Dynamic Modeling and Real-Time Monitoring of Froth Flotation - MDPI

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Aug 31, 2015 - mineral(s) while maintaining upset-free operation [1]. In typical ... commonly used image processing software for froth flotation are: (1) VisioFroth (Metso® Minerals,. Orleans ... at the top of the froth surface as shown in Figure 1.
Minerals 2015, 5, 570-591; doi:10.3390/min5030510


minerals ISSN 2075-163X www.mdpi.com/journal/minerals Article

Dynamic Modeling and Real-Time Monitoring of Froth Flotation Khushaal Popli, Masih Sekhavat, Artin Afacan, Stevan Dubljevic, Qi Liu and Vinay Prasad * Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 3G6, Canada; E-Mails: [email protected] (K.P.); [email protected] (M.S.); [email protected] (A.A.); [email protected] (S.D); [email protected] (Q.L.) * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-780-248-1595; Fax: +1-780-492-2881. Academic Editor: Kota Hanumantha Rao Received: 23 July 2015 / Accepted: 24 August 2015 / Published: 31 August 2015

Abstract: A dynamic fundamental model was developed linking processes from the microscopic scale to the equipment scale for batch froth flotation. State estimation, fault detection, and disturbance identification were implemented using the extended Kalman filter (EKF), which reconciles real-time measurements with dynamic models. The online measurements for the EKF were obtained through image analysis of froth images that were captured and analyzed using the commercial package VisioFroth (Metsor Minerals). The extracted image features were then correlated to recovery using principal component analysis and partial least squares regression. The performance of real-time state estimation and fault detection was validated using batch flotation of pure galena at various operating conditions. The image features that were strongly representative of recovery were identified, and calibration and validation were performed against off-line measurements of recovery. The EKF successfully captured the dynamics of the process by updating the model states and parameters using the online measurements. Finally, disturbances in the air flow rate and impeller speed were introduced into the system, and the dynamic behavior of the flotation process was successfully tracked and the disturbances were identified using state estimation. Keywords: froth flotation; fundamental model; extended Kalman filter; image analysis; principal component analysis; partial least squares regression; fault detection

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1. Introduction Froth flotation is the most common method in the minerals industry for the selective recovery of value mineral(s) from finely ground ores. It is based on the differences in the surface hydrophobicity of valuable and gangue minerals. The chemical (e.g., collector, frother, etc.) and physical conditions (e.g., feed rate, pulp density, agitation speed, air flow rate, etc.) are inter-related in froth flotation processes. The main objective of froth flotation is to maximize the grade and recovery of the value mineral(s) while maintaining upset-free operation [1]. In typical froth flotation operations, large variations in the feed composition and various disturbances affecting the system result in a decrease in the grade and recovery. Control strategies applied to flotation systems typically target bias, froth depth, and gas hold up using feedback control by manipulating variables such as air and water flow rates, and reagent addition [2–4]. Typically, empirical models are used in the design of these feedback controllers. These empirical models are usually linear and only valid in narrow operating zones, thus making them inaccurate in larger operating ranges. Furthermore, since they do not provide any physical insight into the process and its behaviour, they do not have any diagnostic utility outside of their use in control. Fundamental models, on the other hand, incorporate physical understanding of the process and can be used for predictions of grade and recovery and the diagnosis and monitoring of process behaviour in the presence of disturbances and process uncertainty. The fundamental models developed by [5–7] that are based on attachment of solids to bubbles using first order rate constants have been accepted widely in mineral processing. However, these models cannot be used for dynamic purposes such as fault detection and real-time process monitoring. Therefore, there is a requirement for dynamic fundamental models in froth flotation. Dynamic models must be coupled with real-time measurements and a model-updating scheme for process monitoring. However, the complexity and harshness of the process environment in froth flotation present considerable challenges for the deployment of hardware sensors in the real-time measurement of important process variables. Soft sensing is an alternative to hard sensing and refers to the use of inferential relations to provide estimations of variables of interest. Various estimators are used in chemical processes to estimate the states of the system. These include the Kalman filter (KF), the extended Kalman filter (EKF), the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), and the particle filter (PF) [8–10]. The EKF works for nonlinear systems and has been used effectively for fault detection purposes [11]. The EKF minimizes the error covariance between the measured and the predicted output (grade and/or recovery for froth flotation). Conventionally, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is used to determine the composition of the process streams. However, employing an online XRF is expensive, and calibrating it is difficult due to matrix effects in the samples. It is also known that both grade and recovery in the concentrate are strongly related to froth structure [12]. Therefore, observing froth images can provide information about the grade of the concentrate product, which can then be correlated to the recovery using the grades of the feed and tailing streams. In general, control decisions are made by operators using basic inferences based on visual observation without any further analysis of the images [13]. Quantifying the dynamic information obtained from the images using machine vision is essential for their use in control and monitoring, and different image processing algorithms are available for bubble segmentation and velocity calculations. These algorithms include edge detection and watershed algorithms for bubble segmentation as well as Fourier and wavelet transforms for velocity calculations [14]. Some of the

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Minerals 2015, 5 572 commonly used image processing software for froth flotation are: (1) VisioFroth (Metso® Minerals, Orleans Cedex, France), (2) METCAM FC (SGS, Lakefield, ON, Canada), (3) FrothMaster™ (Outotec, r commonly image[15] processing for froth flotation are: (1)Inc, VisioFroth (Metso Minerals, Burlington, ON,used Canada) and (4) software PlantVision™ (KnowledgeScape Salt Lake City, UT, USA). Orleans Cedex, France), (2) to METCAM (SGS, Lakefield, Canada), (3) FrothMasterTM Several researchers have tried correlateFC individual variablesON, such as bubble size, color, and (Outotec, texture to Burlington, ON, Canada) [15] and (4) PlantVisionTM (KnowledgeScape Inc, Salt Lake City, UT, USA). grade and/or recovery; however, the majority of the studies do not provide quantitative relations suitable Several researchers have tried to correlate individual variables such as bubble size, color, and texture to for calibration of these variables against the grade/recovery [12]. grade and/or recovery; however, the majority of the studies do not provide quantitative relations suitable In this study, we develop a dynamic fundamental model for batch flotation incorporating information for calibration of these variables against the grade/recovery [12]. from multiple scales, develop a method to obtain quantitative information about recovery in flotation In this study, we develop a dynamic fundamental model for batch flotation incorporating information from dynamic images using principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) from multiple scales, develop a method to obtain quantitative information about recovery in flotation regression, develop a soft sensor for real-time updating of the model using extended Kalman filtering from dynamic images using principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) (EKF), and then demonstrate the efficacy of the soft sensor in identifying and tracking unknown regression, develop a soft sensor for real-time updating of the model using extended Kalman filtering disturbances in batch flotation tests on galena conducted at different operating conditions. (EKF), and then demonstrate the efficacy of the soft sensor in identifying and tracking unknown disturbances in batch flotation tests on galena conducted at different operating conditions.

