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Kausalitas dalam Wacana Ilmiah Bahasa. Inggris dan Padanannya dalam Bahasa. Indonesia. Huda (2006) focused his research on Correlative Conjunction on.

CONJUNCTION BUT IN ENGLISH : SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC ANALYSES Eri Ester Khairas Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Email: [email protected] Abstrak Penelitian ini berjudul “Conjunction ‘but’ in English : Syntactic and Semantic Analyses”. Penelitian ini tentang analisis konjungsi but secara sintaktis dan semantis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskprisikan unsur-unsur yang berdampingan dengan konjungsi but, disertai distribusi dan makna yang dikandung oleh konjungsi but berdasarkan konteks kalimat yang dihubungkannya. Kajian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Metode kajian yang digunakan adalah metode distribusional dengan menggunakan tehnik yang sesuai seperti teknik parafrase dan substitusi. Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara sintaktis, konjungsi but dapat memasuki berbagai hubungan konstruksi bahasa Inggris yaitu hubungan antar frasa, klausa, maupun hubungan antar kalimat. Dalam hubungan antar frasa, distribusi konjungsi but dapat berada diantara (a) frasa nomina, (b) frasa verba, (c) frasa adjektif, (d) frasa adverbial dan (e) frasa preposisi. Dalam hubungan antar klausa, konjungsi koordinatif but dapat menghubungkan klausa koordinatif dengan klausa kordinatif, klausa subordinatif dengan klausa subordinatif, dan klausa koordinatif dengan klausa subordinatif. Kata Kunci :konjungsi, frasa, klausa, hubungan, makna. Abstract The title of this research is “Conjunction but in English: Syntactic and Semantic Analyses”. It discusses coordinate conjunction but syntactically and semantically consisting of the constituents connected by the conjunction, its distribution, and its meanings of relationship through its semantic roles. This is a descriptive research. It uses the distributional method with the suited techniques like substitution and paraphrase The findings show that constituents connected by conjunction but are various English constructions namely phrases, clauses and sentences. As well as its function as a coordinate conjunction, conjunction but links coordinative constructions. The coordinative construction has two conjoins of the same grammatical class and conjunction but initiates the second conjoin. Keywords: conjunction, phrase, clause, relation, meaning Introduction English is the world’s most widely used language. Quirk, et al. (1992:4) stated that in some countries, particularly where it is the dominant native language, English is used principally for internal purposes as an international language, for speakers to communicate with other speakers of the same country. In others it serves chiefly as an international language, the medium of communication with speakers from other countries

It has been known that a sentence construction of English language can be structured from simple forms to compound and complex ones. The relationship between the elements in a sentence can become clear when there is a coordinator or conjunction. Conjunction is usually defined as a word which connects other words or groups of words. As Quirk et al. (1992:918) stated that conjunction, or coordination, is the process of combining two constituents of the same type to produce another, larger constituent Eri Ester Khairas Conjunction But In English Syntactic And Sematic Analyses


of the same type. It can clarify the relationship between those constituents. Relevant research on conjunctions has been done by several scholars. Zuhud (2003) conducted research on the causality conjuction entitled Konjungsi Kausalitas dalam Wacana Ilmiah Bahasa Inggris dan Padanannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Huda (2006) focused his research on Correlative Conjunction on Not Only ... But Also in English. And Krisnawati (2007) did the research on subordinating conjunction entitled Konjungsi Subordinatif As dalam Bahasa Inggris. The writer notices that the use of conjunction but in English needs more attention since it cannot be freely used to link constituents or clauses. Therefore, the writer is interested in conducting the syntactic and semantic analyses of conjunction but in English. Based on the background previously explained, this research answers the following questions: 1. What constituents are connected by conjunction but? 2. What is the distribution of conjunction but? 3. What is the meaning of conjunction but? For the linguistic studies, the theoretical benefit of this research is to give accurate and complete information about conjunction but in English. Practically, the research can show the way of how to understand the meaning of conjunction but based on its relationship between the sentences that appears in English discourses. Finally, it is expected that the research can be useful as an inspiration for other researchers to do further research related to conjunction in English. Research Method This research uses descriptive method to describe the characteristic and natural phenomena of the language

