Dr. J.M. Kataria - Indian Council of Agricultural Research

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Profile. Dr. J.M. Kataria. Director. Central Avian Research Institute (CARI). Izatnagar 243122, India (http://www.icar.org.in/cari). Phone: +91-581-2301261 (O ); ...

Dr. J.M. Kataria Director Central Avian Research Institute (CARI) Izatnagar 243122, India (http://www.icar.org.in/cari)  Phone: +91‐581‐2301261 (O); 2301493(R);  9457756195(M)   EPABX: +91‐581‐2300204; 2301220; 2301320; 2303223  Extn.‐3001  FAX: +91‐581‐2301321  Email: [email protected].   

  DOB: 16th Oct., 1955 

Education B.V.Sc. & A.H., Mathura Veterinary College, Mathura-281002, UP, India M.V.Sc., Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar 243122, India Ph.D., Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar 243122, India Past Positions 1. Worked as Joint Director, HSADL, IVRI Campus, Bhopal 2. Worked as Joint Director (Research) at I V R I, Izatnagar 3. Founder Director of National Institute of Animal Health, DADF, MoA, Govt. of India, at Bagpat (UP)

Awards •

Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for outstanding contribution in the field of Avian Health (ICAR 2001-02)

Bharat Ratna Dr. C. Subramaniam Outstanding Teacher Award (ICAR 2000-2001)

Deemed University Best Teacher Award of the faculty (IVRI 1997)

Fellow of National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (2002)

Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2006)

Editor-in-Chief of Indian J. Comp. Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases.

President of Association of Avian Heath Professionals (AAHP)

Teaching & Research Guidance •

Faculty member of Veterinary Virology, Biotechnology and Avian Diseases and Guided 13 M.V.Sc. and 8 Ph.D. students

Professional Affiliations • • • • •

Indian Poultry Science Association Veterinary Council of India, New Delhi, India UP Veterinary Council, Lucknow, India ARS Scientists Forum, New Delhi, India National Academy of Veterinary Science

Publication Published more than 150 research articles in National and International journals

Country Visited •

Canada, Bangladesh, Nepal and Indonesia and represented the country in SAARC and other official meetings

Research Contribution: •

Working on Poultry diseases since 1981

Developed the laboratories and animal houses under bio-containment level-2 and 3

Contributed richly for improvement of Animal Health and Research on various poultry diseases of emerging and existing diseases of poultry of importance viz. Infectious Bursal Disease, Hydropericardium syndrome, Chicken Infectious Anemia, Egg Drop Syndrome-76, Reovirus infection, Newcastle disease, Quail and Turkey pox and Equine Influenza virus.

Work on various aspects of poultry diseases lead to the standardization of various diagnostic techniques and studying the molecular epidemiological of these agents. Some of significant research accomplishments are:- (i) Isolation and characterization of Equine Influenza virus from disease outbreak in the country during 1987 (ii)

Developed an inactivated vaccine against

Salmonella abortus equi. (iii) Identified association of fowl adenoviruses (FAV-4 & FAV-12) with HPS in the country. (iv) Studied role of VP3 of Chicken Infectious Anemia virus as apoptin causing tumor regression.

Developed immunoprophylactic agents against some of the diseases have been patented i.e. Reo virus vaccine- a live attenuated and inactivated oil emulsified vaccine, IBH-HPS vaccine- an inactivated oil emulsified vaccine using cell culture propagated FAV-4, Development of a thermo stable immunoprophylactic agent against infectious bursal disease in chicks, Technology for preparation of inactivated oil emulsified egg drop syndrome-76 vaccine using indigenous strain, A rapid immunoassay for sero-diagnosis of infectious bursal disease.

Keeping in view of research experience and expertise, involved in formulation of policy, guidelines and project formulation by various organizations of Govt. of India (ICAR/DADF/DBT) as Chairman/member of committee.

Some of the important assignments are as follows: ¾ Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) programme - Preparedness, containment and control. ¾ Import/export manufacture of drugs and biologicals ¾ Risk analysis in import of processed/unprocessed livestock products and GP chicks. ¾ Site selection and establishment of BSL-3 and BSL-4 lab in the country. ¾ Establishment of National Institute of Animal Biotechnology. ¾ Outstanding work has been awarded by various organizations