening banquet dinner and guest speaker, special networking events and refreshments, use of the Sage Springs Fitness Center and special gift for all attendees. To Register: Visit our website at www.oedionline.org and click on Training then Annual Session.

Attire: Business casual - no jeans, t-shirts, cargo pants, etc. ClassNeeds: All materials, supplies, etc. will be provided including a Kindle Fire for each student. Lodging: Kah-Nee-Ta Resort, Warm Springs, Oregon. Note, if you are selected to attend the 2018 session, all

lodging arrangements will be made for you in advance.

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Leadership 5/6/2015 - 12/31/2017 Class Title:

Navigating Leadership in Critical Times (16-Hour Online Course)

Target Audience: All current and future public safety executives, military personnel and members of private

organizations, including Higher Ed, with nexus to public safety.

Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Executive Development Institute (OEDI) When: 5/6/2015 - 12/31/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Alan Scharn, OEDI; (503) 851-1611; Hours: Where: Online course Cost: $99 for OEDI mbrs or $199 non-mbrs Instructors: Online course Overview: The purpose of this course is to help executives and decision-makers develop the skills necessary to

make sound leadership decisions when preparing and planning for critical situations in their communities. Navigating Leadership in Critical Times Online Course Features: *Interac ve web-based training *Training that uses history as a source of tangible leadership examples *Centered on real-world applica on of leadership theories and concepts in crisis situa ons. *Designed for the execu ve level professional *Self-paced training that requires ac ve par cipa on in on-screen and off-screen ac vi es

This on-line, fully interactive executive leadership course allows you to work through the course at your own pace. You can stop at any time and rejoin the course where you left off until completed. When the course is completed, you can print a certificate of completion, fill out an F-6 and send to DPSST. Prerequisites: Registration: Visit our website at www.oedionline.org and click on Advanced Training. Attire: N/A ClassNeeds: All materials, supplies, etc. will be provided. Lodging: N/A

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Leadership 9/14/2017 Class Title:

Supervisory Responsibilities in Line of Duty Death Situations

Target Audience: Law enforcement, corrections, communications, and parole & probation supervisors, managers, and


Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Fallen Badge Foundation, Oregon Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors, and Douglas County

Sheriff's Office

When: 9/14/2017 Registration Deadline: 5p 9/12 Contact: Sgt. Eric Bunday; 503-615-6727; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 1300-1700 Where: Douglas County Sheriff's Office, 1036 SE Douglas Ave. Room 210, Roseburg, OR 97470 Cost: None Instructors: see 'Overview' Overview: This course provides an overview for public safety leaders of what to expect in the immediate

aftermath of a line of duty death incident. Areas of focus will include an overview of the events to expect immediately following a line of duty death, care of the fallen officer and their family, managing the outpouring of support from other agencies and citizens alike, assigning personnel to assist the fallen officer's family, immediate and ongoing care for the agency, and an overview of resources available to the agency following a line of duty death. Instructors: Commander Monte Reiser, Multnomah County Sheriff's Office; Sgt. Eric Bunday, Hillsboro Police Department; Barb and Bill Lyons, Concerns of Police Survivors

Prerequisites: None Registration: Registration Deadline: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 by 5:00 PM. To register, e-mail or call Sgt. Eric

Bunday at [email protected] or 503-615-6727

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Leadership 10/5/2017 Class Title:

Supervisory Responsibilities in Line of Duty Death Situations

Target Audience: Law enforcement, corrections, communications, and parole & probation supervisors, managers, and


Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Fallen Badge Foundation, Oregon Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors, and Washington

County Sheriff's Office

When: 10/5/2017 Registration Deadline: 5p 10/3 Contact: Sgt. Eric Bunday; 503-615-6727; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1200 Where: Washington County Sheriff's Office, 215 SW Adams Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97123 Cost: None Instructors: see 'Overview' Overview: This course provides an overview for public safety leaders of what to expect in the immediate

aftermath of a line of duty death incident. Areas of focus will include an overview of the events to expect immediately following a line of duty death, care of the fallen officer and their family, managing the outpouring of support from other agencies and citizens alike, assigning personnel to assist the fallen officer's family, immediate and ongoing care for the agency, and an overview of resources available to the agency following a line of duty death. Instructors: Sgt. Eric Bunday, Hillsboro Police Department; Sgt. David Peterson, Benton County Sheriff's Office; Corie Bowman-Gosse, surviving spouse of Dep. Bill Bowman

Prerequisites: None Registration: Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 by 5:00 PM. To register, e-mail or call Sgt. Eric Bunday

at [email protected] or 503-615-6727.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Leadership 11/6-11/10/2017 Class Title:

Trilogy Training - Supervisor Leadership Institute

Target Audience: Seminar registration is open to all law enforcement - sworn and professional staff Sponsoring Agency: Co-Hosted by FBI-LEEDA and Chief Jason Wallis and the Port of Portland Police Department When: 11/6-11/10/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: see 'Overview'; ; Hours: class begins at 0830 Where: PDX Conference Center - St. Helens Room, 7000 NE Airport Way, Portland, Oregon 97218 Cost: $650 Instructors: Overview: The FBI-LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute is a cutting edge 4 1/2-day program built especially for

first-line supervisors and middle managers with the goal of enhancing their leadership competencies. The Supervisor Leadership Institute faculty members are senior law enforcement leaders who are committed to passing on their lessons learned. Attendees will be engaged in personality diagnostics, leadership case studies, mentoring, developing your people, performance management, risk management and credibility. This institute is studentcentered and rich in facilitated dialogue and group work. * Introduction to Supervisor Leadership * Establish and Maintain Credibility * Discipline * Liability * Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Local Contact: Get local information for this training opportunity by contacting Lt. Scott Creager of the Port of Portland Police Department at 503-460-4279 or email at [email protected] Prerequisites: Registration: Online: www.fbileeda.org or call 877-772-7712 for more information. You are not required to be a

member of FBI-LEEDA to attend.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging: For hotel reservations, contact Aloft Portland Airport at Cascade Station, 9920 NE Cascades Pkwy,

Portland, Telephone: 503-200-5678. The rate is approximately $169 per night.