2. Experimental Section

2. Experimental Section

Batch flotation experiments are conducted using a mechanical flotation cell to train and validate the Batch flotation experiments are conducted using a mechanical flotation cell to train and validate aforementioned real-time estimation algorithm. Flotation of high purity galena single mineral is chosen the aforementioned real-time estimation algorithm. Flotation of high purity galena single mineral is to demonstrate the fault detection strategy and represent a proof of concept for monitoring using chosen to demonstrate the fault detection strategy and represent a proof of concept for monitoring using fundamental models. In future work, the methods will be demonstrated on more complex sulphide ores. fundamental models. In future work, the methods will be demonstrated on more complex sulphide ores. For these tests, the effects of the air flow rate, impeller speed, collector, and frother dosage on recovery For these tests, the effects of the air flow rate, impeller speed, collector, and frother dosage on recovery are investigated. TheThe experiments areare carried outout inina JK (Julius Kruttschnitt Kruttschnitt are investigated. experiments carried a JKTech Techbatch batchflotation flotation cell cell (Julius Mineral Research Centre, University of of Queensland, capacityof of1.6 1.6L.L. Mineral Research Centre, University Queensland,Indooroopilly, Indooroopilly,Australia) Australia) with with aa capacity The The cell cell is equipped withwith a bottom-drive mechanical from the thebottom bottom is equipped a bottom-drive mechanicalstirrer stirrerand andair airsupply supply is is provided provided from of the ofcell. the cell. ® The The batch flotation waswas monitored with a VisioFroth capturethe theimages images batch flotation monitored with a VisioFrothsystem system(Metso (MetsorMinerals) Minerals) to to capture at the of the froth surface as as shown ininFigure system at top the top of the froth surface shown Figure1.1.Hardware Hardwarecomponents components of of the the VisioFroth VisioFroth system include a single IP camera, a laser, andand LED lights. using the the software software include a single IP camera, a laser, LED lights.These Theseimages imagesare arethen then analysed analysed using component of VisioFroth thethe so-called optimizing several image image component of VisioFroth so-called optimizingcontrol controlsystem system (OCS), (OCS), to to measure measure several features. image processing package is used measurethe theangle angleand andmagnitude magnitude of of the the froth features. ThisThis image processing package is used to to measure frothvelocity, velocity, bubble distributions, color, froth texture, and stabilityasaswell wellasasthe theheight heightof ofthe the froth froth overflowing overflowing over bubble distributions, color, froth texture, and stability over the lip. the lip.



Figure 1. (a) Schematic diagram for batch flotation process equipped with VisioFroth,

Figure 1. (a) Schematic diagram for batch flotation process equipped with VisioFroth, (b) top view of the batch flotation cell. (b) top view of the batch flotation cell.

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The laser laser is is used used to to find find the the height height of of the the overflowing overflowing froth froth using using the the change change in in the the horizontal horizontal position position The of the the laser laser line line on on top top of of the the froth froth as as shown shown in in Figure Figure 2. 2. The The reference reference froth froth height height level level corresponds corresponds to to of the laser laser being being at at the the baseline baseline and and is is at at the the initial initial time. time. As As the the froth froth height height increases, increases, the the laser laser line line moves moves the new position position (d). (d). This This difference difference in in laser laser line line positions positions is is used used to to deduce deduce the the horizontal horizontal distance distance from from aa new the baseline. baseline. The The laser laser angle angle is is set set at at the the time time of of installation. installation. The The froth froth height height (b) (b) is is calculated calculated as: as: the

− ff tanpcq tan(c) b b“=aa´

(1) (1)

Figure 2. Field of of view and heightmeasurement measurementusing using laser light. Figure 2. Field view anddemonstration demonstration of of froth froth height thethe laser light.

Table 11 lists lists the the various various VisioFroth VisioFrothmeasurements measurementsand andalgorithms. algorithms. Table Table 1. VisioFroth VisioFroth measurements measurements and and algorithms. algorithms. Table 1. Variable Variable Velocity Velocity Bubble size measurement Bubble size measurement Collapse rate Collapse rate

Algorithm Algorithm Modified Fourier transforms to calculate the displacement between two Modified Fourier transforms to calculate the displacement between two consecutive images. consecutive images. are used to outline bubbles and hence calculate the Watershed techniques Watershed techniques bubble surface area. are used to outline bubbles and hence calculate the bubble surface area. Calculated based on change in bubble surface area. Calculated based on change in bubble surface area.

Statistical techniques, including principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square (PLS) regression, used to identify the principal importantcomponent features ofanalysis the images andand develop correlation the Statisticalare techniques, including (PCA) partiala least square for (PLS) recovery using offline The usefeatures of PCAofresults in dimension reduction of the data for regression, are used to measurements. identify the important the images and develop a correlation for the better understanding the given information [16]. The basic principle of this method is to the recovery using offlineofmeasurements. The use of PCA results in dimension reduction ofrepresent the data for input matrix of data Xofinthe terms ofinformation scores (T) and loadings (P):principle of this method is to represent the better understanding given [16]. The basic input matrix of data X in terms of scores (T) and (2) X =loadings TPT + E(P): “ T P T ` in E Figure 3 for the case of three principal (2) Dimension reduction and correlation isX illustrated components. The scores represent the projection of the original data samples onto the transformed space Dimension reduction and correlation is illustrated in Figure 3 for the case of three principal of reduced dimension, and the loadings represent the weights or contributions of the original variables components. The scores represent the projection of the original data samples onto the transformed

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Minerals 2015, 5 5 space of reduced dimension, and the loadings represent the weights or contributions of the original variables to eachcomponent. principal component. Only the principal that components contribute tosignificantly to each principal Only the principal components contributethat significantly explaining to explaining the variance in the original data are retained, and dimension reduction is obtained by the variance in the original data are retained, and dimension reduction is obtained by truncating the truncating number of variables based on this principle. InEEquation (1),the E error represents error in the number of the variables based on this principle. In Equation (1), represents in thethe representation representation after truncation. variables have high loadings on the mostprincipal significant principal after truncation. Thus, variablesThus, that have highthat loadings on the most significant components components contribute significantly explaining variance in the data, and can be to considered to be contribute significantly to explainingtothe variancethe in the data, and can be considered be significant. significant. obtain a correlation the output input and output data, component principal component To obtain a To correlation between thebetween input and data, principal regressionregression (PCR) is (PCR) is employed. In PCR, regression of the score matrix from PCA is performed against the employed. In PCR, regression of the score matrix from PCA is performed against the output output measurement PLSR (partial (partial least least squares squares regression) regression) is develop the measurement (recovery). (recovery). PLSR is also also used used to to develop the correlation correlation between between images images and and recovery recovery [17]. [17].