(Djajasudarma, 1993:7). The study focuses on but. The data sources are based on the written language which are taken from novels entitled The Da Vinci Code (consists of 105 chapters and 383 pages) and Angels and Demonds novels written by Dan Brown in 2003 and in 2006. All the data needed are marked, copied and analysed in forms of sub clauses, clauses, and sentences. The steps of the research are as follows: a. Collecting data. b. Sorting data. c. Analyzing data d. Concluding the research. The study method used for this research is distributional , as stated by (Djajasudarma 1993:60) that the study is the elements of the language itself used as a device of the research. The data will be described systematically and accurately. The Research Process BUT in English Syntactic analysis

Semantic analysis

Conclusion and suggestion Result And Discussion From the data collected, the data of conjunction but are analyzed in two ways of discussion, that is, (1) the constituents that can be linked by conjunction but and (2) the semantic role of conjunction but in English constructions.

Eri Ester Khairas Conjunction But In English Syntactic And Sematic Analyses


Constituents connected by Conjunction but Phrases Noun Phrase As stated by Quirk et al, (1992 : 952), the use of conjunction but as a coordinator between noun phrase is restricted since conjunction but is seldom used in subject position. From the data collected, it is found conjunction but in object position and in complement position. The following data is conjunction but in object position NP1 _NP2_1. He saw nothing but shadows. S V O Con O Conjoin 1 Conjoin 2 Data 1 shows the sentence pattern of SVOConO. The constituents that linked by conjunction but, are two noun phrases (NP), namely, nothing and shadows, as the object. Its object position can be proved by asking, What did he see? In the sentence, the subject and the verb deletions of the second conjoin occur. If the sentence is paraphrased, it can be changed into two clauses as seen in the following: (1a) He saw nothing but he saw shadows The formulation is: NP1



[Conjoin 1] [Conjoin 2] a. Verb Phrase The following data show the position of conjunction but between two predicates. The distribution of conjunction but can be seen on the following data: ___VP___ 1. The boy fled home but S V O Con _____________VP__________ found the streets of Marseilles V O equally unfriendly.

The sentence of data (1) has one subject (S) consists of the noun phrase the boy and two verb phrases connected by conjunction but. The two verb phrases are fled home that consists of verb and object (VO) and found the streets of Marseilles equally unfriendly that consists of Verb, Object and Complement (VOC). As seen from the verbs linked, there has been a deletion of Subject (S). The sentence in data (1) can be paraphrased and substituted becoming a compound sentence that consists of two independent clauses connected by conjunction but as the following: (1a) The boy fled home but he found the streets of Marseilles equally unfriendly As a result of the analysis, here can be formulated: VP1 but VP2 [Conjoin 1] [ Conjoin 2] Adjective Phrase AdjP1 1.Lieutenant Collet's smile was tired S V C but Con

AdjP calm. C

In data (1), the adjective phrases are tired and calm that function as the subject complement of Lieutenant Collet's smile. In the second data, the adjective phrases are calm and absolute as the subject complement of the words. The formulation that can be made based on the analysis is: Adj.P1 [Conjoin 1]


Adj.P2 [Conjoin 2]

Prepositional Phrases

Eri Ester Khairas Conjunction But In English Syntactic And Sematic Analyses


_PP1_____ 1, Voûte refers not to a bank vault, S V O __________PP2______ but to a vault in an archway. Con O A Data 1 shows SVO pattern with the subject and verb deletions of the second conjoin, and the constituents linked by conjunction but are two prepositional phrases, i.e.: to a bank vault (PP1) and to a vault in an archway (PP2) as the object of the sentence. It can be proved by asking What does Voûte refer to? If the question is answered completely, the answer can be Voûte_refers_not to a bank vault, but Voûte_refers to a vault in an archway. From the data shown, it can be seen that conjunction but links prepositional phrases. So, it can be formulated as follows: PP1 but [Conjoin 1]

