Dynamics of a circular cylinder interacting with point vortices

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tal and applied problems in the theory of vortices, eds. A.V.Borisov, I.S.Mamaev and M.A.Sokolovskij. (Moscow-Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Science, 2003) pp.
Dynamics of a circular cylinder interacting with point vortices A. V. Borisov, I. S. Mamaev, S. M. Ramodanov

In this paper we consider the system of a rigid cylinder interacting with point vortices. We start by indicating some known results on the subject from the classical hydrodynamics. For the most part, these results are presented in [23, 8, 14]. As far as we can see, Kirchhgoff [7] was the first who studied the dynamics of point vortices on a systematic basis. In particular, he obtained the equations of motion in Hamiltonian form and indicated integrals of motion. It was enough to show that the equations of motion governing the system of two or three vortices are integrable (the problem of three vortices was first analytically solved by Gr¨obli). The classics also considered the system of point vortices moving externally to rigid, stationary boundaries (the impermeable condition on the boundaries was assumed). Greenhill [17] studied in detail the motion of two vortices in a circular region. Havelock [18] investigated stability of n-gon stationary configurations in the region exterior to a circle. We should also mention F¨oppl’s analysis of interaction of a rigid body with an ambient flow at low Reynolds numbers (more exactly, he investigated stability of the system of two vortices interacting with a circular cylinder embedded in a uniform flow). At the same time, the study of the dynamics of interacting vortices-body systems has been also a subject of interest in the classical hydrodynamics. It is known from the phenomenological theory developed by Prandtl [12] and Jukowski that when a body moves in a fluid, the thin boundary layer peels off the body thereby generating bound vortices. In their turn, these vortices exert a lifting force on the body which can be observed in aero- and hydrodynamical experiments. The problem of interaction of a rigid body and point vortices in a perfect fluid (the impermeable condition on the body’s surface is assumed) can be studied within the framework of the Hamiltonian mechanics. Various forms of the equations of motion for a rigid circular cylinder interacting with n point vortices have been recently (and practically simultaneously) obtained in [19, 20, 21]. The integrability of the equations in the case of one vortex (n = 1) was established in [15]. In this paper we will study in greater detail this case of integrability. We will also consider the simplest chaotic system of a cylinder and two vortices to which a reduction procedure will be applied resulting in reduction of degrees of freedom by one. Hereinafter, as in [15], the term rigid body will refer to a two-dimensional circular region. It should be noted that even in the case of an elliptic region the equations of motion become much more complicated and cannot be written in such a compact form. 1


Hamiltonian form of the equations of motion

The equations of motion for a cylinder and vortices with respect to a fixed coordinate frame Oxy can be written as [19] r˙ i = −v + grad ϕ i |r =ri , r˙ c = v n n   ˙ av˙ 1 = λv2 − λi (yi −y˙i ), av˙ 2 = −λv1 + λ i (x ˙ i −x˙ i ), i=1



where rc is the radius-vector from O to the center of mass of the cylinder, v is the velocity of the cylinder, ri is the vector from the center of the cylinder to the i-th vortex 2 and r˙ i = R ri is the vector from the center of the cylinder to the i-th inverse point ri

(Fig. 1). Here R denotes the radius of the cylinder, the constant coefficient a involves the added mass of the cylinder; and the constants λ and λi are connected with the circulation Γ

around the cylinder and the vortex strengths by the formulae λ = Γ , λi = i . The 2π 2π density of the fluid is 2π.

Fig. 1

The function ϕ i (r ) represents that portion of the velocity potential ϕ(r ) which does not have a singularity at the point r = ri . The velocity potential in the region exterior to the cylinder reads  y − y   y − y  2 y   i i R − arctg . λi arctg ϕ(r ) = − 2 (r , v ) − λ arctg x + x − x x−x i i r i=1 n


Equations (1) were derived using a balance of linear momentum for the fluid within a circular boundary that encloses the body and the vortices. The fluid is assumed to be at rest at infinity [19, 21]. Thus the analysis of the system of a cylinder and vortices in a perfect fluid can be reduced to the analysis of a finite set of ordinary differential equations. It is easy to check that equations (1) preserve invariant measure, i.e., the divergence of (1) is zero. As for the system of n point vortices [7], equations (1) can be shown to be Hamiltonian. 2

