1. DT Report - Pivot Table Training Manual. Purpose: In this example, user will
learn how to run a PS/nVision Detail Transaction (DT) Transdata Report using.
DT Report - Pivot Table Training Manual Purpose: In this example, user will learn how to run a PS/nVision Detail Transaction (DT) Transdata Report using Layout: DT_Transdata_Budget_Report for an Executive Area. 1. Navigation to Ps/nVision: Reporting Tools> PS/nVision> Define Report Request
2. Click on Find an Existing Value. And enter the following information:
a b
a. b. c. 3. d. e.
Enter the Business Unit: FIU01 Enter the Report ID: DT + first 6 digits of deptID Click Search On the nVision Report Request tab input the following information: Type a Report Title: free form Layout: DT_Transdata_Budget_Report
2 f. As of Reporting Date: “As of today” g. Click on “Scope and Delivery Templates”.
d e
4. Type in or look up the Activity Nbr or Project on the Report Scope field. Then click OK.
3 5. Click Run Report.
6. Select PSNT.
4 7. Click on Save and then go to Process Monitor.
8. Refresh the Process and then click on Go back to Report Request.
5 9. Click on Report Manager to open the report.
10. Go to the Administration Tab, and click on the report link under the Description section.
6 1. Enable Content and click “Yes”.
The DT report main components: When first run, the report will appear as follow:
Filters Rows
Field List
The Rows: a b d
c e
a b f
c e
d f
By default the DT will be delivered as shown above with subtotals broken down by: a- Organizational department b- Activity Nbr c- Expense/Revenues Rollup (Rollup3) d- Budget Rollup (OCO, OPS, OOE, SAL) e- Budget Account f- Detail Account (Account2)
Row Collapsing or Expanding:
Rows can be expanded or collapsed at any level of detail. For example, in this report, Activity Nbr 1104130006 was collapsed to show one subtotal for all transactions under the Activity Nbr. WARNING: When collapsing rows please be aware that the revenues and expenses will be summed together to show one total. To see your expense available balances, please see the filter section on page 13.
Row Subtotals: Before:
To avoid confusion due to duplicate subtotals, you may want sometimes to remove subtotals from any of the rows that have been selected. To do so, you can click on the field in the row box as shown and then click on” Field Settings…”
The “Field Settings” box will appear. Excel defaults the subtotals to “Automatic”. To remove them you may click on the radio button “None”. Tips and Tricks : Note that Excel gives you the option to specify the calculation type that you would like it to compute. By clicking on the Custom radio button, you may select to average your number or even count them.
Tips and Tricks 1: Note that you may change the name of the field you want where “Custom Name” shows.
The Columns:
The columns represent the ledger or type of information contained in the column. The ledger balance signs are as follow: Expenses Revenues Budget Positive Negative Expense/Revenues(Actuals) Negative Positive Encumbrances Negative N/A Pre-Encumbrances Negative N/A
The Values
A value will appear anywhere that there are data for the intersection between row and column.
Drilling to the data
Excel allows you to retrieve the source data behind each value by simply double clicking on it. In this case the source data is the TRANDATA. WARNING: To get back to the report click the “PivotTable” tab at the bottom.
The Filters
This section allows the user to apply filter to the entire report. The DT report defaults the Budget Period to the current one (in this case 2013) by applying a filter. WARNING: This is one of the most common sources of error when manipulating Pivot tables as it is not easily visible. Make sure to keep track of the filters applied.
To apply a filter, simply click on the arrow next to the field that you want to select and make your selection. You may select more than one value by clicking on the “select Multiple Items” check box. WARNING: Never uncheck the (blank) value.
The Field List:
These are all the fields available to the user to filter or/and expand the columns or rows in the report. To do so all you need to do is drag and drop the desired field in the appropriate box. Tips and Tricks 1: Note that any field that has a filter applied to it will show a funnel next to it in the list.
DT Report Layout Examples Executive Available Balance Report by Funding Source / Activity Nbr (the DS report) This layout will provide you with the available adjusted budgets by activity Nbr by Fund code. WARNING: The actuals expenses are posted transactions thus the total expense amount maybe different then the budget overview in PeopleSoft where the expense amounts reflect budget checked transactions.
Step one - filter the report to expenses only: Drag and drop the “Rollup3” (Expense/Revenue) from the “Row Labels” to the “Report Filter” box.
Step one - filter the report to expenses only:
Click on the filter drop down menu Check the “Select Multiple Items” checkbox Uncheck everything but “Expenses” and “Blank”
Step two - Filter the report to Expenses only:
Click on the filter drop down menu Check the “Select Multiple Items” checkbox Uncheck everything but “Expenses” and “Blank”
Step three – adding fund code subtotals: Move the fund code from the “Report Filter” to the “Row Labels” between DeptID and Activity Nbr. ……Et voila!
Executive Available Balance For Non-Salaries Expenses Report by Funding Source / Activity Nbr
Step one – Getting to the executive available balance Please follow the steps in the previous section to obtain executive available balance.
Step two – Add the rollup filter Drag and drop the “Rollup” filed in the “Report Filter box”.
Step three – Apply filter Uncheck the “Permanent Salaries” selection from the Rollup filter .