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Intoxilyzer 8000 8/29/2017 Class Title:

Intoxilyzer 8000 Certification Class

Target Audience: Full-time certified police officers Sponsoring Agency: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office When: 8/29/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Sgt. Steve Steinberg; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 1000-1600 Where: Bowman Building, 12700 Southeast 82nd Avenue, Clackamas Oregon 97015 Cost: Free Instructors: Sgt. Steve Steinberg, CCSO; Additional TBD Overview: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be certified to operate the Intoxilyzer 8000.

Course counts towards current permit renewal and/or reactivation of expired Intoxilyzer 8000 permit. Prerequisites: None Registration: Registration Deadline: None

Registration: Students must pre-register for this course. Contact Sergeant Steve Steinberg with the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. [email protected] **Confirmations will be emailed to those who register. Attire: Agency uniform or business casual ClassNeeds: Note taking materials. Training materials are provided by the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. Lodging: Lodging and meals are the responsibility of student/student's agency

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Mental Illness 10/10/2017 Class Title:

Tactical Verbal De-escalation of People Experiencing Mental Health Crisis

Target Audience: Law enforcement, corrections, parole and probation, tele communicators, campus public safety

professionals and mental health practitioners who work with or within the public safety system.

Sponsoring Agency: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office and DPSST When: 10/10/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Julie Collinson, Clackamas Co. Sheriff's Office; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1600 Where: Clackamas County Public Safety Training Center, 12700 SE 82nd Ave, Clackamas, OR 97017 Cost: Free Instructors: Ellis Amdur, M.A. Overview: The Thin Blue Lifeline: Tactical Verbal De-escalation of People Experiencing A Mental Health Crisis

Because officers have to protect their own safety as well as the safety of others, they often have limited time in which to establish a communication mode that minimizes the risk of violence. Agitated individuals can often be directed away from violence by specific communication skills. Verbal deescalation techniques are geared to "set up" those being contained so that physical control techniques are enhanced, if they become necessary. When the public is witness to successful verbal de-escalation, they better understand and respect the challenges facing an officer, which contributes to future officer safety. Presenter:Ellis Amdur, M.A., Edgework founder, received his B.A. in psychology from Yale University in 1974, and his M.A. in psychology from Seattle University in 1990. He is both a National Certified Counselor and a State Certified Child Mental Health Specialist. Mr. Amdur has worked in the field of crisis intervention since 1988. He is one of the most prominent trainers in the Pacific Northwest on verbal de-escalation of aggressive and mentally ill individuals. His work focuses on communication specific for first responders to calm and control people manifesting mental illness and emotional disturbance, particularly those who are exhibiting potentially dangerous behaviors. Prerequisites: Registration: Deadline to Register: Friday, October 6th, 2017, or when class is full.

To Register:To register, please email Dani Hepler at [email protected], with the first and last name of who wishes to attend, title, agency and DPSST number. Space is limited to the first 100 participants. Substitutions can be made until Friday, October 6, 2017, and must be received via email. Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Each participant will be provided a copy of the Mr. Amdur's book related to their discipline ($30 value).

(Lunch on your own)


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Traffic Crash Investigation/Reconstruction 9/11-9/15/2017 Class Title:

Investigations of Motorcycle Crashes

Target Audience: Law enforcement and private traffic crash investigators, claims adjusters, engineers, attorneys, safety

officers, military investigative personnel, animators and graphic designers

Sponsoring Agency: Marion County Sheriff's Office. Presented by Institute of Police Technology and Management. When: 9/11-9/15/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Andy James; (904) 620-4786; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Brooks Regional Training Center - 4910 Brooklake Rd NE, Brooks, Or 97305 Cost: $795.00 Instructors: Ken Harmon and Greg Gravesen Overview: This course is designed for experienced traffic crash investigators who have a good working knowledge

of the techniques and applications of formulas taught in basic crash investigation courses and who wish to build upon that foundation with more advanced mathematical formulas used to analyze motorcycle crashes. Various field tests will be conducted showing you a variety of motorcycle skids, accelerations and slideto-stop drag factors. You will learn how to photograph skids and examine the subsequent effects that skids have on the tires and surfaces. Through these tests, you will gain valuable first-hand experience that can be beneficial in court proceedings. You will be given a manual of applicable information to use as a motorcycle reference book. Topics include: * Analyzing and interpreting the motorcycle crash scene * Determining acceleration and deceleration characteristics of the motorcycle * Analyzing and interpreting modes of instability and handling characteristics in motorcycles * Interpreting the operator factor * Reviewing motorcycle tires, helmets and other equipment * Using a practical application of formulas (projects)

Prerequisites: You must have completed, at a minimum, IPTM's At-Scene Traffic Crash/Traffic Homicide Investigation

course or its equivalent.

Registration: Register online at: www.iptm.org Attire: Casual ClassNeeds: You should bring a scientific calculator and a traffic template with you. Lodging: La Quinta Inn Suites: 503-391-7000 / Best Western Mill Creek Inn:503-585-3332 / Residence Inn Salem:


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Traffic Crash Investigation/Reconstruction 10/16-10/20/2017 Class Title:

Crush Energy Analysis, by Accident Analysis & Reconstruction, Inc.

