dropshipping with wikaniko - Wikaniko.com

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NO SELLING whatsoever to your friends and family. NO NEED ... Once you are registered, we can give you access to the fac
DROPSHIPPING WITH WIKANIKO A Fabulous Opportunity to make a great income with the UK’s No1 work From Home Eco Friendly Business! Amazing Benefits: WORK AT HOME on your pc NO OUTLAY to Wikaniko whatsoever – so no catches or hidden agenda. FREE TO JOIN NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS OR WEBSITE FEES to make NO STOCK TO BUY whatsoever NO SELLING whatsoever to your friends and family NO NEED TO RECRUIT or entice anyone else to do it RUN IT FROM ANYWHERE – even on holiday abroad – anywhere with an internet connection INSTANT START - you could be fully up and running in a couple of days GET DISCOUNTS on all the products that you would normally use, and save money on your own shopping 24/7 – you will sell products all year round, day and night without your intervention Fit around your kids, partner family – you can do this any time of the day or night when you want, how you want, stop and start when you want The profits could easily pay the mortgage or rent every month (serious part timers, according to the effort that is put in) It truly is the perfect business opportunity for mums with kids, single parents, carers, retired people looking to supplement their income, physically challenged, or anyone that needs that few extra hundred pounds a month to make a world of difference. The most amazing thing is that it does not cost you a single penny to start up, with Wikaniko. We supply all the eco friendly products. How it works: There are dozens of shopping sites on the internet where you can sell products – ebay, ebid, amazon, google shopping, etc. You simply list the products that you want to offer, and when someone buys that product, they pay you. You then order it from your Wikaniko Warehouse.

We ship it direct to your customer with no mention whatsoever of ‘Wikaniko’ in the order – it is as if it came directly from you. You retain the profit made from the difference between the price that someone has paid for the product, and the price that you paid us. Simples……..why not give it a try? You have absolutely nothing to lose! You gain by making a profit. We gain by the profit we make between the manufacturer’s price and our wholesale cost to you. So we both win, and that’s why it is so powerful. We have people now selling dozens of products online every month, and building a great income! There are over 1000 products to choose from with more added every week. Register today (NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED BY US TO JOIN – EVER) Contact the person who gave you this information, or copy and paste their website link below to join. Choose the FREE Wholesale Buyer Registration option to become a Dropshipper FAQ Is it that simple? Everything requires effort, and a learning curve. But if you are used to listing products on sites like ebay, you will find it very simple to do Can I get help with this? Yes. Once you are registered, we can give you access to the facebook group, where other people doing dropshipping will help you. The company do not supply personal support as the dropshipping option is a free option. Many dropshippers choose to become distributors instead, where they can introduce other dropshippers, and get personal support from HQ. The distributor position costs just £12.95 and £3.50 per month, but you also get a giant online shop to give you even more sales. Can I join as a dropshipper then upgrade later? No How much money can I make? That is entirely up to you. If you list one product, you will make very little. If you put in the effort, and list dozens of products, you can make money. If you get to grips with it, and run it like a business, you could make serious money. Isn’t there already lots of people doing this? No. It’s very new. However, that’s never going to be a problem as there are lots of outlets where you can list your products and over 1000 products to list. You can also combine products as a package to make the offer unique (i.e., a shampoo with a conditioner, or 3 bottles of shampoo as one package – that sort of thing)

Are there any products that I can’t sell online? You can sell every product apart from the few that we have with the Wikaniko brand name on. It is strictly forbidden to sell our branded products online. Where can I get more information? There’s not a lot more to give. The best way is to jump into the water and start swimming instead of standing shivering on the side. After all, it is FREE to try? Join us today.