Drilling courses. RKK Drilling courses for the petroleum technology sector
comprises various levels of training. ... Please visit our online course catalogue at
Oil & gas
Drilling courses
RKK Drilling courses for the petroleum technology sector comprises various levels of training. From introductory to advanced levels, you can develop your knowledge and skills in our flexible training programmes. Aimed at the novice learner via rough neck and driller to tool pusher, our courses build on the best practise from international and Norwegian expertise in the various areas of drilling operations competence. Flexible - net supported - workshop - classrom
Product fact sheet #B1-T1 for the oil & gas market
Stavanger Offshore Technical College
Serving the procurement professional Achilles id: 26088
The RKK Drilling courses comprise four separate levels where each builds on the previous level: Level 1: B1-T1-L1-C1 Petroleum technology introduction course Level 2: B1-T1-L2-C1 Rough neck Level 3: B1-T1-L3-C1 Driller Level 4: B1-T1-L4-C1 Tool pusher
Delivery methods Our blended learning model comprises net supported learning portals, video, practical workshops and classroom demonstration and both live and web streamed lectures. More then 15 years of experience in ICT supported learning methods ensures that both instructors and participants are tuned in to teaching and learning as flexible and efficiently as possible. This improves both the quality of the learning as well as cost efficiency. Assessment and documentation Depending on the training scheme and level of training, participants are subject to examination and assessments according to international standards, and will recive either education programme diploma, a certificate issued by 3rd party assessor or a course certificate. If required we will support you with recertification reminders as part of our client care service.
For further information and enrollment Please visit our online course catalogue at: WWW.RKK.NO/INTVET Tel.: +47 51 51 67 37 email:
[email protected]
Photo front: Harald Pettersen / StatoilHydro | Back: Øyvind Hagen / StatoilHydro | © RKK 2009 Rev 1 ver 3
Curricula and content Our courses cover training according to international and Norwegian standards. Covering both secondary and tertiary vocational education levels. The courses are adapted to allow for maximum flexibillity and adjustment to the actual needs of each client. This allows for a competence profile and gap analysis defining the basis for our training schemes. Adjustments to fit internal requirements are possible.