Target Audience: Law enforcement Sponsoring Agency: Eugene Police Department - Major Collisions Investigations Team When: 10/16-10/20/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Local Contact: Officer Michael Klews; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Eugene Police Department Headquarters, 300 Country Club Road, Eugene OR 97401 Cost: $700 Instructors: Mr. C Gregory Russell - Accident Reconstructionist Overview: Prerequisites: Registration: Please use this link/address to open and print out the registration form:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/8da8ijgjkm3nvqs/Eugene%20Crush.pdf?dl=0 Completed registration forms should be sent to: Crush Energy Analysis, C/O Accident Analysis and Reconstruction, 7 Meadow Spring Drive, Bel Air, Maryland, 21015-1700. The phone number is 443-8893657. If you have questions about the class or are having difficulty registering, please call the listed number or email Eugene Police Officer Michael Klews: [email protected]

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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ARIDE 8/30-8/31/2017 Class Title:

Advanced Roadside Impairment Driving Enforcement (ARIDE)

Target Audience: Full-time certified police officers Sponsoring Agency: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office When: 8/30-8/31/2017 Registration Deadline: 8/27/217 Contact: Sgt. Steve Steinberg; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 1200-2100 daily Where: Bowman Building, 12700 Southeast 82nd Avenue, Clackamas, Oregon 97015 Cost: Free Instructors: Instructors: Course Manager: Sgt. Steve Steinberg - Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Overview: The Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) program was developed by the National

Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) with input from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) and the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police. ARIDE was created to address the gap in training between the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and the Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Program. ARIDE is intended to bridge the gap between these two programs by providing officers with general knowledge related to drug impairment and by promoting the use of DREs in states that have the DEC Program. One of the more significant aspects of ARIDE is its review and required student demonstration of the SFST proficiency requirements. This course will train law enforcement officers to observe, identify, and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired drivers and impaired driving related traffic collisions. This course will train other criminal justice professionals (prosecutors, toxicologists, etc.) to understand the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both and enable them to effectively work with law enforcement in order to reduce the number of impaired drivers and impaired driving related traffic collisions.

Prerequisites: One year of law enforcement experience, including the academy SFST and DID courses. Registration: Registration Deadline: 8/27/17. Registration: Students must pre-register for this course. Contact

Sergeant Steve Steinberg. [email protected] register.

**Confirmations will be emailed to those who

Attire: Agency uniform or business casual ClassNeeds: Note taking materials. Training materials are provided by the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. Lodging: Lodging and meals are the responsibility of student/student's agency

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ARIDE 9/18-9/19/2017 Class Title:

Advanced Roadside Impairment Driving Enforcement (ARIDE)

Target Audience: Full-time certified police officers Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Drug Evaluation & Classification Program (DECP) When: 9/18-9/19/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/11/17 Contact: DECP Office; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 daily Where: Central Willamette Credit Union, 7101 Supra Drive SW, Albany OR Cost: Free Instructors: Instructors: Course Manager: Sgt. Robert Hayes - Albany Police Department Overview: Advanced Roadside Impairment Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) was developed by NHTSA to address the

gap between Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and the Drug Evaluation & Classification Program (DECP). ARIDE is an intermediate-level 16 hour curriculum that provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impairment and promotes the use of certified Drug Recognition Experts. A SFST review and proficiency test is included in this curriculum.

Prerequisites: One year of law enforcement experience, including the academy SFST and DID courses. Registration: Email the student name(s), agency and DPSST # to the DECP Office at [email protected] no later

than September 11th, 2017. Class size is limited to the first 30 students. Registration confirmations will be emailed.

Attire: Agency uniform or business casual ClassNeeds: Meals and Lodging are at the expense of the participating agency. Training materials are provided by

the Oregon DECP.

Lodging: Holiday Inn Express & Suites 105 Opal Ct, Albany, OR 97322 Phone:(541) 928-8820, Comfort Inn and

Suites Linn County Fairground and Expo 100 Opal Ct, Albany, OR 97322 Phone:(541) 928-2053

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ARIDE 9/20-9/21/2017 Class Title:

Advanced Roadside Impairment Driving Enforcement (ARIDE)

Target Audience: Full-time certified police officers Sponsoring Agency: Oregon DECP and the Portland Police Bureau When: 9/20-9/21/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/10/17 Contact: DECP Office; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 daily Where: Portland Police Bureau Training Facility 14912 NE Airport Way, Portland, Oregon 97527 Cost: Free Instructors: Course Manager: Officer Nathan Scott - Portland Police Bureau Overview: Advanced Roadside Impairment Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) was developed by NHTSA to address the

gap between Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and the Drug Evaluation & Classification Program (DECP). ARIDE is an intermediate-level 16 hour curriculum that provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impairment and promotes the use of certified Drug Recognition Experts. A SFST review and proficiency test is included in this curriculum.

Prerequisites: One year of law enforcement experience, including the academy SFST and DID courses. Registration: Registration deadline is September 10th, 2017. Email the DECP Office at [email protected] with

the name and DPSST# of each student. Registration confirmations will be emailed to those who register. Class size limited to the first 30 students.

Attire: Agency uniform or business casual ClassNeeds: Meals and lodging are at the expense of the participating agency. Training materials are provided by the

Oregon Drug Evaluation & Classification Program.