Figure 3. Illustration of dimension reduction using principal component analysis (PCA) Figure 3. Illustration of dimension reduction using principal component analysis (PCA) with with three principal components. three principal components. Potassium ethyl xanthate (KEX) and methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC) were used as collector and frother, respectively. respectively. Galena was obtained from Boreal Science Company in Canada in cleaved form. The galena was crushed The particle particle size distribution of the ground galena crushed and and dry dry ground ground to to ´106 −106 µm. μm. The sample is presented in Table Table 2. 2. Table 2. Table 2. Particle Particle size size distribution distribution for for galena galena feed. feed. Passing Size Size (µm) (μm) Passing 106 106 75 75 45 38 38

Cumulative Weight % % Cumulative Weight 100 100 96 96 37 30 30

The output output of of the the flotation process, recovery, recovery, is is dependent dependent on on the the air air flow flow rate, rate, impeller impeller speed, speed, The flotation process, collector dosage, dosage, and and frother frother dosage. dosage. In of these these operating operating conditions, conditions, aa collector In order order to to capture capture aa wide wide range range of fractional factorial design was used to generate different operating conditions and levels of these factors,

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fractional factorial design was used to generate different operating conditions and levels of these factors, as summarized in Table 3. In each run, after selecting a desired operating condition, galena was mixed with water in the concentration of 50 g galena/1.5 L water. First, the slurry was conditioned with collector and frother for 2 and 6 min, respectively. Then, air was supplied to the cell and froth was collected at intervals of 10 s up to 100 s, and at 50 s intervals for the next 200 s. The collected froth was dried after vacuum filtration and weighed for recovery calculation. Also, images of top surface of the froth were extracted at sample time intervals of 1 s. Table 3. Operating conditions used in the factorial experimental design. Runs

Air Flow Rate (L/min)

Impeller Peed (rpm)

Frother (MIBC) Dosage (mL/L slurry)

Collecter (KEX) Dosage (mol/L slurry)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14

500 500 1100 1100 500 500 1100 1100

0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.1 0.1 0.1

10´5 10´5 10´3 10´5 10´5 10´5 10´5 10´3

For testing the fault detection algorithm, an operating condition was selected and a step disturbance was introduced either in the air flow rate or the impeller speed. For the first disturbance test, the conditions of run 8 (described in Table 3) were used initially, and the air flow was then decreased from 14 to 8 L/min at time t = 5 s. For the second disturbance test, the conditions of run 1 were used initially, and the impeller speed was changed from 500 to 1100 rpm at time t = 5 s. 3. Model Development A flotation cell consists of two distinct phases: a pulp phase and a froth phase with various inter and intra-phase processes involved in the transport of material. The proposed framework in this research is based on a multi-scale approach, where attachment processes are coupled to equipment scale and inter-phase processes. This was achieved by formulating population balance, hydraulic force balance, mass transfer and kinetic rate equations for attachment and detachment and entrainment/drainage of mineral particles. A mineral particle can be present at any of these three states, i.e., (1) attached to the bubbles in the pulp phase, (2) free in the pulp phase, or (3) attached to the bubbles in the froth phase. Particles could also be “free” in the froth phase, in water films and plateau borders, although the number of such particles may be small. However, in order to focus on the attachment and detachment, these particles were ignored in this study. The modeling framework that has been proposed is represented in Figure 4. There are several mass transfer and kinetic processes between the three phases in the cell; they are summarized below: ‚ Selective attachment of mineral particles to the bubbles in the pulp phase (first order rate process, r1 ); ‚ Detachment of particles from bubbles in the pulp phase (first order rate process, r2 ); ‚ Transfer of particles that are attached to bubbles into the froth phase;

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• Transfer of free particles from the pulp phase to the froth phase by entrainment and transfer of ‚ Transfer of freefrom particles fromback the pulp to the froth phase by entrainment and transfer of liquid (water) the froth to thephase pulp phase; (water)offrom the froth theto pulp • liquid Drop-back particles fromback the to froth thephase; slurry. These particles could be free particles in the ‚ Drop-back of particles from the froth to the slurry. particles be free particles the froth phase, or attached particles that were detachedThese at some point incould the froth phase. At ourinlevel phase. At our of froth phase, or attached thatsimplicity were detached in the froth of modeling, we haveparticles opted for and at dosome not point distinguish between these twolevel types modeling, we have opted for simplicity and do not distinguish between these two types of particles. of particles.

Figure 4. Schematic representation of the flotation modeling framework. Figure 4. Schematic representation of the flotation modeling framework. These sub-processes and recovery recovery can can be be mathematically mathematically described described using the following following equations. equations. The ordinary differential differential Equations Equations (3)–(5) (3)–(5) represent represent the mass balances balances for valuable valuable mineral mineral particles particles attached to the bubbles bubbles in in the the pulp pulp phase, phase, the particles particles that that are are free free in in the pulp phase phase and and the particles particles that are attached to the bubbles in the froth phase, respectively, respectively, and and Equation Equation (6) represents the recovery recovery of the valuable valuable mineral mineral particles. particles.

d d x − k2 2ε εVV xbx−b Q xbair xb PP pεVdtP x( εb qVP“xbk)1=p1k1´(1 − εqεV) V ´airQ P PxPP ´ k dt d d − εεq xb −kk1p1 (1´ )VVP xPPx−P Q´E xQP E+xQPE′`xcQE1 xc ( (1V−P xε )PVqP“xP k) 2=εkV2Pε VxbP ´ pp1 ´dtεq 1 dt

(3) (3) (4) (4)

d d pε Vf (xεcVq f“xc ´ (5) xb x+bQ`E xQP E xP ) =k−3kV3fVxf cx´c − QEE′ 1xxc c+`QQair air (5) dt dt ε Vf tsamp k3 xc y “ ε V f t samp k3 xc (6) y= minit (6) m Here, y is the instantaneous recovery of galena, xb init is the concentration of particles on the surface of the Here, bubbles theinstantaneous pulp, xp is the concentration of particles free in the pulp, xc is the on concentration y isinthe recovery of galena, is the concentration of particles the surface of of the bubbles in theinpulp, is the particles freefor in attachment, the pulp, kis thetheconcentration of particles attached the froth, k1 isconcentration the first orderofrate constant first order rate 2 is

particles for attached in the froth, theoffirst orderofrate constant for concentrate attachment, product, is theεfirst order rate constant detachment, k3 is the is rate removal material in the is the volume constantof forair, detachment, is the ratepulp of removal material in theofconcentrate product, is the the air volume fraction Vp is the volume of the phase, Voff is the volume the froth phase, Qairε is flow fraction is the volume of the phase, the volume of thelayer, frothQphase, is the air flow rate, QE of is air, the volumetric flow rate ofpulp slurry from theispulp to the froth E1 is the volumetric flow rate of liquid drainage from the froth layer to the pulp phase.