PP2 [Conjoin 2 ]

Clauses In coordinative constructions, it is found that conjunction but links independent clauses and dependent clauses. Independent Clauses Data (1) and (2) below are conjunction but which link two independent clauses: 1. He had been asleep only an hour, IC Conjoin 1 but he felt like the dead. Con IC Conjoin 2 Data (1) shows that conjunction but links two independent clauses. The

two independent clauses of the first data are He had been asleep only an hour as the first conjoin and he felt like the dead as the second one. And conjunction but precedes the second conjoin. The independent clauses which are connected by conjunction but are also found in From the data analysis, the formulation that can be made is: but

IC [Conjoin 1]


[Conjoin 2]

The following data show that conjunction but places a position between an independent clause and a dependent clause. 2.“I could tell you about math, but if I IC Con got caught . . .” IC The coordinative construction of data (2) show that conjunction but can also place a position between an independent clause and a dependent clause. In data (3) the independent clause is I could tell you about math and conjunction but follows the dependent clause of the second conjoin, i.e. if I got caught. Based on the above analysis, it can be made the formulation as follows: IC


[Conjoin 1]

DC, IC [Conjoin 2]

Dependent Clauses From the data collected, there is only one data of conjunction but that links dependent clauses found.

Eri Ester Khairas Conjunction But In English Syntactic And Sematic Analyses


He proved not only that matter can be created from nothing, but DC Con Conjoin 1 that the Big Bang and Genesis can be explained simply by accepting the presence of an enormous source of energy. DC Conjoin 2 The first data shows that conjunction but places the position between two dependent clauses of that matter can be created from nothing and that the Big Bang and Genesis can be explained simply by accepting the presence of an enormous source of energy. And conjunction but precedes the dependent clause of the second conjoin in which the independent clause has been deleted. The formulation that can be made is: ID, DC


[Conjoin 1]

IC, DC [Conjoin 2]

The Semantic Role of Conjunction but Giving Additional Information Basically, the meaning of conjunction but can be seen from its relationship to the conjoins that are linked. From the data collected, there is an additive meaning relationship shown by conjunction but. Meaning relationship of additional information shows that the second conjoin is an additional information of the first conjoin. 1.“This one’s a prototype of the Boeing X-33,” the pilot continued, “but there are dozens of others—the National Aero Space Plane, the Russians have Scramjet, the Brits have HOTOL. The two conjoins give the additive meaning relationship to conjunction but.

It can be clarified by substituting conjunction but with and as seen in the following: This one’s a prototype of the Boeing X-33,” the pilot continued, “and there are dozens of others—the National Aero Space Plane, the Russians have Scramjet, the Brits have HOTOL Denial of Expectation The relationship shown by conjunction but states that the meaning of the second conjoin is not what is expected by the first conjoin. By paraphrasing and substituting conjunction but with similar meaning of connector such as however, on the contrary or although can prove this relationship. 1. He and the revered curator Jacques Saunière had been slated to meet for drinks after Langdon's lecture tonight, but Saunière had never shown up. In data (1) there has been a denial expectation, what is expected after reading the first conjoin turns out not to be true from reading of the second.To prove the relationship, the data can be substituted as follows: (1a) He and the revered curator Jacques Saunière had been slated to meet for drinks after Langdon's lecture tonight, however, Saunière had never shown up. Marker of Semantic Contrast. 1. “I am not sure I understand everything you have just told me, but I do understand this. Data (1) shows a semantic contrast between the two conjoins. It is proved by the negative statement I am not sure I understand used by the first conjoin and the affirmative I do understand in the second. 2. (146/AD) She was an odd bird, but Glick liked her.