Preposition 1. Equations (1) can be represented in the form ζ˙i = {ζi , H} =


{ζi , ζk } ∂H ∂ζk


where ζi are the components of the phase vector ζ = (xc , yc , v1 , v2 , x1 , y1 , . . . , xn , yn ) and H is the Hamiltonian. For the components Jij (ζ) = {ζi , ζj } of the structural tensor of the Poisson bracket structure the Jacobi identity holds:    ∂Jjk ∂Jij ∂Jki Jil ∀i, j, k + Jkl l + Jjl l = 0 ∂ζl ∂ζ ∂ζ l Proof. Equations (1) has an integral of motion:   1 1 2 2 2 2 2 λi ln(ri − R ) − λi λ ln ri + H = av + 2 2 i

 R4 − 2R2 (ri , rj ) + ri2 rj2 1 λi λj ln . (4) + 2 |ri − rj |2 i 0. This is a contradiction with the fact that H is constant.


Comment. One can easily note that for λ = λ1 and λ = 0 an unbounded motion of the cylinder always exists. Therefore the above preposition serves as a criterion of boundedness of the absolute motion. Most likely this criterion remains valid for the case of an arbitrary (finite) number of vortices, but this is not proved yet.

The statement given below provides a nice ”geometro-dynamical” insight into the structure of absolute motions of the cylinder. Theorem. Suppose that λ = 0; then for each periodic solution of the reduced system (17) there exists a rotating coordinate frame with the origin at the center of vorticity such that with respect to this frame the vortices and the cylinder move along closed curves. Proof. It follows from (13) that yx1 − xy1 =

p1 , λ

yy1 + xx1 = −

p2 λ 1 2 + (R − ρ). λ λ


By the assumption of the theorem, the functions in the right-hand side of these equations are periodic functions with period T . Therefore

x Φ1 Φ2 x1 , Φ= =Φ· (23) y1 −Φ2 Φ1 y where Φ1 and Φ2 are periodic functions with period T . Substituting these expressions into (13), we get ax˙ = λy − yG2 + xG1 ,

ay˙ = −λx + yG1 + xG2 ,


where G1 and G2 are also T -periodic functions. Let A be the matrix for the system of t t linear differential equations (24). It can be easily verified that A· A dt = A dt·A, hence 0


(see, for example, [5]) the fundamental matrix, X, of equations (24) can be written as Rt

X = e0

A dt


Let us represent A as a sum A = B + C,

−G2 + G2 0 λ − G2 G1 1 1 B= a , C= a . 0 G1 −λ + G2 G2 − G2 Note that G1 = 0, otherwise equations (24) have unbounded solutions which is in a contradiction with Preposition 3. Since the matrices B and C commute, we have   λ − G2 λ − G2 cos t sin t a a  · G. X= λ − G2 λ − G2 t cos t − sin a a Here G is a T -periodic matrix. Thus, with respect to a coordinate frame (with origin at the center of vorticity) rotating at a rate (λ − G2 )/a the cylinder moves along a closed curve. Let us prove now that the vortex also moves along a closed curve. Let x∗ , y ∗ be the 10

coordinates of the vortex in the fixed coordinate frame. Then x∗ = xc + x, y ∗ = yc + y. It follows from (23) that

x x = (Φ + E) · = ∗ y y  

λ − G2 λ − G2 t sin t cos x(0) a a   · (Φ + E) · G · = λ − G2 λ − G2 y(0) t cos t − sin a a Here E is the identity matrix, and the matrix (Φ + E)G is T -periodic.

Fig. 3. a) Trajectories of the cylinder (solid line) and the vortex (here the two frequencies of the motion are rationally related). a = 6, Γ = −3, Γ1 = 1, R = 1, F = 2, ; the initial conditions (relative to the center of the cylinder) are v1 (0) = 0.24, v2 (0) = 0, x(0) = 0, y(0) = 1.31; b) The trajectories shown in diagram a in the frame of reference rotating at a rate 0.029 (the origin, O+ , is at the center of vorticity).