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The attachment rate constant, k1 , and the detachment rate constant, k2 , are further dependent on various probabilities as discussed in the subsequent sections. 3.1. Attachment Phenomena in the Pulp Phase Various studies have shown that the flotation process can be conceptualized as a chemical reaction [18,19]. The most general expression was proposed by Ahmed and Jameson [20]: ´ ¯m ´ ¯n d nfP ptq “ ´ k 1 nfB ptq nfP ptq dt


where nfB ptq and nfP ptq are the concentrations of free bubbles and particles, t is the flotation time, k 1 is the pseudo-rate constant and m and n are the orders of the reaction with respect to bubbles and particles, respectively. The pseudo-rate constant can be expressed in terms of micro-process probabilities [21–27] based on the following assumptions: (1) the reaction is first order [28–30], (2) the bubble concentration is constant, and (3) the volume of the removed particles is negligible [20]. Therefore, Equation (7) can be written as: d nfP ptq “ ´ k nfP ptq (8) dt where k is the rate constant and can be defined as: k “ Z Pc Pasl Ptpc Pstab nfB ptq


where Z is the bubble-particle collision frequency, Pc is the probability of bubble-particle collision, Pasl is the probability of bubble-particle attachment by sliding, Ptpc is the probability of forming a three-phase contact, Pstab is the probability of bubble-particle aggregate remaining stable during the transfer from the pulp phase to the froth phase and nfB ptq is the concentration of bubbles without any particles attached to their surface [18]. The number of bubble-particle collisions is defined [31] as: Z “ 5.0 NP NB d2B Ut


where Z is the number of collisions per unit time per cell volume, Np is the number of particles ready for collision, NB is the number of bubbles ready for collision, dB is the mean size of the aggregates and Ut is the turbulent aggregate velocity. Heindel and Bloom [23] proposed the probability of bubble-particle collision to be , « ˆ «ˆ ff/ ˙3 ˆ ˙2 ff ˙ ˆ ˙ 3 2 . |G| 1 1 RP RP 2Re˚B RP RP `3 `” `2 ` Pc “ ” ı3 2 ı4 / 1 ` |G| ’ RB RB RB RB RP - 1 ` |G| % 2 RP ` 1 `1 RB RB (11) where Rp and RB are the particle and bubble radius, respectively, and G is the dimensionless particle settling velocity and is defined as vP S G“ (12) vB $ ’ &

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where vps is the particle settling velocity and vB the bubble rise velocity [18]. The probability of attachment by sliding is expressed [23] as: ˙ˆ ˙ˆ ˙* " ˆ ˙ˆ RP g prq ´ G h0 λ ´ 1 Pasl “ exp ´ 2 Cb RP ` RB |k prq| ´ G hcrti where



˙ ˆ ˙ 3 3 4 3RB RB RB RB 2RB ˚ g prq “ 1 ´ ´ ` 3 ´ ` ReB 4r 4r3 r r r4 ˙* ˙ ˆ 4 "ˆ 3 3 2 RB RB RB RB 3RB RB ˚ ` 3 ` 2ReB ´ 3 ´ 2 ` k prq “ ´ 1´ 2r 2r r4 r r r λ“

6π µl RP f

(14) (15) (16)

where r is approximately equal to RB ` RP , f is the fluid friction factor, CB is a constant representing the bubble surface mobility, h0 is the initial thickness of the film at the time the sliding process begins and the particle starts to contact the bubble, and hcrit is the liquid film thickness at the time that the film starts to rupture [18]. The probability of forming a three-phase contact, Ptpc , is assumed to be equal to unity, as it is considered to be a highly probable event [22]. The probability of bubble-particle aggregate stability, Pstab , is defined [25] as ˆ ˙ 1 Pstab “ 1 ´ exp 1 ´ (17) Bo1 where Bo1 “

´ 4RP2 ∆ρg `

¯ ´ ` ` 3RB R2σB ´ 2RB ρl g sin2 π ´ ˇ ` ˘ ` ˘ˇ ˇ6σ sin π ´ θ sin π ` θ ˇ 2 2

1.9ρP ε2{3 pRP `RB q1{3


θ 2

˘ (18)

where ε is the Kolmogorov turbulent energy density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, θ is the contact ` ˘ angle, ρp is the particle density and ∆ρp “ ρp ´ ρl [18]. 3.2. Detachment Phenomena in the Pulp Phase Bloom and Heindel [18,21] developed a population balance model to include both attachment and detachment phenomena that can be considered as the equivalents of forward and reverse reactions. d nfP ptq “ ´ k1 nfP ptq ` k2 naB ptq dt


where naB ptq is the concentration of the bubbles to which particles are attached on their surface, k1 is the attachment rate constant and k2 is the detachment rate constant. The first term in Equation (19) represents attachment phenomena by the formation of bubble-particle aggregates and the second term represents detachment phenomena in which the aggregates become unstable and do not reach the froth layer. The detachment rate constant, k2 , is expressed as k2 “ Z 1 Pdestab “ Z 1 p1 ´ Pstab q


represents attachment phenomena by the formation of bubble-particle aggregates and the second term represents detachment phenomena in which the aggregates become unstable and do not reach the froth layer. The detachment rate constant, , is expressed as Minerals 2015, 5 579 k2 = Z ′ Pdestab = Z ′ (1− Pstab ) (20) where Z 1 is is the the probability probability of of the the bubble-particle bubble-particle aggregate aggregate where is the the detachment detachment frequency frequency and and Pdestab is becoming unstable unstable in in the the pulp pulp phase. phase. The The detachment detachment frequency frequency can can be be expressed expressedas as becoming a C ε1/3 C11 ε1{3 ′= (21) (21) Z 1Z“ 2/3 2{3 + d d ( ) P B pdP ` dB q where where C1 is is an an empirical empirical constant constant taken taken to to be be 2. 2. The dependence of the attachment and The dependence of the attachment and detachment detachment rate rate constants constants on on the the probabilities probabilities of of bubble-particle bubble-particle collision, collision, attachment attachment by by sliding, sliding, forming forming aa three-phase three-phase contact contact and and aggregate aggregate stability stability during during transfer transfer from from the the pulp pulp to to the the froth froth are are summarized summarized in in Figure Figure 5.5. These These relations relations are are used used in in the the interpretation interpretation of of the the online online estimates estimates of of parameters parameters and and disturbances disturbancesaffecting affectingthe thesystem. system.