Eri Ester Khairas Conjunction But In English Syntactic And Sematic Analyses


In data (2) there is a semantic contrast between the two conjoins. The word odd in the first conjoin shows a contrast meaning with the word liked in the second. The statement She was an odd bird implies ‘ she was a stranger ‘ that may be disliked by Glick. On the contrary, ‘Glick liked her’. The meaning relationship can be clarified by substituting but with however, as seen in the following paraphrase: She was an odd bird, however, Glick liked her Marker of Speaker-return 1.

Langdon locked eyes with her. "Sophie, this is crucial. Can you tell me if the initials appeared with a symbol? A fleur-delis?" Sophie felt herself staggering backward in amazement. "But... how could you possibly know that!" In Data (1), conjunction but is used as a marker of speaker- return in the conversation between Langdon and Sophie. Sophie responds Langdon’s statement (‘ Sophie, this is crucial. Can you tell me if the initials appeared with a symbol? A fleur-de-lis?) by using but in ‘But... how could you possibly know that!’ as a marker of his speaking-return. It can be substituted by using another sign of speaker-return anyway (Murcia and Freman, 1999) as follows: 1(a) Langdon locked eyes with her. "Sophie, this is crucial. Can you tell me if the initials appeared with a symbol? A fleur-de-lis?" Sophie felt herself staggering backward in amazement. “Anyway... how could you possibly know that!" Emphatic Reaffirmation

1. The rest of the plane was hull—about 200 feet from front to back—no windows, nothing but hull. The above data shows that conjunction but is used as the emphatic reaffirmation of the hull. It can be seen in the first conjoin, the statement contains the word hull. Then, the second conjoin repeats the word hull to show the emphatic reaffirmation. To clarify the data, but can be changed with only and the paraphrase can be as follows: (1a) The rest of the plane was hull—about 200 feet from front to back—no windows, ( there was) nothing; (there was) only hull. Modifying Statement I apologize for this intrusion, but you have a visitor. In data (1) the speaker uses conjunction but to modify the statement of the first conjoin. It can be seen that the statement you have a visitor of the second conjoin modifies why the speaker apologizes for the intrusion. The reason for the intrusion is expressed in the second conjoin. The sentence can be paraphrased by using subordinating conjunction because as follows: (1a) I apologize for this intrusion, this is because you have a visitor. 1.

Refuting Statement 1. “My father built a reverse polarity vacuum to pull the antimatter positrons out of the accelerator before they could decay.” Kohler scowled. “But a vacuum would pull out the matter also. There would be no way to separate the particles.” Data (1) is a conversation between Vittoria and Kohler. It is seen that the phrase ‘pull out the matter also’ refutes the phrase pull the antimatter positrons which means if Victoria’s father built a reverse polarity vacuum to pull the

Eri Ester Khairas Conjunction But In English Syntactic And Sematic Analyses


antimatter positrons out of the accelerator before they could decay, the vacuum would pull out the matter also. Conclusion a. The findings show that constituents connected by conjunction but are various English constructions namely phrases, clauses and sentences. As well as its function as a coordinate conjunction, conjunction but links coordinative constructions. The coordinative construction has two conjoins which are independent clauses and conjunction but initiates the second conjoin. b. The distributions of conjunction but are as follows: (1). Conjunction but links various types of phrases, namely, noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases, adverb phrases and prepositional phrases. (2) As a clauses linker in coordinative constructions, it is found conjunction but that links independent clauses, dependent clauses, and sentences.

Murcia-Celce, Marianne and Diane Larsen-Freeman. 1999. The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher’s Course O’Grady, William et al. 1996. Contemporary Linguistics An Introduction.Copp Clark Pitman Ltd Quirk, Randolph et al. 1992. A Comprehensinve Grammar of The English Languange. New York : Longman Inc Van Valin Jr, Robert D and Lapolla, Randy J.2002. Syntax :Structure, Meaning and Function. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Zuhud, A. Dudih (2003). Konjungsi Kausalitas dalam Wacana Ilmiah Baasa Inggris dan Padanannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

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Eri Ester Khairas Conjunction But In English Syntactic And Sematic Analyses