Dr. Tansil PH121/021 Introductory Physics II Fall 2013

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Prerequisite: PH120/020 Introductory Physics I (lecture & lab). Time & Place: ... Lecture: Physics (9th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2012) by Cutnell & Johnson .
Dr. Tansil

PH121/021 Introductory Physics II

Fall 2013


PH121/021 Introductory Physics II (lecture & lab). Electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Four lectures and one 2-hour lab (5 credit hours).


PH120/020 Introductory Physics I (lecture & lab)

Time & Place: Lecture:



1:30-2:20pm Mon,Wed,Thu,Fri MG 218 (Dr. Tansil)


12:00-1:50pm Tue (section 1) 2:00-3:50pm Tue (section 2)

MG 226 (Dr. Tansil) MG 226 (Dr. Zhang)


Physics (9 edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2012) by Cutnell & Johnson


PH021 Introductory Physics II Laboratory Manual (Southeast Missouri State University, Fall 2010) by John E. Tansil


Dr. John Tansil, office RH 319A, phone (573) 651-2387, e-mail [email protected] Office hours 3:00 – 4:00pm Mon,Wed,Thur (other times if I’m not too busy). Course web site http://cstl-csm.semo.edu/jtansil/ph121/

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. 2. Students will solve algebra-based problems in electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. 3. Students will experimentally verify fundamental concepts in electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics.

EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS 1. Attend class regularly. From the Undergraduate Bulletin 2013-2014 (p. 19) “Students are expected to attend all classes and to complete all assignments for courses in which they are enrolled … If an absence is associated with a university-sanctioned activity, the instructor will provide an opportunity for assignment make-up.” A student absent from class should find out the material discussed on the day of the absence and the assignment for the next class meeting. 2. Work all homework assignments and perform all lab experiments. 3. Bring the following required materials to class: • Textbook (for lecture) • Lab Manual & flash drive (for lab). • Calculator (cell phones should not substitute as calculators). • 12” ruler (clear plastic with centimeter scale works best). 4. Observe academic honesty as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin 2013-2014 (p. 20-21): • All work on tests is expected to be original with the student. No credit will be given for a test in which the student was observed cheating. • Homework assignments and lab reports are expected to be original with the student. No credit will be given for copied work or for enabling others to produce work that is not their own.

5. Observe professional behavior in the classroom (potential grade sanctions for infractions): • Come to class on time and leave only when class is over unless you have made prior arrangements with the instructor. • Minimize socializing (no talking to anyone except the instructor). • Use appropriate electronic devices in the classroom (no cell phones, audio devices). • No food or drink in the classroom. 6. Questions, comments or requests regarding this course or program should be taken to your instructor. Unanswered questions or unresolved issues involving this class may be taken to the Physics & Engineering Physics Department office (RH 306).

GRADING PROCEDURES The distribution of total points will be 80% lecture and 20% lab. The lecture grade is based on hour tests, daily work (homework, quizzes, in-class assignments), and a final exam. •

All tests are announced in advance.

Make-up for missed tests will be given only in the case of extenuating circumstances at the instructor's discretion. Make-up tests for anything other than a university-sanctioned activity will generally be more challenging than the original test.

We will be using WileyPLUS in PH121 lecture. WileyPLUS is a web-based application that allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work. There is no charge for WileyPLUS.

Late homework is accepted only for absences due to a university-sanctioned activity and when prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.

The lowest scores on both lab reports and homework will be dropped.

Students must attend the lab section they are officially registered in. After the first week of classes, no student is allowed to switch lab sections.

The distribution of points is as follows:

Grading scale for Letter Grade:

lecture tests (3 @ 15%)


90 - 100%


final exam


80 - 90%


homework & quizzes


65 - 80%


lab reports


55 - 65%



0 - 55%




Test Dates

Chap. 18-20

Electricity .................................................................. Friday, September 20, 2013

Chap. 21-24

Magnetism ................................................................. Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chap. 25-27

Optics .................................................................. Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chap. 29-32

Modern Physics...........................12:00 noon, Wednesday, December 18, 2013

PH 021 Introductory Physics II Lab (includes the schedule for Lab Experiments, Lecture Tests, and Breaks)

Fall 2013 Sec. 1, 12:00-1:50pm, Tuesday, MG226 - Dr. Tansil Sec. 2, 02:00-3:50pm, Tuesday, MG226 - Dr. Zhang



Scheduled Activity


Aug. 27

Experiment 1: Introduction to the Laboratory


Sept. 2

Labor Day Break (Monday)

Sept. 3

Experiment 2: Electric Potential and Capacitors


Sept. 10

Experiment 3: Resistance and Resistivity


Sept. 17

Experiment 4: Direct Current (DC) Circuits

Sept. 20

Lecture test on Electricity (Friday, 1:30-2:20pm, MG218)


Sept. 24

Experiment 5: Charge-to-Mass Ratio for an Electron (e/m)


Oct. 1

Experiment 6: Electromagnetic Induction


Oct. 8

Experiment 7: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope


Oct. 15

Experiment 8: Alternating Current (AC) Circuits

Oct. 17 – 18

Fall Break (Thursday – Friday)


Oct. 22

Lecture test on Magnetism (Tuesday, during lab time, MG226)


Oct. 29

Experiment 9: Reflection of Light and Mirrors


Nov. 5

Experiment 10: Refraction of Light and Lenses


Nov. 12

Experiment 11: Lenses in Combination

Nov. 14

Lecture test on Optics (Thursday, 1:30-2:20pm, MG218)


Nov. 19

Experiment 12: Diffraction Grating Spectrometer


Nov. 26

Experiment 13: Atomic and Nuclear Scattering

Nov. 27 – 29

Thanksgiving Break (Wednesday – Friday)


Dec. 3

Experiment 14: Half-Life of a Long-lived Radioactive Isotope


Dec. 10

Experiment 15: Radioactive Decay


Dec. 18

Lecture test on Modern Physics (Wed, noon-1:50pm, MG218)