Dr. Y.K. GUPTA [email protected] Associate Professor ...

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Co-author : Sharma, S.P. and Gupta, R.S.. 11. Self-Gravitating Fluids of Class One with Non-Vanishing Weyle Tensor, J. math. Physics, 25(12), 3510-3512( 1984) ...
Dr. Y.K. GUPTA [email protected]

Associate Professor Qualification : M.Sc., (App. Math.) Ph.D. E-mail address : [email protected] Areas of interest : Genral theory of relalivity , differentical, difference and integral equiation, calculus of variations. Intergral trasforms, Numerical methods, complec variable. BIODATA : o o

M.Sc. (App. Math) 1967 (University of Roorkee) Ph.D. (App. Math) General theory of relativity 1972 (University of Roorkee) No. of Ph.D. Thesis Guided 03 M.Phil Dissertation Guided 11 M.Sc. projects 06

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

JRF S.R.f P.D.F. Pool Officer Lecturer Reader Associate Professor

LIST OF RESEARCH PAPERS (PUBLISHED, APPEARED IN CONFERENCE, AND COMMUNICATED) Spheriically Symmetirc conformally flat space of class one, (1969), University of Roorkee, Research Journal, Vol.XI, No.182, 7-11. 1. Space Time of class 1 and perfect fluid distribution (1970), University of Roorkee, Roorkee, research Journal, Vol.XII, No.182, 9-15. 2. A new Interior Solution (1974) Maths. Stud. Vol. XIII, No.2, 113-116. 3. Electromagnetic fields of Embedding Calss one (1975), Ind. J. Pure Appl. Math. Vo.6. No.11, 1388, 1991.

Dr. Y.K. GUPTA [email protected] 4. Class two analogure of T.Y.Thomas's Theorem and different Types of Embeddings of static spherically space-times (1975), G.R.g., vol. 6, No.5, 499505, Co-author : Goel Premila 5. Embedding Class of a Conformally Flat Perfect Fluid Distribution (1976) Ind. Jour. Pure Appl. Math Vol. 7, No.2, 190-194. 6. Electromagnetic Fields of Embedding Class Two 'International Symposium on Relativity and Unified Field Teory' held at Calcutta, 75 - 76. 7. Electromagnaetic Fields of Embedding Class Two 'International Symposium on Relativity and Unified Field Theory' held at Calcutta, 75 - 76. 8. Spherically symmetric Conformally flat perfect Fluid distribution (Indian Science congress held at trupati, 1982-83), Ind. J. Pure, App. Math 14(I), 179-84 (1983). 9. Finstein-Rosen Cylindrically symmetric space-Time subject to class one, G.R.g., N.Y., 16(4), 349, (1984). Co-author : Sharma, S.P., Gupta, R.S. 10. Generalized schwarzschild Interior solution, Ind. Jour. Pure App. Maths., 15(1), 9-14 (1984). Co-author : Sharma, S.P. and Gupta, R.S. 11. Self-Gravitating Fluids of Class One with Non-Vanishing Weyle Tensor, J. math. Physics, 25(12), 3510-3512(1984). Co-author : Sharma s.P. and Gupta, R.s. 12. Charged Analogue of Schwarzschild's Interior solution, Acta. Phy. Polon., vol. B17 (1986), No.10, 855-860, (11th Int. Cong. G.R.G. Stockholm Swedon (1986). Co-author : Gupta, R.S. 13. Non-satic Analogues of Kohler-choa solution of Imbedding Class-1, G.R.G. (N.Y.),Vol. 18 No.6, 641-648, (1986), (11 th Int. Cong. G.R.G. Stockholm Swedeon (1986),243. Co-author : Gupta, R.S. 14. Coupled maxevell-Scales Fields from the Einstein-Mayer Theory Anal, Der. Phys. Vol. 44, No. 8, 553-557 (1987) (11th Int. Cong. G.R.G. stockholm Swedon (1986), 243. Co-author : Mahnata, M.N. 15. Charged Radiating particle embedded in de-Sitter's Universe current science, Vol. 55, No.21 1069 (1986). Co-author : Gupta, D.V. 16. On Most General Metric of a Radiating mass in a de-sitter space to appear in G.R.G. (N.Y.) Ref.No.2445 (1988), Vol.20, No.12, (1293). Co-author : gupta, seema. 17. Anisotropic analogues of Totman's Isotropic Fluid Spheres, (11th Int. Cong. G.R.G. Stockolm Sweden (1986), 243. Co-author : Gupta, D.V., 18. Similarity Solution of the type d. Fluid Plates in 5-D Flat space, J. math. Phys. 37(3), march, (1996). Co-author : sharma Janak Raj. 19. On Similarity solutions for tye d sperical and Pseudo-spheical Fluid distribuions in 5-Flat Form in general Relationity, I.J.P.M. 27(7), July (1996), 723-729. Coauthor : Sharma Janak Raj 20. Non-Static Non-Conformal Fluid Plates of embeddingClass One G.R.G., Vol. 28 (12) Dec. (1996), 1419-1484. Co-author : sharma Janak Raj. 21. Some type II Fluid Spheres in 5-Flat Form GR-15, Dec. 16-21 (1997), pp.11(under revision canadian Jr. of Physics). Co-author ; Sharma, J.R. 22. On conformally-Flat Radiating Fluid spheres, GR-15, Dec. 167-21(1997), pp.12. Co-author : Jasim, M.K.

Dr. Y.K. GUPTA [email protected] 23. Most General Exact solution for vaidya-Tikekar isentropic superdense Star, G.R.15, Dec 16-21 (1997), pp.12 (under revision with astrophysics & space science). Co-author : Jasim, M.K. 24. On G3(2,S) Perfect Fluid Distributions of embedding Class one with NonVanishing conformal curvature Tension, GR-15, Dec. 16-21 (1997), pp.12 (to be published in Progress of mathematics) Vol. 32 (No.1) 1998. Co-author : Jasim, M.K. 25. Some Plane symmetric Similarity Solutions of type D in 5-Flat, (conference : Banaras Hindu University). Co-author : Jasim, M.K. 26. Charged analogues of whittakar's and Henning Knutsen's Interior Solutions, Communicated, Candadian Jr. of Physics. Co-author : Gupta Seema. 27. Some anistropic analogues of talman's and wy man's Isotropic solutions. Coauthor ; Gupta Sema. 28. Static Generalization of Some welknown Static Interior solutions (Communicated). 29. Perfect Fluid distribvutions and G3 (2,s) Space-Time Conformal to Minkwaskian Space (Communicated). Co-author : Gupta seema.