Figure 5. States and outputs of models and their dependence on model parameters. y represents Figure 5. States and outputs of models and their dependence on model parameters. the output (recovery), xb is the concentration of particles on the surface of the bubbles in the represents the output (recovery), is the concentration of particles on the surface of the pulp, xp isinthetheconcentration particles free in theofpulp, xc is the bubbles pulp, isofthe concentration particles freeconcentration in the pulp,of particles is the attached in the froth, Z is the number of collisions per unit time per cell volume, Pc is the concentration of particles attached in the froth, is the number of collisions per unit time probability of bubble-particle collision, Pasl is the probability of attachment by sliding, Ptpc is the probability of per cell volume, is the probability of bubble-particle collision, is the probability of forming isa three-phase contact, Pstab isathe probabilitycontact, of bubble-particle attachment by sliding, the probability of forming three-phase is the f aggregate during transfer from the pulp toduring the froth phase, nB the is the concentration probabilitystability of bubble-particle aggregate stability transfer from pulp to the froth 1 and Z is the detachment frequency of particles. phase, is the concentration and ′ is the detachment frequency of particles. 3.3. 3.3. State Space Space Model Model For For parameter parameter estimation estimation and and online online updating updating of of the the proposed proposed model, model, the the three three differential differential equations equations (Equations (Equations (3)–(5)) (3)–(5)) are are expressed expressed in in state-space state-spaceform. form. The The states states and and the the output output are are given givenby by dx “ Axptq ` Buptq dt » fi » fi » fi » fi x1 ´a1 a2 0 x1 ptq 0 — ffi — ffi — ffi — ffi a5 – x2 fl “ – a3 ´ a5 fl – x2 ptq fl ` – a6 fl x3 a7 0 ´ pa8 ` a9 q x3 ptq 0 » fi „  x1 ptq εVf tsamp k3 — ffi yptq “ 0 0 – x2 ptq fl minit x3 ptq




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where y is the instantaneous recovery of galena, minit is the initial mass of material in the batch flotation cell, k3 is the rate of removal of material in the concentrate product, x1 is the first state, i.e., the mass of solids attached to the bubbles per unit volume of pulp phase, x2 is the second state, i.e., the mass of solids free in the pulp phase per unit volume of the pulp phase, and x3 is the third state, i.e., the mass of solids attached to the bubbles in the froth phase. The input for the state-space model is the air flow rate. The parameters of the proposed state space model are defined in Table 4. Table 4. Parameters used in the state space model. Parameter a1

Definition k2 `

Qair εVp


k1 p1´ εq ε


k2 ε p1´ εq




QE p1´ εqVP


m p1´ εqVP


Qair εVf


QE εVf


k3 ε

4. State and Parameter Estimation 4.1. Offline Estimation: Model Parameters Model parameters were estimated by minimizing the errors between the predicted recovery and the measured recovery obtained from batch experiments for different operating conditions. Offline parameter estimation was performed by minimizing the sum of errors between the model predicted and measured recovery over the time of the batch flotation runs by using the parameter estimates (k1 , k2 , k3 and ε) as decision variables. These offline estimates were used as initial guesses for online estimation. 4.2. Online Estimation: State and Parameter Estimation The extended Kalman filter was used for online estimation of states and parameters. The EKF works in a predictor-corrector format and on the principle of optimality by minimization of the estimated error covariance. Its linear variant, the Kalman filter, is the optimal linear estimator, while the EKF provides a suboptimal estimate for nonlinear systems [10,32,33].

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For a nonlinear state space model with states x and outputs y of the form .

x “ f px ptq , u ptqq ` w ptq , w ptq „ N p0, Qq


y pkq “ g pxk , uk q ` v pkq , v pkq „ N p0, Rq


where xk is the value of the states x at time t “ tk , and w and v represent the process and measurement noise, respectively, the EKF algorithm [33] consists of the prediction step: xˆk|k´ 1 “ xˆ ptk q , Pk|k´ 1 “ P ptk q


obtained by integrating the differential equations from time tk´ 1 to tk : .

xˆptq “ f pˆ xptq, uptqq


ˇ Bf ˇˇ P ptq “ F ptqP ptq ` P ptqF pˆ xptqq ` Qptq, F ptq “ xˆptq, uptq Bx ˇ



and the update or correction step: Kk “

Pk|k´ 1 GTk pGk Pk|k´ 1 GTk


` Rk q

ˇ Bg ˇˇ xˆk|k´ 1 , Gk “ Bx ˇ


xˆk|k “ xˆk|k´ 1 ` Kk pyk ´ gpˆ xk|k´ 1 qq


Pk|k “ pI ´ Kk Gk qPk|k´ 1


The EKF estimate at the end of each time step is given by xˆk|k , and Pk|k represents the covariance of the state estimates. Kk is the Kalman gain at each time step tk . Details on the augmentation of the parameters to be estimated to the state vector has been explained by Prasad et al. [10]. Parameters can be estimated by treating them as augmented states with no dynamics and forming new augmented state matrices [10]. However, observability considerations limit the maximum number of parameters to be estimated in this manner to be equal to the number of outputs; therefore, only one parameter was estimated online. However, by running multiple EKFs in parallel, each independently estimating a different parameter, the performance of the state and output estimation based on the updating of each parameter was compared. Heuristics were developed for fault detection by observing the changes in the estimates of these parameters and states in real time during the process operation, and this is described in the next section. 5. Results and Discussion 5.1. Correlation of Image Features to Recovery Several image features were extracted using VisioFroth and correlated to the recovery measured offline using PCR and PLSR. Figure 6 shows a representative result for the experiments performed using the operating conditions for run 5 shown in Table 3. The images inset in the figure demonstrate that the image features vary with varying recovery. PCA indicates that three principal components were sufficient to capture 90% of the variance. This indicates the various extracted image features are well-correlated to each other. Features such as the velocity in the x-direction (flowing out of the cell) and the mean

offline using PCR and PLSR. Figure 6 shows a representative result for the experiments performed using the operating conditions for run 5 shown in Table 3. The images inset in the figure demonstrate that the image features vary with varying recovery. PCA indicates that three principal components were Minerals 5 582 sufficient2015, to capture 90% of the variance. This indicates the various extracted image features are well-correlated to each other. Features such as the velocity in the x-direction (flowing out of the cell) bubble have high loadings to principal component 1, and can be considered be and thediameter mean bubble diameter havewith highrespect loadings with respect to principal component 1, and cantobe important variables. considered to be important variables.

Figure 6. Percentage variance (bars) and cumulative percentage variance (solid line) of the Figure 6. Percentage variance (bars) and cumulative percentage variance (solid line) of the image features captured by the principal components. image features captured by the principal components. PCR input space space to toobtain obtainbetter bettercorrelation correlation PCRand andPLSR PLSRwere were performed performed using five five components in the input between A comparison comparison of of the the correlated correlated recovery recovery against againstthe the between the the image image features features and and the the recovery. recovery. A experimental experimentalvalues valuesisispresented presented in in Figure Figure 7. 7. BothPLSR PLSRand and PCR PCR provide provide good good agreement agreement with Both with the the measured measured recovery recoveryvalues valuesatatdifferent differenttimes; times; thus,either eithertechnique technique can can be be used used along along with with image image analysis thus, analysis to to replace replace the the assay assay measurement measurementand andbe be usedonline onlineininreal realtime. time. ItIt can can be be concluded concluded that used that froth froth features features can can provide provideaagood gooddescription descriptionofofprocess process conditions in the form of predicting recovery. Additionally, the advantages of this technique over conditions in the form of predicting recovery. Additionally, the advantages of this technique overother other methodssuch such as as online online XRF XRF include include the the ability ability to to sample methods sample at at shorter shorter intervals, intervals, ease ease of ofcalibration calibrationand and Minerals 2015 , 5 14 beingrelatively relativelyinexpensive. inexpensive. being

