Mar 10, 2017 - Year 7 News. Year 8 News ... 7 News. This week Year 7s have been revising hard for their Half Term Tests
DTA Newsletter Theme of the Week: International Women’s Day
Friday 10th March 2017
Ms Finlay and Mr Tyrrell joining in the Fundraising fun!
Dear Parents and Carers, This week everyone has been focusing on the final preparations for our Spring term tests, which start on Monday 13th March for one week. We are excited to see how much progress pupils will have made since their Autumn tests. They have certainly been working very hard.
Year 7 News
We have also been preparing for our huge Fundraising Event happening today to support the Water Aid charity. We shall have more news for you next week, but you will find some photos in this edition of our newsletter and on our gallery on the website.
Year 8 News Awards
Mathematics Science
We really enjoyed Miss Hessom’ s powerful assembly to celebrate International Women’s Day this week. Pupils respect our message of equality.
Physical Education
Please do download our new Gateway app, which will provide you with current information about your child.
Performing Arts
Enjoy a good read! Art Yours sincerely Humanities EAL
Headteacher 345 Stockport Road Manchester M12 4DY t: 0161 972 2988 e:
[email protected] w:
Believe Achieve Succeed
Year 7 News This week Year 7s have been revising hard for their Half Term Tests next week as well as preparing for the Fundraising Fair. We have more information on the fair next week. Good luck to all year 7s.
Year 8 News In preparation for your next tests next week, why not try out this revision tip: Revision Cards In the past, I have found Revision Cards extremely useful when I have been preparing for exams when I was at school or even now as a Head of Year. You can purchase Revision Cards in most stores, such as WH Smiths, Tescos or most stationary shops.
345 Stockport Road Manchester M12 4DY t: 0161 972 2988 e:
[email protected] w:
Believe Achieve Succeed
Fundraising Fair
English Our Poet Laureate Ayan Saleh wrote this wonderful poem for World Book Day. Well done! The gift of adoring a book Isn’t something Harry Potter Can wave his wand and make disappear. Books’ magic lives on. Each book chases our passion Spurs our imagination into action Rinses out our cruel moments in life Ensures our good intentions And makes our morals convincing. The gift of adoring a book As Matilda taught us Is a magic which will live on.
Mathematics The Mathematics department has been inundated with entries for the Liverpool University Maths Challenge 2017! The questions have been answered in so much detail and by so many different pupils. We have been really impressed by the high levels in which many of our pupils are working at independently! The entries have been sent off and we are awaiting the results from Liverpool University! Well done to everyone who has attempted these questions – this is excellent revision for your test next week. We look forward to seeing the results. Here is one of the questions from the challenge!
345 Stockport Road Manchester M12 4DY t: 0161 972 2988 e:
[email protected] w:
Believe Achieve Succeed
Science The Year 7s have been having a shocking time learning about electricity and how sparks are caused in Science this week.
Physical Education In P.E this week pupils have under gone their practical assessments. As a faculty teachers are extremely happy with the amount of progress pupils have made in their sports. They are successfully performing skills to a very high standard, recalling muscles in the body instantly and creating links between components of fitness and sports. Pupils have also been taking on coaching and leadership roles this week, which they have done superbly. All pupils will be sitting their written tests next week, therefore we encourage pupils to revise, as this will enhance their grades even further!
345 Stockport Road Manchester M12 4DY t: 0161 972 2988 e:
[email protected] w:
Believe Achieve Succeed
MFL In Spanish, pupils have enjoyed their topic on Cyberbullying and Online Safety.
In Spanish, pupils have enjoyed their topic on Cyberbullying and Online Safety.
In Spanish, pupils have enjoyed their topic on Cyberbullying and Online Safety.
In French, pupils have learnt in great detail how to describe their home.
Year 7 pupils have enjoyed and developed great work on describing their home in Spanish with great detail and a particular focus on Grammar to great success!
345 Stockport Road Manchester M12 4DY t: 0161 972 2988 e:
[email protected] w:
Believe Achieve Succeed
Performing Arts This term in lessons we are focusing upon composing our own songs in GarageBand. So far pupils have been producing some amazing work and are really enjoying using the fantastic technology we have available in school. There are still a limited number of spaces available of a Wednesday nbbbbbbevening for Music Technology Club. Please speak to Mr Hennessy for more information.
Technology This week pupils have been busy adding modifications to their recipes based on their responses to a Design Brief. The Year 7s have been adding a range of ingredients to the flapjack recipe to create a reduced sugar breakfast bar, while the Year 8 pupils have been adding ingredients to a standard dough recipe to create a custom bread flavour. Pictured are some of the excellent examples of what has been produced.
345 Stockport Road Manchester M12 4DY t: 0161 972 2988 e:
[email protected] w:
Believe Achieve Succeed
Art Art Lessons: This week we have worked on our biro drawings and thinking about composition in our sketchbooks. Art Club: We had a visit from the Super Intendant, he was impressed by our clubs art skills and incredibly pleased with our work so far! We have been working on hats and trees this week! Set Design: The set pieces have arrived and we have been busy bees painting the set, printing t-shirts and working on our posters.
Humanities Year 7 pupils have been studying tectonic plates and continental drift. They have researched the island of Madagascar for homework as an example of how continental drift can affect the evolution of plants and animals. As a result, Humanities film club this week watched a documentary called ‘Wild Madagascar’ where we saw how scientists and geographers work together to save endangered species and even find new species of animals and plants that we never knew existed! The year 7 and 8 students that attended all agreed that the chameleon was the most interesting a bizarre animal: we discovered they can be as long as your arm, but can also be as small as your finger nail! Next week in Humanities film club we will be watching a documentary on the world’s megacities.
EAL Our Absolute Beginners have been learning how to use twelve-hour clock and add, where necessary, the expressions in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening etc. They also learned the different prepositions of time. They demonstrated their understanding by doing practical activities and writing sentences. I have attached the pictures of the fantastic work they have done. I’m really impressed with their progress. 345 Stockport Road Manchester M12 4DY t: 0161 972 2988 e:
[email protected] w:
Believe Achieve Succeed
Year 7 Awards
BfL Grade 1 Form of the Week BfL Form of the Week Winners: Bridgewater and MOSI – 91 Grade 1s
Weekly Form Attendance Last week form attendance winners in order are: 1. Piccadilly, Victoria and Whitworth – 98.2% 2. Bridgewater and Rylands – 98% 3. Lowry – 96.9%
Well done to all!
Year 8 Awards
BfL Grade 1 Top Pupils of the Week BfL Grade 1 Form of the Week Last week’s BfL grade 1 winners in order are:
BfL Grade 1 winners are: Azaan Khan Devante Henry Malikah Shahbaz Daniyal Akram Mozammel Akbari
Whitworth – 139 grade 1 marks Rylands – 136 grade 1 marks Lowry – 114 grade 1 marks Bridgewater and Piccadilly - 96 grade 1 marks 5. Victoria – 71 grade 1 marks 1. 2. 3. 4.
345 Stockport Road Manchester M12 4DY t: 0161 972 2988 e:
[email protected] w:
Whole School Attendance This week’s full school attendance is
Believe Achieve Succeed 96.6%