DR. ZAFAR IQBAL - University of the Punjab

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26 Feb 2009 ... ZAFAR IQBAL. Associate Professor, Department of Zoology,. University of the Punjab, Lahore-54590, Pakistan. Tel: +92-42-9231246-Ext-813; ...

DR. ZAFAR IQBAL Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Lahore-54590, Pakistan. Tel: +92-42-9231246-Ext-813; +92 302 4304692 [email protected]

EDUCATION B.Sc. Forman Christian College, Lahore.Pakistan.1978-1980 M.Sc. Government College, Lahore. Pakistan. 1981-1984 Ph.D. University of Stirling,Scotland.UK.1992-1997

TRAININGS Fisheries officer Training course, at FR&TI, Lahore (Nov. 1986) Development Planning at Local Level course, at NCRD, Islamabad. (Apr. 1988) Training course on Rural Develop. Admin, at PARD, Peshawar. (Dec. 1991) Diploma in computer application, at R.I.C.S. Lahore. (Dec.1999) Course on Communication Skills, at Pak. P&M. Institute, Islamabad. (May 2003) Faculty Development program, at HRDC, P.U. Lahore (Feb.2005) Course On honey Bee Farming and Management, at P.U, Lahore. (May 2005) Staff Development course, under HEC, at HRDC, P.U, Lahore. (June 2005)

EMPLOYMENT Associate Professor, Zoology Dept, Punjab University, Lahore (2005-todate) Assistant Professor, Zoology Dept, P.U, Lahore (2003-2005) Assistant Director Fisheries, Govt. of the Punjab, Lahore (1986-2003) Science Teacher, BeaconHouse College, Lahore (1984-1985)


CONTRIBUTION IN EDUCATION TEACHING Associate Professor: Zoology Dept, University of the Punjab, Lahore Teaching to M.Phil./Ph.D. / M.S. M.Sc. B.S. classes. Fish Parasitology; Fish Biology;Aquaculture; Fish Health Management; Animal Diversity and Evolution. Assistant Professor: Zoology Dept, University of the Punjab, Lahore Teaching M.S, M.Sc, B.S. Classes; Fish Biology; Aquaculture; Fish Health Management; Animal Diversity/ Wildlife and Evolution. (Oct.2003 to 2005) Adjunct Assistant Professor: Uni. Vet. And Animal Sciences, Lahore. (2003). Assistant Director Fisheries FR &TI, Lahore. (1998-2003). Demonstrator: Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling. UK. (1995-1997). Instructor: School of Nursing United Christian Hospital, Lahore. (2000-2004). Instructor: School of Nursing, Services Hospital, Lahore. (1982-1985)

ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC ASSIGNMENTS External Examiner: M.Sc/M. Phil. GCU, Lahore / BZU, Multan. (2000 to date) Co-Chairperson of an academic session, 26th Pak. Cong. Zool. Lahore, 2006 Co-Chairperson of an academic session, 27th Pak. Cong. Zool. Multan, 2007 Co-Chairperson of an academic session, 28th Pak. Cong. Zool. Faisalabad, 2008 Co-Chairperson of an academic session, 28th Pak. Cong. Zool. Faisalabad, 2010 Co-Chairperson of an academic session, 28th Pak. Cong. Zool. Muzafarabad 2011 Co-Chairperson of an academic session, 28th Pak. Cong. Zool. Lahore, 2012

ADMINSTARTION /MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION Course Coordinator M.Sc Program (Zoology) from February 2007 Student advisor Zoology Department P.U, Lahore. 2004-2009 Member admission committees for B.S/M.Sc/ M.S/MPhil/ Ph.D. Zoology Dept. Member Departmental Doctoral program committee. Zoology Dept. P.U. Lahore.