Figure 7. Comparison of principal component regression (PCR, solid line) and partial least Figure 7. Comparison of principal component regression (PCR, solid line) and partial least squares regression (PLSR, dashed line) with experimental values of recovery (marker). squares regression (PLSR, dashed line) with experimental values of recovery (marker). 5.2. Offline Parameter Estimation

Figure 7. Comparison of principal component regression (PCR, solid line) and partial least Minerals 2015, 5 583 squares regression (PLSR, dashed line) with experimental values of recovery (marker). 5.2. Offline Parameter Parameter Estimation Estimation This section describes describesthe theoffline offlinefitting fittingofof proposed model to experimental the experimental data obtained This section thethe proposed model to the data obtained from from the batch flotation tests. In each run, the operational conditions of the experiments are input the batch flotation tests. In each run, the operational conditions of the experiments are input intointo the the model states recoverywere werecalculated calculatedand andthen thenthe theresults results are are compared compared with with the model andand the the states andand thethe recovery the experimental data. The parameter estimates were based on obtaining the lowest error between the model experimental data. The parameter estimates were based on obtaining the lowest error between the model predictions 1 (operating conditions given in predictions and and experimental experimentalvalues valuesfor forthe therecovery. recovery.The Theresults resultsforforrun run 1 (operating conditions given ´1 Table 3) are in Figure 8 with 8estimated values for k1 , k2for and k3, as 40, and20 and as 40 40,s 20, respectively. and 40 s−1, in Table 3) shown are shown in Figure with estimated values These parameter estimates are estimates taken as the the values online for estimation using the EKF.using Similar respectively. These parameter areinitial takenvalues as the for initial the online estimation the 2 fits were obtained for the other operating conditions. The coefficient of determination (R ) was greater EKF. Similar fits were obtained for the other operating conditions. The coefficient of determination ( ) than 86% forthan all the tests This indicates thatindicates the fundamental is able model to capture the to dynamics was greater 86% for[34]. all the tests [34]. This that the model fundamental is able capture of batch process, and can be used process monitoring andmonitoring control. and control. thethe dynamics of the batch process, andforcan be used for process

Figure 8. Comparison of model predictions of cumulative recovery based on offline Figure 8. Comparison of model predictions of cumulative recovery based on offline parameter estimation with experimental data for the batch flotation of galena. parameter estimation with experimental data for the batch flotation of galena. 5.3. Online Estimation: State and Parameter Estimation Online estimation using the EKF is also demonstrated for the operating conditions of run 1. Three EKFs were run in parallel, and the corresponding sets of results are presented with parameter estimation for k1 , k2 , and k3 , respectively. Figure 9 shows the performance of the EKF-based model in predicting recovery in real-time for the case when parameter k1 is being estimated. Similar results were obtained for the cases when parameters k2 and k3 were being estimated, respectively. Figure 10 shows the online estimates obtained for each of the parameters being updated independently. It is observed that the rate constant of attachment (k1 ) increases and that of detachment (k2 ) decreases with time due to the changing dynamics of the system. The rate of removal of material in the concentrate product (k3 ) decreases with time and reaches a steady value of 13.3 s´1 . The final estimates are summarized in Table 5. With the model being updated in real-time, the updates in estimated values of the parameters highlight that the dependence of these dynamically varying parameters (k1 , k2 and k3 ) on process conditions is changing with time. This indicates that online estimation is essential for real-time monitoring, in order to be able to capture the dynamics of the changes in the parameters.

decreases with time and reaches a steady value of 13.3 s . The final estimates are summarized in Table 5. With the model being updated in real-time, the updates in estimated values of the parameters and ) on process highlight that the dependence of these dynamically varying parameters ( , conditions2015, is changing with time. This indicates that online estimation is essential for real-time Minerals 5 584 monitoring, in order to be able to capture the dynamics of the changes in the parameters.

Figure 9. Comparison of real-time model predictions based on the extended Kalman filter Figure 9. Comparison of real-time model predictions based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF) with experimental data for cumulative recovery when parameter k1 is being updated. (EKF) with experimental data for cumulative recovery when parameter k1 is being updated. Table 5. 5. Values Values of of estimated estimated ((k1 ,, k2 and Table and k3 ))and andconstant constantmodel modelparameters. parameters. Parameters Parameters

Values Values

Remarks Remarks

Q (L/min) AirAir flow rate 88 Constant Qair flow rate Constant air (L/min) 3) ´3 ( Volume of pulp phase 1.4 10 Constant Vp (m ) Volume of pulp phase 1.4 ˆ 10 Constant 3) ´3 ( Volume of froth phase 0.26 10 Constant Vf (m ) Volume of froth phase 0.26 ˆ 10 Constant εε Volume fraction 0.40.4 Constant Volume fractionofofairair Constant ´1 constant forfor attachment value = 45.8 k1 ((s )) Rate Rate constant attachment Final Final value = 45.8 Estimated Estimatedand andupdated updated(trend (trendshown shownininFigure Figure10a) 10a) ´1 ) ( Rate constant for detachment Final value = 17.1 Estimated and updated (trend shown in Figure 10b) k2 (s ) Rate constant for detachment Final value = 17.1 Estimated and updated (trend shown in Figure 10b) Rate of removal of material in Rate of removal of material k3 ((s´1)) Final value = 13.3 Estimated Estimatedand andupdated updated(trend (trendshown shownininFigure Figure10c) 10c) Final value = 13.3 in the concentrate product the concentrate product

The results from online estimation are also consistent with the models for attachment and detachment described in sections 3.1 and 3.2. The images of the froth surface revealed that the bubble size increased with time in the batch flotation run described above. While the number of particles decreased with time as more mineral was recovered, leading to a reduction in the number of bubble-particle collisions and the probabilities of bubble-particle collision and attachment by sliding reduce slightly as the bubble size increases (Equations (9)–(11) and (13)), the probability that the bubble-particle aggregate remains stable during the transfer from the pulp phase to the froth phase increases with the increase in the bubble size. This increase in Pstab is the dominant effect, and leads to an increase in k1 (Equation (9)) and decrease in k2 (Equations (17) and (18)).

the probabilities of bubble-particle collision and attachment by sliding reduce slightly as the bubble size increases (Equations (9)–(11) and (13)), the probability that the bubble-particle aggregate remains stable during the transfer from the pulp phase to the froth phase increases with the increase in the bubble size. is the dominant effect, and leads to an increase in (Equation (9)) and decrease This increase in 5 Minerals 2015, 585 (Equations (17) and (18)). in



