Composites in Construction 2005 – Third International Conference Lyon, France, July 11 – 13, 2005
DURABILITY OF GLASS FIBRE REINFORCED POLYESTER (GFRP) PULTRUDED PROFILES USED IN CIVIL ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS J.R. Correiaa, S. Cabral-Fonsecab, F.A. Brancoa, J.G. Ferreiraa, M.I. Eusébiob and M.P. Rodriguesb a Civil Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal b Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) Av. do Brasil 101, 1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal.
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of experimental research on the physical, chemical, mechanical and aesthetical changes suffered by glass fibre reinforced polyester (GFRP) profiles under accelerated exposure to moisture, temperature and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. GFRP profiles were submitted to four different exposure environments: (i) immersion in water at 20ºC, (ii) condensation of water at 60ºC (iii) accelerated weathering QUV equipment and (iv) accelerated weathering Xenon-arc equipment. Results are analysed regarding the sorption, tensile and flexural behaviours, the chromatic and gloss variations and the chemical changes investigated by means of infrared spectroscopy. Considerable chromatic changes were observed, especially due to UV radiation. Regarding structural safety, although some reduction in the mechanical properties was observed, especially in the immersion and condensation chambers, the durability tests proved the generally good behaviour of this material under those aggressive conditions. 1.
Glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultruded profiles have great potential in the construction industry, presenting several advantages comparing with traditional materials, among which, the potentially improved durability under aggressive environments. The evidence of improved durability performance when submitted to aggressive environments, can be perceived by the history of their use in marine vessels, piping, storage tanks and in the above mentioned corrosive industries. Paradoxically, one of the factors that is delaying the widespread acceptance of GFRP profiles as load-carrying structural elements is the lack of comprehensive and validated data on durability [1], which creates an obstacle for the construction agents, including owners, civil engineers and contractors, as construction infrastructures service life is generally expected to exceed 50 years. Furthermore, this factor has been recently identified by several authors as the most critical gap between perceived need of information and available information, regarding future research [1, 2], particularly for composites produced by large scale processing methods such as pultrusion. Moisture, thermal effects and ultraviolet (UV) radiation play a primary role among the environmental conditions identified as being of primary importance in terms of durability of FRP composites in infrastructural applications. GFRP profiles are likely to be exposed to rain, humidity or moisture and in some applications, such as bridge columns or in harbours, the material may even be immersed. GFRP profiles used in outdoor are particularly exposed to UV radiation and thermal effects, the last effect also influencing GFRP profiles used in industrial units. This paper presents the results of experimental research on the physical, chemical, mechanical and aesthetical changes suffered by GFRP pultruded profiles following accelerated exposure to moisture, thermal effects and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Specimens cut from commercial GFRP pultruded profiles, currently being used for infrastructure applications, were submitted to four different exposure environments: (i) immersion in water at 20ºC, (ii) condensation of water at 60ºC, (iii) artificial accelerated weathering in a QUV equipment and (iv) artificial accelerated weathering in a Xenon-arc equipment. After submitting the material to those aggressive environments, the 1
sorption behaviour was analysed, the tensile and flexural behaviours were studied, the chromatic and gloss variations were measured and the chemical changes were investigated by means of infrared spectroscopy. 2.
The material studied flexion was obtained from two pultruded GFRP I-shaped profiles (Profile A – 200 mm × 100 mm x 10 mm; Profile B 150 mm × 75 mm x 8 mm). This material consists of alternating layers of unidirectional E-glass fibre rovings and strand mats embedded in isopthalic polyester resin. The fibre volume fraction of both profiles, determined from burn-off experiments was 62%. Initial mechanical properties were determined through flexural and tensile tests in small specimens according to ISO 14125 and ISO 527, respectively: u,flex = 627 MPa, Eflex = 26.9 GPa, -3 (profile A); u,flex = 511 MPa, Eflex = 23.7 GPa, u,flex = 23.0 × 10-3; u,tens = 432 u,flex = 25.0 × 10 MPa, Etens = 34.2 GPa, u,flex = 13.0 × 10-3 (profile B). Specimens with dimensions 10 mm × 15 mm × 300 mm were cut from the original profile A in the longitudinal direction and used in the different tests (3 to 5 specimens for each period and condition of exposure). From profile B, specimens were cut in the longitudinal direction with several dimensions, according to the nature of the test to be performed (5 specimens for each period and condition of exposure). 3.
