Earthquake Terror

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Questions. 1. Where were the Palmers at the beginning of the book? Camping in Northern California. 2. What was unusual about the weather this time when the.
Earthquake Terror By: Peg Kehret

Characters • Jonathon Palmer- a 12 year old boy, main character of the story, likes baseball • Abby Palmer- Six year old girl, can’t walk by herself because of an accident • Mrs. Palmer- Jon and Abby’s mom, broke her ankle early in the story • Mr. Palmer- Jon and Abby’s dad, brought Mrs. Palmer to hospital • Moose- Jon’s dog Questions 1. Where were the Palmers at the beginning of the book? Camping

in Northern California 2. What was unusual about the weather this time when the Palmers camped? It was much hotter than usual for October 3. What is the name of the campground the Palmers went to?

Magpie Campground 4. How old was Jon when Abby was born? 6 years old 5. How did Abby get paralyzed? She fell off the slide on a

playground 6. What did Jon say to his mom about the water? It was like a

warm bath 7. Why was Jonathan irritated while walking to the lake in the beginning of the book? He had to wait for the family to catch

up. 8. What did Jonathan and Moose play at the lake? Fetch 9. What did Jon play with Abby after their dad left? Sink the

ships 10. What happened to Jonathan’s mom at the lake? She broke her

ankle 11. What did Jonathan’s mom say she would do when she got to the car? Take some aspirin. 12. What was packed for lunch? Sandwiches, grapes, chocolate chip

cookies, and juice packs. 13. What did Jonathan notice about the woods? The quiet: no birds

chirping or leaves rustling.

Earthquake Terror By: Peg Kehret 14. How did Jonathan protect himself and Abby during the earthquake? They hid under a fallen redwood and he held Abby

close to him. 15. What type of dog is Moose? Golden Retriever 16. What did Moose do right before the earthquake? Barking,

sniffing the ground, and acting strangely 17. What did Jonathan want to watch on TV? The World Series 18. What did Jon think the earthquake was at first? A gun or a

bomb 19. What happened to Abby’s walker? It gets crushed by a tree 20. Was Jonathan able to fix Abby’s walker? No, the leg broke

when he tried to straighten it. 21. What happened to Abby’s knee? It got scraped 22. What did Jon say he would do with Abby when they got to the trailer? They’d play six games of Go Fish 23. What happened to the trail after the earthquake? Leaves and

branches covered it, making it impossible to find. 24. How did Jonathan know which way to get back to the camper?

By using the sun, heading east with the sun at his back. 25. What was in the way of Jon and Abby? A giant tree. 26. What was Abby’s favorite doll? A Raggedy Ann doll 27. What did Abby say she wanted to do when she got to the trailer? Take a nap 28. What did Abby like to do when she ate chocolate cupcakes?

Lick the wrapper 29. What happened to the trailer? It got smashed 30. What was the closest town to Magpie Campground? Beaverville 31. What did Jon say to cheer Abby up? They would build a house

out of branches. 32. Who takes care of Moose when Jon is gone? Abby 33. What happened to the bridge? It snapped in two 34. Why can’t Jon start a fire? Because the whole forest would

light. 35. What did the earthquake do to the lake? It made it overflow

it’s borders 36. What did Jon try to do with the branches? Make a raft

Earthquake Terror By: Peg Kehret 37. What did Jon and Abby play after Jon failed with the raft?

School 38. What did Jon try to do to escape the flood? Climb a giant tree 39. What did Jon finally do to get away? He used some branches as

boats 40. What did Abby name her tree? Charlotte 41. What did Abby name Jon’s tree? Wilbur 42. What did Abby sing? London Bridge is Falling Down 43. What else did she sing? Row, Row, Row Your Boat 44. What did Jon sing to Abby? 99 Raggedy Anns on the wall 45. Where were Mr. and Mrs. Palmer when the earthquake hit?

Just past the bridge 46. What happened to Abby’s tree? It got stuck 47. What did Jon start seeing as he swam in the water? Memories

of when he was little 48. Why couldn’t the National Guard look for Jon and Abby right away? They said there was too much ground to cover 49. What does Abby try to do? Get to shore 50. Where did Abby go after she got to shore? A cabin 51. Who saved Jon when he started to drown? Moose 52. Who was on the rescue copter? A pilot and two medics 53. What song did Abby sing at the cabin? You are my sunshine 54. How did Jon stay alive after he got to shore? Moose lay on top

of him

Earthquake Terror By: Peg Kehret In what book…….. 1. Did a mom break her ankle? 2. Did an island disappear? 3. Was there a girl who was paralyzed from the waist down? 4. Was there an earthquake? 5. Was there a dog named Moose? 6. Was a family camping in California? 7. Did a dog save his owner? 8. Did a boy save his sister? 9. Did an earthquake destroy most of a town? 10. Was there a boy named Jon? 11. Was their a girl named Abby?