quake (3) which will split a city known three p prophe cities and t coming before
of the wrath.X. There readers this p where certain. Why w becaus great B. Babylo.
ere in the mid-west region of the United States, we have been experiencing earthquakes in a never before known pattern. In an area where earthquakes have been uncommon, it seems as if they are becoming an event one may expect daily. Is this strange? Maybe frightening to many but not strange, at least, not to students of Biblical prophecy. Sure, earthquakes have been here as long as the world has had a history. Therefore, when we read in the Bible that there shall be earthquakes in divers places, many may take the prophecy very lightly. In the same context there are prophecies of wars, famines, pestilences’, changing weather patterns, etc. Sure, these also have been a part of history, and they come as no surprise to mankind. With these events as common as they have been in history, why would they be used as prophetical events to announce the nearness of the second coming of Jesus Christ? Perhaps, one small phrase or word holds the understanding of this question: “earthquakes, in divers
places.”(1) Many Bible commentaries’ indicate the word “divers places” as different places. Perhaps it could be said as “in uncommon places.” On this past Saturday evening, November, 5, 2011, there was a 5.6 earthquake in the central part of Oklahoma, USA, which was felt in the eastern part of the state. Many of the saints live in this area, and some in our assembly felt, and heard the quake. The grandmother of one family member said “it is an unheard thing for this to be happening here.” However, this statement will confirm what we have read from the Bible. Many of our readers will be familiar with the prophecy by Bro. Branham which links the west coast of America to a major prophetical event of a catastrophic earthquake (2). There are other indications that this quake was spoken of many years before by a dream, or vision by Joe Brandt. There is also a prophecy of a tremendously destructive earthquake (3) which will split a city