Dr. Basu's List of Publications

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M. Basu, S. P. Das and Gopal K. Dubey, “Investigation on the Performance of .... M. Basu, S. P. Das, and G. K. Dubey, “Performance study of UPQC-Q for load.
Dr. Basu’s List of Publications To get access of the papers follow this link http://arrow.dit.ie/

List of Papers in International Journals 1. I. Axente, N. G. Jayanti, M. Basu, K. Gaughan and M. F. Conlon, “Development of a 12 kVA DSP-controlled laboratory prototype UPQC”, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 25(6), pp. 1471- 1479, June 2010. 2. I. Axente, M. Basu, and M. F. Conlon, “Protection of UPQC against the load side short circuits”, IET Power Electronics, Vol. 3, Iss. 4, pp. 542-551, 2010. 3. M. Hanif, M. Basu and K. Gaughan, “Understanding the operation of a Z- Source Inverter for photovoltaic application with a design example”, IET Power Electronics (2010), in press 4. N. G. Jayanti, M. Basu, M. F. Conlon, K. Gaughan, “Ra ting requirement of UPQC to integrate FSIG type Wind generators to the grid”, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 133-143, June 2009. 5. M. Basu, S. P. Das and Gopal K. Dubey, “Investigation on the Performance of UPQC-Q for Voltage Sag Mitigation and PQ Improvement at a Critical Load Point”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 414 – 423, May 2008. 6. M. Basu, S. P. Das and Gopal K. Dubey, “A Comparative Evaluation of Two Models of UPQC for Suitable Interface to Enha nce Power Quality”, Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 77 (7), pp. 821- 830, May 2007. 7. M. Basu, S. P. Das and Gopal K. Dubey, “A New High Power Parallel Converter Scheme for Active Power Filters”, IEE Proc. Electrical Power Applications, vol. 151, no. 4, July 2004, pp. 460-466. 8. M. Basu and M. O’Mahony, “A Global Overview of Commercial and Research Programmes on EV/HEV in Recent Years”, accepted in International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (IJHVS), Inderscience Publishers. 9. I. Axente, M. Basu, and M. F. Conlon, “DC link voltage control of UPQC for better dynamic performance”, under review in Electric Power Systems Research ( provisionally accepted) 10. S.K. Khadem, M. Basu and M. F. Conlon, “Parallel Operation of Inverters and Active Power Filters in Distributed Generation System – A Review”, under review in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11. N. G. Jayanti, M. Basu, I. Axente, K. Gaughan and M. F. Conlon, “12 KVA STATCOM with PLL less full digital controller” (under preparation) 12. M. Basu, B. Basu, and Z. Zhang, “Predictive Zero-Crossing Detection by Localised Least-Square Technique”. (about to submit)

List of Papers in International Conferences 13. M. Hanif, M. Basu and K. Gaughan, “Novel AC Side P&O Maximum Power transfer control for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems”, ICREPQ 2010, 23-25 March 2010. 14. S. K. Khadem, M. Basu and M. F. Conlon, “Power Quality in Grid connected Renewable Energy Systems: Role of Custom Power Devices”, ICREPQ 2010, 2325 March 2010. 15. I. Axente, M. Basu and M. F. Conlon, “Protection of UPQC against the Load Side Short Circuits”, accepted in IEEE-IEMDC 2009. 16. Jayanti N. G., Malabika Basu, Iurie Axente, Kevin Gaughan and Michael F. Conlon, “Sequence analysis based DSP controller for Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)”, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2008, June, Greece, pp. 3986-3991. 17. Jayanti N. G., Malabika Basu, Iurie Axente, Kevin Gaughan and Michael F. Conlon, “Development of laboratory prototype of a 12kVA digital shunt active filter”, IEEE IECON 2008, November, USA, 3129-3134. 18. Jayanti N. G., Malabika Basu, Kevin Gaughan and Michael F. Conlon, “A new configuration and control of doubly fed induction generator (UPQC-WG)”, IEEE IECON 2008, November, USA, pp. 2094-2099. 19. N. G. Jayanti, M. Basu, M. F. Conlon and K. Gaughan, “Performance Comparison of a Left Shunt UPQC and a Right Shunt UPQC applied to Enhance Fault-RideThrough Capability of a Fixed Speed Wind Generator” 12th European Power Electronics and Applications EPE 2007, Denmark, CD-ROM. 20. M. Basu, and B. Basu, “Power Quality (PQ) Signals Analysis by Continuous Wavelet Transform”, 38th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, IEEE- PESC, Florida U.S.A, 2007, pp.2614-2618. 21. I. Axente, M. Basu and M. F. Conlon, “A Control approach for UPQC, connected to weak supply point”, 43rd UPEC 2007, pp. 619-623. 22. M. Basu, and B. Basu, “A Wavelet Controller for Shunt Active Power Filter”, Accepted in 3rd IEE International Conference, Power Electronics Machines and Drives, , 4-6 April, Dublin, Ireland, PEMD 2006, pp. 76-79. 23. N. G. Jayanti, M. Basu, M. F. Conlon and K. Gaughan, “Rating Requirements of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) for Voltage Ride Through Capability Enhancement”, 3rd IEE International Conference, Power Electronics Machines and Drives, 4-6 April, Dublin, Ireland, PEMD 2006, pp. 632-636. 24. I. Axente, M. Basu and M. F. Conlon, “Protection of DVR against Short Circuit Faults at the Load Side”, 3rd IEE International Conference, Power Electronics Machines and Drives, 4-6 April, Dublin, Ireland, PEMD 2006, pp. 627-631. 25. M. F. Conlon, M. Basu, N. G. Jayanti, and K. Gaughan, “A Survey of the Installed Wind Generation Capacity in Ireland”, 2nd International Conference of Renewable Energy in Maritime Island Climates, 26-28 April 2006, Dublin, Ireland.