Exposure environments
In order to study possible degradation from typical exposure environments in civil engineering applications, test specimens were subjected to the following exposure conditions: (i) Immersion chamber, where specimens from profile A were immersed in water, at a constant temperature of 20ºC for up to 6480 h. (ii) Condensation chamber, where specimens from profile A were exposed to constant condensation of de-ionized water at a constant temperature of 60ºC for up to 6480 h. (iii) Accelerated weathering fluorescent UV light apparatus – QUV, where specimens from both profiles were exposed to repetitive cycles of light and moisture, produced by condensation of water under controlled conditions. The exposure cycles were based on ISO 4892 - part 3 [3] recommendations, consisting of 4 h of permanent exposure to solar radiation simulated with fluorescent lamps at 60ºC, and 4 h of exposure to moisture caused by constant condensation of de-ionized water at 50ºC for up to 6346 h for profile A and 2000 h for profile B. (iv) Accelerated weathering Xenon arc light apparatus, where specimens from profile B were exposed, for up to 2000 h, to a predefined programme, consisting of a continuous irradiation with intermittent cycles of water spray under controlled conditions. The relative humidity on the dry part of the cycle was 65% and the black standard temperature inside the chamber was 65°C. The duration of water sprays was 18 min with 102 min of dry interval between spraying, according to ISO 4892 – part 2 [4]. 3.2
Experimental procedures
At predefined time intervals, a batch of test specimens placed in the different exposure environments was removed, dried in a test chamber (at 20ºC and 50% relative humidity) until specimens attained constant mass, and then submitted to physical, chemical, mechanical and aesthetical characterization. (i) Weight Changes (profile A): The specimens were removed from the test chambers after 2160 h, 4320 h and 6480 h exposure for specimens placed in immersion and condensation chambers, and after 1642 h, 3304 h, 4839 h and 6346 h for specimens placed in QUV chamber, in order to evaluate the weight changes under each exposure condition. (ii) Tensile tests (profile B): Rectangular specimens (8 mm thick × 20 mm wide × 250 mm long were tested in tension according to ISO 527 – parts 1 and 5 [5], without end-tabs, after 2000 h exposure in QUV chamber and after 1000 h and 2000 h exposure in Xenon-arc chamber, and the 2
obtained data was analysed to determine the tensile properties (strength, Young’s modulus and strain at failure). (iii) Flexural tests (profiles A and B): Flexural tests (3-point) were conducted according to ISO 14125 [6] on specimens obtained from profiles A (span-to-depth ratio of 20) and B(span-to-depth ratio of 16), in order to determine the effects of the degradation caused by the different exposure environments on the flexural properties (strength, Young’s modulus and strain at failure). (iv) Colour differences (profiles A and B): Colour differences caused by different environments were measured with a spectrocolorimeter. For profile A, colour measurements were performed in the exposed surface of specimens used for flexural tests, while for profile B, the colorimetric determinations were performed using always the same plate, with dimensions 8 mm thick × 50 mm wide × 100 mm long. Colour differences were determined in relation to the un-aged material. The results were expressed in terms of CIE L*a*b* system according to ISO 7724 standard test method for colorimetry of paints and varnishes [7]. In this system L* gives a measurement of the lightness and a* and b* give a measurement of the colour in the red-green axis and in the yellow-blue axis, respectively. The parameter E* gives a measurement of the overall colour change. (v) Gloss variation (profile B): Gloss measurements were carried out using a glossmeter set at an angle of incidence/reflection of 60°. (vi) Infrared spectroscopy (profiles A and B): Infrared spectra were measured using FTIR analysis performed on a spectrometer. Samples were scraped from the exposed surfaces of aged specimens, mixed with dry spectroscopic grade potassium bromide and pressed into pellets. Thirty two scans were collected and averaged at a spectral resolution of 4 cm-1. Spectra were rationed against background spectrum previously measured to remove the effects of the background in the tested pellets. The possibility of chemical reactions during different environments was investigated by studying the relative intensities of the principal infrared absorption peaks susceptible to change during aging. In order to compare the composite specimens subjected to different periods and type of exposure, the absorbance of each peak has been referred to the absorption of the band at 1452 cm-1. This band can be attributed to the bending of C-H of CH2. This peak seamed to occur in all specimens, which explained its choice as a reference band. 4.
