Dr. George Imel - Idaho State University

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G. Imel et al., “ADS Reactivity Measurements from MUSE to TRADE”, Physor 2006, ... G. Imel, “The International Program TRADE”, Plenary Talk, Physor 2004,  ...
George R. Imel

[email protected] Present Position Professor and Chair Nuclear Engineering Department Idaho State University 921 South 8th Ave., Stop 8060 Pocatello, ID 83209-8060 Education 1977 1973 1971

Ph. D. Nucl.Eng./Physics M.S. Nucl.Eng. B.S./A.B. E.E./Pol. Sci.

Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA Lafayette College Easton, PA

Summary A very diverse nuclear engineering and applied physics background, both experimental and analytical. Direct experience at 14 experimental nuclear reactors at national laboratories in the US, France and Italy. Experience in all phases of experiments from planning, execution, through completion of the analyses. Eleven years at the Cadarache center of CEA in France, as a senior foreign collaborator, serving as expert in reactor physics techniques. Served as mentor to Ph.D. candidates at Cadarache, and member of 5 Ph.D. juries in France, Spain, and Switzerland. Led the experimental program of the mutlti-national Triga Accelerator (TRADE) project. Previously at ANL was the section head of a group involved in research in reactor physics, experiments and computer simulations. Publications in plasma physics, ionospheric physics, materials science, fusion engineering, neutron radiography, neutron measurements, and system modeling, Teaching experience in graduate schools (Penn State, ISU, U of Idaho), and thesis advisor for M.S. and Ph. D. students. Major contributor to safety analysis reports and technical specifications for nuclear facilities. Served on the Director's safety review committee at ANL for over 10 years, reviewing all major nuclear projects and experiments.

History Argonne National Laboratory detached to CEA/Cadarache •

Developing new forms of data acquisition and analysis for fast critical and subcritical systems. Serving as mentor for Ph. D. candidates in experimental reactor physics, and member of 5 juries (3 in France, 1 in Spain, and 1 in Switzerland). An original member of the working group for the Triga Accelerator Driven Experiment (TRADE) of ENEA in Italy, and was the leader of the experimental program for this multinational project until it was cancelled.

CEA/Cadarache •

• • • • •

1981 to 1983

Assistant Professor, taught graduate and undergraduate courses in reactor kinetics, reactor physics and neutron transport. Involved in research in radiation effects, a fission reactor level gauge, and sub critical multiplication studies of the TMI-2 core.

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory •

1983 to 1996

Section head of EBR-II Reactor Physics and Experiments. Responsible for direction of all aspects of research in the section, including reactor physics, computer simulation, advanced control systems, and coordination of experimental activities. Directed the preparation of safety analysis reports for several facilities at Argonne, as well as for a TRIGA reactor at McClellan AFB (including its upgrade from 1MW to 2MW). Individually performed research on techniques for reactivity measurements, fuel handling simulations, neutron detector measurements, neutron radiography, materials damage, istotope production, moderator designs for accelerator systems. Member of ASTM standards committees for neutron radiography and nuclear methods, and the Argonne Reactor Safety Review Committee. Affiliate Professor, Idaho State University and University of Idaho; teaching advanced physics courses and serving as thesis advisor. Former Section Leader, Safety and Physics, Fuel Cycle Division. Responsible for physics and safety analysis for the division. Former manager of the NRAD TRIGA reactor. Duties included all aspects of planning, directing and performing experiments using the reactor. Formerly with the TREAT reactor, performing analysis of experiments.

Pennsylvania State University •

1996 to 1998

Leave of absence from ANL, served as senior foreign collaborator, responsible for the development of experimental techniques for the critical facilities at Cadarache. Experiments performed or designed include characterization of neutron spectra, calibration of fission chambers, Doppler, spectral index, and uranium capture measurements. Direct participation in the experiments and the analyses.

Argonne National Laboratory •

1998 to 2007

1980 to 1981

Performed analytical research applying point kernel methods to fusion reactors. Performed

research on the effect of radiation on electrical insulators. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory •

Performed research on a feasibility study of a neutron calorimeter for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR). Performed research in support of the design of neutron diagnostics for TFTR.

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory •

1976 to 1979

Performed research on the effect of radiation on electrical insulators. Organized and taught graduate level courses through the University of Idaho (Neutron Transport Theory, Intro. to Plasma Physics, Plasma Kinetic Theory). Contributed to the development of analytical models for RELAP4, a transient thermal hydraulics code.