26. M. Basu, K. Gaughan and M. F. Conlon, “Grid-Connected Inverters for Photovoltaic (PV) Interface”, 2nd International Conference of Renewable Energy in Maritime Island Climates, 26-28 April 2006, Dublin, Ireland. 27. N. G. Jayanti, M. Basu, M. F. Conlon and K. Gaughan, “Optimising the rating of the UPQC for applying to the fault ride through enhancement of wind generation”, 42nd UPEC 2006, UK. 28. I. Axente, M. Basu and M. F. Conlon, “A study of shunt active filter in condition of generating the DC-component containing current at the Load Side”, 42nd UPEC 2006, UK. 29. M. Basu, Z. Zhang, M. F. Conlon and K. Gaughan, “Design and Simulation of a Grid Interfaced PV System”, accepted in 2nd International Conference of Renewable Energy in Maritime Island Climates, 26-28 April 2006, Dublin, Ireland. 30. M. Basu, M. F. Conlon, K. Gaughan, “Converter Rating Optimisation of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner”, 40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Cork, Ireland, UPEC 2005. 31. M. Basu, N. G. Jayanti , M. F. Conlon, K. Gaughan, “Application of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) to the Enhancement of the Fault Ride-Through Capability of Wind Generation”, 40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Cork, Ireland, UPEC 2005. 32. M. Basu and B. Basu, “Application of Wavelet Transform to Power Quality (PQ) Disturbance Analysis”, Proceedings of Power Electronics and Machine Drives, Edinburgh, 31st March – 2nd April, , pp. 269-273, PEMD 2004. 33. M. Basu and M. O’Mahony, “A global overview of commercial and research programmes on EV/HEV in recent years”, Int. Conf. on Vehicle Alternative Fuel Systems and Environmental protection, VAFSEP 2004, pp. 280-285. 34. M. Basu, M. Farrell, M. F. Conlon, K. Gaughan, and E. Coyle, “Optimal Control Strategy of UPQC for Minimum Operational Losses”, 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Bristol, UK, vol 1., pp. 246 -250, UPEC 2004. 35. M. Basu, K. Gaughan, and E. Coyle “Harmonic Distortion Caused by EV Battery Chargers in the Distribution Systems Network and Its Remedy”, 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Bristol, UK, vol 1., pp. 869-873, UPEC 2004. 36. M. Basu, S. P. Das, and G. K. Dubey, “Performance study of UPQC-Q for load compensation and voltage sag mitigation,” IEEE IECON 02, Sevilla, Spain, 5-8 November, 2002, pp. 698-703. 37. M. S. Balaji, S. P. Das, G. K. Dubey and M. Basu, “ Regenerative Magnet Load Poer Supply with Utility Friendly Operation”, IEEE IECON 02, Sevilla, Spain, 5-8 November, 2002, pp.1392-1397. 38. 22. M. Basu, S. P. Das, G. K. Dubey, and M. S. Balaji, “A high power parallel converter topology for load harmonic and reactive power compensation,” National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2002, IIT-Kharagpur, India, Dec. 2729,2002, pp.707-711.

39. M. Basu, S. P. Das and Gopal K. Dubey, “Experimental Investigation of Performance of A Single Phase UPQC For Voltage Sensitive And Non-Linear Loads”, Conf. Proc. Power Electronics and Drives Systems (PEDS), 2001, Bali, Oct 22-25, pp 218-222. 40. M. Basu, S.P. Das and G.K. Dubey (2001), “Requirement of UPQC and its rating issues for nonlinear and voltage sensitive loads”, Proc of International Conf on Power Quality – Assessment of Impact, New Delhi, Nov 6-7, 2001. 41. M. Basu, S. P. Das and Gopal K. Dubey, “A Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) For Mitigation of Voltage Sag and Var Compensation Of Linear Loads”, National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) 2000, Bangalore, India, December 18-22, 2000. 42. M. Basu, P. Syam, S. S. Basu, P. K. Nandi, “Effect of Non-Sinusoidal Voltage Source In A Cycloconverter Fed Synchronous Motor Drive And Suppression of Selected Subharmonic Component”, International Conference - CIGRE Regional Meeting on Power Quality - Assessment Of Impact, New Delhi, India, September 9 - 11 ,1997. 43. M. Basu, P. Syam, “A Novel Technique Of Estimation Of Harmonics In A Cycloconverter Fed Synchronous Motor Drive”, International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances (CERA -97), University of Roorkee, India, September 8 - 11, 1997.