( c) Figure 10. EKF estimates of model parameters in real-time: (a) parameter k1 being estimated, Figure 10. EKF estimates of model parameters in real-time: (a) parameter k1 being (b) parameter k2 being estimated, and (c) parameter k3 being estimated. estimated, (b) parameter k2 being estimated, and (c) parameter k3 being estimated. 5.4. Disturbance DisturbanceIdentification Identification 5.4. The ability ability of of the the EKF EKF estimator estimator to to track track changes changes in in operation operation and and modifying modifying parameter parameter estimates estimates The was also tested for thethe first case study, a disturbance in the was for two twocase casestudies studieswith withdisturbances. disturbances.InIn first case study, a disturbance in air theflow air rate was at time t = 5t = s in batch cellcell with initial operating conditions forfor runrun 8 (shown in flow rate introduced was introduced at time 5 sthe in the batch with initial operating conditions 8 (shown Table 3). 3). At At thisthis time, the air rate was from 14 to 814 L/min. There isThere a significant decrease in Table time, theflow air flow ratedecreased was decreased from to 8 L/min. is a significant in the cumulative recovery due to a sudden in the air flow thisflow is shown Figure 11. This decrease in the cumulative recovery due todecrease a sudden decrease inrate; the air rate;inthis is shown in is expected as lowering the as airlowering flow rate the leads lowering of the rate of (galena) Figure 11. This is expected airtoflow rate leads to flow lowering ofthe thevaluable flow ratemineral of the valuable in the concentrate hence to lower Despite the presence thepresence disturbance in disturbance the system, mineral (galena) in and the concentrate and recovery. hence to lower recovery. Despiteofthe of the the EKF was able to track the changes by updating the states and parameters as new measurements arrive and capture the dynamics of the system satisfactorily, as seen in Figure 11.

Minerals 2015 2015,, 55 Minerals

17 17

in the the system, system, the the EKF EKF was was able able to to track track the the changes changes by new in by updating updating the the states states and and parameters parameters as as new Minerals 2015, 5 586 measurements arrive arrive and and capture capture the the dynamics dynamics of of the the system system satisfactorily, measurements satisfactorily, as as seen seen in in Figure Figure 11. 11. 100 100 90 90

Cum Recovery(%) Cum Recovery(%)

80 80 70 70

Experiment, without disturbance Experiment, without disturbance Model estimate, without disturbance Model estimate, disturbance Experiment, withwithout disturbance at t= 5sec Experiment, withwith disturbance at t=at5sec Model estimate, disturbance t = sec Model estimate, with disturbance at t = sec

60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 00 0

50 50

100 100

150 150 Time(sec) Time(sec)

200 200

250 250

300 300

Figure11. 11.Comparison Comparisonofofcumulative cumulative recovery recovery profiles profiles for Figure for run run 88(conditions (conditionsdefined definedin in Figure 11. Comparison of cumulative recovery profiles for run 8 (conditions defined in disturbanceapplied appliedin in the the air flow flow rate at at time t =t 5= s.5 s. Table witha step a stepdisturbance Table 3)3)with rate(from (from14 14toto8 8L/min) L/min) time Table 3) with a step disturbance applied in the air flow rate (from 14 to 8 L/min) at time t = 5 s.

Figure 12 shows the EKF-based parameter estimates for each each of theparallel parallel estimators (estimating Figure showsthe theEKF-based EKF-basedparameter parameter estimates estimates for (estimating Figure 1212 shows for eachofofthe the parallelestimators estimators (estimating the disturbance. disturbance.When Whenthe thedisturbance disturbancewas was applied k, 1 , kand respectively), with with and and without without the applied to to thethe 2 and k,3 ,respectively), , and , respectively), with and without the disturbance. When the disturbance was applied to the of particles, particles,and andparameter parameterk , which , which is related system, parameter system, parameter k, ,which whichisisrelated related to to the the attachment attachment of is related system, parameter ,1which is related to the attachment of particles, and parameter2 , which is related to to thethe detachment incomparison comparisontotothe thecondition condition when there detachmentofofparticles, particles,did didnot not change change significantly significantly in when there to the detachment of particles, did not change significantly in comparison to the condition when there is related related totothe therate rateofoftransfer transferofofparticles particles was nonodisturbance. was disturbance.However, However,parameter parameter k3,, which which is to to thethe was no disturbance. However, parameter , which is related to the rate of transfer of particles to the concentratefrom fromthe thefroth frothphase, phase,decreased decreased because because lowering in in a decrease in in concentrate loweringthe theair airflow flowrate rateresulted resulted a decrease concentrate from the froth phase, decreased because lowering the air flow rate resulted in a decrease in numberofofthe theparticles particles that thethe pulp phase to the phase;phase; consequently, the ratethe thethe number that are arebrought broughtfrom from pulp phase to froth the froth consequently, the number of the particles that are brought from the pulp phase to the froth phase; consequently, the ofof transfer of particles to the concentrate product would be decreased as well. rate transfer of particles to the concentrate product would be decreased as well. rate of transfer of particles to the concentrate product would be decreased as well. 110

110 100

k1, without disturbance


k11, with disturbance without disturbance


k21, without disturbance with disturbance

Model parameters (1/s)(1/s) Model parameters


k22, with disturbance without disturbance


k32, without disturbance with disturbance


k33, with disturbance without disturbance


k3, with disturbance

70 60

60 50

50 40

40 30

30 20









Time (s) 150







Time (s)

Figure 12. Comparison of real-time parameter estimates (k , k or k being estimated) for

Figure 12. Comparison of real-time parameter estimates (k1 1, k2 2 or 3k3 being estimated) for run 8 12. withComparison the step disturbance in the air flow rate. Figure of real-time estimates (k1, k2 or k3 being estimated) for run 8 with the step disturbance in the parameter air flow rate. run 8 with the step disturbance in the air flow rate.

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Additionally, are shown shown inin Figure Figure13. 13. As As isis expected, expected,the theonly only Additionally,the theestimated estimated states states of of the the system system are systemstate statethat thatchanges changeswith withaadisturbance disturbance in in the the air air flow flow is system is the the concentration concentrationof ofthe theparticles particlesattached attached thepulp. pulp.This Thisslight slightincrease increaseisisobserved observed due due to to aa decrease in ininthe in the the transfer transferof ofparticles particlesfrom fromthe thepulp pulptoto thefroth. froth. the 100