RESEARCH WORK M.Sc: Research project completed under supervision of Prof. Mohammed Ikram

Dept. Of Zoology, Govt. College Lahore on the topic “Comparative study of embryo toxic effects of organophosphates and synthetic pyrethroids in mice”. (1982-83) Ph.D. Research project completed at Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Rod Wootten, entitled “Aspect of the Biology of the cestode, Proteocephalus filicollis (Rodolphi) from Gasterosteus aculeatus L.” (1992-97). Research Scientist nominated in DFID (UK) project “Studies on prevalence and Geographical distribution of EUS in Punjab.” (1998) Research Projects carried out at FR&TI, Lahore and findings presented at different scientific forums. (1998-2003) 1. Black spot disease in fish fry of Labeo rohita. 2. Specific diversity of Lernaea sp. infecting culturable fish. 3. Fungal infection in pond fish. 4. Seasonal occurrence of Lernaeasis in fish. 5. Seasonal occurrence of Dactylogyrus vastatora a gill parasite in Labeo rohita. 6. Ammonia toxicity of grass carp fingerlings. 7. Survey of fish disease in fishponds.

RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS List of research publications attached as Annexure “A” SCIENCE CONFERENCES ATTENDED Attended nineteen international / national conferences and presented research papers. Annexure “B”

RESEARCH SUPERVISION Ph.D. Students: Three scholars were entrusted for the supervision in research. One scholar completed his PhD project and submitted his thesis. Two, M. Phil. and seven M.S Students, of G.C. University, Lahore, and P.U Lahore were supervised on their research projects (1998-99; 2001-2002, 2007-2008, 2008-09,2009-10,11). Two M.Phil students are in progress of their research project (2011-12) Eighteen, M.Sc. students from G.C. University Lahore, and Punjab University, Lahore have completed their research projects. (1998-2011) Six BS students have completed their research projects (2007, 2008, 2009,2010, 2011) One M.Sc /Two BS. Students are supervised in their research projects. (2011-12).

CONTRIBUTION IN FISHERIES/AQUACULTURE ADMINSTRATION/ MANAGEMENT/DOVELPMENT Administration and Management of Fisheries at district and Divisional level.

Supervision/ implementation of Pakistan Government and Asian Development Bank funded projects. Project formulation and PC-1 preparation for Govt. of the Punjab and Punjab University. Lahore. Carp Hatchery Management. Promotion of Sports Fisheries Fisheries extension in private sector and fish conservation in public water bodies Field visits of fisheries projects in the Province of the Punjab. Lectures/practical classes and workshops for staff and fish farmers at Fisheries Research and Training Institute, Lahore and in other districts.

MEMBERSHIPAND FELLOWSHIP Post-Graduate fellowship for Ph.D. in the UK. From ADB, Manila/Govt. of Pakistan, Member, British Society for Parasitology UK. Fellow, Zoological Society of Pakistan Fellow, Pakistan Fisheries Society Member, Editorial committee; Punjab University Journal of Zoology Member, Core group on life sciences, HEC, Pakistan. Member Board of studies, Dept. Fisheries and Aquaculture, UVAS, Lahore Member Board of studies in Zoology, Punjab University Lahore

OTHER ACHIVEMENTS Social work: Certificate of merit from Forman Christan college, Lahore, (1975) Academic: Roll of Honour from Government College, Lahore. (1984) Second Position Fisheries officers course, Departmental Examination (1986)

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Joint Secretary: Senior Biological Association, F.C. College Lahore.1978-1979. General Secretary: Biological Society, Govt. College, Lahore. 1982-1983. General Secretary: PGA. IOA, University of Stirling, Scotland. UK. 1994-1995

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fisheries Consultant for SMEDA, Government of the Pakistan Letter of acknowledgement from Dr. Abdul Rauf Shakoori, Meritorious Professor

& Director School of Biological Sciences University of the Punjab. Letter of acknowledgement from Professor. Dr. Muhammed Ramzan Mirza, Azaz-e-Fazeelat (1996) Ex-Head of Zoology Department, Government College, Lahore. Letter of acknowledgement from Professor. Dr. Syed Shahid Ali Professor in Zoology Department, University of the Punjab. Letter of acknowledgement from Project Director, Professor. Dr. Muhammad Nazir Bhatti, Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.

