Sep 19, 2017 - With reference to the Exchange notice no. 20170918-13 and in continuation to notice no. 20170223-. 44 dat
GRADED SURVEILLANCE MEASURE (GSM) – LIST OF SECURITIES MOVING IN TO THEIR RESPECTIVE GSM STAGES With reference to the Exchange notice no. 20170918-13 and in continuation to notice no. 2017022344 dated February 23, 2017 and Exchange notice no. 20170303-29 dated March 03, 2017, trading members are hereby requested to note that the securities as per attached Annexure shall be moved to their respective Stages of GSM with effect from September 19, 2017. Further, trading members are requested to take adequate precautions while trading in the said securities, as the settlement shall be done on trade-to-trade basis and no netting off shall be allowed. Annexure- List of securities moving in respective higher stages
Sr.No 1
Security Code 514378
Moved to GSM Stage I
Sr.No 1 2
Security Code 531420 539096
Security Name BMB MUSIC & MAGNETICS LTD. Aananda Lakshmi Spinning Mills LTD.
Moved to GSM Stage II II
Sr.No 1 2
Security Code 539197 520141
Security Name Devhari Exports (India) LTD SIBAR AUTO PARTS LTD.
Moved to GSM Stage III III
Surveillance Actions
Transfer to trade for trade with price band of 5% or lower as applicable
Trade for trade with price band of 5% or lower as applicable and Additional Surveillance Deposit (ASD) of 100% of trade value to be collected from Buyer
Trading permitted once a week trading and ASD 100% of trade value to be deposited by the buyers (Every Monday /First trading day of the week)
Contact us:DSM-438, Moti Nagar, Shivaji Marg New Delhi-110015 Phone: 011-49066596
[email protected]