States (x, kg/m )


xb, without disturbance


xc, without disturbance xc, with disturbance xb, with disturbance


xp , without disturbance xp , with disturbance











Figure 13. Real-time state estimates using the EKF for run 8 with the step disturbance in the air Figure 13. Real-time state estimates using the EKF for run 8 with the step disturbance in the flow rate (x : concentration of particles on the surface of the bubbles in the pulp, x : air flow rate (b : concentration of particles on the surface of the bubbles in the pulp, p : concentration of particles free in the pulp, xc : concentration of particles attached in the froth). concentration of particles free in the pulp, : concentration of particles attached in the froth). Thesecond secondcase casestudy studywas wasbased basedon onthe the initial initial operating operating conditions conditions for The for run run 11 (given (givenininTable Table3), 3),with with the impeller speed being increased from 500 to 1100 rpm at time t = 5 s to create a step disturbance. the impeller speed being increased from 500 to 1100 rpm at time t = 5 s to create a step disturbance. Increasingthe theimpeller impellerspeed speed inin the the pulp pulp phase phase increases increases the Increasing the bubble bubble count count and and the the bubble-particle bubble-particle interactions. This leads to an increase in the probability of bubble-particle collision interactions. This leads to an increase in the probability of bubble-particle collision and andtherefore therefore attachment (Equations (9) and (10)), leading to an increase in the particles brought into the attachment (Equations (9) and (10)), leading to an increase in the particles brought into the froth froth phase phase and consequently in the concentrate. Figure 14 shows the EKF estimates for each of the parallel and consequently in the concentrate. Figure 14 shows the EKF estimates for each of the parallel estimatorsfor forthe thethree threeparameters parametersof ofthe thesystem system ((k1,, k2 and and k3 ),),with withand andwithout withoutthe thedisturbance. disturbance.The The estimators estimates of parameters k 2 and k3 did not change significantly but k1 , the rate of attachment, decreased estimates of parameters and did not change significantly but , the rate of attachment, decreased initially due to the increased turbulence, and then increased due to the larger number of interactions initially due to the increased turbulence, and then increased due to the larger number of interactions between bubbles and particles. between bubbles and particles. The changes in the estimated states for the case with the disturbance in the impeller speed are similar The changes in the estimated states for the case with the disturbance in the impeller speed are similar to those for the case with the air flow disturbance, as is shown in Figure 15. This indicates that monitoring to those for the case with the air flow disturbance, as is shown in Figure 15. This indicates that monitoring of the parameters, and not the states, is preferred for tracking these types of disturbances in the system, of the parameters, and not the states, is preferred for tracking these types of disturbances in the system, since the estimates of the parameters are more sensitive to the presence, size, and type of disturbances since the estimates of the parameters are more sensitive to the presence, size, and type of disturbances present in the system. These results provide a proof of concept that heuristics related to online parameter present in the system. These results provide a proof of concept that heuristics related to online parameter estimation using parallel EKFs (negative step changes in the air flow rate being detected by a reduction estimation using parallel EKFs (negative step changes in the air flow rate being detected by a reduction in the value of the parameter estimate for k3 , and positive step changes in the impeller speed being in the value of the parameter estimate for , and positive step changes in the impeller speed being detected by a decrease and then an increase in the parameter estimate for k1 ) can be developed and detected by a decrease and then an increase in the parameter estimate for ) can be developed and used used for process monitoring and fault diagnosis in froth flotation processes, and are consistent with for process monitoring and fault diagnosis in froth flotation processes, and are consistent with the

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fundamental processes involved in attachment and detachment of particles to bubbles, theirtheir transfer from the fundamental processes involved in attachment and detachment of particles to bubbles, transfer thefrom pulpthe to pulp the froth their recovery in theinconcentrate. Our Our future work aims to extend this to theand froth andeventual their eventual recovery the concentrate. future work aims to extend proof of concept to more complex oresores andand continuous to develop developrigorous rigorous this proof of concept to more complex continuousflotation flotationprocesses, processes, and and to algorithms conditionsand anddisturbances. disturbances. algorithmsforforprocess processmonitoring monitoringunder under any any operating operating conditions 60 60

kk1 ,, without without disturbance disturbance 1 kk1 ,, with with disturbance disturbance 1

kk2 ,, without without disturbance disturbance 2 kk2 ,, with with disturbance disturbance

50 50


kk3 ,, without without disturbance disturbance 3 kk3 ,, with with disturbance disturbance 3

Model parameters parameters(1/s) (1/s) Model

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

00 00

50 50

100 100

150 150

Time Time (s) (s)

200 200

250 250

300 300

Figure14. 14.Comparison Comparisonofofparameter parameterestimates estimates ((k1 ,, k2 or k3 being estimated) for run 1 with Figure 1 2 or 3 being estimated) for run 1 with a stepdisturbance disturbanceapplied appliedininthe theimpeller impeller speed speed from a step from 500 500 to to1100 1100rpm rpmatattime timet t==5s. 5s. 300 300

250 250

200 200

States(x, (x, kg/m kg/m33)) States

xxb,, with with disturbance disturbance b xxp ,, without without disturbance disturbance p

xxc,, without without disturbance disturbance c xxb,, without without disturbance disturbance

150 150


xxp ,, with with disturbance disturbance p xxc,, with with disturbance disturbance

100 100


50 50


-50 -500 0

50 50

100 100

150 150

Time Time (s) (s)

200 200

250 250

300 300

Figure 15. Real-time state estimates using the EKF for run 1 with the step disturbance in Figure 15. Real-time state estimates using the EKF for run 1 with the step disturbance in the the impeller speed (xb : concentration of particles on the surface of the bubbles in the pulp, xp : impeller speed ( : concentration of particles on the surface of the bubbles in the pulp, : concentration of particles free in the pulp, xc : concentration of particles attached in the froth). concentration of particles free in the pulp, : concentration of particles attached in the froth).

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6. Conclusions A fundamental model for batch froth flotation was developed based on descriptions of bubble-particle collision, attachment, and detachment coupled with bubble and liquid transport. Real-time measurements of froth bubble size and velocity utilizing image processing techniques were injected into the model. Offline parameter estimation was used to verify the validity of this model for describing the dynamics of batch froth flotation processes. Statistical methods such as principal component regression and partial least squares regression were used to calibrate the real-time froth surface images against the recovery measured offline. Both the methods described the recovery well in real time and were successful in reducing the dimension of image features significantly without any substantial loss of information or prediction capability. Methods based on advanced state and parameter estimation techniques (extended Kalman filtering) were used to update the models and their parameter estimates in real time based on the online measurements. Validation with experiments confirmed that process dynamics were captured both in normal operations as well as in the presence of disturbances affecting the batch flotation process. Disturbances in the air flow rate and impeller speed were induced in the system. Based on the updated parameter estimates (using the EKF), heuristics were developed and validated that could discriminate between various disturbances affecting the system, thus providing a proof of concept that monitoring using real-time updated fundamental models provides physical insight into the batch flotation process. Acknowledgments Financial support from the Canadian Centre for Clean Coal/Carbon and Mineral Processing Technologies (C5 MPT) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also acknowledge Metsor (Orleans Cedex, France) for assistance with the froth imaging system. Author Contributions Khushaal Popli and Masih Sekhavat conducted the experimental investigations on batch flotation and performed the dynamic modeling simulations. Khushaal Popli performed the investigations on image processing and correlating those measurements to recovery under the guidance of Vinay Prasad. Vinay Prasad, Qi Liu and Artin Afacan contributed to the design of the experimental investigations. Vinay Prasad and Stevan Dubljevic contributed to the development of the modeling and soft sensing-based monitoring efforts. Khushaal Popli and Vinay Prasad wrote and edited the initial drafts of the manuscripts, and all authors contributed to the editing of the final manuscript. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References 1. Fuerstenau, M.C.; Jameson, G.J.; Yoon, R.H. Froth Flotation: A Century of Innovation; Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration: Littleton, CO, USA, 2007.

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