2012, PhD in Botany (Plant Pathology) from Kumaun University, Nainital, Title:
Dr. Abhay Kumar Pandey E-mail-
[email protected] [email protected] Mob. 09793043671 Research Interest: My research interest underscores examining toxicity of principal compounds of various essential oils (plant products) against post-harvest pathogens to understand the mode of action and their possible safety application in preservation of food commodities including minimization of mycotoxin contamination. Special interest is also focused on seed borne fungi and bacteria and some plant diseases such as wilting, damping off and their management by natural products. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: 2012, PhD in Botany (Plant Pathology) from Kumaun University, Nainital, Title: ESSENTIAL OIL YIELDING PLANTS OF GORAKHPUR DIVISION AND THEIR POTENTIALITY AGAINST POST-HARVEST PATHOGENS’’ Supervisors: Prof. Uma T. Palni KU Nainital, Prof. N. N. Tripathi DDU Gorakhpur University. 2006, M.Sc. in Botany (Specialization in Plant Pathology) from DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, 1st Division and obtained 72.1% marks (3rd Position). 2004, B.Sc. (Biological Sciences) from DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, 1st Division and obtained 69.8% marks. 2001, Senior Secondary from U.P. Board Allahabad, 1st Division and obtained 66.6% marks (1st Position) 1999, Matriculation from U.P. Board Allahabad, 1st Division and obtained 63.1% marks Specialization: Post-Harvest Microbial Technology/Plant Pathology Research Experience: 7 Years Research Experience in Bacteriology & Natural Pesticide Lab, Deptt. of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur Teaching experience: 3 Years under UG and PG level in Botany Department, currently taking the practical classes of UG students (Industrial Microbiology) DDU Gorakhpur University as Technical assistant. Libraries visited: NBRI and CDRI Lucknow, NSL, NML and IARI New Delhi, FRI and BSI Dehradoon 1
Scholarship availed: CST UP, Lucknow (as JRA/SRA during 2007-2010) Practical skill: Knowledge of medicinal and aromatic plants including taxonomical aspects. Extraction and storage of essential oils. Preparation of culture media, isolation, identification and maintenance of fungal, insects and bacterial cultures, sterilization of equipments. Isolation of seed borne fungi by agar plate and blotter paper methods In vitro screening of plant products against microbes and insects. Idea about serial dilution technique, pour, streak and spread plate methods for isolation of microorganism, paper and thin layer chromatography, determination of Protein estimation, calculation of LD50, experiments on oviposition, antifeedant and ovicidal properties of plant products, assessment of antioxidant activity of natural product, aflatoxin estimation. Idea about formulation preparation, development of botanical pesticides and their field trial in preservation of food commodities. Idea about DNA extraction, RNA estimation in biological experiments Apparatus operated: Clevenger, Oven, Incubator Spectrophotometer, pH meter, Centrifuge, Autoclave, shaker, colony counter, camara lucida drawing, PCR. Knowledge of MS office (Word, Excel, Power point). Knowledge about Statistical analysis of the biological data (SD, SE, One way ANOVA, Two way ANOVA). Relevant Publications: 1. Pandey, A. K. and Tripathi, N. N. (2010) Diversity and distribution of aromatic plants in forests of Gorakhpur Division, U.P., India. Biological Forum- an International Journal. 2 (2). 25-33. 2. Pandey, A. K., Mishra, A. K., Singh, Pooja, and Tripathi, N. N.(2011) Effect of some essential oils on the oviposition and emergence of Callosobruchus sp. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Indian Journal of Entomology 73 (1): 10-14. Impact factor (3.8NAAS) 3. Mishra, A. K., Pandey, A. K., Singh, Pooja, and Tripathi, N. N.(2013) Mycoparasites of Ganoderma lucidum and their Botanical Management. Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Science. 83(1): 119-123. (DOI 10.1007/s40011-012-0087-0) Impact factor (6.3 NAAS) 4. Pandey A. K. and Tripathi N. N. (2011) Post- harvest fungal and insect deterioration of pigeon pea seeds and their management by plant volatiles. Journal of Indian Botanical Society 90 (3&4) 326-331. Impact factor (3.7NAAS) 5. Pandey, A.K. and Tripathi, N. N. (2011) Aromatic plants of Gorakhpur Forest division: their antimycotic property and medicinal value. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Review and Research. 7 (2) 142-147. Impact factor 6. Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja, Palni T. Uma and Tripathi N. N. (2012) In-vitro antibacterial activity of essential oils of aromatic plants against Erwinia herbicola (Lohnis) and Pseudomonas putida. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society. 77 (3) 313323 (doi: 10.2298/JSC110524192P). Impact factor (0.97 SCI) 2
7. Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja, Mohan Manindra and Tripathi N. N. (2012) New reports on Chemical composition of Clausena pentaphylla Linn. essential oil from India. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 48 (5) 896-897. Impact factor (1.02 SCI) 8. Singh Pooja, Pandey A. K., Sonker Nivedita and Tripathi N. N. (2011) Preservation of Buchnania lanzan Spreng. seeds by Ocimum canum Sims. essential oil. Annals of Plant Protection 19 (2) 407-410. Impact factor (3.7 NAAS) 9. Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja, Palni Uma and Tripathi N. N. (2011) Use of essential oils of aromatic plants for the management of pigeon pea infestation by pulse bruchids during storage. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 7 (6): 1615-1624. Impact factor (0.378 TCI) 10. Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja and Tripathi N. N. (2011) Impact of essential oils on eggs hatchability and feeding activity of pulse beetles. Journal of Entomological Researsch 35 (3) 221-225. Impact factor (3.9 NAAS) 11. Pandey A. K., Palni T. Uma and Tripathi N. N. (2012) “Evaluation of Clausena pentaphylla (Roxb.) DC oil as fungitoxicant against storage mycoflora of pigeon pea seeds). J Sci Food Agric (DOI 10.1002/jsfa.5949) 93: 1680–1686 Impact factor (1.729 SCI) 12. Singh Pooja, Pandey A.K. and Tripathi N.N. (2012) Essential oils: A renewable source for the management of stored product insects-A review. Agricultural Review 33 (3). 226-236. Impact factor (2.9 NAAS) 13. Pandey A. K., Palni T. Uma and Tripathi N. N. (2012) Repellent activity of some essential oils against two stored product beetles Callosobruchus chinensis L. and C. maculatus F. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) with reference to Chenopodium ambrosioides L. for the safety of pigeon pea seeds). J Food Sci Technol (DOI 10.1007/s13197-0120896-4). Impact factor (1.02 SCI) 14. Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja, Uma T Palni and Tripathi N. N. (2013) Bioefficacy of plant essential oils against pulse beetles Callosobruchus spp. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in pigeon pea seeds with particular reference to Clausena pentaphylla (Roxb.)DC. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection doi.org /10.1080/03235408.2013.768410. 15. Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja and Tripathi N. N. (2013) Chemistry and bioactivities of essential oils of Ocimum species: an overview. International Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (Accepted). 16. Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja, Uma T Palni and Tripathi N. N. (2012) Application of Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn. essential oil as botanical fungicide for the management of fungal deterioration in pulse. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture (Accepted) (ID: 822828 DOI:10.1080/01448765.2013.822828) Impact factor (0.381 SCI). Papers Communicated: Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja, Mohan Manindra, Uma T Palni and Tripathi N. N. (2013) Antibacterial spectrum of some Asteraceae essential oils to phytopathogenic bacteria: chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng oil. National Academy Science Letters. 3
Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja, Mohan Manindra and Tripathi N. N. (2011) Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Nepeta hindostana L. essential oil from Gorakhpur Division, U.P. India (Records of Natural Products). Pandey A. K., Palni T. Uma and Tripathi N. N. (2011) Fumigant efficacy of essential oils based botanical pesticides in protection of Cajanus Cajan L. (pigeon pea) seeds from bio-deterioration. (J Stored Product Research). Nivedita Sonker, Abhay K. Pandey and Pooja Singh (2013) Assessment of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf essential oil as herbal preservative based on antifungal, antimycotoxin activities and in vivo efficacy during storage (Postharvest Biology and Technology). Vishvakarma P., Pandey A. K., Mishra P., Singh Pooja and N. N. Tripathi (2013) Enhancement of Shelf Life of Agaricus bisporus Lang from Dry Bubble Disease (Verticillium fungicola var. fungicola) by Fumigant Application of Lippia alba Rich Essential Oil. Journal of Food Science. Manindra Mohan, S.Z. Haider, A. K. Pandey, Richa Seth (2013) Volatile constituents, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Artemisia vulgaris (L.) essential oils from India. (Records of Natural Products). Singh Pooja, Sonker Nivedita and Pandey