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staff and members of the Downtown Business Improvement Area to communicate a clear .... distributed electronically to ap
St.Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


Where We Are & Where We're Going

St.Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020 This plan is created for the organization, the Board of Directors, staff and members of the Downtown Business Improvement Area to communicate a clear vision forward through to 2020. Many of the Strategic Priorities and initiatives created will continue beyond this Plan. The Workplan (to be) included in Appendix B will be used to ensure that deliverables are achieved in alignment with the Strategic Priorities. We acknowledge and thank all members and stakeholders for their contributions to this plan, and partnership in seeing the achievement of the Strategic Priorities outlined. Photo credits: St. Catharines Downtown Association except page 3 (stock), page 10 (Jennifer Wallace), page 12 (Niagara This Week)

Strategic Priorities Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Making the core clean & green Graffiti prevention & removal Filling vacant spaces with diverse businesses Member participation & engagement Bringing people to the core Review current Policing policy & investment Educating members and the public about accessible businesses 8. Creating a vehicle-friendly core through collaborative initiatives 9. Signage directing visitors to Downtown assets & attractions

Year One initiatives: 1,4,8,9

Contents What We Did Who We Talked To - Member Survey What We Heard - The Role of the St. Catharines Downtown Association 6 - The Downtown Core in 3 Years... 7 Where Do We Go - Strategic Directions 9 How Do We Get There - Strategic Priorities 15 Who Will Lead Us There 2 3 4 5

What We Did

St. Catharines is the urban centre of the Niagara Region,. Its Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA), and the St. Catharines Downtown Association, is one of the oldest and well-developed BIA organizations within the region. Since its inception in 1973, the Association has grown to have permanent office space at 80 King Street, employ two fulltime staff members, manage an active online presence and ongoing relationships with municipal staff and other partners. Downtown St. Catharines is a place in transition, with over $150 million in new development of public buildings, expanded only by the further millions in private commercial and residential development. This increase of new faces and new places to the Downtown led the St. Catharines Downtown Association Board of Directors to decide that the development of a Strategic Plan 2017-2020 was needed. The Plan will outline strategic goals for the organization in keeping with the mandate:

to participate in programs aimed at the physical improvement and beautification of the core, as well as the promotion of the Downtown as a great place in which to live, meet, shop, work and play. St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


Who We Talked To

Why Downtown? "An understanding of the downtown core as the centre of the City and the most diverse location for business, culture, sport, entertainment and community that has always been present in the grassroots community. What is happening presently is built on that foundation and committment from the community." member survey comment

Once the process was approved, groups were identified to be consulted in relation to the four areas of Beautification, Vibrancy & Prosperity, Safety, and Accessibility of our downtown core. Those consulted include: Downtown Association Board of Directors; Downtown Association staff; BIA members; key stakeholders; partners, and senior municipal staff. Downtown Association staff and Executive Board members were consulted first in order to identify the key areas that have been focused on to date, obstacles members and the organization have been facing as well as a review of the internal operations of the organization, including bylaws and budget priorities. The Board of Directors came together for two in-depth strategic planning workshops during the months of June and July, where open dialogue was had surrounding the key obstacles for members, role of the Downtown Association, and internal organizational strengths and weaknesses. The Board members were asked to contribute thoughts anonymously in each of the four Strategic Directions, and then each item was further discussed with the group as a whole. The duplication in certain areas stressed importance of the item, positioning some ideas as obvious lead priorities for the Plan.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


Who We Talked To

Member Survey Membership feedback at different stages of the planning process was crucial. A detailed membership survey was distributed electronically to approximately 411 member property and business owners. Available for completion throughout the month of August, the anonymous survey received a 13.63% response rate, with many of the 10 questions providing space for open comments as a response. The surveys that were completed included lengthy comments that were well thought-out and reflective of the views of the membership. The member survey questions were constructed for two purposes: to gain feedback on the identified key priorities as outlined by the Board of Directors, and; to encourage members to share their vision for Downtown St. Catharines over the next three years. Opportunities for feedback from all groups originally consulted will be available again after the distribution of the draft Strategic Plan, which is to be presented at an open house for even further member consultation before being finalized.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