WORKSHOPS/ SEMINARS ATTENDED /ORGANIZED The following International and National workshops/seminars were attended / organized. The list is given as Annexure “C”

ANNEXURE “A” LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. Iqbal, Z. 1984. Comparative study of embryo toxic effects of organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroids in mice. M.Sc. thesis department of Zoology, Government College, Lahore. pp 55 2. Iqbal, Z. 1998. Aspect of the Biology of the cestode Proteocephalus filicollis

(Rudolphi) from Gasterosteus aculeatus L. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Stirling, Scotland. UK. pp 282. 3. Iqbal, Z. 1998. Economic Significance of “E.U.S” in Aquaculture. Proceeding of one

day workshop on “Diagnosis and control of E.U.S.” held at FR & TI, Lahore. Pakistan. 23rd April 1998. In: A report regarding visit of mission to Punjab in connection with Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (E.U.S) April 22-25 1998. pp 12-15 4. Iqbal, Z., Minhas, I.K., and Naeem Khan. 2000. Disease Prevalence In culturable

fish species in Punjab. Pakistan J. Fisheries. 1(2) 103-112. 5. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 2001. Development of Proteocephalus filicollis A cestode,

in the copepod intermediate host under experimental conditions Sci. Int. 13 (1):59-65. 6. Iqbal, Z., Minhas, I. K. and Naeem Khan. 2001. Aquaculture Development in

Punjab, Pakistan- A case study. Sci. Int. (Lahore), 13(3), 282-288. 7. Iqbal, Z., Minhas, I.K. and Naeem Khan. 2001. Seasonal Occurrence of Lernaeasis in

culturable fish in Punjab. Proceedings of the 21st Pak. Cong. of Zool. (Inter.) held at Agriculture University Faisalabad, 15-17 March 2001, Vol. (21), 159-168. 8. Minhas, I. K., Iqbal, Z. and Naeem Khan. 2001 Control Lernaea cyprinacea using

Dipterex (O, O dimethyl-2-2-2 trichloro-1 hydroxyle phosponate) in fishpond in Punjab, Pakistan. Sci.Int. (Lahore).13(4), 385-387. 9. Minhas, I.K., Iqbal, Z., and Naeem Khan. 2001. Occurrence of Abdominal dropsy in culturable fish species in Punjab. Proceedings of the 21st Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International), held at Agriculture University Faisalabad, 15-17 March 2001. Vol. (21), 169-174. 10. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 2002. Ultra-structure of the embryonic envelopes of Proteocephalus filicollis (Cestode: Proteocephalidea). Pakistan J. Zool. 34(1)57-63 11. Iqbal, Z. 2003. Fine structure of Spermatozoon of Proteocephalus filicollis (Cestoda,

Proteocephalidea). Pakistan J. Zool. 35(1), 69-71. 12. Iqbal, Z. 2003. Fish diseases and their control. In, Training manual on “Fish Farm

Management”, organized by Fisheries Department, Government of the Punjab and SMEDA, Govt. of Pakistan, 21, 23 October 2003 at Sheikhupura and Lahore. Pp. 43-54 (in Urdu). 13. Iqbal. Z. 2004. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of eggs of Proteocephalus filicollis Rudolphi (cestoda). Proteocephalidae. Punjab Uni. J. Zool., 19:67-71 14. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 2004. Biological and Physiochemical features of Airthrey

Loch, Scotland. UK. Biologia. (Lahore), 50(2):175-182 15. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 2005 Histopathology of the intestine of Gasterosteus aculeatus L, associated with infection of a cestod, Proteocephalus filicollis (Rudolphi). Pak. J. Zool. 37(3): 245-247. 16. Iqbal, Z. and R.Wootten.2005. Location and Migration of Proteocephalus filicollis

(Rudolphi) in the intestine of Gasterosteus aculeatus L. Pak. J. Zool. 37(3): 243-245. 17. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 2005. Infection of Proteocephalus filicollis Rudolphi (cestoda) in Gasterosteus aculeatus L. three spined Stickleback in relation to sex and length of the host. . Punjab Uni. J. Zool., 20(1)15-23.