An absolute motion of the cylinder (solid line) and the vortex (dashed line) is shown in Fig. 3 a. In Fig. 3 b this motion is shown in a rotating frame of reference whose origin, O+ , is at the center of vorticity. The value of the physical parameters for this motion are a = 6, Γ = −3, Γ1 = 1, R = 1, F = 2 and the initial conditions are v1 (0) = 0.24, v2 (0) = = 0, x(0) = 0, y(0) = 1.31. Qualitative analysis of the reduced system. The geometry of the symplectic leaf (20) of the Poisson bracket structure (18) (the phase space of the reduced system) is governed by λλ1 . The symplectic leaf is compact if λλ1 < 0 and non-compact if either λλ1 > 0 or λ = 0. Let us consider these three cases. 1. Compact case (λλ1 < 0). From (20) it follows that  2 2 2 2 λ 1 ρ + p2 − λ 1 R + p1 + −λλ1 ρ + K = K 2 ,

2λ21 R2 − F K= √ 2 −λλ1


The symplectic leaf is diffeomorphic to a two-dimensional sphere. For real motions F  2λ1 R2 (λ1 − λ). Since the phase space is compact, ρ is a bounded function, meaning 11

that the distance between the vortex and the cylinder cannot grow infinitely. Moreover, in view of Preposition 3, the absolute motion of the cylinder also is bounded. On the leaf we introduce coordinates ϕ and ψ by the formulae λ1 ρ + p2 − λ1 R2 = K cos ϕ cos ψ, p1 = K sin ϕ cos ψ,

 π π , ϕ ∈ [−π, π] . ρ −λλ1 + K = K sin ψ, ψ ∈ − , 2 2 Comment. For a fixed value of K, the coordinate ψ satisfies the relation ρ=


K(sin ψ − 1) > R2 . √ −λλ1

To find stationary solutions of the reduced system, consider the differential equations in p1 , p2 and ρ: p˙1 = {p1 , H} = +

λ1 R4 λaρ − 2R2 λ1 λaρ2 − λ21 aρ3 + λ21 R2 aρ2 + λ1 λaρ3 ρ2 a(−ρ + R2 )

(−R4 λ1 ρ + λaρ2 + R6 λ1 − λ1 R2 ρ2 − λR2 aρ + λR2 ρ2 − λ1 aρ2 + λ1 ρ3 − λρ3 )p2 ρ2 a(−ρ + R2 ) (ρ2 − R4 )p22 + (ρ2 − 2R2 ρ + R4 )p21 + , ρ2 a(−ρ + R2 )

(λρ3 −λ1 ρ3 +λR2 aρ−R6 λ1 +λ1 aρ2 −λaρ2 −λR2 ρ2 +λ1 R2 ρ2 +R4 λ1 ρ)p1 + p˙2 ={p2 , H}= ρ2 a(−ρ + R2 ) +

(−2R2 ρ + 2R4 )p2 p1 , ρ2 a(−ρ + R2 )

ρ˙ = {ρ, H} =

(−2ρ + 2R2 )p1 aρ

(27) The last equation implies p1 = 0 and the right-hand side of the second equation becomes zero. Therefore, on the phase portrait, all stationary solutions belong to the lines ψ = = ± π , ϕ = 0 and ϕ = ±π. To determine p2 and ρ we should use (25) and equate to zero 2 the right-hand side of the first equation. The number of stationary solutions depends on F . Equations (27) remain unaltered under the transformation (p1 , p2 , ρ, t, λ, λ1 ) → → (−p1 , − p2 , ρ, −t, − λ, −λ1 ). In view of (26), this transformation implies the following change of variables and physical parameters (ϕ, ψ, λ, λ1) → (ϕ + π, ψ, −λ, −λ1 ). Therefore, a change in sign of the circulation and the vortex strength results in a shift of the phase curves along the ϕ-axis by π. Thus, with no loss of generality, we can assume that λ < 0 and λ1 > 0. Phase portraits for various values of F ( the value of the other parameters are fixed a = = 20, Γ = −1, Γ1 = 0.5 and R = 1) are shown in Figs. 4 a, 4 b and 4 c. The ”non-physical” area (ρ  R2 ) is shown in grey. The solution curves of the reduced equations are the level curves of (19) on the surface (20). The level curves are closed, hence the solutions of the reduced equations are periodic. 12

Fig. 4. Phase portraits of the reduced system in the compact case (λλ1 < 0): a = 20, Γ = −1, Γ1 = 0, 5, R = 1.

