do hilstig N ;Hff 1("; lcoxe",~s (Cus hman and Ponton ) in , th e s tud ied sa,? ples ( ~:ig. 31, indicates a n Early Eocene age for the Gebel Qa belia t sect ion. This conclusi on is based on "doc umented . data prose,n ted b)' ma ny a uthors working on ma teri al from 'va ri ous la ds 01 t he worl d. , . -l , ,.' • i 1 ,
In t he study a rea a high resoLution bios tratigraphic .zona t jon ca n be demonstr ated. Th e high resolution biostrati~ilhic zone, as defm ed by Hay and ~Iohler (1969) , is . a