18. Iqbal,Z. 2005. “Fisheries Research and education at Zoology Department” in Proc. Nat. Sem. on Fisheries Research and Education in Pakistan.16th April 2005 at UVAS organized by BC-HEC. UVAS-DFA proceeding series No. 1, pp 53-56. 19. Iqbal, Z., M. N. Khan, Z. Sharif and K. Pervaiz 2006. A further look into fish diseases problem and their solution in fish pond in Punjab. Int. Conf. Solving Problems of Freshwater Fish Farming in Pakistan. Nov. 27-28 2006, UVAS,Lahore. Pp. 41-48. 20. Iqbal, Z., and R. Wootten. 2008. Seasonal occurrence of Proteocephalus filicollis (Rudolphi) eggs in a Natural population of Gasterosteus aculeatus L. Biologia.

(Pakistan); Vol.54 (1): 83-90 21. Iqbal, Z., and R. Wootten. 2008. Egg production and fecundity of Proteocephalus filicollis (Rudolphi) a cestode from a Gasterosteus aculeatus L. Biologia. (Pakistan); Vol.54 (2) 83-90147-154 22. Iqbal, Z., Waseem, M. 2008. Gut Content of a freshwater catfish Rita rita from district Kasur. Pakistan. P.U.J. Zool. 23(1-2): 1-9 23. Iqbal, Z and Kasuar, S (2009). Fecundity of Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton) reared in earthen pond. P.U.J. Zool. Vo. 24(1-2): 1-8. 24. Ijaz, N., Iqbal, Z and J. Anwar Ch. 2010. Effects of ammonia on growth of Cteonpharyngodon idella (Valenciennes) fingerlings. P.U.J. Zool. Vol. 25(1-2):1-8. 25. Ijaz, N., Iqbal, Z and J. Anwar Ch. 2011. Toxicity of Ammonia to fingerling grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes). P.U.J. Zool. Vol. 26(1-2): 1-12. 26. Iqbal. Z, Rani I and Pervaiz K, 2012. Treatment of lernaeasis in carps with Thunder, an Organophospahte. Pak. J. Zool., Vol.(44)2: 415-420. 27. Iqbal, Z, Asghar,M and Rubaba. 2012. Saprolegniasis in two commercially important carps. Pak. J. Zool., Vol. 44(2): 591-595. 27. Pervaiz,K., Iqbal, Z., Mirza,M.R, Javed,M.N and Naeem M. 2012. Meristic and Morphometric studies on Indus Mahseer Tor macrolepis (Teleostei:Cyprinidae) from District Attock. Pakistan. Int .J. Agr. Biol., 14; 169-175. 28. Pervaiz, K., Iqbal, Z., Mirza,M.R, Javed, M.N and Naeem M. 2012. Length-weight, lengthlength relationships and feeding habits of wild Indus Mahseer, Tor macrolepis, from Attock ,Pakistan. J. A. Icht. Doi;10.111/j.1439-0426.2012.01953.x 29. Iqbal, Z, Sheikh,U and Mughal,R. 2012. Fungal infections in some economically important freshwater fishes. Pak. Vet. J. xxx (in press) 30. Iqbal, Z., Shafaqat, A and Haroon. F. 2012 Lernaea diversity and infection in Indian andChinese carps under semi intensive culture conditions in Lahore, Punjab. JAPS (in press).