Lodging: Holiday Inn Express: 11938 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97220 (503) 251-9991, Comfort Suites -

Portland Airport: 12010 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97220 (503) 261-9000, Shilo Inn: 11707 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97220 (503) 252-7500

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ARIDE 9/28-9/29/2017 Class Title:

Advanced Roadside Impairment Driving Enforcement (ARIDE)

Target Audience: Full-time certified police officers Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Drug Evaluation & Classification Program (DECP) When: 9/28-9/29/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/25/17 Contact: DECP Office; ; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 daily Where: OSP La Grande Patrol Office, 3004 Blue Mountain Drive, La Grande, OR 97850 Cost: Free. Training materials are provided by the Oregon DECP. Instructors: Course Manager: Sergeant Evan Sether - Oregon State Police Overview: Advanced Roadside Impairment Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) was developed by NHTSA to address the

gap between Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and the Drug Evaluation & Classification Program (DECP). ARIDE is an intermediate-level 16 hour curriculum that provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impairment and promotes the use of certified Drug Recognition Experts. A SFST review and proficiency test is included in this curriculum.

Prerequisites: One year of law enforcement experience. One year of law enforcement experience, including the

academy SFST and DID courses.

Registration: Email the DECP Office at [email protected]. Class size is limited to the first 30 students.

Registration needs to be completed no later than September 25th, 2017. Registration confirmations will be emailed to those who register.

Attire: Agency uniform or business casual ClassNeeds: None Lodging: Meals and lodging are at the expense of the participating agency. Best Western Plus Address: 1711

21st Street, La Grande, OR 97850 Phone: (541) 963-3100

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CIT 9/18-9/22/2017 Class Title:

Crisis Intervention Training

Target Audience: First responders: law enforcement, fire, parole and probation, dispatch Sponsoring Agency: Roseburg Police Dept., Compass Behavioral Health and NAMI When: 9/18-9/22/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/11/17 Contact: see 'Overview'; ; Hours: 0800-1700 (40 total hours) Where: Roseburg Public Safety Center, 700 S.E. Douglas Ave. Roseburg, Or. 97470 Cost: Free Instructors: Representing the fields of mental health, law enforcement and advocacy Overview: CRISIS INTERVENTION TEAM TRAINING OBJECTIVES

*Provide information and resources to first responder personnel who find themselves handling calls involving individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. *Increase the ability of first responders to successfully manage such a call *Reduce the number of inappropriate incarcerations involving people suffering from a mental illness *Develop/sustain officer interest and involvement on calls involving emotionally disturbed individuals *To develop relationships between mental health officials, law enforcement, individuals suffering from a mental illness, and family members of those individuals *Provide de-escalation skills Please note: First day of class will be "Motivational Interviewing" by Casey Jackson of Spokane, WA. This presentation will provide a brief overview of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and the core mechanisms of this method of communication. MI is an incredibly effective method of communication for creating behavior change that is internationally recognized as effective in behavioral health, healthcare, probation/corrections, schools, and government agencies. Questions: Coleen Roberts, 541-430-1990 or Officer Tony Powers 541-492-6825 Prerequisites: None Registration: Registra on Deadline: 9/11/2017. Registra on: Send Name, Agency and Contact informa on to

Coleen Roberts, Email: [email protected] Enrollment limited to 25 students.

Attire: Casual ClassNeeds: Provided - lunch provided daily Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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CIT 9/18-9/22/2017 Class Title:

Crisis Intervention Training


CIT 9/25-9/27/2017 Class Title:

Crisis Intervention Training (CIT)

Target Audience: First responders, law enforcement, corrections officers, community corrections, 911 Sponsoring Agency: Umatilla Police Department When: 9/25-9/27/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 (40 total hours) Where: Good Shepherd Hospital, 610 NW Eleventh Street, Hermiston, OR 97838 Cost: Free Instructors: Instructors representing the fields of law enforcement, corrections, and mental health. Overview: This important course focuses on the field of law enforcement and its role in the mentally ill, drug or

alcohol afflicted and aging communities. The information, tools and resources presented are designed to enhance first responder response and reduce the overall risk of injury or life.

Prerequisites: Registration: Go to: https://umatillacit917.eventgrid.com/ Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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CIT 10/3-10/6/2017 Class Title:

7th Annual Northwest Regional CIT Conference

Target Audience: All criminal justice professionals, mental and behavioral health professionals, mental health advocates

and those living with mental illness.

Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST),

Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission (WCJTC), Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. (GOBHI)

When: 10/3-10/6/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: see 'Overview'; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: The Riverhouse on the Deschutes, 3075 N. Business 97, Bend, OR 97703 Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: www.cithappens.com Overview: Scholarship info:DPSST is offering $500 scholarship grants to offset costs associated with a endance.

These grants are available to members of constituent agencies of DPSST and are reimbursement grants. To apply, submit a grant request on agency letter addressed to DPSST Director Eriks Gabliks. The request should include a brief description of the requesting agency's efforts to engage in specialized mental health training for criminal justice and/or mental health professionals and advocates working with or within the criminal justice system. The request should be emailed to [email protected] . For more informa on: www.cithappens.com Ques ons? Contact:Kevin Rau, DPSST CIT Coordinator. [email protected] Linda Maddy, DPSST CIT Coordinator. [email protected] Carol Speed, GOBHI. [email protected]

Prerequisites: Registration: www.cithappens.com

Cost: Conference only (Oct 3-5): $150.00 Conference and CIT Coordinator Cer fica on Course (Oct 3-6): $250.00 CIT Cer fica on only (Oct 6 only): $300.00 Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging: www.cithappens.com

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Emergency Management 9/18-9/21/2017 Class Title:

SAVE THE DATE: OEMA 2017 Conference

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Emergency Management Association When: 9/18-9/21/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: Where: Valley River Inn, Eugene, OR Cost: Instructors: Overview: The 2017 OEMA Conference Planning Committee is well underway towards the planning of our

September 18 - 21st Conference in Eugene at the Valley River Inn.