Ionosphere Research Laboratory •

1979 to 1980

1971 to 1976

Compared theoretical models of plasma instabilities in the ionosphere with experimental data. Developed a model for a spherical electrostatic confinement device which included the effect of the injected particles' initial angular momentum.

Graduate Faculty Membership University of Idaho Penn State University Idaho State University University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg, France) Federal Polytechnic Institute of Laussane (Laussane, Switzerland) University of Madrid (Madrid, Spain) Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (Grenoble, France) University Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand, France)

Partial List of Publications/Presentations Refereed Journals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

C. Rubbia, et al., “Neutronic Analyses of the TRADE Demonstration Facility”, NSE, 148(1), September, 2004. R. Soule, et al., “Neutronic Studies in Support of Accelerator-Driven Systems: The MUSE Experiments in the MASURCA Facility”, NSE, 148(1), September, 2004. G. R. Imel, R. C. Singleterry, and G. E. McMichael, Moderator Design for Accelerator Driven Neutron Radiography Sources, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 377 (1996) 20-22. G. R. Imel and P. Hart, The Performance of Hafnium and Gadolinium Self Powered Neutron Detectors in the TREAT Reactor, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 111, (1996), 325-336. A. Houshyar and G. R. Imel, A Simulation Model of the Fuel Handling System in a Nuclear Reactor, International Journal of Computer and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 1, (1996), 117-135. G. R. Imel, W. P. Poenitz, and A. M. Snyder, Measurement of Fission Fragment Induced Fluorescence in Xenon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 103, (1995), 1-14. L.M. Gundy, et al., Analysis of Ex-Core Neutron Detector Response During a Loss-of-Coolant Accident, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 94, June 1991. G.R. Imel, Source-to-Incident Flux Relation for a TFTR Blanket Module, Nuc. Tech./Fusion, 2, p. 426 (1982). R.D. Schmunk, G.R. Imel, and Y.D. Harker, Irradiations of Magnet Insulator Materials, J. Nucl. Mat., 103, p. 723 (1982). G.R. Imel, E.H. Klevans, and L.C. Carpenter, Some Experimental Tests of Perkins Spread F. Theory, J. Geoph, Res., 86, 9204 (1981). G.R. Imel, P.V. Kelsey, and E.H. Ottewitte, The Effects of Radiation on TFTR Coil Materials, J. Nuclear Materials, 85, p. 367, 1979. E.H. Klevans and G.R. Imel, E Region Coupling Effects on the Perkins Spread F. Instability, Journal of Geophysical Research, V.83, No. Al, January 1, 1978. Refereed Proceedings

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

G. Imel et al., “ADS Reactivity Measurements from MUSE to TRADE”, Physor 2006, Vancouver, September, 2006. M. Carta, et al., “Electron versus Proton Accelerator Driven Subcritical System Performance using TRIGA Reactor at Power”, Physor 2006, Vancouver, September, 2006. C. Jammes, et al., “Absolute Reactivity Calibration of Accelerator Driven Systems”, Physor 2006, Vancouver, September, 2006. G. Imel, “The International Program TRADE”, Plenary Talk, Physor 2004, Chicago, April, 2004. G. Imel, et al., “The TRADE Source Multiplication Experiments”, Physor 2004, Chicago, April, 2004. Y. Rugama et al., “Some Experimental Results from the Last Phase of the MUSE Program”, Physor 2004, Chicago, April, 2004.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Y. Rugama and G. Imel, “Study of the Influence of Source Type in the Kinetic Measurements in a Sub-critical System”, Physor 2004, Chicago, April, 2004. M Carta, et al., “Reactivity Assessment and Spatial-Time Effects from the MUSE Kinetic Experiments”, Physor 2004, Chicago, April, 2004. C. Rubbia, et al, “Preliminary Neutronic Analysis of the TRIGA-ADS Demonstration Facility”, Physor, Seoul, October 2002. D. Naberejnev, et al, “Possible Experiment for Study of ADS Dynamics”, Physor, Seoul, October 2002. C. Jammes, et al, “First MUSE-4 Experimental Results Based on Time Series Analysis”, Physor, Seoul, October 2002. C. Jammes, et al., “A Neutron-Noise-Based Experiment in a TRIGA Reactor”, 29th IMORN International Meeting On Reactor Noise, Budapest, May, 2004. G. Aliberti, et al, “Dynamic Measurements and Control of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS)”, Physor, Seoul, October 2002. J. L. Seran, et al., Irradiation Creep and Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steels during Irradiation at 370 C, 18th Symposium on Effects of Radiation on Materials, Hyannis, Massachusetts, June, 1996.