Annexure “B” Papers presented in International / National Conferences and Abstracts Published 1. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 1995. A further look at the Population Biology of

Proteocephalus filicollis. The British Society for Parasitology, Spring meeting, 10-12 April 1995, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. UK. 2. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 1996. Egg Production by the cestode Proteocephalus

filicollis in stickleback. The British Society for Parasitology, Spring meeting, 1-3 April 1996, University of Wales, Bangor, UK. 3. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 1997. Ultrastructure of the embryonic envelopes of Proteocephalus filicollis Rudolphi (Cestode: Proteocephalidea). The British Society for Parasitology, Spring meeting, 8-11 April 1997, University of Manchester, UK 4. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 1999. Histopathology, Location and Migration of Proteocephalus filicollis (Rudolphi) in the intestine of Gasterosteus aculeatus L. 20th

Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) 19-21 April 1999, NARC, Islamabad. 5. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 2000. Development of Proteocephalus filicollis a cestode,

in the copepod intermediate host under experimental conditions. 2nd International Science conference. Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, University of Punjab, Lahore, 26-28 October 2000. Abstract book. Science International 2: 49 6. Iqbal, Z., Minhas, I. K. and Naeem Khan. 2000. Aquaculture Development in

Punjab, Pakistan- A case study. 2nd Inter. Sci. conf. Institute of Chem. Engi. & Tech, Uni. of Punjab, Lahore, 26-28 Oct. 2000.Abstract. Science International 2: 25 7. Iqbal, Z., Minhas, I. K., and Naeem Khan. 2000. Disease Prevalence In culturable fish species in Punjab. In Inter. Symposium on fisheries & Modern Aquaculture, Department of Fisheries, Lahore.28-29 April 2000. Abstract Pak. Fisheries Society. 8. Iqbal, Z., Minhas, I. K., Majeed, A and Naeem Khan. 2001. Fungal diseases in pond

fish in Punjab. Pakistan Fisheries Society, Symposium on “Untapped Aquatic Resources of Pakistan” from 23-25 Feb. 2001 at Karachi University, Karachi. 9. Minhas, I. K., Iqbal, Z., Majeed, A and Naeem Khan. 2001. Seasonal Variation in

occurrence Dactylogyrus vastator, a monogenean gill parasite in Labeo rohita (Rahu). Pakistan Fisheries Society, Symposium on “Untapped Aquatic Resources of Pakistan”. 23-25 Feb. 2001 at Karachi University, Karachi. 10. Iqbal, Z. and R. Wootten. 2001. Biological and Physiochemical features of Airthrey

Loch, Scotland. UK. Pakistan Fisheries Society, Symposium “Untapped Aquatic Resources of Pakistan”.23-25 Feb. 2001 at Karachi University, Karachi. 11. Iqbal, Z., Minhas, I.K. and Naeem Khan. 2001. Seasonal Occurrence of Lernaeasis in

culturable fish in Punjab. 21st Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) held at Agriculture University Faisalabad, 15-17 March 2001. 12. Minhas, I.K., Iqbal, Z., and Naeem Khan. 2001 Occurrence of Abdominal dropsy in

culturable fish species in Punjab. 21st Pak. Congress of Zoology (Inter.), held at Agriculture University Faisalabad, 15-17 March 2001. Abstract 13. Ali, M.A., Rubaba and Iqbal. Z. 2002. Saprolegnia sp. infection in pond fish. Ist.

National Conference of Biology, March 28-30, 2002 held at Govt. College, Lahore. 14. Iqbal, Z., Minhas, I. K and Naeem Khan. 2002. Occurrence of Posthodiplostomatosis, A

black spot disease in Hatchery reared fish fry of Labeo rohita (rahu). 22nd Pak. Congress of Zoology (Inter.), 16-18 April 2002, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzzafarabad. AJK. 15. Kosur, N., Iqbal, Z. and Anwar, J. 2002. Study of the toxic effect of Ammonia

concentration on survival and growth of Ctenopharyngodon idella, grass carp and Cirrhinus mrigala, morakhi. 22nd Pak. Congress of Zoology (Inter.), 16-18 April 2002, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzzafarabad. AJK.