Weight changes (profile A)
Several researchers have reported a great influence of the equilibrium and rate of water absorption on the thermophysical, mechanical and chemical properties of polymer composites [8-10]. The amount of absorbed water depends greatly on the chemical composition, the morphology and the degree of curing of the polymeric matrix of the composite. The water content may induce physical and chemical aging, or a combination of both, which could be reversible, partially reversible or irreversible, depending on the nature of the material and the period and conditions of exposure. Usually, weight changes in moisture environments result from a balance between the weight gain due to water absorption and the weight loss due to extraction of low molecular components. Fig. 1 shows the specimens weight changes as a function of the deterioration period for the different exposure environments. In both immersion and condensation chambers overall weight gains of 0.34% and 0.31%, respectively, were observed and it appears that a quasi-equilibrium state was reached, especially in the condensation chamber. A higher initial rate of water uptake was observed in the condensation chamber and it is most likely due to the increased temperature of such environment. This result is consistent with other results at elevated temperatures for different types of polymeric composites [11, 12]. In the QUV chamber the weight variation was opposite, as an overall weight loss of 0.29% was observed, showing that weight loss due to extraction of low molecular components was more important than weight gain due to water absorption during condensation cycles, which took place for only half of the total period of exposure.
Colour differences (profiles A and B)
Global chromatic variations measured in specimens from both profiles submitted to different exposure periods and conditions are shown in Fig. 2. In the immersion chamber the chromatic variations were not significant and consisted essentially of a slight surface brightening and a very slight yellowing. In the condensation chamber the chromatic variations followed the same pattern of surface brightening and yellowing but in an amplified scale. The most significant chromatic variations were registered in the specimens aged in the UV radiation chambers (QUV and Xenonarc equipments). A slight increase in green colour, a brightness increase and, above all, a very important yellowing were observed. This yellowness increase could be clearly noticed by the naked eye. These important chromatic variations observed in specimens subjected to aging in the condensation chamber and especially in the QUV and Xenon chambers present an obvious esthetical concern regarding outdoor applications. However, in all aging conditions, chromatic variations seem to have stabilized after a short period of exposure. This aspect may be considered when structural elements of a construction have to be replaced, as the replacing elements will rapidly acquire the same aspect. 4.3
Gloss variation (profile B)
Gloss variation of specimens obtained from profile B and placed in the QUV and Xenon equipments are plotted in Fig. 3. After an initial increase in gloss for both UV exposure environments, probably due to a mechanism of test specimens’ surface polishing, gloss started to decrease. The highest decrease in gloss was found after 2000 h exposure to Xenon equipment, with a gloss loss of approximately 87%, when compared with the un-aged test specimen.
0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 -0,10 0
Variation of the coordinate E*
Weight change ratio (%)
-0,20 -0,30 -0,40
16 12 8 4 0 0
Exposure period (hours) Water 20C
Water 60C
Water 20C (A)
Figure 1 – Weight change ratio (profile A)
2000 3000 4000 5000 Exposure period (hours)
Water 60C (A)
Xenon Arc (B)
Figure 2 – Colour differences (profiles A and B)
60 degree gloss (%)
50 40 30 20 10 0 0
Exposure period (hours) Control Sample
Figure 3 – Gloss variation (profile B)
Tensile properties (profile B)
The stress-strain curves for both un-aged (control specimens) and aged specimens were almost perfectly linear up to failure. Results from tensile tests are plotted in Fig. 4.
Tensile Young's modulus (GPa)
Tensile strength (MPa)
450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Un-aged
Xenon 1000h Xenon 2000h
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Un-aged
Xenon 1000h Xenon 2000h
Strain at failure (1E-3)
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Un-aged
Xenon 1000h Xenon 2000h
Figure 4 - Tensile properties for different exposure environments and durations (profile B).
An overall decrease in the average tensile strength with the time of exposure was observed for all environmental exposures. However, after 2000 h and 1000 h exposures in QUV and Xenon equipments respectively, strength decrease was little (4% and 3%, respectively). A slightly more significant strength decrease (13%) was observed after 2000 h exposure in Xenon equipment. Nonetheless, regarding the magnitude of the error bars (representing one standard deviation) the differences are not statistically considerable. The largest extent of degradation caused by Xenon equipment comparing with that induced by QUV equipment, is not likely due to the UV radiation but most probably due to the kinetic effect of the water sprays on the specimens’ surface which may have accelerated material degradation. In fact, comparing UV radiation induced by both equipments, QUV produces higher irradiance at 340 nm (which constitutes the most harmful part of the sun’s spectrum for polymer debonding), while Xenon equipment provides a broader spectral irradiance. Strain at failure presents a similar pattern of variation, with almost no reduction after 2000 h and 1000 h exposures in QUV and Xenon equipments respectively, and a slight reduction (8%) after 2000 h exposure in Xenon equipment. Young’s modulus remained largely unaffected for both types of exposure with a marginal increase (2%) and a slight decrease (4%) after 2000 h exposure in QUV and Xenon equipments, respectively. 4.5
Flexural properties (profiles A and B)
All specimens exhibited quite linear behaviour prior to failure with very similar load-displacement experimental curves. Results from flexural tests performed after different aging conditions and periods, for both profiles, are plotted in Fig. 5 (profile A) and Fig. 6 (profile B).