OEMA 2017 Conference ~ Resilient Oregon - Our 2017 Conference will provide attendees with the ability to develop an action plan for their organization, agency or community by defining resiliency, exploring community involvement, identifying resources, and implementation of strategies that will strengthen Oregon's individual, community, private and public disaster recovery capability. We look forward to hearing from you on our call for presentations and be sure to "Save the Date" for September 18 - 21, 2017; our website (listed below) will be kept up to date during the next few months regarding conference activities. If you have any questions or need answers please feel free to email our 2017 OEMA Conf PIO at the email below so we can assist you. We look forward to providing you a rewarding resiliency conference in September, 2017 OEMA Conference Planning Committee. Oregon Emergency Management Association 2017 Conference Planning Committee Jenny Demaris, Public Information Officer (541) 265-4199 [email protected] www.oregonemergency.com Prerequisites: Registration: Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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PTO 10/2-10/5/2017 Class Title:

Police Training Officer (PTO) Course/Reno Model

Target Audience: Law enforcement officers, corrections, telecommunications, and P&P officers who train new recruits Sponsoring Agency: DPSST and Sandy PD When: 10/2-10/5/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Tim Ragan, DPSST; 503-754-2260; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Sandy Police Dept./39850 Pleasant St, Sandy, OR 97055 Cost: Free. Meals and lodging not provided. Instructors: DPSST staff Overview: The Reno Police Training Officer (PTO) model is based on the teaching principles of Problem-Based

Learning (PBL) and emphasizes the need for the PTO to function primarily as a trainer rather than as an evaluator. PBL is firmly established in the fields of medicine and education, where it is used to facilitate the transfer of knowledge. Similarly, in policing, recruits need to learn much more than just laws and police procedures. They must also understand how to transfer their academy knowledge effectively when dealing with individuals and issues within a community. As demands on police continue to increase, agencies must provide officers with the resources and the training necessary to fulfill their expanded role. This approach will help police recruits think about their roles and responsibilities as they approach specific problems in their daily work. Problem solving is an integral part of police work and requires a creative and flexible method of thinking. The PBL model encourages flexibility and creativity and this training model is designed to emphasize community -oriented policing principles and leadership development and train new recruits to be problem-solvers as they enter the field. This model is adaptable to any discipline within the criminal justice system (Corrections, P & P, etc.).

Prerequisites: Registration: Class size limited to 16 students. Agencies will be limited to two applications to start, additional

applications will be placed on a waiting list. If submitting more than one application please indicate priority number on the applications. Students must pre-register for this course. You must receive an e-mail from DPSST confirming you have been registered for this training in order to attend. Registration forms may be obtained from DPSST's website at: http://www.oregon.gov/dpsst . On the right side of your screen hover over the Criminal Justice link, select Training, then click on the Regional and Advanced Training link. Click on the course registration app. link located on the left side of your screen. Scan and e-mail application to: [email protected] . Please do not include a copy of the course announcement with your application. Registration questions contact Jennifer, DPSST, [email protected] *PLEASE NOTE* The curriculum for this class was developed for full-time police, corrections, parole and Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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PTO 10/2-10/5/2017 Class Title:

Police Training Officer (PTO) Course/Reno Model probation, telecommunicator/emergency medical dispatch personnel. Priority in selection will be given to those individuals who work as a full-time police, corrections or P&P officer, or a telecommunicator/emergency medical dispatcher first. Those individuals who are employed full-time within those disciplines, but whose duties fall outside of those job titles will still be able to submit their application for consideration. The application will be placed on a waiting list pending space availability. Approximately seven business days before the class starts the applicant will be notified of their attendance status. PLEASE NOTE: It is possible that this course has a testing component. DPSST is committed to serving test takers with disabilities and health-related needs by providing services and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test. Any exam candidate with a documented disability may be eligible for nonstandard testing accommodations. If you believe you may need any adjustments, modifications, or accommodations, you should contact Regional Training Supervisor Rich Daniel, [email protected] by one week prior to class date to request suitable arrangements.

Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Wi-Fi capable laptop/notepad, note taking materials. Lodging: Meals and Lodging are not provided.

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Detectives Academy 9/25-10/2/2017 Class Title:

Portland Metro Area Detectives Academy

Target Audience: Law enforcement officers scheduled for promotion or recently promoted to the rank of detective. Sponsoring Agency: The Portland Police Bureau and Clackamas County Major Crimes Team When: 9/25-10/2/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/1/17 Contact: Brian Schmautz, Clackamas Co. MCT Coord.; (503) 969-1791; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1800 Where: Clackamas County Public Safety Training Center, 12700 SE 82nd Ave, Clackamas, OR 97015 Cost: $395 Instructors: Numerous professionals from the Portland Metro area Overview: The academy is designed to provide entry level detectives with basic training in criminal investigations.

The final curriculum for the training is still being finalized. However, the academy will most likely include training in computer crimes investigations, crime scene processing, threshold processing, sexual assault investigations, cold case homicide reviews, robbery investigations, death investigations, a presentation the OSP Crime Lab, search warrant writing, surveillance techniques, gang investigation, officer-involved shooting investigations, and legal issues. Class will be conducted Monday-Thursday the weeks of September 25 and October 2, 2017

Prerequisites: None Registration: Deadline to Register: September 1, 2017. To Register contact: Ronda Lee, Sec/Treasurer,

[email protected] (503) 829-8817 Send Payment to: CCCJTC, Ronda Lee, Molalla PD, PO Box 248, Molalla, OR 97038-0624. Tax ID #: 930173656

Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Laptop computer Lodging: Marriott Courtyard: 9300 SE Sunnybrook Blvd, Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone: (503) 652-2900 or the

Monarch Hotel: 12566 SE 93rd Ave, Clackamas, OR 97015 (503) 652-1515

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Detectives Academy 10/9-10/20/2017 Class Title:

DPSST Basic Detectives Academy

Target Audience: Newly assigned detectives (one year or less) or soon to be appointed detectives Sponsoring Agency: Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training When: 10/9-10/20/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/1/17 Contact: Curt Henckel, DPSST; 503.373.7405; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: DPSST, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon 97317 Cost: Free. Lunch provided to all. Instructors: Professional instructors, instructors from local and state agencies, DOJ and various professionals from D Overview: The detective academy includes 80 hours of relevant training for new or recently appointed Detectives.