A. K. (2013) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of essential oil of Artemisia nilagarica from Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. Symposia/Seminars/Conferences Attended: National Symposium on Microbial Diversity and Plant Health Problem Organised by Deptt. Of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur Dec. 18&19, 2006. International Symposium on Plant Biology And Environment: Changing Scenario, Jointly Organised by Deptt. Of Botany, University of Allahabad, Allahabad and Indian Botanical Society Jaipur. Dec. 17-19, 2008. National Conference on Bio function, Biodiversity and Plant Resource Utilization, Jointly Organised by Deptt. Of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur and Indian Physiological Society New Delhi Jan. 30 & 31, 2009. Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Knowledge Era, Jointly Organised by Deptt. of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur and National Research Development Corporation New Delhi, July 21& 22, 2009. International Conference on Plant Pathology in the Globalization Era organised by Indian Phytopathological Society, Division of Plant Pathology IARI New Delhi, Nov. 10-13, 2009. International Symposium on Diversity of Plants and Microbes: Present Scenario, Jointly Organised by Deptt. Of PG Studies and Research in Applied Botany, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Karnataka and Indian Botanical Society, Jaipur. Dec. 2830, 2009. International Symposium on the New Horizons of Botany, Jointly Organised by Department of Botany Shivaji University, Kohlapur (MS) and Indian Botanical Society Jaipur. Nov. 10-12, 2010. 80th Annual Session of the National Academy of Sciences, India, held at Jaipur National University, Jaipur during December 2-4, 2010. 4
National Conference on Climate Change & Biodiversity organised by Department of Botany, Saraswati Vidya Mandir Mahila Post Graduate Collage, Arya Nagar (North) Gorakhpur. Jan. 21-22, 2011. National Conference on Biodiversity: Changing Patterns and Conservation Strategies organised by Department of Botany DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur during Nov 26-28, 2011. 99th Indian Science Congress held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar during Jan 3-7, 2012. 35th All India Botanical Conference and national Symposium on Role of Plant and Microbes for the betterment of Mankind in Changing Climate, jointly organised by Department of Botany, MS University Baroda and Indian Botanical Society Bariely. Dec 8-10, 2012. 1st Uttar Pradesh Science Congress on Science for shaping the future of Uttar Pradesh, organised by DDU Gorakhpur University during March 2-4, 2013. 2nd National Symposium on BARC Technologies for development of rural India (BTDRI-2013), organised by BARCOVA and DDU Gorakhpur University in association with BRNS, Mumbai during 12-13 March, 2013. Papers presented at scientific meetings/ Conferences: Pandey A. K, Mishra A. K., Chandrawati and Tripathi N. N. (2008) Aromatic Plants of Gorakhpur Forest Division. In International Symposium on Plant Biology And Environment: Changing Scenario, Jointly Organised by Deptt. Of Botany, University of Allahabad, Allahabad and Indian Botanical Society Jaipur. Dec. 17-19. (Oral) Pandey A. K, Mishra A. K., Singh Pooja and Tripathi N. N. (2009) Mycoflora associated with stored pigeon pea seeds. In National Conference on Bio function, Biodiversity and Plant Resource Utilization, Jointly Organised by Deptt. Of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur and Indian Physiological Society New Delhi Jan. 30 & 31, 2009. (Poster) Mishra A. K. Pandey, A. K. and Tripathi N.N. (2009) Mycoparasites of Ganoderma and their Botanical Control In International Conference on Plant Pathology in the Globalization Era organised by Indian Phytopathological Society, Division of Plant Pathology IARI New Delhi, Nov. 10-13.(Poster) Pandey A. K, Mishra A. K., Singh Pooja and Tripathi N. N. (2009) Bio-pesticidal potential of Aromatic Plants of Gorakhpur Division with special reference to postharvest pests of pigeon pea. In International Symposium on Diversity of Plants and Microbes: Present Scenario, Jointly Organised by Deptt. Of PG Studies and Research in Applied Botany, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Karnataka and Indian Botanical Society Jaipur. Dec. 28-30. (Oral) Pandey A. K, Singh Pooja, Palni Uma and Tripathi N. N. (2010) Clausena oil: an ecofriendly approach for the management of post-harvest pests of pigeon pea seeds. In International Symposium on the New Horizons of Botany, Jointly Organised by Department of Botany Shivaji University Kohlapur (MS) and Indian Botanical Society, Jaipur. Nov. 10-12. (Oral) Jha S. K., Pandey A. K., Kumar N. and Tripathi N.N. (2011) Survey of ethnomedicinal macrofungal species from Godavaari forest of Kanthmandu valley Nepal. In National conference on Climate Change & Biodiversity organised by Department of Botany, Saraswati Vidya Mandir Mahila Post Graduate Collage, Arya Nagar (North) Gorakhpur. Jan. 21-22. (Poster) 5