Other Externally Reviewed Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

G. R. Imel, Time Series Analysis of EBR-II Nuclear Instrumentation, Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control, University Park, Pennsyslvania, May, 1996. R. W. Schaefer and G. R. Imel, Advances in Criticality Predictions for EBR-II, Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 11-15, 1994. G.R. Imel, The Use of Adjoint Calculations in Neutron Radiography, ANS Transactions (56) 1988. P. W. Dickson, et al., The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the TREAT Reactor for Nuclear Laser Experiments, Transactions of the Laser's 1988 Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, December, 1988. L. Wetzel and G.R. Imel, A Design of the NRAD Reactor Core to Optimize Beam Current, ANS Transactions, (54), 1987. Barattta et al., The Feasibility of Ex-core Neutron Detectors for Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Level Measurements, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 44 (1983). G.R. Imel and I.S. Kim, A Proposed Fusion Neutron Dosimetry Testbed, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 41 (1982). G.R. Imel, Effects of Radial Variations in Plasma Source on Uncollided Flux, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 39, 244 (1981). G.R. Imel, Source-to-Incident Flux Relation in a Tokamak Blanket Module, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 38, 233 (1981).

Other Publications 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


D. G. Naberazhnev, et al., “Core neutronics assessment for TRADE experiments”, NEA Fourth International Workshop on the Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators, Daejeon (Korea), May, 2004. D. Villamarin, et al, “First Measurements of the Kinetic Response of the MUSE-4 Fast ADS Mock-up to Fast Neutron Flux”, 7th Exchange Meeting, Actinide and Fission Product Partioning and Transmutation, Jeju, Korea, October 2002. G. Perret, et al, “Determination of Reactivity by a Revised Rod Drop Technique in the MUSE-4 Programme—Comparison with Dynamic Measurements”, 7th Exchange Meeting, Actinide and Fission Product Partioning and Transmutation, Jeju, Korea, October 2002. G. Imel et al., Time Series Analysis of MUSE4 Data, Note Technique 01-0034, Centre d'Etudes de Cadarache, July 3, 2001 M. Salvatores, et al., Validation Experimentale Des Caracteristiques Du Milieu Souscritique D’un Ads, Centre d’Etudes de Cadarache, Note Technique 01-27, June, 2001 C. Jammes et G. Imel, Proposition d'un Systeme d'Acquisition Temps-Reel de Datation Neutronique, Centre d'Etudes de Cadarache, Note Technique 01-009, April 4, 2001 G. R. Imel, MUSE Program: Reactivity Measurements and Sensitivity of the Core to Perturbations, GEDEON Workshop, Cadarache, France, September 2000. JP Chauvin, et al., The Physics of Subcritical Lattices in Accelerator Driven Hybrid Systems, International Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, November, 1998. G. R. Imel and J. P. Hudelot, MCNP Calculations for MISTRAL-1 and MISTRAL-2, 98-001, Centre d'Etudes de Cadarache, March, 1998. G. R. Imel, J. P. Hudelot, and V. Laval, Etalonnage de Chambres á Fission dans la Colonne Thermique du Réacteur Ulysse, Note Technique, 97-035, Centre d'Etudes de Cadarache, May, 1997. G. R. Imel, Uncertainties in the Measurement of Spectral Indices, Note Technique, 96-065, Centre d'Etudes de Cadarache, October, 1996. G. R. Imel and G. C. McClellan, Survey of Neutron Radiography Facilities, 5th World Conference on Neutron Radiography, Berlin, Germany, June, 1996. G. H. Gillespie, et al., RFQ-Based, Transportable, High-Resolution Neutron Radiography System Concept, 5th World Conference on Neutron Radiography, Berlin, Germany, June, 1996. G. H. Gillespie, et al., Concept Design of a Transportable, High-Resolution, Neutron Radiography System, 5th International Conference on Applications of Neutron Techniques, Crete, Greece, June, 1996. H. E. Garcia, A. Houshyar, and G. R. Imel, Planning and Supervision of Reactor Defueling Using Discrete Event Techniques, Proceedings of the INRIA/IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Paris, France, October, 1995. R. C. Singleterry, G. R. Imel, and G. E. McMichael, Moderator/Collimator for a Proton/ Deuteron Linac to Produce a High-Intensity, High Quality Thermal Neutron Beam for Neutron Radiography, Proceedings of the 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference and International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Dallas, TX, May, 1995. G. R. Imel, et al., System Modelling to Support Accelerated Fuel Transfer Rate at EBR-II, British Nuclear Energy Society Conference on Fuel Management and Fuel Handling, Edinburgh, UK, March, 1995.

