Mar 1, 2012 - Page 2. 2915 Hall Street, SE · Grand Rapids Michigan 49506 ... options to consider with the lowest cost o
East Grand Rapids Public Schools March 1, 2012 Dear EGRPS Families, We would like to address questions and concerns regarding the district’s implementation of the Engage 1:1 initiative which will begin in the fall of 2012 at the high school. We want to be responsive to concerns, while at the same time prepare our students with skills for the 21st Century and move the district forward. The concerns that have been brought to our attention center around six topics: mandatory initiative; awareness of the initiative; potential for less interaction with teachers; breakage, theft, and incompatibility of different devices; financial aspects; and legal authority. Each of these topics is addressed below. Concern: Mandatory Initiative This initiative is voluntary and encouraged by the district. The Engage 1:1 initiative moves us toward an environment which increases student access to technology and allows teaching and learning to flourish at a higher level. Concern: Awareness of Initiative The Engage 1:1 initiative is scheduled to start at the high school next fall during the 2012-2013 school year. The planned rollout and communication that have been shared to date was designed to give parents time to determine if providing a digital device is appropriate for their high school student(s). We will monitor the timeline currently established for implementation at the middle school in 2013-2014 and elementary grades 3-5 in 2014-2015, and adjust if necessary. Over the past three years, teachers in the pilot classrooms have presented information on the Engage 1:1 initiative at various public meetings such as Board of Education and PTA. In an effort to enhance understanding of the initiative and to provide continued communication, we have created a webpage ( that presents more detailed program information and also serves as an ongoing reference for parents and students. In addition, a link is being created entitled Meet Our Pilots. This link will provide reflections from our current 1:1 pilot teachers and how they integrate 1:1 tools in their day-to-day instruction. Concern: Less Interaction with Teacher Interaction time between teachers and students will continue to be a significant component of the educational experience. To maintain and enhance student-teacher interaction and reinforce our expectations of academic rigor, the district has and will continue to provide significant professional development in effective technology strategies. Our pilot 1:1 classrooms have shown that the availability and use of technology tools have enhanced interaction time between students and teachers. Concern: Breakage/Theft/Incompatibility The district has extensively considered possible issues of breakage and theft. To address this concern, we have worked with vendors to offer an insurance program option for parents to consider. As we implement the Engage 1:1 initiative, we will remind students of their responsibilities and emphasize the importance of keeping their device safe. Every high school student has a secure space to store and maintain their personal belongings at school. Just as they do with cell phones, iPods, E-book readers, etc., we believe our students can handle this responsibility. Addressing the question of incompatibility, the district infrastructure is designed to handle multiple operating systems and devices. Additionally, our bandwidth capacity was increased in August of 2011 to manage the increased usage.
2915 Hall Street, SE · Grand Rapids Michigan 49506 Telephone (616) 235-3535 Fax (616) 235-3256
Engage 1:1 Page 2 Concern: Financial Aspects We acknowledge that we are asking parents to make a voluntary financial commitment if they choose to purchase a digital device for their student(s). We worked to find a variety of options for obtaining different devices that could appeal to the varying needs of our families. There are numerous options to consider with the lowest cost option being a lease to own that is $15 per month. For a complete list of options, including a scholarship option, please visit our website at The scholarship application for current students is due on April 12, 2012. Concern: Legal Authority We have researched this initiative, which as we have stated is both voluntary and encouraged, with our legal counsel and have been assured that it is within the law. The Board voted unanimously on January 9, 2012, to move forward with the Engage 1:1 initiative as we believe this is vital to our students being able to navigate in today’s world. We will closely monitor its implementation and work with the administrative team on a smooth transition starting at the high school next school year. We pledge to work through any issue that may arise while implementing the Engage 1:1 initiative for East Grand Rapids Public Schools. We respect the decision you make on behalf of your student(s) and invite you to visit our website at for additional information. Sincerely,
Brian Ellis, President East Grand Rapids Board of Education
Sara Magaña Shubel, Ph.D., Superintendent East Grand Rapids Public Schools
Bob Minnema, Vice President East Grand Rapids Board of Education
Michelle Rabideau, Treasurer East Grand Rapids Board of Education
Stephen Edison, Secretary East Grand Rapids Board of Education
Peter Ruppert, Trustee East Grand Rapids Board of Education
Beth Milanowski, Trustee East Grand Rapids Board of Education
Susan Levine, Trustee East Grand Rapids Board of Education
2915 Hall Street, SE · Grand Rapids Michigan 49506 Telephone (616) 235-3535 Fax (616) 235-3256