What We Heard

The Role of the St. Catharines Downtown Association

Certain themes were repeated throughout the workshops, surveys, and conversations that were conducted regarding the role the St. Catharines Downtown Association as an organization has to fulfill within the community. These roles relate to the purpose and mandate of the St. Catharines Downtown Association, which has helped to further inform the strategic priorities and what will become the Priority Action Items of the Plan. These roles include: 1. Communication & Advocacy: engaging an effective communication strategy with the members, as an advocate and resource to business and property owners alike 2. Member Promotion & Inclusion: continued promotion of downtown businesses while fostering member involvement in Downtown Association initiatives and standing committees 3. Lead Partnership: taking a lead in developing partnerships with the City and other institutions such as Brock University and Niagara College to coordinate resources and messaging in an effort to move priorities forward on behalf of our membership

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


What We Heard

Why Downtown? "Our downtown is an unpolished gem, appreciated by many outsiders, neglected and disparaged by locals. Potential to be centre of civic pride." member survey comment

The Downtown Core in 3 Years... A clear vision for the future of downtown also arose from our member responses. We asked respondents to think about what they most wanted downtown to be like in three years, what that looked and sounded like. Here is a representation of those responses.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


Where Do We Go

Strategic Directions The previously identified Strategic Directions of Beautification, Vibrancy & Prosperity, Safety, and Accessibility will go on to shape this and future Strategic Plans for the St. Catharines Downtown Association, providing a lens through which opportunities can be evaluated. The Board of Directors will be able to examine new initiatives and how they might link to this Strategic Plan by tying them to a Strategic Direction and Role. Strategic Directions defined: Beautification: the physical improvement of the BIA, involving collaboration and cooperation with members, the City of St. Catharines’ and Region of Niagara’s applicable departments, including but not limited to cleanliness, maintenance and presenting the Downtown as a beautiful place to live, meet, shop, work and play. Vibrancy & Prosperity: promoting the members, events, and many reasons for citizens to visit the Downtown core is only one small aspect of this Strategic Direction. Working to attract a diversity of new businesses to fill our storefronts and office spaces, foster collaborative marketing and promotional efforts to local and tourist markets, and communicate the value of a membership working together to have a more impactful voice when needed.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


Where Do We Go

Strategic Directions Safety: a concern in every urban centre, safety and adequate Police presence has long been and will continue to be a priority for the St. Catharines Downtown Association, with efforts being made to monitor and ensure the safety for member businesses and citizens. Education of members on how to best assist in the event of an incident, as well as preventative measures will also fall within this Priority. Accessibility: closely linked to Vibrancy & Prosperity, citizens will not live, meet, shop, work and play Downtown if there is difficulty navigating throughout the core. This includes, but is not limited, to physical accessibility to member buildings and businesses, the ability to easily wayfind by any mode of transportation (car or bicycle) through proper signage, and available parking.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


How Do We Get There

Strategic Priority: Making the core clean and green Strategic Direction: Beautification Role: Lead Partnerships In partnership with City of St. Catharines Green Advisory Committee, Clean City Advisory Committee, Parks, Recreation and Culture Services Department, and other identified stakeholders, the Downtown Association will steer the creation of a Beautification Plan for the Downtown Core so that there is a clear and consistent appearance, enhancing the streets, sidewalks and buildings. This will aim to include areas which would fall under the responsibility of the City of St. Catharines, general cleanliness throughout the core, as well as façade and building maintenance which would be owner members' and businesses' responsibility.

Strategic Priority: Graffiti prevention and removal Strategic Direction: Beautification Role: Communication & Advocacy The St. Catharines Downtown Association has maintained a key role in the removal of graffiti found on buildings within the BIA, however with costs increasing beyond budget in recent years, initiatives to educate and consult with members on preventative measures is needed.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


How Do We Get There

Strategic Priority: Filling vacant spaces with diverse businesses Strategic Direction: Vibrancy & Prosperity Role: Lead Partnerships The current joint initiative of InvestinSTC.com between the St. Catharines Downtown Association and the City of St. Catharines’ Economic Development and Tourism Department included the joint investment in a Downtown Development Officer position. The Strategic Planning process uncovered the need for a review of this position, its responsibilities and performance, and the initiative as a whole, which was echoed in discussions with the Economic Development and Tourism Department. Combined efforts and resources need to be utilized to attract business to fill the many vacant spaces in both our storefronts and office towers.