Topics include: Interviewing and Interrogation, Internet Profiling, Crime Scene Evidence Processing and Collection, Child Abuse Investigations, ICAC, Human Trafficking, Homicide Investigations, Polygraph, ID Theft and Fraud Investigations, Sexual Assault Investigations, Death Investigations, Search Warrant Writing, Drug Investigations, Gangs, Informant Management, Technical Investigations, Electronic Evidence Collection and Courtroom Testimony Preparation.

Prerequisites: Must be a full-time law enforcement officer. Registration: **You MUST include with your application, a cover letter expressing your desire and need for this

training. The cover letter must also be signed by your supervisor**

There are only 60 spots available for this training. Selection will be based on agency need. Students must pre-register for this course. Walk-ins are not permitted. Registration forms may be obtained from DPSST's website: at: http://www.oregon.gov/dpsst/ . On the right side of your screen hover over the Criminal Justice link, select Training, then click on the Regional and Advanced Training link. Click on the course registration app. link located on the left side of your screen. Scan and e-mail application to: [email protected] . Registration questions contact Jennifer, DPSST, [email protected] DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Applicants must e-mail their application and cover letter to Regional Training by September 1, 2017. Apply now if you are interested, we may stop accepting applications at any time. PLEASE NOTE: It is possible that this course has a testing component. DPSST is committed to serving test takers with disabilities and health-related needs by providing services and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test. Any exam candidate with a documented disability may be eligible for nonstandard testing accommodations. If you believe you may need any adjustments, modifications, or accommodations, you should contact Rich Daniel at [email protected] by one week prior to class date to request suitable arrangements. Attire: Business casual (no jeans) ClassNeeds: Writing utensil, paper and laptop. A laptop is necessary for the search warrant writing class. Laptops

that are Wi-Fi enabled will be beneficial in some of the tech classes. Most of the class materials will be Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Detectives Academy 10/9-10/20/2017 Class Title:

DPSST Basic Detectives Academy provided to students on a CD and/or thumb drive at the time of class.

Lodging: Shared dorm room lodging is available at the academy at no charge if you are traveling over 75 miles

one-way. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will also be provided to those who stay overnight at the academy. If you would like to request dorm room housing (AFTER you receive an e-mail confirming you have been registered for the class), please contact Rebecca Nolte at [email protected] or 503.378.4399 no later than October 1, 2017.

Forensics 11/7-11/10/2017 Class Title:

Advanced Forensic Investigations for Hazardous Environments

Target Audience: The target audience for the Direct Delivery version of this course is crime scene investigators (CSIs),

crime scene technicians and crime scene analysts

Sponsoring Agency: Gresham Police Department When: 11/7-11/10/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Criminalist Deanna Grossi; 503-618-2544; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Gresham Armory, 544 NE Division St., Gresham, OR Cost: $75 Instructors: see 'Overview' Overview: This course addresses response in a hazardous environment, with emphasis on evidence collection and

recovery, as well as the paradigm shifts that are required for crime scene investigators to safely conduct a crime scene investigation in these type of environments. The course is designed so that participants will develop the required knowledge, skills, and ability to investigate a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and highyield explosive (CBRNE), toxic industrial chemical (TIC), or hazardous environment crime scene for the identification, documentation, presumptive field testing, preservation, and collection for laboratory analysis of CBRNE/TIC and non-CBRNE/TIC forensic evidence. Instructor: National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT) at Louisiana State University. The NCBRT is instructing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) certified course.

Prerequisites: Students should have an understanding of crime scene photography, crime scene mapping/sketching,

latent fingerprints, hair and fiber evidence, serological evidence, trace/transfer evidence, and impression evidence.

Registration: Contact Criminalist Deanna Grossi at [email protected] or call 503-618-2544 Attire: Appropriate crime scene clothing such as field uniform or similar. ClassNeeds: Provided Lodging: Lodging and food are the responsibility of the student's agency.

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Mental Health 9/11/2017 Class Title:

Resiliency for First Responders

Target Audience: Police, corrections, parole and probation officers, tele communicators, firefighters, EMT's and campus

public safety officers

Sponsoring Agency: DPSST When: 9/11/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/1/17 Contact: see 'Overview'; ; Hours: 1230-1630 Where: Oregon Public Safety Academy, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, OR 97317 Cost: Free Instructors: Curtis St. Denis Overview: Recent research has highlighted high levels of trauma and mood disorders in law enforcement and

other first responders. Not everyone who is exposed to potentially traumatic events will respond in the same manner and resiliency has been identified as the major factor to positive outcomes for those exposed to traumatic events. This training will explore the mechanisms of trauma and provide practical and effective strategies to developing resiliency in first responders before an event occurs. Presenter:Cur s St. Denis has a Master's Degree in Psychology and works as a Mental Health Assessment Specialist for the Marion County Sheriff's Office Parole and Probation Division. He has been in the field of Forensic Psychology for 30 plus years working in prisons, the Oregon State Hospital and community corrections. He also provides trainings on mental health issues in corrections and works as an Assistant Adjunct Professor at Portland State University. Ques ons? Contact:Kevin Rau, DPSST CIT Coordinator [email protected] DPSST CIT Coordinator [email protected]

Linda Maddy,

Prerequisites: Registration: Deadline to Register: September 1, 2017. Registra on:Complete the electronic registra on at


Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Mental Health 9/29/2017 Class Title:

Mental Health First Aid for Public Safety

Target Audience: Law enforcement, corrections, parole and probation, tele communicators, campus public safety

professionals and mental health practitioners who work with or within the public safety system.