16. Kosur, N., Iqbal, Z. and Anwar, J. 2004. Study on the toxic effect of Ammonia

concentration on survival of a Freshwater fish Cirrhinus mrigala, and its diel dynamics in Fishpond. In 2nd National Conference of Biology, April 22-23, 2004, held at Govt. College University, Lahore. 17. Shaqat, A., Iqbal, Z., and A.M. Khan, 2006. A study on the diversity of Lernaea sp. infecting culturable carps in fish ponds. Proc. 26th Pak. Cong. Zool. (Inter.) April 4-6 2006, University of the Punjab, Lahore. 18. Rani, I., Z., Iqbal, and A.M. Khan, 2006. Control of Lernaea sp. Infecting culturable carps in fish ponds, using Thunder, DDVP: O,O-Dimethyl, 0-2,2 Dichlorovnyl phosphate. Proc. 26th Pak. Cong. Zool. (Inert.) April 4-6 2006, Uni. of the Punjab, Lahore. 19. Iqbal, Z., 2006. Extra Workload of teaching staff, affects and strategies to improve teaching and research in life sciences. Two day Conference on National Core Group in Life Sciences at Bahaudin Zakariya University, Multan. 13-14 Nov. 2006. 20. Iqbal, Z., M. N. Khan, Z. Sharif and K. Pervaiz 2006. A further look into fish diseases problem and their solution in fish pond in Punjab. Int. Conf. Solving Problems of Freshwater Fish Farming in Pakistan Nov.27-28 2006, UVAS, Lahore. 21. Iqbal, Z., K. Pervaiz, M. Ayub and I.Ahmed 2007. A study on some potential threats to the population of Himalayan Mahseer Tor macrolepis (Heckel) in District Attock Pakistan. 27th Pak.Cong. of Zool., Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 2007. B.U.Z. University, Multan. 22. P. Khalid., M. Ayub., I. Ahmed and Z. Iqbal 2007. Early fry rearing of Himalayan Mahseer Tor macrolepis (Heckel) through semi-intensive culture system. 27th Pak.Cong. of Zool., Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 2007. B.U.Z. University, Multan. 23. Iqbal, Z and R.Wootten 2008. A study on the seasonal variation of Proteocephalus filicollis (Rudolphi) eggs in Gasterosteous aculeatus L. 28th Pak. Cong. Zool. March 18-20th 2008 at, GC University, Faisalabad 24. Hussain, B.M., Z. Iqbal and A. Maqbool. 2008. Prevalence of zoonotic important parasitic infestation from various parks of Lahore. 28th Pak. Cong. Zool, March 1820th 2008 at GC University, Faisalabad 25. Iqbal, Z and M.Waseem 2009 A brief study on the gut content of a freshwater catfish Rita rita from River Sutlej district Kasur. 29Th Pak. Cong. Zool. University of Sindh, Jamshoro. 24-26Th Feb.2009 26. Iqbal, Z 2009. An insight into Fish Diseases and Health status at Punjab University Research Fish Farm Lahore. 4Th Symposium of Pakistan Fisheries Society, 18-19Th March 2009.