Strategic Priority: Member participation & engagement Strategic Direction: Vibrancy & Prosperity Role: Member Promotion & Inclusion; Communication & Advocacy Strength and opportunity lie in the membership’s ability to come together and collaborate. The St. Catharines Downtown Association will, through the formation of new Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, expect and encourage increased member engagement in order to respond more effectively to what the businesses are seeking assistance with in all four of the Strategic Directions outlined in this plan. St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


How Do We Get There

Strategic Priority: Bringing people to the core Strategic Direction: Vibrancy & Prosperity Role: Member Promotion & Inclusion; Lead Partnerships Perhaps the most significant of the strategic priorities, bringing people to the core includes promotion and advertising (digital, print and radio), events that promote businesses within the BIA, as well as ongoing incentives for citizens and tourists alike to patronize downtown businesses. Some of these initiatives have been carried out under the guidance of the Promotions & Marketing Committee, however future efforts will be made to collaborate and share marketing resources with the Tourism staff at the City of St. Catharines Economic Development and Tourism Department. Marketing partnerships will also be strengthened with the Meridian Centre, FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, Brock University and Niagara College.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


How Do We Get There

Strategic Priority: Review current Policing policy & investment Strategic Direction: Safety Role: Lead Partnerships; Communication & Advocacy As an additional budget expense item each year, the current Policing policy is discussed with the Niagara Regional Police Services representative, however there has been expressed a need to explore deeper into the effectiveness of the current investment. The formation of a Policy Review ad hoc Committee would be required to take this on, gathering feedback from member business and property owners as well as other identified stakeholders, and proposing any amendments to the Membership and the Board.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


How Do We Get There Strategic Priority: Educating members and the public about accessible businesses Strategic Direction: Accessibility Role: Member Promotion & Inclusion; Communication & Advocacy The downtown core has many heritage buildings, making building accessibility a challenge for many business and property owners. This is understood, however still requires exploration, education, and conversation with member businesses surrounding what enfolds the idea of accessibility, and how to make the public aware of accessible options of all kinds throughout the downtown core. Educating members on programs available for everything from property grants to employment of persons with disabilities, accessibility standards and changes in those standards, are all part of this Strategic Priority.

Strategic Priority: Creating a vehicle-friendly core through collaborative initiatives Strategic Direction: Accessibility Role: Lead Partnerships; Communication & Advocacy Like so many others, St. Catharines downtown has become a natural hub for the Niagara Region for business and entertainment. With that comes traffic, and a need for vehiclefriendliness to make travelling to and around the core easy. So many moving parts make up this Priority, including the availability of affordable and accessible parking options, timely and effective snow removal in the winter months, and increased bicycle friendliness. St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


How Do We Get There Strategic Priority: Signage directing visitors to Downtown assets and attractions Strategic Direction: Accessibility Role: Member Promotion & Inclusion; Lead Partnerships A show of civic pride, a way-finding tool for citizens and visitors to the core alike, appropriate signage and direction is a needed addition to the downtown BIA. This includes gateway signage at multiple entry points, event promotional signage and directories showing visitors business options to patronize during their stay, as well as visibly indicating parking, safety, accessibility and other features to enhance the visitor experience.

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020


Who Will Lead Us There Being a Director is Changing

The governing board of directors, through this process, identified the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Human resources being priority, the formation of standing and ad hoc committees will be the most effective method of facilitating the Strategic Priorities of this plan. Currently the volunteer human resources available include: Board Executive and Directors Promotions and Marketing Standing Committee It is suggested through this plan that the following Committees be formed, to be Chaired by a Director of the Board, and include members of the BIA: Strategic Plan Standing Committee Communication & Advocacy Standing Committee Beautification Master Plan Ad Hoc Committee Police & Safety Policy Review Ad Hoc Committee Association By Law Review Ad Hoc Committee

St. Catharines Downtown Association Strategic Plan 2017-2020