Sponsoring Agency: Chemeketa Community College, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office and DPSST When: 9/29/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/15/17 Contact: see 'Overview'; ; Hours: 0800-1630 Where: Chemeketa Community College, 4910 Brooklake Rd NE, Brooks, OR 97305 Cost: Free Instructors: Facilitators: Sgt. Jason Ritter and Deputy Tim Jackson Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Overview: Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches how to identify, understand and respond to

signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives students the skills they need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis. Ques ons? Contact: Linda Maddy, DPSST CIT Coordinator. [email protected] Kevin Rau, DPSST CIT Coordinator. [email protected]

Prerequisites: Registration: Deadline to Register: September 15, 2017. To Register:To register, please complete a CPE applica on

which can be found at: https://goo.gl/forms/iiGL26UZtwEKtzI32 Instructions for submitting the completed application can be found at the bottom of that form

Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Each participant will be provided a copy of Mental Health First Aid manual ($16 value). (Lunch on your

own) Parking: Free


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TIM 9/6/2017 Class Title:

OR's 2017 Statewide Traffic Incident Management Annual Conf.

Target Audience: Sponsoring Agency: ODOT and OSP When: 9/6/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Darin Weaver, ODOT; 503-986-6613; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 1300-1700 Where: DPSST Hall of Heroes, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, OR 97317 Cost: Free Instructors: see 'Overview' for link to agenda. Overview: Oregon’s 2017 Statewide Traffic Incident Management Annual Conference

Across Oregon we continue to advance multi-agency, cross-disciplined Traffic Incident Management (TIM) strategies. Our collective efforts, in partnership with all response partners, are aimed at enhancing the overall safety and efficiency with which we manage roadway incidents. Continued progress is dependent upon enhancing interagency coordination, collaboration and communication - to effectively perform as a team, we must plan, train, evaluate and grow as a team. Our annual statewide conference is an opportunity to do just that. Each year representatives from fire and rescue, law enforcement, towing, EMS and transportation gather to discuss updates on TIM strategies, activities and technology. We hear valuable lessons from other states, share successes and concerns, network with response professionals, and explore implementation of select TIM strategies that will advance safe, quick clearance of roadway incidents right here in our communities. Please join us for an informative, fast-paced afternoon. View our agenda to learn more about this year's topics: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Maintenance/Documents/Oregon%202017%20TIM%20Conference%20 Agenda.pdf Prerequisites: Registration: Register to attend Statewide TIM Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oregons-2017-statewide-


Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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Less Lethal 10/3-10/6/2017 Class Title:

Combined Training Systems Training (CTS) - Instructor Cert. Course

Target Audience: Law enforcement firearms and less lethal instructors Sponsoring Agency: Marion County Sheriff's Office When: 10/3-10/6/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: Dan Miller, Training Coord.; 724-932-2177 ext110; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: DOC Range - 4755 Gath Rd SE, Salem, OR 97317 Cost: $795 Instructors: Dan Miller Overview: This 4-day Instructor Certification Program is taught on an 8 hour/day basis and is designed for officers

with a desire to obtain their less lethal instructor certification. Course includes both classroom and range exercises focusing on the history, nomenclature, applications, use of force considerations, training, and legalities of less lethal munitions, as well as integrating less lethal munitions into current departmental methods. A mandatory test will be given at the end of each topic covered. Upon successful completion of the course, officers attending will be certified to instruct within their agencies. This is a four year instructor certification course. Any cancellations must be made in writing 30 days prior to the class start date.

Prerequisites: Active law enforcement Registration: On-line @ https://www.combinedsystems.com Attire: It is recommended that attending officers wear either tactical B.D.U.'s or casual dress clothing. ClassNeeds: All students attending this class will be required to have a notebook, pen and pencil, as well as safety

equipment such as Nomex type gloves, earplugs and glasses, and departmental issued 12 gauge lesslethal deployment systems.

Lodging: La Quinta Inn Suites: 503-391-7000 / Best Western Mill Creek Inn:503-585-3332 / Residence Inn


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Less Lethal 11/14-11/17/2017 Class Title:

Less Lethal Instructor Certification Course

Target Audience: Swat, MRT, riot control and instructor staff for law enforcement and corrections Sponsoring Agency: Woodburn Police Department When: 11/14-11/17/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: see 'Overview'; ; Hours: Where: Woodburn Police Department, 1060 Mt. Hood Ave. Woodburn OR, 97071 Cost: See 'Overview' Instructors: TBA Overview: Each of the four class modules focuses on a different subject and includes a half-day of lecture-based

