Driving Directions to Facebook - UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering

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Page 1. Driving Directions to Facebook – Menlo Park Campus. Address: 1601 ... Visitor Parking: Please refer to buildin
Driving  Directions  to  Facebook  –  Menlo  Park  Campus   Address:  1601  Willow  Road,  Menlo  Park,  CA  94025   From  the  North  Bay:   1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Take  US-­‐101  South  toward  San  Jose   Exit  CA-­‐84  /Marsh  Road   Turn  left  at  the  exit   Less  than  half  a  mile,  turn  right  on  CA-­‐84  East/Bayfront  Expressway   Drive  about  1.5  miles   At  the  intersection  of  Bayfront  and  Willow  Road,  turn  left  at  the  stop  light  into  our   campus  

From  the  South  Bay:   1. Take  US-­‐101  North  toward  San  Francisco   2. Exit  Willow  Road  –  East  and  drive  about  1  mile   3. At  the  intersection  of  Bayfront  Expressway  and  Willow  Road,  continue  forward   through  the  stop  light  into  our  campus   From  the  East  Bay:   1. 2. 3. 4.

From  I-­‐880,  exit  Decoto  Road/CA-­‐84  West  toward  the  Dumbarton  Bridge   Drive  about  2  miles  and  you  will  reach  a  toll  for  the  bridge  -­‐  $5  auto  toll   Drive  about  6.5  miles   At  the  intersection  of  Bayfront  Expressway  and  Willow  Road,  turn  right  at  the  stop   light  into  our  campus  

Visitor  Parking:  Please  refer  to  building  and  parking  map  below.    Although  we  have   designated  parking  areas  for  visitors,  guests  can  park  in  any  unmarked  spaces.   FYI:  1601  Willow  Road,  Menlo  Park,  CA  94025  is  what  you  can  plug  into  GPS  or  provide   to  taxi  drivers.    10  Network  Circle,  Menlo  Park,  CA  94025  is  the  old  internal  campus   address  Sun,  the  previous  company  at  this  location,  used  for  the  private  road  around   the  building.  It  still  shows  up  in  some  maps  this  way.