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

G. R. Imel and A. Houshyar, System Modelling of Spent Fuel Transfers at EBR-II, DOE Spent Nuclear Fuel - Challenges and Initiatives Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, December, 1994. G. R. Imel, Neutron and Other Radiation Measurements-A Tutorial, ASNT Fall Conference, Long Beach, CA, 1993. G. R. Imel, Criticality Safety Considerations in the IFR Fuel Cycle, Proceedings of the Nuclear Criticality Technology and Safety Project Workshop, Monterey, California, April 16-20, 1993. G.R. Imel and T. Urbatsch, Beam Characterization at the Neutron Radiography Facility, Fourth World Conference on Neutron Radiography, San Francisco, May 1992. W. Richards, et al., Nuclear Performance Characteristics of the SNRS Core and NR Facility, ibid. G. R. Imel, Nuclear Applications in Neutron Radiography-A Tutorial, ASNT Fall Conference, Boston, MA, 1991. G. R. Imel, Static Neutron Radiography Techniques-A Tutorial, ASNT Fall Conference, Boston, MA, 1991. G.R. Imel, G.C. McClellan and D.P. Pruett, The Neutron Radiography Reactor, Proceedings of the First International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography System Design and Characteristics, Pembroke, Ontario, 1990. G.R. Imel, D.P. Pruett, and J.R. Ross, Neutron Beam Characterization at the Neutron Radiography Reactor, ibid. A.A. Weeks et al., Neutron Flux Measurements in the NRAD Reactor, Proceedings of the 11th Biennial U.S. TRIGA User's Conference, Bethesda, MD, 1988. A.A. Weeks et al., Neutron Flux Enhancement in the NRAD Reactor, ibid. Barattta et al., Feasibility Study on the Development of a Non-Invasive Liquid-Level Gauge for Nuclear Power Reactors, NUREG/CR-3290 (1983). W.A. Jester et al., The Development of a Non-Invasive Liquid Level and Density Gauge for Nuclear Power Reactors, Tenth Water Reactor Safety Research Meeting, Washington, D.C. (Oct 1982). G.R. Imel, The PSU TRIGA Reactor, DOE Electrical Insulators for Fusion Magnet Task Force Meeting, Washington, D.C., (Sept 1982). D.L. Jassby and G.R. Imel, A Fusion Energy Calorimeter for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor, Proc. of the 4th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, King of Prussia, PA, October 1980. G.R. Imel, Neutronics Calculations for the TFTR Neutron Calorimeter, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, PPL-1695, September 1980. J. Close et al., Alternate Nuclear Energy Systems-Preliminary Report on Phase I Activities, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, RE-AES-1977-001, November 1977. G.R. Imel, A Comparison between the Current Models of Mid-Latitude Spread F. and Data from the Arecibo Observatory, Penn State University, PSU-IRL-SCI-451, January 20, 1977. G.R. Imel and E. Klevans, A Comparison of Current Models of Spread F, American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting,, Washington, May 1976. G.R. Imel, A Theoretical Model of a Spherical Electrostatic Confinement Device, Penn State University, COO-3421-6, June 15, 1973. E. Klevans and G.R. Imel, Theory of Electron Injection, Electrostatic Confinement Device, Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, APS, Monterey, CA, November 13-16, 1972.

Funded and Pending Grants 2008-2010 (Amounts are to ISU) (does not include various fellowship and scholarship awards we have won)

Project Title PI-On-line flux monitors for ATR-C (ATR-NSUF) PI-Mpact LSDS Studies


Duration of Project 3 years

Funding Agency NE

Funding Amount (ISU) $225,000.00

3 years (one year funded now) 3 years






3 years



INL, CEA (France) GaTech

3 years



3 years




2 years 3 years


$170,000.00 $298,000.00



PI-Faculty Development In contract negotiation PI-Measurement of Actinide Neutronic Transmutation Rates (ATR-NSUF and INL funding in negotiation) Proposals in---disposition TBD in next several weeks PI-Open Loop Oscillator co-PI-Engineered Single Crystal UO2 co-PI-UDU co-PI-Lead Slowing Down Spectrometer