Flexural Young's modulus (GPa)
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
W at Un -a er W 20C ged at 2 er 1 W 20C 60h at er -43 W 20C 20h at er -64 W 60C 80h at er -21 W 60C 60h at er -43 60 20 h C Q 648 U 0 h V Q 164 U 2 V- h Q 330 U V 4h Q 483 U V 9h -6 34 6h
Flexural strength (MPa)
W at Un -a er W 20C ged at er -21 W 20C 60h at er -43 W 20C 20h at er -64 W 60C 80h at er -21 W 60C 60h at er -43 60 20 h C Q 648 U 0 h V Q 164 U 2 V- h Q 330 U V 4h Q 483 U V 9h -6 34 6h
700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
at Un -a er W 20C ged at er 21 W 20C 60h at er -43 W 20C 20h at er -64 W 60C 80h at er -21 W 60C 60h at er -43 60 20 h C Q 648 U 0 h V Q 164 U 2 h V Q 330 U 4 h V Q 483 U 9 h V -6 34 6h
Strain at failure (1E-3)
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Flexural Young's modulus (GPa)
Figure 5 - Flexural properties for different exposure environments and durations (profile A).
Flexural strength (MPa)
600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Un-aged
Xenon 1000h Xenon 2000h
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Un-aged
Xenon 1000h Xenon 2000h
Strain at failure (1E-3)
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Un-aged
Xenon 1000h Xenon 2000h
Figure 6 - Flexural properties for different exposure environments and durations (profile B).
For profile A, a noticeable flexural strength decrease was observed in immersion and condensation exposure conditions, where flexural strength retentions of 84% and 81% respectively, were observed after 6480 h exposure. This flexural strength decrease occurred especially after the first period of exposure, with 2160 h exposure (87% and 84% retention, respectively), while the reduction in the final period (2160h to 6480 h) was only of 3% in those exposure environments. For specimens aged in the QUV chamber, flexural strength seems to have been unaffected. After a 6% drop, occurred in the first 1642 h, the flexural strength continuously increased up to 98% retention after 6346 h exposure. Also for profile B, the flexural strength after 2000 h of exposure in QUV appears to have been unaffected (it even increased by 1%). A slightly more significant decrease in flexural strength was observed in specimens aged in Xenon equipment, with 93% retention after 2000 h exposure. Nonetheless, considering the error bars, this reduction is not statistically 6
noteworthy. Additionally, a 4% increase in flexural strength occurred from 1000 h to 2000 h exposure. The strain at failure reduction, presents a similar pattern to that of flexural strength. Strain at failure retention values of 87% and 82% were observed after 6480 h exposure in immersion and condensation exposure conditions, respectively, for profile A. In the environments with UV radiation exposure (QUV and Xenon equipments), strain at failure was practically not affected for both profiles. The flexural modulus of specimens from both profiles was not significantly affected. For profile A, a stiffness increase of about 10% was observed after 2160 h exposure for all the aging environments and remained almost constant in the subsequent measurements. For profile B, a 2% flexural modulus decrease was observed for both QUV and Xenon equipments after 2000 h exposure. These results are in agreement with the experiments performed by Liao et al [11] and Kajorncheappunngam et al [13] with glass fibre reinforced vinylester and epoxy, respectively. This behaviour is due to the fact that flexural modulus of glass fibre reinforced polymers is only affected by temperatures approaching polymer glass transition temperature. Moreover, according to Apicella et al [14], it seems to exist a competitive effect between matrix plasticization as a result of water absorption and stiffness increase due the loss of low molecular weight substance. The reductions observed in strain at failure for test specimens of profile A in the immersion and condensation chambers, are a clear indicator of polymer degradation due to water absorption, which may have caused polymer hydrolysis and/or plasticization, weakened the fibre-resin adhesion or even attacked the glass fibres. Water absorption seems to have had also a noticeable influence on the flexural strength reduction and this effect seems to have been accelerated by temperature. Similar results were obtained by Nishizaki and Meiarashi [12] and Van de Velde et al [15] with pultruded glass fibre reinforced polyester. Regarding UV radiation, results seem to confirm that the effects of this exposure agent are usually confined to the top few microns of the surface, consequently having limited influence on the mechanical properties of the material [16, 17]. Although UV radiation may cause surface deterioration, therefore increasing the degradation potential of moisture and other aggressive agents, the increased thickness of GFRP profiles currently used in construction will hardly be directly affected by UV radiation. 4.6
Infrared spectroscopy (profiles A and B)
