(E58) PEPPER (BELL): Capsicum annuum L., var. 'Capistrano ...

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'Capistrano'. PARTICLE FILM APPLICATIONS TO BELL PEPPER FOR WHITEFLY CONTROL, 1997 ... bed at a pressure of 200 psi and 100 gpa spray volume.
(E58) PEPPER (BELL): Capsicum annuum L., var. 'Capistrano' PARTICLE FILM APPLICATIONS TO BELL PEPPER FOR WHITEFLY CONTROL, 1997 T. J. Poprawski USDA, ARS, BIRU East Highway 83 Weslaco, TX 78596 Phone: (956) 969-4973 Fax: (956) 969-4888 E-mail: [email protected] Gary J. Puterka USDA, ARS, AFRS 45 Wiltshire Drive Kearneysville, WV 25430 Phone: (304) 725-3451, ext. 361 Fax: (304) 728-2340 E-mail: [email protected] Whitefly: Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring Trials were conducted in Weslaco, TX in 1997, to evaluate two kaolin formulations with distinctly different properties for the control of B. argentifolii on bell peppers. Individual plots consisted of six rows of bell peppers, 'Capistrano', arranged in single-row beds, at 40 inches. Row spacing was 60 ft in length with a 10ft buffer between plots. Three replicated plots for each of two treatments and two checks were included in an RCB design. The kaolin formulations included M-96-018 (hydrophobic film) and M-97-009 (hydrophilic film). Twenty-five pounds of M-96-018 had to be preslurried with 4 gal of 98% methanol before being added to 100 gal water. Twenty-five pounds of M-97-009 required the use of 14 oz of the adjuvant MO3. An untreated check and MO3 check (1 pt/100 gal water) were included in the trial. Applications were made using a tractor-mounted high-pressure boom sprayer with one center and two drop nozzels (Liliac Albuz per bed at a pressure of 200 psi and 100 gpa spray volume. Treatments were applied on 10 and 17 Sep, and 1, 7, and 15 Oct. Evaluations were made by counting live whitefly immatures (unhatched eggs + nymphs + pupal cases) in one circular area (2 cm2 ) of leaf surface on 10 plants/rep. Differences in treatment means were separated using ANOA with data log (n+1) transformed, and means were separated using Tukey HAD test at a = 0.05. Bell peppers were harvested on 3 and 10 Dec from one full, 13.1-ft long section in the 4 center beds of each plot. Weight values were also log transformed before ANOA. Back-transformed population and yield means are presented. Pretreatments (8 Sep) populations of whitefly immatures were high. Following treatment applications, there were essentially no significant differences among the treatments and controls except on 23 Sep when M-96018 had significantly higher numbers than the other treatments. Despite higher whitefly numbers in the M96-018 treatment, yield was the highest for M-96-018, but not statistically significant. Particle films do not appear to offer control of whitefly, but the white heat reflecting property of the particle films may be of use in reducing heat stress, which could lead to higher yields in pepper.