27. Sharif, A., Raza, H.F and Iqbal, Z 2009. A study on some aspects of health status of two major carps, reared under semi intensive culture conditions. Lahore. 4Th Symposium of Pakistan Fisheries Society, 18-19Th March 2009 28. Zahra,M and Iqbal, Z 2009. Morphometric diversity of wild population of a catfish, Rita rita in relation to body size, from river Sutlej, District Kasur. 4Th Symposium of Pakistan Fisheries Society, 18-19Th March 2009 29. S. Sana., Z.Iqbal and A. Maqbool 2009. A study of head louse infestation and its prevalence in school children in Lahore. 29Th Pak. Cong. Zool. University of Sindh, Jamshoro. 24-26Th Feb.2009 30. I. Saira., Z.Iqbal and A. Maqbool 2009 Prevalence of parasitic infections among children in some day care centres in Lahore. 29Th Pak. Cong. Zool. University of Sindh, Jamshoro. 24-26Th Feb.2009 31. P.Khalid., Iqbal, Z., Mirza, M.R and Javed, M.N 2010. Meristic and morphometric studies of Indus Mahseer Tor macrolepis (Heckel) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Attock,Pakistan. 30th Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. March 2-4 2010. 32.Iqbal. Z., Sheikh, U and Mughal, R. 2011. Isolation of some pathogenic fungi from freshwater fishes. 31st Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), University of Azad Jamm and Kasmir, Muzaffarabad 19-21st April.2011. 33.Iqbal. Z., Kiran S and Haroon F, 2011. Ectoparasitic fauna of imported goldfish Carassius auratus (L.) 31st Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), University of Azad Jamm and Kasmir, Muzaffarabad 19-21st April.2011. 34 Iqbal, Z., Mumtaz, R and Sajjad, R. 2012. Argulosis, a parasitic infection in two freshwater fishes. 32nd Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), Govt.College University Lahore, 6-8Marchl.2012. 35. Sajjad, R and Iqbal, Z. 2012. Isolation of Pathogenic fungi from two tropically ornamental fishes.32nd Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), Govt.College University Lahore, 6-8Marchl.2012. 36. Mumtaz, R and Iqbal, Z. 2012.Isolation of fungi from black moor, a variety of goldish, Carassius auratus.32nd Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), Govt.College University Lahore, 6-8 Marchl.2012. 37. Pervaiz, K. Iqbal. Z. Javed, M. N and Naeem,M. Effect of pollution on health status of fishes in the river Chenab,at Head Trimmu Area, District Jhang, Pakistan. 32nd Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), Govt.College University Lahore, 6-8Marchl.2012. 38. Haroon,F and Iqbal, Z. 2012.Fungal diseases in some freshwater ornamental fishes Punjab. 32nd Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), Govt.College University Lahore, 6-8Marchl.2012.

39. Muhammad,H., Ayub,M, Malik,M.A and Iqbal, Z. 2012. Determination of heavy metals concentration in fodder, vegetable and fruit irrigated by Hudiara Drain in district Lahore. 32nd Pak.Cong. Zool. (International), Govt.College University Lahore, 6-8Marchl.2012.

ANNEXURE “C” International /National Workshops attended/ organized: One day workshop on “Aspects of Fisheries in Pakistan” by Dr. Nazir Ahmad, ExDirector of Fisheries, at GC, Lahore. 12.11.1982. One day workshop “Pest Insects in Florida, USA” by Dr. A. Ali, Associate Professor of Entomology, University of Florida, U.S.A. at GC, Lahore. 10.12.82 One day workshop “Management of Laboratory and Experimental Animals” By Dr. M. A. Chaudhry from West Germany at GC. Lahore. 5.2.83 One day workshop “Biology of Culturable carps” By Dr. A. J. Matty, University of Birmingham, UK. at GC, Lahore 25.2.1983. Three days workshop “Management Techniques of Carp Hatcheries and Nursery units” at CFSH, Lahore 15-17 May.1983. Three days workshop on “Carp culture techniques and fish health management by “AgroDev. Canada”, at FR&TI, Lahore. 28-30 Nov. 1991. One day seminar “On writing skill for Science Ph.D. students” By Dr. Maureen Cooper of University of Stirling, Scotland UK. 20.12.1993. One day workshop on “Aquaculture Development in Asia” at BAFRU, University of Stirling, UK on 3.10.1994. Also presented a paper on Aquaculture in Pakistan with particular reference to Fisheries in Punjab. One day seminar on “Financial matter, performance audit” by Mr. Muhammad Jamil Bhatti, Director Audit, at FR&TI, Lahore. 1.12.1999. One day seminar on “Procedure for Anti-corruption cases” by Mr. Saddique Akbar Minhas, DD Anti-corruption Punjab, at FR &TI Lahore. 6.12.1999. One day seminar on “Reconciliation of actual expenditure with departmental expenditure” by Mr. S.U. Khan at FR&TI, Lahore. 6.12.1999. One day seminar on “Importance of Extruder Technology” by Dr. M. N. Riaz of Michigan State University, USA. at PCSIR Laboratory, Lahore. 27.11.2000 One day seminar “Preparation of Artificial feed for fish using Extruder Technology” by Dr. M. N. Riaz at FR&TI, Lahore, Lahore. 5.12.2000. One day seminar on “Preparation of PC-1 and project execution and evolution” by Mr. R. Ali Chief, P&D .Punjab at FR&TI, Lahore. 6.12.1999. One day seminar on “Bio-diversity of Fishes” by Prof. Dr. M.R. Mirza at FR & TI Lahore. 14.11.2000