Figs. 7 and 8 show the spectra of specimens obtained from profile A and submitted to immersion exposure and QUV exposure, respectively. (i) Immersion and condensation environments: The obtained spectra revealed changes in some absorptions bands during aging, namely modifications in the intensities of the peaks, especially for the longer aging duration. In both environments, the intensities of carbonyl peak (1730 cm-1) decreased, more clearly in immersion (13%) than in condensation (5%), probably due to slight leaching of low molecular weight carboxylic constituents soluble in water. Changing during aging in those environments was also observed in the height ratio of the peaks corresponding to styrene (701 cm-1) and phthalate (732 cm-1). This fact is confirmed by the decrease on intensity of another styrene characteristic band at 3027 cm-1. Such trend over the time can be explained by the loss of styrene, most likely residual monomer. This behaviour was already observed in previous studies [18]. Despite the occurrence of chemical attack has been described by some authors, namely on the ester linkage of unsaturated polyester resin of composite matrix after long periods of water exposition at elevated temperature, in the current experiments there are no evidence of such type of changes. (ii) QUV and Xenon arc exposures: In the IR spectra performed on the surface of test specimens exposed to environments with UV radiation, there are evidences of chemical changes, revealed by modifications in the intensity and in the shape of some peaks, as well as in the appearance of new ones, especially for the longer aging durations. During the QUV exposure, the carbonyl band (1730 cm-1) intensity increased, and after 6480 hours it was 42% higher than that of the control 7
sample. In the Xenon camera, in spite of the shorter duration of aging, the intensity of carbonyl band was increased by 49%. In both cases, the intensity increase of the carbonyl peak was followed by its widening. As in previously analysed environments, in QUV and Xenon aging there was also a decrease in styrene content, revealed by a decrease in the intensity of the characteristic bands. New bands were also observed, namely at 1630 cm-1 which could be related to the formation of conjugated double bonds C=C. These bonds can explain the yellowness observed in samples subjected to UV radiation [19]. The observed chemical alterations result from the photo degradation of the unsaturated polyester, that has been studied and has proved to involve chain scission, cross-linking and yellowing [20], which consist in a complex set of mechanisms difficult to quantify only by FTIR. Results prove and confirm that the effects of UV exposure are usually confined to the top few microns of the surface, leading only to a minor change in mechanical properties, as previously described. This is particularly true for thick sections used in Construction, in which degradation affects only a thin part of the material’s section. 0.8 [1452] Un-aged profile
[1452] Un-aged profile Abs
0.6 0.4
[1452] Profile A- QUV- 1642 hours Abs
0.0 0.8 [1452] Profile A- Immersion - 2160 hours 0.6 Abs
1 0 [1452] Profile A- QUV- 3304 hours
0.2 Abs
0.0 0.8 [1452] Profile A- Immersion - 4320 hours
1 0 [1452] Profile A- QUV- 4839 hours
0.4 Abs
0.2 0.0 0.8 [1452] Profile A- Immersion - 6480 hours
1 0 [1452] Profile A- QUV- 6480 hours
0.6 1
0.2 0
0.0 3500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
Figure 7 - Infrared spectra - Profile A: immersion.
Figure 8 - Infrared spectra - Profile A: QUV.
Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions can be addressed: 1. Immersion and condensation environments had a noticeable effect on the flexural properties of GFRP profiles. Strength and strain at failure decreases due to moisture were observed and these effects were accelerated by increased temperature. Nevertheless the degradation is mainly due to physical phenomena, as plasticization of polymeric matrix, since no appreciable chemical degradation was detected by FTIR analysis. 2. For the QUV and Xenon arc experiments, although FTIR analysis shows important chemical degradation in the surface of the material, the synergetic effects of simultaneous exposure to UV radiation, moisture and temperature on the flexural and tensile properties of GFRP profiles were not significant throughout the experiment period. These results seem to confirm that UV radiation has limited influence on the mechanical properties of the material, affecting, above all, the material’s surface. 3. The considerable chromatic and gloss changes observed, especially due to UV radiation, cause an aesthetical concern for outdoor applications, where the use of protective coatings can hardly be avoided. Although some reduction in the mechanical properties was observed in the durability tests (up to 19%), especially in the immersion and condensation chambers (what means that it may occur in structures placed underwater or in high moisture environment), the present study proved the generally good mechanical behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polyester pultruded profiles, especially under the other environmental conditions used in the experiments. The study confirms that pultruded profiles, besides presenting excellent structural performance and lightness, offer improved durability when compared with traditional materials.
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