Jha S. K., Pandey A. K. and Tripathi N. N. (2011) Comparative nutritional potential of three dominant edible and medicinal macrofungi of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. In National Conference on Biodiversity: Changing Patterns and Conservation Strategies organised by Department of Botany DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur during Nov 26-28. (Poster) Pandey A. K., Singh Pooja, Palni T. Uma and Tripathi N. N. (2012) Fumigant efficacy of essential oil based botanical pesticides in protection of Cajanus cajan l. (pigeon pea) seeds from bio-deterioration. In Plant Sciences Section of 99th Indian Science Congress held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar during Jan 3-7. (Oral). Pandey A.K. (2012) Bioefficacy of Clausena pentaphylla (Roxb.)DC for the safety of pigeon pea seeds against pulse beetles Callosobruchus species (Coleoptera: Buchidae) in 35th All India Botanical Conference and national Symposium on Role of Plant and Microbes for the betterment of Mankind in Changing Climate, jointly organised by Department of Botany, MS University Baroda and Indian Botanical Society Bareilly. Dec 8-10, 2012. (Oral). Triapthi N. N., Singh Pooja, Pandey AK, Sonker Nivedita....et al. (2013) Plant products as herbal preservatives of stored food commodities. In 1st Uttar Pradesh Science Congress on Science for shaping the future of Uttar Pradesh, organised by DDU Gorakhpur University during March 2-4, 2013 (Poster). Workshop attended: Land to Lab Exploring farmers priorities of research to adapt to climate change organised by Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group and Department of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur on 27th Feb, 2010. Environment and Biodiversity organised by Shohratgarh Environmental society Siddharth Nagar and Department of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur on 14 March, 2011. Award: Prof. O. P. Mall Gold medal for the best oral paper presentation in Mycology and Plant Pathology section of 35th All India Botanical Conference and National Symposium on Role of Plant and Microbes for the betterment of Mankind in Changing Climate, jointly organised by Department of Botany, MS University Baroda and Indian Botanical Society Bareilly. Dec 8-10, 2012. Reviewer of the Journals:
Journal of Pest Science (Springer) Proceeding of the National Academy of Science (Biological Science) INDIA (Springer) Pharmaceutical Biology (Taylor & Francis ) Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Wiley) Advances in Biological Sciences African Journal of Agricultural Research Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (Wiley).
Member of Editorial Board: 6
Global Journal of Botany (USA) Others: Worked as Research assistant (JRF/SRF) in CST UP (Lucknow) Project (project no. CST/AAS/D-9, April 3, 2007) Entitled “Formulation of Botanical Pesticide from wild essential oil plants for safe storage of pigeon pea grains” under the Principal Investigator Prof. N. N. Tripathi in Bacteriology & Natural Pesticide Lab Deptt. of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur. Participated in 10 Days NSS Camp Diploma in Computer Application Deposited Herbarium of aromatic plants collected from Gorakhpur Division in BSI, NRC, Dehradoon Membership:
Annual member of Indian Botanical Society Annual member of Indian Phytopathological Society Annual member of Entomological Society of India Annual member of Society of Plant Protection Sessional member of Indian Science Congress Association Member of American Chemical Society.
Personal Detail: Father’s Name: Shri Shambhu Sharan Pandey Date of Birth: 17 March, 1985 Correspondence Address: Bacteriology and Natural Pesticide Lab, Deprtment of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur-273009 Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Unmarried Language Known: Hindi, English Reference: Prof. Uma T. Palni: Former HOD, Deptt. of Botany, DSB Campus, Kumaun University Nainital Dr. L.M.S. Palni: Former Director, GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora Prof. N. N.Tripathi: Bacteriology & Natural Pesticide Laboratory Deptt. Of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur Dr. Pooja Singh : Bacteriology & Natural Pesticide Laboratory Deptt. Of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur
Date: 28.07.2013 Place: Gorakhpur Abhay Kumar Pandey 7