studies, followed by a half day in the field doing deployment drills. Unlike many classes on this topic, the state-of-the-art deployment tactics taught in this class come direct from the manufacturer of the products used. Students have the option of taking each module individually, or registering for all four modules for a discounted price of $895. Upon completion of the course and successfully passing the final exam, the student is allowed to provide in-service training to their agency in specific areas for 36 calendar months from the testing date. In each topic, the student will receive a CD containing the PowerPoint program used in each course. These CDs contain material and video to be utilized by the student when for training in their own departments. Day 1 - $100 OC Aerosol Projectors Instructor Program Formulations/carriers/propellants/delivery systems/projectors Effectiveness/safety/liability factors/policy and procedures Decontamination/first aid Officer-survival techniques Instructor development to establish in-house/in-service training and documentation skills Day 2 - $275 SM Specialty Impact Munitions Instructor Program Weapons and munitions: 12ga./37mm/40mm/hand delivered Tactical consideration in the use of impact munitions in crowdcontrol/dynamic-entry/hostage-rescue/barricaded-subject situations Physiological/psychological effects Liability consideration/policy and procedures Blunt trauma/ballistics and energy Instructor development to establish in-house/in-service training and documentation skills Day 3 - $350 CM-ICP Chemical Munitions Instructor Program (CN/CS/OC/Smoke) Types and forms of chemical agents Tactical consideration in the use of chemical munitions in crowd-control/barricadedsubject situations Live Deployment of barricade penetrating rounds Decontamination/first aid Proper use of Protective Mask Criminal and civil liabilities/policy and procedures Instructor development to establish in-house/in-service training and documentation skills Day 4 - $350 DD-ICPDD-ICP Distraction Devices Instructor Program Distraction devices: types and nomenclature/reloadable and non-reloadable devices/command initiated Decibels/candela/p.s.i./overpressure Handling/storage/rendering safe Courses listed are not necessarily endorsed or approved through DPSST

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Less Lethal 11/14-11/17/2017 Class Title:

Less Lethal Instructor Certification Course Tactical deployment/safety considerations/policy and procedures Criminal and civil liabilities Live-firing exercises/operational scenarios Instructor development to establish in-house/in-service training and documentation skills Contact: Detective Aaron Devoe Woodburn Police- 503-980-2455, Yvette Cox Safariland 800-347-1200

Prerequisites: None Registration: Registration Deadline: None specified, Registrations after 10-24-17 will be charged a $25 late fee.

Registration: **ATTEND ALL 4 DAYS AND RECEIVE DISCOUNTED TUITON OF $895.00** Cancellation of registration must be submitted 10 days prior to class. ONLINE REGISTRATION REQUIRED VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND GET REGISTERED TODAY http://www.safariland.com/Training Confirmation/Equipment Checklists Are Faxed to Registered Students Two Weeks Prior to Course Remit payments to: ATTN: Yvette Cox, [email protected] Federal Tax ID: 592044869 Safariland, LLC 13386 International Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32218 Phone: 1-800-347-1200, option #6. Fax: 904-741-9993. E-mail: [email protected] Attire: Equipment Checklists Are Faxed to Registered Students Two Weeks Prior to Course ClassNeeds: Equipment Checklists Are Faxed to Registered Students Two Weeks Prior to Course Lodging: Best Western Wilsonville: 503-570 9700

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Explosives 9/27/2017 Class Title:

Homemade Explosives Awareness (HME)

Target Audience: Law enforcement, corrections, parole & probation, firefighters, EMT's and private security Sponsoring Agency: Hermiston Police Department When: 9/27/2017 Registration Deadline: 9/25/17 Contact: Stephen O'Donnell; (505) 269-0994; #mailto:[email protected]# Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Center -1705 E. Airport Road, Hermiston, OR Cost: $175.00 per student Instructors: Stephen O'Donnell Overview: The HME Awareness class will teach students to identify components, interactions, and physical

properties associated with explosive materials and explosive events. Students will be instructed on how to recognize precursor materials and the processes used in the making of homemade explosives. Students will also learn how to identify various types of homemade explosives based on the precursor and manufacturing equipment observed at a potential homemade explosive manufacturing location. Instructor: Stephen O'Donnell has 14 years of active duty military service as an Explosives Ordinance Disposal (EOD) team leader and instructor in the US Army. While serving, Stephen became a Subject Matter Expert and was certified as a Level II EOD Technician (Senior Badge). Following his military career Stephen went to work as a Department of Defense Contractor where he was involved in special projects as a team leader and held numerous EOD instructor positions. As the current business owner of McCoy Group Stephen has worked jointly with the FBI, ATF, DHS, US Secret Service as well as with state and local law enforcement agencies in EOD related matters. Stephen has deployed five times to Iraq and Afghanistan and his most recent assignment was providing the Imminent Threat Assessment to the FBI and ATF during the Dakota Pipeline Conflict. A DPSST F6 will be completed at the conclusion of the training.

Prerequisites: None Registration: Sergeant Bryan Maess (541) 667-5116, email: [email protected]

Email [email protected] and request an invoice to make an online payment. Attire: Business casual ClassNeeds: None Lodging: Holiday Inn Express 245 N. First Street Hermiston, OR (541) 585-5656. The government rate has been

made available to students attending this course. Make the reservation under the block rooms "HPD Training."

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Stress Management 9/22/2017 Class Title:

Stress Management for Today’s Policing

Target Audience: Law enforcement Sponsoring Agency: Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) and Keizer Police Department When: 9/22/2017 Registration Deadline: Contact: ; ; Hours: 0800-1700 Where: Keizer Police Department, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer **Must display law enforcement ID while in the Cost: see 'Registration' Instructors: Byron Boston Overview: Nearly twice the number of officers take their own life than those killed in the line of duty. Stress

Management continues to remain an important and underappreciated aspect of law enforcement. The common exposure to anguish, dangers of the job, and career responsibility accompany the everchanging police culture. A law enforcement practitioner’s ability to manage and use their emotions effectively and in a positive way is crucial for stress management and career survival while aiding in and helping establish positive community relations. This course is designed for and been delivered to every level of law enforcement officer from patrol to command staff.

Prerequisites: Registration: Register on-line at www.pletraining.com. Cost is $139, discount ($119) applies if 5 or more register at

same time.

Attire: ClassNeeds: Lodging:

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