The fixed points on the phase portraits (stationary solutions) represent a motion in which the cylinder and the vortex move along concentric circles whose centers are at the center of vorticity. For example, the trajectories of the vortex and the cylinder that correspond to the elliptic point in Fig. 4 are shown in Fig. 5. With an increase in F two more fixed points appear, the motion corresponding to these points is qualitatively shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

2. Non-compact case (λλ1 > 0). It follows from (21) that

λ 1 ρ + p2 − λ 1 R 2


+ p21 −

λλ1 ρ − K 13


= −K 2 ,


2λ21 R2 − F √ 2 λλ1


Symplectic leaves are diffeomorphic to a hyperboloid of two sheets. For real motions F > 2λ1 R2 (λ1 − λ). On symplectic leaves we introduce local coordinates: λ1 ρ + p2 − λ1 R2 = K cosh ϕ sinh ψ, p1 = K sinh ϕ,  ρ λλ1 − K = −K cosh ψ cosh ϕ,


Arguing as in the compact case, we can assume that λ > 0 and λ1 > 0. In view of (27) and (29), on the phase portrait, all fixed points lie on the axis ϕ = 0. It is interesting to note that, unlike the compact case, the topology of the phase portrait is determined by the sign of the difference λ − λ1 and does not change qualitatively as the constant F varies. Typical phase portraits are given in Fig. 7 a (λ = λ1 ), 7 b (λ < λ1 ) and 7 c (λ > λ1 ).

Fig. 7. Phase portraits of the reduced system in the non-compact case (λλ1 > 0): F = 25, a = 20, Γ1 = 10, R = 1.

The phase curves are closed, hence the solutions of the reduced equations are periodic functions of time. The only exception is the case λ = λ1 (Fig. 7). As shown above, only in this case the cylinder may have an unbounded motion (Preposition 4). 3. Non-compact case (λ = 0). In the system of equations (1), the equations governing the motion of the vortex are uncoupled from the first equation. Indeed, it follows from (8) 14

that av1 = −λ1 y1 f (x1 , y1 ) + c1 ,

av2 = λ1 x1 f (x1 , y1 ) + c2 ,

where f (x1 , y1 ) = −1 + R2 /(x21 + y12 ) and c1 , c2 are arbitrary constants. Substituting these expressions into the first equation (1), we obtain a closed system of equations in the unknowns x1 and y1 . The solution curves of this system coincide with level curves of the integral (19). It can be shown that the level curves are closed, hence x1 and y1 are periodic functions of time. The evolution of the center of the cylinder is governed by the equations 1 (−λ y f (x , y ) + c ) t + g (t), x=a 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 (λ x f (x , y ) + c ) t + g (t), y=a 1 1 1 1 2 2

where g1 (t), g2 (t) are periodic functions. Thus, there exists a uniformly moving coordinate system in which the orbits of the cylinder and the vortex are closed.



Very often equations of motion that have not been derived within the framework of Lagrangian formalism (i.e., using the calculus of variations) are not Hamiltonian (even though the energy may be a conserved quantity for these equations). For example, for equations of the nonholonomic mechanics there are dynamical obstacles preventing the existence of a Poisson bracket structure [4]. Since the equations of motion (1) are Hamiltonian, they have the generic features of Hamiltonian dynamical systems: for any value of parameters there are no attractors (e.g., strange attractors) in the phase space; at the same time, there are invariant KAM tori separated with stochastic layers. In this paper, the chaotic system of a cylinder and two vortices has been touched briefly. It seems that it would be interesting to explore some particular motions of this system (both regular and chaotic) in greater detail. Mention should be made of the paper [13] where a modification of the famous Bjerknes problem, the system of two dynamically interacting 2D cylinders, is considered. The equations of motion for this system are not integrable. This work was supported in part by Leading Scientific School of Russia Support grant no. -136.2003.1.

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