rrHE Governor in Council has approved of the following addition being made to
Schctlnle 1., attached to Drawback Regulations of the 22nd January, 1880, viz. :-.
555 1885.
DRAWBACK REGULATIONS. ----------···········--~------·-
(From the Victoria Government Gazette of 4th December, 1885, No. 113.) DRA 1YBACK REGULATIONS.
Governor in Council has approved of the following addition being made to Schctlnle to Drawback Regulations of the 22nd January, 1880, viz. : -
1., attached Hate.
Live Stock.
Cows, oxen, heifers, Lulls, steers, calves, over six months old (except working bullocks in teams) ... Horses, mares, geldings, colts, and fillies, not in saddle or harness Sheep, whether rams, ewes, wcthers, or Jambs Pigs ...
5s. each 5s. each 6d.each 2s. each
It has also been approved that, in order to entitle the exporter to claim Drawback on Live Stock, he shall comply with the following Regulations, viz. 1. The import entry passed when the Live Stock is imported, must bear on its face the statement that the importer intends to export the stock for drawback within six monthf:', all(} aLw show brands, nmrks, or other de::;l!ription of the stock, for pnrposes of identification when so exported. 2. The stock must be exported within months of the date of importation, unless special permission in writing be obtained fi·om Secretary for Trade and Cw:~toms; extension of time shnll not, under any circnmstanees, exeeed ~ix months. 3. The export entry must bear on its face the following declaration:" I, , do hereby declare that this live stoek, upon which I claim tlmw],aek, was imported by me at , and that duty was paid thereon by warrant No. , of To date from the lst January, 1886. G. D. LAXGRIDGE, Commissioner of Tmde and Customs. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 26th November, 1885.
Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be 'printed, 18th December, 1885.
[.Approximate Cost of Paper.-Prep::m1Uont not given; rrlnting (760 copies), £1 :l3s. Od.]
By '.Authority: A.·-:Xo. 16.
JonN Fl!:RRES,
Government Printer, ::\Iclbourne.