committee may modify the route. For the duration of the race, the respective piste will not be closed to the general pub
The Speed Race Rules of participation 1. General The organiser of the Speed Race Zürs is Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH. The race will be held at the Trittkopf in Zürs, at the bottom of the piste ‘Balmen’ (134). Next to the already existing piste ´Balmen 134´, an additional piste, only for the Speed Race will be groomed. Furthermore only registered participants with an official bib number are permitted to drive the racetrack. The piste, however, will not be specifically groomed. Under extraordinary circumstances, the organisation committee may modify the route. For the duration of the race, the respective piste will not be closed to the general public. Participants must follow the instructions of the stewards without fail. If the red flag is waved, participants must stop IMMEDIATELY. If the yellow flag is waved, participants must brake strongly and continue skiing or snowboarding with utmost attention in such a way that stopping is possible whenever necessary. Failure to do so shall result in disqualification! Participants undertake to adapt their speed to the circumstances and to ski or snowboard with a clear view of the course ahead. The general FIS regulations shall apply, in particular FIS Rule No. 2 (control of speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding). 2. Evaluation-Mode The first 100 participants of the Speed Race Zürs are able to win the first 100 starting spots at “The White Ring - The Race”. The race is about the highest speed, not about the fastest time. The first 100 participants of the Speed Race Zürs get the equivalent starting number for "The White Ring – The Race". Participants who were unable to gain a place among the top 100 will be ranked according to the regular race number assignment procedure at the “The White Ring - The Race”. Transfer of the gained bib number to another person will lead to disqualification. 3. Race equipment It is compulsory for all participants to wear a crash helmet (CE certified). Compliance with the obligation to wear a crash helmet will be checked at the start. Only participants equipped with skis will be allowed to participate in the race. Bib numbers must be worn in such a way that they are clearly visible during the race. Transfer of the bib number to another person/s and/or any change to the official bib number, in particular rendering the advertising or number thereon invisible or unrecognisable, will lead to disqualification. 4. Disqualification Participants will be disqualified if a) they start under a false name or a false date of birth, b) their bib number is transferred to another person/s or the official bib number is changed in any way (in particular if the advertising or the number thereon is rendered invisible or unrecognisable), c) they fail to observe the instructions of the stewards, d) they fail to wear a helmet, e) they violate any of these general terms and conditions of business and participation, f) the hand is raised against speed measurement equipment. 5. Insurance / Liability Each participant declares that he/she is familiar with the type of ski race according to point 1 of this document. Each participant acknowledges that special preparation or special securing of the pistes will not be performed. The participant declares that he/she acknowledges the risks associated with participation in the race, especially those associated with travelling the course in a racing style, and is willing to assume those risks. Each participant declares that he/she has sufficient skiing competence to participate in this competition, has trained sufficiently, and is physically healthy and has undergone a medical examination to that effect. Each participant acknowledges that for the entire duration of the event, the organiser, agents of the organiser, the lift and piste operators and the sponsors of the Speed Race Zürs will not provide the participant with any form of insurance cover. Each participant is obliged to ensure that they have their own insurance cover for the event.
Each participant also acknowledges that his/her personal liability for damages is not insured by the organiser, the organiser’s agents, the lift and piste operators, sponsors of the Speed Race Zürs, the municipality or its representatives. Each participant bears full personal liability for any damage attributable to him/her. In view of the above circumstances, the participant expressly and irrevocably declares that he/she waives the right to enforce any claims against the organiser, the organiser’s agents, the lift and piste operators or the sponsors of the Speed Race Zürs. That waiver refers in particular to indemnification claims against the organiser, the organiser’s agents, the lift and piste operators or the sponsors of the Speed Race Zürs. Should that exemption from liability not be possible or found to be impermissible / contra bonos mores, the liability of the organiser, the organiser’s agents, the lift and piste operators and the sponsors of the Speed Race Zürs shall be limited to gross negligence. 6. Data protection declaration / data usage rights With their registration, participants consent to the publication of their data as given when registering. That applies both in reference to themselves and to their team if they belong to one. Surnames, first names, date of birth, place of residence, bib number, competition times in the starting lists and ranking lists of the event may be published. That applies to all media (internet, newspapers, magazines, TV, teletext etc.), speaker announcements and publication of the starting and ranking lists by third parties. Each participant and each team expressly consents to photographic images, film recordings or works otherwise produced in connection with the Speed Race Zürs event being used in any way by the organiser, in particular on television, on the radio, on the internet, in the organiser’s own advertising materials, in magazines, books, brochures etc. and the organiser having copyright thereof, without the participant or team having any claim to any remuneration. The participant hereby irrevocably transfers all usage rights and personal rights which may accrue to him/her in connection with the Speed Race Zürs event to the organiser without any claim to compensation. The participant also consents to his/her personal data (surname, first name, year of birth, postal address, mail address, mobile number) being used for promotion of the Speed Race Zürs and other campaigns of Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH. 7. Miscellaneous Decisions made by the organising committee are binding and non-contestable. It is agreed that Austrian law shall be applied in the event of any legal disputes resulting from participation in the Speed Race Zürs event or based on acceptance of the conditions of participation. For possible legal disputes arising in connection with these conditions of participation and in connection with the Speed Race Zürs event, it is agreed that the court with competence for 6764 Lech regarding the subject matter of the dispute shall be the place of exclusive jurisdiction, unless mandatory statutory provisions provide otherwise.
Place and Date __________________
Signature ______________