One day seminar on “Aquatic pollution by heavy metals” By Prof. A.R. Shakoori at Fisheries Research &Training Institute, Lahore. 23.11.2000. One day seminar on “Use of Geo-Membrane to control of Seepage in fish pond” at Fisheries Research &Training Institute, Lahore.17.10.2001. One day seminar on “Advantages of ISO 9000” at Fisheries Research & Training Institute, Lahore. 6.4.2002 Two days seminar on “Fish farm Management” for private fish farmers, organized by FR& TI & SMEDA, Govt. of Pakistan on 21 & 23-10-2003 at Skp & Lahore. Organized one-day seminar on “Suicidal tendencies in students” at Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, and Lahore on 21 July, 2004. Attended one day seminar on “Development of Fisheries Education and Research in Pakistan” at UVAS, Lahore on 16th April.2005 and delivered a lecturer. Organized one week seminar on Honeybee farming and Management at Zoology Department, Punjab University, Lahore. 2-6th May 2005. Attended one day seminar on “Drug Awareness I” at Lewisham Primary care Trust, NHS, London, UK, 14th November, 2005. Attended one day seminar on “Drug Awareness II” at Lewisham Primary care Trust, NHS, London. UK, 23rd November, 2005. Attended one day seminar on “Alcohol Awareness I” at Lewisham Primary care Trust, NHS, London. UK, 14th December, 2005. Attended one day seminar on “Alcohol Awareness II” at Lewisham Primary care Trust, NHS, London. UK, 21st December, 2005. Organized one week seminar on Honeybee farming and Management at Zoology Department, Punjab University Lahore. 20-24th February 2006. Two day Conference on National Core Group in Life Sciences at Bahaudin Zakariya University, Multan. 13-14 Nov. 2006, gave a presentation in one of the session. Attended one day workshop on Log frame and Proposal Writing at Avari Lahore, Organized by British Council. 27th May 2006. Attended International Conference on “Solving problems of Freshwater Fish Farming in Pakistan” at UVAS, Lahore. November 27-28, 2006. Attended International Conference on “Education for Wildlife sustainability” at UVAS, Lahore, on January 30-31, 2008. Attended and organized National Honey Bee Keeping workshop at Zoology Dept, PU,Lahore. March-April, 2008. Organized and attended one day seminar for student counseling by Stead Stone at Zoology Dept. PU. Lahore. June 2011.

Organized 8th National Honey Bee Keeping Workshop at Zoology Dept.PU, Lahore. 12-16 March 2012. Organized and attended three days Training Seminar on Aquaponics by Fischgreun, Switzerland at Zoology Dept. PU, Lahore, 20-22 March 2012